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前景基础英语综合教程教师用书(复旦第三册) Unit One Intercultural Communication Dialogue 设计思路 中国虽是礼仪之邦,但在待“礼”接物方面,却有让外国客人不太理解的地方。通过对话,引出本单元主题:文化差异和跨文化交际。 参考教法 1. Pre-reading questions: 1) What do you usually say when you give or accept presents? 2) How do you treat the presents? Are you g...

Unit One Intercultural Communication Dialogue 设计思路 中国虽是礼仪之邦,但在待“礼”接物方面,却有让外国客人不太理解的地方。通过对话,引出本单元主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 :文化差异和跨文化交际。 参考教法 1. Pre-reading questions: 1) What do you usually say when you give or accept presents? 2) How do you treat the presents? Are you going to simply say “thank you” and then put them away, or unwrap them immediately and say “you like them”? 读对话前问学生他们跟朋友互送礼物时说什么客套话,怎么对待别人送的礼物。 2. While-reading: answer the following questions according to the dialogue. 1) What did Tony bring with him as a gift for his Chinese friend? 2) Did Tony wrap up the tapes? 3) When Tony gave his Chinese host the gift, what did she do? 4) What did Tony expect her to do? 5) What is the difference in exchanging presents between China and Western countries? 3. After-reading question: Which way is acceptable to you? Why? 您更倾向于哪种接受礼物的方式? Can you think of other examples of intercultural differences? 可让学生给出跨文化交际中的冲突案例,如时间观念、客套语冲突、餐饮习俗冲突。 Material for reference: 中西方去朋友家做客送礼的差别: 中国人送礼喜欢成双,比如说两瓶酒,两条烟。一是为了显示自己不是小气人,二是为了讨个吉利数字。去朋友或者亲戚家做客,拎点水果是非常普遍的情况。 但是,在西方,人们送酒的时候都是只送一瓶。因为他们吃饭的时候要喝客人带来的酒,如果客人拿了两瓶,似乎表明客人是个酒鬼,他恐怕一瓶酒不够喝。 去朋友家做客一般也不送水果。水果一般是作为看望病人时候的礼物。 Language Points in the Dialogue 1. western a. related to ways or ideas of doing things from Europe and the Americas e.g. He is wearing a western style suit. 他穿着一套西装。 Westerner: 西方人 2. treat v. behave towards someone or something in a particular way treat somebody like/ as something e.g. Please treat the matter seriously. 请认真对待这件事。 Treat this house as your own, feel free. 把这所房子当作你自己的好了,放轻松。 n. my treat, used to tell someone you will pay for something such as a meal for them e.g. Let us go out to lunch — my treat. 这次我请客。 3. hurt v. ① to make someone feel very upset, unhappy, sad etc. e.g. He is afraid of hurting Bessy’s feelings. 他怕伤害了贝茜的感情。 ② to cause pain in a part of your body e.g. How did you hurt your nose? 您的鼻子是怎么受伤的? 4. put…away : ① put something in a place where it is usually kept e.g. Put the books away neatly in the bookcase. 把 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 整齐地放到书柜里。 My mother helped me to put away my dirty clothes and socks. 我妈帮我收拾脏衣服和袜子。 ① to save money We are putting some money away for expenses. 我们要存点钱供生活开支。 5. Mind you. (British English) used when saying something that is almost the opposite of what you have said, or that explains or emphasizes something. e.g. He looks very young in this photo. Mind you, it was taken ten years ago. 他看起来很年轻。不过,这张照片是十年前拍的。 This knife is sharp. Mind you, don’t cut yourself! 这刀子很快,小心别刺着! Complete the following paragraph according to the dialogue. Tony just got back from visiting a Chinese friend. Tony brought back the latest CDs of Western music from UK and gave them to the hostess. The Chinese hostess only said thank you and put them away. He felt a bit hurt/ a bit disappointed about the way the Chinese friend treated his present. Tony had expected the hostess to unwrap the present as soon as they got it. 对话译文 在中国拜访朋友 比尔:你好!托尼,最近怎样? 托尼:很好。我刚去拜访了一个中国朋友。 比尔:哦!玩得开心吗? 托尼:非常开心。不过,她对待我礼物的方式让我有点意外。 比尔:怎么啦? 托尼:我知道她喜欢西方音乐,所以我从英国带回一些最新的CD。我一进门就把礼物送给她。你猜后来发生什么事了? 比尔:怎么了? 托尼:她只说了声“谢谢”就把礼物放到角落里,她都没拆开看一眼。我不得不说我有点失望。 Text 设计思路 在物质世界飞速发展的时代,重谈“礼貌”这个熟悉的话题,既学习了语言,了解了文化差异,也是对学生心灵的一次触动。 参考教法 1. Pre-reading questions 1) What are the good manners while we are waiting for a bus? 2) Have you ever been a queue-jumper(插队的人)? 2. Do the reading comprehension questions and ask students to retell the story with their own words before dealing with the language points in detail. 3. After-reading questions: Being polite is absolutely essential. Give examples of being polite: 1) Say “please, thank you, sorry” at the very least, even between family members. 2) Use polite language, such as “May I/ Could you…” when we ask for permission or ask for help. 3) Keep quiet or speak in a low voice in public places. 4. Oral work: Tell a true story about your personal experience of being polite or impolite. Reading Comprehension Answer the following questions according to the text. 1. What should we know if we want to visit another country? We should find out as much as possible about the manners and customs of the host country. 2. Where did the incident happen? In England. 3. What happened to the three foreign gentlemen when they were going to get on the bus? People rushed onto the bus and tried to push them out of the way. 4. Why were they treated that way? Because they did not line up for the bus. 5. What’s the custom about waiting for bus in your country? 略 Language Points in the Dialogue 1. custom: n. something that is done by some people in a particular society because it is traditional e.g. Each country has its own customs. 各国有各国的风俗。 It was custom for him to approach every problem carefully. 他习惯谨慎地处理每一个问题。 local/ ancient/ French custom 当地习俗/古代的习俗/法国风俗 cf: Who gets your ships through customs? 谁让你的船通过海关? 2. embarrassed a. feeling unhappy, nervous and worrying about what people think of you e.g. She was embarrassed when they asked her age. 他们问她的年龄时,她感到尴尬。 We have nothing to be embarrassed about. 我们没有什么好尴尬的。 注意不要混淆 embarrassed和 embarrassing。 She felt embarrassed by this embarrassing question about her personal life. embarrass→embarrassment→embarrassing→embarrassed 3. puzzled a. unable to understand something e.g. She felt puzzled about what the question meant. 她不知道这个问题是什么意思 The road map of Shanghai puzzled me. 上海的公路图把我搞糊涂了。 课文译文 礼貌 参观一个国家只学习它的语言是不够的。如果你想要有次愉快之旅,你就必须尽可能多地了解东道国的礼仪和习俗。了解不同国家的文化,你会对它们之间的差异感到惊讶。以下就是一个很好的例子。 最近在英国发生了这样一件事。三个小伙来到汽车站等车。5分钟后,汽车来了。他们准备上车。突然,背后一阵喧闹,身后的人挤上汽车,把他们推到一边。售票员赶忙下车看到底发生了什么事情。三个小伙看上去很困惑和尴尬。没有人告诉过他们:在英国乘公交车是要排队的,先来后到。 现在你明白了,了解另一个国家的文化是多么重要。 Word Focus 设计思路: 英语词汇中不少词有多种词性,也有不少词一词多义,掌握了这一特点,对我们更好地记忆单词和灵活、准确地使用单词大有好处。 参考教法 · 鼓励学生比较一词多性和一词多义在具体语境中的意思,切不可死记硬背。 · 鼓励学生多读简易读物, 通过泛读体会词性和词义的活用。 · 编写一段对话或一个故事,尽可能多地用到同一个单词的不同词义。如: host: n. ① a country or a place that provides the necessary space or equipment for an organized activity host country/ city:主办国、东道国;主办城市 ② a person who introduces a radio or TV program, or who’s invited the guests and provides the meal host of a party: 晚会主持人 host of Spring Festival Gala 春晚主持人 talk show host: 脱口秀主持人 host family: (给外国留学生提供住宿的)寄宿家庭 v. ① to provide the place or something that is needed for an organized activity to host the World Cup 举办世界杯 to host a party: 举办一场晚会 ② to introduce a radio or TV program host a TV program/ a talk show 主持电视节目/脱口秀 latest a. ① the newest latest report/ news: 最新报道;新闻 latest novels/ books/ movies: 最新小说、书籍、电影 the latest products/ technology: 最新产品、技术 the latest fashion 最新时尚 ② no later than the time mentioned at the latest: 最迟 ③ the superlative degree of late (late的最高级) the latest arrival: 最后一个到达的人 Grammar It 用法 设计思路 本单元列举了it的常见用法。It 用法指代广泛,了解它的用法对掌握句子结构和正确理解句义有很重要的作用。 参考教法 · 课前让学生准备含有 “it” 的英语句子,并讲解它的含义。 · 在课堂中分享、讨论他们的例子。 · 教师 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 常用句型。 一、It用作实词 表达以下概念:指代前文提到的事物,前文中的this, that;替代前文中的内容;指代一位性别不明的小孩或未知的人;指代未指明但谈话双方都知道的那件事;指代时间、天气、气候、距离等自然现象。 二、It用作形式主语 替代作主语的从句、动词不定式、动名词,而把真正作主语的从句、动词不定式、动名词置于句尾。 常见句型: 1. 代作主语的动词不定式,其句型为 (1)It be adj. (for sb.) to do sth. (2)It be adj. of sb. to do sth. (3)It替代作主语的动名词的常见句型: It’s no good/use doing… It’s (well) worth doing… 2. It替代作主语的从句常见句型 (1)It is + n. +从句 (2)It is adj. +clause It’s surprising that… (should)………竟然…… It’s a pity/shame that…(should)………竟然… 三、It 作形式宾语 用来替代作宾语的从句、动词不定式、动名词,而把真正作宾语的从句、动词不定式、动名词置于句尾。 It 作形式宾语的常见句型: v. + it+ adj. / n. (for / of) to do / clause (verb=think, believe, suppose, consider, feel, make, keep…) Language Practice ⅠRead and recite the following sentences. 略 II. Word building. wait -----waiter design ----- designer interview ----- interviewer; interviewee write ----- writer teach -----teacher make ----- maker employ ----- employer; employee dance -----dancer 1. Lu Xun is a well-known writer in China. 2. Her daughter is a famous dancer, and she gave us a wonderful dance show yesterday. 3. The interviewer asked him several questions during the interview. 4. He has driven for ten years. He is a skilled driver. 5. As a waiter, you should serve our guests quickly. III. Fill in the blanks with the given words. Change the form where necessary. 1. The meeting discussed how to promote the latest product. 2. He felt puzzled about what the question meant. 3. We should put away our differences and work together for our common goals. 4. Visitors are lining up for the Natural History Museum now to learn about the sciences. 5. The rocket brought back information which we could never get in any other way. 6. He treats me as one of his family. 7. Social customs vary greatly from country to country 8. I’m embarrassed to say this, but I forget your name. 9. Come along with me. I’m going that way, too. 10. I am ready to help, if necessary. IV. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words. 1. It is necessary to walk dogs in the park once a day if you want them to be healthy. 2. It took many years for people to forget the unpleasant memories of war. 3. It won’t make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow.   4. Which country will be the host country for the next Olympic Games? 5. We were disappointed to learn that the picnic had been cancelled. 6. It’s impossible for a student to learn everything well. 7. He felt embarrassed to make speeches in public. 8. The president has recently returned from a tour of South Africa. Ⅴ. Tell the function of “it” in the following sentences. 1. I dropped my watch and it broke. It指代watch, 作主语。 2. The weather forecast says it should be fine tomorrow. 指代天气, 作从句主语 3. I don’t think it important whether he agrees or not. 形式宾语 4. It is a shame that they treat the old that way. 形式主语 5. It is difficult to do the job well. 形式主语 6. It takes years to master a new language. 形式主语 Ⅵ. Rewrite the following sentences according to the models. Section A Key: 1. It is easy (for us) to see why so many PC users have bought this software. 2. It is impolite (for one) to urge other people to drink in the west. 3. Do you think it is important for modern young people to master at least two foreign languages? Section B Key: 1. The doctor thinks it good for him to have a holiday. 2. We feel it very nice to visit Beijing University. 3. Many foreigners find it necessary for them to have a better understanding of Chinese. Ⅷ.Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese. Key: 1. He puts away some money every month to buy a bicycle. 2. Will you bring some coffee back on your way home from the supermarket? 3. I wanted to ask him to give me a hand, but found it embarrassing to do so. 4. It is important and necessary for us to know the differences between eastern and western cultures. 5. It is a pity that you have missed that report. 6. 如果你想有次愉快的旅行,应该尽可能弄清楚东道国的礼节和风俗。 7. 售票员赶紧跑下汽车看看到底发生了什么事情。 8. 上车要按照先来后到的顺序。 9. 我花了差不多一个小时才做出那道题. 10. 互联网方便了人们的联系。 Reading Practice 设计思路 · 选择同一主题文章,拓展知识面。 · 扩大阅读量,培养语感。 参考教法 · 教师可以问学生他们是否有预约的习惯,一般提前多长时间,是否会轻易改变,让他们比较中外时间观的差异。 · 对于文中重点单词、词组和句子教师可以进行适当拓展讲解。 Comprehension Practice 1. What did Kevin feel about starting a new life in China? He liked it and felt happy. 2. What did the Foreign Affairs Office do for Kevin? It organized an excursion for international faculty on the coming Saturday to visit a nearby garden and teahouse. 3. Why did the Office organize the activity? To find interesting things for him to do on weekends 4. Why couldn’t Kevin make this trip? Because he had ar​ranged to do something else with one of his friends. 5. What would you do if you were Kevin? 略。 Unit Two Romance Dialogue 设计思路 恋爱是青春期很流行的话题,用校园爱情作为对话内容,引起大家对主题的兴趣,同时熟悉如何用英语表达爱情。 参考教法 1. Pre-reading questions: 1) Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend in real life? 2) What kind of girl or boy is your snow white or prince charming? 3) What do you expect your girlfriend or boyfriend to be like? Ask girl students to talk about their ideal boyfriends, and ask boy students to talk about ideal girls in their mind. 2. Read aloud the dialogue and create a new dialogue about the same topic. 3. After-reading question Do you think love on campus will affect your study? Why or why not? Language Points in the Dialogue 1. date n. ① a particular day of a month or a year e.g. What’s the date today? 今天是几号? If I change the date, should I pay for it? 改变日期要花钱吗? ② romantic meeting How was your date? 你的约会怎么样啊? v. to have a romantic relationship with someone, synonym:go out with They have been dating for months. 他们两个人约会已经有好几个月了。 up-to-date 最新的,out-of-date 过时的 The car is beautiful and quite up-to-date. 那辆车子很漂亮,是最新式的。 Don’t take medicine out-of-date. 不要服用过期的药。 2. agree v. to have or express the same opinion about something or someone agree后接不同介词表示不同意思:agree with指“同意”,后面接“人”或者“意见”。 agree to指“同意于”,后面接意为“提议”,“办法”,“计划”等的词。agree on/upon指“(双方)决定”。 e.g. I agree with what you say. 我们同意你的话。 I agree to the proposal / arrangement. 我同意这个提议/安排。 They agree with us on/upon these terms. 他们就这些条款跟我们达成了一致意见。 He agreed to help us. 他同意帮助我们。 agree→disagree→agreement→disagreement Complete the following paragraph according to the dialogue. Emily and Kevin are talking about their college life. Emily asks Kevin about his girlfriend, Amanda. Kevin says that he was introduced to his girlfriend by his roommate. Kevin likes the type of girls who likes to have fun and aren’t too serious. Emily shows her agreement with him on the point. She likes guys who can make her laugh. 对话译文 你是怎么认识你女朋友的? 艾米利:你好,凯文!大学生活过得还好吗? 凯文:挺好的。你呢? 艾米利:也不错。你有女朋友了吗? 凯文:是的。我在和阿曼达约会。 艾米利:你是怎么认得她的? 凯文:哦。我的室友跟阿曼达是朋友,他介绍我俩认识的。 艾米利:那你室友一开始告诉你阿曼达长什么样了吗? 凯文:是的。他描述了阿曼达的样子,听起来就是我喜欢的类型。 艾米利:那你喜欢什么样的女孩呢? 凯文:我喜欢风趣,不太严肃的那种。 艾米利:我跟你一样。我喜欢给我带来欢笑的男孩。 Text 设计思路 爱情不仅是生活得意时的兴奋与欢乐,更是生活失意时的分担与体贴。通过本文的阅读,使学生对爱情这个深奥的主题有初步但深刻的理解,提升价值观和人生观。 参考教法 1. Ask students to look for examples about great love either in China or other countries. 2. Introduce some classic movies on the topic Love: Love Story (1970) Gone with the wind (1939) Roman Holiday (1953) Titanic (2010) 3. Ask song lovers to sing a love song in class in English. 4. Retell the story by using the adjectives as a clue: cold, luxury, broke, exhausted, unhappy, depressed, rich, freezing, warm, comfortable, and expensive 5. After-reading questions: 1) What touches you most in the story? 2) Discuss about the personalities of the husband in the story. Words for reference: tough, hard-working, responsible, dependable, considerate/ thoughtful He is tough. When they went broke, he didn’t give up. Instead, he worked day and night. He is hard-working. He worked day and night. He is responsible and dependable. He cared for the family and his wife as well. He is considerate. He took shower to warm the bathroom. Language Points in the Text 1. luxury n. very great comfort and pleasure; something expensive She was brought up in a family of luxury and wealth. 她在锦衣玉食的家庭中长大。 A week by the sea is a luxury they can no longer afford. 到海边度假一周成了他们再也消费不起的一种奢侈。 a. expensive and large He could not afford luxury food / car / home/ hotel on his pay. 靠自己的工资他买不起奢侈的食品/汽车/ 豪华的房子/ 住不起豪华的宾酒店。 2. exhausted a. very tired I’m getting everything wrong. I’m so exhausted. 我把一切都搞砸了。我现在筋疲力尽。 Why do you look so exhausted today? 你为什么今天看起来这么疲惫? exhaust→exhausted→exhausting Don’t exhaust him. 不要把他累坏了。 It was an exhausting schedule. 这真是令人筋疲力尽的日程安排。 3. comfortable a. making you feel relaxed, without problems or worries He lives a comfortable life. 他过着舒适的生活。 He got a comfortable job. 他找到一份轻松的工作。 Make yourself comfortable! 别客气! He has a comfortable income. = He is highly paid. 他收入可观。 comfort→ comforting→comfortable→ uncomfortable His comforting words give me comfort and make me feel comfortable. 课文译文 一个寒冷的冬天,一对夫妇因为破产,不得不从豪宅里搬出。丈夫日夜辛勤工作以维持家庭开支,但没有时间关心妻子。于是,妻子暗想:“他不再爱我了,他只在乎他的工作,而不是我。” 一天,妻子准备去洗澡,可丈夫在门口叫住了她,“让我先洗吧,好吗?” “为什么不让我先洗呢?” “因为我很累,宝贝,你等会儿,好吧?” 妻子情绪非常低落。 一天晚上,妻子无所事事,打开了丈夫的电脑。上面的几行字让她泪眼矇眬: 今天,我很悲伤,因为她问我,为什么总是我先洗澡,而我对她说,因为我太累了,想先洗。她心里不高兴,觉得我对她不像从前那么好了。但是我该怎么做呢?我不像以前那么富有!我们搬到了一个小公寓。在如此寒冷的冬天洗澡真是冻死人了。但我发现,如果一个人先洗,浴室内就会暖和一些,所以每次我都第一个抢着去浴室。我想,等她进去浴室时,至少暖和一两度吧。 现在,我不能给她舒适的生活,带她去高级餐厅,给她买漂亮的衣服,但至少我还能给她1摄氏度的爱。 Comprehension Practice Decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false (F). 1. The couple moved out of their house to save money. T 2. In the wife’s mind, the husband only cared his business. T 3. The husband wanted to take the shower first because he was very tired. F 4. The wife felt depressed by the words on the computer. F 5. The husband cared not only his business but his wife. T Grammar 设计思路 本单元旨在让学生了解英语平行结构的基本用法,重点讲解结构的对称性和语言的连贯性。 参考教法 · 教师可以用一些经典语录让学生感受平行结构带来的表达效果。如: May you keep fit, study well and work hard. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. The world listens. The world watches. The world waits to see what we will do. · 让学生找出句中的平行结构,并说出这些平行结构的表达效果。 参考资料 平行结构是一种修辞手法,它可以使句子前后保持平衡和协调,从而增加语言的连贯性。 平行结构常常使用并列连词,如and, but, or, neither...nor, either...or, not only...but also, not...but等,我们在使用这些并列连词时要注意它们所连接的应该是同等的成分,而不能其中一个概念用分词结构表达,而另一个概念用不定式或从句来表达。比较以下两个句子: 错误:Do some nice things for your parents that they don’t expect—like cooking, doing the dishes, washing clothes, or clean the floors. 改为:Do some nice things for your parents that they don’t expect—like cooking, doing the dishes, washing clothes, or cleaning the floors. Word Focus 设计思路: 英语词汇中不少词有多种词性,也有不少词一词多义,掌握了这一特点,对我们更好地记忆单词和灵活、准确地使用单词大有好处。 参考教法: · 鼓励学生比较一词多性和一词多义在具体语境中的意思,切不可死记硬背。 · 鼓励学生多读简易读物, 通过泛读体会词性和词义的活用。 · 编写一段对话或一个故事,尽可能多地用到同一个单词的不同词义。如: take: (1) do take a test考试 take a class上课 take a deep breath 深呼吸 take a look 看一下 (2) use ( a particular type of transport), as in take a bus 乘车 take the elevator 乘电梯 (3) need (sth.) take time/patience to so sth. 慢慢来 (4) accept (sth.) that sb. offers you take one’s advice 接受建议 take a job 接受工作 (5) carry or accompany sb. from one place to another take the book out of the library 把书带出图书馆 take you to dinner 带你去吃饭 care: n. looking after someone/something take care of your health 照顾好身体 health care/ beauty care 保健、美容 Take care! 保重! a carefree person = a person free of worries无忧无虑的人 v. to think something is important care for sth. 喜欢… care for sb. 喜欢… care about sth. 在乎、关心 Grammar Language Practice I. Read and recite the following sentences. 略 II.Word building. Give the noun forms of the verbs below and then complete each of the following sentences with one of the nouns. educate -----education decide-----decision invent -----invention operate-----operation collect ----- collection introduce -----introduction communicate----- communication suggest-----suggestion 1. The dishwasher is a wonderful invention. 2. We welcome any suggestion as to how to improve our service. 3. The chairman made a brief introduction to the guests before the meeting. 4. In America children must receive education until the age of 16. 5. He was badly injured in the car accident and needed operation at once. III. Fill in the blanks with the given words. Change the form where necessary. 1. It is a pleasure to introduce you to Miss Lin Jie. 2. Some young people hope to move to Beijing in the near future. 3. I stayed awake all night, turning the problem over and over in my mind. 4. Although he is getting old, he works as hard as usual. 5. With a very low income, he could not support his family. 6. Sanya is famous for its luxury hotels. 7. I wouldn’t take what he said seriously; he was only kidding. 8. If you have to smoke, at least you should go out. 9. She’s been very depressed recently, but I’m sure she’ll be fine soon. 10. Every doctor should care about his patients. IV. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words. 1. I have great fun playing cards with them. 2. It is impossible for them to reach an agreement . 3. The beauty of the park is beyond description . 4. It is unusual that the teacher comes late. 5. The journey back to the centre of the town was hot and uncomfortable . 6. He almost shouted to make himself heard above the music. 7. I want to buy a house which is comfortable yet inexpensive . 8. Las Vegas is a place where people go broke trying to get rich. Ⅴ. Rewrite the italicized parts in the following sentences to make them parallel in structure. Key: 1. The job of the library is not only to get books to people but to get information to them. 2. He was busy with writing a letter rather than reading the newspaper. 3. The school bus skidded, turned sideways, and came to a stop. 4. They would lie on the battlefield for hours and sometimes for days. 5. He is respected by his partners, admired by his friends, and loved by his employees. 6. My parents have been to Tibet, to Mongolia, and even to Hong Kong and Macau. VI. Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese. 1. We moved to a comfortable three-bedroom apartment. 2. No one was seriously hurt in the traffic accident. 3. It seems smokers don’t care about the danger of smoking. 4. Ann found swimming more enjoyable than staying at home reading. 5. Working day and night to support a family, he looked exhausted. 6. 他既不知道也不关心周围发生的事情。 7. 我无法让她过舒适的生活,带她去豪华饭店,也买不起昂贵的衣服。 8. 有一些书浅尝即可,有一些可囫囵吞枣,少数的书需要慢慢品味。 9. 他想从大学得到三样东西:学会一门技能、结交一些朋友、懂得一点人生道 理。 10. 由于商场失意,朋友离去,再加上健康每况愈下,他离开了那座城市。 Reading Practice 设计思路 · 选择同一主题文章,拓展知识面。 · 扩大阅读量,培养语感。 参考教法 · 讲解情人节故事的由来。 · 对于文中重点单词、词组和句子教师可以进行适当拓展讲解。 Answer the following questions according to the text. 1. How had Blanchard and Miss Maynell come to know each other? Mr. Blanchard saw Maynell’s name in a book. He managed to get her address and wrote to her. 2. How long had they written to each other before their first meeting? About twelve months/ one year. 3. Why did Miss Maynell refuse to send Blanchard a photograph? She thought what she looked like wouldn’t matter if he really loved her. 4. Who wore the rose? A middle-aged woman. 5. What did Miss Maynell want to find out through the test? She wanted to find whether Blanchard would love her beauty in appearance or beauty inside. Unit Three Self-driving Travel Dialogue 设计思路 · 人们利用假期到各地旅游已经成为时尚,选择自由、舒适、便捷的交通工具是年轻人外出旅游首要考虑的问题。自驾游作为一种新型的旅游方式,越来越受到年轻人的青睐。由此导入自驾游的话题,引起大家的共鸣和兴趣; · 随着人们生活水平的提高,拥有私人汽车的人越来越多,讨论自驾车旅游,有助于学生们观察生活,了解社会。 参考教法 · 让学生讨论寒暑假是否有外出旅游的打算,选择什么样的出行方式; · 目前,比较流行的出行方式有哪些?各有什么利弊?列出关键词供学生讨论,如fast, slow, expensive, cheap, convenient, flexible等; · 引出自驾游这种出行方式,让学生讨论这种方式的特点,为什么当前这么多的人选择自驾游。 Language Points in the Dialogue 1. absolutely ad. ①completely: e.g. He made his reasons for resigning absolutely clear. 他对辞职做出了非常清晰的解释。 Are you absolutely sure? 你非常确定吗? This cake is absolutely delicious. 这个蛋糕非常好吃。 ② used to emphasize something: e.g. Jim knew absolutely nothing about the sales business when he joined the firm. 当吉姆进入这个公司的时候,对业务一无所知。 He has absolutely no experience of marketing. 他对营销毫无经验。 ③ spoken used when you strongly disagree with someone or when you do not want someone to do something: e.g. “Do you let your kids travel alone at night?” “Absolutely not!” 你会让孩子在夜晚独自出去玩吗?绝对不会。 2. convenient a. ① useful to you because it saves you time, or does not spoil your plans or cause you problems: e.g. My secretary will call you to arrange a convenient time to meet. 我的秘书会致电给你,然后安排一个方便的时间会面。 ② be convenient for e.g. Is three o'clock convenient for you? 三点钟,你方便吗? ③ be convenient to do something e.g. It is simple and convenient to use. 很简单而且很好使用。 3. flexible a. ① a person, plan etc. that is flexible can change or be changed easily to suit any new situation: e.g. The government needs a more flexible approach to education. 对于教育,政府需要一个更加灵活的方法。 Our new computer software is extremely flexible. 新的电脑软件非常的适用。 ② something that is flexible can bend or be bent easily: e.g. The rubber shoes are very flexible. 这双胶鞋非常有弹性。 · Complete the following paragraph according to the dialogue. Dave and Peter are good friends in the college. Now the summer vacation is coming, Peter is planning a trip for the vacation. After hearing that, Dave decides to go with Peter. In summer vacation, it is hard to book train tickets because too many students go home or travel around. “What about self-driving travel?” Peter says. “That’s a great idea. Self-drive is very _convenient____ and _flexible_, and we won’t worry about the tickets and fixed traveling route.” Dave says. Then they are going to _check out__ the information from Xiecheng and choose the best route. 对话译文 戴夫: 这几天好累呀!难道你不觉得我们需要在暑假放松一下吗? 彼得: 当然需要,我正计划暑假旅游呢。一起吧? 戴夫: 好呀!我很愿意和你一起去。 彼得: 太好了!但是暑假很难订到火车票。 戴夫: 你有什么想法? 彼得: 自驾车旅游怎么样? 戴夫: 哇,有意思!我会开车,而且我爸爸有辆车。 彼得: 太棒了!自驾游方便、自由,我们不需要为车票和固定的旅游路线而烦恼。 戴夫: 我去买张交通图,并制定一个旅行计划。 彼得: 好!你可以到携程网上查看一下信息,然后选择最佳线路。 戴夫: 对这次旅行,我迫不及待了。 彼得: 我也是!我们要准备好,别急! 戴夫: 好!回见! Text 设计思路 · 由对话导入自驾游话题,引起学生的兴趣。在课文中进一步阐述自驾游的特点及产生自驾游的原因等。 · 自驾游是假日旅游中越来越受到青睐的出行方式,引入该话题,培养学生关注生活热点,观察生活现象,为学生日常英语学习拓宽视野。 参考教法 · 根据对话和个人对自驾游的了解,总结自驾游的优缺点;分组讨论自驾游产生的原因; · 如果选择自驾游,在出行前你认为应该做哪些准备工作。 Language Points in the Text 1. local a. ①relating to the particular area you live in, or the area you are talking about: local products 特产 local residents本地居民 local government当地政府 local call市话 e.g. State law bans local governments from charging development fees for schools. 州政府法律禁止政府对学校收取发展费用。 2. advantage n. ① something that helps you to be more successful than others, or the state of having this [≠ disadvantage] e.g. His height gives him an advantage over the other players. 他的身高使得他优于其它的队员。 Younger workers tend to be at an advantage when applying for jobs. 在找工作时,年轻的工人更有优势。 ② take advantage of somebody e.g. Don't lend them the car – they’re taking advantage of you! 不要把车借给他们——他们占你便宜! ③ take advantage of something (to do something) e.g. I took advantage of the good weather to paint the wall. 我趁着好天气刷墙。 3. popularity n. ① something or someone is liked or supported by a lot of people e.g. The popularity of the Internet has soared. 因特网的普及率已经大大提高。 The president’s popularity has declined considerably. 总统的受欢迎程度已经大大下降。 ② gain/grow/increase in popularity e.g. Country music is growing in popularity. 乡村音乐越来越受欢迎。 popular a. 4. link v. ① to make a connection between two or more things or people: e.g. A love of nature links the two poets. 对大自然的热爱把两位诗人联系在一起。 Strong family ties linked them together. 紧密的家庭关系把他们联结在一起。 ② if two things are linked, they are related in some way: e.g. Police think the murders are linked. 警察认为这些谋杀案有关联。 5. independent a. ① not owned/controlled by something e.g. We plan to split the corporation into a number of smaller independent companies. 我们计划把这个企业分成若干个独立的子公司。 an independent charity 一个独立的慈善机构 small independent bookshops 一些独立的小书店 ② independent of e.g. We need a central bank that is independent of the government. 我们需要一个独立于政府之外的中央银行。 depend →dependent→dependence→independent→independence 6. policy n. ① foreign/economic/public policy e.g. The company has adopted a strict no-smoking policy. 这个公司已经采取了一个严格的禁烟政策。 ② it is (somebody's) policy to do something e.g. It is hospital policy to screen all mothers with certain risk factors. 医院规定,要对所有存在风险的母亲进行扫描。 ③ policy on/towards e.g. government policy on higher education 政府对高等教育的政策 US policy towards China 美对华政策 7. flock v. ① flock to/into/down etc. e.g. People have been flocking to the exhibition. 人们正涌进展览会。 ② flock to do something e.g. Tourists flock to see the town's ancient churches and buildings. 游客们涌进该镇的古教堂和古代建筑。 8. scenic a. ① surrounded by views of beautiful countryside: a region of scenic beauty 风景秀丽的地区 ② scenic route 旅行路线 9. remote a. ① far away from towns or other places where people live e.g. a remote border town 一个遥远的边境小镇 a fire in a remote mountain area 偏远山区的一场火灾 ② not likely if a chance or possibility of something happening is remote, it is not very likely to happen: e.g. There's a remote chance that you can catch him before he leaves. 在他离开之前抓住他,机会渺茫。 The prospect of peace seems remote. 和平的前景似乎很渺茫。 10. private a. ① not for the public e.g. Mary has a private jet. 玛丽有一架喷气式飞机。 ② for only a few e.g. I need to have a private discussion with you. 我要和你私下谈谈。 Are you alone? I just wanted a private word. 你一个人吗?我只想单独和你聊下。 11. household n. e.g. a group of people, often a family, who live together A growing number of households have at least one computer. 越来越多的家庭至少拥有一台电脑。 Families are classified by the occupation of the head of the household. 家庭按照户主的职业进行分类。 12. economic a. relating to trade, industry, and the management of money e.g. Economic growth is slow. 经济增长缓慢。 In the current economic climate (=conditions), we must keep costs down. 在当前的经济形势下,我们必须降低成本。 13. increase v. to become or make something larger or greater e.g. The population increased dramatically in the first half of the century. 在本世纪的上半页, 人口急剧增长。 Visitors to the site have increased threefold since May. 五月份以来,到这个景点的游客增长了三倍。 14. standard n.. ① level of quality/achievement high/good standard 高 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 low/poor standard 低标准 safety/environmental standards 安全标准、环保标准 ② moral principles the recent decline in moral standards 近期道德标准下滑 课文译文 假日自驾车旅游的流行 由于国家经济的繁荣发展,人们变得越来越富有。随着口袋里钱的增多,人们希望以不同的生活方式享受生活。一些人想购买新房,另外一些人想去旅游,还有一些人热衷于自驾车旅游。 由于自驾车旅游非常的自由、灵活、方便,自驾游已经变得非常受欢迎。游客不必在导游的带领下从一个地方赶到另外一个地方,有车的旅行者可以做出自己的选择。他们可以去任何想去的地方。 旅行时,人们不需要再背着沉重的行李了。每次长假到来,成千上万的旅行者驱车离开城市,穿梭在高速公路上,自驾游使他们更加亲近大自然和当地居民。 自驾游的流行主要有以下两个原因: 首先,自驾游与中国交通发展密切相关。专家指出:假日旅游的流行与中国各大、中型城市的交通发展有着直接联系。当国家首次推出7天假期政策后,旅游者纷纷涌向旅游景点。现在,人们正选择较偏远的地方来度假。 其次,私人汽车的不断增多使得自驾游成为可能。随着经济的不断发展,人们的生活水平也逐渐提高。私家车的拥有量也剧增。截止到2002年,百分之四的北京家庭已经拥有了汽车。北京百分之九十的购车者都是私人,这就是越来越多的人喜欢自驾游的原因。 Reading Comprehension 1. How do modern people enjoy their lives? They enjoy their lives in different ways. Some will buy new houses; others would like to travel; some others prefer self-drive. 2. According to the passage, what’s the advantage of self-driving tour? Self-driving tour is free, flexible and convenient. 3. What is the main idea of paragraph four? The popularity of self-drive has much to do with China’s development in transportation. 4. According to the last paragraph, what makes self-driving tour possible? The rise in private cars makes self-driving tour possible. 5. Do you like self-driving tour? Why or why not? 略。 Grammar 设计思路 · 动词的-ing 形式在句中可作为现在分词(present participle)和动名词(gerund)使用。现在分词在句子中主要起形容词和副词的作用,可以在句子中作表语、定语、补语和状语。动名词相当于名词,起着名词的作用,可以在句中作主语、宾语、定语等。动词的-ing 形式在句中起着不同的作用, 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 学生在使用中仔细观察。 参考教法 · 让学生掌握现在分词的主动语态和被动语态的构成; · 掌握常见动词只接-ing分词作宾语的动词,如 allow, avoid, consider, finish, enjoy, keep, prevent, resist, involve forbid等。 补充拓展——动词的-ing的用法 (1) 作表语 The result of the experiment was inspiring. 实验结果令人鼓舞。 The story sounds moving. 这个故事听起来很感人。 (2) 作定语 He rushed into the burning house. 他冲进正在燃烧的房子。 Our country is developing at an astonishing speed. 我们国家正以惊人的速度发展。 (3) 作补足语 Can you get the machine going again? 你能让机器再运行起来吗? You must keep the water boiling for another ten minutes. 你必须让水继续沸腾10分钟。 (4) 作状语 Joe spent most of his time hunting for a job. 乔把大部分时间用来找工作。 The two men shook hands, smiling at each other. 两人微笑着,握握手。 (5) 作主语 Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。 Smoking is a bad habit. 吸烟是个坏习惯。 Language Practice I. Read and recite the following sentences. 略。 II. Fill in the blanks with the given words, change the form where necessary. 1. Baseball is more popular than any other sports in America. 2. Richard has an advantage over you because he can speak German. 3. Now that you are a college student, you should learn to be independent . 4. Mail comes to this remote village only once a week. 5. Nowadays more and more families own private cars. 6. People are flocking to the cinema to see the new film. 7. The working hours here is flexible. 8. There was a steady increase in population. 9. No matter who points out our shortcomings, we will correct them. 10. There were so many cakes that it was difficult to make a choice. III. Word Building. e.g. scenic ----- scenery/scene economic ----- economy popular ----- popularity beautiful ----- beauty local ----- location independent ----- independence private ----- privacy natural ----- nature 1. Zhang Ziyi is known as a great beauty in China. 2. The most amazing thing about nature is its variety. 3. Golf has gained popularity among the wealthy in western countries. 4. Famous people often find that their privacy is reported by the press. 5. The Forth of July is the National Independence Day of the USA. IV. Find the v-ing form in each of the following sentences and indicate their grammatical functions. 1. His work is teaching. 表语 2. Talking while eating is not polite. 主语 3. They entered the classroom, talking and laughing. 状语 4. The girl sitting by the door is my secretary. 定语 5. The man watched the boys playing football on the playground. 宾语补足语 6. She left without saying goodbye. 介词宾语 V. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words. 1. I don’t enjoy shopping in crowded stores. 2. She suggested going to the Great Wall for the spring outing. 3. I can’t help laughing whenever she speaks the local dialect. 4. Be quiet, he hasn’t finished speaking. 5. Do you mind closing the window? It’s so cold today. 6. We are considering taking a trip around the island. 7. The girl has to practice playing the piano every day. 8. Suddenly he heard someone knocking gently on the window. VI. Complete the passage with the proper form of the words in brackets. I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw and came running towards me. It was no use pretending that I had not seen him, so I waved to him. I never enjoy meeting Bert Dykes. He never has anything to do. No matter how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you. I had to think of a way to prevent him from following me around all morning. “Hello, Bert” I said. “Fancy meeting you here.” “Hello, Elizabeth,” Bert answered.” “I was just wondering how to spend the morning until I saw you. You are not busy doing anything, are you? “No, not at all,” I answered. “I’m going to…” “Would you mind my coming with you?” He asked. “Not at all,” I lied, “but I am going to the dentist.” “Then I’ll come with you,” he answered, “There’s always plenty to read in the waiting room.” VII. Choose the best answer to each of the following sentences. 1.A 2. C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.B VIII. Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese. 1. You can check out the latest flights from XIECHENG. 2. Self-driving travel is becoming more and more popular with Chinese people. 3. My friend can speak French as well as English. 4. People’s living standard is improving gradually. 5. Thanks to the language of English, we can learn much knowledge from other countries. 6. 年轻人喜欢自己做决定。 7. 每天成千上万的人在网上购物。 8. 自驾游很自由、方便。 9. 越来越多的人接近大自然,呼吸新鲜空气。 10. 店主缺斤少两,十公斤只给了我们7.5公斤。 Reading Practice 1. What risks may people face when traveling on the Sichuan-Tibet Highway? Floods and landslides. 2. What should self-driving lovers do before traveling? Double check their cars beforehand. 3. Can you stop your car and appreciate the scenery alongside? Why and why not? No, I can’t. Because there are cars coming from the opposite direction, it’s very dangerous. 4. Why does traveler keep an eye on the climate along Sichuan-Tibet highway? Because the weather is changeable along the road, you may face four seasons in one day. 5. What shouldn’t you ignore when you are travelling along the highway? You may face the terrible weather and potential danger such as landslide or collapse along the road. Unit Four Low-carbon Lifestyle Dialogue 设计思路 · 低碳生活方式是当前讨论的社会热点问题,通过讨论该话题,可以引导大学生关注环境保护,倡导更健康、更自然、更安全的生活方式,返璞归真,保持人与自然的和谐。 参考教法 · 让学生分组讨论What is low-carbon life? 然后根据学生的回答做总结分析; · 让学生列举生活中哪些行为属于低碳生活; · 作为在校生,为了低碳环保,应该怎么做? Language Points in the Dialogue 1. renewable a. ① if an agreement or official document is renewable, you can make it continue for a further period of time after it ends: e.g. It's a six-month lease but it's renewable. 租期六个月,但可续租。 a renewable visa 可更新的护照 ② renewable energy replaces itself naturally, or is easily replaced because there is a large supply of it: · renewable energy such as solar power 再生能源,例如太阳能 · an industry based on renewable resources 基于可再生资源的行业 2. resource n. ① something such as useful land, or minerals such as oil or coal, that exists in a country and can be used to increase its wealth: e.g. Canada's vast mineral resources 加拿大丰富的矿物资源 a country rich in natural resources 一个自然资源丰富的国家 ② all the money, property, skills etc. e.g. She had no financial resources. 她没有任何经济来源。 Only limited resources are available to the police. 警察只有有限的资源可用。 ③ something such as a book, film, or picture used by teachers or students to provide information: e.g. resources for learning 学习资源 a valuable new computer resource 一种新的珍贵的电脑资源 3. puzzle v. ① something that is difficult to understand: e.g. a question that continues to puzzle scientists 一个仍然困扰科学家的问题 What puzzles me is why his books are so popular. 让我困惑的是他的书为什么如此流行。 ② to solve a confusing or difficult problem by thinking about it carefully: e.g. He lay on the bed looking at the ceiling, trying to puzzle things out. 他躺在床上看着天花板,苦思冥想。 4. plastic a. ① made of plastic e.g. a plastic spoon 塑料勺 plastic bags 塑料袋 ② something that is plastic looks or tastes artificial or not natural: e.g. plastic food 塑料食品(供展示使用) I hate that plastic smile of hers. 我讨厌她虚伪的笑。 6. definitely ad. ① without any doubt [= certainly]: e.g. The hotel fitness centre is definitely worth a visit. 这个宾馆的健身中心绝对值得一看。 I definitely need a rest. 我非常需要休息一下。 ② 同义词:surely, certainly, naturally, be sure to e.g. I will definitely be back by ten. 我十点钟一定回来。 It was very late, so naturally I was worried. 很晚了,我自然是非常担心。 · Complete the following paragraph according to the dialogue. Nowadays, with the rising of the world temperature and the serious greenhouse effect, the concept “_low-carbon life____” has been talked about in our daily life. “Low-carbon life” is a lifestyle which means we ought to save water, _buy renewable energy, use greener transportation, reduce package_ and try any other way to cut down the carbon dioxide. We are living on the earth, so we should lead a life _friendly___ to the environment. “Low-carbon life” is not only a choice, but a duty that every one should do. 对话译文 低碳生活 杰克: 昨天下午,你去图书馆听讲座了吗 大卫: 没有。主题是什么? 杰克: 是关于低碳生活的。 大卫: 低碳生活具体指什么? 杰克: 购买可再生能源,乘坐绿色交通工具,减少包装。 大卫: 我明白了。你是指我们应该过着对环境友好的生活? 杰克: 是的。 大卫: 但我还是有点困惑。关于低碳生活,你能给我点建议吗? 杰克: 你要每天坚持。比如购物的时候不使用塑料袋,在公共场所不吸烟等。 大卫: 的确是。让我们行动起来吧。 杰克: 好! Text 设计思路 · 对话中已经简要谈论了低碳生活,在课文中进一步展开,有助于学生对“低碳生活”这一理念的进一步的理解。 · 当前经济高速发展,生存环境日益恶化。通过课文的学习,倡导勤俭节约的生活态度,减少浪费,爱护环境。 参考教法 · 让学生查找资料,提问When is the “Earth Day” ? What do people do on “Earth Day”? · 让学生浏览课文并回答 How should we cut down carbon dioxide emission in our daily life? How to live a low-carbon lifestyle? Language Points in the Text 1. emission n. a gas or other substance that is sent into the air: e.g. Britain government agreed to cut emissions of nitrogen oxide from power stations. 英国政府同意减少发电站氮氧化物的排放。 2. characterize v. ① to describe the qualities of someone or something in a particular way: e.g. The group was characterized as being well-educated and liberal. 这组人的特点就是受过良好教育,且思想开明。 ② to be typical of a person, place, or thing: e.g. Bright colors characterize his paintings. 他的画以色彩亮丽见长。 character→characteristic→characterize 3. consumption n. ① the amount of energy, oil, electricity etc. that is used e.g. dramatic rises in fuel consumption 燃料消耗的急剧上升 ② the amount of a substance that people eat, drink, smoke etc e.g. The government wants to reduce tobacco consumption by 40%. 政府计划消减40%的烟草消费。 consume→consumer→consumption 4. electricity n. the power that is carried by wires: e.g. The farm was very isolated, but it had electricity. 农场虽然偏远,但是仍然有电。 the electricity supply 电力供应 the electricity bill 电费账单 electric→electrical→electricity 5. measure v. ① to find the size, length, or amount of something: e.g. The rainfall was measured over a three-month period. 为期三个月的降水测量。 The room measures 6x6 meters. 这个房间测量面积为6x6米。 ② measure something by something: e.g. Education shouldn't be measured purely by examination results. 教育不应该以单纯的考试成绩来衡量。 ③ to judge the importance, value, or true nature of something: e.g. Doctors say it is too early to measure the effectiveness of the drug. 医生说现在衡量药物的有效性还为时过早。 measure→measurement 5. absorb v. ① to take in liquid, gas, or another substance from the surface or space around something: e.g. Plants absorb nutrients from the soil. 植物从土壤中吸取营养。 ② to read or hear a large amount of new information and understand it: e.g. Her capacity to absorb information is amazing. 她获取信息的能力很惊人。 absorb→absorption→absorptive 6. rethink 7. v. think again: e.g. We should rethink our policy on advertising. 我们应该重新思考广告策划。 n. e.g. It's time for a complete rethink of the way we farm our countryside. 现在是我们彻底反思农村务农方式的时候了。 8. citizen n. ① someone who lives in a particular town, country, or state: e.g. Schools should teach students to be good citizens. 学校应该教育学生成为好公民。 The mayor urged citizens to begin preparing for a major storm. 市长催促市民为强风暴做好准备。 课文译文 中国人爱上低碳生活 众所周知,低碳生活就是降低二氧化碳的排放量,其特点就是低能量,低消耗、低开支。由于气候恶化带来的威胁越来越明显,人们正在重新思考生活方式,我们有责任把我们的地球建设为一个低碳的星球。降低碳排放量,选择低碳生活,已经成为每一个公民的职责。 当前,很多中国人已经开始接受低碳的生活。人们对这种生活方式也越来越感兴趣了,喜欢把他们的低碳日记或低碳小贴士放到网络上,号召更多的人参与到低碳活动中,如双面使用张纸,离开房间时关闭电源,步行、骑自行车或乘地铁上班,使用电子邮件或MSN,减少使用打印机、传真机等。 上海有一个绿色宾馆,其建筑材料全部来自废弃的建筑物。在接待处,电脑可以测量每一位旅客在途中的碳释放量,然后计算出吸收这些碳需要多少棵树。旅客向宾馆支付一定的费用,宾馆就可以帮旅客在华北地区的内蒙古种植这些树木。 中国现在正在重新思考她的发展模式,我们有责任把中国建设成为一个低碳环保的国家。 Reading Comprehension 1. What does the low carbon lifestyle mean according to the passage? Low carbon life means low energy, low consumption and low spending in people’s daily life. 2. What is the responsibility of every citizen? Every citizen has the responsibility to live a low-carbon life. 3. According to paragraph two, how can you live a low-carbon life? Use the double sides of paper, go to work on foot or by bicycle or subway, etc. 4. Why do people plant trees according to the passage? Trees can absorb carbon dioxide emission. 5. Could you share your secrets for saving energy in daily life? 略. Grammar 设计思路 · Verb-ed形式在句中起着形容词或副词的作用,在句中可做定语、表语、状语和主语补足语和宾语补足语,一般表示完成的或被动的动作。比较难理解,建议教师多给例句,让学生掌握Verb-ed的用法。 Language Practice I. Read and recite the following sentences. II. Fill in the blanks with the given words and change the form when necessary. 1. China has to save natural resources while developing economy. 2. Dry sand absorbs water. 3. Some of the most efficient refrigerators consume 70 percent less electricity than traditional models. 4. This film will make every Chinese rethink deeply. 5. He measured the length of the room yesterday. 6. The author characterizes the central figure as a hero. 7. I hate being treated as a second-class citizen. 8. The emission of smoke and ashes is from that factory. 9. This company is more concerned with quality than with quantity. 10. We want them to adopt a healthier lifestyle. III. Word Building. usable——reusable write——rewrite cycle——recycle think——rethink build——rebuild tell——retell like——dislike appear——disappear agree——disagree order——disorder honest——dishonest trust——distrust 1. People rebuilt their homes after the earthquake. 2. We should recycle the used books and paper at school. 3. The average family in Europe throws as much as $3,000 worth of reusable materials into its dustbin each year. 4. I respect the president but I disagree with his decision. 5. The boy disappeared and stayed out all night, we didn’t know where he was. 6. They used dishonest means to achieve victory in the election. IV. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words. 1. We won’t have that kind of thing happen. 2. Have you finished rewriting it? 3. Given time, he’ll make a first-class player. 4. Do you have any difficulty learning English? 5. Please remain seated until the plane has come to a complete stop. 6. After a knock at the door, the child heard his mother calling him. 7. I found the couple lying on the grass chatting. 8. He was punished for breaking the window. V. Choose the best answer to each of the following sentences. 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.A 5. B 6.A 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.B VI. Find the v-ed form in each of the following sentences and indicate their grammatical functions. 1. The door remained locked. 表语 2. The books left are for my students. 后置定语 3. Lost time can never be found again. 定语 4. I must have my bike repaired. 宾语补足语 5. Asked why he did it, the waiter said it was his duty. 时间状语 6. Seen from the hill, the park looks very beautiful. 条件状语 7. Inspired by her example, the league members worked even harder. 原因状语 8. Much tired, my parents still kept on working. 让步状语 VII. Complete the passage with the proper form of the words in brackets. Educational attitudes in a country may be a means by which its basic cultural values are reflected. To take the American higher education as an example, university classrooms share certain similar features though they are different from course to course in some ways. All the students are not only allowed but also encouraged to have chances to take an active part in class. Moreover, teachers often expect independent learning of their students. It will be most if a student can complete the assignment without too much dependence on his or her instruction. These common features in American university classrooms actually show the basic American worth, especially self-reliance and equality of opportunity. VIII. Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese. 1. Green energy can make contribution to environment protection and the development of economy. 2. Low-carbon life is not only a kind of lifestyle but also a kind of life attitude. 3. He advocates cutting down daily expense. 4. My brother goes to work by subway every day. 5. We’d better rethink the whole plan. 6. 美国人将会喜欢上这些体育运动。 7. 这个公司更加关注产品的质量而不是数量。 8. 植物可以吸收二氧化碳,释放氧气。 9. 美国人每年消费很多能源。 10. 人们正思考他们的生活方式,尽力做到友好的对待环境。 Reading Practice Comprehension Practice 1. What do local governments in Britain suggest? Local governments in Britain encourage green living. 2. How do people reduce the amount of rubbish in daily life? Recycle rubbish and use reusable products instead of disposable ones. 3. According to paragraph 5, what can people do to reduce your carbon footprint? They try to reduce their carbon emissions by cycling, using public transport or an electric car, rather than driving gas-guzzling vehicles. 4. Why don’t some people travel by air according to the passage? They choose not to travel by air because airplanes are the biggest producers of carbon emissions. 5. How do people make “green” choices when buying food? To buy food which was locally grown or produced so that it hasn’t been imported by air, or transported long distances by road. Unit 5 Test One Language Revision I. Complete the following words with the help of the given initial letters. 1. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our electronics exhibition. Here, you can see the latest products of our company. 2. The little girl was very embarrassed when she failed to answer the teacher’s question. 3. Jack was quite depressed, because his girlfriend left him. 4. Jenny was totally exhausted after a whole week’s hard work. 5. Self-drive becomes popular because self-driving tour is free, flexible and convenient. 6. The popularity of self-drive has much to do with the rapid development of transportation. 7. I am still a little bit puzzled about this mathematics concept. 8. Don’t use disposable plastic bags when you go shopping. II. Give the corresponding forms of the following words. 1. driver 2. possibility 3.describe 4. operate 5. economic 6. social 7. disorder 8. disadvantage 9. independent 10. reusable III. Filling the blanks with the given words and phrases, change the form where necessary. 1. Visitors were disappointed to find the museum closed. 2. People must accept each other’s cultural differences. 3. China is a country rich in natural resources. 4. The government needs a more flexible policy on higher education. 5. Tom usually takes a bath before going to work. 6. A lot of small companies went broke in last year’s crisis. 7. Financial(经济上的) independence is important to a woman. 8. It’s time to rethink the way we teach our kids. IV. Multiple Choice. 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.B 8. B V. Cloze 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. A 12. C 13. D 14. B 15. C VI. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. What mother said has puzzled Mary a lot. 2. It’s very important for an overseas student to know the cultural differences between countries. 3. His success in business has much to do with his communication ability. 4. Parents should teach their children how to be independent. 5. A variety of goods are sold in this convenient store. 6. Low-carbon life has become a heated topic in people’s lives. 7. Whenever the teacher asks Tom to answer a question, Tom feels a bit embarrassed. 8. My uncle has to do three jobs to support his family. VII. Reading Comprehension. Passage 1 1.D 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B Passage 2 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.B Unit Six Fast Food Dialogue 设计思路 · 随着中国经济的繁荣,快餐尤其是西式快餐在中国飞速发展。伴随着生活节奏的加快,快餐文化也在中国各大城市兴盛起来。快餐与快餐文化已经成为人们生活中经常议论的话题; · 任何事物都具有两面性,快餐也不例外。快餐在给人们带来快捷和方便的同时,关于营养与安全问题的争论也从未间断。作为新时代的人们应当对于快餐和快餐文化也应该有所了解和认识。 参考教法 · 让学生讨论在日常饮食当中是否会选择快餐,著名的中西快餐品牌有哪些,以及快餐的优势在哪里。教师可以给出以下词汇供学生参考,如:be busy with work, KFC, Macdonald’s, convenient, time-saving, various, dishes等; · 学生根据自身经历,总结快餐存在哪些问题。给出以下参考词汇供学生讨论,如:lack of nutrition,unhealthy,weight problem等。 Language Points in the Dialogue 4. sign v./n. ① to put down one’s name or signature: e.g. The contract was signed by both parties. 双方签订了合同。 Please sign at the bottom of the application form. 请在申请表底端签名。 ② a mark or display to identify something: e.g. The sign in the store window says “OPEN”. 商店窗户上挂着牌子,写着“正在营业”。 They bowed before the king as a sign of respect. 他们在国王面前鞠躬行礼以示尊敬。 traffic sign 交通标志 sign→signal→signature 5. bill n. a written document or note; charge or fee: e.g. He put the telephone bill down as a business cost. 他把电话费用作为办公费记下。 Is service included in the bill? 帐单中含服务费吗? 对话译文 在西餐厅 服务员:早上好,您要吃点什么? 顾客:我想点一份美式早餐,外加一份煎蛋。. 服务员:先生,你喜欢喝点什么呢? 顾客:一杯咖啡,咖啡要加浓的。 服务员:好的,先生。 您要一份美式早餐,一份煎蛋,一杯加浓无奶咖啡,对吗? 顾客:是的。 服务员:还要点别的吗? 顾客:有没有别的饮料? 服务员:先生,您喜欢什么饮料呢? 顾客:苹果汁。 服务员:好的,先生。马上为您下单,请稍等。先生,请您买单。谢谢。 Text 设计思路 · 吃西餐在生活中很常见。让学生熟悉点餐中的日常口语表达。 · 通过学习文章,了解中西方饮食文化的差异,拓展知识面。 参考教法 · 让学生列出熟悉的快餐品牌,并介绍其特点; · 教师引导学生讨论快餐的特点和快餐流行的原因。 Complete the following dialogue with appropriate words or phrases. In a shop Salesman: Good morning. Can I help you? Customer: I want a T-shirt. Salesman: What kind of T-shirt do you prefer, sir? Customer: White one, please. Salesman: Yes, sir, you want a white T-shirt. Am I right, sir? Customer: Yes, that’s right. Salesman: Is there anything else, sir? Customer: Can I have a look at the jacket? Salesman: What kind of jacket would you like, sir? Customer: A large size, please. Language Points in the Text 3. trend n. a current style or preference; tendency: e.g. The chart shows an up trend of meat prices. 图表显示肉价呈上涨趋势。 So what do you think of the trend of country music? 那么你认为乡村音乐的发展趋势是什么呢? new fashion trends 新的时尚潮流 current trends in dressing 当前的着装趋势 trend→trendy 4. rapidly ad. fast; marked by a fast rate of motion, activity, succession, or occurrence e.g. His health is getting worse rapidly. 他的健康状况迅速恶化。 Fashion trends spread rapidly around the globe. 时装新潮很快就在全世界流行起来。 rapidly→rapid 3. item n. an object or individual thing; a separate piece of news or information e.g. I need to buy a few household items like body soap. 我需要买一些生活日用品,如沐浴液。 There are a lot of items on our agenda tonight. 今晚我们有很多任务。 I saw an item in today's paper about the mayor's campaign plans. 我在今天的报纸上读到一条关于市长的竞选计划的消息。 4. variety n. a number or collection of different things or people e.g. The talks covered a wide/great variety of topics. 会谈涵盖了许多话题。 He has a variety of health problems. 他身体存在诸多健康问题。 I was surprised by the variety of the choices. 这么多选择令我感到惊讶。 variety→various 5. main a. most important; chief e.g. The company's main office is located in New York. 公司总部坐落于纽约。 This dish can be served as a main course or appetizer. 这道菜可以当作主菜或者开胃菜。 main idea/point/goal/purpose 主要意思/观点/目标/目的 main road 主干道 main-mainly 6. represent v. to be a sign or symbol of (someone or something) e.g. He represented his company at the meeting. 他代表公司参加这次会议。 She hired an agent to represent her in the contract negotiations. 她雇佣一位代理人代表她进行合同谈判。 She represented the United States in figure skating at the Olympics. 她代表美国队在奥运会上参加花样滑冰比赛。 7. spicy a. of food : flavored with or containing strong spices and especially ones that cause a burning feeling in your mouth e.g. Generally speaking, I don't like spicy food. 一般来说,我不爱吃辛辣的食物。 So it seems all Sichuan dishes are hot and spicy. 这么看来川菜全是麻辣味。 spicy-spice 8. ingredient n. ① one of the things that are used to make a food, product, etc. e.g. He uses only the freshest ingredients in his cooking. 烹调时他只用最新鲜的食材。 ② a quality or characteristic that makes something possible e.g. The show has all the ingredients needed to attract a large audience. 这场表演具备一切吸引大量观众的因素。 9. dish n. food that is prepared in a particular way e.g. The restaurant serves some of my favorite dishes. 这个饭店有几道我很喜欢的菜品。 Each person made a dish for the potluck supper. 每个人都为这次晚餐聚会准备一道菜。 10. tend v. ① to be easy to do something e.g. I have to be careful about what I eat because I tend to gain weight easily.我必须注意饮食,因为我很容易发福。 The store tends to get busy on weekends. 每逢周末这家商店都很忙。 ② to give one’s attention to and take care of e.g. Please tend the store while I'm away. 在我离开时请帮我照看商店。 The nurse tended to their wounds. 护士在为他们护理伤口。 11. emphasis n. special importance or attention given to something: e.g. She places great emphasis on developing good habits. 她着重强调养成好习惯。 You need to state your arguments with greater emphasis. 你需要特别强调你的论点。 emphasis→emphasize→emphatic→emphatically 课文译文 快餐风靡中国 快餐在中国呈现迅速增长的趋势。快餐文化也相继迅速发展。 中国人正尝试西式快餐食品如炸薯条,汉堡包和面包卷。许多快餐店入住 中国。麦当劳在中国的一百多个城市有上千家餐厅,并计划增开一些新的连 锁店。许多美国餐馆都在北京开店营业。必胜客是一家在中国很有名的西餐 厅,它提供各种比萨饼。肯德基是中国主要的快餐餐厅,主营炸鸡翅,炸鸡 块和三明治,深受儿童的喜爱。这些都是西式快餐食品在中国的代表。鸡肉是这 些食品的主要原料。加州牛肉面则提供各种各样的面条、馄饨和饺子。 快餐食品在中国的快速增长表明中国人乐于做味蕾实验。西式快餐店也往往会吸引更多的孩子和年轻人,他们大多是喜欢新的食物,愿意尝试不同的口味。这就创造了一个巨大的潜在市场。同时,西式快餐方便和节省时间,就成了上班族的最好选择。这就是西式快餐在中国大行其道的原因。 Reading Comprehension 1. What kind of new food items are Chinese trying out? The Chinese are trying out western fast food such as French fries, burgers and rolls. 2. How many fast food restaurants are mentioned in the text? What are they? Four fast food restaurants are mentioned in the text. They are McDonald's, Pizza Hut , Kentucky Fried Chicken and California Beef Noodle. 3. Which fast food restaurant is famous for pizza in China according to the text? Pizza Hut. 4. What kind of fast food would you like? Why? (略) 5. What is the reason for the rise of fast food in China? Western fast food is convenient and time-saving. Grammar 设计思路 · 倒装是一种比较常见的语法手段。教师应该根据学生的水平训练倒装的使用。 参考教法 · 教师可以让学生注意观察完全倒装和部分倒装的区别; · 教师可以采用先讲解再举例的方式让学生练习使用常用的简单的倒装句; · 倒装句有固定结构,建议以书上表格提示为例子讲解并练习为主,忌太多理论讲解。 Language Practice I. Read and recite the following sentences. 略。 II. Word building. develop ----- development manage ----- management improve ----- improvement agree -----agreement treat ----- treatment pay ----- payment achieve ----- achievement enjoy ----- enjoyment move ----- movement involve ----- involvement 1. A business can not win in the market without good management. 2. Our country has made great achievements in the past ten years. 3. I didn't get much enjoyment out of my last travel. 4. I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 5. Would you accept $50 as payment for the work? III. Fill in the blanks with the given words, change the form where necessary. 1. I tend to have a holiday at seaside. 2. Education develops potential abilities. 3. There is a flower exhibition(展览) in the park. We can see various flowers there. 4. Beijing is a good city for anyone who is interested in cultural heritage. 5. I tried to attract his attention, but he didn’t notice me. 6. Telephone is one of the most important creations in the world. 7. Some schools place great emphasis on language study. 8. He prefers to go where he can serve the people. 9. The event changed the trend of public opinion. 10. The rise in prices was a signal of higher living costs. IV. Make possible ellipsis of the following sentences. 1. While he was in the eighth grade, Gill Smith started a company with his friend Paul Allen. While in the eighth grade, Gill Smith started a company with his friend Paul Allen. 2. Sound travels not so fast in air as it does in water. Sound travels not so fast in air as in water. 3. In fact, computers can do many things that we do, but do them faster and better. In fact, computers can do many things that we do, but faster and better. 4. The boy picked up a wallet in the street and the boy gave it to a policeman. The boy picked up a wallet in the street and gave it to a policeman. 5. The man had two daughters. One was married to a doctor; the other was married to an engineer. The man had two daughters. One was married to a doctor; the other to an engineer. 6. She got into the reading room and she found a book to read. She got into the reading room and found a book to read. V. Rewrite the following sentences, using proper forms of inversion. 1. Christopher Columbus didn’t discover the American continent till 1492. Not until 1492 did Christopher Columbus discover the American continent. 2. The secretary knows little about it. Little does the secretary know about it. 3. The injured man not only could remember the number of the car, but also could describe the car in detail. Not only could the injured man remember the number of the car, but also could describe the car in detail. 4. He has never had any work experience like that before. Never has he had any work experience like that before. 5. A book about computer programming is here. Here is a book about computer programming. VI. Multiple Choice. 1-5 D C C B C 6-10 D D A B A VII. Complete the passage with appropriate words. (1) B (2) A (3) B (4) C (5) C (6) B (7) A (8) B (9) A (10) B VIII. Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese. 1. Western fast food is popular with children and young people. 2. There are a variety of foods on sale in the supermarket. 3. I guess this is one of the reasons for the rise of fast food in China. 4. The red line on the map represents railway. 5. KFC is the main fast food restaurant in China. 6. 他喜欢沿着海边散步。 7. 让我们尝试新的方法找到这个问题的答案。 8. 孩子不喜欢顺着父母的意愿做事。 9. 汤姆乐于帮助那些处于困境中的人。 10. 内特是一个强调个人生活方式的人。 Reading Practice 1. What is fast food? Fast food refers to food that can be prepared and served quickly. 2. Why does fast food become so popular? Because fast food tastes good and doesn't cost a lot of money. 3. Are all kinds of fast food good for health? Why? No. For example, fast food is high in sodium, saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol, eating too much over a long period of time can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. Fast food also lacks many of the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals our bodies need. 4. What kind of problem will be caused by overeating fast food? Eating too much over a long period of time can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. 5. What nutrients does fast food lack? Fast food lacks many of the nutrients, such as vitamins, and minerals our bodies need, etc. Unit Seven Attitude Dialogue 设计思路 · 不同国家有不同的文化,不同文化导致了不同的价值观和人生态度。通过讨论该话题,可以引导大学生关注中西方不同的教育理念。 · 孩子教育是一件大事。孩子教育反映了不同教育理念的差别。以此为例来了解东西方不同教育理念的差异。 参考教法 · 让学生分组讨论How to grow up? What should parents do to educate children? 然后根据学生的回答做总结分析。 Language Points in the Dialogue 1. educate v. to teach (someone), especially in a school, college, or university: e.g. She was educated at private schools. 她在私立学校接受的教育。 It takes time to educate new workers on how to use the machines. 培训新员工如何操作机器是需要时间的。 educate→education→educator→educational 2. social a. ① of or relating to people or society in general: e.g. Health care is a major social issue. 医疗保健是一项普遍引起社会关注的问题。 Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for social reform. 马丁·路德·金为社会改革奔走呐喊。 ② relating to or involving activities in which people spend time talking to each other or doing enjoyable things with each other: e.g. She has good social skills. 她拥有良好的社交技巧。 I joined the club to improve my social life. 我加入俱乐部改善我的社交生活。 social→society→sociable 3. handle v. to deal with; to cope with; solve e.g. May I know what line of business you handle? 可以告诉我你是做哪一行的吗? By no means was he able to handle it.  这件事他绝对没办法处理。 对话译文 如何教育孩子 A: Bryant, 见到你很高兴。 B: Cathy,见到你我也很高兴。 A: Bryant, 你能给我讲讲在你们国家是怎么样教育孩子的吗? B: 好的。在美国,父母强调孩子的独立,鼓励孩子自己处理事情。 A: 这跟中国父母对待孩子的方式有很大的不同。 B: 中国的父母太喜欢为孩子料理事情。孩子很容易对父母产生依赖。 A: 是的。这已经成为了一个严重的问题。 B: 或许父母应该放手,由孩子自己解决问题。 A: 是的, 你说的很对。这样才是正确的教育孩子之道。 · Work in pairs and complete the following passage according to the dialogue. Cathy asks Bryant to learn something about how to educate a child in America. Bryant tells her that American parents put much emphasis on children’s independence and they encourage their children to do everything on their own. But Chinese parents tend to manage everything for their children, so children may easily get dependent on their parents. This is greatly different from the way of educating a child in America and this kind of education has become a serious social problem now. Bryant suggests that parents should let go, and let the children handle problems on their own. Text 设计思路 · 对话简要谈论了中国与美国在孩子教育方式上的差异,在课文中进一步展开,有助于学生对“孩子教育”这一理念的进一步理解。 · 通过课文的学习,进一步了解西方社会是如何教育孩子的,这样的教育能带来什么样的影响。 参考教法 · 让学生浏览课文并回答“What is the difference between the way of raising a child in America and that in China?” · 通过学习课文,教师可以让学生复述课文内容并阐述自己的观点。 Language Points in the Text 1. raise v. ① to lift or move (something or someone) to a higher position: e.g. Raise your hand if you know the answer. 如果知道答案请举手。 Let's raise the windows and get some fresh air in here. 让我们开启窗户,吸收些新鲜空气。 ② to increase the amount or level of (something): e.g. The store is raising the prices of goods. 这家商店正在提高商品价格。 Exercise raises your body temperature. 运动会使体温上升。 ③ to collect (money) from people for a particular cause: e.g. The organization is raising money to help the hurricane victims. 该组织正在为飓风受害者募集资金。 ④ to take care of and teach (a child) : to bring up or rear (a child): e.g. They have raised their children to be well-mannered. 他们把孩子教育得很懂礼貌。 Some kids are raised on (a diet of) junk food. 一些孩子是吃垃圾食品长大的。 This is a wonderful place to raise a family. 这是一个养家的绝佳之地。 2. influence v./n. ① the power to change or affect someone or something: e.g. Mr. Smith is a man of influence in this town. 史密斯先生是这个镇上有权势的人物。 She was under the influence of drugs. 她受毒品的摆布。 Her parents are concerned that her new friends may have a bad influence on her. 她父母担心她的新朋友对她有不良影响。 ② affect: e.g. I don't want to influence you. You must decide for yourself. 我不想影响你。你必须自行决定。 3. basic a. forming or relating to the first or easiest part of something: e.g. She lacks even the most basic skills necessary for the job. 她缺乏工作所需的基本技能。 These ingredients are basic to Thai food. 这些是做泰国菜的基本材料。 basic→base→basis→basically 4. value n./v. ① the amount of money that something is worth: e.g. You may exchange the item for something of equal value. 你或许可以用此物换取同等价值的东西。 Real estate prices have doubled in value over the last decade. 房地产价格在过去的十年里翻了一番。 ② to think that (someone or something) is important or useful: e.g. Sarah values the time she spends with her family. 莎拉珍惜和家人团聚的时光。 Tom values her advice/opinions. 汤姆重视她的建议/意见。 value→valuable 5. goal n. something that you are trying to do or achieve;objective: e.g. He set a goal for himself to exercise at least three times a week. 他制定目标每周至少锻炼三次。 She pursued her goal of starting her own business. 她追逐自己的创业梦想。 6. gain v. to get (something wanted or valued) e.g. What do you hope to gain from this? 你想从中获得什么? To gain a promotion, you have to work harder. 为了获得晋升,你必须更加努力的工作。 7. entertainment n. amusement or pleasure that comes from watching a performer, playing a game, etc. e.g. They played games in the evening for entertainment. 晚上他们玩游戏娱乐。 He is very famous in the entertainment circle. 他在娱乐圈很有名。 entertainment→entertain 8. relationship n. the way in which two or more people or things are connected e.g. Her earlier paintings bear little relationship to her later work. 她早期的画作与她后来的作品没有任何联系。 We have a good working relationship. 我们有良好的工作关系。 relationship→relate→relative 9. informal a. not formal e.g. We had an informal meeting over lunch. 午餐期间我们开了一个非正式会议。 He took an informal survey among his coworkers. 他在同事之间搞了一次非正式调查。 informal-formal-informality 10. patience n. the quality of being patient e.g. I don't have the patience to wait in line for hours just to buy a ticket. 我没有耐心仅仅为了一张票排队数小时。 Those people have been waiting for hours, and they're starting to run out of patience. 等了数小时之后,人们开始有点不耐烦了。 patience→patient→impatient 11. courage n. the ability to do something that you know is difficult or dangerous e.g. It takes courage to stand up for your rights. 站出来维权是需要勇气的。 They showed great courage and determination. 他们展现出极大的勇气和决心。 courage→encourage 课文译文 美式教养观 养育孩子是件伤脑筋的差事,并受文化的影响。美国父母很自然地会教导他们的孩子基本的美国价值观。  对美国人而言,教养的目的在于帮助孩子们自立更生。从婴幼儿期开始,每一个孩子都可能拥有自己的房间;随着孩子的成长,他们有更多自己作决定的机会;青少年选择自己喜欢的娱乐方式和玩伴;成年之后,自己选择事业和结婚伴侣。当然,很多的年轻人在作选择时,还是会征求父母的建议。 在美国,父母与子女之间的关系不是那么严肃,美国父母们试着将孩子视为个体,他们之间的关系更像是朋友。 训诫孩子是另一项引起美国父母争议的议题。例如:“隔离法”即是近年来颇被接受的方式,被隔离的孩子必须坐在墙角或是墙边,除非他们肯乖一点才可以起来;年纪稍大的孩子或是青少年若是违反规定,则可能不准和朋友出去玩耍,而他们在家中的某些权利,像是看电视或是打电话,也会被取消一段时间。虽然处罚对于双方都不是什么有趣的事,但是它仍是训诫孩子时必要的一部份。  为人父母不是一件容易的事,需要付出耐心、爱心、智慧、勇气和幽默。 Reading Comprehension 1. What do American parents teach their children? American parents teach their children basic American values. 2. What is the goal of American parents? The goal of American parents is to help children stand on their own feet. 3. What’s the relationship between parents and children like in America? They are more like friends. 4. What is the punishment (惩罚) if older children and teenagers break the rules? Older children and teenagers who break the rules may be not allowed to go out with friends. Some of their rights at home---like TV or telephone use---may also be taken away for a while. 5. What do you think the basic difference between the ways of educating a child in China and America ? (略) Grammar 设计思路 强调句是英语中重要的语法手段。教师应引导学生掌握强调句型的常见用法,如对主语、宾语、状语等的强调。 Language Practice I. Read and recite the following sentences. 略 II. Word building. hope -----hopeless humor ----humorless help -----helpless child -----childless care -----careless job -----jobless end -----endless paper -----paperless taste -----tasteless price -----priceless 1. A humorless person is not likely to be the most popular person in a group. 2. Nearly 1 million people are reported to be jobless in this country. 3. It was careless of you to lose my car keys. 4. We are already moving towards a paperless environment in studios. 5. He has given me endless love all his life. III. Fill in the blanks with the given words, change the form where necessary. 1. We should put on our formal dress when we attend a business meeting. 2. The family is the basic unit of society. 3. Bill Gates is a man of great influence in the computer world. 4. How could you treat her so badly? Shame on you! 5. A salesman's job is to seek out customers. 6. They seem to be able to handle the problem. 8. It is for this reason that we have to raise our price by5% to10%. 9. Real friendship is more valuable than money. 10. Correct ideas come from social practice. IV. Rewrite the following sentences by using emphatic structure. 1. It was Jack that/who broke the rules. 2. It is the hunger for knowledge that makes him a famous scholar. 3. It was because his bad manners that I disliked the manager. 4. It was yesterday that Tom got a heavy headache. 5. It was not until his wife came back that he went to bed. 6. Do be careful when you cross the street. 7. It was a film that I saw with my Nancy yesterday. 8. It was because she was ill that she didn’t go out with us. V. Use the emphatic structure to emphasize the underlined parts of the following sentences. 1. She didn’t know her mother was ill in bed until she came home from work. It was not until she came home from work that did she know her mother was ill. 2. His father died during the Second World War? It was during the Second World War that his father died. 3. Susan broke the window. It was Susan who/that broke the window. 4. He left his hometown for New York at the age of 5. It was at the age of 5 that he left his hometown for New York. 5. He comes to see me once in a while. It is once in a while that he comes to see me. VI. Multiple choice. 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. A. VII. Complete the passage with appropriate words. (1) B (2) C (3) A (4) B (5) B (6) C (7) B (8) C (9) B (10) B VIII. Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese. 1. Many parents put emphasis on children’s good manners. 2. Success is dependent on good habits and hard work. 3. You have the right to make your own choice. 4. We should seek others’ advice before making important decisions. 5. He has a good sense of humor. 6. 我叔叔既是一位作家又是一位教授。 7.越来越多的人喜欢在家养狗。 8.第一次离开家时,你就应该试着独立。 9.我们视史密斯教授为最好的朋友。 10.人类依靠空气、水和食物生存。 Reading Practice ■Translate the underlined sentences in the passage into Chinese. (1). 美国人视时间为一种珍贵的资源,这是他们喜欢“时间就是金钱”这句表达的原因。 (2). 对于美国人来说,守时是对别人时间的尊重。 (3). 赴约迟到的人通常会提前致电通知别人。 (4). 一旦时间确定,做出时间调整便是一种紧急情况。 (5). 然而,时间是生命中最珍贵的礼物之一。 Unit Eight Fashion and Beauty Dialogue 设计思路 · 本单元主课文以“人的包装”为主题,对话讨论了现代人追逐时尚的现象以及在此过程中所付出的代价,由此导入本单元话题。 参考教法 · 通过提问让学生讨论对 “时尚” 的理解: 1. Do you chase fashion? Why or Why not? 2. Do you often buy fashionable clothes? 3. What is your own understanding about fashion? Key words: phenomenon, beautiful clothes, luxury products, different kinds of ornaments, expensive, rich; Language Points in the Dialogue 1.fashion n. ① something that is popular or thought to be good at a particular time e.g. His ideas are coming back into fashion. 他的观点又开始流行了。 Classical music will never go out of fashion. 古典音乐永远不会过时。 ② the style of clothes, hair etc. that is popular at a particular time e.g. Hats like that aren’t the fashion. 那种帽子不流行。 Young people are very concerned about fashion. 年轻人很关心时尚。 ③ the business or study of making and selling clothes, shoes etc. in new and changing styles e.g. the London College of Fashion 伦敦服装学院 fashion→fashionable→old-fashioned 相关表达: the fashion show, the fashion model, the fashion design, the fashion magazine in fashion, out of fashion, unfashionable, old-fashioned 2. victim n. ① someone who has been attacked, robbed or murdered: e.g. The victim died from head injuries. 受害者死于脑部创伤。 ② someone who suffers because of something bad that happens or because of an illness: e.g. All these people are innocent victims. 这些人都是无辜的受害者。 3. up-to-date a. ① including all the latest information ≠ out-of-date: e.g. up-to-date information, data, figures, news etc. 最新的信息/数据/新闻 ② modern or fashionable ≠ out-of-date e.g. These are all the up-to-date kitchen equipment. 这些都是最新的厨房用具。 4. limit n. the greatest or least amount, number, speed etc that is allowed: e.g. There is no age limit for applicants. 申请者不受年龄限制。 a 55 mph speed limit 限速每小时55英里。 limit v. to stop an amount or number from increasing beyond a particular point: e.g. The government has made a decision to limit imports of foreign cars. 政府决定限制外国汽车进口。 The number of the people who will attend the lecture is limited to 500. 参加讲座的人数被限制在500人以内。 limit→limited→limitation→limitless Complete the following paragraph according to the dialogue. Jane and Kate are talking about fashion. Jane asked Kate whether her dress is still fashionable. Kate said the color of blue was still fashionable. But Kate doubted that the last year’s style would still be the same. Kate comforted her by saying “ That style will stay in fashion for several years. People don’t change fashion every year and still some real fashion victims try to keep up with the up-to-date fashion.” Jane said that only rich people could do it, she herself couldn’t afford it. And they both agreed that their situation would become even worse after marriage. 对话译文 简: 你认为我这件连衣裙现在还流行吗? 凯特:很好,现在仍然流行蓝色。 简: 这是去年的款式,我不确定今年还流不流行。 凯特: 我认为这种款式的连衣裙还会流行几年。人们不是每年都改变时尚。 简: 只有富人才做得到。 凯特: 不过,一些时装发烧友试图跟上这种日新月异的时装潮流。 简: 我希望我是他们中的一员, 但是我负担不起,要不然我肯定变成个购物狂。 凯特: 我懂。我们的情况在结婚生小孩后会更糟糕。 简: 是啊. 到那时,我们用来买时尚衣服的钱就更少了。 凯特: 多么糟糕的生活啊! Text 设计思路 · 在高度工业化和商业化的今天,人们的审美观念发生了巨大的变化,越来越多的年轻人喜欢上化妆,沉溺于各种各样的装饰品而不能自拔,人们更多地在强调“外在美”而忽视了“内在美”。本课以“人的包装”为主题,让学生讨论时尚和美,并理解美的真正含义。 参考教法 ● 导入 可采用提问方式导入课文: · What is your opinion about making up? · Do you know how to package yourself? 也可以采用辩论的方式导入课文: · Should college students make up or package themselves? Why or Why not? ● 学生阅读课文,回答相关问题, 理解文章的含义。 What is the writer’s opinion about packaging a person? Why shouldn’t young and beautiful women package themselves? What kind of people should package themselves? ● 文章讨论完后,让学生自己讨论对“人的包装”的理解 Question: What is your own understanding about packaging a person now? Reading Comprehension Answer the following questions according to the text. 1. According to the text, what is unwise? Going in too far in packaging oneself is unwise. 2. What does a good packager know? A good packager knows how to combine art and nature without any traces of packaging. 3. Does a lively and beautiful young woman need to make up? Why? A young woman, who is beautiful and lively, has all the favor granted by God. Any attempt to make up would be unnecessary. 4. Why does a middle-aged woman make up? It’s mainly to hide the wrinkles 5. What should an old woman do? Why? Let their looks change from young to old naturally ; and keep in harmony with nature, for harmony itself is beauty. Language Points in the Text 1.package n. something wrapped in paper, packed in a box, and then sent by mail or delivered e.g. There is a package here for a Miami Lakes address. 这有个包裹要寄到“迈阿密湖”。 v. ① to put food or other goods into a bag, box etc. ready to be sold or sent: e.g. The milk powder is packaged in China. 这种奶粉是在中国包装的。 ② to prepare something for sale, especially by making it attractive or interesting to a particular group of people: e.g. These books are packaged for young readers. 这些书是专门为年轻人包装的。 2.commodity n. a product that is bought and sold: e.g. agricultural commodities 农产品 Commodity prices fell sharply. 商品价格急剧下降。 Consumers began to find that they could afford more expensive commodities. 消费者开始发现他们买得起更多的昂贵商品了。 Land is a very valuable commodity. 土地是非常珍贵的商品。 3. exaggeration n. a statement or way saying something that makes something seem better, larger etc. than it really is: e.g. It would be an exaggeration to say that we were close friends. 说我们是密友有点夸张。 It’s no exaggeration to say that everyone will be affected by the new policy. 说这项新政策会影响到每一个人一点都不夸张。 4. unique a. ① informal unusually good and special e.g. Going abroad is a unique opportunity to study a foreign language. 出国学习外语是难得的机会。 ② being the only one of its kind: e.g. Each person’s appearance is unique. 每个人的外表特征都是独一无二的。 unique→uniqueness 5. quality n. ① how good or bad something is: e.g. Much of the land was of poor quality. 这片地大部分都很贫瘠。 This hotel uses only high quality ingredients. 这家酒店只用优质食材。 The quality of water is reasonably good. 水质非常好。 ② 【usually plural】something that people may have as part of their character, for example courage or intelligence: e.g. He shows strong leadership qualities. 他表现出很强的领导力。 Being talkative and out-going are the personal qualities necessary to be a successful salesman. 健谈和外向是一个成功的销售人员必备的品质。 6. charm n. a special quality someone or something has that makes people like them, feel attracted to them, or be easily influenced by them: e.g. The charm of this small Southern city attracts thousands of tourists every winter. 这个有魅力的南方小城每年吸引着成千上万的游客。 charm→charming→attractive 7. trace v. ① to find someone or something that has disappeared by searching for them carefully: e.g. She has given up all hope of tracing her missing daughter. 她已经放弃了寻找她失踪女儿的希望。 Police are trying to trace a young woman who was seen near the accident. 警察全力搜寻出现在事故现场附近的年轻女子。 ② to find the origins of when something began or where it came from trace something (back) to something e.g. They’ve traced their ancestry to Scotland. 他们的祖先可以追溯到苏格兰。 The style of these paintings can be traced back to early Tang Dynasty of China. 这些画的风格可以追溯到唐朝早期。 8. lively a. ① someone who is lively has a lot of energy and is very active: e.g. Tony is a lively child. 托尼是个精力旺盛的小孩。 ② a place or situation that is lively is exciting because a lot of things are happening: e.g. The city is famous for its lively nightlife. 这个城市因其丰富多彩的夜生活而著名。 9. grant v. to give someone something or allow them to have something that they have asked for: e.g. I would love to be able to grant her wish. 我希望我能应允她的愿望。 The government has granted him permission to build a house on the site. 政府允许他在那里建房子。 Phrase: take it for granted (that) to believe that something is true without making sure: He just took it for granted that he would pass the exam. 他想当然地认为会通过考试。 10. wrinkle n. ① wrinkles are lines on your face and skin that you get when you are old: e.g. Her face was full of wrinkles. 她满脸皱纹。 ② a small untidy fold in a piece of clothing or paper She walked over to the bed and smoothed out the wrinkles. 她走过去,抹平了床上的皱褶。 11. fame n. the state of being known about by a lot of people because of your achievements: e.g. He said that he was not really interested in fame. 他说他对名誉不感兴趣。 Phrase: win/gain fame 出名 12.appearance n. the way someone or something looks to other people: e.g. He was always criticizing his wife’s appearance. 他总是数落他老婆的外表。 A person shouldn’t be judged by his appearance. 不应以貌取人。 13.harmony n. when people live or work together without fighting or disagreeing with each other: e.g. I do believe it is possible for different ethnic groups to live together in harmony. 我相信各民族和睦相处是可能的。 harmony→harmonious 课文译文 人的包装 人如商品一样,需要包装, 但做得过分就不明智了。当然稍微有点夸张,能展示个人独特气质的包装是无伤大雅的。要想很自然地展示个人魅力,重要的是要先了解自己。好的包装师在包装的过程中懂得如何不留痕迹将艺术和自然完美地结合起来。用这种方法包装出来的人是活生生的有血有肉的人,不是商品。      一个年轻漂亮、有活力的女人拥有上帝赐予的神采,没必要去化妆,可青春转瞬即逝。人到中年,打扮包装主要是为了掩饰岁月蹉跎带来的皱纹。如果你仍然富有和自信,具有独特的自然气质,那么美和魅力会一直伴随你。当你老的时候,生命之河穿越了“平原、高山和丛林”,那么你就是美的。你已经度过了漫漫人生; 你的心灵是平静的; 你不再在乎名利,也不再担心外表了。让你的容颜随着时光的流逝自然老去,与大自然保持和谐,因为和谐本身就是一种美. 如果每个人都能找到自己的位置,她就知道如何去包装自己,她就会更美,世界就会更美。 Word Focus 设计思路: 英语词汇中不少词有多种词性,也有不少词一词多义,掌握了这一特点,对我们更好地记忆单词和灵活、准确地使用单词大有好处。 参考教法 · 可采取课堂小组比赛的方式鼓励学生自由联想,给出与该词相关的表达。 Grammar 设计思路 · 通过表格的方式直观地展现虚拟语气的几种基本用法。 参考教法 · 教师可举例典型句子介绍虚拟语气的三种最基本的用法,再做相关练习。 Language Practice I. Read and recite the following sentences. 略。 II. Word Building. e.g. wisdom—wise harm—harmful person-personal nature-natural love-lovely youth-young beauty-beautiful confidence-confident richness-rich charm-charming peace-peaceful wealth-wealthy favor-favorite harmony-harmonious 1.A judge can't let personal feelings influence his decisions. 2.We should fight against those bad books that are harmful to our spirits. 3.Students should be confident enough to learn English well. 4.She leaves for the countryside to live a peaceful life. 5.Running is my favorite sports. III. Fill in the blanks with the given words, change the form where necessary. 1. Doing too much sport is unwise. 2. As an old man, he doesn’t care about fame and wealth anymore. 3.A person, like goods, needs packaging. 4. Judging from his appearance ,he seems to be rich. 5. We must all do our best to build up a harmonious world 6. We should improve the quality of living. 7. Kate is a lovely and lively girl. 8. My wife and I set a limit on how much we spend on clothes. 9. It becomes fashionable for the rich to winter in the sun. 10. His failure does no harm to his reputation. IV. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words. 1. If I have enough money, I will buy a big house near the sea. 2. If I had enough money, I would buy a big house near the sea. 3. If I had had enough money, I would have bought a big house near the sea. 4. Tom was ill yesterday. If he had not been ill, he would have come to see you. 5. Mary did not move when the thief came up the stairs. If she had moved, he would have found her. 6. If you had closed the door more quietly, the baby would not have waken up. 7. If you knew English well, you would understand what I am talking about. 8. If you were to travel to Africa, you would see various kinds of animals V. Rewrite the following sentences. Group 1 1. I would tell you the truth if you came. I would have told you the truth If you had come. 2. He would buy the computer if he had enough money. He would have bought the computer if he had had enough money. 3. If you didn’t work hard, you would fail in the finals. If you hadn’t worked hard, you would have failed in the finals. 4. You would know it if you studied music. You would have known it if you had studied music. 5. If it were sunny, we would go to the beach. If it had been sunny, we would have gone to the beach. Group 2 1. If It hadn’t been so hot yesterday, she would have gone out. 2. If we had no work to do today, we would go to the party. 3. If mother were here, she could help you. 4. If I had money, I would buy the cake for you. 5. If Jenny had not been home all by herself yesterday, she wouldn’t have found it hard to fall asleep VI. Multiple choice. 1. D 2. C 3.A 4.C 5.B VII. Cloze. 1. D. 2. B 3.A 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. D 9 . B 10. D VIII. Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese. 1. A commodity needs packaging. 2. Every person is unique. 3. He will be here in a moment. 4. You don’t need to worry about your appearance. 5. My cat and dog are in harmony with each other. 6. 他自然而然地爱上这个女孩。 7. 他们失踪了,没留下任何痕迹。 8. 在这个喧嚣的世界里,似乎每个人都在追逐名利。 9. 如果我是你,我会尽最大努力去找份工作而不是整天玩游戏。 10. 谈论绿色环保突然间开始成为一种时尚了。 Reading Practice 1. F 2. T 3.T 4. F 5. T Unit Nine The Angel Dialogue 设计思路 · 本单元以人们在面对重大灾害时所表现出来的伟大的行为为主要线索,对话讨论了自然灾害——“地震”,以此导入本单元主题。 参考教法 · 通过提问让学生讨论是否经历过地震,或播放地震电影片段进行导入: 1. Have you experienced any earthquake? 2. Have you heard of any earthquake? What were they like? What were the consequences? 3. Have you watched any movies describing natural disasters? 4. What should we do in case of an earthquake? Key words: earthquake, victim, aftershock, horrible, terrible, survive, die, kill… Language Points in the Dialogue 1. striking a. ① unusual or interesting enough to be easily noticed e.g. This country is facing a striking gap between wealth and poverty. 这个国家正面临显著的贫富差距。 ② attractive in an unusual way that is easy to notice: e.g. Jack is a dark man with striking features. 杰克是皮肤黝黑,特征明显。 2. survive v. ① to continue to live after an accident, war, or illness: e.g. She survived the cancer 她战胜了癌症。 ② to continue to live normally in spite of many problems: e.g. Tom has had a tough few years, but he will survive. 尽管他这几年都不顺,但是她会挺过来的的。 survive→survival→survivor 3.overly ad. too or very e.g. Your views on companies’ management are overly simplistic. 你关于公司管理的观点过于简单。 I am overly fond of dogs. 我太喜欢狗了。 · Complete the following dialogue with appropriate words or phrases. Marco: Hello. Drew: Hey, Marco. It's Drew. Are you watching TV now? Marco: No. Why? Drew: Just turn it on and switch to CCTV 13. There's a shocking news report. Marco: What is it? Drew: Earthquake. Marco: In China? Drew: Yes, in Sichuan Province. It's such a serious quake, measured 8.3. It killed a lot of people. Marco: How many people died in the earthquake? Drew: Almost 70,000 people died. Marco: My God! It is terrible. Drew: Yes, that's terrible, you know, I have never experienced such kind of earthquake over the past 20 years. Marco: Me, either. Drew: Let’s do something for those people. Marco: This is what I am thinking about now. How about being a volunteer there? Drew: Good idea. Let’s just do it. 对话译文 麦克:嗨? 德鲁:嘿,麦克,我是德鲁。你在看电视吗? 麦克:没有?什么事? 德鲁:快把电视打开,调到中央9台,有重大新闻。 麦克:关于什么的? 德鲁: 地震。 麦克:在中国吗? 德鲁: 不是,在非洲。很强的地震,高达8.2级,死了很多人。 麦克:我知道了。还将会有很多次余震。 德鲁: 是的,很可怕。你可能在地震中幸存,却死于余震。 麦克:不用担心。这是在非洲。离中国很远。 德鲁:你确定北京不会发生地震吗? 麦克:据我所知,北京近期不会发生地震。 德鲁:你确定吗? 麦克:确定。我在北京29年,没经历过任何地震。 德鲁:我想我是过于担心了。 Text 设计思路 · 当今社会,重大自然灾害频发,如何面对自然灾害成为至关重要的议题。本单元主副课文均选取与自然灾害有关的主题,主人翁在自然灾害前时所表现出来的伟大壮举动人心弦,同时也给我们很深的启示。 参考教法 ●导入 可采用提问或观看“大海啸”电影片段方式导入课文: · Have you experienced any tsunami? · Have you watched any movies about tsunami? ● 学生阅读课文,回答相关问题, 理解文章的含义。 ● 文章讨论完后,让学生自己讨论对该如何面对海啸? Question: How should we react before tsunami? Reading Comprehension Answer the following questions according to the text. 1. What were the firefighters doing there ? They were trying to put out the fire. 2. How long had the firefighters been there? They were there for 20 minutes. 3. What did you know about Tom? Tom was able to escape from the tsunami simply thanks to the warning from Tilly Smith. 4. Why was Tilly Smith called “Angel of the Beach” ? She saved 100 tourists from the Thai beach which was hit by tsunami. 5. What did Tilly Smith’s experience tell us? In case of tsunami or any other natural disasters, we should be calm and face them bravely and intelligently. Language Points in the Text 1. firefighter n. someone whose job is to stop fire burning: e.g. My father is a firefighter. 我父亲是消防员。 firefighter→firefighting→fireman 2. unbelievable a. ① very good , successful or impressive e.g. The opportunities are unbelievable. 难以置信的机会。 She shows an unbelievable talent. 她展示了非凡的智慧。 ② very bad or shocking The pain was unbelievable. 疼痛难以忍受。 It was unbelievable that we were expected to move right away. 让我们现在搬走简直是不可思议。 ③ incredible e.g. He’s so lazy it’s unbelievable. 他懒得出奇 an unbelievable speed 惊人的速度 3. ruin v. ① to destroy something completely: e.g. This illness has ruined my life. 疾病毁了我的生活。 His career would be ruined. 他的职业生涯被毁了。 ② to make someone lose all their money: Tom was ruined by the lawsuit. 这个官司让汤姆倾家荡产。 n. ① a situation in which you have lost all your money e.g. The small factory is facing financial ruin. 这个小厂面临严重的经济损失。 ② the part of a building that is left e.g. The ruins of the buildings are everywhere after the earthquake. 地震之后,断壁残垣随处可见。 4. bob v. ① to move up and down when floating on the surface of water: e.g. The boat bobbed gently up and down on the water. 小船随波荡漾。 ② bob your head to move your head down quickly as a way of showing respect e.g. He bobbed his head to his English teacher. 他向英语老师点头致敬。 5. recede v. ① if something you can see or hear recedes, it gets further and further away until it disappears: e.g. footsteps receding into the distance 脚步消失在远处。 ② if a memory, feeling or possibility recedes, it gradually goes away: e.g. The pain in his head gradually receded. 他的头痛渐渐消退。 ③ if water recedes, it moves back from an area that it was covering: e.g. The flood waters finally began to recede in November. 洪水在11月份最终开始消退。 6. spin v. to turn around and around very quickly, or to make something do this: e.g. She grabbed my arm and spun me around to face her. 她抓住我的胳膊,把我扭过来,面朝她。 7. bubble n. a ball of air or gas in liquid: e.g. When water boils, bubbles rise to the surface. 水沸腾了,开始冒泡。 The naughty boy was blowing bubbles in his milk with a straw. 顽皮的小男孩用吸管在牛奶里吹泡泡。 Text 译文 沙滩天使 “我们看着巨大的水墙漫过酒店顶部,朝正在燃烧的建筑物倾泻而下。巨浪一瞬间就淹没了大火,消防员二十分钟都没做到的事情,大浪两秒钟就做到了,火焰在庞大的海水中熄灭了。我们四人站在山顶,凝视着眼前令人难以置信的景象,大浪带着那两栋黄色大楼的碎片和周围的人回落大海,一辆黄色轿车随着退去的海浪上下疾动,轮子在空中旋转。” 汤姆如此描叙了泰国海啸的场景。他能够幸存多亏了蒂莉·史密斯的警告。 蒂莉·史密斯,这个11岁英国女孩,在泰国那场海啸中,曾让100多名游客从泰国的一个海滩上死里逃生,汤姆就是其中之一。因此,她被称为"沙滩天使"。 蒂莉和父母、妹妹一起去泰国度假,在这之前,她在地理课上学了有关海啸的知识。她看到海浪突然后退,海水不停的冒泡时,她马上告诉妈妈佩尼,海啸要来了。佩尼和丈夫科林随即向其他游客和宾馆工作人员发出警告,之后,所有人从普吉岛的麦克奥海滩上撤退。11岁的蒂莉在回忆那次海啸时说: “当遇到海啸或其他自然灾害时,如果能有关于这些灾害的知识,那就太好了”。“我很高兴我能在海滩上说出'海啸就要来了',也很高兴大家都相信了我的话。” Word Focus 设计思路: 英语词汇中不少词有多种词性,也有不少词一词多义,掌握了这一特点,对我们更好地记忆单词和灵活、准确地使用单词大有好处。 参考教法 · 可采取课堂小组比赛的方式鼓励学生自由联想,给出与该词相关的表达。 Grammar 设计思路 · 通过表格的方式直观地展现英语中重点标点符号的基本用法。 参考教法 · 教师可举例解释标点符号的重要性和基本用法,再做相关练习。 语言练习 Language Practice I. Read and recite the following paragraph. 略 II. Word building. The suffix-(able) is often used after verbs to form adjectives. e.g. believe-believable imagine-imaginable change-changeable rely-reliable count-countable suit- suitable use-usable fashion-fashionable 1. We have overcome all imaginable difficulties in order to succeed. 2. Employers usually decide within five minutes whether someone is suitable for the job. 3. In England, the changeable weather is a topic which is much talked about. 4. The evidence seems pretty believable. 5. She's always eye-catching because of her fashionable clothes. III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words. 1. They had led the country into economic disaster. 2. I was shocked by the striking news. 3. Tom is always overly worried about the job-hunting. 4. She was the only one to survive the air crash. 5. Many people die of cancer every year. 6. The poor-quality products have ruined the company’s image. 7. He believed what his friend told him. 8. As the tide receded, we were able to look for shells. 9. She rose above her difficulties and became a tremendous success. 10. Thanks to Mom’s help, Kate stood up on her feet again. IV. Punctuate the following sentence. People disappeared, reappeared, made plans to go somewhere, and then lost each other, searched for each other and found each other a few feet away. V. Multiple Choice. 1. D 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. B VI. Master the functions of the punctuations used in the following sentences. 1. A memoir is history, which is based on evidence. 解释说明 2. He was born on October 15, 1983. 用于时间表达 3. Mrs. Smith will come at 4 p.m.. 缩略 4. Unfortunately, Tom couldn't come; and his absence made things difficult for us. 分号表解释 5. Did she buy butter? milk? eggs? apples? 问号表示并列提问。 VII. Cloze. 1.C 2. B 3.A 4.A 5. D 6. C 7.B 8. C 9. B 10. A VIII. Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese. 1. She was sitting on the beach, staring at the sun setting. 2. Her smiles were not natural at all. 3. He had no previous experience of managing a farm. 4. The sales rose by 20% during the spring festival. 5. She put the paper on the top of the piano. 6. 地震摧毁了家园、电话线和道路。 7. 他能幸免于这次海啸多亏了那个女孩的提醒。 8. 了解海啸等自然灾害的相关知识是非常有用的,以防万一。 9. 我想我太累了。 10. 盲目追求时尚的人,总是穿着很“时髦”的衣服,哪怕是不合时宜。 Unit Ten Test Two I. Complete the following words with the help of the given initial letter. 1. Western fast food restaurants tend to attract more kids and young people, who have created a big potential market for the food. 2. Most of these people are fond of trendy and new food, putting emphasis on different tastes. 3. Naturally, American parents teach their children basic American values. 4. To Americans, the goal of parents is to help children stand on their own feet. 5. A good packager knows how to combine art and nature without any traces of packaging. 6. Let your looks change from young to old naturally; and keep in harmony with nature, for harmony itself is beauty. 7. The four of us stood at the top of the hill, staring down at the unbelievable ruins as the wave slid back where it had come from. 8. It's really good, just to know about tsunamis or any natural disaster in case you are in one. II. Give the noun forms of the following words. cultural culture survive survival/survivor create creation/creator dependent dependence various variety emphasize emphasis valuable value fashionable fashion natural nature harmonious harmony III. Complete the following sentences with correct forms of the given words. 1. The news spread rapidly from mouth to mouth. (rapid) 2. Natural disasters rarely happen here, so this place is quite suitable for living. (nature) 3. She gave a quiet cough to attract my attention. (attraction) 4. Receiving a phone call at table creates a bad impression upon others. (create) 5. All of them arrive late for a variety of reasons. (various) 6. Correct ideas come from social practice. (society) 7. As children grow, they gain more freedom to make their own choices. (free) 8. It is unwise to swim on a full stomach. (wise) IV. Multiple choice. 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. A V. Cloze 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. C 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. D 15. C VI. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Pop music is popular with young people. 2. This is one of the reasons for the rise of fast food culture in China. 3. Parents should encourage children to stand on their feet. 4. We ought to see time as an important resource. 5. Smoking does harm to your health. 6. Economic growth should keep in harmony with environmental protection. 7. As far as I know, food culture varies from country to country. 8. Tom tends to have something after swimming. VII. Reading comprehension. Passage 1 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.C Passage 2 1.B 2.C 5.C 4.A 5.B
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