首页 年产10万吨柠檬酸厂糖化,发酵车间的设计



年产10万吨柠檬酸厂糖化,发酵车间的设计年产10万吨柠檬酸厂糖化,发酵车间的设计 摘 要 本设计采用薯干原料发酵,只需将薯干磨成粉,加水调浆,直接加入少量-淀粉酶液化后灭菌、冷却即可接种发酵。制备柠檬酸一般采用晒干的薯干作为原料。其中薯干含水10%-15%、淀粉70%左右、蛋白质6%左右。薯干原料中的蛋白质可作为氮源供菌体生长。薯干 ... 摘  要 本设计采用薯干原料发酵,只需将薯干磨成粉,加水调浆,直接加入少量α-淀粉酶液化后灭菌、冷却即可接种发酵。制备柠檬酸一般采用晒干的薯干作为原料。其中薯干含水10%-15%、淀粉...

年产10万吨柠檬酸厂糖化,发酵车间的设计 摘 要 本设计采用薯干原料发酵,只需将薯干磨成粉,加水调浆,直接加入少量-淀粉酶液化后灭菌、冷却即可接种发酵。制备柠檬酸一般采用晒干的薯干作为原料。其中薯干含水10%-15%、淀粉70%左右、蛋白质6%左右。薯干原料中的蛋白质可作为氮源供菌体生长。薯干 ...

摘  要
关键词:薯干 深层好氧发酵 黑曲霉 柠檬酸 设备设计和选型

Annual output of 100,000 tons citric acid plant saccharification fermentation,fermentation plant design
The design of raw materials used potato fermentation, simply potato mills, water-paste, adding a small amount of direct α-amylase liquefaction, sterilization, cooling, fermentation can be vaccinated. Preparation of citric acid normally used as raw materials dried potato.  Potato moisture content of 10% to 15%, about 70 percent of starch, protein about 6 percent.  Potato raw materials in the protein can be used as source of nitrogen for cell growth.  Potato raw materials containing iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium of inorganic salt, optional black Aspergillus niger C0527 is not sensitive to these ingredients, it need not do any pretreatment of the raw materials.    The design of a good gas liquids deep fermentation, dry calcium citrate extraction technology production. The two methods are more popular domestic production methods, has a great deal of practical experience, easy to operate, the risk small. As the design for the saccharification and fermentation workshop the design, the two workshops focused on the process, the selection of equipment. Through the whole plant material balance, energy balance workshop, identified glycosylation, fermentation workshop major equipment fermenter, seed tanks, pipelines and workshops in the design and selection. And the whole plant and facility layout.
The design also includes Fermentor, The factory plan, Shop floor plan, Flow Chart.
Key words: Potato  Deep-seated aerobic fermentation  Aspergillus niger    Citric acid         Equipment Design and Selection


摘    要                        
近年来,突发事件频繁发生,给众多企业带来了不同程度的经济损失,这使得企业不得不对突发事件采取相应的应急管理。在突发事件情境下, 有效的应急管理应充分利用一切可能的力量, 迅速控制危机的发展, 使损失降低到最小程度。本文构建了以预防、应急准备、应急响应、恢复与处理为内容的, 面向决策层、职能管理层、执行管理层、操作层的应急管理程序, 并针对应急管理中的重要因素(应急资源)进行了概述,分析了应急资源管理中存在的问题及其解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,从而实现了有效的应急管理目的, 为企业摆脱困境、实现可持续发展提供了借鉴。本文还以诺基亚为例,分析了诺基亚有效地应急管理的运行程序。

关键词    企业应急管理/突发事件/应急物资管理

In recent years, the incidents occurred frequently, bring different degree of economic loss to many enterprises, which makes the enterprises have to adopt corresponding emergency management. In emergency situations, the effective emergency management should make full use of all possible strength, and control the crisis’s development rapidly, in order to make the loss to the minimum. The paper constructs the emergency management program with content of prevention、emergency preparedness、 emergency response and recovery, for decision-making、executive management、 implementation management functions, and operational level. And the article summarize the important factors for emergency management (emergency supplies), analyze the problems existing in the emergency supplies management and its solution, and provides reference for solving the dilemma and realizing the sustainable development of enterprises, thus realizing the purpose of effective emergency management. This article makes Nokia for example, and analysis the effective emergency management of Nokia's operating procedures.
英文摘要    Ⅱ
1  引言    1
2  突发事件与企业应急管理概述    3
2.1 突发事件的含义和分类    3
2.2  应急管理概念及相关概念    4
2.2.1  企业应急管理    4
2.2.2  风险管理    5
2.2.3  危机管理    5
2.2.4  企业应急管理、风险管理、危机管理的比较    6
3  突发事件下应急管理的运行机制    6
3.1  突发事件下的应急管理    6
3.2  有效应急管理的运行程序    7
4  应急资源管理    10
4.1  应急资源管理概念    10
4.2  应急资源管理的重要性    10
4.3  目前企业应急资源管理的主要问题    12
4.4  应急资源管理的优化    12
5  典型案例分析——诺基亚案例    14
5.1  公司简介    14
5.2  诺基亚应急管理的运行程序    16
5.3  诺基亚案例的评析    17
结束语    19
致  谢    20
参考文献    21


摘    要

【关键词】电子商务  网络保险业  经营模式

With the coming of the age of “economic knowledge”, Internet covers the whole world rapidly. The rapid development of E-commerce influences the economy and society of our country greatly. At present, E-commerce and insurance business in China are still in their initial stages. How to develop Internet insurance in our country’s insurance industry has become the central issue of academic and practical fields, and influences the healthy development of our country’s insurance industry. The paper analyzes the status of the network insurance industry and expounds the shortcomings of China's Internet insurance, and then introduces the successful marketing model of German Allian’s Internet insurance from major business models of Internet insurance. This paper explores the successful business model of Internet insurance, based on the study of the successful case studies of the Germany Security Alliance Insurance Group. From the above-mentioned, China should develop its own way to promote Internet insurance suitable to China’s situation based on the successful experience abroad and the current situation in China.

【Key Words】E-business ; Internet Insurance ; Business model

目  录     字
1 导言    2
1.1 选题目的和意义    2
1.2国内外的研究状况及发展趋势    2
1.3 本文观点    4
2 保险业电子商务化的现状分析    4
2.1 网络保险的定义    4
2.2 网络保险业发展的优势    4
2.3 保险电子商务化的主要商业模式    6
3安联保险集团的网络营销分析    7
3.1 安联保险集团简介    7
3.2 安联保险业务电子化后的流程分析    8
3.3 安联集团外部客户服务系统分析    11
3.4 安联集团内部事务管理系统分析    12
4 安联保险集团网络方案的实现    13
4.1 安联集团网络拓扑结构的应用    13
4.2 安联集团实现网络营销的硬件选择    13
4.3 安联集团实现网络营销的软件选择    14

5 安联保险集团网络化的应用    15
5.1 网络化分公司及营销服务部与代理人之间的应用    15
5.2 网络化分公司和营销服务部与投保人之间的网络应用    16
6 总结和展望    17
参考文献    18
致谢    19

企业内部会计控制是内部控制的重要组成部分,对加强会计监督、提高会计信息质量,提高管理效率具有重要作用。内部会计控制制度的建立是为企业严格执行国家财经法律法规和 规章制度 食品安全规章制度下载关于安全生产规章制度关于行政管理规章制度保证食品安全的规章制度范本关于公司规章制度 提供制度保证,是保护企业资产安全和完整,促进企业经营管理水平和会计信息质量提高的需要。直接关系到企业生产经营决策的科学性和有效性,影响着国家宏观经济决策。因此,必须建立有效的制度,加强监管,防范企业经营风险,提高经济效益,实现经营目标。

Enterprise interior accountant controls is the internal control important constituent, to strengthens accountant to supervise, to improve the accounting information quality, enhances the management
efficiency to have the vital role. Internal accountant controls the system the establishment is provides the system for the enterprise strict execution country finance and economics law laws and regulations and the rules and regulations to guarantee that, is protects the enterprise property security and the integrity, the need which the promotion enterprise management management level and the accounting information quality enhances. Relates directly to the enterprise produces the management decision-making the scientific nature and the validity, is affecting the national macroscopic economical decision-making. Therefore, must establish the effective system, strengthens supervising and managing, the guard enterprise manages the risk, enhances the economic efficiency, the realization management goal.

Due to the openness of finance industry to foreign countries and our loose control of it, commercial banks are confronted with more competition and pressure. It is time for the commercial banks in China to improve its servicing and customer management to which they used to attach little importance. Based on the characteristics of our commercial banks, the essay makes a research and analysis of the application of customer management.
Starting with the concept of customer management, the essay talks about its theoretical foundation, analyses its application in commercial banks at home and abroad, and generalizes its weak points in practice. The essay, according to the analysis model of customer relationship, puts forward suggestions on how to deal with mismanagement of this relationship. Furthermore, the author attempts to prove that the application of customer management is a vital way to enhancing banks’ core competitiveness.

Key words: customer management, commercial banks, research
这一系列事项,都需要基于对客户的了解和分析以及开展相应的针对性活动方能得到圆满的解决。也就是要进行客户关系管理( Customer Relationship Management,以下简称客户关系管理),将各类人员而不仅仅是管理的日常经营决策建立在对客户研究的数据信息之上。

目    录   字
第一章  绪论1

§1.4 客户管理的内涵和理论基础理论2
第二章  客户关系管理在国内外银行业中的应用情况分析9
第三章  客户关系管理实施中存在的不足19
第四章  商业银行客户关系管理:分析模型的建立25
第五章 推行客户关系管理,提高银行核心竞争力34
         § 5.2.2 建立TCSS整体客户满意度管理体系,积极维护客户关系47
第六章 总结与展望60

摘  要

Survival and development of small and medium-sized enterprises of Analysis
At present China has more than 8 million small and medium enterprises, accounting for the 99% of the total number of enterprises, SMES in the country's moderate economic growth and ease employment pressure, promoting technological innovation, to promote the development of the national economy and maintaining social stability, and played an important role. It can be said that without the development of SMEs, it is impossible to reform and the opening up of China's economic development miracle. Thus, the issues of small and medium enterprises in recent years in China’s theoretical and practical departments have also begun to be unprecedented concern, but still is only the beginning of exploration.
Analysis of this paper is a typical characteristics of the enterprises small and medium enterprises to carry out specific surveys and studies, they pointed out the existing problems, and use of survival and development of SMEs in a number of theories related to the interpretation, and the corporate life cycle theory As the basis, SWOT analysis as a means of a real case study and research, and get some inspiration and organise to make some recommendations on the feasibility of small and medium enterprises, and through the actual data to be proved, for some of the Small businesses may provide some help.

Key words: Small and Medium sized enterprises,SWOT Analysis,Business life
           cycle model,Analysis of the Enterprise Management

目  录    字
任务书    I
摘  要    II
第1章 企业介绍    1

1.1  企业简介    1
1.2  企业的技术构成    1
1.3  企业的人员构成    1
1.4  企业的生产基础    2
第2章  中小企业相关理论文献综述    3
2.1  中小企业的定义    3
2.2  中小企业在我国经济发展中的地位和作用    4
   2.2.1中小企业是国家经济的重要组成部分    4
   2.2.2中小企业是缓解我国就业压力的主要依靠    4
   2.2.3中小企业是对外贸易的主力军    4
   2.2.4中小企业是大企业发展的重要依托    4
2.3  中小企业的组成及优劣势    5
   2.3.1我国中小企业的组成    5
   2.3.2我国中小型企业的优势    5
   2.3.3我国中小型企业的劣势    6
2.4  理论的解读    6
   2.4.1麦迪思的企业生命周期模型—古典模型    6
   2.4.2综合型激励理论    7
   2.4.3 SWOT分析    8
第3章 企业分析    9
3.1 公司的发展    9
   3.1.1产品及市场    9
   3.1.2公司的战略及其提议    11
3.2  公司组织和管理    14
   3.2.1 基本政策    14
   3.2.2管理结构    14
   3.2.3管理问题    14
3.3  人事管理    15
   3.3.1人事任用原则    15
   3.3.2人事管理的问题    15
结   束   语    18
参考文献    19
致 谢    20

摘    要
论文从分析绩效管理系统开始,引申到绩效管理中的一个核心环节——绩效考核。在综述了国内外绩效考核的研究发展现状和分析了相关理论的基础上,阐述了绩效考核的内涵与理论依据,论文总结了目前常用的绩效考核标准,以及常见的绩效管理模式,分析了各种不同管理模式的特点和利弊。其次,木文讨论了新劳动 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 法对企业人力资源绩效管理的影响,以及企业面对新 劳动合同 劳动合同书模板免费下载企业劳动合同范本下载劳动合同 doc 下载劳动合同法下载劳动合同模板可下载 法人力资源绩效管理方法的变动与实施。


The performance inspection is an important link and core content of Human Resource Management. How to evaluate the performance of staff objectivity, rightly and faithfully, is an important problem for the performance management of human resources. Researching and designing of the performance inspection system and mode for these enterprises, thus it can promote the enterprise human resources management level, promote the overall management level of enterprises and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. It is an important practical significance of the modern enterprises.
Papers began of the analysis of performance management systems, and extended to a core part of performance management - performance appraisal. At speaking comprehensively at home and abroad in the research and the development and analysis of the performance inspection, tell the content and theoretical of performance inspection, the paper summed up the performance inspection standards commonly and common mode of performance management, analysis various of characteristics and advantages and disadvantages of management models. Secondly, this paper discuss of a new labor contract law on corporate human resources performance management, and corporate face the human resources performance management changes and implementation of the new labor contract law.

Key words: Performance Management, the new labor contract law, the performance inspection.

本文主要讨论绩效管理的理论与方法,着重介绍了绩效考核的标准,以及新劳动合同法对中国企业绩效管理的影响。在新劳动合同法下,企业绩效管理的新方法研究与应用。通过这些研究促进企业形成科学、 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 、有效的绩效管理体系。


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