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东湖幼儿园各项制度集成东湖幼儿园各项制度集成 东湖幼儿园开学安全第一课 “健康幸福成长,安全第一”,只有做好幼儿园安全教育工作,才能使幼儿园各项教育教学工作有条不紊地进行。机关幼儿园始终把安全教育工作放在首位,开学初各级部门召开安全会议,布置安全任务,责任到人,把安全工作放在重中之重。 新学期的第一堂集体教学活动,各班教师就向本班幼儿进行了安全教育,这些活动内容广泛,涉及交通安全、饮食安全、用药安全、玩具安全、用电安全、用火安全、着装安全等安全常识。教师们将简单的安全防护知识结合生动活泼的游戏活动贯穿到幼儿的一日活动教育中,增强幼...

东湖幼儿园各项制度集成 东湖幼儿园开学安全第一课 “健康幸福成长,安全第一”,只有做好幼儿园安全教育工作,才能使幼儿园各项教育教学工作有条不紊地进行。机关幼儿园始终把安全教育工作放在首位,开学初各级部门召开安全会议,布置安全任务,责任到人,把安全工作放在重中之重。 新学期的第一堂集体教学活动,各班教师就向本班幼儿进行了安全教育,这些活动内容广泛,涉及交通安全、饮食安全、用药安全、玩具安全、用电安全、用火安全、着装安全等安全常识。教师们将简单的安全防护知识结合生动活泼的游戏活动贯穿到幼儿的一日活动教育中,增强幼儿的安全防护意识,逐步提高幼儿自我保护的技能,掌握简单的自护方法。并动员家长们参与安全教育,增强家长们的安全教育意识,使家园共同合作,共同承担起安全教育的责任。 开学““安全教育”的第一课敲响了幼儿安全的警钟,提高幼儿的安全防范意识,也拉近了家园合作的距离,是一堂有效地教育活动课。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 卫生检查评比制度 为了创造清洁卫生的学习生活环境,防止疾病的发生,保证幼儿的健康成长,特制定本制度。 一、每天进行两次清洁卫生工作:早晨幼儿入园前10分钟前,下班前应做好清洁消毒工作,整理内务。 二、每次进行清洁卫生工作时,对室内地面必须先用扫帚扫去地面垃圾,再用湿润的拖把拖帚干净,并且用“84”消毒液稀释拖地。 三、清洁卫生的检查评比在每周下午5:00进行;清洁卫生的检查评比工作由保健老师负责。 四、各班清洁卫生检查评比的成绩将直接影响老师的奖金。 五、清洁卫生要求 教室、寝室 1. 地面:无垃圾、无积水、无明显积尘; 2(墙面:无污垢、无涂抹,无蛛网; 3(墙上附属物(开关插座、安全线路、电扇、灯具、张贴物和黑板等):无积灰;张贴物和悬挂物无过时、脱落现象; 4(门、窗:无污迹、无积灰; 5(桌、凳:摆放整齐,桌上的书籍和文具不零乱,桌(含讲桌)面、凳面无灰尘;讲桌上未乱摆放东西; 6(电器:电视机、电视柜表面无积灰; 7(清洁卫生工具:摆放有序; 8(垃圾篓:篓身干净,篓内垃圾及时倾倒; 9(床位:摆放协调、统一、整齐; 10.床下物件和床上用品的摆放符合《寝室 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 》的内务要求。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 幼儿园备课、听课制度 一、教师必须认真学习《幼儿园工作规程》和《幼儿园教育纲要》,以《规程》和《纲要》为依据,研究制订好各类教育教学计划。 二、认真学习教育理论知识,不断吸收新的信息,指导运用于备课。 三、深入钻研教材,结合本班幼儿年龄特点和实际发展水平备好课,突出重点,突破难点。 四、按时按质制订好系列计划,如:学期计划、月计划、周计划、日计划、课时计划、游戏计划 等,每周写一篇以上的观察笔记和教育笔记。每周星期五上午准时将下周计划和笔记交园领导审阅。 五、备课时间除做案头工作外,还必须制作教育活动所需的各种教具、学具,准备提供各种玩具、材料。 六、坚持集体备课与个人备课相结合。主班教师每天下午准时来备课室备课,配班教师每日上午准时来备课室备课,不得迟到。 七、备课时不得外出或闲谈,不做与备课无关的事情。需要外出时需向园领导请假,经同意后,方可外出。 八、鼓励改革、创新,每学期进行一次评比,对设计新颖、富有创造性的计划、笔记、 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 、教育活动设计等予以奖励。 九、组织相互听课、相互学习,取长补短,每学期组织相互听课不少于20次,并认真做好记录和评议工作。 十、园长每学期必须有针对性地下班听课40次以上,保教主任下班听课80次以上,做好听课记录,及时进行评议,肯定成绩,找出差距,提出建议和希望。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 幼小衔接制度 每学期组织大班幼儿参观小学1—2次。 请从本园毕业已上小学一年级的学生回大班谈上学的体会。 每学年对本园毕业的小学生进行一次调查,了解分析幼儿园的教育对其上学的影响。 与小学保持长期的联系。 根据小学对我园应届毕业生的情况反馈,适当调整、制定出我园的大班下学期教学计划,教学内容、改变教学形式、延长上课时间,缩小幼儿园与小学之间的距离,使儿童在较短的时间内尽快适应小学教育。 在幼儿生活习惯、自理能力、独立学习习惯等方面有意识地加强培养,以适应小学学习生活习惯。 大班下学期末,有意识调整幼儿心理,是幼儿产生积极、主动的上小学的良好愿望。 8、 在大班毕业汇报中向家长介绍幼儿入小学后的准备(生理、心理),家园合作,帮助幼儿顺利、愉快地进入小学学习生活。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 幼儿园教职工培训制度 一、教职工要积极进行自我培训、自我提高,形成在某一方面的突出特长。鼓励教职工利用业余时间进修或学习。 二、提倡互帮、互学,有经验的教职工要对青年教师进行传、帮、带。有计划的对保教人员进行英语、音乐、舞蹈、美术等方面的培训。 三、坚持走出去和请进来的方针,每学期邀请专家或同行来园讲学或交流。每学期组织一次外出参观学习活动。并根据需要有计划的派送教师外出学习。 四、坚持业务学习制度,有计划的安排业务学习内容,使全体教职工不断获得新的信息,了解幼教发展动态。 五、每学期各部门进行一次岗位技能竞赛,表扬先进,推广经验。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 班级交接制度 1、针对住宿幼儿,白班、夜班老师要互相沟通,配合一致地向幼儿进行体、智、德、美全面发展的教育。 2、要求交班老师认真填写交班记录,接班老师认真检查每一个幼儿的身体状况,幼儿人数与交班记录相符,方可签上自己的名字,谁签名谁负责,如接班人未签名,发生事故由交班人负责。因此交班人应要求接班人在检查幼儿身体后签上自己名字方可离岗。 3、交班记录内容如下: (1)幼儿基本情况(人数、情绪及健康状况、带药情况及对体弱儿照顾等)。 (2)幼儿进食情况、教育教学情况、活动情况。 (3)有无事故发生(包括小伤、破皮情况)。 (4)家长工作 4、无论任何情况,交接班程序不能简化,交接班记录不能漏写或补写。 5、交班时间:晚上7:30。由夜班保育员负责晚上工作,本班教师要对困难幼儿进行协助。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 幼儿园工作考核制度 一、建立教职工考核制度,对教职工从思想品德、职业道德、业务能力、和素质等方面进行全面考核,将考核结果记录在案,作为评定职称、实施奖惩和工资评定的依据。 二、考核与评估相结合,日常考核与期末考核、年度考核相结合,个人自评与园内评估相结合,确保考核工作的科学性、客观性、真实性。 三、考核采取定量与定性相结合的方法,教职工必须真实填写考核表格,保证考核工作顺利进行。 四、教职工必须自觉遵守幼儿园的考核评估,通过考核不断提高自身素质和业务能力,促进工作质量的提高。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 家园联系制度 一、建立家长委员会,每学年初召开一次会议,商讨幼儿园工作,制定 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 ,年末家长委员会向家长汇报幼儿园教育工作情况。 二、用各种形式听取家长对幼儿园工作的意见和建议并及时进行反馈。 三、每年开展一次内容丰富多样的活动,如家园乐运动会、家园联欢会、家庭教育经验交流会等。 四、做好新生入园前的家访工作,对三天未来园幼儿进行家访。 五、期末书写幼儿情况汇报单,向家长汇报幼儿在园情况。 六、做好家园联系工作,办好家教宣传栏。 七、成立家长学校,向家长系统讲授科学育儿的知识,定期组织家长开展活动。 八、每年开展一次家长开放日活动,组织家长参加观摩幼儿园教育活动。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 幼儿园教育评价制度 一、为全面提高教育质量,幼儿园逐步开展对教育工作的全面评价工作。 二、成立教育质量评价小组,由主管教育工作的园长担任组长,教研组长及教师代表、保育员代表参加。 三、教育质量评价小组在全面教育质量评价的基础上参考本园每个学期教育工作重点,研究确定评价的内 容,制订评价 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,确定评价的方法及时间,并将评价后的材料进行分析,做出评价总结报告,提出本园改进 教育工作的意见及建议。 四、每学期末开展评价活动。 五、教育质量结果与奖惩制度挂勾。 六、每学期教育质量评价总结应作为下阶段制订教育工作计划的重要参考资料。幼儿园教育评价制度 一、为全面提高教育质量,幼儿园逐步开展对教育工作的全面评价工作。 二、成立教育质量评价小组,由主管教育工作的园长担任组长,教研组长及教师代表、保育员代表参加。 三、教育质量评价小组在全面教育质量评价的基础上参考本园每个学期教育工作重点,研究确定评价的内 容,制订评价标准,确定评价的方法及时间,并将评价后的材料进行分析,做出评价总结报告,提出本园改进 教育工作的意见及建议。 四、每学期末开展评价活动。 五、教育质量结果与奖惩制度挂勾。 六、每学期教育质量评价总结应作为下阶段制订教育工作计划的重要参考资料。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 幼儿发展情况的报告制度 一、各班 教师要重视本班幼儿发展情况。接新班和新入园的幼儿、制订教育目标及各项教育工作计划前,都必须充分了解研究幼儿发展情况。 二、必须在本班两位教师充分研究的基础上,写出本班幼儿发展情况报告。报告可由两位教师轮流年执笔。 三、幼儿发展情况报告是对幼儿群体的分析评价。关于幼儿个案观察记录可根据报告内容的需要附在报告后面。 四、报告的项目、内容、格式,要按照本园教育目标的内容书写,如有特殊要求,于学期初布置教育工作计划时通知。 五、报告中必须体现以下内容: 1、教师接班时幼儿发展水平 2、写报告时幼儿的状况 3、分析变化的原因 4、提出下阶段改进的措施 六、教师于学期结束时向主管教育工作的园长上交幼儿发展情况报告。 七、教师的幼儿发展情况报告由主管教育的园长审阅后归档,由资料室保管。接班的教师制订本班教育目标及工作计划时,可向资料室按制度办理借阅手续。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 幼儿园体格锻炼制度 1、 在正常天气下,要有充足的户外活动时间,每天坚持二小时以上户外活动,加强冬季锻炼。 2、 要创造条件,充分利用日光、空气、水等自然因素,有计划地锻炼幼儿体格。 3、 要有组织、有计划地开展适合幼儿特点的游戏及体育活动,尤其要重视小年龄幼儿的体格锻炼。 4、 锻炼要经常和循序渐进,活动内容和活动量要适合各年龄班幼儿的特点。对个别体弱幼儿要给以特殊照顾。 5、 在体育活动中,教师要注意分层指导,保证每位幼儿动作发展、体质增强。 6、 幼儿体育活动时,二位教师须同时参与 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 传染病防控和食品卫生安全等突发公共 卫生事件应急预案 为确保我园有效预防、及时控制和消除突发公共卫生事件的危害~保障全园师生身体健康和生命安全~维护正常的教学、工作秩序~依据《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》、《食品安全法》、《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》等法律法规~以及省教育厅《学校公共卫生类突发事件应急预案》等文件精神~结合我园实际~特制定《东湖幼儿园传染病防控和食品卫生安全等突发公共卫生事件应急预案》。 一、工作目标 ,一,迅速在全园普及传染病防控和食品卫生安全知识~提高师生员工的自我防护意识。 ,二,建立健全园级和学校、中心级防控组织管理机构~明确工作职责及疫情信息监测报告网络~做到早发现、早报告、早诊断、早隔离、早治疗。 ,三,建立快速反应机制~及时采取有效的防控措施~做到依法管理~科学防治~部门配合~联防联控~预防和控制传染病和食物中毒等发生和蔓延。 二、组织领导 本园成立传染病防控和食品卫生安全等公共卫生突发事件应急处理领导小组。各班主任主要负责人为工作的第一责任人~负责本班的防控工作。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 应急处理领导小组 组 长:范兰萍 副组长:彭德美 潘乃玉 成 员:戈金花 刘琼 廖庆娥 王双华 肖雪华 三、工作措施 ,一,宣传、教育、培训 采取报刊、宣传栏、广播、网络、讲座等多种形式、多种途径宣传传染病和食物中毒防控知识~进行正确的舆论引导~教育并督促学生保持良好卫生习惯。 加强医务人员对传染病防控和食品卫生安全知识培训工作~确保做到早发现、早报告、早诊断、早隔离、早治疗。 ,二,预防措施 积极开展体育活动~加强体育锻炼~利用学校运动场地及体育设施~保证师生锻炼时间~提高机体抵抗力和免疫力。 做好学生宿舍、运动员宿舍、教室、教学训练场馆、食堂等公共场所的卫生消毒工作。定期开窗通风~保持室内空气流通和新鲜~温度适宜,个人生活用品要专用~勤洗手~不随地吐痰。加强食品卫生安全管理~不吃三无食品和过期变质食品。 ,三,疫情监测和报告 各系、校、中心应坚持学生因病缺课登记制度和晨检制度~发现甲类和乙类属甲类管理的传染病及食物中毒应及时向学院应急办公室报告~学院应在2小时内以电话或传真等方式向区、市疾控中心holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 报告~同时上报省体育局、省教育厅~并按有关规定要求做好卫生防护措施~防止交叉感染和污染。 医务所做好发热病例的登记工作~包括患者姓名、住址、联系电话、发病日期、是否到过疫区等内容~做到记录详尽、内容详实~以便开展流行病学调查和传染源追踪。发现传染病及疑似病例必须按要求报告区、市疾控中心。同时上报学校~并立即转诊到政府指定的定点医院。若发生食物中毒~立即救治中毒者~封存引起中毒的食物及原料~并报告区、市疾控中心。具体操作程序附后。 ,四,物资储备 学院储备适量的个人防护用品,口罩、帽子、手套、防护服,、器械,紫外线灯、喷雾器,、84消毒液及各种急救药品。 四、检查督导 学院应急领导小组将对各部门落实传染病防控和食品卫生安全等突发公共卫生事件应急处理工作进行督查。督查内容包括防控组织机构、健康教育与培训、监测系统、药械储备等。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 发生传染性疾病应急处理程序 1、凡有以下情况的:出现个别传染病病例或疑似病例的,短时间内出现发热、咳嗽、腹泻等不明病因的群体症状~急骤增多的,其它需要报告的防疫情况。学院立即由疫情责任报告人以电话及书面信息报区教育局、区疾病控制中心~书面报告必须在电话报告后1小时内上报。 2、传染病爆发或流行等突发公共卫生事件由教育局、学院、卫生部门等共同调查处置。 3、学院积极组织学生到医院就诊~并落实患者的隔离工作~加强密切接触者的观察工作以及环境消毒、饮食、饮水等有关紧急控制措施~防止事件扩大。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 食物中毒应急处理程序 1.一旦发生食物中毒~立即通知院医务室和应急办~院领导及应急小组成员迅速赶赴现场~及时封锁现场、组织相关人员抢救治疗食物中毒人员~尽可能按就近、相对集中的原则进行抢救处理。 2.立即用电话向疾控中心、教育局、当地政府汇报~报告中毒情况、发生时间、主要症状、中毒人数、联系人、联系方式等。 3.全力保持学校的稳定~全体教职工统一认识、统一思想~作好舆论导向和家长群众的安抚解释工作~避免教师、学生、家长和其他人员因不必要的恐慌而引起混乱。如怀疑是人为投毒~应立即向当地派出所报告。 4.呕吐有利于毒物排出~病人发生呕吐时~切忌止吐。学院安排人员配合医院、医务人员妥善救治病人~并派人到医院守护中毒病人~有什么情况便于及时汇报、解决和处理。 5.派有关人员保护好现场~保管好供应给学生的食物~对可疑的食物和留样食品立即封存。待现场调查取证结束后~按照教育局、疾控中心的要求进行处理。 6.院领导和有关人员密切配合相关部门做好学生、家长和社会各方面的工作~对发生食物中毒的学生逐一进行个案调查~内容包括主要症状、最早发病时间~如实说明24-48小时前的进餐情况等~做好学生思想工作~让学生积极配合医院医务人员进行治疗~遵守医嘱~争取早日康复。 7.迅速通知班主任、生活老师到现场~安抚本班学生。 8.集中患者~以便急救车能迅速运输患者。后勤人员、保安到现场维持秩序~关闭校门~疏导急救通道~防止院外人员涌入学校影响正常的急救工作。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 幼儿园健康教育工作计划 (一)规范体育锻炼管理 体育锻炼是增强幼儿体质,促进幼儿生长发育有最效的方法。我们将严格遵守《幼儿园教育纲要》要求,保证幼儿每天有体育活动,把出操时间与日常体育锻炼相结合,为各班级规定出操路线、出操时间,要求各班级在规定时间内按规定路线到达集合地点,积极熟悉疏散路线。 活动时间规定为有组织的体育锻炼或者体育游戏,要有教案、有计划、有活动效果记录,各年级组每月确定一项体育锻炼项目,月底进行评比,学期末根据《国发体质测定标准手册(幼儿部分)》对幼儿体质进行测量,并把成绩记入幼儿成长档案。 (二)积极预防传染病 根据《幼儿园工作规程》对卫生消毒工作的要求,制定严格的卫生消毒制度,并按制度、按规定、按程序对幼儿各类用品进行相应的清洁消毒、杀菌;幼儿物品专用并定期消毒。可洗玩具、桌面、地面及幼儿能触摸到的地方都要用84消毒液每天擦拭一遍,活动室、寝室定时通风,每天在幼儿离园之后用紫外线灯照射消毒半小时;幼儿的水杯、餐具用蒸汽消毒等。 建立每日巡查制度,规定每日、每周必做必查必填的内容,实行量化管理,定时检查评比;与防疫站联系,定期筛查幼儿预防接种情况,督促幼儿接种各种疫苗,建立有效免疫屏障。如发生疑似传染病疫情,立即向疾病控制中心和上级主管部门报告,以便及时调查处理。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection (三)保证幼儿食品安全 工作中严把食品质量关,积极预防肠道传染病、食物中毒事故的发生。把好进货关,各类食品严格遵守食品索证制度,食品留样制度,保证所购食品均符合卫生要求。把好保管关,保管员认真负责及时检查,防止食物腐烂变质及过期失效。把好入口关,教师提饭及分饭过程中,仔细辨别饭菜质量是否合格,不得让变质食品进入幼儿口中。各类人员严格认真执行,各负其责,层层把关,使工作更加细致化、合理化,保证幼儿的饮食安全。 (四)做好幼儿健康体检工作 幼儿入园后,每学期有计划地对他们进行身高、体重、视力等进行检查,并做好记录,以便对每个孩子进行评价、分析,了解每个幼儿的身体情况,相关资料汇入幼儿健康档案。 (五)开展保健知识宣传栏。 每学期开展健康快车、育儿知识宣传栏,把每个季节常见疾病的预防及治疗措施,及时传达给家长。还有各年龄阶段幼儿适宜的运动,幼儿感冒期间的饮食等育儿知识。 除开宣传栏等,我们还将在各种育儿报刊中看到最新育儿知识复印发给各班张贴,与家长共同成长 六)开展吸烟有害健康宣传活动 结合5月,,日“世界无烟日”,开展创建“无吸烟单位”活动,在公共区域设置醒目的禁止吸烟标志,组织开展吸烟有害身体健康宣传活动,在全园师生中形成浓厚的禁烟氛围。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 幼儿伤害事件的防范和处理 教师侮辱幼儿的现象比较少见,但体罚、变相体罚幼儿的现象时有发生。某幼儿午睡时尿床,带班教师打其屁股;某幼儿不愿意睡午觉,教师拿缝衣针吓唬;某幼儿不守纪律、好动,教师罚其站在教室外思过,这名幼儿自行去滑滑梯,不慎碰伤,等等。 一、幼儿体质特殊或者疾病突发 有些事故是由于幼儿的体质特殊或者疾病突发引起的。如幼儿先天性心脏病复发就属于此类。这样的伤害是意外事件,是幼儿园不可预见的。 二、幼儿伤害事件的预防 1(健全各项工作制度 幼儿园应该严格执行有关卫生保健制度,切实做好幼儿生理和心理卫生保健工作。具体地说,幼儿园应该建立幼儿健康检查制度和幼儿健康卡或档案,并对幼儿身体发展状况定期进行分析、评价。教师要将幼儿的身体特征记录归档,及时向家长反映幼儿的异常变化。幼儿园应建立卫生消毒、病儿隔离制度,认真做好计划免疫和疾病防治工作。 幼儿园应实行房屋、设备、消防、交通等安全防护和检查制度,实行食品、药物管理制度和幼儿接送制度。防止发生失火、触电、摔伤、烫伤、走失、溺水、中毒、吞食异物或将异物放入眼、耳、鼻、口内等各种意外事故。应加强对工作人员和幼儿的安全教育。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 幼儿园应重视晨间检查工作。晨检对于发现问题、排除不安全隐患有着积极意义。 2(创设安全的生活环境 幼儿园应当建立安全防护制度,严禁在园内设置威胁幼儿安全的危险建筑物和设施,严禁使用有毒、有害材料制作教具、玩具。幼儿园的园舍和设施有可能发生危险时,幼儿园举办单位或个人应当采取措施,排除险情,防止事故发生。幼儿园应配备适合幼儿的桌椅、玩具架、盥洗卫生用具等。 幼儿园的电源开关或者插座应该装在离地面较高处,使幼儿不易碰到。房门最好向外开,关门装置不宜使用弹簧。窗户的高度要符合要求。栏杆设置、楼梯的台阶高度、幼儿活动场所的布置、幼儿活动器械的配置等都要符合有关规定,确保安全。幼儿园的厨房应该卫生整洁,尽可能设备完善,生、熟食必须分开。对幼儿园的建筑、设施、设备、器材、用品等要定期检查、维修。 3(确立高度的责任感 幼儿园工作人员在具体工作中应该时时、事事以幼儿为中心,本着促进幼儿身心和谐发展的宗旨,实行保育与教育相结合的原则。传达室管理员一定要坚守岗位,幼儿在园期间关闭大门,绝不允许无关人员进入,做好来客登记工作,密切注意幼儿的出入。有条件的幼儿园最好每个教室装一台电话分机,以便及时联系。幼儿的接送严格按照制度办事,接??教师将孩子交给家长;送??家长将孩子交给教师。孩子最好由专人接送,如果有特殊情况需要临时换人,家长应事先通holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 知教师。家长没有通知,而放学时换了别人接孩子,即使幼儿与该人熟识,教师也应该与家长联系,核实情况后再作决定。食堂工作也很重要,要绝对保证食品卫生,坚决抵制三天食品,及时处理过期的、不洁的食物,餐具要及时消毒,食堂环境要保持整洁,聘用食堂工作人员要符合有关要求。幼儿园组织幼儿外出活动需要用车的话,应该到有关单位租车,不能超载。有的幼儿园向家长单位或者有关系的单位借车,一旦发生交通事故,幼儿园因为是无偿用车,碍于情面,处理起来很麻烦。如果是租车,幼儿园与出租单位构成 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 关系,出租单位有将乘客安全地送达目的地的义务,如果由于出租单位的过错发生事故,由出租单位承担相应的责任。此外,教师在工作中要特别细心,进出教室随手关门。不要将床、桌子、椅子放在靠窗口的地方,以防幼儿爬窗跌下。往墙上贴宣传画不要用图钉。幼儿午休时要加强巡视,注意幼儿踢被或者蒙被睡。尖头剪刀、小刀、缝衣针、纽扣、豆子等不能让幼儿玩(特别是小小班、小班的幼儿),以防刺伤、误吞或进入呼吸道。热水瓶不要放在幼儿够得到的地方,以防烫伤。外用药和内服药要分开安放在孩子拿不到的地方,药瓶要有明显标签,以免孩子误服。教师不得无故离开班级,如果有急事需要离开,应该请别的教师代管。在活动中,教师要注意保护幼儿,而且要随时清点人数。平时要对孩子进行安全教育,培养孩子的自我保护能力。[ 三、幼儿伤害事件的处理 幼儿受到伤害,幼儿园要不要承担责任,在一般情况下可以根据过错责任原则归责,在特殊情况下则适用无过错责任原则甚至公平责holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 任原则。所谓过错责任原则即要不要承担责任视幼儿园有没有过错而定。过错分为故意和过失两种情形。最高人民法院《关于贯彻执行(中华人民共和国民法通则)若干问题的意见(试行)》(以下简称《意见》)对此有明确规定。无过错责任原则是指在法律规定的情况下,不以过错的存在判断行为人应否承担民事责任的归责原则。幼儿园可能涉及的主要有三种情形:污染环境、因建筑物或者其他设施倒塌造成他人损害、饲养动物致人损害。对此,《中华人民共和国民法通则》(以下简称《民法通则》)作了明确规定。公平责任原则是指在法律没有规定适用无过错责任原则,而适用过错责任原则又显失公平的情况下,依公平原则在当事人之间分配损害的归责原则。对此,《民法通则》和《意见》均有明确规定。必须明确的是,适用公平责任原则的前提是当事人对造成损害均没有过错。一旦发生伤害,首先应该根据责任大小由有关当事人承担相应的责任。如果当事人对伤害的发生都没有责任,才根据公平责任原则由当事人分担实际损失。由于教师虐待、体罚而导致幼儿伤亡的,教师个人承担全部责任。其他伤害事件,幼儿园可以向有故意或者重大过失的工作人员追究民事赔偿责任。此外,根据《教育行政处罚暂行实施办法》《中华人民共和国教师法》《刑法》等有关法津法规的规定,根据不同情况,责任人可能被解聘,可能被取消教师资格,可能承担行政责任甚至刑事责任。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 幼儿园预防疾病制度 一、贯彻“预防为主”的方针,做好经常性的疾病预防工作。 二、按年龄及季节完成防疫部门所布置的预防接种工作,建卡率达百分之百。凡有禁忌症者不应接种或暂缓接种。 三、做好常见病、传染病的发生传播,注意做好经常性的卫生保健工作,培养幼儿良好的个人卫生习惯,加强经常性消毒制度和饮食卫生的管理。 四、加强幼儿晨午检及全日观察,根据当地幼儿传染病流行情况,对易感幼儿进行重点的检查,实施及早发现、早隔离、早治疗“三早”措施。严格控制传染病的流行。 五、对接触传染病的儿童立即采取必要的预防措施,并按各种传染病规定的检疫期进行检疫,并对所在班级进行严格消毒。 六、传染病流行期间不要带幼儿到公共场所。 七、加强体格锻炼,增强儿童体质,提高对疾病的抵抗力。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 幼儿园传染病疫情报告制度 根据《传染病防治法》、《学校卫生工作条例》和《学校和托幼机构传染病疫情报告工作规范(试行)》的规定,为了使幼儿园的传染病疫情报告工作统一、有序,结合本园实际,特制定传染病疫情报告制度。 一、设立幼儿园传染病疫情报告人 幼儿园园长是传染病疫情报告的第一责任人。幼儿园传染病疫情报告人由教师兼任,在园长的领导下,具体负责本园传染病疫情和疑似传染病疫情等突发公共卫生事件报告工作。负责组织开展对全体师生传染病防治知识的宣传教育;负责与指导全园幼儿的晨检与全日观察工作,定期对全园幼儿的出勤、健康情况进行巡查。 当出现以下,种情况时,保健教师应当马上向园长室报告,幼儿园在,,小时内向教育局相关职能处室报告。 1、同一班级,,天内有,例或者连续,天内有多个学生(,例以上)患病,并有相似症状(如发热、皮疹、腹泻、呕吐、黄疸等)或者共同用餐、饮水史。 2、个别学生出现不明原因的高热、呼吸急促或剧烈呕吐、腹泻等症状。 3、幼儿园发生群体性不明原因疾病或者其他突发公共卫生事件。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 幼儿园协助疾病预防控制中心对本校发生的传染病疫情等突发公共卫生事件进行调查和处理,并接受教育行政部门与卫生行政部门对学校传染病疫情等突发公共卫生事件的督促、检查。 二、建立幼儿晨检、因病缺勤病因追查与登记制度 晨检应由班主任、配班教师对每个幼儿进行观察、询问,了解幼儿出勤、健康状况。发现幼儿有发热、皮疹、腹泻、呕吐、黄疸等传染病早期症状,以及疑似传染病病人时,应及时告知保健教师,保健教师要进行进一步排查,并将排查情况记录在幼儿因病缺勤、传染病早期症状、疑似传染病病人患病及病因排查结果登记一日观察记录上。以确保做到对传染病病人的早发现、早报告。同时,班主任要密切关注本班幼儿的出勤情况,对于因病缺勤的幼儿,要了解幼儿的患病情况和可能的病因,做到传染病人早发现。 三、定期体检,建立学生健康档案 幼儿园每年组织、安排好幼儿教职员工体检,建立并完善幼儿、教职员工的健康档案 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 幼儿园预防传染病应急预案 为了提高我园预防和控制突发传染病的能力和水平,保障幼儿的身体健康与生命安全,维护幼儿园正常的教学秩序和校园稳定,根据《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》、《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》、《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》等法律法规和规范性文件,结合本园实际,特制定本应急预案。 一、工作目标 1、普及各类突发传染病事件的防治知识,提高广大教职员工和幼儿的自我保护意识。 2、完善突发传染病事件的信息监测报告网络,做到早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗。 3、建立快速反应和应急处理机制,及时采取措施,确保突发传染病事件不在幼儿园园内蔓延。 二、工作原则 1、预防为主、常备不懈 宣传普及突发传染病事件防治知识,提高全体教职员工的防护意识,加强日常监测,发现病例及时采取有效的预防与控制措施,迅速切断传播途径,控制疫情的传播和蔓延。 2、依法管理、统一领导 严格执行国家有关法律法规,对突发传染病事件的预防、疫情报告、控制和救治工作实行依法管理,成立幼儿园突发传染病事件防治holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 领导小组,负责组织、指挥、协调与落实幼儿园的突发传染病事件的防治工作。 3、快速反应、运转高效 建立预警和医疗救治快速反应机制,强化人力、物力、财力储备,增强应急处理能力。按照“四早”要求,保证发现、报告、隔离、治疗等环节紧密衔接,一旦发生突发事件,快速反应,及时准确处置。 三、组织管理 (一)工作职责 成立由园长负责的幼儿园突发传染病事件工作领导小组,具体负责落实幼儿园的突发事件防治工作。主要职责如下: 1、根据教育行政主管部门的突发传染病事件防治应急预案制订本园的突发事件应急预案。 2、建立健全突发事件防治责任制,检查、督促幼儿园各部门各项突发事件防治措施落实情况。 3、广泛深入地开展突发传染病事件的宣传教育活动,普及突发事件防治知识,提高教职员工的科学防病能力。 4、建立幼儿缺席登记制度和传染病流行期间的检查制度,及时掌握师生的身体状况,发现突发传染病事件早期表现的师生,应及时督促其到医院就诊,做到早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗。 5、开展校园环境整治和爱国卫生运动,努力改善卫生条件,保证幼儿园教室、食堂、盥洗室及其他公共场所的清洁卫生。 6、确保幼儿喝上安全饮用水,吃上放心饭菜。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 7、及时向当地街道医院或疾病预防控制部门和上级教育行政主管部门汇报幼儿园的突发传染病事件的发生情况,并积极配合卫生部门做好对病人和密切接触者的隔离消毒、食物留存等工作。 四、突发事件预防 (一)高度重视,切实加强对幼儿园卫生工作的领导和管理 幼儿园应经常对食堂、教学环境与生活区环境进行自查,尽早发现问题,及时消除安全隐患。 (二)增加幼儿园卫生投入,切实改善幼儿园卫生基础设施和条件。 (三)采取有效措施,强化幼儿园卫生规范化管理。 1、幼儿园食品从业人员必须持有效健康证、培训上岗并注意个人卫生;对患有“五病”的人员必须100%的调离。 2、购销和使用的食品应当定点采购并按规定验收,禁止让学生食用变质的食品和“三无”产品;食品加工过程和储藏必须生熟分开;餐饮具必须采用高温或药物严格消毒,并有保洁措施。 3、食品及其原料贮存和食品制作间必须具备完善的安全措施,并落实专人、专锁、专保管责任制,强化安全防范措施,防止投毒事件发生。 4、加强幼儿园生活饮用水的管理,防止因水污染造成疾病传播。 5、大力开展爱国卫生运动,重点搞好食堂卫生、教室卫生和环境卫生,为学生提供一个安全卫生的学习和生活环境。 6、严格执行新生入园(学)前预防接种证查验和登记制度,提高学生疫苗接种率,防止疫苗相关性疾病的发生或流行。 (四)加强健康教育,提高师生的防疫抗病能力。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 1、培养幼儿树立良好的卫生意识,养成良好的卫生习惯和生活方式。 2、结合季节性、突发性传染病的预防,通过黑板报、宣传橱窗以及校园网等宣传途径,大力宣传、普及防治突发事件的相关知识,提高教职员工及幼儿、家长的公共卫生意识和防治突发事件的能力。 3、进行食品卫生知识和预防食物中毒的专题教育,增强教职工识别腐败变质食品、“三无”产品、劣质食品的能力。 4、组织师生加强体育锻炼,养成良好的生活习惯,提倡合理营养,不断增强体质。 五、突发事件监测和报告 幼儿园突发传染病事件的内容包括:重大传染病(非典、禽流感等)疫情、中毒事件(食物中毒等),以及其它重大疑难及不明原因的健康危害事件。 (一)突发事件监测 1、建立突发传染病事件的监测系统。指定专人对师生员工中的缺勤者进行逐一登记,查明缺勤原因。对因健康原因缺勤者进行登记汇总并进行追踪观察,分析其发展趋势,必要时采取进一步的措施。 2、重视信息的收集。要与区疾病预防与控制中心建立联系,收集本地及周围地区的传染病事件的情报,密切关注其动态变化,以便做好预防工作。 (二)突发事件报告 1、建立自下而上的突发传染病事件逐级报告制度,并确保监测和预警系统的正常运行,及时发现潜在隐患以及可能发生的突发事holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 件。突发事件期间,有关幼儿园及上级教育行政主管部门实行24小时值班制,并开通疫情监控联系电话。 2、严格执行幼儿园传染病事件报告程序。在传染病暴发、流行期间,对疫情实行日报告制度和零报告制度。各部门应严格按程序逐级报告,确保信息畅通。 出现集体性食物中毒、甲类传染病病例、乙类传染病爆发及其他突发传染病事件时,幼儿园有关部门应立即向本园突发传染病事件领导小组报告,并以最快的通讯方式在2小时之内向所在地疾病预防控制中心报告,同时向上级教育行政管理部门报告。 3、任何部门和个人都不得隐瞒、缓报、谎报或者授意他人隐瞒、缓报、谎报突发事件。 六、保障措施 (一)组织机构保障 幼儿园应成立突发传染病事件领导小组,具体负责突发传染病事件的日常预防与控制工作。 (二)人力资源保障 定期接受卫生部门组织的突发传染病事件应急处理知识、技能的培训和演练,熟悉突发传染病事件的预防与控制知识,具有处理突发事件的快速反应能力。 东湖幼儿园 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 传染病防治领导小组 组 长:范兰萍 副组长:彭德美 潘乃玉 成 员:廖庆娥 戈金花 凌彩倪 刘 琼 王双华 肖雪华 东湖幼儿园 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 幼儿园传染病管理制度 (一)传染病发现 1、幼儿园园长是传染病疫情等突发公共卫生事件报告的第一责任人。 2、幼儿园建立学生晨检、因病缺勤病因追查与登记制度。保育员或班主任如果发现有传染病或疑似传染病病人以及因病缺勤等情况时,应及时报告给园长。 3、幼儿园在传染病流行季节应及时进行排查,并将排查情况记录在幼儿因病缺勤、疑似传染病病人排查结果登记日志上。 (二)传染病报告 1、报告内容与时限 (1)当在同一班级或者同一午睡室,1天内有3例或者连续3天内有5例以上幼儿患病,并有相似症状(如发热、皮疹、腹泻、呕吐、黄疸等)或者共同用餐、饮水史时,疫情报告人需在24小时内报出相关信息。 (2)当全园发现传染病或疑似传染病病人时,疫情报告人应当立即报出相关信息。 (3)个别学生出现不明原因的高热、呼吸急促或剧烈呕吐、腹泻等症状时,疫情报告人应当在24小时内报出相关信息。 (4)全园发生群体性不明原因疾病或者其它突发公共卫生事件时,疫情报告人应当在24小时内报出相关信息。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection 2、报告方式:当出现符合本工作规范规定的报告情况时,疫情 报告人应当以最方便的通讯方式向疾病预防控制机构报告,同时,向 教育行政部门报告;当发现传染病或疑似传染病病人时,疫情报告人 应当立即上报。 holding seminars, investigation form, requirements of global cadres in a month of contact with the masses to visit, to the countryside to stay, and the masses meet, a face-to-face talk, serious work notes, it will remember the visit. Remember be real. Through visits to talk , a detailed record of the basic situation, to the economic situation of families, difficulties, and the implementation of policies that benefit the masses of local development suggestions. (eight) production safety supervision of law enforcement is lax. In the process of administrative law enforcement, there are procedures in place, lax, lost in the soft. In the process of administrative law enforcement, on-site inspection
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