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《林慈信-神学导论阅读资料-美国长老会会章程及特别崇拜仪式》PAGE 1 美国长老会会章程PCA Book of Church Order特别崇拜仪式(供参考) Optional Forms for Particular Services 这些仪式由长老会大会通过,与《治会章程》一同印发,可是并不是《章程》的一部分。这些仪式取材自美南长老会(PCUS)1893所通过的章程,及正统长老会(OPC)1940所通过之章程。 These forms were approved by the General Assembly, to be printed with the Bo...

PAGE 1 美国长老会会章程PCA Book of Church Order特别崇拜仪式(供参考) Optional Forms for Particular Services 这些仪式由长老会大会通过,与《治会章程》一同印发,可是并不是《章程》的一部分。这些仪式取材自美南长老会(PCUS)1893所通过的章程,及正统长老会(OPC)1940所通过之章程。 These forms were approved by the General Assembly, to be printed with the Book of Church Order, but not to be a part of the Constitution.  They were derived from the PCUS Book as approved in 1893, and from the OPC Book as approved in 1940.  Appendix G was adapted from forms used by the OPC and RPCNA. 婚礼仪式(第一式) MARRIAGE SERVICE 婚礼无论是在教会或家中举行,新郎与新娘应与见证人一同前来,女人在男人的左边,在牧师面前。牧师说﹕ Whether the marriage is in the church or in a private house, the betrothed shall present themselves attended by witnesses, the man having the woman at his left hand, before the minister, who shall say: 愿主赐福与你们,保守你们;愿主以祂的脸光光照你们,恩待你们;愿主向你们仰脸,赐你们平安。(民数记6﹕24-26) The Lord bless you, and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace  (Numbers 6:24-26). 你们中间,若有人有证据证明,这两位不应当合法结婚,就应该现在提出,不然以后要永远保持针默。 If any here present can show just cause why these persons may not lawfully be joined together in marriage, let them now speak, or hereafter forever hold their peace. 婚姻是上帝设立的典章,为了人类的幸福,和上帝的荣耀。这个关系是圣洁的,圣灵用它来 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明我们的主与祂的新妇,教会之间的关系。因此,亲爱的朋友们,让我们留意使徒保罗受默示而写下的劝勉﹕「你们作丈夫的,要爱你们的妻子,正如基督爱教会,为她舍命」(弗5﹕25)。「你们作妻子的,要顺服你们的丈夫,正如顺服主一样」(弗5﹕26)。 Marriage is a divine ordinance instituted for the promotion of man’s happiness and the glory of God.  The sacredness of the relation is revealed by the fact that the Holy Spirit has selected it as an apt emblem of the union existing between our Lord and His bride, the Church.  Hence, beloved friends, take heed to the exhortation of the inspired apostle, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it”  (Ephesians 5:26).  “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord”  (Ephesians 5:22).  我们必须充分体会婚姻的神圣,愿意意忠心尽我们双方的责任,每天求上帝赐福,这样婚姻的关系才会为我们带来幸福。 The happiness contemplated by this union is realized only by those who fully appreciate its sacredness and are faithful in the performance of the mutual obligations growing out of it, and seek daily God’s blessing. 因此,你们现在既然愿意结婚,愿天上的上帝赐福给你,使你们的真诚与爱情分别为圣。我劝你们,现在与我一起祈求上帝,求祂赐福给你们婚姻的结合,将它分别为圣,使祂的圣名得荣耀,你们一生也得祂所赐的幸福。 And now as you enter into this new relation, consecrated by heaven’s benediction and hallowed by all that is tenderest and truest in human affection, I entreat you both to join with me in the prayer that God may bless this union, and sanctify it to the furtherance of your good and to the glory of His most holy Name.   祷告The Prayer 我们的恩主,你是生命的源头,你是爱与喜乐的泉源,求你从天上大发怜悯,恩待这两位,你的仆人们,他们现在愿意在婚约上结合。求你赐他们能力,永远记得他们今天在你面前彼此所立的约,我们祷告都根据你的圣言,奉我们的主耶稣基督之名而求,阿们。 Most gracious God, fountain of life and love and joy, look with merciful favor upon these your servants now to be joined in holy wedlock, and enable them ever to remember and truly keep the vows which they make as they enter into covenant with one another and with you, in accordance with the Holy Word, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 立约The Covenant 现在新郎与新娘握住右手,牧师说﹕ Here the parties join their right hands, and the minister says: _________,你是否愿意在上帝和这些见证人面前,娶 _______ 为你合法的妻子,你是否愿意终生爱她,专心的爱她,不论健康或疾病,喜乐或忧愁,富足或贫穷,一生不改变? Do you, M--, take N--, whom you now hold by the hand to be your lawful and wedded wife, and do you promise in the presence of God and these witnesses to be to her a faithful, loving and devoted husband, so long as you both shall live? 新郎回答﹕ The man answers: 我愿意。 I do. 牧师说﹕ The minister shall say: _____________,你否愿意在上帝和这些见证人面前,嫁给 _______, 作你合法的丈夫,你是否愿意终生爱她,专心的爱她,不论健康或疾病,喜乐或忧愁,富足或贫穷,一生不改变? Do you, N--, take M--, whom you now hold by the hand to be your lawful and wedded husband and do you promise in the presence of God and these witnesses to be to him a faithful, loving and obedient wife, so long as you both shall live? 新娘回答﹕ The woman answers: 我愿意。 I do. 若要交换戒指,牧师说﹕ If a ring is given and received, the minister shall say: 愿这戒指成为你忠诚不朽之爱的象征,愿上帝恩待你们,记念你们。 Let this ring be the token of your plighted faith, and the memorial of your mutual and unending love. 牧师向会众说﹕ Then the minister, addressing himself to the company present, says: __________ 与 __________ 既然在上帝面前立约成为夫妇,我现在在上帝面前,按照政府的法律,宣布他们已经结婚,成为父妇。因此﹕上帝所结合的,没有人可以分开。(太19﹕6) Forasmuch as these persons have covenanted together in marriage in accordance with the laws of the commonwealth, I do now pronounce them husband and wife, after the ordinance of God.  “Therefore, what God has joined together, let not man separate”  (Matthew 19:6). 祷告The Prayer 全能的上帝,我们的天父,我们敬拜你,称颂你的名。求你在这两位在你面前立约的仆人身上,刻上你的印记;求你保守他们所立的婚约,愿他们的心与生命在你里面成为一体。求你赐他们能力,给他们足够的恩典,忠心守住他们今天在你面前所起的愿。不论是富足或贫穷,健康或疾病,喜乐或忧愁,愿他们彼此相爱,彼此的同情,同心一生不改变。因此我们现在把他们交托在你的恩手中,求保护他们,求你恩待他们,在你面前一同承受生命之恩。奉我们的主耶稣基督圣名祷告,阿们。 Almighty and ever blessed God, our heavenly Father, place the seal of your loving approval upon the union of these two hearts and lives in the sacred bonds of matrimony.  Enable your servants, by the gift of thy sufficient grace to be faithful in keeping the vows they have now assumed.  Whether in prosperity or in adversity, in sickness or in health, in sorrow or in joy, may their love and sympathy for each other never fail.  Into your holy keeping we now commit them, praying that they may ever live “as being heirs together of the grace of life” (1 Peter 3:7).  For Jesus’ sake.  Amen.   祝福Benediction 新郎与新娘站立或跪下,牧师祝福,说﹕ Then the married pair standing, or kneeling, the minister shall pronounce the benediction: 愿圣父,圣子,圣灵,三一真神赐福给你们,保守你们,护卫你们;愿上帝以祂的怜悯恩待你们,叫你们的家充满祂的恩典,求上帝使你们忠心,同心在世界里过此一生,来世享受永生之恩。阿们。 God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, bless, preserve, and keep you; the Lord mercifully with his favor look upon you, and so fill you with his grace that you may live faithfully together in this life and in the world to come may have life everlasting.  Amen.  结婚仪式(第二式) APPENDIX B A SECOND MARRIAGE SERVICE 举行婚礼的时候到了,新郎与新娘须到牧师面前,新娘在新郎的左边。全会众肃立。 At the time and place appointed for the solemnization of matrimony, the persons to be married shall take their places before the minister, the man having the woman at his left hand, and all present reverently standing. 牧师说﹕ The minister shall say: 各位亲爱的,我们今天在上帝面前聚集,为这位弟兄与这位姐妹举行圣洁的婚礼。 Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the presence of God to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. 婚姻是上帝在人无罪,圣洁公义的时候所设立的。耶和华上帝说﹕「那人独居不 好,我要为他造一个配偶。」(创2﹕18)。上帝就从人身上的本质创造了女人, 把她带到男人跟前。我们的主耶稣基督在加利利的迦拿曾参加婚礼,藉此表示尊重婚姻。主也教导婚姻是上帝所设立的典章,上帝所结合的,人不可分开。主宣告﹕「因此,上帝所结合的,人不可分开」(太19﹕6)。使徒保罗也教导婚姻是圣洁的,崇高的;保罗说婚姻乃好像基督与教会之间奥秘的关系。 Marriage was instituted by God himself in the time of man’s innocency and uprightness.  The Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him”  (Genesis 2:18).  Thereupon God created woman of man’s own substance and brought her to the man.  Our Lord Jesus Christ honored marriage by His presence at the wedding in Cana of Galilee.  And He confirmed it as a divine ordinance and a union not to be severed when He declared, “Therefore, what God has joined together, let not man separate”  (Matthew 19:6).  Moreover, the apostle Paul set forth the sacred and exalted nature of marriage when he likened it to the mystical union that subsists between Christ and His Church. 婚姻的目的是让结婚的人生命更加丰富,使人类得到繁殖,也使基督的教会增长,叫立约受约的上帝得到荣耀。 The purpose of marriage is the enrichment of the lives of those who enter into this estate, the propagation of the race, and the extension of Christ’s Church to the glory of the covenant God. 让我们恭敬听《圣经》的教导,丈夫对妻子的责任,和妻子对丈夫的责任﹕ Let us reverently hear what the Holy Scriptures teach concerning the duty of husbands to their wives and of wives to their husbands: (弗5﹕25-28) “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it; that He might sanctify, and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word.  ...So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies”  (Ephesians 5:25-28). (弗5﹕22-23) “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.  For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is the head of the church, and He is the Savior of the body”  (Ephesians 5:22-23). 这两位现在前来,要在圣洁的婚姻里合而为一体。若有人知道有什么正当的理由,他们不应该合法结婚,现在就要提出,不然永远针默。 These two persons are come to be joined in this holy estate of marriage.  If any man can show just cause why they may not lawfully be wedded, let him now declare it, or else hereafter forever hold his peace. 我劝勉你们,要求你们,你们若知道有什么理由,你们不应该合法结婚的,现在就要提出。 I require and charge you both that, if either of you knows any cause why you may not be lawfully joined together in matrimony, you do now confess it. 让我们祷告﹕             Let us pray: 圣洁慈悲的天父,人类创造之主,与救赎之上帝,求你现在充满站在你面前的两位仆人,让他们感觉自己要起的誓约是多么的严肃。让他们来仰望你,求你帮助他们倚靠你的恩典,赐他们能力进入圣洁的婚姻。求听我们的祷告,赦免我们的罪,祷告都奉你的儿子耶稣基督的圣名。阿们。 Most holy and most merciful Father, at once the God of nature and of grace, creator, preserver and redeemer of mankind, fill these, your servants and your handmaiden, with a sense of the solemnity of the vows they are about to make.  May they look to you for your assistance, and enter into these sacred obligations in humble dependence upon your enabling grace.  Grant this, O Father, with the forgiveness of our sins, through Jesus Christ, your Son.  Amen. 祷告之后牧师说﹕ After prayer the minister shall say: 谁是女方的主婚人? Who gives this woman to be married to this man? 新娘的父亲,或另一位代表父亲者,将新娘的右手交给牧师,牧师让新郎握住她的右手。 The father of the woman, or someone in his stead, shall place her right hand in that of the minister, and the minister shall cause the man to take with his right hand the right hand of the woman. 然后牧师说﹕ The minister shall then say: ________,你是否愿意嫁_______为你合法的妻子,按照上帝的吩咐,在婚姻中与她同住?你是否愿意爱她,尊重她,珍贵她,一生不改变? M--, will you have this woman to be your wedded wife, to live with her after God’s commandments in the holy estate of marriage?  And will you love her, honor and cherish her, so long as you both shall live? 新郎回答﹕ The man shall answer: 我愿意。 I will. 然后牧师说﹕ Then the minister shall say: ___________,你是否愿意嫁给 ___________,作你合法的丈夫,按照上帝的吩咐,在婚姻中与他同住?你是否愿意爱他,尊重他,顺从他,一生不改变? N--, will you have this man to be your wedded husband, to live with him after God’s commandments in the holy estate of marriage?  And will you love him, cherish and obey him, so long as you both shall live? 新娘说﹕ The woman shall answer: 我愿意。 I will. 新郎说﹕ The man shall say: 我,___________,现在娶你, ____________,作我合法的妻子,我在上帝和这些 见证人面前向你应许,立约,我要作你忠诚,爱你的丈夫,无论健康或疾病,富足或贫穷,幸福或忧伤,一生不改变。 I, M--, take you, N--, to be my wedded wife, and I do promise and covenant before God and these witnesses to be your loving and faithful husband in sickness and in health, in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow, as long as we both shall live. 新娘说﹕ The woman shall say: 我,___________,现在嫁给你, ____________,愿意你作我合法的丈夫,我在上帝和这些见证人面前向你应许,立约,我要作你忠诚,爱你的妻子,无论健康或疾病,富足或贫穷,幸福或忧伤,一生不改变。 I, N--, take you, M--, to be my wedded husband, and I do promise and covenant before God and these witnesses to be your loving and faithful wife in sickness and in health, in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow, as long as we both shall live. 新郎将戒指放在新娘左手的第四手指上,跟着牧师说﹕ The man shall then put the ring on the third finger of the woman’s left hand, and shall say after the minister: 我用这戒指与你立约结婚,表示我不变的忠诚,永久的爱。 This ring I give you as a symbol and pledge of constant faith and abiding love. 牧师对新娘说﹕ The minister shall say to the woman: _________,你是否愿意接受这戒指作为你立约的记号,持守此誓约,一生忠诚? Do you, N--, receive this ring as a token of your pledge to keep this covenant and perform these vows? 新娘说﹕ The woman shall say: 我愿意。 I do. 牧师说﹕ The minister shall say: 让我们祷告。 Let us pray. 祷告之后牧师说﹕ After prayer the minister shall say: 我现在根据耶稣基督教会的权柄,和按照遵守国家的法律,宣告你们, ___________ 和 ____________,已经结为夫妇,奉圣父,圣子,圣灵的名。阿们。 By virtue of the authority committed unto me by the church of Christ and the law of the state, I now pronounce you, M--, and N--, husband and wife, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.
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