首页 29隧道防火涂料工程施工方案



29隧道防火涂料工程施工方案29隧道防火涂料工程施工方案 目 录 1、编制依据....................................................................................................................... 2 2、工程概况............................................................................................................

29隧道防火涂料工程施工 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 目 录 1、编制依据....................................................................................................................... 2 2、工程概况....................................................................................................................... 2 3、施工准备....................................................................................................................... 2 3.1技术准备 ..................................................................................................................2 3.2材料准备 ..................................................................................................................3 3.3 作业条件.................................................................................................................3 3.4、施工用水及用电 .....................................................................................................3 4、人员组织及投入设备 .................................................................................................. 4 4.1.人员组织..................................................................................................................4 4.2.投入设备..................................................................................................................5 5、施工程序....................................................................................................................... 5 5.1 施工工艺.................................................................................................................6 5.2 测量放样.................................................................................................................6 5.3、防火涂料施工 .........................................................................................................6 5.4 测量不同颜色涂料分界线 ........................................................................................8 5.5 面层施工(有色涂料喷涂).....................................................................................8 6、质量标准....................................................................................................................... 8 7、成品保护....................................................................................................................... 9 8、质量保证措施 .............................................................................................................. 9 9、安全与环保措施 ........................................................................................................ 10 maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise business or production management; (4) Car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise technology management; (5) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration Enterprise car accessories management; (6) car performance detection Enterprise car performance detection and evaluation, and detection equipment maintenance; (7) car transport enterprise car using management; (8) insurance company vehicles accident site exploration; (9) car manufacturing enterprise car performance detection and debugging; 2. get certificate this teaching plans according to Ministry of education high vocational designed professional directory prepared ( Professional code:), and integrated into the Ministry of labor and social security all four car mechanic in the national occupational standards occupational functions and skill requirements, students completing this course under the teaching plan, core double certificate course score up to 60 points or more, ... 2. ...(2)Master of mechanical drawing, engineering mechanics, mechanics, automotive materials and processing technology, basic knowledge such as Electrotechnics and 惠兴高速第16 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 段隧道防火涂料工程 施工方案 1、编制依据 (1)新建贵州省从江至兴义高速公路惠水至兴仁段两阶段施工图; (2)老熊湾隧道现场踏勘调查所获得的工程地质、水文地质、当地资源、交通状况及施工环境等调查资料; (3)《公路隧道施工技术规范》(JTGF60—2009); (4)中华人民共和国国家标准《环境空气质量标准》(GB 3095—1996)。 (5)中华人民共和国国家标准《建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范》(GB 50210—2001)。 (6)我公司所拥有的技术装备力量、机械设备状况、管理水平、工法及科技成果和多年积累的工程施工经验; 2、工程概况 工程概况:本合同段两座隧道均为上、下行分离的四车道高速公路隧道。老熊湾隧道起讫里程:左线ZK140+780~ZK143+345,长2565m;右线YK140+795~YK143+305,长2510m。本隧道设置4处行人横洞,3处行车横洞,3处紧急停车带。 海子坝隧道起讫里程:左线ZK140+300~ZK140+625,长325m;右线YK140+300~YK140+600,长300m。隧道采用防火涂料装修,拱顶部分采用深色防火涂料、边墙部分采用浅色防火涂料。防火涂料性能要求:混凝土耐火极限的实验升温曲线采用HC曲线,判断标准为受火2小时后,距离混凝土底面25mm处钢筋的温度不超过250?,混凝土表面温度不超过380?;防火涂料应为无机型涂料,以充分保证常温及高温下不释放有害气体,涂料毒性实验实验指标达到AQ(安全一级);防火涂料与混凝土的粘结强度大于0.15MPa,并要求在潮湿条件下不脱落、不干裂、不起层。 3、施工准备 3.1技术准备 3.1.1 熟悉设计施工图和规范,掌握现场情况,编制隧道装饰工程单项施工组织设计,向班组进行一级技术交底和安全交底。 3.1.2 根据设计文件要求选择合适的装饰施工工艺。为隧道内防眩降噪要maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise business or production management; (4) Car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise technology management; (5) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration Enterprise car accessories management; (6) car performance detection Enterprise car performance detection and evaluation, and detection equipment maintenance; (7) car transport enterprise car using management; (8) insurance company vehicles accident site exploration; (9) car manufacturing enterprise car performance detection and debugging; 2. get certificate this teaching plans according to Ministry of education high vocational designed professional directory prepared ( Professional code:), and integrated into the Ministry of labor and social security all four car mechanic in the national occupational standards occupational functions and skill requirements, students completing this course under the teaching plan, core double certificate course score up to 60 points or more, ... 2. ...(2)Master of mechanical drawing, engineering mechanics, mechanics, automotive materials and processing technology, basic knowledge such as Electrotechnics and 中铁五局二公司惠兴高速公路第16合同段 隧道防火涂料工程施工方案 求,涂料施工从打底到有色涂料一般均采用机械喷涂工艺。 3.1.3 测量放样准备工作。根据业主提供导线点复测洞内自引加密导线点的坐标及高程,办理驻地监理工程师复核签认手续。为不同类型装饰分界线的测量放样做好充分准备。 3.1.4 正式装饰施工前,先进行试喷涂和试粘贴,装饰试验段长度一般取1 5,20 m,通过试验段的喷涂、粘贴施工可检验水溶性涂料的水灰比和水泥砂浆配合比,检验施工工艺是否符合相关质量、安全要求,必要时进行修正。 3.1.5 正式装饰施工前对施工机组人员进行全面的技术、操作、安全二级交底,确保施工过程的工程质量和人身安全。 3.2材料准备 3.2.1 原材料:水泥、砂、防火涂料等材料必须由持证材料员或试验员按规范进行检查,确保原材料质量符合相应标准。 3.2.2 砂浆配合比及灰浆水灰比:按照设计及规范要求分别做出水泥浆及涂料浆试验室配合比、施工配合比,以满足饰面砖及饰面涂料施工要求。 3.3 作业条件 3.3.1 检查衬砌表面是否存在渗漏水现象,渗漏水的地方首先要采取必要的措施止水补漏,然后才能进行装饰施工。 3.3.2 装饰施工前首先要进行洞内降尘,凿平衬砌混凝土施工缝,整平衬砌混凝土表面,清洗混凝土表面浮灰和油污,同时对表面特别光滑的地方采用粗砂纸拉毛处理。 3.3.3 施工作业人员要求:必须由现场技术人员及安全员对现场操作人员(必须有各工种上岗证)对施工工人进行培训、技术安全交底。做到熟练掌握施工技术,要有应对安全紧急救援措施。 3.3.4 喷涂施工前,在作业区地面铺设防水板或彩条布,以防止喷涂回弹料污染路面及盖板。 3.4、施工用水及用电 水源——自来水、洁净饮用水 ry of labor and social security all four car mechanic in the national occupational standards occupational functions and skilly of education high vocational designed professional directory prepared ( Professional code:), and integrated into the Minististrcar manufacturing enterprise car performance detection and debugging; 2. get certificate this teaching plans according to Min maintenance; (7) car transport enterprise car using management; (8) insurance company vehicles accident site exploration; (9) ection and evaluation, and detection equipmentsales service integration Enterprise car accessories management; (6) car performance detection Enterprise car performance det-erprise technology management; (5) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and aftersales service integration ent-sales service integration enterprise business or production management; (4) Car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and afteric knowledge such as Electrotechnics andMaster of mechanical drawing, engineering mechanics, mechanics, automotive materials and processing technology, bas)2(e, ... 2. ...rements, students completing this course under the teaching plan, core double certificate course score up to 60 points or morrequi3 电源——380v-220v的供电系统 4、人员组织及投入设备 4.1.人员组织 1、项目管理人员 组织机构框图见下: 项目经理 党工委书记 项目副经理 总工程师 综试财安工合机物 验合务质程同电资部室部环部部部 部 保 部 隧 道 工 程 六 队 组织机构框图 2、作业工人: 工程 基本配备人数 实际配备人数 备注 maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise business or production management; (4) Car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise technology management; (5) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration Enterprise car accessories management; (6) car performance detection Enterprise car performance detection and evaluation, and detection equipment maintenance; (7) car transport enterprise car using management; (8) insurance company vehicles accident site exploration; (9) car manufacturing enterprise car performance detection and debugging; 2. get certificate this teaching plans according to Ministry of education high vocational designed professional directory prepared ( Professional code:), and integrated into the Ministry of labor and social security all four car mechanic in the national occupational standards occupational functions and skill requirements, students completing this course under the teaching plan, core double certificate course score up to 60 points or more, ... 2. ...(2)Master of mechanical drawing, engineering mechanics, mechanics, automotive materials and processing technology, basic knowledge such as Electrotechnics and 中铁五局二公司惠兴高速公路第16合同段 隧道防火涂料工程施工方案 1.按两班制来工作,每班喷枪手 2-3 3 工作8-10小时,实际配 备人员为两班所需的人打磨工 6-8 8 员。 2.用工人数按照实际需送料工 1-2 2 要配备。 杂工 4-5 6 电工 1 2 喷漆工 3-4 4 清理工 3-4 4 1-2 2 设备机修工 4.2.投入设备 基本 实际配序号 设备种类 备注 设备 备 1 1.8型喷涂机(台) 1 2 1.按两班 制来工2 35型空压机5.5KW(台) 1 2 作,每班3 永固JQ350型搅拌机5.5KW1 2 工作8-10 (台) 小时。2. 数量按照4 清洗机1.3KW(台) 1 1 实际需要5 喷枪(台) 1 4 配备。 6 安全标识(个) 4 4 7 安全帽(个) 30 40 8 安全栓(个) 4 20 9 活动支架(套) 2 2 5、施工程序 2(e, ... 2. ...rements, students completing this course under the teaching plan, core double certificate course score up to 60 points or morrequi ry of labor and social security all four car mechanic in the national occupational standards occupational functions and skilly of education high vocational designed professional directory prepared ( Professional code:), and integrated into the Minististrcar manufacturing enterprise car performance detection and debugging; 2. get certificate this teaching plans according to Min maintenance; (7) car transport enterprise car using management; (8) insurance company vehicles accident site exploration; (9) ection and evaluation, and detection equipmentsales service integration Enterprise car accessories management; (6) car performance detection Enterprise car performance det-erprise technology management; (5) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and aftersales service integration ent-sales service integration enterprise business or production management; (4) Car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and afteric knowledge such as Electrotechnics andMaster of mechanical drawing, engineering mechanics, mechanics, automotive materials and processing technology, bas)5 5.1 施工工艺 5.1.1 喷涂料工艺流程 施工前组织准备? 清理隧道基层?施工前检查合格?封闭隧道? 细部结构处理?底层喷涂施工?24h后第二层喷涂?24h后第三层喷涂?底涂验收?装饰面层施工。 5.1.2 喷涂操作方法 喷涂基底处理 1、因隧道洞内衬砌混凝土采用衬砌台车逐段施工,这样就会留有施工缝,难免出现少量错台现象,且混凝土泵在使用过程中会将少量混凝土迸溅到施工好的衬砌表面。对施工缝错台较大部分用凿子凿平,再用角磨机打磨平整,错台较小部分直接用角磨机打磨平整即可;对于喷溅在衬砌表面的小撮混凝土用小铲铲掉,再用粗砂纸或角磨机打磨平整。 2、在衬砌混凝土施工时,会因为台车定位、机械修理等在混凝土表面粘有小块油污,衬砌及铺底混凝土施工完成后,隧道洞内将变得比较干燥,后续施工的机械的烟尘及带起的灰尘会附着在混凝土表面,都会影响砂浆和涂料与混凝土的黏结力,先用粗砂纸将油污清除,再用高压水枪对衬砌表面进行全面冲洗。 3、施工缝错台部位进行切削打磨平整,以防防火涂料施工完后后表面不平整。 4、对于衬砌要打磨平整,并采用配制的专用界面涂料涂刷,先用界面涂料和水1:0.3(重量比)配制浆料,在表面喷漆1~2mm,待养护实干后,再进行防火涂料施工。 5.2 测量放样 根据隧道内已有转点在施工里程段每10m放中心点并引至两侧边墙,依据设计资料,确定不同装饰类型界限在墙上定点弹线,经监理工程师核查、批准后开始下道工序施工。 5.3、防火涂料施工 (1)调制涂料浆液 maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise business or production management; (4) Car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise technology management; (5) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration Enterprise car accessories management; (6) car performance detection Enterprise car performance detection and evaluation, and detection equipment maintenance; (7) car transport enterprise car using management; (8) insurance company vehicles accident site exploration; (9) car manufacturing enterprise car performance detection and debugging; 2. get certificate this teaching plans according to Ministry of education high vocational designed professional directory prepared ( Professional code:), and integrated into the Ministry of labor and social security all four car mechanic in the national occupational standards occupational functions and skill requirements, students completing this course under the teaching plan, core double certificate course score up to 60 points or more, ... 2. ...(2)Master of mechanical drawing, engineering mechanics, mechanics, automotive materials and processing technology, basic knowledge such as Electrotechnics and 中铁五局二公司惠兴高速公路第16合同段 隧道防火涂料工程施工方案 水和涂料按照厂家推荐配合比(水灰比一般为0.7,1.0,打底料一般还会按比例加入专用黏结剂)采用低速搅拌机搅拌,在经过充分搅拌均匀成稠浆状,搅拌时间一般为10~20min(一定要确保搅拌时间,涂料要随伴随用),静止10 min,再进行搅拌后方可施工喷涂。涂料应随用随配,配成的浆料一般存放不超过2 h(天气炎热时更短)切忌存放过长,造成涂层的黏结力下降而影响施工质量。 (2)喷涂 5.3.1 喷涂厚度控制标志 取少量的调制好料浆装入专用喷涂设备在衬砌表面喷涂横条壮厚度标志,间距一般为2.5,3.0m,作为喷涂施工的参照物。 5.3.2 基层打底喷涂 用喷涂机将打底涂料从隧道的腰部装饰线向顶部(从下而上)按要求进行喷涂,为保证打底涂料与衬砌混凝土表面有较高的黏结强度,在打底涂料中加有专用黏结剂,喷涂厚度一般控制在3~5mm。喷涂压力根据产品特性而定,一般控制在4个大气压。一次喷涂长度可根据设计及现场作业条件而定(目前国内隧道每板衬砌长度多在12,18 m,喷涂台车长度一般在6m左右,为施工方便一般也选6m为一个喷涂区段)。 5.3.3 基层喷涂 为了让底料基本凝固硬化,防止涂层开裂、起层、脱落,底层打底喷涂施工18~24h后方可进行基层喷涂,因隧道防火涂层较厚,多采用分层喷涂方式,喷涂顺序及压力控制同表面打底喷涂。喷涂时注意喷涂压力、速度、距离等方面控制均衡,进而保证喷涂厚度均匀一致;喷涂厚度根据材料性能确定,一般控制在3,5 mm,避免喷层过厚,造成内外含水率差异而起层、空鼓,甚至脱落。待前一次喷涂基本干透(一般时间间隔不少于24 h)后,继续喷涂第二层,如此循环,直至喷涂到设计厚度。 5.3.4 基面检查与修整 因喷涂机械及操作工艺等原因,喷涂局部会有厚度不足或不平整现象,在基层喷涂施工后应对喷涂表面进行检查补平,另隧道防火涂料多采用喷涂施工,涂层外 e, ... 2. ...rements, students completing this course under the teaching plan, core double certificate course score up to 60 points or morrequi ry of labor and social security all four car mechanic in the national occupational standards occupational functions and skilly of education high vocational designed professional directory prepared ( Professional code:), and integrated into the Minististrcar manufacturing enterprise car performance detection and debugging; 2. get certificate this teaching plans according to Min maintenance; (7) car transport enterprise car using management; (8) insurance company vehicles accident site exploration; (9) ection and evaluation, and detection equipmentsales service integration Enterprise car accessories management; (6) car performance detection Enterprise car performance det-erprise technology management; (5) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and aftersales service integration ent-sales service integration enterprise business or production management; (4) Car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and afteric knowledge such as Electrotechnics andMaster of mechanical drawing, engineering mechanics, mechanics, automotive materials and processing technology, bas)2(7 观为均匀粒状面,兼有防眩和吸音功能,一般不必抹平,故补平时亦采用喷涂工艺。 5.4 测量不同颜色涂料分界线 从美观角度出发,隧道饰面涂料多采用两种颜色,在防火涂料施工完成后还在涂料上按设计要求喷涂有色涂料。根据已有测量成果,结合设计资料,确定面层不同颜色界限在墙上定点弹线,经监理工程师核查、批准后进行面层(有色涂料)喷涂施工。 5.5 面层施工(有色涂料喷涂) 在基层基本干透成型后(大约l,3 d),经过自检、报检,确认无开裂、起层、脱落等质量缺陷后,即可进行面层施工。按照设计要求在不同的色区喷涂相应颜色色漆,为避免喷涂后出现颜色不一致和色漆流坠现象,必须注意控制相同的喷涂压力,并注意保持喷枪头到涂料基面等距匀速施作,并应先拱部、后边墙,喷涂界面线要严格隔离。 6、质量标准 (1)各项施工应符合国家标准《公路隧道施工技术规范》、《建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范》、《环境空气质量标准》等中的有关规定。为此,工程技术人员根据工程具体情况,编制分项施工工艺,然后向工人进行详细书面交底,贯彻执行上述规范的相关条文;施工员需要亲自跟班,检查指导,认真组织实施,做到精心操作,确保装饰施工的质量。 (2)施工前应原材料进行检查,并有合格签证记录。对施工程序、工艺流程、检测手段进行检测。 (3)施工过程中应对表面清理、浆液调制、喷涂养护、回弹料利用、空鼓检测、接缝直线度、表面平整度等进行全面全过程检查。见表5.0.3-1所列。 装饰性防火涂料成品质量标准 项次 项目 普通涂料 高级涂料 检验方法 1 颜色 均匀一致 均匀一致 观察 2 泛碱、咬色 允许少量轻微 不允许 3 点状分布 均匀、不允许连片 疏密均匀 4 空鼓、起层、脱不允许 不允许 maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise business or production management; (4) Car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise technology management; (5) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration Enterprise car accessories management; (6) car performance detection Enterprise car performance detection and evaluation, and detection equipment maintenance; (7) car transport enterprise car using management; (8) insurance company vehicles accident site exploration; (9) car manufacturing enterprise car performance detection and debugging; 2. get certificate this teaching plans according to Ministry of education high vocational designed professional directory prepared ( Professional code:), and integrated into the Ministry of labor and social security all four car mechanic in the national occupational standards occupational functions and skill requirements, students completing this course under the teaching plan, core double certificate course score up to 60 points or more, ... 2. ...(2)Master of mechanical drawing, engineering mechanics, mechanics, automotive materials and processing technology, basic knowledge such as Electrotechnics and 中铁五局二公司惠兴高速公路第16合同段 隧道防火涂料工程施工方案 落、开裂、粉化 装饰线分色线直拉5m线,不足5m 5 线度允许偏差值2 1 拉通线,用钢直 (mm) 尺检查 7、成品保护 (1)防火涂料原料包装一经打开,应及时使用,若发现涂料受潮、结块,不得使用。 (2)在作业区地面铺设防水板或彩条布,以防止喷涂回弹料污染路面及盖板。 (3)施工过程中注意保护高程控制点、装饰边线和厚度控制标志。 (4)在每一段喷涂施工完后,在该段首尾处设置醒目的喷涂层位提示牌,防止桩号混淆重复施工,并可以提示洞内施工人员注意保护。 (5)厚层涂料一般采用分层喷涂方式,为了保证前一喷层表干,必须严格控制两层喷涂的时间间隔(一般不少于24h)。 (6)隧道防火涂料施工期间以及施工后24h内,环境温度不得低于4?。15,30?效果更佳。因为隧道防火涂料为水性涂料,冬季低温施工时,应注意采取一定的保温措施(洞口遮挡,减少通风或在隧道洞内设置必要的取暖设备),避免结冰影响涂料的黏结前阶段,天气转暖后,冰块融化,隧道防火涂料涂层会空鼓,开裂甚至脱落;夏季高温或涂抹间隔时间过长,应进行表面潮湿处理(喷水保养),以防涂层因失水引起涂层开裂、起层及粉化。 8、质量保证措施 1、工程质量目标 分项工程合格率100%,优良率90%,项目竣工验收综合评分90分以上。确保优良工程,争创优质工程。 为确保本工程的工程质量,成立以项目经理为组长,总工程师和项目副经理为副组长的质量管理组织机构,明确各级管理职责,管生产必须管质量,建立严格的考核制度,将经济效益与质量挂钩,发现是施工中的不合格项立即整改,进场材料必须检查验收,符合设计要求。 项目经理部成立质量领导小组,项目经理及总工程师任正、副组长,成员由质 (e, ... 2. ...rements, students completing this course under the teaching plan, core double certificate course score up to 60 points or morrequi ry of labor and social security all four car mechanic in the national occupational standards occupational functions and skilly of education high vocational designed professional directory prepared ( Professional code:), and integrated into the Minististrcar manufacturing enterprise car performance detection and debugging; 2. get certificate this teaching plans according to Min maintenance; (7) car transport enterprise car using management; (8) insurance company vehicles accident site exploration; (9) ection and evaluation, and detection equipmentsales service integration Enterprise car accessories management; (6) car performance detection Enterprise car performance det-erprise technology management; (5) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and aftersales service integration ent-sales service integration enterprise business or production management; (4) Car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and afteric knowledge such as Electrotechnics andMaster of mechanical drawing, engineering mechanics, mechanics, automotive materials and processing technology, bas)29 安、施工技术、物资设备、合约、财务等部门负责人及各施工队队长组成。其中,项目经理对本项目工程质量承担主要责任,施工队长对施工质量承担直接责任,并严格实行工程质量终身责任制。质量管理领导小组负责定期组织质量检查、召开质量分析会议,检查、分析质量保证 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 的执行情况,及时发现问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,研究改进措施,积极推动项目经理部全面质量管理工作的深入开展。严格按照管理处下发的管理手册进行质量控制,认真编制质量保证措施,严格严格控制工程试验、施工工艺,重点部位、隐蔽工程的报批检查和签认必须得到监理工程师的认可,完善三检制度,自检、复检、报检,做到每一项工序都有序可控,无质量事故的发生。 2、质量验收 涂层厚度按设计要求允许误差?2mm,在此范围内即为合格,现场采用游标卡尺检查。 (1)、防火涂层与基层粘结牢固,不允许出现开裂、松散、脱落、漏除现象。采取 目测方法观察和用0.5KG的木追对涂层进行检查。 (2)、涂层表面质量检查 涂层不应该出现裂纹,如有裂纹,应补喷消除,用目测和塞尺测量。涂层厚度要均匀,不能出现凹凸不平现象,用目测方法检测。 9、安全与环保措施 1、安全保证体系 为确保安全生产,施工过程中加强宣传教育工作,强化全员安全意识,建立安全保证体系,使安全 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 化、经常化,安全保证体系见下图 安全保证体系 组织保证 目标保证 制度保证 工作保证 maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise business or production management; (4) Car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise technology management; (5) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration Enterprise car accessories management; (6) car performance detection Enterprise car performance detection and evaluation, and detection equipment maintenance; (7) car transport enterprise car using management; (8) insurance company vehicles accident site exploration; (9) car manufacturing enterprise car performance detection and debugging; 2. get certificate this teaching plans according to Ministry of education high vocational designed professional directory prepared ( Professional code:), and integrated into the Ministry of labor and social security all four car mechanic in the national occupational standards occupational functions and skill requirements, students completing this course under the teaching plan, core double certificate course score up to 60 points or more, ... 2. ...(2)Master of mechanical drawing, engineering mechanics, mechanics, automotive materials and processing technology, basic knowledge such as Electrotechnics and 严格按照国家项目经理 基础工作 防范重点 有关规定执项目副经理 行,确保不发项目总工 生任何等级的安质人员 开加加严展强大格抓安安各防执全好全类行防防机防安预培安防高物具人劳想全训全触务空体设身宣、考防电坠打备伤工预传试护事安落击伤害教测合用故事事害事全 、育格品管故故事故 工预持资故理 防作证金 规工上投定 作岗入 中铁五局二公司惠兴高速公路第16合同段 隧道防火涂料工程施工方案 2 遵照国家颁发的《建筑安装工程安全技术规程》《公路工程施工安全技术规程》的有关规定,结合工程实际,逐项进行落实。 ection and evaluation, and detection equipmentsales service integration Enterprise car accessories management; (6) car performance detection Enterprise car performance det-erprise technology management; (5) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and aftersales service integration ent-sales service integration enterprise business or production management; (4) Car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and afteric knowledge such as Electrotechnics andMaster of mechanical drawing, engineering mechanics, mechanics, automotive materials and processing technology, bas)2(e, ... 2. ...rements, students completing this course under the teaching plan, core double certificate course score up to 60 points or morrequi ry of labor and social security all four car mechanic in the national occupational standards occupational functions and skilly of education high vocational designed professional directory prepared ( Professional code:), and integrated into the Minististrcar manufacturing enterprise car performance detection and debugging; 2. get certificate this teaching plans according to Min maintenance; (7) car transport enterprise car using management; (8) insurance company vehicles accident site exploration; (9) 11 (1)施工现场设置安全警示牌,施工人员必须穿工作服、劳动保护鞋,戴安全帽,配戴相应的防护用具。 (2)所有施工设备和机具在使用前均必须由专职人员负责检查,检验合格方能使用,严禁无证违章操作驾驶,在喷涂台车主架上粘贴反光膜。夜间施工要有良好的照明设施。 (3)现场应特别注意用电安全,做好绝缘措施。电力线路采用接地与防雷的保护系统,配电箱、开关箱应符合“三级配电两级保护”的要求。电线、配电箱等应由专职电王管理。严格按操作规程作业,司机、电工等操作人员必须持证上岗。 (4)装饰施工机械所使用的电缆线要定期检查,接头必须绑扎牢固,确保不透水、不露电,移动喷涂机械时,现场必须有专人进行指挥,不得挤压电缆线。 建立安全检查制度。各级安全管理人员随时检查施工安全,不定期召开安全生产会议,分析事故易发点,制定防范措施和安全规划,把事故消灭在萌芽状态。 、环保措施 3 (1)开工前,各技术员必须对工人进行环保知识的培训学习,提高环保意识。 (2)采取有效的管理和技术手段将施工噪声控制到最低限度,如加强瓷砖切割设备的养护,减少机械状况不良时所产生的噪声。 (3)施工场地及施工便道应经常洒水,始终保持现场处于轻微潮湿状态;在装卸涂料时应轻拿轻放,防止和杜绝粉尘飞扬,污染环境,将灰尘公害降至最低程度。 (4)生活污水、洗车及机修废水等含油污水的排放不得直接排放到河流、鱼塘等,以免造成对河流、鱼塘等的污染。 (5)生活垃圾和施工所造成的垃圾(喷涂废料、废砂浆)不得随意乱扔,应集中收集、定点处理。 (6)每次施工完后及时对施工现场进行清理,避免涂料及粘贴砂浆对作业现场的污染。 maintenance business reception; (3) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise business or production management; (4) Car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise technology management; (5) car maintenance enterprise or car sales and after-sales service integration Enterprise car accessories management; (6) car performance detection Enterprise car performance detection and evaluation, and detection equipment maintenance; (7) car transport enterprise car using management; (8) insurance company vehicles accident site exploration; (9) car manufacturing enterprise car performance detection and debugging; 2. get certificate this teaching plans according to Ministry of education high vocational designed professional directory prepared ( Professional code:), and integrated into the Ministry of labor and social security all four car mechanic in the national occupational standards occupational functions and skill requirements, students completing this course under the teaching plan, core double certificate course score up to 60 points or more, ... 2. ...(2)Master of mechanical drawing, engineering mechanics, mechanics, automotive materials and processing technology, basic knowledge such as Electrotechnics and
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