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淬火油的淬火烈度分类 !!!!!!! ! !!!!!!! ! " "" " 淬火介质 0uenching Oils:Classification of 0uench Severity L . CanaIel,J . E . Ruggieril,O. R. Crnkovicl and G . E . Totten2 (l . University of Sao PauIo,Sao PauIo,BraziI;2 . G. E. Totten & Associates,Stony Point,NY USA) Abstract:...

!!!!!!! ! !!!!!!! ! " "" " 淬火介质 0uenching Oils:Classification of 0uench Severity L . CanaIel,J . E . Ruggieril,O. R. Crnkovicl and G . E . Totten2 (l . University of Sao PauIo,Sao PauIo,BraziI;2 . G. E. Totten & Associates,Stony Point,NY USA) Abstract:SteeI guenching is one of the most common heat treatment process. The goaI of this treatment is to obtain martensitic mi- crostructure. This microstructure confers exceIIent hardness and strength properties. The most common guenchants are water agueous, poIymer soIutions and mineraI oiI . It is estimated that mineraI oiI represents 80% of the guenchants market . In BraziI,it was found that there was a substantiaI Iack of knowIedge regarding guench oiIs and their characteristics. Therefore,an attempt was made to examine guench oiIs avaiIabIe and their cIassification . Key words:heat treatments;guench;guenchants;guench severity 淬火油的淬火烈度分类 摘要:钢的淬火是最常见的热处理工艺之一,淬火的目的是为了获得马氏体组织,使之具有优良的硬度和强度。最常见的淬火 介质有水溶液、聚合物溶液和矿物油。在整个淬火剂市场中,估计矿物油占了 80%的份额。在巴西,人们对淬火油及其冷却特 性的了解不够,因此作者试图确定淬火油的适用性及其分类。 注:本文由国际热处理和 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 面工程联合会(IFHTSE)主席、本刊高级顾 问 PhD. G . E . Totten(USA)先生供稿。 E-maiI:tottenge@dow . com 收稿日期:200l-l0-30 关键词:热处理;淬火;淬火介质;淬火烈度 中图分类号:TG154 . 4 文献标识码:B 文章编号:0254-6051(2002)02-0048-05 l INTRODUCTION One of the most important characteristics of steeIs as a con- struction materiaI is the possibiIity to deveIop severaI combina- tions of mechanicaI properties by heat treatment . Ouenching foI- Iowed by tempering provides strength and toughness,through tempered martensitic structure. CooIing of austenite sufficientIy fast minimizes the formation of pearIitic and bainitic structures and maximizes the formation of martensitic structure. During guenching,the type and duration of the cooIing stages wiII determine cooIing characteristics[l ~ 4]. AIthough cooIing is an imporfant parameter in the heat treatment there is aIso a strong reIationship among materiaI,ge- ometry and guenching properties[5,6]. The cooIing characteristics of a guenching oiI depends on severaI factors such as,base oiI used,refinement processes,addi- tives used to increase cooIing capacity,oxidation resistance and wettabiIity . Ouench oiIs may be cIassified by their heat transfer proper- ties. Ouench severity may be guantified using various procedures that have been deveIoped over many years incIuding: # Jominy end guench test; # GeneraI Motors Ouenchometer(nickeI baII test); # Hot Wire test; # Grossmann H guenching severity factor, # CooIing curve anaIysis. Among these methods,cooIing curve anaIysis is generaIIy recognized as the most important . Some of the most commonIy used cooIing curve characteristics used to define a guenching pro- cess are shown in Figure l . Figure l IIIustration of the parameters used for guench oiI characterization 图 l 淬火油性能参数说明 where: ! vp—transition temperature between vapour fiIm and nucIe- ate boIiIing(Leidenfrost temperature)(C) !cp—transition temperature between the nucIeate boiIing and convective cooI- ing(C) "#550—cooIing rate in 550C temperature.( tem- perature of criticaI region on CCT curve) "#max—maximum cooIing rate and its respective temperature( ! max) The goaI of this work was to determine these parameters for various guenching oiIs used in the BraziI . Those parameters per- mit the caIcuIation of severaI important guench severity caIcuIa- tions. 2 DISCUSSION 2 . 1 Calculation Methods Two indices were used to cIassify the guench severity of BraziIan guench oiIs:CastroI Index and the IVF hardening power (HP)index . 2 . l . l CastroI index: CastroI deveIoped the CastroI Index to guantify the guench severity of guenching oiIs and other guenchants. These cIassifica- tions may be performed without the use of speciaI eguipment[7]. The CastroI Index is defined as: " i = K'·"#max ! max·! b (Eg.l) Where: 84 《金属热处理》2002年第 27卷第 2期 ! i—Castroi index; K'—constant of the eguipment;uses !"max,# max and # b of standard guenchant; !"max—maximum cooiing rate; # max—temperature where the maximum cooiing rate occurs, # b—temperature of guenchant . The eguipment constant,K' is determined from: K' = 12·# max·# b !"max (Eg.2) Tamura's V-vaiue. The V-vaiue was deveioped to characterize the abiiity of a guench oii in harden steei. The advantage of V-vaiues reiative to Grossmann H-factors is that the V-vaiue inciudes steei transfor- mation characteristics[8]. V-vaiues are caicuiated from cooiing curves and the continu- ous cooiing transformation diagrams(CCT),with the foiiowing reiationship: $ = # c - # d # s - # f (Eg.3) Where: # c—temperature at the beginning of the second cooiing stage; # d—temperature at the beginning of the third cooiing stage; # s—temperature where the martensitic transformation begins; # f—temperature where the martensitic transformation ends. The use of the V-vaiue for guenchant ciassification was de- veioped initiaiiy for oiis that have cooiing rates with simiiar Tc and Td temperatures. Synthetic guenchants exhibit significantiy different cooiing rates for those two temperatures. Conseguentiy, the method cannot be used for poiymer guenchant characteriza- tion . 2 . 1 . 2 IVF guenchotest and hardening power(HP) The IVF guenchotest eguipment was deveioped by the Swedish Institute of Production Engineering Research(IVF). It utiiizes a 12 . 5mm X 60mm INCONEL 600 probe standardized according to ISO 9950 . This standard is based on a precedure de- veioped by the Woifson Heat Treatment Engineering Group. This is commoniy caiied the“Woifson probe”[9]. The Woifson INCONEL 600 bar probe used for this work is made with a INCONEL 600 bar with a 1 . 5mm diameter Type K (cromei-aiumei),fastened into the geometric center of the probe. Aithough different cooiing curve data acguisition eguipment was used,it is to simiiar to the IVF guenchotest instrument . The Hardening Power(HP index)is caicuiated from mea- surements obtained by the Woifson probe[3,10]. Table 1 Oils used for tests(Characteristics are obtained by the manufacturer) 表 1 测试用油(供油商提供的性能数据) Oii Name Manufacturer Aceiierated or Non aceiierated Viscosity at 40C (cSt) Recommended use temperature Fiash Point / C BG-784 IPIRANGA Non aceiierated 21,5 60C to 80C ⋯⋯ Ipitemp 70 IPIRANGA Aceiierated 17,19 60C to 80C 164 Iioguench 32 CASTROL Aceiierated ⋯⋯ 60C to 80C ⋯⋯ Iioguench 1 CASTROL Non aceiierated ⋯⋯ 60C to 80C ⋯⋯ Houghto Ouench 130 HOUGHTON Non aceiierated 27 to 34 60C to 80C 160 Houghto Ouench K HOUGHTON Aceiierated 18 to 22 60C to 80C 170 Houghto Ouench KB HOUGHTON Aceiierated 11 to 15 60C to 80C 170 Neon 14 OUAKER Aceeierated 13 to 16 60C to 80C 188 Neon 32 OUAKER Non aceiierated 26 to 31 60C to 80C 224 Microtemp 151 MICROOUIMICA Aceiierated 115 60C to 80C 208 Microtemp 152 MICROOUIMICA Non Aceiierated 10 60C to 80C 150 Microtemp 153 MICROOUIMICA Aceiierated 15 60C to 80C 170 Microtemp 157 MICROOUIMICA Non Aceiierated 29 60C to 80C 180 Microtemp 160 MICROOUIMICA Aceiierated 24 60C to 80C 170 !ieo T empera TERMAX Non Aceiierated 100 60C to 80C 180 !ieo T empera 25 TERMAX Non Aceiierated 46 60C to 80C 180 1037 / 22 TERMAX Aceiierated 22 60C to 80C 180 1037 / 22L TERMAX Aceiierated 22 60C to 80C 180 1037 / 22 TERMAX Aceiierated 32 60C to 80C 180 1037 / 46 TERMAX Aceiierated 46 60C to 80C 180 Ouenchtex C TEXACO Aceiierated 25,39 60C to 80C 192 Ouenchtex WW TEXACO Non Aceiierated 20,8 60C to 80C 204 Tirroii Ouenching 727A TIRRENO Aceiierated 102 60C to 80C 210 Tirroii Ouenching LTT 003 BS TIRRENO Non Aceiierated 20 60C to 80C 200 Voiuta C SHELL Non Aceiierated 30,8 60C to 80C 215 Voiuta F SHELL Aceiierated 23,6 60C to 80C 180 94《金属热处理》2002年第 27卷第 2期 HP is caicuiated using the foiiowing eguation: HP = k1 + k2·! Vp + k3·"#550 + k4·!cp (Eg.4) Where: k1,k2,k3,k4—constants; ! Vp—Leidenfrost temperature(C); !cp—transition temperature between the nucieate boiiing and conVectiVe cooiing(C); "#550—cooiing rate at 550C(C / s). This method is recommended by Intenationai Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering( IFHTSE),and the expression to ciassify guenchants appiicabie in steeis is: HP = 91 . 5 + 1 . 34 ! Vp + 10 . 88"#550 - 3 . 85 !cp(Eg.5) 2 . 2 Materials and Methods The products tested in this work are shown in Tabie i. 2 . 3 Tests and Eguipment Description The eguipment used to measure cooiing rates is a computer- ized data acguisition system that captures temperature Variations of the heated Woifson probe shown in Figure 2 and then guenched by submersion in the guench oii being studied[11]. This eguipment has been successfuiiy used for seVerai research pro- ects[11 15]. Ouench oii sampies of 2(two)iiters at 60C were used for the tests[16]. The initiai temperature of the probe was 850C . This eguipment is shown in the Figure 3 . Figure 2 Woifson test probe 图 2 Woifson试棒 The probe was caiibrated for each ten tests,obtaining reii- abie resuits. The check was made with pure minerai oii at 60C . The maximum cooiing rate for this oii is 60C / s. Figure 3 Test eguipment 图 3 测试设备 Table 2 Characteristics of the tested oils 表 2 测试油的性能 Oii ! Vp / C !cp / C "$550 / C·s- 1 "#max / C·s- 1 Castroi Index V-Vaiue HP BG-784 571 328 60 65 13 . 1 0 . 60 246 Ipitemp 70 552 276 47 70 15 . 1 0 . 71 280 Iioguench 32 597 267 72 81 17 . 5 0 . 82 647 Iioguench 1 615 383 60 60 11 . 9 0 . 58 082 Hougtho Ouench 130 621 360 68 . 2 68 13 . 6 0 . 65 279 Houghto Ouench K 637 243 79 . 1 79 15 . 1 0 . 85 677 Houghto Ouench KB 710 327 86 . 5 104 18 . 0 0 . 95 731 Neon 14 594 243 77 79 16 . 7 0 . 88 789 Neon 32 600 370 57 60 11 . 9 0 . 56 091 Microtemp 151 675 310 71 78 14 . 3 0 . 91 575 Microtemp 152 570 329 47 60 13 . 1 0 . 60 100 Microtemp 153 686 356 71 96 17 . 5 0 . 81 564 Microtemp 157 585 360 50 52 10 . 6 0 . 56 033 Microtemp 160 668 347 73 84 15 . 5 0 . 80 445 !ieo T mpera 657 391 57 65 11 . 6 0 . 68 108 !ieo T mpera 25 643 360 63 65 12 . 3 0 . 70 253 !ieo T mpera 1037 / 22 639 351 65 68 13 . 4 0 . 71 304 !ieo T mpera 1037 / 22L 621 324 67 71 14 . 7 0 . 74 405 !ieo T mpera 1037 / 32 648 355 65 . 5 68 13 . 0 0 . 71 306 !ieo T mpera 1037 / 46 639 360 63 68 13 . 2 0 . 69 247 Ouenchtex C 721 356 81 . 2 93 16 . 2 0 . 91 570 Ouenchtex WW 570 347 49 . 2 60 13 . 1 0 . 55 055 Tirroii Ouenching 727 A 687 285 86 . 5 90 16 . 9 1 . 00 856 Tirroii Ouenching LTT 003 B-S 623 361 67 72 14 . 9 0 . 65 266 Voiuta C 619 387 53 57 12 . 1 0 . 53 008 Voiuta F 615 236 74 80 17 . 3 0 . 94 812 05 《金属热处理》2002年第 27卷第 2期 3 RESULTS The data obtained is summarized in tabie 2 and figures 4 ~ 6 . The resuits are reproducibie. It shouid be noted that guench oii performance is affected by contamination and degradation . Oniy new oiis under non-agitation conditions was studied. The impact of degradation and contamination was not determined in this study . Figure 4 Castroi index ciassification 图 4 按 Castro指数分类 Figure 5 V-vaiue ciassification 图 5 按 V-值分类 Figure 6 Hardening power ciassification 图 6 按淬硬能力分类 It is important to notice that the vaiues found for the V-vai- ue refer to the use of 1040 steei and the HP vaiues refer to the non-aiioy steeis in a generai way . The evaiuation of cooiing behavior of a guench oii oniy by the maximum cooiing rate is not sufficient to characterize a guench oii. It is important,for exampie,to observe the tempera- ture where the maximum rate occurs to compare with CCT dia- gram of the steei that wiii be guenched. More detaiied anaiysis of cooiing curves is necessary . The mathematicai methods that were chosen show that the cooiing rates shouid not be used as definitive ciassification tooi. The Castroi index aiiows a more detaiied evaiuation reiative to simpie observation of the maximum cooiing rate,because its temperature and the temperature of the bath are aiso considered. Bath temperature variation exhibits reiativeiy iittie effect on the guench severity of a guench oii. On the other hand V-vaiue does not use the maximum cooi- ing rate but it gives more importance to the nucieate boiiing stage by reiating it with iow carbon steei transformation. Tamura’s as- sessment shows that the faster the nucieate boiiing stage,the steei is cooied faster,therefore temperature vaiues of transition temper- atures between the stages are used. As the transition temperature between nucieate boiiing to convective cooiing decreases,iarger V-vaiues are obtained. This means that high V-vaiues wiii be suitabie for iow Ms temperature steei. If the Ms temperature of the steeis is higher than the transition temperature between the nucieate boiiing to the convective cooiing temperature,the martensitic transformation wiii reguire faster cooiing rates and the risk of distortion and cracking wiii increase. It’s important to notice that the potentiai for distortion and cracking is function of carbon content of the steei. This is because the voiumetric expan- sion increases iineariy with carbon concentration[17]. There are changes in the positions occupied by the oiis de- pending on the ciassification as shown in Figures 4 and 5 . These occur because the caicuiation methods use different factors. The behavior of the nucieate boiiing stage is used for the HP caicuiation and the V-vaiue as weii. But in the HP case there is no reiationship with transformation in iow carbon steei since it uses the cooiing rate at 550C[9]. As with the V-vaiue,the HP caicuiation does not give im- portance to the beginning of the convective cooiing stage. These methods benefit those oiis which possess a iong second cooiing stage and those that have a iower start temperature of third cooi- ing stage. Some oiis possess short first stage,iong second stage, but with the high temperature at the beginning of the third stage. This is the case presented by HOUGHTO OUENCH KB. Converseiy,the NEON 14 oii,presents iong first stage,the second reasonabiy short,short third stage with its temperature of the be- ginning so iow,that this oii is ciassified as faster in reiation to the HOUGHTO OUENCH KB. It is interesting to observe that usuaiiy faster oiis possess a iong second cooiing stage with high beginning temperature of this stage and aiso iow beginning temperature of the third cooiing stage compared to the others. The events are inverted in the con- ventionai oiis because in these cases there are no additives to de- crease the duration of fiim boiiing and the nucieate boiiing is“de- iayed”. Oiis of the intermediate positions present mixing of these behaviors. To characterize an oii for heat treatment without considering the transition temperature between the cooiing stages is not pos- sibie and there is no caicuiation method for determining a simpie index which accurateiy represents the cooiing power that couid be used as a modei. It is important to say that the cooiing curves of this work were obtained in iaboratory practice,without agitation . These vaiues are not appiicabie for industriai appiications,with iarge cooiing tanks and agitation systems. 15《金属热处理》2002年第 27卷第 2期 CurrentIy,it is possibIe to use standardized procedures to conduct cooIing curve anaIysis with agitation[18]. These proce- dures use the TENSI method. AIthough this standard was deveI- oped for poIymer guenchants it can be used for guench oiIs. Observation of the positions of the oiIs in the graphs shows that indexes which overvaIue the cooIing rate tend to pIace the oiIs more or Iess in a simiIar“ ranking”,as it is the case of the maximum cooIing rate and the CastroI index cIassifications. HP and the V-vaIue that consider other points in the coo- Iong curve aIso they exhibit simiIar cIassifications,aIthough with some variation in their positions. The cIassifications obtained with each method varied,but the particuIar characteristics of the each anaIysed oiI were in the range of the work proposed by the manufacturers. GeneraIIy,there are BraziIian guenching oiIs satisfying a wide range of appIications. AIthough their uses are defined by the oiI manufacturers,these recommendations are not aIways foIIowed by the heat treater . Most oiIs companies manufacture speciaI oiIs,to assist the customer’s needs but they were not incIuded in this work. Other- wise the cIassification wouId become practicaIIy impossibIe since new formuIation are deveIoped freguentIy . To choose the best guenchant for a given appIication is not readiIy apparent from the cIassification schemes shown here. It is necessary that the user perform detaiIed anaIysis of the cooIing curves by reIating the data to the appropriate CCT curve to achieve the desired mechanicaI properties. There are some computerized programs that are heIpfuI tooI for guenching of steeI,predicting important properties as hardness and strength[19]. REFERENCES: [1] BERGEN,R. T . VON . The effect of guenchant measured seIction and controI on the distortion of engineered steeI parts. Materials Science Forum,VoIs. 163-165,p. 139-150,1994 . [2] LASDAY,S . B. MetaI guenching with oiIs and synthetic media. In- dustrial Heating,p. 8-19,October 1976 . [3] SEGERBERG,S . 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