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轮胎力 Tire ForceTire Force 轮胎坐标与轮胎力轮胎坐标与轮胎力 外倾角 侧偏角 SAE 轮胎运动坐标系 前视图(Front View) 俯视图(Top View) ( )z z zF f z C z= Δ ≈ Δ ( )0lim zz z fC zΔ → ∂= ∂ Δ 轮胎刚度轮胎刚度 轮胎变形与轮胎力轮胎变形与轮胎力 ( )x x xF f x K x= Δ ≈ Δ ( )0lim xx x fK xΔ → ∂= ∂ Δ ( )y y yF f y K y...

Tire ForceTire Force 轮胎坐标与轮胎力轮胎坐标与轮胎力 外倾角 侧偏角 SAE 轮胎运动坐标系 前视图(Front View) 俯视图(Top View) ( )z z zF f z C z= Δ ≈ Δ ( )0lim zz z fC zΔ → ∂= ∂ Δ 轮胎刚度轮胎刚度 轮胎变形与轮胎力轮胎变形与轮胎力 ( )x x xF f x K x= Δ ≈ Δ ( )0lim xx x fK xΔ → ∂= ∂ Δ ( )y y yF f y K y= Δ ≈ Δ ( )0lim y y y f K yΔ → ∂= ∂ Δ 纵向变形轮胎力纵向变形轮胎力 侧向变形轮胎力侧向变形轮胎力 纵向位移刚度纵向位移刚度 侧向位移刚度侧向位移刚度 滚动阻力滚动阻力 „ The normal stress will move forward when the tire is turning on a road. „ By increasing the speed, the normal stress will shift more and concentrate in the first half of the tireprint, causing low stress in the second half of the tireprint. „ High stress in the first half along with no stress in the second half is similar to hammering the tire repeatedly. R zM F x= Δ滚动阻力矩 滚动阻力 R R ZF f F= first halfsecond half tireprint 滚动阻力滚动阻力————能量耗散能量耗散 阻尼结构阻尼结构 弹簧结构弹簧结构 滚动阻力系数滚动阻力系数 R R ZF f F= 滚动阻力系数 2 0 1R R R xf f f v= + 仿真中可近似计算: 4 0 1 2R x xF C C v C v= + + 滚动阻力系数随车轮载荷的增加而减小; 随胎压的升高而减小;随车速的增加而增 加;还与轮胎的材料、结构等有关; • The tire material and the arrangement of tire plies affect the rolling friction coefficient and the critical speed. • Radial tires have around 20% lower rolling friction coefficient and 20% higher critical speed. • Generally speaking, the rolling friction coefficient decreases with wear in both radial and non-radial tires, and increases by increasing temperature. Critical speed is the speed at which standing circumferential waves appear and the rolling friction increases rapidly. 2 0 1R R R xf f f v= + Rf 车速与滚动阻力系数车速与滚动阻力系数 滚动驻波滚动驻波 Standing WavesStanding Waves • The wavelength of the standing waves are close to the length of the tireprint. • Above the critical speed, overheating happens and tire fails very soon. 胎压与负载对滚动阻力的影响胎压与负载对滚动阻力的影响 5 25.5 10 90 1100 0.03885.1 1000 z z R x F FKf v p p ⎛ ⎞× + += + +⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠ Radial tires: K=0.8; Nonradial tires: K=1.0 Rf 纵向轮胎力纵向轮胎力 { }max , d wd w r us r u ω ω −= 纵向滑移率(Slip ratio): rd —滚动半径 ω—轮胎旋转角速度 uw —轮心速度 s>0 —驱动加速(Driving) s<0 —制动减速(Braking) [ 1, 1]s∈ − ( )x x zF s Fμ= 纵向轮胎力 (Longitudinal force): 轮胎纵向力的饱和与非线性特性轮胎纵向力的饱和与非线性特性 0 100% sBraking xμ xpμ s* xsμ -s* xpμ xsμ Driving Sliding Sliding x xF C s≈ xC —轮胎纵滑刚度 [ 0.2, 0.2]s∈ − 纵向轮胎力的 线性近似: 侧向轮胎力侧向轮胎力 ( )arctan y wv uα = 轮胎侧偏角(Slip angle): vy —轮胎侧滑速度 uw —轮心速度 [ 1, 1]α ∈ − 侧向轮胎力: ( )y y zF Fμ α= 回正力矩: z y MzM F a= 侧向力的饱和与非线性特性侧向力的饱和与非线性特性 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 轮胎侧偏角(rad) 轮 胎 侧 向 力 ( N ) 轮胎侧向力: ( )y y zF Fμ α= y yF C α≈ yC —轮胎侧偏刚度 [ 0.15, 0.15]α ∈ − 侧向轮胎力的 线性近似: 附着条件的影响附着条件的影响 轮胎规格轮胎规格 回正力矩与侧偏角回正力矩与侧偏角 轮胎负载的影响轮胎负载的影响 综合分析综合分析 外倾侧向力外倾侧向力 xC 外倾侧向力与回正力矩 yF Cγ γ≈ z y MzM F a≈ Cr—外倾角刚度 (Camber Stiffness) 外倾侧向力与外倾角外倾侧向力与外倾角 外倾侧向力与轮胎负载外倾侧向力与轮胎负载 外倾侧向力与侧偏角、外倾角外倾侧向力与侧偏角、外倾角 摩擦椭圆摩擦椭圆 2 2 1y x yM xM F F F F ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞+ =⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠ shear zF Fμ= xM x z yM y z F F F F μ μ = = 轮胎力模型轮胎力模型 轮胎模型分类轮胎模型分类 9 预测联合工况下的轮胎力与力矩,可以同时预测纵向力、侧向力 和回正力矩等力学特性; 9 车辆动力学仿真研究中常用的综合轮胎模型:“魔术公式”(Magic Formula Tire Model, Prof. Pacejka, Delft工业大学, Netherlands ),Fila轮胎模型(Japan),Dugoff模型 (Dugoff, Japan ),平方轮胎模型,立方轮胎模型等; „综合轮胎模型 „单一性能轮胎模型: 9纵滑模型:预测车辆驱动与制动工况时的纵向力; 9侧偏模型:预测车辆纯转向时的侧向力; 纵滑纵滑““Magic FormulaMagic Formula””模型模型 sin( arctan( ))x x x x xF D C B= Φ (1 ) ( ) arctan( )x x x x xE s E B B sΦ = − + 1.65xC = 21 2x x z x zD a F a F= + 5 2 3 4 x Fz x z x z x a x x a F a FB C D e += 2 6 7 8x x z x z xE a F a F a= + + 1 21.3xa = − 2 1144xa = 3 49.6xa = 4 226xa = 5 0.069xa = 6 0.006xa = − 7 0.056xa = 8 0.486xa = -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -8000 -6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 滑移率 轮 胎 纵 向 力 ( N ) sin( arctan( ))x x x x xF D C B= Φ 纵滑纵滑““Magic FormulaMagic Formula””模型模型 分段线性纵滑模型分段线性纵滑模型 xb zF Fμ= ( ) ( ) , , 1 1 p b b p s p s b b s s s s s s s s s s μμ μ μ μ μμ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎧ = ≤⎪⎪⎨ − −⎪ = − >⎪ − −⎩ sμ pμ s∗ 1.0 μ s 0 w b b w u rs u ω−= 侧偏侧偏““Magic FormulaMagic Formula””模型模型 sin( arctan( ))y y y y yF D C B= Φ (1 ) ( ) arctan( )y y y y yE E B Bα αΦ = − + 1.30yC = 21 2y y z y zD a F a F= + 3 4 5sin( arctan( ))y y y z y y y a a a F B C D = 26 7 8y y z y z yE a F a F a= + + 1 22.1a = − 2 1011a = 3 1078a = 4 1.82a = 5 0.208a = 6 0.000a = 7 0.354a = − 8 0.707a = -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 轮胎侧偏角(rad) 轮 胎 侧 向 力 ( N ) sin( arctan( ))y y y y yF D C B= Φ 侧偏侧偏““Magic FormulaMagic Formula””模型模型 纵滑与侧偏联合工况纵滑与侧偏联合工况““Magic FormulaMagic Formula””模型模型 0 x x xF F σ σ= − 0 y y yF F σ σ= − 1x s s σ = − + tan( ) 1y s ασ = − + 2 2 x yσ σ σ= + Fx0—纯纵滑轮胎力 Fy0—纯侧偏轮胎力 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 滑移率 轮 胎 侧 向 力 ( N ) α=20 deg α=10 deg α=4 deg α=2 deg DugoffDugoff非线性经验轮胎模型与计算非线性经验轮胎模型与计算 ( ) 1 xi i xwi i C sF f S s = − tan ( ) 1 yi i ywi i C F f S s α= − 2 2 2 2 2 2 (1 tan ) (1 ) 2 tan zi r x i i i xi i yi i F v s S s C s C μ ε α α − += −+ 1 1 ( ) (2 ) 1 S f S S S S ⎧ >⎪= ⎨ − <⎪⎩ 纵向力: 侧向力: -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 -8000 -6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Tire slip angle (rad) C o r n e r i n g f o r c e ( N ) Dugoff Tire model longitudinal slip rate=0.2 Fz=1500N Fz=4500N Fz=8500N 参考文献参考文献 [1] Bakker, E., Pacejka, hb and Lidner, L., A new tire model with application in vehicle dynamics studies. SAE paper 890087, 1989. [2] Pacejka, H.B. and Besselink, I.J.M., Magic formula tyre model with transient properties. Vehicle System Dynamics Supplement. 27 (1997) 234–249. [3] DUGOFF H, FANCHER P S, SEGAL L. An analysis of tire traction properties and their influence on vehicle dynamic performance . SAE Paper 70037, 1970.
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