首页 5、数据库营销(定稿)



5、数据库营销(定稿)nullnull©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.5. What Every Direct Marketer Needs To Know About Marketing Databases 数据库营销 ----直复营销人员需要了解的营销数据库知识1null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc...

nullnull©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.5. What Every Direct Marketer Needs To Know About Marketing Databases 数据库营销 ----直复营销人员需要了解的营销数据库知识1null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association2Why do we have databases? 一、为什么要建立数据库?   To know our customers 了解顾客   What products to sell them 要卖什么产品   How to retain them 如何维护客户   How to find more like them 如何寻找更多的和他们一样的客户null©Direct Marketing Association3 What is Database Marketing? 二、什么是数据库营销? Definition 定义 •  The collection, analysis, and use of information about customers and their buying habits, demographic information, lifestyles, and other such data. 收集、分析和使用客户信息以及购买习惯、人口统计信息、生 活方式及其他有关数据。 •  This information is used to build profiles of customers, to target customer segments, to develop personalized mail, to build relationships and to encourage repeat purchase, increase lifetime value, and promote loyalty. 使用这些信息建立客户档案,锁定目标客户群,开发个性化邮 件,建立客户关系并鼓励重复购买,提高终身价值及客户忠诚度。null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association4 Database Marketing 数据库营销 How well do you know your customers? 你对你的客户了解多少? •  Using your database to build relationships with customers can be highly profitable 通过使用您的数据库与客户建立关系,可以获取高额 利润 •  It’s like “Marketing with a Memory” 这就像是“带有记忆的市场营销” null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association5•  Before you build your marketing database, you have to have a source of information about customers 在建立自己的营销数据库之前, 你必须要有相关客户的信息来源 •  3 ways you can start to build names and information on people 通过3种方式,你就可以开始建 立有关人名和信息的数据三、如何获取数据null63 Ways to get information on prospects and customers 获取潜在客户及现有客户信息的三种方法 1.  Compile your own list 建立自己的名录 –  Customers, website registrants, inquirers, event attendees, referrals, and others 网站注册者,咨询者,活动参与者,被介绍者及其他 2.  Rent a list 租借名录 –  Other organization’s lists 其他机构的名录 •  Magazines, catalogs, charities, membership organizations and others 杂志,目录,慈善机构,会员组织及其他机构 –  Compiled lists 编纂过的名录 3.  Exchange lists with business partners与业务合作伙伴交换名录 ©2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved. null183MM people in 121 MM homesevents 7Many selections, like new homeowners Life消费者名录来源:–  Telephone listings 电话黄页 –  Public records: deeds, birth records, etc. 公共记录:行为,出生记录等 –  Voter registrations, automobile ownership 选民登记,汽车所有权 –  Surveys and Product Registrations 调查和产品注册 •  Census tract data 人口普查数据Demographics ©2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Compiled Lists 已建立的名录 •  Consumer list sources:人口统计信息重大事件null©2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 8企业名录来源: –  Telephone directories 电话黄页 –  Public records 公共记录–  Professional associations 专业协会 –  Commercial directories 商业目录 •  Overlaid with industry data 附有行业数据的18MM professionals in 15MM companiesSize of company Type of Company Compiled Lists 已建立的名录 •  Business list sources:Business Titles 公司规模行业类别null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association9 Renting another company’s list 租用另一家公司的名录 – Outside Rental Lists 外部租用名录 •  Direct mail responders 直邮响应者 •  Buyers, donors, members•  购买者,捐助者,会员 Subscribers 订阅者•  Magazines, newsletters 杂志,通讯Charities Museums Catalogs null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association10 Warning! Before you mail to outside lists 警告!利用外部名录邮寄之前 •  Merge Purge (duplicate elimination) 合并清洗(数据去重)   Save money, avoid irritation 节约资金,避免激怒客户   Avoid mailing to current customers 避免将邮件发给当前客户null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association11 Types of Information to keep 信息的类型包含 •  Name, address, phone, email 姓名,地址,电话,电子邮件 •  Promotions and responses 促销和响应 •  Purchase and behavioral data 购买和行为数据 –  All transactions in detail 所有交易细节 –  Payment history 付款记录 •  Demographics and lifestyle data 人口统计和生活方式数据四、null 1. Transactions 交易(数据) 6. Appended Data 追加的数据 3. Promotions and Responses 促销与响应 5. Web Behavior 网络行为(数据) Consolidated Customer Marketing Database 整合过的客户数据库 4. LTV, RFM, Model Scores Segment #, Status Level 客户终身价值,RFM, 模型评级,身份级别 12 2. Suppression Data 压缩数据 What Is Kept in a  Database Record   数据记录中都包含了哪些信息?null Customer Segmentation 客户细分 Models and Analytics 建模与分析 ©Direct Marketing Association整合过的客户数据库 Direct Mail Campaigns 直邮活动How Is the Database Used? 如何应用数据库   Email Campaigns 电子邮件营销活动 Mobile Campaigns 手机营销活动 Consolidated Customer Marketing Database Status Level Rewards 身份级别相应的奖励Defection Prediction 缺省(缺陷)预测 13 Website Recognition 网站识别(优化)null©Direct Marketing Association14 Case: Database analysis improves acquisition 案例:数据库分析可以提高客户拥有量  Charity comparedrevenue from donors to geography 根据捐助者的捐款额与其居住的地理位置进行比较   Used Zip Code Analysis 运用邮政编码分析   Results> 60% of donations came from 17% of the zip codes. 结果是超过60%的捐助来自于17%的邮政编码区域  Action: Target other prospects who lived in same zip codes. 行动:目标为其他居住在同一邮政编码地址上的潜在客户   Increased revenue 增加收入  Focused on most likely areas first首先关注最有可能的区域   Next they moved to the next best zip codes 接下来转向次好的邮编地址区域  You already have addresses on your file.已经拥有了地址   Inexpensive to use it for segmentation利用数据库进行市场细分成本较低null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association15Most Important Element Behavioral Data: relating to the purchasing and usage traits of your customers 五、数据类型及用途 (一)行为数据(与客户的购买和使用特点相关的数据)及用途 行为数据的应用: •  Used to guide marketing strategy 用于指导营销策略 •  Used to segment and select audiences 用于细分和选择受众 •  Used to determine customer value 用于确定顾客价值 •  Used to customize offers and creative 用于提供个性化的诱因和创意 •  Used to allocate your budget 用于分配你的预算null©2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 16Behavioral Data: relating to the purchasing and usage traits of your customers行为数据•  Recency Frequency Monetary - spend patterns RFM模型(新鲜度、消费频次、消费金额)----消费模式 –  Based on customer’s last purchase, # of times they buy, amount of money they spend 依据客户最近一次购买,购买次数,消费金额等 –  Will find your best customers (most recent, most frequent, highest spend) 将找到你的最佳客户(最新鲜,最频繁,消费最高) •  Don’t assume that everyone is an equally good prospect for your product. 不要认为所有人都是你产品的良好潜在客户。 •  Identify and clearly define your target customer. 识别并确定你的目标客户 •  Invest based on Return on Investment 在投资回报分析基础上进行投资null©Direct Marketing Association17 How to Compute a Recency Code   如何计算客户的新鲜度1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  Put the most recent purchase date into every customer record Sort database by that purchase date - newest to oldest Divide into 5 equal groups - Quintiles Number groups “5” (most recent) to “1” (most ancient) Put quintile number in each customer record 1.把每一个顾客最近的购买日期添加到记录中 2.根据购买日期数据进行排序-由最新到最旧 3.分成五个相等的小组(按购买日期) 4.将小组按5(最近购买)到1(最早购买) 进行编号 5.把每一个记录按1到5进行编号 nullResponse Rate 响应率18 3.49%1.25%1.08%0.63%0.26%1.50% 1.00% 0.50% 0.00%3.50% 3.00% 2.50% 2.00%4 3 2 Recency Quintile 新鲜度五等分 Response  by  Recency  Quintile   新鲜度的五等分响应率 4.00% 5 Most Recent 最近购买 ©Direct Marketing Association 1 Most Ancient 最早购买null How to compute a Frequency Code •  Repeat steps 1-5 as you did with Recency Code •  Number groups from 5 (most frequent purchases) to 1 purchase •  Put quintile number in each record 如何计算消费频次•  按照新鲜度的算法重复1-5步 •  从5(最频繁购买)到1给各组编号 •  将编号添加到每一个客户记录中去 19 null20 如何计算消费金额•  按照新鲜度算法和消费频 次算法,重复1-5步骤 •  从5(消费金额最高)到1 (消费金额最低)给各组编号 •  将编号添加到每一个客户记录中去 How to compute a Monetary Code •  Repeat steps 1-5 as you did with Recency and Frequency Codes •  Number groups from 5 (most spent) to 1 (lowest spent) •  Put quintile number in each record ©Direct Marketing Associationnull©Direct Marketing Association21 1.17%0.88%0.66%0.32%5432100.51Case : Monetary Response to $5,000 Investment Offer 案例:投资5000美元诱因引发的消费额响应 Percentage of households promoted who purchased 购买的家庭数量占推广数量的比例 1.68% 1.5Highest Spenders 最高消费Lowest Spenders 最低消费null©Direct Marketing Association22 Caution:Do Not Over use     Recency/Frequency/Monetary  Coding   注意:不要过度使用“新鲜度/消费频次/消费金额” 分类进行促销 •  Use it sparingly 谨慎使用 –  If you use it all the time, half your customers will never hear from you – they’ll be lost 如果你一直使用,那么一半的客户将不会收到你的信息,你将会流失这些客户 –  The top half will suffer from Promotion Fatigue 最忠实的一半客户将会忍受促销疲劳 •  Construct multiple types of segmentation so the best of all types of customers will be targeted 构建多种类型的客户细分,这样,所有类型中的最佳客户就会被锁定 •  Here are some other ways you can segment customers 其他的客户分类方法null Past Purchase Behavior predicts future purchases. Previous purchase knowledge should drive future marketing. 利用过去的购买行为预测未来的购买行为,前面的购买将驱动未来的营销 Female customer who only buys their men’s clothes for her husband 只为他们的丈夫购买男装的女性顾客 Female customer who only buys their women’s clothes 只购买女装的女性顾客 23•  Customize offers and send Customers what they are interested in buying •  提供个性化诱因, 并为客户提供他们 有兴趣购买的产品 The Territory Ahead Retail Store, Catalog and Web Marketer of Men’sand Women’s Clothing The Territory Ahead 是一家服装零售店,他们通过目录营销及网络进行销售nullEvent-Driven contacts事件驱动的顾客沟通Chico’s birthday cardwith gift certificateChico的生日贺卡及礼品券null©Direct Marketing Association25 •  Developed direct mail campaign-5-step series开展直邮活动—5个步骤–  Each mailing came from the customer’s agent---每个邮件都来自客户的代理人1.  Letter 2 months before yearly renewal 新年到来之前的2个月开始寄信 2.  Thank you card in 1st quarter 第一季度寄送感谢卡 3.  Cross-sell mailing in 2nd quarter 第二季度进行交叉销售4.  Newsletter in 3rd quarter第三季度邮寄简讯5.  Seasonal card in 4th quarter 第四季度邮寄季节卡Case: How Customers Behave Travelers Insurance 案例:顾客行为与旅行保险公司 •  Analyzed customers who cancel their policy 分析取消保单的客户行为发现: –  62% of customers who leave, never talk to an agent first 流失客户中的62%,是从不主动与代理人沟通 –  80% of people who talk to an agent do not leave. 与代理人进行沟通的80%客户是不会流失的 •  “Talk to them” with direct mail 用直邮“与他们对话” Results: 结果   Retention up 5.6% 保持率上升了5.6%   Increased revenue $14,000 per year per agent 每年每个代理增长了14000美 元收入null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.26 Case: Retention 案例:客户保留 - How contact frequency can impact retention 沟通频次如何影响客户保持率 Number of customer retention mailings保留客户邮寄的数量null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association27Demographics (二)人口统计学数据 Consumer Demographics 1.  Age 2.  Gender 3.  Income 4.  Education 5.  Family size 6.  Race/ethnic group 7.  Marital status 8.  Home ownership 9.  Occupation 10. Length of residence消费者人口统计特征 1.  年龄 2.  性别 3.  收入 4.  教育 5.  家庭人数 6.  种族/民族 7.  婚姻状况 8.  住房 9.  职业 10.  居住期Appended Data null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association28Demographics 统计特征企业统计特征1.  行业类型 2.  员工数量 3.  销售量 4.  办公室或工厂的数量 5.  从业时间 6.  主要管理者Business Demographics1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  ( “Firmographics”) Industry type of employees Sales volume of offices or plants How long in business Key executivesAppended Data null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association29Example of Lifestyle Data (三)生活方式数据– also called Psychographics也称为消费心理学Lifestyle, hobbies, interests•  •  •  •  •  •  •  • Do they travel? Buy luxury items? Are they interested in antiques? Do they ski? Play golf? What kind of music do they like? Are they gourmet cooks? Gardeners? Do they drink wine? Are they readers? What kinds of books?•  Do they have pets?生活方式,爱好,兴趣•  •  •  •  •  •  • 他们旅行吗? 他们购买奢侈品吗? 他们对古董感兴趣吗? 他们滑雪吗?打高尔夫吗? 他们喜欢什么类型的音乐? 他们是美食家吗?喜欢园艺? 他们喝酒吗?•  • 他们是读者吗?喜欢读什么类型的书? 他们有宠物吗?null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association30Life Events 生活事件•  •  •  • 新房购买者 初为父母者 有刚从大学毕业的孩子 新近退休者•  New home buyers •  New parents •  Have a child graduating from college •  Recently retirednull©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association31 How do you get demographic and psychographic data? 如何获取人口统计和消费心理数据? •  Analyze customer purchases 分析客户购买情况 •  Survey customers 调查客户 •  Rent information from providers and append if available 从供应商租用信息数据,如有可能追加信息null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association32 Survey Customers" 调查客户" Kraft Foods customizes magazine based on responses" 卡夫食品 定制 基于回应的杂志 •  Age •  Family size •  Cooking style •  Language preference null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association33六、数据库的应用 Using your database in improve profits 利用数据库提高利润 Segmenting your list (一)名录细分---二八法则null©2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 34Sales 80%Customers 20% Pareto’s Law - The 80/20 Rule 帕累托法则---二八法则 If everyone gets the same promotion, budgets are wasted and profits suffer. 如果向所有人进行同样的推销,那么预算肯定会浪费,利润也会受到影响。nullCase: Air freight Company (80 - 20 Rule) 案例:航空运输公司(80-20法则 ) •  Fierce competitive environment •  Appended Firmographics to customer database –  Industry segment, sales volume, # employees •  Found: 10 industries (out of 1,050) = 50% of customers and 80% of revenue •  Allocated new customer prospecting budget to only those 10 business segments to find more customers who “looked like” their best customers –  Targeted only 500,000 companies, not 24 million universe •  Protected their customers from new competitor’s marketing. And grew their share of business in these 10 criticalindustries•  激烈的竞争环境 •  追加企业统计特征到客户数据库 –  行业细分,销售量,员工数量 •  发现:10个行业(1050个行业中 的)=50%的顾客和80%的收入 •  只将新客户开发预算用于10个行业, 以寻找更多“看似是他们的最佳客户” –  只锁定50万家公司,而不是所有的 2400万家公司 •  保护他们的客户不被竞争者进行 营销,在这个10个关键行业增加 他们的市场份额©2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved. nullBudget re-allocation 预算的重新分配ROI example 投资回报率举例High ROI segments: 3-D Mail or Closed-face envelope, personalized letter, first class stamp! 投资回报率高的群体:3D邮件或者非开窗信封,个性化的信函,一类邮件邮票。Average ROI segments: Window or closed- face envelope, personalized letter, advertising discount rate postage!平均投资回报率群体:开窗或不开窗信封,个性化信函,广告折扣率邮费Lower ROI segments: Search ads, Email, banner ads, social media or low cost direct mail !投资回报率低的群体:搜索引擎广告,电子邮件,旗帜广告,社交媒体或者低成本的直邮。 "©2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved. null37Targeting prospects who look like your best customers (二)锁定最佳客户群 Predictive Modeling: 预测模型: •  To pull direct response mail lists that look like best customers 用于引发那些看起来像是最佳客户的直接响应–  Reduce budget waste减少预算浪费•  To determine the right product offer and price for target audiences 为目标客户确定正确的产品诱因和价格 •  To develop appealing copy and creative executions for targets 为目标受众制定有吸引力的文案和创意 •  To identify “at risk” customers and develop appropriate retention strategies识别“风险”客户,制定适当的客户保留策略null Audience Selected from Customer File 从顾客资料中选择受众 •  Camping World Previous Clothing Buyers 露营世界的过往的服装购买者 •  Best Customer Select (RFM) 最佳客户选择(根据RFM模型确定) •  Predictive Model 预测模型 Total Mailing 总共邮寄量 Mailed cost-effectively 100,000 instead of entire 350,000 邮寄给能带来效益的10万个客户,而不是所有的35万个客户 Case: Camping World Catalog Cross-shopping Predictive Model from 350,000 Customers 案例:35万客户的“露营世界”目录 交叉购买预测模型 •  Created Predictive Model to find most likely clothing buyers 建立预测模型找到最有可能的服装购买者 •  What did clothing customers purchase before buying clothing? 顾客在购买服装之前购买过什么 •  Is there correlation between types of products bought? 购买的产品之间是否有联系   Example: Are tent buyers more likely to buy clothing than awning buyers? 例如:是否帐篷买家比遮盖棚买家更倾向于购买服装? 受众数量 20000 20000 60000 100000 null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association39Camping World Predictive Model Clothing Mailer Results “露营世界”预测模型服装邮寄结果受众 •  Past Clothing Buyers 以前服装购买者 •  RFM Best Customers RFM的最佳客户 •  Predictive Model 预测模型 响应率 22.0% 2.8% 8.5% null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association40 What you’ve been waiting for…你一直在等待什么… Customer Lifetime Value (三)客户终身价值null©Direct Marketing Association41 What  is  lifetime  value?   什么是终身价值? •  Net present value of the profit to be realized on the average new customer in a group during a given number of years. 在一定年限里,从一组新客户产生的平均利润的净现值 •  To compute it, you must be able to track customers from year to year. 为了计算,必须能够每年对客户进行跟踪 •  Need 3 years of data 需要三年的数据null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association42 Things you  need to know about Lifetime Value   关于终身价值 •  Retention rate tends to go up 客户保持率稳定上升 •  Disloyal customers leave and loyalists stay 不忠诚客户流失,忠诚客户保留 •  Loyal customers buy more and make more visits 忠诚客户不但购买量大,而且到店次数也多 •  Loyal customers are less costly to serve 忠诚客户服务成本更低 •  Loyal customers are more likely to recommend a company to their friends and business associates 忠诚的客户更容易将一个公司介绍给他的朋友或者商业合作伙伴null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association43 Elements included in Lifetime Value (LTV) 客户终身价值包含的因素 •  What is your cost to acquire a new customer? 您获得一个新客户的成本是什么? •  How long does a customer stay with you? 一个客户会保持多久? •  How much does a customer spend over this period of time? 这段时间一个客户的成本是多少? •  How much profit do you make over the lifetime? 在客户的消费终身,你获得了多少利润? •  LTV = Frequency of Purchase X Duration of Loyalty X Profit (contribution to overhead costs) 终身价值=购买频次X忠诚持续时间X利润(对总成本的贡献) How much can you afford to spend to acquire a new customer? 你愿意为获取一个新客户付出多少成本?null44Example: Ms. Smith’s Lifetime Value 例如:史密斯女士的终身价值Buys 12 times over 3-years三年购买12次•  •  •  •  • Total Purchases 总共购买次数 Average Order 平均订单价值 Gross Contribution/Sales 总贡献/销售 Cost of Goods (50%) 商品成本(50%) Gross Margin 毛利润 = 12 x $100 = $1,200 –$600 =$600•  • Marketing Costs Fulfillment Costs 营销成本 履行成本– $80 – $84 –  ($7/order X 12 Orders)7美元/订单X12订单 •  Profit (contribution to overhead costs)利润(对总成本的贡献)= $436null©1998-2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Direct Marketing Association45How Database Marketing and Lifetime Value Affects Acquisition 数据库营销和终身价值如何影响客户获取?Your customer database 你的客户数据库 1.  Acquiring the right customers2.  How to know they are the right customers 如何知道他们是合适的客户 Your marketplace 你的市场 获取合适的客户 null46 Example: Acquiring the right customers 例如:获取合适的客户 Best Customers: 最佳客户   50-65 years old, married 50-65岁,已婚   No children in household (empty nester) 家庭无子女(空巢)   Have college educations 受过大学以上教育   Nearing retirement 临近退休   Bought new home for retirement 为退休买新房   New home is in specificneighborhood 新家在特定的街区 ©2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved. null©2010 Smith Browning Direct, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 47Case: Magazine Acquisit
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