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三 17种题型


三 17种题型null三 17种题型三 17种题型1.赞同题型1.赞同题型表示赞同的惯用句型有: And how(见例1) You can say that again. (见例2) Aren’t they though? (见例3) Isn’t he though? I will say he is. You said it. You are telling me. You bet he is.例1(97-1-30)例1(97-1-30) A: The concert pianist was fantastic! B: And...

三 17种题型
null三 17种题型三 17种题型1.赞同题型1.赞同题型 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示赞同的惯用句型有: And how(见例1) You can say that again. (见例2) Aren’t they though? (见例3) Isn’t he though? I will say he is. You said it. You are telling me. You bet he is.例1(97-1-30)例1(97-1-30) A: The concert pianist was fantastic! B: And how!(当然了) Q: What does the man mean? (A) He wants to know how the concert was. (B) He disagrees with the woman. (C) He likes to play the piano. (D) He also enjoyed the music.例2 (97-8-27)例2 (97-8-27)A: This room is freezing! B: You can say that again. Q: What does the woman mean? (A) She thinks it's cold too. (B) They need to get the freezer fixed again (C) She'd like the man to repeat what he said. (D) The man told her that before.例3 (98-8-8)例3 (98-8-8)M: Those airplanes are certainly loud(吵闹的). W: Aren't they though? Q: What does the woman think of the airplanes? (A) They're extremely noisy. (B) They should have arrived by now. (C) They should be allowed to fly there. (D) They're not on a definite schedule.2 不赞同题型2 不赞同题型在对话中,speaker2用来表示不赞同的句型有: You don’t say so. Say who! Who says so/that/not! (见例2) Who told you that ! What makes you say so ?nullThat’s not saying very much. Are you kidding/joking? (见例3) Are you serious? Are you sure? (见例5) No kidding! No way ! (见例4) How did she know? Why waste our money? null其答案的特点是:①标志词为disagree, not 等否定词;②与speaker1的内容相反的选项是答案;③不赞同的原因可能是答案例1 (95-12-22)例1 (95-12-22)W: I haven’t studied much French this week at all. M: Why worry ?We have a vacation coming up; soon you will have lots of time. Q: What does the man mean? A. They’re going to France for a vacation. B. The woman doesn’t need to study now. C. He’s concerned about the woman’s studies. D. The woman isn’t worrying about her vacation. 例2 (96-1北美-1)例2 (96-1北美-1) A: It looks like we won’t have enough time to do all we wanted to. B: Who says we won’t? Let’s get going. Q:What does the woman mean? (A) She disagrees with the man. (B) She doesn't want to look anymore. (C) She's quite disappointed. (D) She didn't hear what the man said.例3(97-12-1)例3(97-12-1) A: Have you been to the new gym since it opened? B: Are you kidding? Tomorrow’s the deadline for my project. Q: What does the man imply? (A) The gym doesn’t open until tomorrow. (B) He’s too busy to go to the gym. (C) There’s a special project going on at the gym. (D) The gym is full of kids.例4 (98-1-3)例4 (98-1-3)A: Shall I cut your hair for you? B: No way. Last time you almost made me bald. Q: What does the man imply? (A) The woman should cut his hair again. (B) He wants the woman to cut his hair extremely short. (C) He's bald and doesn't need a haircut. (D) The woman previously cut off too much of his hair.例5 (98-5-7)例5 (98-5-7)A: My doctor told me I needed to go for some expensive treatment for my injured knee. B: Are you sure? Maybe you need a second opinion. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? (A) Change his diet. (B) Take a different kind of medicine. (C) Ask another doctor about the prob1em. (D) Do special knee exercises.3 建议题型3 建议题型建议题型的常用句型有: 1.How about…?What about…?(见例1) 2.Why…? Why not…? Why don’t…?(见例2) 3.标准的一般疑问句。如:Shall we…? Have you ever been…?(见例3) 4.反问句。如:Hadn’t you better…? Don’t you think…? Don’t you have…? Shouldn’t you …? Wouldn’t it…? Doesn’t it…? Isn’t there…?Couldn’t you…?(见例4) null5. 固定结构。如:How does…sound? Is there anything wrong with…? …is as good a time as any.(见例5) 表示建议的句子的内容是考点。正确选项的标志词有:should, ought to ,had better, would rather, suggest, recommend ,need to , let’s 等。例1 (97-1-18)例1 (97-1-18)A: I’m bored with the same food all the time. Let’s try something different Saturday night. B: How about an Italian place. Q: What does the man suggest they do? (A) Buy an Italian cookbook. (B) Go to an Italian restaurant. (C) Take a night flight to Italy instead. (D) Cook some Italian dishes on Saturday.例2 (95-8-13)例2 (95-8-13)W: Excuse me. Prof. Davidson. But I was hoping to talk to you about my class project for economics. M: I have a class in a few minutes. Why don't you come to see me during office hours tomorrow? Q: When will the woman discuss her project with Prof. Davidson? (A) During economics class. (B) Before economics. (C) In about an hour. (D) The next day.例3 (97-10-24)例3 (97-10-24)A: You haven’t seen a blue note book, have you? I hope I didn’t leave it at school. B: Did you check that pile of books and papers you left on the desk last night? Q: What does the man imply? (A) He put some notes on the desk last night. (B) The woman should check with the school (C) The woman shouldn't have moved his books. (D) The notebook might be among some other books.例4(96-1北美-11)例4(96-1北美-11)A: The heat must’ve gone off in the building. It’s freezing in here. B: Shouldn’t we call and report this? Q:What does the man suggest they do? (A) Leave the building. (B) Check the thermostat. (C) Close the windows. (D) Call the maintenance people.例5 (95-10-13)例5 (95-10-13)W: Would you have some time this week to go over these questions with me? M: How does tomorrow sound? Q: What does the man mean? (A) The woman should ask someone else for help. (B) He wonders if the woman hears a noise. (C) They can work together the next day. (D) He didn't hear her question.4 重复反问题型4 重复反问题型重复反问题型中,speaker2往往先重复speaker1得主要内容,有反问的语气表达出来,并接着再说一句自己的见解,这段见解是回答问题的根据。①如果被重复反问的是形容词或副词,speaker2往往表示对该词的同意,并且语气加重,因此正确答案里一定会提到与该词同意并语气递进的词,或者出现very, extremely 等加强语气词(见例1)null②如果重复反问的词是动词、名词或者一个较长的结构,speaker 2 往往表示相反的 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 ,来否定speaker1的话。这是正确答案就是speaker2重复反问之后的话(见例2、3)。例1 (90-5-23)例1 (90-5-23)M: These oranges are good. W: Good? They are the best I've ever had. Q: What does the woman mean? (A) She has never eaten such delicious oranges before. (B) She bets there are better oranges available. (C) She doesn't understand why the man likes the oranges. (D) She has had the same kind of oranges before.例 2(96-5-7)例 2(96-5-7) A: It took me five days to drive down to Florida. B: Five days? I could've walked there in less time. Q: What does the woman mean? (A) The man must be a very slow driver. (B) She did a lot of walking in Florida. (C) Most people make the trip in about a week. (D) She got to Florida long before the man did.例3 (95-8-1)例3 (95-8-1)W: Do you want to go on a trip with us to Florida this spring? M: It will cost about $300 a person. Q: What can be inferred about the man? (A) He makes a lot of money. (B) He has just been left some money. (C) He doesn't believe three hundred dollars is enough. (D) He can't afford to spend that much.5 反意疑问句题型5 反意疑问句题型反意疑问句题型中,speaker2的回答必然是一个反意疑问句,反意疑问句的主句部分是选择答案的根据,考生只需听懂其内容,就能选出正确答案。例1 (97-5-1)例1 (97-5-1)W: Thanks a lot, this scarf will be perfect with my blue jacket. M: Made a good choice, did I? Q: What does the man mean? (A) He wants to know which scarf the woman chose. (B) He wants to know what color the jacket is. (C) He thinks he selected a nice scarf. (D) He thinks any color would go well with the jacket.例2 (89-8-35)例2 (89-8-35)W: During intermission间断, let's change our seats. M: Hard to see from back here, isn't it? Q: What does the man imply? (A) They would see better from a different row. (B) It isn't hard to see from his seat. (C) He would rather not move from his place. (D) He'll switch places with the woman.6 比较级题型6 比较级题型比较级题型常见有两种情况:①肯定结构+ 比较级= 否定。例1中的I’ve had better.就是表达:This pizza isn’t so good.这种情况最常见的形式是:It could be better. =It’s not very good. It could be worse.=It’s not too bad.null②否定结构 + 比较级=肯定。 例2 中的We couldn’t have played worse.就是表达:We played quite badly. 这种情况最常见的形式是: I couldn’t agree with you more. =I agree with you very much. It couldn’t be better. =It’s excellent. It couldn’t be worse. =It’s too bad. 这种题型是用比较级结构表示“very, too, quite”的语气。因此,正确答案中往往有 “very, very much , too, quite, particularly”等词,或者表示最高级含义,如“ best, excellent” 等例1例1M: This pizza tastes bad. There isn’t enough sauce. W: I’ve had better, too. Q: What does the woman mean? A. She hasn’t tasted the pizza yet. B. she shouldn’t eat too much pizza. C. She’s never had a better pizza. D. she doesn’t particularly like the pizza. 例2 (96-1-20)例2 (96-1-20)A: I'm sorry I missed your soccer game. But I had the flu. B: Don't worry about it. We couldn't have played worse.(我们表现差劲极了) Q: What does the woman mean? (A) She was worried when the man didn't come. (B) The game was canceled. (C) The team played quite badly. (D) Their opponents were easy to best7 时间副词题型7 时间副词题型对话中,如果某一时间副词重复,考生只需抓住这一时间副词,在选项中找出明显带有相同意义的时间副词,即替换词的那个选项,就是正确答案。常考的时间副词及替换词有: 1)有时,偶尔:once in a while , now and then, every so often , once and again , from time to time, at times, on some occasions , on and off;null2)很快,不久:in no time , in next to no time , before long , right away, by and by, in a short while, in a minute/second /while, any time/minute; 3)很少,不常:hardly, rarely, almost never , seldom, unusual , on rare occasions, almost impossible , scarcely ever; 4)每周: weekly, each week, every week; 5)一再,总是:always, usually , many times, many a time , time and again, frequently , repeatedly.例1 (96-1-24)例1 (96-1-24)A: Are you keeping current on news(注意当前消息)from home since you've been here? B: I've been getting weekly updates. Q: What does the man mean? (A) He gets more news than he can keep up with. (B) He listens to the news several times a day. (C) He gets reports from home every week. (D) he calls home every other week隔一周.例2 (95-10-3)例2 (95-10-3)If you‘re staying late, will you be sure to look up查寻 the office when you leave? Oh. I hope I won't be more than an hour. What does the man mean? (A) He hopes to leave before the woman does. (B) His office is one hour away from his home. (C) He's certain the lock works. (D) He will leave the office in about an hour.8 Answer Indirectly(间接回答)题型8 Answer Indirectly(间接回答)题型在Answer Indirectly题型中,①speaker1的话是一个标准的一般疑问句,可以用yes 或no来回答(见例1);②speaker2没有直接以yes或no 回答,而是一几句似乎与问题毫无关系或无明显直接关系的句子回答speaker1的问题。Speaker2的间接回答其实是对speaker1内容的否定,及回答No。因此对speaker1的话的否定就是答案。(见例2、3)例1 (95-10-12)例1 (95-10-12)Does Prof Ford always come to class? Is ice cold? What does the man imply about Prof Ford? (A) She teaches high school. (B) She wants more ice in her glass. (C) She never misses class. (D) She thinks cold weather is nice.例2 (95-10-1)例2 (95-10-1)How is your paper coming along? My typewriter is broken. What does the man mean? (A) He's unable to start typing. (B) He can't give the woman his typewriter. (C) He's run out of paper. (D) He doesn't lave any money.例3 (96-10-12)例3 (96-10-12)A: Could I talk to you for a minute about the discrepancy(差异)I found in this graph? B: I'm kind of in the middle of things right now. Q: What does the woman mean? (A) The graph belongs in the center of the page. (B) She can't discuss the problem until later. (C) She's only finished half of the document. (D) They should look for another graph immediately.9 But 题型9 But 题型But题型主要包括两种情况:①speaker2的话是but引导的一个句子,以but为开头,往往是对speaker1的话进行否定。在这种情况下,应注意听清speaker1 的话,并把它加以否定,就会得出答案。(见例1、2)。null②speaker2先说一个简单的短句,表示赞同或表示自己的意愿,然后示意but引导的一个长句,but之后的内容就是选择答案的一句(见例3、4)例1 (96-8-16)例1 (96-8-16)A: Pam says she likes art museums. B: But she doesn't often visit them, does she? Q: What does the woman imply about Pam? (A) She does a lot of part-time work in museums. (B) She isn't really interested in art museums. (C) Her artwork is displayed in a museum. (D) She has a large art collection.例2 (96-10-18)例2 (96-10-18)A: Pete had hoped to have his apartment painted by this time. B: But he hasn't even started yet, has he? Q: What does the woman imply about Pete? (A) He started to work in a paint shop. (B) He hasn't started looking for an apartment. (C) He had an appointment with a painter today. (D) He isn't on schedule with his painting.例3 (95-8-16)例3 (95-8-16)Why don't you wear that yellow shirt that your sister gave you for your birthday. I love that shirt. But it's missing two buttons. What does the man mean? (A) He can't wear the shirt right now. (B) He can't find the shirt. (C) He doesn't like the shirt. (D) He thinks the shirt is inappropriate for the occasion.例4 (95-8-4)例4 (95-8-4)We plan to go to the beach after class. Want to come? I'd love to. But Prof. Jones want to speak with me. What will the woman probably do? (A) Go to the beach with her friends. (B) Postpone her meeting with Professor Jones. (C) See Professor Jones after class. (D) Give a speech in Professor Jones's class.10 And 题型10 And 题型在and题型中,speaker 2的话中带有and, 而没有其他表示转折含义的信息词是,speaker2的回答是对speaker1的话的进一步补充说明或换句话表达。也就是说,speaker1和speaker2意见一致。因此根据speaker1的话,在选项中选出与speaker1不矛盾的那一项就是答案。例1 (96-1-22)例1 (96-1-22)A: Hew! It's a real scorcher today. B: And the forecasters are saying there is no end in sight(眼前没有要结束的迹象). Q: What does the man imply? (A) Weather is difficult to forecast. (B) The heat wave is about to end. (C) He hasn't seen a weather forecast. (D) It's going to be hot for a while.例2 (96-1-29)例2 (96-1-29)A: Sorry I didn't see you on the news. B: Yeah. And it's not likely they are going to rebroadcast it anytime soon. Q: What does the man imply? (A) The woman missed her chance to see him on television. (B) The interview will be rebroadcast soon. (C) He saw the woman on the news. (D) The woman should have read his newspaper article.11 Don’t ask me 题型11 Don’t ask me 题型在对话中,无论speaker1 问到什么事情,如果speaker2回答”Don’t ask me .” 其含义是“I don’t know”, 紧跟在后面的内容进一步解释了 “不” 的原因,就是答案。例(96-8-19)例(96-8-19)A: You know what year Thomas was born? B: Don't ask me. I'm not good with dates. Q: What does the man mean? (A) He has trouble remembering when things happen. (B) He usually forgets to meet people for appointments. (C) He doesn't like to go out on dates. (D) He doesn't want to reveal Thomas' birth date.12 Oh, so…题型 12 Oh, so…题型 在本题型中,speaker1说的话语答案没有太大关系,speaker2说话的语气和内容是选择答案的一句。“Oh, so…”或 “so…”表示惊讶和意外,表明事实与原来的想法不一样。“so”之后的助动词或系动词重读。 “so”之后的内容加以否定,或者 “计划不变”,就是答案。例1 (95-8-22)例1 (95-8-22)I talked to Philip today and he said he'd be coming to the party. Oh, so he can come after all. What can be inferred about Philip? (A) He'll go to the party with the woman. (B) He met the man at the party. (C) He has changed his plans. (D) He has to work late.例2 (97-5-30)例2 (97-5-30)A: Your cousins just called. They are stranded(束手无策) at the beach. B: So they didn’t manage to get a lift after all. Q:What had the woman assumed about her cousins? (A) Their friends would take them to the beach. (B) They wouldn't mind taking the bus. (C) Someone would drive them home. (D) They wouldn't be able to fine a phone13 mystery 题型13 mystery 题型常用句型有: … is a mystery to me.(见例2) What surprises me is…(见例1) It’s a mystery to me…. …is beyond me. …is something I will never understand. 其答案常用的词有:wonder, surprise , not sure, no expected 等。例1 (90-8-32)例1 (90-8-32) W: Judy earned a lot of money over the summer as a consultant for that agency. M: I don't doubt it. What surprises me is that she's still working there now that classes have started again Q: What does the man say about Judy? (A) He's surprised she chose that agency. (B) He wonders why she's kept her job. (C) He doesn't know when her classes started. (D) He doubts she makes much money now.例2 (95-12-15)例2 (95-12-15)A: Larry got a very high mark on this lab report. B: How he managed that is a mystery to me. What does the man imply? (A) Larry usually gets good grades. (B) He helped Larry write the report. (C) He’s surprised at Larry’s grade. (D) It’s strange that Larry and Mark are lab partners.14 As a matter of fact 题型14 As a matter of fact 题型该题中speaker 1 说话时常时候否定结构,不是否定后面的内容,而是婉转的表达希望、提醒等。Speaker2在回答时一般都很简洁:主语+情态动词、助动词或系动词(I would, I am) ,而且这个情态动词、助动词或系动词往往重读,对第一句话中的主要动作表示肯定。“ as a matter of fact”, “at it happens”意为 “事实上”,是答案所在例1 (96-5-10)例1 (96-5-10) A: You haven't phoned Harry yet, have you? B: As a matter of fact, I have. Q: What does the man mean? (A) He has already called Harry. (B) Harry knows most of the facts. (C) He needs to talk to Harry soon. (D) Harry doesn't have a telephone.例2 (89-1-33)例2 (89-1-33) I don’t imagine you would have time to help me with this. As it happens, I would. Q: What does the man mean? (A) He would like to know what happened. (B) He can help the woman. (C) Because of what happened, he has no time. (D) He would have helped if he had the time.15 There goes…题型15 There goes…题型“There goes…”表示 “没戏了,泡汤了”。所选答案标志词有:will have to, will probably be canceled 等。例1 (96-8-23)例1 (96-8-23)A: I have to type all these reports by Monday morning. B: There goes your sleep this weekend(看起来你没得睡了). Q: What does the man mean? (A) The woman will probably sleep all weekend. (B) The woman will have to work day and night to finish. (C) The woman should type the reports in the morning. (D) The woman should rest before she begins typing.例2 (97-8-21)例2 (97-8-21)A: I just heard there are gonna be showers(阵雨)on and off all weekend. B: There goes the picnic. Q: What does the man mean? (A) The picnic will probably be canceled. (B) He's glad that the picnic is this weekend. (C) It's not going to rain. (D) He knows where the picnic is to be held.16 Yes, if…题型16 Yes, if…题型 “Yes, if… ”题型中,if 句的内容往往是不可能发生的事情,因此“Yes, if… ”表示 “no”。 If句加上not, 就是正确答案。做题时应注意听清if 之后的内容。例1 (97-1-15)例1 (97-1-15)A: Is Luis going to join us for a short break? B: Yes, if she can tear herself away from her studies. (使某人勉强离开) Q: What does the woman imply about Luis? (A) She is away for a few days. (B) She recently hurt herself. (C) She tore her skirt on a hook. (D) She seldom stops studying.17 I thought…题型17 I thought…题型考生应对 “I thought…” 作出正确反应: 其后面的内容是未发生的、错误的。因此应马上把注意力转向speaker2,but之后的原因就是答案。例(98-1-25)例(98-1-25)A: I thought you were going to call me last night about the train schedule. B: Sorry, I would have. But Harry and Jack stopped by and stayed past midnight. Q: What does the woman mean? (A) She was working on a training schedule. (B) She didn't get home until after midnight. (C) She was busy with her guests all evening. (D) She left too late to catch the train.
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