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广州小升初英语题型——阅读理解广州小升初英语题型——阅读理解 春知学堂 广州小升初英语题型——阅读理解 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,如符合写“T",否则写“F"。 A man is going to the house of a rich man. He sees a box of good apples by the road. He says, “I don't want them, because the rich man will give me a lot of good food.” Then he takes ...

广州小升初英语题型——阅读理解 春知学堂 广州小升初英语题型——阅读理解 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,如符合写“T",否则写“F"。 A man is going to the house of a rich man. He sees a box of good apples by the road. He says, “I don't want them, because the rich man will give me a lot of good food.” Then he takes the apples and throws them away. He comes to a river. The water in the river is very deep and he can't get across it. He says to himself, “I can't go to the rich man's house today." So he goes home. He has nothing to eat that day. He is very hungry, so he comes to the apples. Don't throw good things away, you may be glad to have them sometimes. ( )1. The man is going to the office of a rich man. ( )2. He sees a box of good pears by the road. ( )3. The man takes the apples and brings them home. ( )4. The water in the river is very deep. ( )5. He is very hungry that day, so he comes to the apples. 【 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 】1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 My name is John. I'm American. I like traveling. I have been to about 10 countries. Of all countries, I like China best. I have been there three times. I'm going to visit China at the fourth times. I’m going there on December lst. I'll get there on December 2nd. I will stay in Beijing, the capital of China for three days. I'll visit the Great Wall of China, the Summer Palace and the Forbidden City. Then I'll visit Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong. I will fly back from Hong Kong to New York before December 25th. I'll stay in the USA during the Christmas. 1. Where is John from? __________________________________________________________ 2. How many countries has John been to? __________________________________________________________ 3. When will John get to China? ___________________________________________________________ 4. How long will John stay in Beijing? ____________________________________________________________ 5. Is John going to the Great Wall? ___________________________________________________________ 6. Will John visit Hong Kong? ____________________________________________________________ 【答案】l. He's from America. 2. He has been to about 10 countries. 3. He will get to China on December lst. 4. Three days. 5. Yes, he is. 6. Yes, he will. 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 It's a fine Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Fang are going to the Great Wall with their daughter Kate. They go by bus. In the bus there are many people, men and women, 春知学堂 春知学堂 old and young. Some are Americans. Some are English. Others are Chinese. They are all friends. They're going to the Great Wall, too. The people in the bus are talking about the Great Wall. They like the Great Wall and want to see it very much. 1. Is it Sunday morning? _____________________________________ 2. Where are they going? ________________________________________ 3. Who is Mr. and Mrs. Fang's daughter? ________________________________________ 4. Are there any old men in the bus? ___________________________________________ 5. What are the people in the bus doing? ____________________________________________ 6. How do they like the Great Wall? _______________________________________________ 【答案】1. No, it isn't. 2. They are going to the Great Wall. 3. Kate. 4. Yes, there are. 5. They are talking about the Great Wall. 6. They like the Great Wall very much. 阅读短文, 判断下列句子符合短文内容,如符合写 "T",否则写“F"。 Mr. White is going to Wuhan. His train will leave at 8:05. It's 7:30 now. Mr. White gets on a taxi. There are many cars on the road, the taxi moves slowly. It's 7:50. Mr. White is worried. Mr. White gets to the train station at 8:03. He runs to the platform(月台) . It's 8:06, there is a train on the platform. "Thanks Goodness! (谢天 谢地) The train is late," Mr. White says. He gets on the train. At 8:10, the train starts to move. There aren't many people in the train. Mr. White sits down and asks the man next to him, " When will the train get to Wuhan?" The man looks surprised, " You're on the wrong train," he says, " This train does not go to Wuhan, it goes to Shenzhen." ( )1. Mr. White is going to Wuhan. ( )2. Mr. White goes to the train station by bus. ( )3. Mr. White gets to the train station at 8:03. ( )4. The train to Wuhan leaves at 8:10. ( )5. Mr. White is on the wrong train. 【答案】1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 阅读短文,回答问题。 (5分) Children in America like Halloween very much. It's on the 31st of October. In the evening, children put on special clothes. Sometimes they dress like witches(巫婆) and ghosts(鬼) . Sometimes they dress like kings and queens. They go to their neighbors and knock at the door. The children say " Trick or treat?" The neighbor gives them chocolate or some fruit. Sometimes people don't give the children any 春知学堂 春知学堂 food. Then the children play a trick on them. They put some soap(肥皂) on their windows. Children like this special day because they can get lots of things to eat. 1. Do the children in America like Halloween? __________________________________________________ 2. When is Halloween? ____________________________________________________ 3. What do the children usually do at Halloween? _____________________________________________________ 4. Who give the children some sweets or fruit? _____________________________________________________ 5. Why do the children put some soap on the window? _______________________________________________________ 【答案】1. Yes, they do. 2. It's on the 31st of October. 3. They put on special clothes. 4. Their neighbors. 5. Because people don't give the children any food. 读短文,判断句子的正误。如正确的写“T",否则写“F"。 One day, Sam plays football in the street. Now he kicks the ball so hard that the ball broke one window of a house nearby and fell in. A lady comes to the window angrily at once. The lady: "What are you doing here?" Sam: "I'm sorry, Madam. I didn't mean to." The lady: "Now the window is broken. I won't give you the ball." Sam (comes to a new idea suddenly): "I could ask my father to fix it." After a few minutes, a man, with tools in his hands, comes with Sam. The lady let Sam take the ball away. Soon the man finishes fixing the window. The man: "It costs you ten yuan, Madam." The lady (surprised) : "Aren't you the father of the boy?" The man (more surprised): "But aren't you his mother?" ( )1. Sam didn't want to break the window but he did. ( )2. Sam asks his father to fix the window. ( )3. The lady let Sam take the ball away when the man finishes fixing the window. ( )4. The man and the lady are Sam's parents. ( )5. The lady is surprised because the man is Sam's father. 【答案】1(T 2(F 3(T 4(F 5(F 阅读短文,回答问题。 The panda's face looks like a cat's, but its fat body and short tail are like a bear's. So people call this animal bear-cat. Scientists call it cat-bear. The panda has a very mild temperament(温和性情)(It is very lovable. Everyone likes it very much. The panda is an animal only living in China. The northeast part of Sichuan Province and southern part of Gansu Province are its native home. Pandas like to 春知学堂 春知学堂 climb trees. They live in the forests of high mountains, eating bamboo and drinking spring water(泉水). 1. Where does the panda live? __________________________________________________ 2. Why do people call panda bear-cat? __________________________________________________ 3. Who likes it? __________________________________________________ 4. What is the panda’s food? ___________________________________________________ 5. Do panda like to climb trees? ___________________________________________________ 【答案】1. He lives in the forests of high mountain( 2. Because the panda’s face look like a cat's but its fat body and short tail are like a bear's. 3. everyone likes it very much. 4. Bamboo. 5. Yes, they do. 谣言:吃太咸了会得病, 导语:“人体每日摄入食盐不应过多,否则易患多种疾病。”这是真的吗, 吃太咸了会得病, 一、 网友评论: 1、 网友:冰冰 23 岁行政助理 春知学堂 春知学堂 我就是一个”重口味“的人,但身体很健康啊~ 我就是一个特别爱吃咸的人,什么咸菜、咸烧饼都是我的最爱。大家都说吃太咸对身体不好,可我一点没这么觉得。前几天我还到医院去体检,各项指标都很正常。吃咸不会得病的~ 2、 网友:小帅 34岁 销售 邻居家大爷常年吃太咸,结果得了心血管病。 邻居家有个大爷经常吃咸的东西,大家都劝他不要吃这么咸,可他就是不听。后来他被检查出了心血管疾病,我想这和常年吃咸有很到关系。 世界卫生组织建议每人每天钠盐摄入量不超过5克 二、 专家解答: 1、 世界卫生组织建议每人每天钠盐摄入量不超过5克。 世界卫生组织(WHO)建议每人每天钠盐摄入量不超过5克,而我国现在每人每日食盐约12克、美国提倡的人均2.3克/天宽松了许多。 2、 高盐饮食会导致高血压。 营养专家原表示,高盐饮食是高血压的三大原因之一,高盐饮食是我国高血压的最重要的危险因素。古人就知道“味过于咸,大骨气劳,短肌,心气抑”,即多食咸会影响血液和血液循环,伤及骨骼,并使心功能受到抑制。盐摄入平均每增加2克,收缩压和舒张压就分别增加2.0mmHg和1.2mmHg。 春知学堂 春知学堂 “有的人以为‘不吃盐没力气’,这是没有道理的。”专家表示,人对钠盐的依赖,只是长期以来味觉适应了高盐。除此之外,吃盐还包括酱料、酱油、零食里的盐,因此不放盐放酱油的做法,也同样会摄取盐分。 我们正常人钠的摄入量和排出量时刻处在一个比较平衡的状态,而且钠的排出主要通过我们的肾脏。如果在日常生活中摄入过多的盐分,钠的摄入量就会增加,这就给肾脏排除钠的功能增加负担。如果摄入钠的量过多的话,为了保证肾脏的正常功能,也为了保持钠在血液中的浓度不变,就需要多喝水,不过水喝太多的话就会使得血液中的水分有所增加,这就形成了“水钠潴留”的状态。这种状态就好比一个装满水的气球,水越多的话,气球产生压力就会越大,久而久之就会导致高血压的出现。这就是吃得太咸会引发高血压出现的原因,主要是钠在作怪。与此同时,如果血容量过大,加重心脏负荷,再加上自身的血管狭窄的话,就有引发冠心病的可能。 吃太咸还可能给身体带来多种疾病 3、吃太咸还可能给身体带来多种疾病。 肝肾疾病。摄入过多盐会超过肝肾代谢的承受力,加重心血管压力,血压越高,肝肾血流量越少,肝肾功能损害越大,易导致慢性疾病。 呼吸道炎症。高浓度食盐不仅抑制呼吸道细胞活性,降低其抗病能力,还会减少唾液,使口腔内溶菌酶减少,难以抵抗病毒感染。 胃癌。食盐中的高渗透液会破坏胃黏膜,一些腌菜、盐渍食品中所含亚硝酸盐在胃酸和细菌作用下会转变为亚硝胺,易致胃癌。 皮肤老化。体内钠离子增加会导致面部细胞失水,皱纹增多。 肥胖。英国通过对1600多名青少年进行研究发现,吃盐越多,甜饮料喝得越多,很容易带来肥胖问题。 春知学堂 春知学堂 骨质疏松。食盐主要成分是钠,人体每排泄1000毫克钠,大约会耗损26毫克钙。吃盐越多,钙越少。 吃黄瓜鸡蛋1周掉10斤 饭后吃啥排出体内致癌物 这样吃萝卜一冬不生病 几种零食一辈子都不要吃 吃火锅时少点5类蔬菜 防肝癌注意两吃两不吃 春知学堂
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