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综合英语第四册Unit 3 words and expressions


综合英语第四册Unit 3 words and expressionsnullWords and expressionsWords and expressionsUnit 3alienationalienation1. 离间, 疏远,(觉得周围环境与自己格格不入的)疏离感 Mental illness can create a sense of alienation from the real world.精神病能产生一种与现实世界脱离的感觉. 2. 让渡, 转让 3. 【医】精神错乱 4.【哲】异化 1. affective alienation 感情性精神错乱 2. sen...

综合英语第四册Unit 3  words and expressions
nullWords and expressionsWords and expressionsUnit 3alienationalienation1. 离间, 疏远,(觉得周围环境与自己格格不入的)疏离感 Mental illness can create a sense of alienation from the real world.精神病能产生一种与现实世界脱离的感觉. 2. 让渡, 转让 3. 【医】精神错乱 4.【哲】异化 1. affective alienation 感情性精神错乱 2. sense of alienation 失落感 forumforum(尤指讨论重大公共问题的)论坛,会议场所,讨论会 The organization would provide a forum where problems could be discussed. 这个组织将提供一个可以讨论问题的平台。 (古罗马城镇中讨论商业和政治问题的)广场 education forum 教育论坛 readers' forum 读者讲座, 读者论坛accessaccess进入(权);通道;入径 The facilities have been adapted to give access to wheelchair users. 这些设施已经改造过以方便轮椅使用者进入。 查阅(或使用)的机会(或权利) 接近(或面见)的机会(或权利) He was not allowed access to a lawyer.他未被获准见律师. 存取,访问(计算机信息) You've illegally accessed and misused confidential security files. 你已经非法访问并盗用了机密的安全文件。accessaccessa man of easy access 易于接近的人, 平易近人的人 How can you access yourself? 你如何评价你自己? be difficult of access 难以进去(或接近) in an access of fury勃然大怒 have access to 有进入。。。的权力 I have access to his office. 我可以进出他的办公室。modalmodal1. 方式上的; 外形的; 形态上的; 模态的 2. 形式上的; 最常见的, 典型的, 出现频率最高的 3.<语法>情态动词 The results confirmed his hypothesis [haiˈpɔθisis] on the use of modal verbs. 结果证实了他的关于情态动词用法的假设.potentialpotentialAdj.潜在的;可能的 The firm has identified 60 potential customers at home and abroad... 该公司已在国内外找到60个潜在客户。 N.潜力;潜质 The boy has great potential... 这个男孩非常有潜质。 N.可能性;潜在性 The meeting has the potential to be a watershed event... 这次会议有可能成为具有转折性的事件。potentialpotential boundless potential 无穷的潜力 take advantage of the potential 发挥潜力 tap the potential 挖掘潜力 Knowledge is only potential power. 知识只不过是“潜在的”力 量而已.globalizationglobalizationn.全球化,全球性 Look at Africa from the Angle of Globalization. 从全球化视角看非洲. Influence of Globalization on Overseas Chinese Culture Education. 全球化对海外华文教育的影响. Economic Globalization 经济全球化 dramaticallydramaticallyadv.戏剧性地,引人注目地,显著地。 This simple truth was demonstrated rather dramatically during a civil defense exercise in a small town in Canada. 这个简单的事实在加拿大一个小镇的一次民防演习中颇为戏剧性地展示出来。 your performance will improve dramatically. 你的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演将会有显著的提高。fragmentationfragmentation1.分裂,破碎 rock fragmentation 岩石破碎 Should I decrease the amount of fragmentation and interruption in my work? 我是否应该减少工作的破碎性和干扰因素? 2. 裂成碎片; 破碎 3.爆炸, (炮弹等的)碎片 4.行为错乱; 正常思想和行动的崩溃alienatealienate使疏远;使不友好 The government cannot afford to alienate either group. 疏远两个团体中的任何一方都是政府承受不起的。 Don't alienate yourself from the masses. 不要脱离群众。 (感情上、思想上)使疏远,离间 His attempts to alienate the two friends failed because they had complete faith. 他离间那两个朋友的企图失败了,因为他们彼此完全信任。 alienate oneself from the people 自绝于人民 alcoholicalcoholicN.酗酒者;嗜酒如命的人 He showed great courage by admitting that he is an alcoholic. 他以极大的勇气承认自己酗酒。 Adj.酒精的;含酒精的 Prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages. 禁止出售含酒精的饮料。 alcoholic intoxication [inˌtɔksiˈkeiʃən] 酒精中毒addictedaddicted(吸毒)成瘾的,上瘾的 After about three months, I was no longer addicted to nicotine. 大约3个月后,我就不再对尼古丁上瘾了。 入迷的;着迷的 I went through about four years of being addicted to video games... 我大约有4年时间沉迷在电子游戏中。 be addicted to sth/doing sth 嗜好, 热中… she is addicted to chocolate。她嗜吃巧克力moderatemoderateAdj.中等的;普通的;适度的;适量的 While a moderate amount of stress can be beneficial, too much stress can exhaust you. 适度的压力是有好处的,但是压力太大会把人压垮。 A moderate price. 适度的价格 Adj.(政治观点或政策)温和的,不激进的 Both countries have called for a moderate approach to the use of force. 两国都呼吁不要滥用武力。 Adj.(人或团体)温和的,稳健的 the moderate wing of the army.军队中的稳健派moderatemoderateAdj.形容词(变化)不大的,有限的 Most drugs offer either no real improvement or, at best, only moderate improvements. 大多数药物要么不能使病情真正好转,要么最多只能带来轻微的改善。 V.(使)缓和;(使)减轻;(使)减弱;节制 Amongst relief workers, the immediate sense of crisis has moderated somewhat... 救援人员的紧迫危机感已经有所减弱。 exaggerationexaggeration1. 夸大[张] John is rather given to exaggeration. 约翰很喜欢夸张。 There was a smack of exaggeration in his story. 他讲的情况有点夸张。 2. (艺术等的)夸张手法 3. 夸张的语言[比喻]skewskewv. 影响…的准确性;歪曲;扭曲 Today's election will skew the results in favor of the northern end of the county. 今天的选举将使结果有利于这个郡的北部地区。 adj.斜的,歪的;[数学] 不对称的;[统计学] 歪斜,扭曲 The picture is a bit skew. 这幅画有点歪. bingebingeN.放纵;无节制;饮酒作乐 She went on occasional drinking binges. 她偶尔会狂饮一通。 a shopping binge 抢购 They went on a binge last night.他们昨晚饮酒作乐去了。 V.放纵;不加节制 I haven't binged since 1986... 1986年以来我就没有纵情狂欢过。 I binged on pizzas or milkshakes. 我猛吃了一通比萨或奶昔。depressdepressV. 使抑郁;使沮丧;使消沉 I must admit the state of the country depresses me... 我必须承认国家的现状让我倍感沮丧。 V. 降低;减少;压缩 The stronger U.S. dollar depressed sales. 美元走强导致销售额下降。 depress domestic demand 压缩国内需求 depresseddepressedAdj. 抑郁的;沮丧的;消沉的 He seemed somewhat depressed。他似乎有些抑郁。 Adj. 萧条的;不景气的 The construction industry is no longer as depressed as it was. 建筑业不再像以往那样萧条了。 凹陷的;低陷的 Acupressure is manual pressure applied to a specific slightly depressed point on the body. 指压按摩是用手按压人体某个轻微凹陷的穴位。simulatesimulate模仿;模拟;仿造 The wood had been painted to simulate stone... 木头上刷了漆以看起来像块石头。 假装;冒充;装作 to simulate an interest 装作感兴趣 仿真;模拟 Now you can simulate the city life on your mobile! 在这个游戏中你进入了模拟城镇,并且是这个城市的市长!simulatedsimulatedadj.假装的;冒充的;仿造的;模仿的 Cars are tested to see how much damage they suffer in simulated crashes. 已经对车辆进行了测试以确定其在模拟撞车试验中会遭受多大的损坏。 under simulated combat conditions. 在模拟的战争情况下。 She showed simulated enthusiasm towards us. 她向我们表示了虚假的热情。fosterfoster促进;鼓励;培养 He said that developed countries had a responsibility to foster global economic growth to help new democracies. 他说,发达国家有责任促进全球经济增长,以帮助新兴民主国家。 寄养;代养 She has found happiness by fostering more than 100 children. 她代养了 100 多个孩子,并从中得到快乐。 Adj. 寄养的;代养的 The foster mother was a wonderful, warm person. 寄养母是一个很不错的热心人。cyberspacecyberspacen.(电子计算机创造的)通讯、信息空间 A world beneath what we call cyberspace. 那是一个我们称之为电脑空间掩盖之下的世界。 Will the Next Terrorist Attack Be Delivered Via Cyberspace? 恐怖分子会通过电脑空间发动袭击吗? The thing about cyberspace is that everything is the same distance away, no further than your computer screen. 在电脑空间里,所有东西离你都是一样的距离,不会比到你的计算机屏幕的距离更远的。surfsurfV.(在因特网上)冲浪,漫游,浏览 No one knows how many people currently surf the Net. 没人知道现在有多少人在网上冲浪。 N.激浪;拍岸浪花 surf rolling onto white sand beaches. 涌上白色沙滩的激浪 N. 冲浪 I'm going to buy a surfboard and learn to surf... 我要买个冲浪板学习冲浪。perceiveperceive动词注意到,察觉,意识到(尤指不明显之物) A key task is to get pupils to perceive for themselves the relationship between success and effort... 关键任务是让学生们自己认识到成功和努力之间的关系。 I plainly perceive some objections remain. 我清楚地察觉到还有一些反对意见。 动词看作;视为;认为 Stress is widely perceived as contributing to coronary heart disease... 压力被广泛认为是导致冠心病的一个因素。gratificationgratificationn.满足;满意;喜悦;使人满意之事 seek momentary gratification 图一时的痛快 It is a gratification to know that... 得知。。。实在是让人欣喜的事 It is a gratification to know that you have passed TEM4. To one’s gratification. 令人感到满意的是。 To my immense gratification, he fell into the trap. 令我极为满意的是,他中了圈套。converseconverseN.相反的声明;相反的话;相反的言论 What you do for a living is critical to where you settle and how you live — and the converse is also true. 一个人的谋生手段对于其居住地的选择和生活方式来说有着至关重要的影响,反之亦然。 converse theorem 逆定理 I hold the converse opinion. 我持相反意见。 V.相互动词(与…)交谈;(和…)说话 They were conversing in German, their only common language. 他们正用德语交谈,这是他们唯一的共同语言。oysteroyster世界是属于…的;尽可做想做之事(或去想去之处) You're young, you've got a lot of opportunity. The world is your oyster. 你还年轻,机会有的是。世界是属于你的。 牡蛎;蚝 He had two dozen oysters and enjoyed every one of them. 他吃了两打牡蛎,每一只都吃得津津有味。 The end The end Thank you !
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