首页 “网购时代”的包装设计思考



“网购时代”的包装设计思考译文 网购时代的包装设计思考 据网上数据显示,2010年淘宝网注册用户已达3.7亿,在线商品数8亿件。一天最高访问次数为6千万次,平均每分钟销售出4.8万件商品,单日零售总额最高达到19.5亿元,这已远远超过北京、上海、广州三大城市的最高单日零售总额。网购时代真的来临了! 每天都要发出几万件商品,那商品的包装和商品的包装设计就面临了新的课题。毕竟网上购物形式不同于在实体店购物,网上与网下(实体店)的商品展示形态不同,网上与网下的顾客购买行为也不同,自然对商品包装设计的诉求和需求也会不同。一般情况下,我们在实...

译文 网购时代的包装设计思考 据网上数据显示,2010年淘宝网注册用户已达3.7亿,在线商品数8亿件。一天最高访问次数为6千万次,平均每分钟销售出4.8万件商品,单日零售总额最高达到19.5亿元,这已远远超过北京、上海、广州三大城市的最高单日零售总额。网购时代真的来临了! 每天都要发出几万件商品,那商品的包装和商品的包装设计就面临了新的课题。毕竟网上购物形式不同于在实体店购物,网上与网下(实体店)的商品展示形态不同,网上与网下的顾客购买行为也不同,自然对商品包装设计的诉求和需求也会不同。一般情况下,我们在实体店(百货商场、超市等)购物时,接触的商品大都是具有包装形态的商品。换句话说,就是通过所看到的具体商品陈列和商品包装上的信息了解商品,进而采取比较、选择和购买行为。而在网上购物时,我们是通过实物图片与文字介绍了解商品并决定是否购买,而不是通过商品的包装及包装上的信息(图片、色彩、文字等)了解商品和决定是否购买。传统包装设计中展示商品、装饰商品、促销商品的作用和意义,在网上商品中体现不出来了。因此,网购商品的包装设计诉求是什么?顾客需要什么样的包装?是我们必须重新进行思考的。 以往,我们在进行商品(产品)包装设计时,通常从商品的保护性功能、便利性功能和销售性功能三个方面进行考虑。尤其是对销售性功能方面较为重视。总认为“包装是无声的推销员”,坚信“广告负责把顾客吸引到商店里,包装负责把顾客兜里的钱掏出来”。因此对包装设计中的图形、色彩文字以及三元素的构成形式方面特别下功夫。包装表面的装饰设计似乎成为设计的中心,什么个性化设计、情感化设计、系列化设计、展示(POP)设计、吸引眼球设计等等,成为设计师的追求和诉求目标。总希望自己的设计(商品)能在众多商品中“跳”出来,吸引顾客眼球,促成购买行为。然而这一套方法和理论对于网上购物不太适用了,也没有这个必要了。因为网上购物不同于网下购物,最大的特点是直接对商品本身(通过商品的裸照)的选择,而不是通过商品的包装进行选择。这使我想起我们在商店购买相机、微波炉、洗衣机、电冰箱及空调等商品时,都是直接面对商品本身进行选择,压根就不考虑商品的包装是什么样的。我们关心的是商品本身而不是通过包装上的信息了解商品。包装的作用只是保护好商品并安全运到家中就OK了。这和在网上购物有许多相似之处。网购商品的包装无须像网下商品那样的包装设计,甚至无须按照传统的图片、色彩、文字那样装饰元素的设计。此时购买者只是希望所购买的商品按时保质地送到自己的手中。并且在打开包装取出商品的瞬间,就把包装物当垃圾处理了。 那么,是不是网购商品就不需要包装设计了呢?不是的。不仅需要包装,更需要具有针对性的包装设计,即网购商品(主要指物理性质产品,不包括虚拟产品)包装设计。由于网购商品的过程中,消费者是接触不到商品的,也接触不到商品的包装。因此网购商品包装设计 的诉求主要集中体现在保护性功能和便利性功能这两点上。而不在销售性功能上。网购商品应该有一个“专供包装”设计。就像有些烟酒专供包装一样(如“茅台酒军需特供”、“白皮中华特供”等),与普通商品(网下商品)包装区分开。这样不须要考虑商品包装销售功能方面的因素,只考虑商品出厂时的保护和如何适应网上购买后运送中的保护及回收处理等问题。目前网购商品包装五花八门,存在的问题也很多。还没有专门适合网购商品包装的设计。随着网购消费的逐渐流行,势必要考虑网购商品包装形态的设计,以满足日益扩大的网购商品交易和流通。基于自己有近十年的网购经历和身为设计师这样的双重角色,针对目前网购商品包装现状及购物心得体会,就网购商品的包装设计提出以下几点思路: 一、网购商品的“专供”定位。既然网购商品已经是21世纪消费行为中的一种形式,而且所占份额越来越大,那么从生产厂家出产产品进行包装的时刻,就要考虑部分产品是“专供”网购的。即网购商品从产品出厂时的包装就与传统商品(网下)包装“分道扬镳”。这样有了网购商品的“专供”定位,商品的包装设计目的与方向就会很明确,也避免了不必要的包装费用的支出。 二、“功能至上”的原则。正像前文所说,顾客网购商品是直接接触商品(图片)和商品的有关说明,不须接触包装或从包装上了解商品,因此包装促销性功能中的美化功能、展示功能、吸引功能等等,毫无作用了。此时,商品包装设计原则就是“功能至上”。这个“功能”主要是指安全保护性功能设计,是针对“促销”、“美化”、“展示”等装饰性设计而言的。网购商品包装设计一切围绕商品的安全性,包括出厂、运输、装卸、储存、分发、二次包装、快递送货等环节中的安全性。顾客在网购商品的时候是接触不到包装的,只有快递送货上门的瞬间才看到商品的包装。至于好看、美观、华丽的包装在顾客这一方面没有任何意义了。 三、商品与顾客信息识别。目前的网购包装大都是塑料袋、牛皮瓦楞纸盒、塑料泡沫盒和胶带纸等。有的包装就像伤病员一样,被胶带纸一层一层包裹着,形态就像从垃圾里捡来似的。再有,盒上面的商品信息和顾客信息由于手写和复印,很模糊不清。加之差不多大小与形状及相同材料,近似色泽的包装袋、包装盒,连快递员都很难识别。顾客除购买记忆外,也只有打开包装时才知道里面是什么。如何通过包装盒(袋)上的颜色、形状、标记和清晰的信息栏目设计与实施,来更好地对商品和顾客信息进行识别,是一个须要考虑与设计的课题。 四、包装物的循环使用与回收。不仅是顾客意识到包装安全的重要性,就连商家也是努力这样做的。特别是对易碎商品,商家把商品里三层外三层裹得严严实实。当顾客从快递手中接到包装物时,总是刀子、剪子一起上,层层“剥皮”。当取出商品时,废弃的包装物堆成一大堆,毫无再次利用价值,简直就是一堆垃圾。因此,我们在考虑安全性的同时,还要思考包装物结构安全的合理性、循环再用率及废物的回收等问题。而这些方面问题,不仅是商家要考虑,承担运输的快递公司也要考虑。特别是包装物的循环使用方面,只有从快递公 司针对不同商品进行不同的可循环使用的外包装设计与应用,网购商品的包装才有可能更合理更规范更有效。 网购时代来得太快,一切还没有来得及思考和准备。可是快速发展的网上购物带来的商品包装的问题,须要我们面对与思考,并拿出适应这一购物变化的解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。 原文 According to online data show that in 2010 Taobao network registered users has reached 800 million, the number of online goods. One day highest number of visits for 6 million times, the average sales per minute a 4.8 million of goods, daily total retail sales reached 19.5 billion yuan, which has a far more than three cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, the highest single day total retail sales. The era of online shopping is really coming! Every day to send tens of thousands of pieces of goods, the packaging of goods and goods packaging design is facing a new problem. After all forms of online shopping is different from the in store shopping, online and offline (store) the goods display different forms, online and offline customer purchase behavior is also different, natural to merchandise packaging design demands and needs will be different. Under normal circumstances, we are in the physical store (department stores, supermarkets, etc.) shopping, the contact of the goods are mostly packaged goods. In other words, it is through the specific commodity display and commodity packaging information on the understanding of goods, and then take the comparison, selection and purchase behavior. And in the online shopping, we are through the physical picture and text introduce goods to understand and decide whether or not to buy, rather than through commodity packaging and packaging (pictures, colors, text, etc.) information about goods and decide whether to buy. The function and significance of the display of goods, decorative goods and promotional merchandise in the traditional packaging design is not reflected in the online commodity. Therefore, what is the demand for the packaging design of online shopping goods? What kind of packaging customers need?. In the past, we are in the product (product) packaging design, usually from the protection of the commodity function, convenience and sales functions to consider three aspects. Especially for the sales function. Always think "packaging is a silent salesman", firmly believe that "in charge of advertising to attract customers to the shop and in charge of packing pulls out the customers pocket money". Therefore, in the design of packaging graphics, color text and the three elements of the composition of the form of special efforts. Surface of the packaging decoration design seems to be the design center, personalized design, emotional design, series design, display (POP) design, attract eyeball design and so on, become designer pursuit and the pursuit of the goal. Always want their own design (merchandise) can be in many commodities, "jump" out to attract customers eye, to facilitate the purchase behavior. However, this set of methods and theories for online shopping is not applicable, and there is no need for this. Because online shopping is different from the net shopping, the biggest feature is directly to the commodity itself (through the merchandise of the nude), rather than through the selection of goods packaging. This reminds me that we are in the store to buy cameras, microwave ovens, washing machines, refrigerators and air conditioners and other goods, are directly facing the product itself to choose, do not take into account the packing of the product is what kind of. We are concerned with the product itself, rather than through the information on the packaging of goods. The role of the packaging is to protect the goods and safely shipped home on the OK. This has a lot of similarities with online shopping. Net purchase of goods packaging is not as a commodity under the packaging design, and even do not need to follow the traditional picture, color, text, such as decorative elements of the design. At this time buyers just want to buy the goods on time and quality to their hands. And in the moment of opening the package to take out the goods, the packaging when the garbage disposal. So, is not a net purchase of goods do not need packaging design it?. Not only need packaging, but also need to have targeted packaging design, that is, online shopping products (mainly refers to the physical properties of products, not including virtual products) packaging design. As the process of online shopping goods, consumers are not exposed to goods, but also not contact the packaging of goods. Therefore, the demand for packaging design of online shopping is mainly embodied in the protective function and convenience function of these two points. And not in the sales function. Online shopping goods should have a "for packaging design. (such as "Maotai Quartermaster specials", white the specials "), and general merchandise (goods) packing area separately as like some tobacco specifically for packaging. In this way, we do not need to consider the factors of commodity packaging and selling function, only consider the protection and how to adapt to the issue of the protection and recovery of the goods after delivery. At present, there are many kinds of online shopping goods packaging, there are a lot of problems. There is no special suitable for online shopping product packaging design. With the gradual popularity of online shopping consumption, it is bound to consider the design of online shopping commodity packaging, to meet the growing online shopping commodity trading and circulation. Based on their own experience and nearly ten years of online shopping experience and as a designer of this dual role, in view of the current status of online shopping and shopping experience, online shopping experience, the packaging design of online shopping products, the following ideas: A, online shopping goods "for" positioning. Since the goods online shopping is a kind of form of consumption behavior in the 21st century, and occupied an increasingly large share, then from the manufacturer to produce products for packaging the moment, it is necessary to consider part of the product is exclusively for online shopping. The online shopping goods from the factory packaging
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