首页 会计造假外文翻译外文文献英文文献



会计造假外文翻译外文文献英文文献会计造假外文翻译外文文献英文文献 一、对对造假行对主的界定会体 (一)对造假的含对会   对造假可分对对信息的有意造假和对信息的无意失对。本文主要涉及对信息的有意造会会会会 假~是指对活对中事人,事前对对安排~故意以欺对、舞弊等手段,对造、对造假对信息它会当虚会~ 使对信息歪曲反映对对活对和对事对,以此到特定利益的集对或人的不正对法犯罪行对。会会达个当 (二)对造假主的界定会体   对造假主对包括制假对和相对对法对活对的主对、共对和对行者。按照在造假对程中所对对的会体炮乱 作用不同~对造假主包括对对者、策者、操作...

会计造假外文翻译外文文献英文文献 一、对对造假行对主的界定会体 (一)对造假的含对会   对造假可分对对信息的有意造假和对信息的无意失对。本文主要涉及对信息的有意造会会会会 假~是指对活对中事人,事前对对安排~故意以欺对、舞弊等手段,对造、对造假对信息它会当虚会~ 使对信息歪曲反映对对活对和对事对,以此到特定利益的集对或人的不正对法犯罪行对。会会达个当 (二)对造假主的界定会体   对造假主对包括制假对和相对对法对活对的主对、共对和对行者。按照在造假对程中所对对的会体炮乱 作用不同~对造假主包括对对者、策者、操作者和对同者。会体决   造假的对对者是指对对造假出对策的人。通常是对位对部对的对对人,在造假对程中往往扮会划会 演替对演的角色。   造假的策者是指有对定对造假对施的各对对对人。策者可以是对对者人,也可以是决决会决既个 对对对集~是对造假的最大受益者。体会   造假的对施者是指对有对对便利、能对接对对、对薄、对 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 等对料~对自对施和完成对对造假的触会凭会人对。不对包括有对对人对、出对人对~而且对包括相对的采对人对、对人对、保管人对和对对人对。造假它会售 的对同者是指某些方面策对、配合造假的人对。包括在造假之初对之提供方便者,如某些对从既会 人对对造假对出对策~提供信息及技对 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 和手段~对对共同对对防范对对的对策和措施,也包极划与 括在造假事对对生后对其掩对、布防、通对对信和提供对对等人对。   对得对明的是~在不同的造假案件中,造假主的人对成不相同,相对人对在造假对程体构尽 中所承的对对和所对对的作用也不一对。担 二、作对企对的对对者~对假对信息的出对和对播有着对对对对的心对虚会 (一)“高指对”对出假字数   前些年在企对和主管部对对有完全对的情下~一些对对理迫于对对对对的考核对力年年把没脱况厂对、利对做最对要的“任对”~对行以“高指对”“对对帽”的考核对法~在对对对力下~对对者不售当抓 粉对对表、不对造假字就对对考核对。在企对部对行以盈对字对功行对的对法。于是便有了“造假数内数数 字”对一“良方”。   而近年~在各对利益对系的对对下~一些企对在对制对对表对“对症下对”,对款对大对对~掩几会夸 对对~对对对对利对~对对水~上对成对对粉对对对~掩盖对对逃对对对藏对对~列对~改制对~对对对降、坏税售虚担 利对对对。   私对企对对是千篇一律的造假模式~对“对对票”、对增对票、对藏收人~惟一的目对就是阳虚税 逃、逃、对是逃税税税!对对者深知造假之对有害无益~又自对不自对地和支持对造假有的既参与会 管理人对坦然地对~对造假形成的不正之对使得公平对遭到破不是造假者深受其害~而是会争坏 对不做假对吃“对巴对”~因而大部分造假者都是心存对幸~相互效~只是造假的程度不同对仿 了。 (二)假对对引出“金对凰”会   事对上~对造假就像“臭豆腐”~对着臭吃着香。对就使企对陷人了“服喜得喜~对对得对”会 的怪圈。因对不少对对者有着“依假字出政对~追求字对对官位”的对。在对对对对对“一靠虚数数真教 票否对”的情下~有人就因造假造出了“政对”~而使得企对“突对猛对”~人不“对决况个断 步”~对就使人对生了“撑死大的~对死小的”的活思想。胆胆   被对及不浮造假漏对而遭对分~不少人不置可否~一位知情管理人对,“对包当怕怕夸会装~人所共知~但到目前对止~一般对少追究对任何造假者的对任。对的对位能对对做~我也对对做。到很 手的对和对誉会来会尚惠对也不不要。”看~对打假目前缺乏对有的力度~大部分造假者都各有“招数并没听”~有多少后对之对。同对~不少对对者也反映~有的上对对对对对浮在上面对对~不察对情~喜不对~也是听听会助对对造假的原因之一。 (三)想揭“对”又疤怕疼   对造假会众个会疤没已是人皆知的一社“对”~对对人愿揭~原因大致有三,  1、“心理、法不对”从众众   不少对对者反映~对对始造假玩虚担怕脱离来对~对有些心~只是打打“擦对球”~对对~但后 对对周对对多企对都在造假~自己也就心安理得。大家都假就好对了~板子又不会个屁打在一人股上。   2、“水对船对高~后任不对前对”   一些企对管理者抱怨对,前任已对把字浮上数夸去了~对在想对事求是都不可能了。  3、“大家都包~装老对就吃对”   对对者对最普遍的心对是心对对信息吃对。一方面~考核企对的主要依担真数据是看“对面字”~而不是看你真另数真税响是否对对~一方面~字若对了~收就要增加~企对盈利受影。对一点也是目前企对造假的主要目的。 三、作对假对信息的虚会会直接对撰者~对人对对此苦不堪言 (一)“对碗”对重   管所有的假对字都出自对人对之手~但对大尽虚会数会数会会多对人对都对“假”色对。一位对人对直言不对,学学几会教会校了年对~工作后对在“对对育”~对不想做一名出色的对~但“对碗”掌握在对对手里~对造假~你你敢拒对对?你会你会不作假对对要做对?对此~所有受对对人都有会同感。不少对人对就是因对对造假心有会与离离数会余悸而对对“心德”最对被“炒对对”。因而多对人只好对保住自己的对碗而采取对步行对~有的甚至主对对造假出对策。划 (二)“准对”对对   对会国曾对被对予对家和企对站对放哨的对对对士~常以“对算对”、精打对算对衡量对准。如今~在对对者看来会会“准对”对底改对了~社上一些地方和部对对的行对对准~不再只看如对对对算对了~多看你会会灵你税不活做对~对对上就是看能不能造假、对对、对了。   对企对“出生”就是假的~个从册会挂注对本在对对对取工商对照后便不对存在~其对对面始对在“其他对收款”对下。甚至对对对对对会乱乱越就越好做手脚。一些公司尤其是私对企对就更黑~混、虚册假到了一定程度~就把老公司对掉~重新注一家新公司~再揭对新的对人序幕。 四、防范对策   (一)充分对对对对明在对范对管理活对中的作用晰会   对对是企对取得市对法人对格的基本件~对对的明对对信息目对的对对对造了条晰会条重要对件。允对和 鼓励会体会会会励对主根据对交易对用的高低~自由地对对对对范对合方式~充分对对对对范的激、对束 及对源配置的功能~对企对部对内励条会束、激机制的建立对造基本件~对一切又有利于保对对信息 对量。由于企对部存在内会多对次的委托代理对系~理对各方的对系~可以避免对造假行对的对生。对 此对建立对对对理人市对~对将争档从机制引入企对对对者的任命中~建立对对对理人案~对聘任及对对等 方面~对其能力和道德对行对价~使其自对地对自己的行对对对~包括防范对造假在的会内道德对束~ 从而形成有效的市对对束机制。 (二)建立健全部内体控制 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 系   部内确控制制度是对代 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 的重要对成部分~对明和对范企对各部对、各对对甚至各对位的对 对和行对~对提高管理效率、保对对金的安全和完整等~都具有十分重要的作用。由于企对各对对对对对~ 都在对上得到不同程度的反映和对~所以部会会体内体很会控制制度系在大程度上能对防范对 造假~对防假对对生。企对对根据自己的对对情~况内建立适合本企对的部控制制度~对穿于企对治理 对的构构内运内内始对。企对治理对是促使部控制有效行~保对部控制功能对对的前提和基对~部控 制在治理对中成对企对所有者对对对对管理目对~完成受构托对任的一对手段。 First, the definition of accounting fraud actors (A) the meaning of accounting fraud Accounting fraud can be divided into intentional fraud and accounting information of the accounting information has no intention of misrepresentation. In this paper, involves intentionally false accounting information, it refers to the accounting activities of the parties. In advance through the arrangements, deliberate fraud, fraud, and other means. Forged or altered, false accounting information, accounting information to distort reflect the economic activities and accounting matters. In order to achieve a specific interest groups or individuals unfair criminal acts.(B) accounting fraud the main defined Accounting fraud body should include the mastermind behind the conspiracy cooked up false accounts and related irregularities and implementation. In accordance with the role played in the fraud process, accounting fraud the main motion, policy makers, operators and collaborative persons.The motion of the fraud refers to the advice of accounting fraud. Is usually the person in charge of the unit of the accounting department. Often play for the director's role in the fraud process. The fraud policy makers have the right leaders at all levels of accounting fraud decision implementation. Decision-makers can be either individual leaders. Can also be a leadership collective, is the biggest beneficiaries of the accounting fraud. The perpetrators of the fraud is to have his office, be able to contact the accounting documents, account books, reports and other information in person to the implementation and completion of the staff of the accounting fraud. It includes not only the relevant accounting staff, cashier staff, but also includes the procurement staff, sales staff, custody officers and statisticians. Collaborative fraud refers to a coordinate in some respects, with the staff of fraud. Both included in the fraud at the beginning and whom to provide convenience. For fraud, as some accountants advice, information and technical ways and means, and leadership to design policies and measures to prevent check: also to conceal its fraud facts, arm, tipped off and gives false staff. It is worth noting that, in the different cases of fraud. Fraud the main composition of the same. Undertaken by the staff funded by the relevant personnel in the fraud process and the role played by the same. Second, as business owners came out and dissemination of false accounting information has a more complex mentality (A) "high index" elicit false figures A few years ago in the case of enterprises and the competent authorities is not yet completely decoupled, the plant manager was forced pressure on the operating results of the examination every year in sales, profits as the most urgent task "grasping, the implementation of his post" indicators " "assessment methods, and under such pressure, the operator fails to whitewash report, do not equivocate Digital sad assessment off. To the implementation of profit and loss figures of patronage within the enterprise. Thus they were "fake number" is "good medicine." In recent years, the induction of a variety of interests, some enterprises in the preparation of accounting statements "right": exaggerated assets, loans to cover up bad debts; concealing profits tax, sales shrunk; cosmetic results in the reported results to cover up problems avoiding the debt hidden assets, false statement of the burden; restructuring, the assets of the sharp drop in profit becomes negative. Fraud mode is the monotony of the private sector, open the "yin and yang, invoice, fake VAT votes, hidden income, the sole objective of tax evasion, tax evasion or tax evasion! Operators both know that the wind of the fraud more harm than good, but also consciously or unconsciously, participation and support of management accounting fraud frankly, unhealthy tendencies in accounting fraud to the formation of the fair competition has been the destruction is not counterfeiters suffer, but who is not false who eat yabakui ", and thus most of the counterfeiters are luck to each other to emulate, but the degree of fraud. (B) false results leads to the "Golden Phoenix" In fact, the accounting fraud like "tofu" smell the stink eating incense. This allows companies to fall into a "service blessed with joy, have to worry about reporting only bad news" of the cycle. Because many operators rely on false figures to the achievement, the pursuit of the Digital a true lose their jobs in the lessons. In the operating results of the real one-vote veto "case, it was a result of fraud made the" achievements ", while allowing companies to" rapid "individual constant" progress ", which gives rise to" Chengsi bold starved to death timid "living thinking. When asked about the fear of not afraid of pompous fraud debacle been punishment, many people are noncommittal, an informed manager said: "accounting package, known to all, but so far, the general also rarely investigated any fraud the responsibility of other units to do so, I do the same honor and affordable hand who will not do not. "It appears that the accounting crackdown is still lack of intensity, most of the counterfeiters have their own tricks ", and not much to worry about. At the same time, many operators also reflects some superiors habit of floating to listen to in the above report, be aware of the facts, listen or not listen to worry about, but also contribute to one of the reasons for accounting fraud. (C) exposing the "scar" painlessly Accounting fraud is well-known society of "scar", why no one is willing to expose, there are three reasons why: 1, "a herd mentality, France is not responsible for the public A lot of operators reflect the beginning of fraud to play virtual, somewhat worried, just playing the "edge ball", and fear is divorced from reality, but later found around many companies are in the fraud, they also peace of mind. Are false can be easily handled, the board will not be hit in the buttocks of a person. 2, the water rose bow high and, subsequently, does not recognize the former account Some managers have complained that: predecessors have to figure exaggerated up and now want to seek truth from facts are impossible.3, "we all packaging, honest and a disadvantage The operators are the most common attitude is worried that the reported real disadvantage. The one hand, the main basis of assessment of enterprises is to look at "book value", instead of you telling the truth, the number, if true, the tax would increase the profitability of the business affected. This is also the main purpose of the corporate fraud. Third, direct the preparation of false accounting information, accounting personnel, this miserable (A) the "rice bowl" as the most important Despite all the false accounting figures from the hands of the accounting staff, but the vast majority of the accounting staff to talk about the "false" colors. An accounting bluntly: the school years of accounting, work is still "continuing education", who do not want to do a good accounting, but the "rice bowl" rests in the hands of the leadership, so that you fraud, you dare to refuse ? you will not be fraud who needs you to do the accounting? In this regard, all respondents accounting people have the same feeling. The number of accounting personnel of fear because the fraud and Leadership "discord" eventually "fired". Thus the majority of accounting had to keep their jobs to take concessions behavior, and some even take the initiative to make plans for the fake. (B) "guidelines" Metamorphosis Accounting had been given for the state and enterprises of the economy of the sentry guards, often to the "iron abacus, on a budget, as measured. Today, operators seems to be "guidelines" completely changed, some localities and departments accounting industry standards, no longer just truthfully accounting accounts, see more of you will not be flexible to do accounts, in fact, is to see Can you fraud, luring capital, tax evasion.Individual enterprises from the "birth" is a fake, after the registered capital verification to receive a business license no longer exists, its accounting book given them always hanging in the "other receivables". Accounting accounts even think that the more chaotic the better tricks. Some companies, especially the private sector is more black, confusion, false to a certain extent, put the old company to turn off, re-registration of a new company, and then open a new deceptive prelude. Fourth, the preventive measures (A) give full play to the property rights and standardize the accounting management activities Property rights are the basic conditions for enterprises to obtain legal personality in the market, clear property rights created important conditions for the goals of accounting information. Allow and encourage the accounting entity according to the level of accounting transaction costs, the freedom to choose the combination of accounting norms, give full play to the accounting norms incentives, constraints, and resource allocation, internal constraints, the establishment of incentives to create the basic conditions, all this again help ensure the quality of accounting information. Existence of multi-level principal-agent relationship within the enterprise, rationalize the relationship between the parties can avoid the occurrence of the accounting frauds. This should establish the market of professional managers, to introduce competition into the appointment of enterprise managers, the establishment of the files of professional managers, from the appointment and performance of its ability and moral evaluation of it consciously responsible for their actions moral constraints, including accounting fraud, including prevention, which form an effective market constraint mechanism. (B) to establish a sound internal control system Internal control system is an important part of modern management system, clear and standardized across the enterprise, the various aspects of even the responsibilities of each position and behavior, to improve management efficiency and to protect the security and integrity of the funds have an important role. Enterprises of various economic problems in the accounting reflect and embody to varying degrees, so the system of internal control systems in large part to prevent accounting fraud, to prevent accounting fraud occurred. Enterprises should be based on their actual situation, the establishment of the internal control system for the enterprise, has always been throughout the corporate governance structure. The corporate governance structure is to promote internal control operate effectively, to ensure that the prerequisite and basis for functioning of internal control, internal control to achieve management objectives, the completion of the fiduciary duty as a means to become business owners in the governance structure. 下面是对送的对典对对和搞 笑对对~不需要的朋友可以下对后不急对除,,,对对,, 【感人的对】 要学会极与真灵感恩、同情、对容、忍耐、对对。希望是心的一对支持力量• .逆境的回对~使生命更加精彩将而富足 . 【感人的对】 每个运跟坏运运没人的好都是分配好的~对然我的好有对人多~所以• 只要是一点点好事~我就非常感恩了。 【祝福的对】 对里有一本年用对的对~有你当笔它儿黄点泛了~对对里对着的对也早已• 没气你它跟了香~却对是对对把借对了我。今天的我对已对分对~却依然是朋友。对是要以前一对~我着的听你你你你会写笔述对~看着笑~看着对对委屈去安慰。我把祝福在对本对里~ 在那多枯黄会写你你的花的旁对~我下我的祝福,祝福对得好,祝福对得比我好,然后 ~将它你你寄对。不要哭泣~。 【表白的对】 对是一你个你冲你属念对~对是一对对~对是一对宿命~只于我的宿命。对• 你你跑你阳你径你是一段旅程~对是一对幸福的对~对是一路沐浴光~对是一的花香。对~是睡对呼吸一般的自然,对~对我的对。你 【有哲理的对】 世上有三对人,一是良心被狗吃了的人~二是良心被没狗吃的人 ~• 三是良心对狗都不吃的人 . 【激励人的对】 如果看你怕你阳到面前的对影~对~那是因对的背后有光。 • 【感人的对】 一身白衣对你尽洗对对~白衣白对白对雪~捧一卷古墨~盈对暗香~我• 踏着平平仄仄的对对短短~款款步入对情万对的宋对里。溪对桃对青随染~流水潺潺~柳对对絮 ~我在桃花下着对对小字~一写嫣惊惊你抹然回眸~落了桃花~也落了的心。佛对千年一对 回~今生~在你哪里, 【有哲理的对】 母对是一滴甘露~对吻干涸它温的泥土~用对雨的情~用对石的对毅 ~• 期待着对着碎光的泥土的肥沃~母对不是人生中的一个条条凝固点~而是一流对的河~对河造就了我对生命中美对的情感之景。 【表白的对】 我深深地对求~不要把我你你逐出的对对之外~我一分一秒也不能缺• 少的对。只有对得的对~我的生你你命才有光彩。 【表白的对】 对~你你你却要无欲无求~好对,对~却要对对摸摸~好累,对~却对自己• 心碎~好,惨真很你但竟然心甘情愿~好对,但是我能肯定的是,我是的对对, 【表白的对】 我对一把散沙粒粒想念漫天对对对对我对的你洒祝福~我下一瓢对水滴滴对• 洋流到的心你你你你会你海~对~今生无悔~对了的情~对了的人~我努力呵对~一生一世, 【表白的对】 你温冰你胆忱你的对情~暖了我对的心~的大~鼓起了我对的对~的对对• 激起了我感激之情。新年伊始~愿我对透对那对湖的波光水对~一起憧憬美好的未来。情人 对快对, 【表白的对】 也对我的笑容不对对对~但足对对对你清霾双温冬日里的对~也对我的手不对对• 柔~但对能对你运会你拂去俗世对埃,如果命安排我对在一起~我好好珍惜,情人对快对, 【甜言蜜对的对】 我对对婚吧~好不好,那对我对就可以不再对着对对对对想念~就可以每• 天清来你丰很温吧晨起看对的睡对~然后一起吃一对不太盛却暖的早餐。我对对婚~好不好 ,那对我对就可以拿着民政局对的对色小本子四对炫耀~我对可以在房对里挂对对婚照~看着看着就不自对的会吧微笑。我对对婚。 【表白的对】 我需要~就像你糕灯冬天里的棉对~夏天里的雪~黑暗中的泡~对对• 中的面包我不能有—–没你, 【有哲理的对】 用理对对理真真真将会真永对是理~用对对掩对对对一对再对。我对不能对有理 ~• 但是我对可以防止对对。 【离对的对】 愿你作一滴晶亮的水~投射到浩瀚的大海~作一对对美的花~对成百花对• 园~作一对对光的对对~对对出对对的对旗~作一对小小的螺对对~一对子对守自己的对位…… 【离对的对】 我对曾对在一起欣对对美对的花~我对曾对在一起幻想对美对的季对。同~学啊• 同~分对后不要学忘了我对曾对一起走对的日子。 【离对的对】 对对对的对叶叶将个林里~我对曾对有多少回对。那对舞着的对~我对对对一无比• 美妙的境界。 【离对的对】 对~是有离点对舍~但不对然~是有点对憾~但不悲对。因对我对有相逢的希• 望在安慰。 【有哲理的对】 人活着~第一要对的事情就是要有眼光。有了眼光~相对定对对对并确• 之努力的目的和目对~工作就出对对会个趣~对对才有希望最对成对一事对和生活的成功者~ 生命就会丰富多彩。 【有哲理的对】 在相真况个肯定永无人知的情下~一人的所作所对能对示他的品格 。• 有些事情的有人知确没你没你道~除之外~有人知道~但是必对对得住自己~最好能对 心无愧。因对对心无愧可生自信~而自信对生活得会你从更对容。 【有哲理的对】 没它沉与有任何的对物是比对对更勤对~然而却是最默寡言的。其埋• 怨世界~不如改对自己。管好自己的心~做好自己的事~比什对都强。人生无完美~曲折亦对景。对把失去看得对重~放弃另羡是一对对有~不要对常对他人~人做到了~心悟到了~ 相信于的对属你个弯景就在下一拐对。 【有哲理的对】 有些人成就不大~不在于智力或能力不对~而在于有没克服自己• 心理上的弱点和对对~有没既潜断充分对对自己有的力和才能。只有不向自己挑对~向生活 挑对~才能取得更大成功。 【有哲理的对】 面对对人的反对意对~如果你争很从内对对相对地对行对和批对~对方对心对真• 正接受~在表方式上达委婉一些~效果就好多了。 【有哲理的对】 当个很会我对放眼对世界的对候~如果以自我对中心~可能以对自己• 了不起~可一旦我对把心歇下~用来来会赤子之心对察~就对对我对是多对渺小。我对什对对候 都能看清真自己不如人的地方~那就是对生命有正信心的对候。 【有哲理的对】 胸有平常心~幸福自然。人的心对如同来断琴上的弦~太对对易~太• 松对无音~只有松对适度~才能对出美妙之音。保持一对平常心~才是人生的对。对一对平真常心~看淡得失~超越成对~不对物欲所迷~不被对对所对~明心对性~对自随适。平常心~ 是一对人生对度~也是一对生活智慧。 【有哲理的对】 对大多数尬人都喜对嘲笑对人~而不愿意被对人嘲笑。在对人对于对境遇• 对~如你来减你果能通对自己出丑少他的对堪~他一定对非常感激。 【有哲理的对】 对于胸对大志的有志之士和勤对努力的人对~来会障碍是不起什对作• 用的。他对对,不会会会再有什对困对能对得住我了。只要有百折不对的信念~就对对对多强大 的阻力。 【有哲理的对】 成功地推对自己是对向成功的第一步。在推对自己的对程中~多对对筋 ~• 对对一些小花对~就容易引起对人的对趣和对注。 搞笑对对 一次~同事几个国个国来去美~到超市对对西~用对南对对对~有美人对用对准的对南对对,• “对是对你来争国国南的,,”暴汗~原对老外是以前对对期留在中的美人后代~同事对他 , “那你怎啊英文对对学啊,”老外一拍大腿道,“英对太他对对了,,”哈哈~有木有笑对对 。 公司加班到半夜~所有人都眼皮打架~一姑娘哀对,“我对在想对成一真个‘因’ • 字。”对其故~众个躺姑娘对,“就是一人四肢平对在大床上。”对音对落~旁对一男同事对对 , “困。” 一先生感冒去医挂很插挂个院吊对~对士小姐麻利的对对位先生上对好对水~一多小对 • 对去了~对水的水瓶来瓶打完了~对士对对上又对上一。对先生不解~对对士小姐对,“小姐~对方对上不是只对了一对瓶瓶您运气真,”对士小姐指着打完对水的空盖对~“先生~好~对 瓶来瓶中对了~再一,” 一退休老对~对无事就对对对对~来教教几个每天早上必,“早上好,”可惜,月后~ • 对对仍不对口。一日~老对心情不佳~未教听。只对对大叫,“老对~今天牛了,对好也不对了 啊,” 白雪公主逃出王对~到来森林~看到一对小木屋~里面排列着七对小小的床。白雪 • 公主就下躺个来你个睡着了。傍对七小人回了~白雪公主对,“对就是我命中的七小矮人 吧个你。” 七人面面相对~然后对,“走对地方了~我对是金对葫芦娃。” 对对三人去对对~对对拿着对杆对~对呆爸爸瞧瞧你爹呆跟子看到后对对,“~在那对~对 B • 似的。”爸爸儿气你爹打了子一耳光生的喊道,“才对 呢,” B 作对做了很个温声久~对手打对收音机~一柔的音对出,“如果对色粉对~对上的对毛对• 嫩柔对~那对对明很听健康……”到对里~忍不住摸了自己的对~对对对盼~再笑一笑~对子 健康可对。对对~又播听听众音对对道,“好~朋友~对次我对的《对猪知对对座》就到对里。” 对对上技校对我对班对机对八班。某日~学校对对拔河比对。我对班对对二班。二百女生加对喊, • “机二~加油……机二~加油……”我对班女生也着人学家喊,“机八~加油……机 八~加油……”我滴个神, 出差~对出对站就一大对,“小来伙呀子~住旅对,”我对,“不用。”大对对上对成对 • 昧的对,“有小气很姑娘对~漂亮的。”我汗~对,“不要小姑娘。”大对立刻改口,“老姑娘~老姑娘也有~便宜一点。”再汗~对,“我不要姑娘。”大对沉声默了下~小对, “那个伙~小子也是有的,” 一哥对儿来个坏隔壁新搬老外~一天对上老外敲对求助~对,“我的对对了~不能对• 台。”对哥对儿很低对看了眼表~对定的对,“对了七点半就好了” 有对人~对得出个条个奇。妻子要切面~叫他到对家借面板。他对,“不用借了~就• 在我背上切,吧条”妻子在他背上切完面~对他,“痛不痛,”他对,“痛~我也对得 吱声。” 一只青运个会来蛙对牧对打对对~对自己的命。牧对对,“明年~有一年对的姑娘了解• 你青来哦真礼。”蛙高对的对了起,“~的对,是在王子的婚上对,”牧对对,“不~是在 她明年的生物对上。” 几个响很你人在高对夫更衣室~一手机久~一男人按了免提对。女,“对对的在俱对 • 部对,”男,“在。”女,“我看到一对对~宝两才不到百万。”男人,“对。”女,“对有那个楼对又放对了~ 万一平。”男,“对。”女,“好对。”你你男,“也对。”旁对的男 6 人对敬佩得目瞪呆挂口。男人了对对~对,“对是对的手机,” 深夜~老公未对。女儿没来声心急对对打对对,“对,他对回~一定有对的女人了,”对对对• 安慰,“对孩子~乖~对对往对想~对对是出对对了坏,” 一男子在对市对摩托撞昏了一个惊吓众来陌生的老对,男子得不知所措,对对群越越 • 多,突然~对男抱住老对~声泪爹你你找医俱下的喊道,“~等着我~我对就去对生,”对后~就跑扎来众儿当真掉了。老对对着对怒的喊道,“对老子回,”人对对感慨,“对子的 孝对,”
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