首页 2011七年级下假期40天英语答案_北方妇女儿童出版社



2011七年级下假期40天英语答案_北方妇女儿童出版社《牛津初中英语》七年级暑假作业参考答案 The 1st Day 一、1. quickly 2. without 3. lose 4. second 5. Dream 6. southwest 7. won 8. through 9. thousand 10. matches 二、1 – 5 DDBBC 6 – 10 BCDBA 三、1. doesn’t do any 2. What is 3. don’t; you’ll 4. Take; on 5. How far 四、...

《牛津初中 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 》七年级暑假作业 参考答案 有机化学期末考试题统计学b答案数学分析3答案计算机必考试卷02新大家的日语参考答案 The 1st Day 一、1. quickly 2. without 3. lose 4. second 5. Dream 6. southwest 7. won 8. through 9. thousand 10. matches 二、1 – 5 DDBBC 6 – 10 BCDBA 三、1. doesn’t do any 2. What is 3. don’t; you’ll 4. Take; on 5. How far 四、1 – 5 ABCBD 6 – 10 ABCAA The 2nd Day 一、1. Walkmans 2. studying 3. ours; them 4. carefully 5. mice 6. sunny 7. visitors 8. joining 9. robbers 10. strong 二、1 – 5 BACDC 6 – 10 ACDBB 三、1. happily改为happy 2. much too改为too much 3. late前加be 4. play改为playing 5. to改为for 四、1. A tortoise can live up to 150 years. 2. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. 3. What a hard-working student he is! 4. Can you hear the children singing in the classroom? 5. The teacher asks / asked the students to keep away from fire. 五、1 – 5 ACDBD The 3rd Day 一、1. surprised 2. twentieth 3. knives 4. less 5. chatting 6. healthy 7. western 8. Children’s 9. paintings 10. knocking 二、1 – 5 DCBBA 6 – 10 BCCAC 三、1. couldn’t wait to call my mother 2. turn left at the first crossing 3. are friendly to children 4. looks modern; matches; very well 5. It takes about ten hours to take a train 6. we should take another route 7. needn’t / don’t need to / don’t have to get up very early 四、1. interesting 2. about 3. better 4. watch 5. too 6. find 7. only 8. busy 9. But 10. How The 4th Day 一、1. sick 2. thirsty 3. fingers 4. straight 5. until 6. missed 7.brushes 8. foggy 9. loaves 10. nearby 二、1 – 5 CCDDA 6 – 10 CDBCA 三、1 – 5 DACFE 四、1. one of the tallest boys 2. help each other 3. Why don’t you / not go to the Palace Museum 4. She didn’t leave until 5. a swimming pool in front of;at the same time 五、1. first 2. She even stays with a Chinese family for two days. 3. What do you think of Beijing?/How do you like Beijing? 4. Each of them 5. Yes, she does. The 5th Day 一、1. waiters 2. fortieth 3. shy 4. followed 5. millions 6. quiet 7. players 8. lives 9. exit 10. France 二、1 – 5 BBCAC 6 – 10 BACAD 三、1. Take; turning on 2. Don’t jump 3. None of 4. with; of 5. Why not 四、1. If she is busy working all day, she shouldn’t keep a dog. 2. We were surprised to hear the news. 3. My cousin has less pocket money than me. 4. It takes half an hour to drive to the nearest town. 5. The museum is north-west of our school. 五、1 – 5 BDCBC 6 – 10 CADCD The 6th Day 一、 1. third 2. had 3. himself 4. different 5. frightened 6. is going to rain 7. watching 8. to meet 9. join 10. is reading 二、1 – 5 DDDAC 6 – 10 CAABA 三、1. spends; reading 2. shares; with 3. How much; is 4. What’s; made of 5. What a beautiful dress 6. How far 7. don’t think we will 四、One possible version: Dear friends, I’m going to have a birthday party next Sunday. I’ll have the party in a restaurant called Sunshine Restaurant near Huaihai Road. To get to the restaurant, you need to take the No. 1 bus to Huaihai Road. Walk along Huaihai Road to the traffic lights. Then turn right and you’ll see the restaurant. I hope you will come. I’m looking forward to seeing you then. Li Ming The 7th Day 一、1. differences 2. journey 3. guide 4. fields 5. Noodles 6. Theatre 7. country 8. sharing 9. examples 10. exercising 二、1 – 5 BACCB 6 – 10 CBADC 三、1. on a bike 2. like; best 3. Which boy 4. instead of playing 5. takes; to walk 四、1. Who lives next to your home? 2. We are going to show you the works of art from the 1940s. 3. Mother asks me not to wear long boots in summer. 4. A garden is the best place to grow flowers. 5. Is the tie made of silk or cotton? 五、1. cleverest 2. think 3. talk 4. wants 5. child 6. sounds 7. understands 8. different 9. way 10. question The 8th Day 一、1. rainy 2. wooden 3. us 4. called 5. second 6. baths 7. easily 8. riding 9. really 10. put 二、1-5 CDAAC 6-10 DABAC 三、1. may know 2. cost him 3. How much 4. the way to 5. What/How about 四、1-4 ACDB The 9th Day 一、1. be 2. watch 3. her 4. leaves 5. sounds 6. interested 7. friendly 8. first 9. lying 10. colourful 二、1 – 5 CCBDA 6 – 10 BADDC 11 – 12 AB 三、1. important to walk the dog 2. came into the classroom; stopped talking 3. teach me to sing 4. to live in a house with three bathrooms 5. are going to have a farewell party 四、1 – 5 BDADA 6 – 10 BDCDD The 10th Day 一、1. Palace 2. underground 3. grows 4. routes 5. neck 6. upstairs 7. monitor 8. crossroads 9. afraid 10. tries 二、1 – 5 DBACB 6 – 10 DCDDB 三、1. turning on the right 2. how I can 3. Why should; work harder 4. Will; go 5. don’t think you should get any 四、1. The printer is between the computer and the lamp. 2. Suzhou is a good place to visit. 3. The robbers in police uniform are getting into the wooden house quickly. 4. I hope it won’t rain tomorrow. 5. Why don’t you play badminton with us? 6. It often rains here. We have to take an umbrella with us. 五、One possible version: The giraffe is one of the tallest animals in the world. It can be up to 5.5 metres tall. It has a small head. Its legs and neck are very long. It weighs about 800 kilograms, but it can run very fast. It only eats vegetables. It often eats leaves from the trees,too. It doesn’t have to drink water for months. It’s an amazing animal. The 11th Day 一、1. arrived 2. northwest 3. dislikes 4. through 5. watch 6. necessary 7. travelling 8. weight 9. problem 10. holding 二、1 – 5 ABBDC 6 – 10 ABDBA 三、1. looks / looked after / takes care of the babies 2. meet at the third crossing; shall we 3. thinks of others first 4. something strange in the sky 5. have a picnic with your friends 四、1 – 5 BDACC The 12th Day 一、1. usual 2. getting 3. itself 4. quietly 5. following 6. wrote 7. died 8. him 9. playing 10. stop 二、1 – 5 DAACD 6 – 10 ACADA 三、1. How pleasant 2. the same age as 3. heard from 4. may be 5. How often does 6. How did 四、1. You shouldn’t leave your pet alone at home for a long time. 2. You will get better grades if you tries / do your best. 3. He was surprised to see us on the street yesterday. 4. He has much money, but he has few friends. 5. Are you sure the old man can live up to one hundred years old? 五、1. wrote 2. interesting 3. When 4. clean 5. forks 6. eat 7. surprised 8. wrong 9. piece 10. laugh The 13th Day 一、1. feeds 2. weigh 3. else 4. won 5. dying 6. twelfth 7. corner 8. alone 9. ability 10. Thousands 二、1 – 5 DBCAD 6 – 10 DCADC 三、1. himself 2. careless 3. made 4. rush 5. noisily 6. visiting 7. interesting 8. grew 9. cross 10. wrote 四、1. We were surprised and puzzled. 2. 如果一个女士过了40岁,或者即便是她有了80岁,她总是过她39岁的生日。 3. twenties 4. They usually have their “real” birthday when they are below 20. The 14th Day 一、1. safety 2. sandwiches 3. worried 4. unhelpful 5. parents’ 6. forgot 7. careless 8. arrives 9. sitting 10. flew 二、1 – 5 DBDBC 6 – 10 DBABA 三、1. be afraid of; bites people 2. less time on my homework 3. change the water in the fish tank once a week 4. climb to the top of the mountain; failed 5. a good memory; knows a lot 四、1 – 5 BDDAA 6 – 10 BCCAB The 15th Day 一、1. frightens 2. neighbour’s 3. once 4. grateful 5. thinnest 6. pity 7. fell 8. appear 9. routes 10. repeat 二、1 – 5 DDBDA 6 – 10 CCACC 三、1. How much 2. old enough 3. shall we 4. shares; with 5. Don’t make 6. is different from 7. Is it necessary for me to study Japanese well? 8. She is not afraid to go out alone at night any more. 四、One possible version: My favourite pet is a dog. Its name is Sporty and it is two years old. Sporty has long, white fur and black paws. It has big eyes. It is (a little) fat and weighs about 3 kilograms. Usually it eats dog food, but it likes meat most and it likes drinking milk, too. It is very clever,friendly and quiet. I enjoy walking it in the park after dinner. I love it very much. The 16th Day 一、1. popular 2. enough 3. exchange 4. kitchen 5. music 6. Saturday 7. information 8. finish 9. juice 10. Frogs 二、1 – 5 BBADD 6 – 8 ACD 三、1. Can you teach me how to play the piano? 2. He likes sleeping with the windows open. 3. You spend less time studying than he. 4. Thank you for telling me about it. 5. Daniel chooses trainers because they are comfortable. 四、1. on 2. for 3. about 4. around 5. with 6. on/about 7. with 8. over 五、1-5 ADCDA 6-10 ABCDB The 17th Day 一、1. boring 2. change 3. hate 4. heard 5. because 6. hungry 7. crossing 8. price 9. teeth 10. waiting 二、1 – 5 DCABC 6 – 10 DBCAC 三、1. 70-years-old改为70-year-old 2. puts 改为put 3. it改为them 4. climb改为climbing 5. hear 改为hearing 6. better改为well 7. the other改为another 四、1. Amy wants to be a dancer when she grows up. 2. I can’t wait to show you around my new school. 3. It’s not difficult to teach a parrot to say “Good morning”. 4. Do you know what happened to him yesterday? 5. He would like to live in a 100-metre-tall building. 五、1 – 4 DBCD The 18th Day 一、1. walks 2. ourselves 3. meaning 4. sister’s 5. felt 6. really 7. tired 8. flying 9. food 10. shoppers 二、1 – 5 DACCD 6 – 10 BCDBC 三、1. have to cross the river 2. teach me to sing Beijing opera 3. stand up by himself 4. sleep with their eyes closed 5. leave the stove on 6. Reading books in the sun is 7. Most of the time 四、1 – 5 DCCDB 6 – 10 BAABD The 19th Day 一、1. tortoise 2. noisily 3. award 4. trouble 5. feathers 6. scientist 7. footbridge 8. fighting 9. match 10. entrance 二、1 – 5 BCCBC 6 – 10 AACCD 三、1. impolite 2. quickly 3. yourselves 4. activities 5. helping 6. to go 7. rains 8. to arrive 9. are cleaning 10. travelling 四、1. He was a doctor. 2. by boat / in a small boat. 3. fish and plants from the sea 4. hot, tired and quite ill, but he was still alive. 5. people could live on sea water and not die The 20th Day 一、1. snacks 2. Mine 3. drawer 4. twentieth 5. fell 6. likely 7. follow 8. pollution 9. collecting 10. better 二、1 – 5 DCADB 6 – 10 ABBAB 三、1. Don’t feed 2. an 18-metre-long 3. wasn’t able to 4. How often does 5. to take care of 四、1. My mother often asks me not to play computer games in the evening. 2. You may burn yourself if you aren’t careful with matches. 3. She isn’t afraid of snakes any more. 4. It took them over/more than six hours to put out the fire yesterday. Or: They spent over six hours putting out the fire yesterday. 5. It’s not polite to make much noise in the library. 五、One possible version: Dear sir, Best Youth Award for Lu Yi We would like to recommend Li Feng for this year’s Best Youth Award. Li Feng is very kind and helpful. He does everything carefully. Last Saturday, Li Feng saw a girl crying in a supermarket. When he knew that she couldn’t find her mother, he bought some chocolate and a teddy bear for her at once. Then he took the girl to her home with the policeman’s help, We’ll be very happy if he can get this award. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully Zhao Wei The 21st Day 一、1. capital 2. tricks 3. weighed 4. cashier 5. tooth 6. fond 7. lucky 8. own 9. goldfish 10. cartons 二、1 – 5 DCCAB 6 – 10 CBDAC 三、1. the; an 2. a; The 3. 不填; the 4. an; a 5. a; an 6. The; the 7. the; 不填 8. 不填; the 四、1. I’m excited to hear from my parents. 2. It’s necessary for the children to learn English well. 3. Thank you for looking after my dog. 4. It’s not polite to come in without knocking at the door. 5. They spent five hours putting out the fire. 五、1. places 2. usually 3. address 4. real 5. nobody 6. practice/practise 7. they 8. but 9. know 10. friends The 22nd Day 一、1. golden 2. quickly 3. noisy 4. earliest 5. fifth 6. dangerous 7. buildings 8.writing 9. cheerful 10. yourselves 二、1 – 5 BDDAC 6 – 8 BCD 三、1. What important information 2. How much; weigh 3. What did; do 4. instead of 5. does it take 四、1. It’s important to be careful with fire. 2. The 12-year-old boy is crazy about playing computer games. 3. The ninth student in the photo is the tallest. 4. The students didn’t stop talking until the teacher came in. 五、1 – 5 B A B C D The 23rd Day 一、1. cook 2. tennis 3. memory 4. polite 5. anywhere 6. while 7. worried 8. practicing 9. cleverest 10. searching 二、1 – 5 BBCDC 6 – 10 ABCBA 三、1. It takes about twenty minutes to get to the nearest town. 2. Mr. Wu and Neil are going to start a campfire. 3. Did you go to the Funny World Museum yesterday? 4. Anything could happen to her at that moment. 5. It is a very good friend but it is sometimes very lazy! 四、1. quietly改为quiet 2. pass改为past 3. open改为on 4. 把the去掉 5. will改为won’t 6. have改为be 7. none改为no 8. close改为closed 9. loafs改为loaves 10. join前加to 五、One possible version: I will never forget one thing in my life. One day in July, 2008, when I was going back home from school, I heard someone shouting, “Help, help”. I looked around and saw there was a little girl in the river. At that time, a young man ran over and jumped into the river. The little girl was saved. I think this young man is very brave. We should all learn from him. The 24th Day 一、1. newspapers 2. running 3. ninth 4. easily 5. none 6. laughing 7. hard-working 8. north 二、1 – 5 DCADB 6 – 8 BCD 三、1. There are some Walkmans in the shop. 2. What must 3. used; to make 4. Does; look 5. it is; for you to 四、1 – 5 DJAIF 6 – 10 BGCEH 五、1. We will go for a walk instead of going swimming. 2. This film isn’t as interesting as that one. 3. My father told me Beijing is the capital of China when I was young. 4. Li Ming is showing us around the Palace Museum. 5. Make sure the door and the window(s) are closed when you leave home. 六、One possible version: Dear Mr Sun, I would like to recommend Sandy for this year’s Best Singer. Sandy is a member of the Music Club in our school. She is good at singing and dancing. She can learn to sing a new song in a short time. She can sing very well. She keeps practising singing for two hours every day. Sandy is also friendly and cheerful. She works hard. She is thoughtful and she often organize our class activities. We all think that Sandy is the most suitable person to get the award. We hope to hear from you soon. Yours faithfully, Millie The 25th day 一、1. shelves 2. models 3. geography 4. burnt 5. lives 6. museum 7. least 8. ordered 二、1. to laugh 2. not to follow 3. to learn 4. made 5. shall; meet 三、1 – 5 CBCAC 6 – 8 BBC 四、1. yours; mine; theirs 2. your; his; We; our 3. her; Hers; his 4. theirs; their; ours 5. me; It; my 五、1 – 5 CBCAB  The 26th day 一、1. seat 2. elderly 3. stones 4. chips 5. happily 6. kicking 7. opposite 8. knocking 二、1. having 2. to get 3. began 4. walking 5. not to give 6. dancing; singing 7. doesn’t rain; will play 8. watching; swim 三、1 – 6 ADDABC 四、1. spends; on/buying 2. shall we 3. don’t think; is 4. How interesting 5. Is there anything 五、1. The children are raising money for Project Hope. 2. It takes about three hours to travel from Nanjing to Shanghai by train. 3. Did you hear from Tom yesterday? / Did you receive a letter from Tom yesterday? 4. There is less water in this glass than in that one. 5. Turn right at the second turning and you will see it on your left. 六、1 – 4 CCBA The 27th day 一、1. least 2. waiting 3. meaning 4. fiftieth 5. sitting 6. lying 7. printer 8. different 二、1. It’s改为Its 2. many改为much 3. town改为towns 4. Elephant改为An elephant 5. have改为with 四、1 – 5 BCDDB 五、1 – 5 GDAFC 六、1 – 5 ACBDB 6 – 10 ADCDB 三、(略) The 28th Day 一、1. at present/at the moment 2. need help with one’s homework 3. be north of … 4. turn left into the Park Road 5. stop to do sth. 6. the way to the railway station 7. be crazy about doing sth. 8. give one’s seat to others on a bus 9. know a lot about Chinese history 10. the cleverest animal of all 二、1. How many 2. How much 3. How much 4. How many 5. How much 三、1. scarves 2. second 3. live 4. following 5. well 6. stationery 7. learned 8. teeth 9. once 10. preparing 四、1 – 5 DCDAC 6 – 8 ADB 五、1. D改为next Sunday 2. B改为for 3. D改为fly a kite 4. D改为taxi 5. C改为may be 六、 1. talk to/with; all over; over/on 2. picture/vision 3. shop; home; phone 4. picture/vision phone 5. We can buy something in the shop without leaving home. ( 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 不唯一) The 29th Day 一、1. seasons 2. grows 3. with 4. along 5. Everybody/Everyone 6. robbers 7. closed 8. sunny 二、1 – 5 CDABC 6 – 8 BBD 三、1 – 5 GCFEA 四、1. nine hundred and sixty-eight 2. one thousand and thirty-four 3. twenty thousand, one hundred and fifty-seven 4. three hundred and forty thousand, eight hundred and seventy-eight 5. six million, eight hundred thousand and forty-nine 五、A) 1. crossing 2. safely 3. as 4. useful 5. stop 6. same 7. should 8. difficult 9. walking 10. young B) 1. Overhead bridges. 2. They should use an overhead bridge. 3. Because the old people may find it a little difficult to climb up and down the steps. 4. To make people cross roads safely and stop accidents from happening. The 30th Day 一、1. north 2. northwest 3. west 4. southwest 5. south 二、1. to have 2. to live 3. listening 4. Don’t read 5. to see 6. playing 7. Are; writing 8. To walk 三、1. first 2. second 3. third 4. fourth 5. fifth 6. sixth 7. seventh 8. eighth 9. ninth 10. tenth 11. twelfth 12. twentieth 13. twenty-first 14. fortieth 15. ninetieth 四、1 – 5 GCJAI 6 – 10 BDEFH 五、1. will have; tomorrow 2. didn’t; until 3. How slowly 4. Which boy 5. Did; hurt; or 六、BADAD The 31st Day 一、1 – 5 CDBBA 6 – 8 DCA 二、1. on 2. During/In 3. in; at 4. between 5. like 6. over 7. of; about 8. through 三、1. Teachers’ 2. amazing 3. rabbits 4. planning 5. garden 6. favourite 7. plate 8. saved 9. alone 10. called 四、1. are both 2. Where do; keep 3. How many; can 4. Did; give; any 5. instead of going 五、1. Simon hurt his leg(s) and he stayed in hospital for two months. 2. We must keep quiet in the library. 3. Do you know what happened to her just now? 4. Guilin is a good place to visit, but it often rains. 5. I don’t think she will come back tonight. 六、One possible version: Dear Principal, I’d like to recommend Peter for this year’s Best Student Award. Peter is a clever and cheerful boy. He is very thoughtful and can plan everything very well. He is also hard-working, so he is good at all his lessons. Peter is warm, friendly and helpful. When his classmates have trouble in their everyday studies and life, he often helps them. Besides, Peter likes sports. He is good at running and swimming. Everyone in our class thinks Peter is the most suitable person to get the award. We’ll be very happy if he can get it. Daniel Monitor of Class 1, Grade 7 The 32nd Day 一、1 – 5 CADBE 6 – 10 GJIFH 二、1. are改为is 2. hear改为hearing 3. our改为us 4. very改为much 5. 去掉to 三、1 – 5 ADBBA 6 – 8 BAB 四、1. quietly 2. himself 3. bookshelves 4. differences 5. interesting; interested 五、1. doesn’t belong to 2. How long did; take 3. you mustn’t/you can’t 4. can speak 5. how to solve 六、1. but 2. travel 3. school 4. information 5. back 6. above 7. more 8. study 9. stories 10. luck The 33rd Day 一、1. hospital 2. danger 3. stick 4. unhappy 5. organizing 二、1. lay 2. rains 3. will lose 4. travels 5. talking 6. dancing 7. will be 8. Is; having 9. himself 10. to learn 三、 1. C改为your 2. B改为cross 3. C改为open 4. B改为carefully 5. A改为anything unusual 四、1. We should give our seats to the old people on a bus. 2. She always thinks of others before herself. 3. My father likes watching goldfish swim around. 4. Can you tell me the
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