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课堂笔记11Lesson 17 The longest suspension bridge in the world 三节棍 Suspend 悬挂,暂停(服务) T-d-s 通假-----suspense Sus:subway p:paw Suspension Little is known=well-known I can run (fast). I can hardly (=not) run. 定语很多时候拿掉不看 常规副词拿掉不看 否定副词直接翻译成not Sail into D...

Lesson 17 The longest suspension bridge in the world 三节棍 Suspend 悬挂,暂停(服务) T-d-s 通假-----suspense Sus:subway p:paw Suspension Little is known=well-known I can run (fast). I can hardly (=not) run. 定语很多时候拿掉不看 常规副词拿掉不看 否定副词直接翻译成not Sail into Describe A as B See recognize regard Agreeable = comfortable 舒适的,宜人的 Be situated/located … In the middle/midst of two hills stands ……倒装 A great river flowed in the middle of two small hills. As is vividly shown in the picture 描述图画的方式一: As , 介词 , 分词, with…… 方式二:Lesson 39————blog Space exploration=research=study Remain = be immortal M/p开头im开头否定前缀 All man are mortal 你我皆凡人、你我终有一死 Name after 以……命名 By no means 决不 任何伟大的胜利都是思维的胜利 嗷嗷重要 重要句型: (三枪拍案;三件套hearing the news that……) ***三节棍***(有什么可以累积的……有什么可以骄傲的) 模仿美就是创造美!!!!!! A,B,C. 这种句子中, Though Verrazano is by no means ,… ,for … . Though 引导的让步状从——背景,b表示结果,c表示——原因,结果比原因重要。 Lesson 1:背景as the evidence,…… 原因…… Lesson 26:no one can … no longer , for ad exerts … Lesson 31: line-10 ---though … 温室的花朵经不起风雨(困难在累积)…… 1、 汉语的转化——随着……的……我们感到不得不追求独立 2、 英语的表述:As failure(不可数) begins to accumulate,children/kids feel obliged to seek for independence,for where there is pain(s) there is gain(s). 尽管我们对我们现在在地球上非凡的巨大的成就感到骄傲,但是我们感到不得不探索外太空,因为地球上的资源是有限的。 Much as we may product ourselves on our remarkable achievement(s)/attainment(s), we feel obliged to explore/study the outer space, for our (natural) resources prove finite /exhaustible. 探索外太空 手拿小灵通 左手换右手 还是打不通 痛过一次,以后都是快乐的 Vigorous有力的,有精力的 Join/connect A to B连接着…… Life Span寿命 安乐死euthanasia “老年人有义务去死,以便给年轻人让路” I will not go that far. “我走了,方向一致的,(排除反的选项),有保留的赞同”-----reserved consent Have、boast、enjoy 得意忘形 Take into account=take sth seriously 把……考虑进来、认真对待…… Attach pay cling Take sth into consideration It is supported by a large number of people that …… Support our parents 赡养老人 Immense 无法测量的 倒装 Not only can the hot sport affect our viewpoints, but it can give rise to concrete actions. Elegant Fulfill、realize、achieve one’s dreams Normal正常的、师范的 N:“无” neat 清洁的(没有一丝灰尘) Neither nor 志当从高远 超越不了别人就超越自己 努力做好事情,幸福自然就来了 Object 反对;客体 Object to 反对…… Subject主题,科目(往下扔,拓展);主体 Be subjected to = suffer from -Ject- 投掷,扔 -ab- :away 反对 -aw- = -ab- b-v-w :通假 最后一句话是三节棍 Lesson 18 Electric currents in modern art 重点的阅读写作词汇 以结果为导向 Current 当前的;电流、水流、风流、人流、车流 -cur- 跑 Currently = apparently Incur 发生,遭致 Occur发生 Excursion远足,短途旅行 Take an excursion -Sc- 切割 -S- 牙齿 Sculpture Section部分,部门 Segment G C“可哥”通假 Mistaken Is beyond me = It is beyond me that …= I do not know = It has always been a mystery to me that … 主语很长的都是为了强调 写作风格——先让步后强调!!! 先反面论证后正面论证!!! Attach interest to Take … in Can not have fail to = never have fail to DS TS CS Lesson 18-41 文章结构 用思维在写作 逻辑道理环环相扣 Get used to 习惯做…= be used to Get accustomed to 习惯于做… Masterpiece杰作 Certain=some people 一些人 Do harm to …对…有危害 -gl- “光” Glory glance glitter闪烁 Be familiar to对…熟悉 Odd 奇数;奇怪的 Even 偶数 Odds 机会——“哦,弟弟们来了,我就有机会了” News 新闻 N W E S Move in response to … Repel 排斥 Construction 建设;结构 -Fl- Flash Burn B=f(辅音通假) v=w=b=f R=n=l Continuously Emit发射,发散 -Mit- “send” 四面八方的意思 Transmit发射,发射 -tran- 有人发射有人接收的意思 拟人 On and off angrily Go mad Pro 向前(动) pre 在前(静) Emotion = passion Lesson 19 A very dear cat Kidnapper 绑架者 Kidnap绑架 Nap打盹 Considerable (考虑久了=)相当大的(或者多的) Considerably=very Health----- wealth 反意同源 Live together = share 模板最后就是写作风格 同源宾语:lead mysterious life Withdraw Lesson 20 Pioneer pilots Take off (飞机)起飞;脱衣服 高频的能记着一个就记着一个 列出一群永远记不住 Be forced to do 强迫做…… Lesson 21 Daniel Mendoza 盛大名声、三节棍 Popular believe 大众观点 ***兴趣爱好*** Boxing matches never fail to fascinate…… Popular in …… Fight with 打架 Prize money 奖金 Prize (adj.) =precious 珍贵的,珍惜的 She mothers me. 她像慈母一样对待我 She dogs me. 她尾随了我 Prizefighter 职业拳击运动员 Known as = regard as … Figures 数字;身材;人物 Fic 做 Fig “可哥” One of the most eminent / notable/ colorful figures. Be introduced to……(culture communication) 哥哥爱手套gloves Draw up set of rules. 制定规则 Line -8 Though……,……,……三节棍 Enjoy tremendous popularity 享有盛大的名声 Highly successful Enjoy tremendous Enjoy fantastic reputation Adored / worship / admire rich and poor alike !!! 李宇春——生男生女都一样 Rise to fame 一举成名 Hunt for fame and fortune Immediately swiftly promptly 一炮打响 Capture one’s attention of……(lesson 26) Offer to do 主动提供 Be quick to learn = learn quickly Pupil 小学生;瞳孔(瞳孔里反映出个小人) 黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,我却得了白内障 ***too … to Turn against sb 反目成仇*** It was clear that …… 经典废话 Solved Sb Argue / think that …… 柴可夫斯基not straight Hold 举办;举行 Ring 耳环;戒指;竞技场 On one occasion or another Campus -Camp- 田地 Champion Ch=c 卷平舌音对等 虚词不大写 让你虚大不了 Founded 建造,建立 Academic 学术的 Academy 学院;学会;专科院校 Extra 额外的 Vag “走” Vagina阴道——生命之路 V – w “走”“生命的”(象形文字) Vital vivid Voyage Extravagant “过度的走” 奢侈的 Love “o v”原音压缩——l v Send to prison (lesson 5) Die in、suffer from poverty Mengqingguo2046@163.com 30968566孟庆国 Xin3haohaobei@163.com 密码:haohaobeixin3 新概念三60课详细笔记 Lesson 60 Too early and too late 与60课有关联的lesson 37、19 ——(准时话题) 第一段:时间观——重点 二三段:过去时,讲故事 Unpunctual = late Over-punctual = early 刺破—计时(打点计时器) Punch in ----- punch out Acupuncture 刺破(轮胎);针灸 Event—thing---affair Punctuality is an unnecessary habit in all private affairs in uncivilized society. L37_l9 We have learnt to expect that trains will be hardly/rarely be punctual in china. 万能模板 Without …… (if虚拟条件句的转化 原型56课line-2 without …) Without punctuality we could not make a living. ***学一句顶百句*** Conclusion conclude 动词变名词,名词变短语,短语变被动——正式化l3 line-1 Archeologists made an interesting discovery …… 谁发现不重要,发现本身重要 L20 line-3 第一次尝试重要,谁尝试不重要 Line-20 第二次尝试重要 L6 line-10 come to a stop ***由without it…*** 虚拟语气讲解 类型: 1、 单词型(命令建议)虚拟语气:suggest(l53)、insist、wish(l20)… 2、 If+从句+主句(对过去、现在、将来) 3、 Without型 Without + n. ,S+ could/would/should+ V. (present) Without +n. , S+ would/could/might……+ have done ***高级否定*** 表达否定含义或者否定的感情色彩、语气的时候没有用not 目的是让否定更加准确 1、 对“不”升级 1、 S + never +be “决不” I never love u 2、S + rarely/seldom/scarcely/hardly “几乎不” 3、S+ V +N + at all “一点也不” I have no love for you at all. I have no sense of danger at all. 4、S+ no longer + be “不再” I no longer love you L57 line-29 village no longer existed…… 2、 用表达肯定意义的否定形式词表达否定 (形式肯定,意义否定) Fail refuse L32 line-1 come to a failure 3、 双重否定,意义肯定、语气否定 《Flying cat》 4、 否定+比较级 表达最高级的意思 L23 line-9 (介绍利、弊or 单写) L41 line-27 Few things could be more …… Few girls could be more beautiful than you Nor is the city …… Nor are you without its moments of beauty 5、 without/ no /nothing /nobody …表达否定 l57 line-21 I could see no valley, no farms… l31 never without hardly dislike refuse no not 丘吉尔六字演讲 “Never give up never give up” Without you never Densely-populated Sparsely-populated Only in Sparsely-populated …… 正话反说 倒装——任何倒装都是为了强调不应该强调的东西,一般强调一个句子的主语、谓语、(宾语)。 主语在前,谓语在后,宾语在谓语之后。因此遇到倒装还原正常的语序,因此想写倒装先写正常语序。 一般情况下,把介词或者介词短语,副词或者副词短语,放在句首就可以引起倒装,形式是把谓语动词或者助动词放在主语之前。 (芙蓉姐姐学新三27、31) 倒装现象就如凤姐现象,刻意引起重视。 Only+介词短语做状语,后倒装 不是所有的only放句首都倒装 41、37 Rat Tolerate 可以忍受的容忍 Rattle L 44 exhilarating一只老鼠跑到山外边 Abs=away Abstract Coordinator共同讲秩序 Coordination If not you, who?! If not now,when?! ——马云 If they are not you ,who are they?! Cut things fine掐点 责备单词 L31、37、53、45、60… Reproach 由but 和 forgive 猜测 Quick/like – minded Quick-minded 开始: Set-out L6、16、10 Embark L28、46、54 Launch 发射(正式的开始) L43 Keep an appointment 赴约 Appoint (只取point“点”的意思) L53 Versatile 多才多艺的人(在任何地方都玩得转的人) Diversion diverse Reverse L35 Descend ascend d-t 互换 l 42 industrious 49、54 个体、个人 person、people、figure、citizen、individual irritate l47 “形成自己的风格” 第一段 一二句观点——准时 三四句观点——不准时 例子 五六——可忍受——指代34句 七——不能忍受——指代12句观点 第八、九、十句观点(例子)——过渡 第十一句观点——第12到15句例子 Comfortable=a little early A fraction of 一点儿 Although if and and when and This will be less than…… Frustration setback 挫折 (lesson 50 ) Befall、 occur、 happen to 表原因: ,for as now that in that Since 58、59、60 Feel in somewhere for something 摸索着找 现分做状语 Feeling sure Could have done 英语中时态16个 最典型:1、must have done (语气最强) L3 (过去的繁荣) 对过去事实肯定推测 Can/could have done Might have done(语气最弱) 2、should have done 3、have 、has 、had + been doing 现在、过去、进行完成时 4、时态复合 L4 He will be earning…… Produce – carry Flourish 繁荣昌盛;挥舞 Microscope显微镜 Indicate=point out Firm 升级 adam 西方人的时间观是单向型的,不会一心几用 准时! 专注! Lesson 25 The Cutty Sark L 10、25、32 船 Plunge 仓惶入水 Dive 潜水 She reminds people of … 万能句型——历史上的…存在的价值 Sth serve as an impressive reminder of sth … (名词动词翻译活用) Vessel 血管;船只 Type 管子 L3 58、2 ------ 新三喝东西,有两处都是tea A couple of marriage/tea. 《101忠狗》 shanghai (v.) :欺骗 Shanghai上海 It marked the beginning of / the turning point of /the milestone of /the prelude to sth. … Prelude 序幕 L 30 Include 包含 inclusive 包含的 -clu- : close shut L 45 exclude 排除 exclusive 排外的;独家的 exclusive shop 专卖店 conclude 下结论 conclusive确凿的 era age time take the lead 领先 It seemed certain that … ***高级肯定*** 1、 undoubtedly, S+ V unquestionably , S+ V inevitable , S+ V 2、 Sure enough, S+ V Needless to say, S+ V Without doubt, S+ V 3、 There is no doubt that S + V It is as clear as daylight that S+ V (l 58) One thing is certain :S+ V (l 47)(l 46、44) Torn away 撕开;刮走 Steer瞪着眼睛站在那里:掌控方向 Plank木板;政纲要点 Call in at 拜访;停靠 Remarkable (l 14) Considering …考虑到…(l 19) Delay 延期推迟(l 37) Lesson 23 One man’s meat is another man’s poison The English language possesses a vivid saying to describe this sort of situation —One man’s meat is another man’s poison. 第一段: 二三句 第一句话(观点)(例子) 第五句话( 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf ) 四句 孤岛、On the other hand 、in the same way——过渡 Illogical no more than no garden never高级否定 At the sound of/ mention of/ idea of /touch of/sight of …… 一听到、提到、想到、摸到、看到 Somebody have been brought up to do sth 某人从小到大都做… l 54 line-1 Vary---various 改变 The idea never appeared to me. An idea comes to sb. Prize珍贵的 Acting on a sudden impulse ,… 一冲动… (冲动) Acting on the contention that facts are scared , as+ V 根据实事求是的观点,某人做某事 根据事实至上的观点,某人做某事 (理智) Intend计划 Contend 主张,坚持,斗争 Delighted pleased Fancy
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