首页 湘莲蛋白质的提取及其功能性质研究



湘莲蛋白质的提取及其功能性质研究湘莲蛋白质的提取及其功能性质研究 摘 要:以湘莲为原料,采用超声波辅助盐法提取湘莲蛋白质,用透析袋分离盐分,再通过冷冻干燥制备蛋白质粉。试验证明,超声波辅助盐法提取湘莲蛋白质的优化工艺为:料液比(V/W)1:20,温度40℃,提取时间2h,NaCl浓度0.6%,超声波处理时间20min,湘莲蛋白质 ... 摘 要:以湘莲为原料,采用超声波辅助盐法提取湘莲蛋白质,用透析袋分离盐分,再通过冷冻干燥制备蛋白质粉。试验证明,超声波辅助盐法提取湘莲蛋白质的优化工艺为:料液比(V/W)1:20,温度40℃,提取时间2h...

湘莲蛋白质的提取及其功能性质研究 摘 要:以湘莲为原料,采用超声波辅助盐法提取湘莲蛋白质,用透析袋分离盐分,再通过冷冻干燥制备蛋白质粉。试验证明,超声波辅助盐法提取湘莲蛋白质的优化工艺为:料液比(V/W)1:20,温度40℃,提取时间2h,NaCl浓度0.6%,超声波处理时间20min,湘莲蛋白质 ...

摘 要:以湘莲为原料,采用超声波辅助盐法提取湘莲蛋白质,用透析袋分离盐分,再通过冷冻干燥制备蛋白质粉。试验证明,超声波辅助盐法提取湘莲蛋白质的优化工艺为:料液比(V/W)1:20,温度40℃,提取时间2h,NaCl浓度0.6%,超声波处理时间20min,湘莲蛋白质提取率为54.25%。本文研究了超声波辅助盐法提取湘莲蛋白质的持水性、持油性、乳化性及乳化稳定性、发泡性及发泡稳定性。

Studies on Extraction, Purification and Functional Properties of Xiang-Lian Protein
Abstract: To XiangLian as raw material, using ultrasonic auxiliary salt law XiangLian protein extracted with dialysis bag of separation, salt, again through freeze-drying preparation of protein. Test proof, ultrasonic auxiliary salt law XiangLian protein extracted liquid materials for: optimization technology than (V/W) ℃, the temperature 40 1:20, extracting time 2h, NaCl concentration 0.6 percent, ultrasonic 20min XiangLian protein processing time, 54.25% extraction rate. This paper studies the method of ultrasonic extraction auxiliary salt XiangLian protein hold water, the oily, emulsification and emulsion stability, foamability and foam stability.
Keywords: XiangLian; Lotus seed; Ultrasonic; Protein; Salt law


① 汽车是由多个要素(子系统及连接零件)组成的整体,每个要素对整体的行为有影响;
② 组成汽车的各要素对整体行为的影响不是独立的;
③ 汽车的行为不是组成它的任何要素所能具有的。
系统论所揭示的系统整体性和系统功能的等级性必然会映射到设计任务中来、用整体性来解释汽车设计的终极目标是整车性能的综合优化,道理是十分显然的、汽车设计任务的等级形态表现为:上位设计任务是确定下位设计任务要实现的目标,下位设计是实现上位设计功能的手段、上、下位体系可从总体设计逐级分至零件设计,总体设计无疑处于这种体系的最上位,设计子系统的全部活动必须在总体设计构建的框架内进行、子系统设计固然重要,但统揽全局、设计子系统组合和相互作用体系规则的总体设计对汽车的性能和质量的影响更加广泛、更为深刻。(毕业设计网 )
1.1 整车总布置设计的任务
(1) 从技术先进性、生产合理性和使用要求出发,正确选择性能指标、质量和主要尺寸参数,提出总体设计 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,为各部件设计提供整车参数和设计要求;
(2) 对各部件进行合理布置和运动校核;
(3) 对整车性能进行计算和控制,保证汽车主要性能指标实现;
(4) 协调好整车与总成之间的匹配关系,配合总成完成布置设计,使整车的性能、可靠性达到设计要求。
1.2 设计原则、目标
(1) 汽车的选型应根据汽车型谱、市场需求、产品的技术发展趋势和企业的产品发展规划进行。
    (4)涉及应遵守有关 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 、法规、法律,不得侵犯他人专利。
(2)总体方案设计:根据所选定的目标及对开发目标制定的工作方针、设计原则等主导思想提出整车设想,即概念设计(concept design)或构思设计。
(5) 编写设计任务书;
(6) 汽车总布置设计;
(7) 总成设计;
(8) 试制、试验、定型。

1.    概述    1
1.1 整车总布置设计的任务    2
1.2 设计原则、目标    2
1.3汽车设计过程    3
2. 整车型式的选择    3
2.1发动机的种类和型式    4
2.2汽车的轴数和驱动型式    4
2.4轮胎的选择    5
3.汽车主要参数的选择    6
3.1主要尺寸参数的选择    7
3.2整车质量参数估算    9
3.3主要性能参数的选择    14
4.发动机选型    19
4.1发动机基本形式的选择    19
4.2主要性能指标的选择    21
4.3传动系参数的选择    23
5.总布置图的绘制    25
5.1发动机及传动系的布置    26
5.2车头、驾驶室的布置    26
5.3动轴的布置    27
5.4悬架的布置    27
5.5车架总成外形及其横梁的布置    28
5.6转向系的布置    29
5.7制动系统的布置    30
5.8进、排气系统的布置    30
5.9操纵系统的布置    31
5.10车箱的布置    32
6. 运动校核    32
6.1 转向轮跳动图    32
6.2 传动轴跳动图    34
6.4 转向拉杆与悬架导向机构运动协调    35


摘  要
近年来,我国中小发展迅速,在国民经济中的地位越来越重要。但随着经济全球化、信息化的发展,市场竞争日趋激烈,中小生存与发展面临着严峻的挑战,传统的管理 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 难以适应全球化的竞争和严峻的市场变化。业务流程再造是就是一种能够提高企业的竞争力、生存能力和发展能力的现代管理思想和方法。
首先,深入企业调研,进行访谈和研究,总结企业在运行管理中出现的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。对问题进行重要性分析,结合企业SWOT分析,得出企业通过业务流程再造来解决现存问题的需求。

In recent years, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have made rapid progress and become more and more important in the national economy. However, with the economic globalization and the development of information technology, the market competition is increasingly fierce, and SMEs is faced with severe challenges. Traditional management methods can not adapt to the global competition and severe market change. Business process reengineering (BPR) is a kind of modern management ideas and methods, which can improve the enterprises’ competitiveness, viability and development capabilities. 
The Auto parts industry is an important component of automobile industry, and the development of Auto parts industry has a great effect on the development of the whole automobile industry. China's auto parts business as a representative of SMEs, is entering a peak period of rapid development. This paper takes the e the CALY as an example to do research and application BPR.
Firstly, we find out problems of operation management after making interviews and research in the CALY. Then we analyze the importance of the problems, and we find the demand of using BPR to solve the existing problems through the SWOT Analysis.
Secondly, the BPR framework of Auto Parts enterprises is analyzed. Combining with the actual situation, we find the important processes of BPR are the production processes, procurement processes and quality control processes.  Braced on ESIA rules, we do process analysis and excogitate the planning program after the reengineering of important processes. Simultaneously, we reconstruct a new organizational structure and get the planning program of the optimized organizational structure. Then, The old and new processes, the old and new organizational structure are comparably evaluated.
 Finally, the implementation of BPR is researched and analyzed, and recommendations are concluded for the CALY to implement BPR.

Key word: BPR, Business process reengineering, Reconstruction of organizational structure
3.1.2    调研方法    9
3.2    调研结果及问题列举    9
3.3    企业实施业务流程再造的需求分析    11
3.3.1    问题重要性分析    11
3.3.2    企业SWOT分析    12
4    企业业务流程再造方案设计    15
4.1    企业业务流程框架设计    15
4.1.1    业务流程框架的基本理论    15
4.1.2    标杆瞄准:一汽大众    15
4.1.3    汽车零配件企业业务流程框架设计    16
4.2    企业主要工作流程再造    17
4.2.1    基于价值链的流程分析确定主要工作流程    17
4.2.2    生产流程再造    20
4.2.3    采购流程再造    23
4.2.4    质量管理流程再造    26
4.3    企业组织结构再造    29
4.3.1    企业总组织结构再造    30
4.3.2    再造后四大部门内部组织结构图和职能职责规划    31
4.4    设计方案的对比与评价    34
4.4.1    流程规划方案的量化评价    34
4.4.2    组织结构规划方案的模糊综合评价    36
5    业务流程再造的实施研究    37
5.1    中小企业业务流程再造实施研究    37
5.1.1    中小企业业务流程的现状分析    37
5.1.2    中小企业在实施BPR项目过程中常遇到的困难分析    38
5.2    针对该企业提出业务流程再造的建议    39
5.2.1    该企业业务流程再造实施的注意点    39
5.2.2    该企业业务流程再造实施的步骤    42
6    结论    44
致谢    45
参考文献    46

摘 要:本论文选择除草剂卞嘧磺隆为对象。采用大田试验方法和液相色谱检测,得出分析方法添加回收率,添加浓度在0.05mg/kg~0.1mg/kg时,田水回收率在88.1%~95.7%之间,田土回收率在89.8%~92.1%之间, 稻壳回收率在89.9%~94.3%之间,植株回收率在85.3%~87.2%之间。方法最小检出量是4.0×10-11g。对苄嘧磺隆的降解动态进行试验,长沙 杭州两地的试验结果表明:①残留消解半衰期,植株为3.0—3.5 d,田水为6.8~8.1 d,土壤为8.6—10.1 d。苄嘧磺隆的残留在稻田、水、土壤、植株的残留量都小于0.02 mg∥kg.     
关键词:除草剂;苄嘧磺隆;添加法;最小检出量; 残留量

The dynamic research about degradation of Bensulfuron methyl on the rich field
Abstract: Bensulflon-methyl ,which was select the paper herbicide targeted.. through the improvent methods , a rapid method has been developde for the determination of accetochor and bhtachlor in bensulfuron methyl and the linear range is from 0.01mg/L to 0.05mg/L.The Recoveries of Acetochor in field of water range from 88.1%-95.7% . And the recoveries of Acetochor in rich field 89.8%-92.1% , such as rice hush89.9%-94.3% , while plant’s recoveries of Acetochor 85.3%-87.2 . The method is sensitive , fast and repeatable .  result of the two side experiments showed that: (1)Halfllfe:3.0—3.5sdays inField ,6.8—8.1 day.In water,8.6—10.1 days in soil; the final residue in rough rice,husk,soil,rice straw was all ≤0.02mg/kg.

【Keyword】:herbicides;bensulfuron methyl;add method ;Minimum detected quantity.....

[摘要]  中共中央在2005年提出要构建社会主义和谐社会,应该是民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的社会1。这是我们党从全面建设小康社会、开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面的全局出发提出的一项重大任务,适应了我国改革发展进入关键时期的客观要求,体现了广大人民群众的根本利益和共同愿望。未来的二十年,对于我们的社会主义建设来说,既面临“黄金发展期”,2又面临“矛盾凸显期”3。我们必须处理好、协调好各方面的利益,特别是社会中弱势群体尤其是城市弱势群体的生存和发展情况。中国城市弱势群体的现状如何,他们面临着怎样的问题,致使这一群体产生的原因及如何应对,解决这一问题对于我们建设和谐社会有何重大意义,本文重点对这些问题进行初步的探讨。
[关键词]  和谐社会;城市弱势群体;现状;成因;对策
The Problems and Countermeasures of City Disadvantaged-groups in the Progress of Building a Harmonious Society
Zhang Zi-qiang
 Abstract  In 2005, The Party Central Committee put forwards to build a harmonious society, which should be democratic and legal, fair and just, sincere and friendly, full of vigor, stable and in good order, in harmony with human and nature. It is a great task our Party raised on building an overall Well-off society and creating a new situation on China characteristic socialism. Of course, it adapts to the critical period of our reform and development, reflects the fundamental interests and common desires of the broad masses of the people. Facing not only the golden development period, but also the period of many contradictions appearment in the future 20 years, we must deal with and coordinate every aspect benefit, especially the social disadvantaged groups including the city ones’existense and development. Then, how is the status quo of them, what matters they confront, what reasons and how to resolve, what it means to building our harmonious society while solving these problems, the article trys to make a skin-deep inquiry into them.
Key words  harmonious society ; city disadvantaged-groups ; status quo; reason; countermeasures

提 纲   字
5. 自身的生理性弱势

摘  要:现代社会中,电力已成为人民生活必不可少的能源,它为各行各业提供能源,关系国计民生,同时保证国民经济实现可持续发展,它是我国国民经济的命脉。在信息高速发展,竞争日趋激烈的今天,半垄断经济体制下的电力企业面临空前的发展机遇的同时也面临着严峻的挑战。许多供电企业,尤其是县级中小型供电企业的内部控制问题,特别是内部会计控制问题非常突出。本文围绕内部会计控制整体架构这条主线展开,分析了县级供电企业目前内部会计控制体制存在的问题,例如,会计信息失真、内部审计弱化等。针对这些问题,本文从内部会计制度控制、内部审计、会计电算化等方面讨论了如何加强企业的内部会计控制。

Exploring Questions about Internal Accounting Control of Electric Power Bureau in County
Abstract: In this modern contemporary society, electric power has been becoming the essential element in people’s life, supplying energy for all kinds of occupations and being related to the future of our country as well as the life of residents. Today, with fierce competition, electric power implementing semi-monopoly system is confronting unprecedented opportunities and challenges. Many electric power enterprises especially lying in county should take care of problems concerning internal accounting control. The main line of this article is about the theory of internal control, and the theme is internal accounting control in county’s electric power enterprises. At the same time, the thesis analyzes the problems about internal accounting control existing in county’s electric power enterprises, such as false accounting information, wakening the effect of internal audit and so forth, and puts forward several advices to resolve these problems.
Keywords: Internal accounting control; County’s electric power enterprise; Internal audit; Internal control; External monitor

摘  要:金融危机下的房地产营销策略研究是根据金融危与房地产之间的关系及其金融危机对房地产造成的影响的研究为前提条件,结合了国内外房地产应对金融危机的方法。参考了具体国家及其房地产商在金融危机中采取的一系列的措施和具体方面的案例和数据,为金融危机下的房地产营销策略的研究进一步提供了理论上的依据。本论文设计研究的目的就是为增强我国房地产抗风险的意识,提高抗风险的能力,从而为更好的促进我国房地产健康有序的发展和人民物质文化生活水平的提高。本文的设计具体包含了金融危机对房地产业的影响及其机遇,及其房地产应对金融危机的营销策略的具体方法。根据 08年的全球性金融危机对国内房地产进行分析,进而更深了解金融危机对房地产带来的影响及其机遇。对房地产应对危机的营销策略的具体方法研究能更好的把握时代的脉搏,遇见未来房地产营销及其发展趋势。

Financial crisis of Real Estate Marketing Strategy
Abstract: Financial crisis of the real estate marketing strategy is according  the relationship between real estate and financial crisis and the effect of real estate research, combined with the prerequisite for domestic real estate to the financial crisis.reference in financial crisis in the real estate of a series of measure and specific aspects of case and datd,for financial crisis of real estate marketing strategy research further provides theory basis.The purpose of this thesis is to enhance China’s real estate anti-risk consciousness,improve the ability to resist risk,so as to promote the healthy and orderly development of real estate in our country and people’s material and cultural life.It design specific contains a financial crisis and the influence of real estate industry and real estate opportunities,to the financial crisis of the marketing stategy.Based on the global financial crisis in 2008 to domestic real estate is analyzed,and then further understanding of financial crisis of the impact of real estate and opportunities.To deal with crisis in real estate marketing stategy of specific methods can better grasp the times.to meet the future real estate marketing and development trend.

Key words: financial crisis;marketing strategy ;real estate.

摘  要:为了研究缩宫素对母猪分娩的影响,正确看待缩宫素的使用效果,在湖南某大型猪场选取了部分长期使用缩宫素助产、有异常分娩现象的母猪,观察缩宫素对母猪子宫内环境影响。选择18头待分娩母猪随机分为试验组Ⅰ、试验Ⅱ和试验Ⅲ使用缩宫素助产,挑选6头能正常分娩不使用缩宫素的母猪作为对照组。试验组Ⅰ、试验Ⅱ和试验Ⅲ分别使用缩宫素2支(20单位)、4支(40单位)和6支(60单位)助产,对照组不使用缩宫素助产。产前3天开始减料,产仔当天不喂料。产前7天和产后7天使用利高44拌料,产仔当天使用5%葡萄糖溶液+VC +VB1、生理盐水+甲硝唑注射液静脉滴注,用鱼腥草稀释青霉素肌内注射,连用3天。分娩完成待胎衣排出后用宫炎净100mL进行子宫灌注,并观察分娩母猪的临床表现。结果表明猪场滥用缩宫素会对母猪子宫内环境造成的不利影响。因此,猪场在进行母猪分娩时尽量不要使用缩宫素辅助分娩。

Test on sow's intrauterine environment after using oxytocin
Abstract: In order to study the sow delivery of oxytocin, a correct attitude influence the use effect of oxytocin in hunan province, some large pig chose the long-term use of oxytocin part childbirth, abnormal phenomenon of midwifery sows observation oxytocin uterus to sow environmental impact. A large farm in hunan 18 head to choose Ⅰ birth mother randomly divided into trial group Ⅱ and experiment, experiment Ⅲ use oxytocin, choose 6 midwifery head can normal childbirth not use oxytocin sow as control group. Ⅰ, test group Ⅱ and test Ⅲ separately using oxytocin 2 teams (20 units), 4 a (40 units) and six teams (60 units) group, don't use midwifery midwifery oxytocin. Prenatal 3 days began to minus expected, feeding the litter. Prenatal seven days and seven days the postpartum use high 44 mixing materials, litter day use 5% glucose solution + VC + + metronidazole VB1, physiological saline injection intravenous drip, with herbahouttuyniae dilution penicillin injections, intramuscular injection (3 days. For each completed after childbirth with GongYan from net 100mL canister for uterine perfusion. And to observe the clinical manifestations of childbirth sows. Through the experiment of oxytocin pig abuse that sow the womb environment of the adverse impact on farms, told the sow childbirth try not to use oxytocin.
Keyword:Delivery of labor  oxytocin  delivery  intrauterine environment  sows

目  录   6000字
1    前言4
2 材料与方法4
  2.1 试验药物5
  2.2 试验猪群及设计5
  2.3 评价指标5
  2.4 饲养管理与记录5
3 结果与分析5
  3.1 母猪分娩时的症状表现5
3.2 母猪分娩后用宫炎净清宫后的效果观察6
 3.2.1 低剂量使用缩宫素对子宫内环境的影响6
    3.2.2 中剂量使用缩宫素对子宫内环境的影响6
    3.2.3 高剂量使用缩宫素对子宫内环境的影响7
    3.2.4 不使用缩宫素是子宫内环境的情况7
    3.2.5 缩宫素对母猪产后精神状态及食欲的影响7
4 讨论7
  4.1 缩宫素对母猪分娩后的精神状态和食欲的影响8
4.3 缩宫素的作用及意义8
  4.4 超量使用缩宫素的危害9
5 结论9

摘 要:语言与民族文化有着密切的联系。与日本的风俗习惯相称的“气”的文化正影响着日本人生活的各方各面。与其把日本文化说成“体察的文化”“同情心的文化”,还不如"理解为“注意到的文化”。本稿通过分析日语“气”的词源、意义、惯用语、用法,从几个角度来考察日本文化。并且,想通过研究与“气”有关的语句,从而总的挖掘出日本人的性格、逻辑等方面的文化本质。

关键词:词源  意义  用法  惯用语  气的文化


キーウード:語源 意味 用法 慣用語 気の文化

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