首页 非粮淀粉免蒸煮酒精发酵工艺的基础技术研究



非粮淀粉免蒸煮酒精发酵工艺的基础技术研究非粮淀粉免蒸煮酒精发酵工艺的基础技术研究 temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially cons...

非粮淀粉免蒸煮酒精发酵工艺的基础技术研究 temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 第一章 绪论 第二章 传统酒精发酵工艺研究 2.1 淀粉液化工艺 2.1.1 α-淀粉酶活测定 l)酶活定义lg固体酶在70?,pH=6.0条件下,1min液化可溶性淀粉lmg, 即为1个酶活力单位以U?g-1表示。 2)试剂配制 a.碘原液:称取碘11g,碘化钾22g于200mL烧杯中,加少量 蒸馏水溶解,再移入500mL棕色容量瓶中加水定容至刻度。b.稀碘液:取碘原 液1.00mL,碘化钾10g,加水定容至250mL;试剂随配随用。c.2%淀粉液:称 取烘至恒重的可溶性淀粉5g,移入250mL烧杯,用少量蒸馏水调匀,用100mL 沸水冲入250mL烧杯中,再加热煮沸至透明为止,冷却,加水定容至250mL, 配制后在室温保存条件下不超过48h。d.磷酸氢二钠一柠檬酸缓冲溶液(pH=6.0): 称取磷酸氢二钠45.23g、柠檬酸8.57g,用水溶解并定容至1000mL,配好后用 pH计校正。 3)酶活测定 称取酶1~2g,先用少量pH=6.0的磷酸缓冲液溶解,并用玻棒 捣研,将上清液小心倒入容量瓶中,沉渣部分再加入少量缓冲液,如此研磨3~ 4次,最后全部移入容量瓶中,用缓冲液定容至刻度,摇匀,通过4层纱布过滤, 滤液供测定使用。 取20mL2%的可溶性淀粉和5mL pH= 6.0的磷酸氢二钠一柠檬酸缓冲液,放 于25mm×200mm大试管中,在70?恒温水浴中预热4~5min,然后加稀释好 的酶液0.5mL,立即 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 时间。充分摇匀,定时用滴管取出反应液0.5mL,滴于 预先充满比色稀碘液的白磁板空穴内。当颜色反应由紫色逐渐变为红棕色时,即 为反应终点,并记录时间。 4)酶活计算 (取20 mL 2,的可溶性淀粉和5 mL pH=5(5的磷酸氢二钠(柠檬酸缓冲液,放于25mmx20mm大试管中,在50?恒温水浴中预热10min,然后加稀释好的酶液1(0 mL,立即记录时间,准确反应5 min。立即吸取反应液1.0 mL加temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 入到5 mL稀碘液中,以稀碘液作空白,在660 nm波长下比色,迅速测定吸光度值,根据吸光度值查表,求得测试酶液的浓度(Ce),通过公式计算出样品的酶活力。 酶活计算 X= Ce×n -1-1式中,X——样品的酶活力(U?mL); Ce一测试酶液的浓度(g?mL); n—样品稀释倍数。) 2.1.2 液化反应终点测定 测定液化反应终点(碘反应) 取淀粉液化液数滴,滴加碘液进行检测。 淀粉在α-淀粉酶的作用下,随着水解程度的加深,其碘色反应发生如下变化:蓝?紫?红?浅红?不显色(即碘原色)。 2.1.3 淀粉液化 称取50.0g薯干粉,按料水比1(g):3.0(mL)与水均匀混合于500mL 的三角瓶中,盐酸调节pH到5.5~6.9,加入10U/gα—淀粉酶,0.5g CaCl,于沸2水浴中液化1h(碘液检测反应终点)。 2.2 淀粉糖化工艺 2.2.1 葡萄糖淀粉酶活测定 糖化酶活力定义:1g 干曲在35?、pH4.6条件下,反应1h,将可溶性淀粉分解为葡萄糖1mg 所需的酶量称为1个酶活单位(U/g)。 2.2.2 糖化反应终点测定 糖化终点测定(无水乙醇检验) 取糖化液数滴,滴入无水乙醇中,看是否生成白色絮状物。若无白色絮状物生成,表明糖化比较彻底。 2.2.3 淀粉糖化 盐酸调节淀粉液化溶液pH到4.0~4.5,自然冷却至 60?后,加入150U/g糖化酶,60?糖化1h(无水乙醇检测反应终点)。 to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffold safety technology gives the low-down on 4-2 construction construction construction organization name project name cards on the table before the one down the scaffolding of content security technology, team members have a clear division of labour, unified command, operation energies to concentrated, may not look around and joking, when not in the tool bag. • Wear personal protective equipment correctly, foot wear soft-soled shoes. Remove pick rack and other dangerous parts hanging belts. • Before dismantling scaffolding, around fences or warning signs, set up special care in transport routes and ban people entering. • Strict compliance with the removal order, from the top down, step, and no upper level jobs simultaneously. ? dismantle large Rails scaffolding, bridging, you should split the middle button, then remove both ends buckle, Shun down by operators in the Middle Poles shall not throw down. • Dismantling scaffolding, scaffold, steel pipe, fasteners, materials should go to the pass or use the rope hanging down, throw shall not be voted down, so as to avoid injury and unnecessary losses. ? removal process is best not to change horses in the Middle, such as the need for person, should be removed clearly. ? best not to interrupt the process of demolition, if absolutely necessary to interrupt the dismantled parts should be clearly come to an end, and check whether it will collapse, check the security before the intermission. ? scaffold dismantling after the material shall be classified and piled up stacked flat, under pads well drained. Steel is best placed indoor, stacked in the outdoors should be covered. Sporadic small fasteners, bolts and other components using clean diesel box, store room for reuse. ? deformation of steel elements should be straightened, damage repair and paint for reuse should scrap cannot be repaired. 11. auxiliary facilities: feeder channel should be set 1M high guard rail around, up and down ramps or stairs, are not allowed to climb the scaffolding up and down. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Artificial Dig-hole pile project technology gives the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-1 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 2.3 淀粉糖化液酒精发酵 2.3.1 酵母培养 1) 菌种与培养基 菌种:酿酒酵母(实验室保藏)。 平板保藏及活化培养基(g/L):蛋白胨 20,酵母膏 10,葡萄糖 20,琼脂 20。 种子培养基(g/L):葡萄糖 20,蛋白胨 20,酵母膏 10,自然 pH。(葡萄糖分开灭菌后再加入) 2)种子活化 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 接一环生长良好的斜面酵母至50 mL/250 mL 的培养基中,30?,100 r/min,于摇床上活化 24 h。 3) 种子培养基的摇瓶培养法 将活化后的种子液以10 %的接种量接入到 50 mL/250 mL 的种子培养基中,30 ?,100 r/min,于摇床上培养12 h。 2.3.2 酒精发酵 盐酸调节pH到4.8~5.0,加入0.5,尿素,其它营养因子,(高压灭菌)。待糖化醪液冷却至30?,加入10,酵母种子液和塞上发酵栓于30?静置发酵72h,取液体测量酒精的体积分数和糖含量。 第三章 球磨机械活化对酒精发酵的影响 3.1 球磨处理对淀粉颗粒性质的影响 3.1.1 淀粉颗粒表面形貌观察 将处理后淀粉样品置于105?烘箱中干燥4一sh,在红外灯下用导电胶将样品固定在样品台上,然后喷金,将处理后的样品保存于干燥器中。将待测样品置于扫描电子显微镜中观察,拍摄具有代表性的淀粉颗粒形貌(张本山,2005)。 为进一步研究辐照对淀粉内部分子结构的影响,将处理后的淀粉用水浸泡后再进行扫描电镜观察。具体操作过程:称取10g处理后的淀粉,加入到90mL蒸馏水中,室温下浸泡1h后离心收集沉淀物,室温晾干后按上述步骤进行颗粒形temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 貌 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 。 3.1.2 晶体特性测定和晶度计算 3.1.3 淀粉颗粒偏光性的测定 3.2 球磨处理对淀粉微观结构的影响 3.2.1 分子聚合度的影响 称取淀粉样品20mg加入0.5mL无水乙醇润湿样品,加入2mol/mL的KOH溶液1mL,使样品充分溶解。加入10mL去离子水,用0.1mol/mL的HCl溶液将pH值调至6.0,7.0,加水定容至50mL。取10mL于100mL容量瓶,加入80mL去离子水和2mL I-KI溶液(I 2mg/mL和KI 20mg/mL),定容至100mL,立即混匀。用紫外分22 光光度计扫描,波长450,800nm。 采用紫外-可见分光光度计进行扫描波长范围为450~80 0 nm,测定最大吸收峰;淀粉是不同分子质量同系的混合物,所以表示时用平均聚合度(DP)。根据 [i]Banks公式?: 10.01025,,0.001558 ? ,maxDP 3.2.2 分子基团的影响 (1)红外光谱分析法 称取约0.008g淀粉样品,与0.8g光谱纯KBr研磨均匀,105? 烘干后压制成透明的薄片,放入样品架上,置于红外光谱仪内全波段扫描,电脑自动绘制红外光谱图。 (2)核磁共振分析法 称取约0.01g淀粉样品,溶于DO (重水) 中,置于核磁共振仪,得到相应2 113的氢谱 (HNMR) 和碳谱 (CNMR)。 (3)基团含量 羟基含量测定采用羟胺法 (高嘉安,2001) 测定羟基含量。 1)羟胺试剂的配制 将25.00g盐酸羟胺 (分析纯) 溶于蒸馏水中,加入0.5mol/L NaoH溶液100mL,加蒸馏水稀释到500mL。此溶液不稳定,过2天应重新配制。 to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffold safety technology gives the low-down on 4-2 construction construction construction organization name project name cards on the table before the one down the scaffolding of content security technology, team members have a clear division of labour, unified command, operation energies to concentrated, may not look around and joking, when not in the tool bag. • Wear personal protective equipment correctly, foot wear soft-soled shoes. Remove pick rack and other dangerous parts hanging belts. • Before dismantling scaffolding, around fences or warning signs, set up special care in transport routes and ban people entering. • Strict compliance with the removal order, from the top down, step, and no upper level jobs simultaneously. ? dismantle large Rails scaffolding, bridging, you should split the middle button, then remove both ends buckle, Shun down by operators in the Middle Poles shall not throw down. • Dismantling scaffolding, scaffold, steel pipe, fasteners, materials should go to the pass or use the rope hanging down, throw shall not be voted down, so as to avoid injury and unnecessary losses. ? removal process is best not to change horses in the Middle, such as the need for person, should be removed clearly. ? best not to interrupt the process of demolition, if absolutely necessary to interrupt the dismantled parts should be clearly come to an end, and check whether it will collapse, check the security before the intermission. ? scaffold dismantling after the material shall be classified and piled up stacked flat, under pads well drained. Steel is best placed indoor, stacked in the outdoors should be covered. Sporadic small fasteners, bolts and other components using clean diesel box, store room for reuse. ? deformation of steel elements should be straightened, damage repair and paint for reuse should scrap cannot be repaired. 11. auxiliary facilities: feeder channel should be set 1M high guard rail around, up and down ramps or stairs, are not allowed to climb the scaffolding up and down. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Artificial Dig-hole pile project technology gives the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-1 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 2)测定步骤 称取过60目筛的淀粉样品5.000g (绝干) ,放入烧杯中,加100mL蒸馏水煮沸,使淀粉完全糊化。冷却至40?,调pH至3.2,无损地移入500mL带玻璃塞三角瓶中,精确加入60mL羟胺试剂,加塞,在40?水浴中保持4 h。用 0.1000mol/LHCI 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 溶液快速滴定到 pH3.2,记录消耗的体积(mL)数。称取同样质量的原淀粉进行空白滴定。根据下式计算羟基含量: 羧基含量测定 参照国际标准ISO11214 (1996) 测定羧基含量。称取约5.00g样品,加入25mL 0.lmol/L HCI溶液,搅拌20min后用多孔漏斗过滤,经蒸馏水洗至无氯离子的淀粉转至500mL烧杯中,加300mL蒸馏水,在沸水浴中加热煮沸20min,趁热以酚酞作为指示剂,用0.05mol/L Na0H标准溶液进行滴定至酚酞终点,记下消耗的体积V。用原淀粉作空白试样,不需抽滤和洗涤,经糊化后用碱滴定,l 消耗的体积为V。根据下式计算羧基含量: 2 3.2.3 直链分子含量的影响 (1)试剂及仪器: 2 mol/L HCl, 100 mL: 16.716 mL ,37% 浓HCl; 无水乙醇; 0.1 mol/L HCl, 100 mL: 5 mL 2 mol/L HCl; 0.1 mol/L NaOH, 100 mL: 0.4 g NaOH; temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 0.5 mol/L NaOH, 100 mL: 2 g NaOH; I-KI(碘试剂),100 mL:2 g KI溶于水中后,加0.2 g I。2 2 标准品:直链淀粉、支链淀粉标准品购于Fluka公司。 仪器:pH计;分光光度计;分析天平; (2)步骤: 标准曲线的绘制:取50 mg支链淀粉标准样品,加入50 ml容量瓶中,加入1 mL无水乙醇润湿,再加10 mL 0.1M NaOH,沸水浴振荡加热10 min溶解淀粉,用蒸馏水定容摇匀。用同样方法配制直链淀粉标准溶液。精确吸取标准溶液于50 mL容量瓶中,按表所示比例混合: 编号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 直链淀粉/mL 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 支链淀粉/mL 2.5 2.3 2.2 2.1 2 1.9 1.8 0 直链淀粉含量/% 0 8 12 16 20 24 28 100 向各容量瓶加20 mL蒸馏水,用0.1M HCL调pH值为3.0。再加入0.5 mL I-KI2(碘试剂),定容摇匀,静置10 min,在620 nm下,测吸光度(以蒸馏水作参比溶液),绘制标准曲线。 样品测定:准确称取样品100 mg, 加1 mL无水乙醇,润湿振荡,再加10 mL 0.5 M NaOH,沸水浴加热溶解10 min,冷却后用蒸馏水定容摇匀得样品液。吸取2.5 mL样品液于50 mL容量瓶中,加20 mL 蒸馏水后用0.1 M HCl调pH值为3.0,加0.5 mL I-KI,定容摇匀,静置10 min。在620 nm下,测吸光度。并用标准曲2 线计算直链淀粉含量。 3.3球磨处理对淀粉理化性质的影响 3.3.1 颜色的影响 3.3.2 溶解度和膨胀度的影响 精确称取淀粉1.0000g(干基,记做m)于l00mL容量瓶中,在25?和40? to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffold safety technology gives the low-down on 4-2 construction construction construction organization name project name cards on the table before the one down the scaffolding of content security technology, team members have a clear division of labour, unified command, operation energies to concentrated, may not look around and joking, when not in the tool bag. • Wear personal protective equipment correctly, foot wear soft-soled shoes. Remove pick rack and other dangerous parts hanging belts. • Before dismantling scaffolding, around fences or warning signs, set up special care in transport routes and ban people entering. • Strict compliance with the removal order, from the top down, step, and no upper level jobs simultaneously. ? dismantle large Rails scaffolding, bridging, you should split the middle button, then remove both ends buckle, Shun down by operators in the Middle Poles shall not throw down. • Dismantling scaffolding, scaffold, steel pipe, fasteners, materials should go to the pass or use the rope hanging down, throw shall not be voted down, so as to avoid injury and unnecessary losses. ? removal process is best not to change horses in the Middle, such as the need for person, should be removed clearly. ? best not to interrupt the process of demolition, if absolutely necessary to interrupt the dismantled parts should be clearly come to an end, and check whether it will collapse, check the security before the intermission. ? scaffold dismantling after the material shall be classified and piled up stacked flat, under pads well drained. Steel is best placed indoor, stacked in the outdoors should be covered. Sporadic small fasteners, bolts and other components using clean diesel box, store room for reuse. ? deformation of steel elements should be straightened, damage repair and paint for reuse should scrap cannot be repaired. 11. auxiliary facilities: feeder channel should be set 1M high guard rail around, up and down ramps or stairs, are not allowed to climb the scaffolding up and down. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Artificial Dig-hole pile project technology gives the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-1 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 水浴锅中预热,再加入50mL对应温度的蒸馏水,快速振荡混匀并持续 30min。 然后用流水快速冷却至室温,立即以3000r/min离心20 min。小心将上清液倒出, 取上清液水浴蒸干,于105?烘干至恒重后称重,即得到被溶解的淀粉量,计算 出其溶解度。由离心管中膨胀淀粉的重量计算其膨胀度,溶解度和膨胀度计算公 式如下: 3.3.3 酸度的影响 称取6.0g样品,放入400mL烧杯中,加入194mL蒸馏水,搅拌使样品分散, 并把烧杯置于沸水浴中,搅拌淀粉乳直至糊化在冷水浴中立即冷却到室温(大约 25?),在淀粉糊中插入已标定好的电极,待读数稳定后,记录pH值至0.1个pH 单位(张燕萍,2001)。 3.3.4 总糖、还原糖含量的影响 1)称1g处理后淀粉样品,加蒸馏水15mL,再加6mol/L盐酸,沸水浴加热30min后,加碱中和,定容至100mL,离心,取上清液用DNS法测总糖(董晓燕,2003)。 2)取处理后淀粉溶液/水解液,8000r/min下离心15min,取上清液,利用生物传感分析仪测定上清液中葡萄糖的浓度。 3.3.5 糊化特性的影响 采用粘度计进行快速测定,用TCW软件分析。根据中华人民共和国粮食行业标准(2002)操作 规程 煤矿测量规程下载煤矿测量规程下载配电网检修规程下载地籍调查规程pdf稳定性研究规程下载 ,淀粉样品含水量为14%时,样品量为3.00g,蒸馏水25.00mL。具体加温过程如下:50?下保持1min,以12?/min的速度上升到95?(3.75min);95?下保持2.5min;以12?/min下降到50?(3.75min);50?下保持temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 2min。搅拌器初始10s内转速为960r/min,之后维持在160r/min 3.3.6 热力学特性的测定 用差示量热扫描法测量不同淀粉的热特性。具体方法:用样品铝盒称取约 4.0mg样品,按质量比为1:2的比例加入去离子水,密封后放置平衡4h,以空盒作为参比,30?加热扫描至100?,扫描速率为5?/min,样品室氮气流量为30mL/min。(赵凯,2004) 3.4 球磨处理淀粉的液化、糖化工艺 3.5 球磨处理淀粉酒精发酵 第四章 等离子体对酒精发酵的影响 3.1 等离子体处理对淀粉微观结构的影响 3.2 等离子体处理对淀粉理化性质的影响 3.3 等离子体处理淀粉的液化、糖化工艺 3.4 等离子体处理淀粉酒精发酵 第五章 球磨、等离子体复合技术对酒精发酵的影响 第六章 发酵过程耗能与经济性分析 to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffold safety technology gives the low-down on 4-2 construction construction construction organization name project name cards on the table before the one down the scaffolding of content security technology, team members have a clear division of labour, unified command, operation energies to concentrated, may not look around and joking, when not in the tool bag. • Wear personal protective equipment correctly, foot wear soft-soled shoes. Remove pick rack and other dangerous parts hanging belts. • Before dismantling scaffolding, around fences or warning signs, set up special care in transport routes and ban people entering. • Strict compliance with the removal order, from the top down, step, and no upper level jobs simultaneously. ? dismantle large Rails scaffolding, bridging, you should split the middle button, then remove both ends buckle, Shun down by operators in the Middle Poles shall not throw down. • Dismantling scaffolding, scaffold, steel pipe, fasteners, materials should go to the pass or use the rope hanging down, throw shall not be voted down, so as to avoid injury and unnecessary losses. ? removal process is best not to change horses in the Middle, such as the need for person, should be removed clearly. ? best not to interrupt the process of demolition, if absolutely necessary to interrupt the dismantled parts should be clearly come to an end, and check whether it will collapse, check the security before the intermission. ? scaffold dismantling after the material shall be classified and piled up stacked flat, under pads well drained. Steel is best placed indoor, stacked in the outdoors should be covered. Sporadic small fasteners, bolts and other components using clean diesel box, store room for reuse. ? deformation of steel elements should be straightened, damage repair and paint for reuse should scrap cannot be repaired. 11. auxiliary facilities: feeder channel should be set 1M high guard rail around, up and down ramps or stairs, are not allowed to climb the scaffolding up and down. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Artificial Dig-hole pile project technology gives the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-1 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas
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