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英美文学复习Satire: To criticize a person or an idea by using humor to show its weakness. Irony: The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to the literal meaning. Sarcasm’s intent is to wound its target, to humiliate, to tear down. The inte...

Satire: To criticize a person or an idea by using humor to show its weakness. Irony: The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to the literal meaning. Sarcasm’s intent is to wound its target, to humiliate, to tear down. The intent behind satire is to make fun of people in order to produce a change in their behavior, in the hope that they become better people. Sarcasm is butchery, while satire is surgery. Defamiliarization is the artistic technique of forcing the audience to see common things afresh, in an unfamiliar or strange way, in order to enhance perception of the familiar. The term “defamiliarization” was first coined in 1917 by Viktor Shklovsky in his essay “Art as Device. A basic satirical tactic, it is a central concept of 20th century art, ranging over movements including Dada, postmodernism, epic theatre, and science fiction. William Shakespeare 37plays 2narrative poems 叙事长诗154sonnets十四行诗 First Folio第一对开本 他死后出版 Three periods: 1590 to 1600: historical plays and comedies, a few early tragedies, imbued with an optimistic atmosphere of humanism人文主义. Romeo and Juliet, The Merchant of Venice 1601 to 1608: great tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, and Timon of Athens《雅典的泰汀》 tragic-comedy悲喜剧: Measure for Measure《一报还一报》,these plays reflect the social contradictions of the age 1609 to 1612: three tragic-comedy, of which The Tempest《暴风雨》is the most significant. These last plays show Shakespeare’s optimistic faith in the future of humanity, and at the same time also reveal dramatist’s Utopianism乌托邦思想. 他的好朋友Ben Jonson评价他为:“not of an age, but for all time.” Renaissance 文艺复兴:The word “Renaissance” means revival, especially between the 14th and mid-17th century, revival of interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture. Renaissance, therefore, in essence, was a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers made attempts to get ride of conservatism (保守主义) in feudalist封建主义 Europe and introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie[,buəʒwɑ:'zi:]资产阶级, to lift the restrictions in all areas placed by the Roman church authorities. Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. Humanism: affirmed the dignity and worth of all people, and sang in praise of man and the pursuit of happiness in this life (not the after life) instead of singing praise to God. · Sir Francis Bacon’s Essays Sonnet18                                                                                   Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?                                夏日怎能與妳譬喻比擬 Thou art more lovely and more temperate:                             妳的可愛溫和夏日難及 Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,                     五月花蕾惡風吹襲落地 And summer's lease hath all too short a date:                          夏日租約倏忽轉瞬到期 Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,                            有時天眼高灼炎炎難耐 And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;                             更見烏雲常蔽金色面容 And every fair from fair sometime declines,                            古今紅顏難逃紅顏色衰 By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd                  命運無常季候欺凌作弄 But thy eternal summer shall not fade                                      妳的永恆夏日卻將長存 Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;                             美貌紅顏必也永世不減 Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,                  死神難誇妳為地府美人 When in eternal lines to time thou growest:                            因妳芳名已成不朽詩篇 So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,                          除非人世已經滅絕無生 So long lives this and this gives life to thee.                           此詩必將永傳與汝永恆 It is one of the most beautiful sonnets written by Shakespeare, the poet holds that the poetry will bring eternity to the one he loves. A nice summer’s day is usually short, but the beauty in poetry can last for ever. Thus Shakespeare has a faith in the permanence of poetry. < poetry is immortal and makes beauty immortal> Artistic devices: metaphor, personification, exaggeration, contrast, inversion倒装, parallelism对仗 The Merchant of Venice: Characters: Antonio, Bassanio,Portia, Shylock. All of Shakespeare’s plays are verse dramas, written mainly in blank verse,素体诗 i.e.即, in iambic pentameter 抑扬格五步音lines without rhyme押韵, interspersed with occasional prose and rhymed verse. The play belongs to Shakespeare’s early comedies, and reflects his optimism. It may be viewed as the triumph of friendship and love over greed and avarice, good over evil, humanity over inhumanity----an idea, or ideal, which is characteristic of humanism during the Renaissance. John Milton约翰米尔顿 Milton’s literary career is divided into three periods: 1625 to 1640: shorter poems: L’Allegro《快乐的人》and IL Penseroso《沉思的人》, Comus, and Lycidas 1640 to 1660: pamphlets and tracts: Areopagitica《论言论自由》,The Defence of the English People and The Second Defence of English People 1660 to 1674: three great poems: Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes《力士参孙》 These works are imbued with the spirit of revolutionary Puritanism清教主义in the 17th century. Paradise Lost a long epic divided into 12 books. The story is taken from the Bible. Satan and other angels rebel against God. Satan succeeds in seduce Eve to eat the apple form the tree of knowledge. As a result, Adam and Eve are exiled by God from the paradise. In the fall of man, Adam discovered his full humanity. Supremacy of God vs. revolt against tyranny暴政 The devil serves as his mouthpiece. By depicting Satan and his followers as well as their fiery utterance and brave actions, Milton shows on the one hand a Puritan’s revolt against the established doctrines of the Catholic and the Anglican church and on the other hand the poet’s intense hatred of tyranny in the capacity of a bourgeois revolutionist.中产阶级革命者 Give a brief comment on John Milton’s Paradise Lost, and analyse Satan, the hero in this poem. Answer: The poet points out at the beginning of the poem that the purpose of the epic is to “assert eternal Providence and justify the ways of God to man.” However, the main idea of the poem shown by the image of Satan,is a revolt against the tyranny’s authority. The defiant蔑视的 spirit of Satan simply shows the proud and somber political passions of the persecuted revolutionaries after Restoration王政复辟. In the image of the first two human beings, Adam and Eve, Milton shows his belief in the power of man, and the love between Adam and Eve voices Milton’s own enthusiasm for humanistic elements. Though the purpose of this poem is, in Milton’s words, to “justify the ways of God to man”, yet as Satan tries to justify himself by posing as a rebel against tyranny, Milton apparently unconsciously makes the devil serves as his own mouthpiece. In this part Satan tells his followers never to submit, but to fight for the bright future. The fiery utterance of Satan to his followers exposes Satan as a revolutionary who is against depression and tyranny and longing for freedom, and shows Milton’s intense hatred of tyranny in the capacity of a bourgeois revolutionary. To Milton, the proud and sober Satan represented the rebellious spirit against unjust authority. From Book IV The first extract: A description of Adam and Eve in the eye of Satan: their natural beauty, mutual love and state of innocence. a) Humans are as majestic and divine 神圣庄严as God (The humanist in Milton) b) Harmony between Adam and Eve c) Superiority of God to man, man to woman, the idea of obedience (The Puritan in Milton’s) The second extract: a) Change of tone b) Satan’s challenge of God’s authority, God portrayed as an envious tyrant Enlightenment启蒙运动:It prevailed the whole 18th century. Its aim was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas. The enlighteners put great emphasis on reason, equality and science. They insisted that reason should be the only and the final cause of any human thoughts and activities. They call for order, reason and rules. Moreover, they cherished universal education as an important means of enlightening human beings. They believed that human beings were limited, imperfect, and yet capable of reason and perfection through education. Sentimentalism情感主义:There were the writers and poets in 18th century who strove for something natural and spontaneous in thought and language. In their literature creation, emotions and sentiments began to play a leading part again. An interest in nature as well as natural relations between man and man was awake in their literature creation. Neoclassicism新古典主义: In the field of literature , the Enlightenment movement brought about a revival of interest in the old classical works. This tendency is known as neoclassicism. Daniel Defoe Defoe is the first important English novelist and a versatile多才多艺的 writer. When he was nearly sixty years old, he wrote his first novel, Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨逊漂流记》. After that he produced Captain Singleton《辛格顿船长》,Moll Flanders《摩尔弗兰德斯》,Colonel Jack《杰克上校》and Roxana《罗珊娜》. The last four novels show his deep sympathy for the poor and down-trodden people The supreme quality of his novels lies in the sense of reality and the lifelikeness of the characters, which are achieved by the insistence on detail. Defoe used the ordinary language of ordinary people----easy, free, and vey plain. The analysis of Robinson: Robinson represents the English bourgeoisie at the earlier stage of its development. He is most practical and exact, always religious and at the same time mindful of his own profit. He struggles hard against nature and makes her bend to his will. In describing Robinson’s life on the island, Defoe glorifies human labor. Labor saves Robinson from despair and is a source of pride and happiness. He toils辛勤劳作 for the sake of subsistence, and the fruits of his labor are his own. His every voyage is connected with some commercial enterprise, eg:he labors for his own existence, but as soon as a native土著 makes his appearance, Robinson assumes the role of a master. Here lies colonialism in germ萌芽. He is a typical colonizer, explorer, and a foreign trader. He is alert, vigorous and resourceful. The first Chinese translation was done by Lin Shu(林纾). In the novel the author eulogizes labor and man’s indefatigable不屈不挠 efforts to conquer nature, but at the same time he beautifies colonialism.殖民主义(theme: sing a song of labor; present labor as the source of human pride happiness as well as a means to change people’s living condition from desperation to prosperity; it is an artistic projection of colonial expansion; back to nature and religious devotion自然和宗教虔诚) 作品文采 Defoe is a very good story-teller. He organized minute details in a vivid way. His sentences are sometimes short, crisp and plain, sometimes long and rambling. His language is smooth ,easy ,colloquial (口语) and mostly vernacular(方言). Jonathan Swift Swift was a master of satire讽刺大家. He wrote a great deal of prose, chiefly in the form of pamphlets. His most famous works are as follows: The Battle of Books, a contribution to the dispute between the relative merits of the ancients and the moderns in literature; A Tale of a Tub《桶的 故事 滥竽充数故事班主任管理故事5分钟二年级语文看图讲故事传统美德小故事50字120个国学经典故事ppt 》, a satire on the various churches of the day; Gulliver’s Travels and A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland from Being a Burden to Their Parents, a most forceful exposure of the conditions of the Irish poor. In his opinion, the nature of human is seriously and permanently flawed有缺陷的. To better the human life, Enlightenment is needed, but to redress救济 (mend) it is very hard. In his writing, he intends not to condemn but to reform and improve human nature and human institution. Gulliver’s Travels 思想:It is Jonathan Swift’s best work of satiric. It criticizes and satirizes all aspects in the English and European life----politically, socially, religiously, philosophically, and scientifically and morality. Its social significance is great. Artistic feature It is at once a fantasy and a realistic work of fiction. Though the story is quite frankly invented and unreal, it is told in a very vivid and convincing way It contains some very direct descriptions of men and things in 18th-century England besides the numerous indirect references to conditions of the author’s own day. 语言:The language is simple, direct and precise. It consists of four voyages, respectively to Lilliput小人国, Brobdingnag大人国, to Laputa飞岛 and other strange lands, and to the country of the Houyhnhnms慧骃国. Lilliput小人国,那的人高six inches high. The English political and religious dissension are satirized in the description of the wearers of high heels and low heels. the country of the Houyhnhnms慧骃国: horses (ruling class), Yahoos are two extremes of imperfect human nature. Romanticism was a movement in literature, philosophy, music and art which developed in Europe in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.( Starting from the ideas of Rousseau卢梭 in France and from the Storm and Stress movement (狂飙运动) in Germany. Romanticism emphasized individual values and aspirations (灵感) above those of society. As a reaction (反应) to the industrial revolution (工业革命), it looked to (承上启下) the Middle Ages and to direct contact with nature (与大自然的直接接触) for inspiration (灵感). Romanticism gave impetus (动力支持) to the national liberation movement (民族解放运动) in 19th century Europe.) Romanticism is characterized by the 5 “I”s Imagination: Imagination was emphasized over “reason.” This was a backlash against the rationalism理性主义 characterized by “the Age of Reason.” Samuel Taylor Coleridge called it “intellectual intuition智的直觉.” Intuition Romantics placed value on “intuition,” or feeling and instincts, over reason. Emotions were important in Romantic art. William Wordsworth described poetry as “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.” Idealism:Idealism is the concept that we can make the world a better place. Idealism refers to any theory that emphasizes the spirit, the mind, or language over matter – thought has a crucial role in making the world the way it is. Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher, held that the mind forces the world we perceive to take the shape of space-and-time. Inspiration The Romantic artist, musician, or writer, is an “inspired creator” rather than a “technical master.” What this means is “going with the moment” or being spontaneous, rather than “getting it precise.” Individuality Romantics celebrated the individual. Walt Whitman, a later Romantic writer, would write a poem entitled “Song of Myself”: it begins, “I celebrate myself…” Examples: Visual Arts, Classical music emphasized internal order and balance. Mozart and Franz Josef Haydn. Romantic music emphasized expression of feelings. Frederic Chopin, Franz Lizst, Pyotr Il’yich Tchaikovsky Robert Burns A collection of his early poems: Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, made him famous overnight. The Scots Musical Museum, Select Collection of Original Scottish Airs: a devoted labor of love and patriotism. Burns is the national poet of Scotland. His poetry is unsurpassed for its beautiful lyricism and sincerity of emotions, and is characterized by a profound sympathy for the down-trodden man. His poems mark an epoch---pre romantic poet. 例 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 (诗歌这种形式出这样的题比较多): “Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear, And the rocks melt wi’ the sun! And I will luve thee still, my dear, While the sands o’life shall run.” (1) Identify the poem and the poet. (2) Interpret the meaning of this stanza. (3) From the characteristics of this stanza, we can deduce which period it belongs to. Answer: (1) Burns’ “A Red, Red Rose” (2) The theme of it is permanent love, which itself is deep, genuine and natural (3) Romanticism · How dose the narrator in the love song express his love? to use many figures of speeches: simile, metaphor, repetition · Why is this poem so touching to the readers? 1) original flavor in fiery 热烈的and direct expression: directly passionate 2) artistic recreation; imagery presentation: newly sprung rose/ sweetly played melody 3) in repetition反复 to stir an echoing effect A Red,Red Rose我的爱人象朵红红的玫瑰 O my luve is like a red, red rose, 呵,我的爱人象朵红红的玫瑰, That's newly sprung in June; 六月里迎风初开; O my luve is like the melodie呵,我的爱人象支甜甜的曲子, simile 明喻 That's sweetly played in tune. 奏得合拍又和谐。 As fair thou art, my bonie lass, 我的好姑娘,多么美丽的人儿! So deep in luve am I; 请看我,多么深挚的爱情! And I will luve thee still, my dear, 亲爱的,我永远爱你, Till a' the seas gang dry. 纵使大海干涸水流尽。 Exaggeration 夸张 Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear, 纵使大海干涸水流尽,inversion 倒装 And the rocks melt wi' the sun; 太阳将岩石烧作灰尘, rhymes & emphasis And I will luve thee still , my dear, 亲爱的,我永远爱你, 押韵和强调 While the sands o' life shall run. 只要我一息犹存 And fare thee weel, my only luve, 珍重吧,我惟一的爱人, And fare thee weel a while; 珍重吧,让我们暂时别离,emphasis& musicality And I will come again, my luve, 但我定要回来, 强调和乐感 Tho'it wre ten thousand mile! 哪怕千里万里! Pinned To A Lady’s Coach5 If you rattle喋喋不休1 along like your mistress’s tongue2, You speed will outrival the dart3飞镖; But a fly for your load, you’ll break down on the road, If your stuff be as rotten’s her heart4 1和2,2和3,4和5---comparison Satire the lady’s corruption, her heart is very corrupt or rotten. Corruption and degeneration of the upper class The Toadeater马屁精 What of Earls伯爵with whom you have supped, And of Dukes, that you dined with yestreen!昨晚 A louse虱子, sir, is still but a louse, Though it crawl on the curls of a Cueen, The futility无用 of toadeating A satire on the parasitism寄生状态of the lackeys马屁精,仆人 of the ruling classes. William Blake Blake was a precursor of Romanticism in English poetry. His most famous works are Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. These two volumes reflect two widely different views of the human soul. Songs of Innocence contains poems which are simply without being naïve, childlike without being childish, innocent without being insipid.没有生气 In the pictures of merry nature and innocent children. Here everything seems to be in harmony. However, in the poems like The Little Black Boy and The Chimney Sweeper we see racial discrimination and mere hypocrisy伪善. In Songs of Experience the poet drew pictures of neediness and distress and showed the sufferings of the poor. In the poem London the whole picture of the miseries in the English capital is reflected. Besides the above-mentioned famous works, The French Revolution, America, etc. are also well-known, Writing features: 1 Blake writes his poems in plain and direct language. 2He presents his view in visual images rather than abstract ideas. 3 Symbolism in wide range is a distinctive feature of his poetry. LONDON I wander thro’ each charter’d streets, 我走过每条独占的街道, Near where the charter’d Thames does flow, 徘徊在独占的泰晤士河边, And mark in every face I meet我看见每个过往的行人 Marks of weakness, marks of woe. 有一张衰弱、痛苦的脸。 In every cry of every Man, 每个人的每声呼喊, In every Infant’s cry of fear, 每个婴孩害怕的号叫, In every voice, in every ban, 每句话,每条禁令, The mind-forg’d manacles I hear. 都响着心灵铸成的镣铐。 How the Chimney-sweeper’s cry多少扫烟囱孩子的喊叫 Every black’ning Church appalls; 震惊了一座座熏黑的教堂, And the hapless Soldier’s sigh不幸兵士的长叹 Runs in blood down Palace wall. 化成鲜血流下了宫墙。 But most thro’ midnight streets I hear最怕是深夜的街头 How the youthful Harlot’s curse又听年轻妓女的诅咒! Blasts the new-born Infant’s tear, 它骇注了初生儿的眼泪, And blights with plagues the Marriage hearse. 又用瘟疫摧残了婚礼丧 Figure of speech:  Metonymy转喻 : Church Here church does not refer to a specific church but refers to the clergymen living in the church. Metaphor隐喻 : black’ning Physically, the outward appearance of the church is blackening because of the pollution. Morally, it refers to the hypocrisy and corruption of the church. Synaesthesia通感 : sigh run in blood Hearing the sigh of the miserable soldier, the picture of many soldiers’ blood running along the Palace walls is brought into the poet’s mind. Oxymoron 矛盾修饰法: the Marriage hearse a figure
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