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C2-海事文句nullnullJanuary 1, 2006Zhang Yi School of Foreign Languages, DMUMaritime Translation Course 第二章 海事翻译概论及文句第二章 海事翻译概论及文句翻译的历史源远流长。在中国,有文字可考的 翻译历史可追溯至周朝。据《礼记·王制》记 载,周王朝为了实现与异族的交往,在朝中设 有负责东南西北各少数民族翻译任务的官员, “东方曰寄,南方曰象,西方曰狄媞(tí),北方 曰译。”因此,后世也将翻译人员称为“象寄之 ...

nullnullJanuary 1, 2006Zhang Yi School of Foreign Languages, DMUMaritime Translation Course 第二章 海事翻译概论及文句第二章 海事翻译概论及文句翻译的历史源远流长。在中国,有文字可考的 翻译历史可追溯至周朝。据《礼记·王制》记 载,周王朝为了实现与异族的交往,在朝中设 有负责东南西北各少数民族翻译任务的官员, “东方曰寄,南方曰象,西方曰狄媞(tí),北方 曰译。”因此,后世也将翻译人员称为“象寄之 才”。第一节 翻译的界定第一节 翻译的界定什么是翻译? 《大英百科全书》将翻译定义为“将用一种语言或者一套语言符号所表达的内容用另一种语言或者一套语言符号进行转换的行为或过程”。 卡特福德将其定义为“用一种等值的语言的文本材料去替换另一种语言的文本材料”。null首先,翻译是一种行为或者过程。 其次,翻译涉及到两种语言(或两套语言符号)。 第三,翻译的结果是一种语言被另一种语言所取 代。 第四,翻译是一种语言的内容而非形式被另外一种 语言所替代或者是一种语言的文本材料被等 值的另一种语言的文本材料所替换。 翻译是一种跨语言、跨文化的信息与情感交流过程。第二节 翻译的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 第二节 翻译的标准翻译标准是翻译活动必须遵循的准绳,是衡 量译文质量的尺度,也是翻译工作者应努力达 到的目标。 我国比较系统全面论述翻译标准的是清末著名 翻译家严复,他在《天演论·译例言》 (1898年)中提出“信达雅”的翻译标准。他说: “译事三难,信、达、雅。” 1951年,傅雷先生提出了文学翻译的标准---“神似”。 钱钟书先生于1964年在《林纾的翻译》一文中提出了翻译的“化境”说。null海事翻译属非文学翻译,涵盖科技、法律、 章、文件、商务等方面的翻译。 海事翻译应根据译文的内容,推定译文的不同 用途,从而选择不同的翻译策略和标准。 海事翻译应包括:语言知识、交际技能、专业 知识、管理技能和文化背景等核心内容。 海事翻译具有知识性、专业性、规范性、具体 性等特点。 海事翻译具有:信息功能---提供信息 交际功能---交流与沟通 祈使功能---促使反应 null例一: 原文: Dear Sirs, Be it known that MV Gluckaulf under my command has a DWC of 12,431 M/T on summer loadline, and a bale capacity of 18,439 Cu. M. and a grain capacity of 19,941 Cu. M. Truly yours, 这是一份宣载书,是船长向承租人等宣布船舶的载重量、夏季水线、包装容积和/或散装容积等信息,具有信息功能。null译文: 先生们: 我船Gluckaulf号夏季载线下的总载重量为12,431公吨,包装容积为18,439立方米,散装容积为19,941立方米。 敬请知悉null例二: 原文: Dear Sirs, You are requested to supply 250 metric tons of fresh water to my vessel while she is at anchor at Santa Marta, Columbia. I agree to pay US $ 1.00 per ton for the fresh water and US $ 100.00 for the service of tug and barge. Please be sure to deliver the required amount of fresh water to the ship before noon on 26th of May, 2005. Thanking you for your cooperation.null这是一封业务信函,具有祈使功能,促使对方 对信函内容做出反应。 译文: 先生们: 在我轮于哥伦比亚Santa Marta锚泊期间,请向我轮供应250公吨淡水。本人同意每吨淡水支付1.00美元另加100.00美元的拖轮和驳船费。务请于2005年5月26日中午之前将所需数量淡水送到船上。 谢谢合作。第三节 翻译的过程第三节 翻译的过程一般认为,翻译的过程分为理解和表达两个阶段。 有人认为,翻译过程包括理解、表达和校核三个阶段。 美国著名翻译理论家奈达将翻译过程分为分析(analysis)、转换(transfer)、重组(restructuring)、检验(test)四个阶段。 我们把翻译过程分为理解和表达两个阶段:null理解阶段:是指对原文语言现象、文化背景、语 篇类型及特征等进行分析。 语言现象:词义、语法关系、修辞手段和惯用法。 文化背景:语言、历史、地理、风俗习惯等。 语篇类型及特征:题材、体裁、问题、风格乃至 语篇内在的衔接、连贯等。 表达阶段:是指译者把自己所理解的内容正确、 充分而又自然地传达给译语读者的过程。这取决 于译者的译语水平、翻译策略、翻译技巧和方法 等多重因素。null在翻译过程中,我们经常会出现一下情况: 1、译文不通顺。如: A main stop valve is fitted to the boiler in order to control the passage of steam to the engines. 原译:在锅炉上安装主止阀,以此来控制通向主机的蒸汽通道。 改译:在锅炉上安装主止阀,以此来控制送进主机的蒸汽量。 2、搭配不当。如: The second mate is a valuable acquisition of the ship. 原译:第二个朋友是这条船上有价值的收获。 改译:二副是这条船上不可多得的人才。null3、文体不符。如: And fearing loss and/or damage, I hereby note my protest against all losses, damages, etc., reserving the right to extend same at time and place convenient. 原译:由于担心损失和损害,我对所有的损失、损害等提出海事声明,并保留在方便时间和地点延伸本声明的权利。(口语化) 改译:担心受到灭失和/或损坏,本人在此对一切灭失、损坏等提出海事声明,并保留在适当时间和地点延伸本声明之权利。(书面体)null4.文理欠通或不合逻辑。如: After all, all living creatures live by feeding on something else,whether it be plant or animal, dead or alive. 原译:因为,毕竟所有活着的生物,不论是植 物还是动物,死的还是活的都靠吃某种别的东 西生存。 改译:所有活着的生物毕竟都是靠吃别的东西 来生存的,不论这些东西是植物还是动物,是 死的还是活的。第四节 译者的角色和素养第四节 译者的角色和素养1、译者的角色 译者在翻译活动中处于核心地位,起着中坚(而不仅是中间)作用,是翻译的主体。 2、译者的素养 政治素养:the mainland of China 职业责任感:Never refill gas into empty can. 双语基本功:大量对照阅读经典作品。 知识结构:“杂学”。第五节 句子译例 Some Examples第五节 句子译例 Some Examples1. I have a list to port of one degree. 我船左舷倾斜一度。 2. You must stay clear of the fairway. 你船必须让清航道。 3. I read you with signal strength one. 我听不清你说话。 4. Stand by to establish tow. 准备接拖缆。 Stand by on channel 6. 守听6频道。 Stand by with engine. 备车。 5. Roger. 明白。(慎用) 6. Wilco. (Will be complied with.) 收悉照办。null7、我第一次靠本港。 This is our first call at your port. 8、建议船舶避开此海区。 Ships are advised to keep clear of this sea area. 9、船只摇晃严重。 Our vessel pitched and rolled heavily. 10. There are two parts to a ship, the hull and machinery. 船舶是由两部分组成的,即船体和机械设备。 11. The stowage of cargo is the responsibility of the chief officer. 大幅负责货物的配载。null12. Cement wash, bitumen and paint are used to protect the metal from corrosion. 用水泥浆、沥青和油漆来防止金属生锈。 13. The term cargo plan is used interchangeably in meaning with a stowage plan. 术语装载图在含义上同配载图是一样的。 14、同一舱内不同卸货港的货物必须彼此隔开。 Cargoes for different port of discharge in a same hold must be well separated from each other. 15、航海日志的记录必须准确、真实。 The record in the logbook must be correct and true.null16、海图的重要作用是帮助航海者在海上航行。 The main purpose of the nautical charts is to assist mariners in navigation. 17. In the four-stroke engine, it makes two revolutions to make one power stroke. 在四冲程柴油机中,曲轴每回转两周作一次功。 18. The clearance between the connection pieces and the iron box is too small. 接线板与铁盒之间的间隙太小。 19. Filling pipes are provided at both sides on upper deck for oil in the bulk. 上层甲板两侧都有散装输油管。null20. Transfer fuel oil from the deep tank into the settling tank. 将燃油从燃油舱驳到沉淀柜。 21、空冷器已有一段时间没使用了。 The air cooler has been out of use for some time. 22、或许焊补能够修复缝隙。 You may remedy the clearance by means of welding up. 23、主空气瓶应该经常放残。 Water in the main air cylinder should be drained constantly as well.null24. When giving way, make your move in good time and make a fairly large movement so that your intentions are obvious. 当你船让路时,应及时作出相当明显的动作以让对方看出你的意图。 25. Nonetheless, it is not out of place to remember that the fore and aft distribution of weight affects the pitching of the vessel. 尽管如此,记住船舶前后重量的分布会影响船舶的颠簸,这是对的。null26. The freight at the rate stated shall be paid in cash calculated on the intaken quantity of cargo. 运费以记载的费率,按已装船货物的数量,用现金支付。 27、禁止挂浆机船在黄浦江航行、停泊和作业。 Small power-driven boats are not allowed sailing, anchoring or operating in Huangpu River. 28、除靠、离码头外,船舶应当避免在码头前沿水域航行。 Vessels shall, so far as practicable, avoid sailing in the waters in front of the wharfs except for berthing or departing.第六节 海事文段翻译第六节 海事文段翻译1. Mooring and anchoring A boat should always be moored with minimum of four stout lines; a headline (头缆), a headspring (首倒缆), a back spring (尾倒缆) and a stern line (尾缆). When mooring alongside lines should be made fast securely on board. If there is any doubt as to the strength of the mooring lines, they should be doubled up.nullWhen mooring to a buoy, one can notice that many buoys have their own mooring pennants (短绳) already attached. Should there be no mooring pennant on the buoy, then if the buoy is a large one with a mooring ring, make the mooring line fast to the ring with a round turn (缆绳绕一圈) and two half hitches (半结). If the boat is to remain on the mooring for some time, or heavy winds are expected, then the anchor chain should be used. nullFenders are used to protect the hull of a boat from shock (震动), impact (碰撞) and abrasion (磨损) when going or lying alongside a jetty or another boat. Fenders should have their own lanyards (系索), spliced (接合) to the eye provided on the fender. The anchors and cables on the boat should always be of the best quality available, and of a sufficient size to hold the boat safely in even the most adverse condition. null An anchor relies for its holding power on the type of bottom, the anchor weight and shape, and the anchor being allowed to grip the bottom. Find out from the chart what sort of bottom your chosen anchorage has before you let go (放锚). There are various types of anchor available, because no one anchor can give a secure hold in all types of sea bottom. nullBurying-type anchors hold by digging their flukes (锚爪) into the bottom. Among them are the lightweight (fluke) anchor (including the Fortress and Danforth (长臂锚) and the heavier stockless (无锚杆的) plow anchor (CQR单爪犁锚), Bruce (一个锚臂上有三个曲线型锚爪) anchor, and mushroom anchor (伞形锚). 2. Cargo Dunnaging (垫舱) and Separation (隔票) 2. Cargo Dunnaging (垫舱) and Separation (隔票) After the first tier (层) of cargo is placed in the hold and secured (牢固), it is floored off with dunnage planks. This dunnage not only furnishes (提供) a level floor to place other items (货物) on, but also serves to prevent any movement by the lower tier. The dunnage also serves to spread the weight of the upper cargo evenly over the under lot (票货), so that the effect of crushing by mere weight is minimized. Dunnage is also used to fill in the spaces between irregularly shaped pieces of cargo to prevent movement. nullDunnage (垫舱材料) must be dry and clean and free from stains which might contaminate (污染) cargo in contact with it; the use of dunnage retaining (存留) the odour (气味) of a previous cargo is to be avoided. The sides of a ship’s tween-decks and holds are fitted with a sort of permanent dunnage called spar ceiling (舱壁护条) or cargo battens (板条). They prevent packages of cargo from protruding (突出) beyond the inner edge of the frames and so becoming damaged by moisture which may collect on the side of the ship.nullThe space so formed between the spar ceiling and the ship’s side helps to provide a complete air space around the cargo and thereby improves ventilation. The spar ceiling should always be kept in good repair. In order to avoid overcarriage (越港运输) and short delivery (短卸), in order to prevent different consignments from getting mixed up, and in order that the cargo may be discharged quickly, separation of cargo is very necessary. nullCargoes may be efficiently separated by stowing them to bills of lading, giving them block (堆块) stowage, loading different lots into different compartments, spreading pieces of old tarpaulin (防水油布) or laying lengths of old rope over the top of each consignment (托运的货物), etc. With a general cargo (杂货), the question of separation is not so very important, for the marks and numbers of the cases or packages generally provide some sort of identification. nullBut cargo loaded for an “optional (随意的)” port of discharge will obviously require an efficient method of separation for, when the cargo is loaded, the ship is not aware of the exact port of discharge.3. Different types of marine engine3. Different types of marine engineThere are four main types of marine engine: the diesel engine, the steam turbine (蒸汽轮机), the gas turbine (燃气轮机) and the marine nuclear (核能) plant. Each type of engine has its own particular application. The diesel engine is a form of internal combustion engine (内燃机) similar to that used in a bus. Its power is expressed as brake horsepower (bhp 制动马力). This is the power put out by the engine. Effective horsepower is the power developed by the piston (活塞) in the cylinder (汽缸), but some of this is lost by friction within the engine. The power output of a modern marine diesel engine is about 40,000 brake horsepower.nullThis is now expressed in kilowatts. By comparison the engine of a small family car has an output of about 80 bhp. Large diesel engines, which have cylinders nearly 3ft in diameter, turn at the relatively slow speed of about 108 rpm (revolution per minute每分钟转数). These are known as slow-speed diesel engines. They can be connected directly to the propeller without gearing. Although higher power could be produced by higher revolutions, this would reduce the efficiency of the propeller, because a propeller is more efficient the larger it is and the slower it turns. These large slow running engines are used in the larger merchant ships, particularly in tankers and bulk carriers (散装船). nullThe main reason is their low fuel consumption. More and more of the larger merchant vessels are being powered by medium-speed diesel engines. These operate between 150 and 450 rpm, therefore they are connected to the propeller by gearing. This type of engine was once restricted to smaller cargo ships, but now they are used in fast cargo liners (班轮) as well as in tankers and bulk carriers. They are cheaper than slow-speed diesel engines, and their smaller size and weight can result in a smaller, cheaper ship. nullIn steam turbines high pressure steam is directed into a series of blades (推进器的翼) or vanes (轮叶) attached to a shaft, causing it to rotate. This rotary motion is transferred to the propeller shaft by gears. Steam is produced by boiling water in a boiler, which is fired by oil. Recent developments in steam turbines which have reduced fuel consumption and raised power output have made them more attractive as an alternative to diesel power in ships. They are 50 percent lighter and on very large tankers some of the steam can be used to drive the large cargo oil pumps. Turbines are often used in container ships, which travel at high speeds. nullGas turbines differ from steam turbines in that gas rather than steam is used to turn a shaft. These have also become more suitable for use in ships. Many naval vessels are powered by gas turbines and several container ships are fitted with them. A gas turbine engine is very light and easily removed for maintenance. It is also suitable for complete automation.nullNuclear power in ships has mainly been confined (限制) to naval vessels, particularly submarines. But this form of power will be used more in merchant ships as oil fuels become more expensive. A nuclear-powered ship differs from a conventional turbine ship in that it uses the energy released by the decay (衰变) of radioactive fuel to generate steam. The steam is used to turn a shaft via a turbine in the conventional way. null主机(Main engine)4. Functions of auxiliary machinery4. Functions of auxiliary machineryBesides running and maintaining the main propulsion (推进) machinery of the ship, the Engineer Officer has a great deal of auxiliary machinery to look after. Auxiliary machinery covers everything mechanical on board ship except the main engines and boilers. It includes almost all the pipes and fittings (装置) and the equipment needed to carry out a number of functions. These functions may be summarized as follows. nullTo supply the needs of the main engines and boilers. Air compressors (压缩机) are used to supply compressed air for starting engines. Coolers (冷却器) are used for cooling either oil or water. Water for the boilers is also heated before being admitted into the boiler by feed (流入) water heaters. This increases the efficiency of the boiler.null冷却机(Cooler)nullTo keep the ship dry and trimmed. This is done through the bilge (舱底) and ballast (压载水) pumping systems. The former removes water which has gathered in machinery, cargo and other spaces. The latter pumps water into and out of ballast tanks. In general cargo ships, these systems are usually interconnected (使互相连接) and served by the same pumps. In tankers and other bulk carriers, these systems are entirely separate, because these ships may need to ballast at 12,000 tonne/hour and therefore need larger pumps.nullTo supply domestic needs such as fresh water from distillation plant (蒸馏设备), sanitation (卫生) from sewage plant (污水处理设备) and heating and ventilation from heaters and air-conditioners. To apply the main power of the engines for propulsion and manoeuvring. The engine power is transmitted to the propeller by a line of steel shafting. This is made up of the thrust shaft (推力轴), intermediate shafts (中间轴) and the propeller shaft (传动轴). Steering gear is also necessary to operate the rudder (舵) for manoeuvring.nullTo supply the ship with electrical power and lighting. This is done by steam or diesel-powered generators. To moor the ship and handle cargo. Deck machinery is extensive and varied. It can be divided into anchor-handling machinery --- windlass (绞盘) and capstans (起锚机), mooring machinery --- winches (绞车) and capstans, and cargo-handling machinery --- winches and cranes. It also includes cargo oil pumps. To provide for safety. Firefighting (消防) and fire detection (探测) equipment, lifeboat engines and launching gear (放艇装置) are also included.nullResponsibility for auxiliary machinery is often delegated (委派) to individual engineer officers, each one taking responsibility for the efficient working of certain items. A lot of equipment is duplicated (两套), so that for example, one generator can be overhauled (检查) without cutting off the supply of electricity to the ship. Engineer officers on tankers are also involved in operating the cargo pumping machinery, although the pump rooms themselves are often manned by officers from the Deck Department.null焚烧炉(Incinerator)null锚机、绞揽机(Capstan, Winch, Windlass)5. BoilersBoilers are used on board ship for producing steam. This steam may be used for driving the main engines, when steam turbines are fitted, or for driving auxiliary machinery such as the windlass. There are two basic types of boiler in use in ships: the Scotch boiler (旋转式锅炉), which is a type of smoke-tube boiler, and the water-tube boiler. Both are illustrated in the diagrams in front of you.5. BoilersnullNow if you look at the diagram of the Scotch boiler you will see that it consists of a cylindrical (圆筒状的) steel shell, which contains a furnace at the bottom. Two or more furnaces may be fitted, depending on the size of the boiler. The furnace is connected to a combustion chamber (燃烧室), situated in the middle part of the boiler. Leading from this combustion chamber to a smoke box are a large number of horizontal tubes. Some of these are used for supporting the middle section of the boiler and the combustion chamber. Connected to the smoke box are the uptakes (举起) for the waste gases. The furnace, the combustion chamber and the tubes are all surrounded by water.nullThe gases are heated in the furnace by the heat from flames and from the sides of the furnaces. The hot gases then enter the combustion chamber. Like the furnace, this is also surrounded by water and so again provides for the generation of steam. From the combustion chamber the gases pass through the smoke tubes, where the surrounding water is exposed to a greater area of heated surface. After leaving the smoke tubes the gases enter the smoke box and after that the uptakes. The steam generated collects in the top of the boiler. nullThe Scotch boiler is usually of both riveted (铆牢的) and welded (焊好的) construction. It is strong and is capable of operating with poor quality feed water. But there are more efficient types of boiler which can generate more power, therefore Scotch boilers are now mainly used for auxiliary purposes on board ship.nullWater-tube boilers have replaced Scotch boilers for generating steam for main engines. From your diagram you will see that they have a steam drum (鼓形圆桶) at the top, which is partly filled with water, and water drums at a lower level. These drums are connected by banks (堆) of tubes, which also contain water. The furnace is located at the bottom and the whole system is contained in a fire-proof casing. Downcomer (下水管) tubes are placed outside the gas system to act as feeders to the water drums. nullGases are heated in the furnace and pass upwards through the banks of tubes, transferring their heat to the water in the tubes. Because the steam drum provides a reservoir of relatively cool water, convection (对流) currents are set up causing the water to circulate round the system. The banks of tubes offer a large surface area to the radiant (放热的) heat of the furnace gases. This makes them very efficient. Superheaters (过热器) are added to the system to increase its efficiency. These are located between the rows of tubes. null辅助锅炉(Boiler)nullThank You!nullnull
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