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爱国卫生台帐模板爱国卫生台帐模板 (2010年度) 行 政 村 名 盛岙村 所在街道(镇) 宁波市北仑区白峰镇 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the...

爱国卫生台帐模板 (2010年度) 行 政 村 名 盛岙村 所在街道(镇) 宁波市北仑区白峰镇 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 仑区爱卫会办公室制 行政村爱国卫生工作及资料归案有关情况说明 一、爱国卫生组织管理 1、村要成立爱国卫生管理组织~要明确分管领导和专,兼,职人员~落实经费,人员调整时~要及时调整管理组织。 2、爱国卫生工作列入议事日程~定期召开会议布置工作~会议主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 明确~内容详细~每年至少8次。 3、爱国卫生工作每年要有计划、有总结~内容要详细、全面~主要包括辖区内的单位和居民区卫生、除四害、健康教育等工作,每年4月的爱国卫生月要制订实施方案~认真组织开展各项活动~并写好总结。 二、除四害: 1、治理孳生地。各种水体是蚊类的孳生地~各类生活垃圾等是蝇类的孳生地~要定期开展翻缸倒罐、填坑平洼清除积水和清除垃圾、清洗垃圾容器等工作~彻底消除蚊蝇孳生地。 2、完善防鼠防蝇设施。主要是指辖区内特殊行业,如食品生产经营单位,室内和一般单位重点部位,如食堂,室内。,1,封闭建筑物与外界相通的所有孔洞和下水道。,2,建筑的通风孔、排水孔安网眼~规格1.3厘米×1.3厘米防鼠网。,3,房门下沿与地面的缝隙不得大于0.6厘米。,4,饭厅、仓库、食品储藏室门下部60厘米处加钉镀锌铁皮,或不锈钢,。,5,厨房、餐厅配备灭蝇灯~安装纱窗、纱门~有条件的单位可安装风帘。 3、化学防治。除四害可委托专业消杀公司消杀或自行消杀~自行消杀的行政村除四害药物向街道,镇,爱卫办购买。一般情况下~每年全市性要组织大规模的除四害行动~如3月组织越冬蚊蝇消杀~3-4月、9-10月组织春、秋季灭鼠~5-6月灭蟑。 4-11月灭蚊蝇、灭蟑工作各单位常规进行。 4、封堵鼠洞~清除鼠道、鼠咬痕、鼠粪和蟑迹。 5、外环境、特殊行业室内、单位重点部位室内、居民一楼、地下室、车棚以及有鼠活动的场所~放置毒鼠屋~定期检查~长期保留毒饵,室内15平方米2只或20米1只,。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 三、健康教育: 1、健康教育宣传资料可向区疾控中心征订。 2、有固定的宣传阵地,并利用宣传阵地定期张贴卫生资料。黑板报、阅报栏每月更换1次资料~宣传窗每季至少更换1次内容,也可通过电子屏幕、局域网、社区报宣传卫生科普知识,有条件的村亦可利用网络定期组织学习卫生知识。 3、定期组织开展各种健康教育活动。可组织义诊、咨询、卫生知识讲座、卫生知识测试~亦可组织各种健身娱乐活动、卫生知识竞赛等活动。每年要对重点人群,老年人、青少年、妇女,开展健康教育活动。 4、公共场所如会议室等要张贴禁烟标志。每年组织1次基本卫生知识测试。 四、环境卫生 1、根据各村实际~制订卫生工作有关制度和要求~如卫生包干制度、检查评比奖惩制度、食堂卫生 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 、除四害工作制度等。 2、加强日常管理~建立卫生工作长效管理机制~要明确卫生包干区和责任人~定期检查考评~考核结果与奖金挂钩。 3、结合节庆等活动~发动干部群众开展环境整治~解决卫生难点问题。 4、加强卫生基础设施建设。 五、资料的收集归档: 1、开展爱国卫生活动如四害孳生地治理、除四害、健康教育等要有记录有照片~全年爱国卫生活动记录6次,包括健康促进活动,。 2、除四害工作要有记录~包括药物名称、使用部门、消杀时间和药物浓度等~委托专业消杀公司消杀的单位要有消杀协议、建立签名制度~并定期检查消杀效果。 3、卫生知识宣传资料要记录~并有照片资料。 4、卫生知识讲座要有通知、有签到、有讲稿和照片。 5、要定期开展卫生检查评比工作~并做好记录。 6、记录册一律用碳素墨水填写~表格不够可复制增加。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 宁波市农村爱国卫生工作规范 1、组织制度:领导重视~爱国卫生工作机构健全~有专兼职人员抓爱国卫生工作。爱卫活动年初有安排~年终有总结~定期开展检查评比。 2、健康教育:开展经常性健康教育活动~有专(兼)职宣教人员负责健康教育工作,有固定的健康教育宣传场所,广播、专栏、会议、咨询等形式向村民进行卫生科普知识教育~受教育面达90,以上。 3、饮用清洁卫生水人口达95,以上。农户卫生厕所达80,以上。粪便无害化处理(沼气池、水冲式、三格化粪池),改建卫生灶95,,家禽家畜圈养拴养。 4、除四害:除四害有计划、有安排、有措施。积极开展治理蚊、蝇孳生场所活动~蚊蝇密度显著下降。坚持开展灭鼠活动~农舍鼠密度不超过5%~两年内无传染病发生。 5、环境卫生:庭院、室内、室外、厕所等地整洁卫生。室内基本无蛛网~道路平整畅通~院内外用具、物品摆放整齐。庭院绿化、美化。 6、档案资料:开展爱国卫生活动~改水、改厕、除四害、健康教育等资料档案齐备~保存完好。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 村基本情况 一、概况 行政村总人数 1394 人~村民总户数 487 户。辖区单位 家~其中~宾馆饭店 0 家~学校 0 所~医疗卫生单位 0 家~ 农贸市场 0 家~工厂 2 家~商店 3 家~三小企业 家~其它 家。绿化面积 2400平方米~占可绿化面积率 95 %。 辖区单位、自然村基本情况、卫生包干区及责任人 自然村或 户数或 村民或职工 行 政 卫 生 卫 生 备注 单位名称 车间数 人数 负责人 负责人 包干区 第一村民小组 68 152 张仕信 胡林土 第二村民小组 57 143 张仕信 王云全 第三村民小组 53 135 张仕信 马信根 第四村民小组 65 156 张仕信 钟水亮 第五村民小组 41 96 张仕信 陆伟兴 二、除四害运行形式 类别 自行消杀 专业消杀公司消杀 其他 灭鼠 自行消杀 每季度一次 灭蟑 自行消杀 每季度一次 灭蚊蝇 自行消杀 每季度一次 三、健康教育宣传阵地 黑板报 1 块~宣传窗 3 块~阅报栏 1 个~广播 只~挂牌 块~墙报 处~其他 处。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 村平面图 见纸本 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 关于成立盛岙村爱国卫生运动委员会的通知 各位村民、辖区各单位: 为了加强对爱国卫生工作的领导~全面落实本村改厕粪管、除四害、健康教育等卫生工作任务~不断提高村民的生活工作环境质量~倡导健康文明的生活方式~特成立村爱国卫生运动委员会。组成人员如下: 主 任:张仕信 副主任:李月英 马汉东 委 员:胡林土 马忠源 胡华军 徐信友 胡亚敏 王云全 冯海伟 王守和 王守君 马信根 陈伟国 冯万海 郑亚于 钟水亮 钟水常 陈文君 虞伟胜 丁国平 陆伟兴 陈敏杰 林英娣 王志友 爱国卫生运动委员会下设办公室~由 张仕信 任办公室主任~负责日常爱国卫生工作的组织实施。 白峰镇盛岙村村民委员会 二0一0年一月 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 爱国卫生工作制度 在市、区爱卫领导小组的领导下~认真做好本村爱国卫生各项工作的管理。 1(认真学习~熟悉掌握有关爱国卫生的业务知识~做好爱国卫生的各项工作。 2(遵照创建文明卫生城市的要求~积极、主动做好组织、发动、协调、督办和检查工作。 3(积极宣传健康教育有关的卫生知识~遵守市民文明守则、“十不”规范~充分利用宣传工具~提高村干部、各专项工作人员的卫生意识和自我保健能力。 4(积极开展群众性爱国卫生活动~做好“除四害”、消杀工作~并开展禁烟劝烟活动。 5(实行室内外卫生包干制度~保持室内外卫生、门前三包的整洁、美化。 6(坚持开展卫生自查、评比活动~做好年初年终计划和总结工作。 7(努力完成上级交代的各项爱国卫生工作。 宁波市北仑区白峰镇盛岙村 二0一0年一月 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 盛岙村环境卫生管理制度 第一条 为加强农村环境卫生管理~创造整洁、优美、文明的村庄环境~结合我村实际情况~特制定本规定。 第二条 我村行政区域内的总体规划区的环境卫生管理适用于本规定。 第三条 盛岙村环境卫生管理是盛岙村环境卫生工作的主管部门~负责搞好全村环境卫生设施的规划、建设和监督管理及本规定的贯彻实施。 第四条 村民应当尊重环境卫生工作人员的劳动~维护村庄整洁,对妨碍、阻挠环境卫生工作人员履行职责和破坏环境卫生及其他设施的行为~应当制止或者举报。 第五条 村内任何单位和个人必须遵守下列规定: ,一,不准随地吐痰~随地便溺~不准乱丢瓜果皮核、烟头、纸屑、动物尸体等废物, ,二,不准乱倒垃圾、渣土、粪便,不准擅自焚烧垃圾可将垃圾倒入江河水体。 ,三,不准从高空、建,构,筑物向外掷物~泼水: ,四,不准在村建筑物、设施以及树上涂写、刻画或者未经批准张挂、张贴宣传品, ,五,不准占用村道路、人行道, ,六,所有个体工商户、住户~均应实行门前“三包”,包requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 卫生、包绿化、包秩序,责任制。 第六条 任何单位和个人应当维护村水域的环境卫生~不得向河流、河涌、池塘抛弃、倾倒废弃物。 第七条 加强污水、废水管理: ,一,生活污水、废水必须排水污水管道~不准乱倒乱泼, ,二,楼房天面水和阳台、走廊等处的雨水~要用管道落地排入下水道, ,三,村下水道要保持完好畅通~任何单位和个人不得损坏或堵塞。 第八条 不得将建筑废弃物倒在公共场所地面以及村道路或者穿越村的公路两侧。 维修道路、清疏沟渠等施工作业产生的渣土和污泥~由施工单位负责及时清除~不得影响环境卫生~并在完工后二十四小时内恢复道路整洁。 建筑施工产生的砖土、余泥~由施工单位自行清运到指定的地点倾倒~禁止倒入生活垃圾容器。因没有及时清理施工现场而造成废弃物堆积的~一律由建设单位或个人负责清理。 第九条 村道路、人行道和街巷应在每天早晨六时和下午三时前普遍清扫一次~日间巡回保洁~做到路面净、边石净、沙井口净、果皮箱净。 第十条 下水道、污水渠、沙井口等设施应保持完好畅通~如有损坏可堵塞~主管单位或产权人必须在七天内修复或疏通。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 第十一条 在村内运行的交通运输工具~应当保持外表整沾~载运散装液体物品的车辆应当密封、包扎或覆盖~避免泄漏、遗撒。 第十三条 公共场所各经营单位应根据《公共场所卫生管理条例》建立、健全本单位的卫生管理制度。 第十四条 村内不得放养家禽家畜。 第十五条 本规定由盛岙村委会负责解释。 盛岙村村民委员会 二0一0年一月 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 爱国卫生 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 为了进一步改善盛岙村环境卫生面貌~确保辖区内卫生环境整洁、优美~根据创建省级卫生村的标准和要求~提升农村管理水平~在全辖区内大力开展爱国卫生活动~推动辖区经济全面进步~促进三个文明建设同步发展~现结合我村实际~制定本计划。 一、指导思想 以 党的十七大、十七届三中全会重要思想为指针~以创建省级卫生村为总体目标~以改善村庄环境~完善卫生基础设施~加强盛岙村环境卫生长效管理为重点~坚持“政府组织、分级负责、部门协调、群众动手、科学治理、社会监督”的爱国卫生工作方针~本着纵向到底、横向到边、条块结合、不留空档的原则~坚持高标准、高起点、高质量~确保辖区卫生环境整洁、干净、达标的同时~与各部门协调配合~落实好爱国卫生的各项工作~确保今年顺利通过省级创建卫生村的正式考核。 二、工作目标 1、领导重视爱国卫生和创卫工作。主要领导负总责~建立健全组织机构~分工挂钩到各村民小组~配备专,兼,职工作人员~制定工作制度和实施方案~定期召开爱卫工作会议~对本村民小组爱卫工作进行安排、布置~保障经费投入。自查、检查、督办和考核相结合~抓好各村民小组创卫达标工作任务~积极组织开展全村范围的爱国卫生活动。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 2、认真宣传~营造浓厚的创卫氛围~通过举办爱国卫生市民学校培训及其它创卫知识宣传~使辖区内村民爱卫知识知晓率达100%~健康行为形成率达80%以上~积极完成市区爱卫办、创建办下达的各项爱国卫生工作任务~认真落实市区爱卫办、创建办督查督办的各项爱卫专项整治任务~落实率达到100%以上。 3、认真做好本单位、辖区单位和各村德爱国卫生工作。健全和完善本村的爱国卫生和创卫资料的收集、建档工作。指导、督促辖区各单位的爱国卫生和创卫资料的收集、建档工作。积极协调各部门、单位做好爱国卫生的各项工作任务~提高盛岙村辖区管理水平~确保今年通过创建省级卫生村的正式考核。 三、工作任务 ,一,爱国卫生组织管理 1、爱国组织健全~有村两委会主要领导人负责,有爱国卫生、除“四害”、健康教育网络~有专职管理人员~有爱国卫生工作会议记录,8次,年,~检查记录,8次,年,, 2、有完整的年度工作计划和工作小结~爱国卫生月活动有方案、有内容、有成效~爱国卫生文件、资料收集整齐并装订成册~有卫生管理制度~实行卫生分片包干~严格执行门前三包制度、周末卫生劳动制度和禁烟制度, 3、经常开展多种形式的爱国卫生检查评比活动~将卫生工作纳入文明城市奖惩评比条件~积极开展爱国先进单位评比活动~辖区内单位积极参与争创爱国卫生先进单位和无吸烟单位。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and ,二,健康教育 1、有固定的健康教育宣传阵地~内容三月更换1次,4次,年,~其中有控烟和预防爱滋病、淋病的宣传内容及宣传品~宣传资料有底稿保存~有市民健康学校或健康教育分校~并定期开展健康教育宣讲活动~有完整的活动纪录, 2、居民健康知识入户率达100%~健康知识知晓率达85%以上~健康行为形成率达80%以上~公共场所有醒目、固定、足量的禁烟标志。 ,三,环境卫生 1、环卫设施配套、完好、道路平整硬化~排水设施完善~环境整洁优美~全村绿化覆盖率达35%以上,环境常年保持整洁~垃圾箱、厕所卫生管理良好~村民生活垃圾袋装化~日产日清, 2、督促检查辖区单位的环境卫生工作~开展经常性卫生大扫除活动~落实好门前三包责任制~无卫生死角、无违章饲养畜禽、无暴露垃圾、无露天闲置积水容器~蚊蝇孳生地得到有效治理。 ,四,环境保护、病媒生物防治 村内排水系统实行雨污分流~“三废”处理达标~辖区内河道、池塘环境状况良好~水面无漂浮物~水体周边清洁村所属企事业单位“三废”排放和噪声必须符合国家关于环境保护的有关规定。病媒生物防治工作有计划、有总结~综合防制措施落实~积极开展灭鼠、灭蟑、灭蝇、灭蚊工作~有专人负责除四害工作~并有效防止使用违禁requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 鼠药,有健全的鼠情、蟑情报告制度~四害,老鼠、蟑螂、苍蝇、蚊子,密度控制在国家标准以内。 ,五,奖惩 开展形式多样的卫生检查、形成激励机制~让更多的村民群众养成良好的卫生习惯~鞭策后进单位~限期整改~环境卫生还得不到改观的~媒体进行曝光~相关职能部门要加大执法力度~决不徇情。 宁波市北仑区白峰镇盛岙村 二0一0年一月 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 爱国卫生 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 盛岙村隶属白峰镇~位于白峰镇东南2.5公里。全村面积0.5平方公里~总户数283户~常住人口664人~全村实行垃圾桶装化~拥有垃圾中转站2个~标准公厕1只~垃圾保洁车3辆~道路硬化率100%~2007年成为市级卫生村。全村实行6-8小时动态保洁~定期开展除害防病的健康教育~健康、文明的社会主义新农村已初具规模~回顾二年来的创卫工作~现总结如下。 一、加强领导~落实管理责任 两年来~村领导班子成员同一思想~达成共识~把创卫工作作为一项系统工程来抓~做到思路清晰~重点突出~并作为当前工作的重中之重来抓。成立了以村主任张仕信为组长~村委会成员、老年协会会长为成员的村环境整治工作领导小组~制订了切实可行的创建市卫生村的中、长期规划、创建卫生村管理暂行办法、村民公约、环境卫生管理制度、园林绿化管理制度、爱国卫生工作制度、入村居住须知、文明家庭制度、农村卫生清洁户制度、村区管理人员守则、“十不”规范等等一系列制度~做到组织网络健全、制度规范。在此基础上~成立了肯吃苦、责任性强的保洁队伍~签订保洁员协议书~划分保洁地段~明确保洁职责~由村里负责每周不定期对保洁员保洁情况进行考核、监督~并广泛征求村民意见~不断提高保洁质量。 二、加大资金投入~不断进行环境整治~完善基础设施 要搞好农村环境卫生~建立和健全各项制度是基础~以人为本~搞好requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 长效管理建制是关键~而资金投入是保证~二年来~村里在有限的可用资金基础上~通过多种渠道~各方筹集~投入资金用于村容村貌改造~为创建卫生村打下了扎实的基础。二次水改工程~根据镇统一安排~明年可望完工。 三、加大宣传力度~提高村民环保意识。 创建卫生村是广大人民群众的民心工程。但由于东部地区经济相对落后~村民的卫生意识相对淡薄~关键是提高村民的思想认识~真正使他们摒弃陋习~崇尚文明。为此~我们在宣传活动中把创建卫生村与东部城区建设结合起来,与创建文明村建设结合起来,与精神文明建设结合起来~确实做到家喻户晓~人人皆知。 一是在每年的爱国卫生月中~动员全村居民家家参与~人人动手~消灭卫生死角~营造卫生氛围。 二是开展“盛岙是我家~美丽靠大家”活动~在每年的植树节~每家种上一棵树~为绿化盛岙尽一份力。 三是在今年四月发放“告村民书”300份~号召村民转变观念~切实增强对环境整治工作的认识~积极参与~视村环境整治为已任~从我做起~自觉遵守“十不”规范。 四是利用墙报进行宣传发动~根据不同时期有针对性地宣传。 五是通过问卷形式~向村民宣传艾滋病、非典、预防高血压、牙病等知识。 由于宣传力度到位~全村的创卫工作得到了广大人民群众的理解和支持~许多村民在环境整治中得到了实惠。目前~全村已形成了关心和支持requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 农村环境改造的良好氛围。 回顾二年~我村在创卫工作中已取得了一些成绩~基础设施不断完善~ 村民卫生意识明显提高~可以说~已基本达到了要求~但与上级的要求还 有一定的差距。 白峰镇盛岙村 年 月 日 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 禁烟制度 根据1996年第43号宁波市人民政府令《宁波市公共场所禁止吸烟暂行规定》~制定本制度。 1(本场所为禁止吸烟场所~在此场所内的所有人员不准吸烟。 2(本场所内的吸烟者~应服从工作人员及其他人员的劝阻~停止吸烟或离开场所。否则~管理人员将根据有关规定处以罚款~每人每次5元。 3(在此场所内的任何人员有权劝阻他人吸烟~有权要求本场所落实禁烟制度、张贴禁烟标志、不设吸烟器具、取消烟草广告行为。 宁波市北仑区白峰镇盛岙村 二0一0年一月 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 卫生清洁户评比标准 1、 爱护公共环境卫生~不乱扔垃圾~不随地吐痰~不随地便溺, 2、保持屋顶、地面、墙壁、角落、门窗清洁~房屋周边无垃圾杂物~能注意消灭“四害” ,老鼠、蚊子、苍蝇、蟑螂,。 3、房屋经常通风~保持室内空气新鲜, 4、保持生活用具清洁~确保橱柜、桌椅板凳、锅碗瓢勺等用品卫生清洁, 5、保持厕所不脏~无异味,推广粪便无害化处理~没有直排式厕所, 6、要养成良好的个人卫生习惯~勤洗手、勤漱口~早晚刷牙~勤剪指甲~勤换衣服等, 7、家庭不能乱放养禽畜~家庭要保持禽畜栖息地的清洁卫生~不孳生蚊蝇, 8、讲究饮食卫生~拒绝不健康、不卫生的食品~不吃生水, 9、家中自备垃圾袋~在保洁员定时前来收集垃圾时~并用垃圾袋装好后放回村定点垃圾桶~有保洁员统一收集, 10、在公共场所把垃圾丢入垃圾桶时~懂得垃圾分类规定~按可回收,如矿泉瓶、纸盒等,、不可回收,如果皮,、或有毒,电池等,的分类分别丢入不同的垃圾桶内。 宁波市北仑区白峰镇盛岙村 二0一0年一月 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 卫生清洁户达标情况 自然村名 户数 被评为卫生清洁户的户数 卫生清洁户自来达标率% 第一自然村 65 96% 68 第二自然村 52 91% 57 第三自然村 48 91% 53 第四自然村 59 91% 65 第五自然村 38 93% 41 合计 制表人 梅卓群 制表日期 年 月 日 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 卫生检查情况记录表 卫生包干区 扣分原因 实得分 备注 ,或自然村或单位, 胡家环境卫生 路旁小沟不干净 94 下岭头环境卫生 阴沟有积物 94 陈家环境卫生 路旁有杂草 94 陆家环境卫生 阴沟不够干净 92 马家环境卫生 屋后路旁有污水 93 张家环境卫生 路面杂草较多 92 村横河情况 河面垃圾不少 92 四东河情况 河水有油污 93 检查人 张仕信 检查日期: 年 月 日 卫生检查情况记录表 卫生包干区 扣分原因 实得分 备注 ,或自然村或单位, 胡家环境卫生 路旁小沟比上次干净 96 下岭头环境卫生 路面阴沟有进步 96 陈家环境卫生 个别屋檐有杂物 93 陆家环境卫生 路旁有杂物 93 马家环境卫生 屋后大路有成堆杂物 93 张家环境卫生 情况正常 95 村横河情况 清理后基本无垃圾 95 四东河情况 漂流物 93 检查人 张仕信 检查日期: 年 月 日 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 卫生检查情况记录表 卫生包干区 扣分原因 实得分 备注 ,或自然村或单位, 胡家环境卫生 个别阴沟有堆积物 95 下岭头环境卫生 路旁不够整洁 95 陈家环境卫生 路旁屋檐有好转 94 陆家环境卫生 阴沟有所进步 94 马家环境卫生 旁屋有不明污水 93 张家环境卫生 情况良好 95 村横河情况 油污情况良好 95 四东河情况 仍然有少许油污 93 检查人 张仕信 检查日期: 年 月 日 卫生检查情况记录表 卫生包干区 扣分原因 实得分 备注 ,或自然村或单位, 胡家环境卫生 路旁小道有堆积物 94 下岭头环境卫生 阴沟有积物 94 陈家环境卫生 路面无杂草、有进步 96 陆家环境卫生 路面正常 95 马家环境卫生 路旁、屋后有进步 95 张家环境卫生 情况良好 95 村横河情况 水生植物较多 93 四东河情况 水生植物较多 93 检查人 张仕信 检查日期: 年 月 日 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 爱国卫生工作有关器材及设施登记 器材及设施名称 数量 器材及设施名称 数量 垃圾中转站 2 黑板 1 公共厕所 1 宣传窗 3 保洁车 3 阅报栏 1 农药喷洒器 1 扫帚 10 爱国卫生工作经费开支情况 项 目 金 额 项 目 金 额 印刷宣传资料 购买除四害药物 购买宣传资料 配备除四害设施 开展健康教育活动 卫生设施建设 健康教育阵地建设 支付保洁员工资 器材装备 绿化费 合 计 合 计 备注:保留发票复印件 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 爱国卫生工作会议记录 时间 3月25日下午 12:00 地点 村民活动室 参加对象 村两委会成员、爱卫会成员、全村村民代表、各协会成员 主持人 张仕信 会议主题 创建“区级卫生村”工作动员大会 会议主要内容记录: 书记张仕信做工作动员报告。 为认真贯彻落实镇爱卫办创建“区级卫生村”的工作方针~ 大力改进和提高社会环境和卫生水平~以净化、绿化、美化、亮 化为主要任务~积极深入地做好名项工作~配合各有关单位确保 “区级卫生村”评比顺利通过。 1、 加强组织领导~注重实效。 2、 加大宣传力度~形成人人参与的良好氛围。 3、 严格执行制度~加强管理。 4、 做好爱卫会基本工作。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 爱国卫生工作会议记录 时间 4月25日 地点 村民活动室 参加对象 村两委会成员、爱卫会成员、全村村民代表、各协会成员、 主持人 张仕信 会议主题 年后全村卫生大检查、提高村民卫生意识 会议主要内容记录: 1、组织发动骨干力量~村两委会成员、爱卫会成员、全村村 民代表、各协会成员、对春节后全村卫生差点进行集中整治。 2、会后发放“告村民书”~要求村民进一步提高卫生意识~整 治卫生死角~积极开展观念转变工作~从我做起~投身到环境卫 生工作中去。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 爱国卫生工作会议记录 时间 3月6日 地点 村委会议室 参加对象 村两委会成员、爱卫会成员、全村村民代表、各协会成员、 主持人 张仕信 会议主题 卫生村创建部分配套设施情况说明 会议主要内容记录: 为更好配合创建工作~村两委会决议~提请村民代表大会通过~计划: 1、投入资金85万元~完成道路硬化20000平方米~安装路灯68盏。 2、投入资金30万元~建造的占地1300平方米的村公园一座~园内种植各类树木20余种。 3、投入资金12万元~完成全村主道及辅道绿化1500余米~完成村内死角绿化10余处~总计1200平方米。 4、投入20余万元~对白洋线边坡进行整治。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 爱国卫生工作会议记录 时间 6月30日 地点 村会议室 参加对象 村两委会成员、爱卫会成员、全村村民代表、各协会成员、 主持人 张仕信 会议主题 绿化整治~清扫活动安排。 会议主要内容记录: 全村范围卫生扫除工作安排: 1(对本村花坛中的杂草进行拔除~对种植的花草等进行浇水、除虫等工作~并对不佳的绿化如老化的枯叶等进行整修~对一些干枯的盆景进行及时的更换。 2(对树木等进行一定的修剪~使其造型颇佳。 3(鼓励村民在自己家中的庭院内种植绿色植物。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 爱国卫生工作会议记录 时间 8月27日 地点 村委会议室 参加对象 村两委会成员、爱卫会成员、全村村民代表、各协会成员、 主持人 张仕信 会议主题 村长张仕信做半年卫生工作报告 会议主要内容记录: 村长张仕信做半年卫生工作报告。 经过半年的努力~全村上下各方的工作正在有条不紊的进行~取得了一定的效果~同时也看到了一些存在的问题~如:个别村户的垃圾没有及时清理~还有待继续加强意识~村爱卫会将加强检查力度~并把责任落实到位。下阶段要继续努力~制定迎检工作方案~充分做好各项迎检准备工作~积极配合省、市、区验收组的检查考核。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 爱国卫生工作会议记录 时间 9月25日 地点 盛岙村 参加对象 爱卫会成员、老年协会成员、妇女代表 主持人 张仕信 会议主题 部署秋季灭蝇活动 会议主要内容记录: 1、做好秋季灭蝇活动宣传动员~强调灭蝇工作的重要性。 2、向全局职工及家属宣传灭蝇科学知识和安全用药知识。 3、落实专人负责药品投放~按照“四个统一原则”进行统一灭杀。 4、全体干部职工要主动配合县爱卫办、有关部门、社区~共同做好灭蝇工作。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 健康教育工作计划 今年我镇健康教育工作计划应以农村为重点~从维护人民群众身体健康出发~以卫生防病为目的~以创建卫生乡村为手段~树立“村容整洁、乡风文明”新风尚。在上级政府的正确领导下~继续坚持“政府组织、部门协调、群众动手、科学管理、社会监督、分类指导”的爱国卫生工作方针~以健康教育为基础~积极改善农村环境面貌~增强广大人民群众的卫生意识~努力提高全村人民的健康水平~使农村健康教育工作计划出现新的高潮。 一、 组织管理 成立以支部书记为组长“亿万农民健康促进行动”领导小组~积极结合当前正在开展的“整脏治乱”工作做好爱国卫生工作~达到与“整脏治乱”工作同安排、同落实、同检查,积极筹备我村健康教育工作计划会议~并在会上对全年的爱国卫生工作进行安排。 二、创卫工作 今年我村的创卫工作以新农村合格村为标准~通过深化开展“爱国卫生活动月”和每月20日的“全民爱国卫生活动日”活动~扎实推动我村卫生水平的全面提高。今年结合社会主义新农村建设和“整脏治乱”工作的开展~要把创卫工作扩展到各村民家中。 二、 农村改水改厕 农村改水改厕工作是爱国卫生工作的一项重要内容~今年改水工作重点是农村饮用水安全集中供水工程水质卫生监测,改厕工作今年requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 结合我镇当前爱卫工作开展情况适当进行~根据“以点带面~点面结合~沼厕一体化全面推广”的原则~共同完成各自的任务~使受益人口等指标提升到更高水平~受益质量也明显提高。 三、 除害防病 消除“四害”对改善生存环境~降低疾病的发生有重要意义。今年~我们将结合开展巩固“创卫”成果和“整脏治乱”工作的开展~将除“四害”列入“整脏治乱”的考核内容。积极加强除“四害”宣传~使广大民众对除“四害”工作有更多了解~提高卫生意识~建立健全除“四害”网络~建立长效机制,同时~在春秋两季必须常规性地组织开展大规模的除“四害”活动~各爱卫成员单位也积极投入~全村村民共同参与~保证除害工作的顺利开展~以明显降低了鼠密度~有效预防多种传染病的暴发流行。 四、 健康教育 今年重点应积极争取健康教育经费的落实~并协调有关部门抓好健康教育工作。健康教育所应制定好健康教育工作计划~并组织实施~还应积极组织和开展专项宣传~特别是各种卫生宣传日,月,的宣教活动~每年达四次以上~对工作开展情况作好信息反馈,健康教育所应加强对各有关单位健康教育工作的督导~以实行多方位、多渠道的健康教育宣传活动~促使全村村民卫生知识水平的提高。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 健康教育工作总结 根据镇、村两级农村健康教育工作目标管理的要求~在镇事务办领导小组的领导和指导帮助下~以“营造清洁环境~构建和谐家园”为目标~我村搞好了本村的省级卫生保健工作~结合爱国卫生月活动~普及了卫生防病知识~使村民形成了良好的卫生行为习惯~进一步提高了全体村民卫生保健意识~现简要总结如下: 一、组织健全、制度完善 我村健康教育小组由书记担任组长~村主要干部分别任职~分工负责并制定了相应卫生保健责任制度~认真负责全村的健康教育工作~使创卫工作和初保工作真正走上制度化、规范化的轨道。 二、加强宣传教育~增强卫生保健意识 我村充分发挥了宣传阵地作用~利用远程教育百姓课堂、宣传橱窗、黑板报、 简报 工程竣工验收简报对口支援简报控辍保学的简报义务教育法简报棋类比赛简报 和宣传横幅等宣教工具~多形式、全方位提高了群众卫生知识和防病保健意识~打造了“利生是我家~卫生靠大家”的良好氛围。 三、加大投入~确保各项工作向规范化方向发展 精打细算~认真办好村卫生室~增加资金投入改善卫生室的硬件设施优化群众的就医条件~深化了宣教力度。并且在改善环境卫生、美化村容村貌、改水改厕等方面都做了大量工作。卫生厕所率达到90,~村内主干道路两侧道路实现硬化。进步快、效果好、花小钱、办好事~群众满意~干部高兴。 今后~我们将继续努力~争取进一步提高和完善。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 健康教育组织和宣传情况登记 1、健康教育专(兼)职人员基本情况 姓名 性别 年龄 职业 职务或职称 从事年限 专,兼,职 马信根 男 医生 村务医生 20 专职 梅卓群 男 村长帮助理 2 兼职 2、健康教育师资人员基本情况 姓名 性别 出生年月 职业 职务或职称 单位 马信根 男 1950年1月 医生 村务医生 盛岙村医务室 梅卓群 男 1983年9月 村长助理 盛岙村委员会 3、宣传阵地登记表 名称 黑板报 宣传窗 阅报栏 1 3 1 数量 名称 数量 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 健康教育活动情况登记 1、医疗咨询、义诊活动情况登记 咨询、义诊 参加对象日期 医疗单位及医生姓名 地点 科目 及人数 2.22 女性健康讲座 新碶医院-周慧娟 村民学校 85人 10.13 全科检查 白峰镇卫生院 村民学校 218人 2、卫生知识讲座、培训情况登记 讲课人单位及参加对象及 日期 讲座或培训内容 地点 姓名 人数 新碶医院妇科全村妇女~852.23 女性健康知识 村民学校 医生:周慧娟 人 白峰镇卫生院全村村民~5411.2 食品安全知识讲座 村民学校 党委书记 人 3、其它形式健康教育活动情况登记 参加对象 日期 活动内容 地点 备注 及人数 6.17 老年人健康讲座 村民学校 老年人~60人 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 卫生知识刊出登记 宣传阵刊出 期数 标题 地名称 日期 1 2009.01 巧除居室异味,运动急救:关节扭伤 2 2009.02 健康要有“伴” 3 2009.03 蔬菜有助于减缓认知能力下降 4 2009.04 生活规律有益健康 5 2009.05 吸“二手烟”的危害更大 6 2009.06 有人燃气中毒这么办~科学配菜 7 2009.07 夏季慎防雷电伤害 8 2009.08 癌症的十大警号信号 9 2009.09 秋季养保健六策略 10 2009.10 儿童体内含铅过高易变犯罪 11 2009.11 微生物和微生物工程 12 2009.12 早餐吃饱又要吃好~冠心病人饮食 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 健康教育资料留底 宣传阵地名称: 期数: 内容: 具体见纸本 宣传阵地名称: 期数: 内容: requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 卫生保洁制度 按照全国城市卫生、省文明卫生村评比的各项要求~实卫生包干保洁制度,搞好“门前三包、门内达标”。 1(保持院内环境清新整洁~无蚊、蝇孳生地和不卫生死角~物品、车辆按指定地点摆放整齐。 2(保持室内环境整洁、窗明几净~四壁和顶棚无灰尘、无蛛网~地面无痰迹、无烟蒂、无纸屑、无果壳。办公室用品堆放整齐。 3(公用茶具坚持用后清洗消毒~保持清洁。 4(室内应合理养植盆花~美化室内环境。 5(公共场所要有明显的禁烟控烟标语~会议室不准吸烟、不设烟缸。 6(厕所经常保持清洁~每天有专人清扫~定期消杀~做到无蛆、无蝇、便后无垢。 7(坚持室内外卫生每日一小扫~周末一大扫。 8(工作人员讲文明、爱卫生、穿着整洁、仪表庄重。 9(坚持开展经常性除四害消杀活动。 宁波市北仑区白峰镇盛岙村 二0一0年一月 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 村保洁员岗位职责和要求 实施农村保洁制度是加强农村环境卫生长效管理的一种有效手段~为提高我村保洁效果~特制订保洁员职责~希认真履行。 一、 岗位职责 1. 熟悉保洁范围和保洁地段。 2. 及时清理保洁地段内的各种垃圾和杂物。 3. 热爱本职工作~不怕苦和累~树立保洁员形象。 4. 爱护公共卫生设施~妥善保管好保洁工具。 5. 保洁时~要着统一配发的服装和帽子。 6. 服从镇村管理~积极参加技能培训。 7. 服从村民不理解行为~要耐心~不能恶意争执。 8. 每天保洁时间必须达到6~8小时。 二、 保洁范围和保洁地段 陈信友: 李飞君: 张家 陆家 胡家 陈家 王家 虞家 马家 下岭头 三、 保洁要求 1. 道路保洁,包括道路两侧水沟及留地范围和绿化带,。做到无杂物~requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 无垃圾、瓦砾~无积泥、积水~窑井内无残留物~无明显杂草~ 保持路面清洁。 2. 公厕及化粪池清洁。公厕内无积粪、无积水~无粪迹、痰迹~厕 内无乱涂写、乱张贴,化粪池倒粪口、吸粪口加盖~无粪便外溢、 外露~每天清扫二次以上。 3. 垃圾箱及中转站保洁。垃圾箱表面清洁~箱,桶,内垃圾每日清 理1~2次~周围整洁~无堆物~无蝇蛆孳生。 4. 河流保洁。河面、河岸无明显漂浮物、障碍物及垃圾。 5. 卫生消杀。每月至少一次对公厕、化粪池、垃圾箱及中转站进行 消杀,及时分发、投放鼠药。 6. 在运输中做到不跑、不冒、不撒、不漏。 保洁员签章: 白峰镇盛岙村 二0一0年一月 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 宁波市“十不”规范 ,一,不随地吐痰、 ,二,不乱扔垃圾、 ,三,不损坏公物、 ,四,不毁坏绿地、 ,五,不乱穿马路、 ,六,不在公共场所吸烟、 ,七,不说粗话脏话、 ,八,不乱涂乱贴、 ,九,不乱堆乱占、 ,十,不随地便溺 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 公厕卫生管理保洁制度 1(厕所由清洁工负责~做好清扫和四害消杀工作。 2(洗手槽、便槽做到每日一次清洗~保持壁面干净、地面清洁。 3(冬春季节每半月一次消毒杀虫~夏秋季节每周二次喷药消杀~做到无蛆无蝇无蚊。 4(任何解手人员及时做好便后冲洗~做到无异臭味、无尿垢。 5(凡用厕人员应遵守本制度规定~做到节约用水~反对浪费~随手关毕水阀。 宁波市北仑区白峰镇盛岙村 二0一0年一月 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 有关工作数据汇总表: 卫生户厕入户情况 自然村名 户数 有卫生户厕户数 卫生户厕入户率% 第一自然村 61 90% 68 第二自然村 52 91% 57 第三自然村 49 92% 53 第四自然村 60 92% 65 第五自然村 40 98% 41 合计 制表人 梅卓群 制表日期 年 月 日 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 自来水普及情况 自然村名 户数 一户一表户数 自来水普及率% 第一自然村 100% 68 68 第二自然村 100% 57 57 第三自然村 100% 53 53 第四自然村 100% 65 65 第五自然村 100% 41 41 合计 制表人 梅卓群 制表日期 年 月 日 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 除四害工作计划 为有效控制辖区内的除四害工作~降低四害密度~保障村民的身体健康~减少因鼠害引起的各种损失~根据白峰镇爱卫办公室2009年度除四害工作计划~结合本村的实际情况~制订盛岙村2010年度除四害工作计划。 一、加强领导~健全除四害工作网络队伍的建设~做到各自然村小组有兼职除四害工作人员~除四害工作任务~责任落实。 二、加强除四害工作法制宣传~认真贯彻执行《宁波市除四害工作管理规定》利用各种宣传形式~大力开展除四害知识的宣传~争取全社会支持~人人参与除四害活动。 三、坚持环境治理和化学药物相结合的综合性防治措施原则~坚持突击与经常性活动相结合~深入开展除四害活动~控制四害密度。 1、按照白峰镇爱卫办统一部署~积极开展春、秋两季突击灭鼠活动~深入开展以灭鼠为中心的爱国卫生活动~清理室内环境~发展鼠类栖息场所与鼠迹,鼠洞、鼠道、鼠咬痕、鼠粪等,及时采取有效措施~加强防鼠设施建设~改变四害生态环境。认真投放灭鼠药物灭鼠~做到统一时间~统一办法~全方位立体饱和投药到位~不留死角。同时督促协调村内重点单位、个体工商户、饮食行业、在建工地等特殊行业和窗口单位,卫生室、学校,的灭鼠和防鼠设施完善工作等。 2、全面开展杀灭蟑螂活动~大搞室内外环境卫生~翻箱倒柜地清除蟑螂成、幼虫及蟑螂卵荚。认真投放镇爱卫办下发的灭蟑螂药物。requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 灭蟑螂投放时间:根据镇爱卫办安排时间进行~做到全方位立体分次投放到位~控制蟑螂密度。 3、开展灭蚊、灭蝇活动~5月份组织除四害兼职工作人员~全面开展治理蚊蝇孳生地~大搞室内外环境卫生~填平洼池~疏通阴沟~铲除杂物~翻缸倒罐~清除积水~清运垃圾、瓦砾等废弃物~铲除蚊、蝇孳生地~加强防蚊、防蝇设施建设~并全面开展药物灭蚊、蝇活动~控制蚊、蝇密度。 四、落实除四害经费。确保除四害工作的顺利开展~除四害经费除镇里补助外~均有村集体经济支出。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 除四害工作总结 除四害工作是爱国卫生工作的重要内容之一~也是我们认真贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想~为民办实事、好事的具体体现。自我区创建国家卫生城市以来~我村始终把打好灭鼠、灭蚊、蝇、蟑攻坚战纳入到白峰镇“创卫”工作计划中~并作为一项重点工程加强领导~广泛宣传、深入动员、狠抓落实~取得了显著成效。现将近期除四害工作汇报如下: 一、加强基础卫生设施建设。 加强基础卫生设施的建设是控制鼠、蚊、蝇孳生的一项重要措施。我村充分重视加强基础卫生设施的建设~制定计划~调集资金~投入大量的人力、物力、财力用于垃圾箱、果皮箱、一类标准公厕等的建设、改造和购置。经过近期努力~目前我村一类标准公厕已经全面完工~并顺利通过镇建环局的验收。每周按时对主干道及责任区内垃圾桶、果皮箱进行清洗、维护。 二、拆除违章建筑。 坚决拆除和取缔在违章建筑物内从事集中生产加工、经营销售、饮食服务、生活居住的场所是我村环境建设中的一项艰巨任务。由于这些场所条件差、人口多、堆物堆料多、垃圾废弃物排放多、积存时间长~从而为“四害”的生长、繁殖创造了有利条件~是“四害”的“另类孳生地”。因此~必须把拆除和取缔这些场所作为彻底减少孳生地数量的一项重要措施加以认真落实。近年我村标本兼治、拆除违章300平方米。 三、开展环境专项整治活动 。 5月份以来我村掀起环境整治工作高潮~为将环境整治工作落到实处~白峰镇事务办主任张磊带队~对村庄周边进requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 行了清查。在该项专项整治工作中~共发动村内志愿者40余人次~清理卫生死角20余个~清理无主垃圾渣土30余吨~清捡绿地白色垃圾面积近1000平米~清刷非法小广告近150张~规范门前三包农家20余次。 四、统一行动、 集中投药~坚决降低四害密度。我村划拨专项经费~在镇爱卫会购置除“四害”药具~近期又购置价值1000元的药品~并及时发放到各社区~于8月15日至20日~分段进行统一投药消杀。与此同时~我村组织深入村庄的重点部位、重点场所进行检查、指导~确保投药的覆盖率和到位率。 五、存在问题及下步工作。 尽管我们做了大量工作~但仍存在不足:1、是爱国卫生的科学化、制度化、规范化有待于进一步提高。2、是对人口聚集地的环境管理需进一步加强。3、是要进一步建立长效的监督管理机制~不断推动爱国卫生工作再上新水平。4、是要积极调动两大企业创卫主动性。为此~我村将继续加强监督检查力度~坚持“广泛宣传、深入培训、社会参与、专群结合”和“治本清源”的防治原则~从保护环境、加强农村基础卫生设施建设入手~采取果断措施~下大力气铲除和整治孳生场所~使 爱国卫生工作再上新台阶。 白峰镇盛岙村 2009年10月24日 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 除四害工作有关情况登记 1、除四害专(兼)职人员基本情况 姓名 性别 年龄 从事年限 专,兼,职 参加培训情况 陈信友 男 65 6 李飞君 女 38 4 马如根 男 52 5 2、四害孳生地治理情况登记 日期 治理内容 治理地点 参加对象及人数 治理成效 3.25 二组水塘 二组水塘 胡林土等 泄洪渠杂物清理干净 6.17 河草清除 村旁小河 陈信友、李飞君 清除多余杂草、疏通河道 9.28 聚餐点卫生 村老年会堂 张仕信、马如根 卫生状况较整改前改观很 大 3、卫生基础设施建设情况 增换设施名称及数量 日期 金额 设施名称 数量 设施名称 数量 2004 公厕 1 2008 公厕整修 1 垃圾箱 18 2008 化粪池整修 1 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 除四害工作有关情况登记 1、除四害设施 设施名称 毒鼠屋 喷雾器 鼠夹 苍蝇拍 24 3 12 6 数量 设施名称 纱门 纱窗 风帘 数量 2、除四害药物购买情况 时间 药物名称 数量 金额 备注 3.17 2.5%隆华杀蟑药剂 30 3.17 1%韩世杀蟑饵剂 30 3.17 臭敌隆 60 6.25 0.6%杀虫粉净剂2号 20 6.25 6%灭得优杀虫浮油 10 6.25 隆华牌强力粘鼠板 10 备注:购药请附发票复印件 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 灭鼠灭蟑药物投放情况登记 日期 药物名称 用药量 使用部位 备注 2009年 臭敌隆 家庭屋内外 1月 2009年 臭敌隆 村大会堂周围 3年 2009年 臭敌隆 五组水库周边 4月 2009年 臭敌隆 全村范围 6月 2009年 臭敌隆 四组河塘旁 8月 备注:鼠药初投、补投情况均要登记 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 爱国卫生工作大事记 1、2009年1月9日~盛岙村创建“省级卫生村”领导小组成立~确认各小组工作人员职责~同时做好春节前卫生清洁工作。 2、2009年3月12日~为迎接“植树节”到来~村两委会组织村民一起植树~为美化盛岙村出一份力。 3、2009年3月31日~白峰镇爱卫会发放鼠药~灭蟑药品。 4、2009年4月15日~在村班子领导下~结合本村的实际情况~开展专项“除四害”活动~控制四害的生长~达到四害消灭的达标要求。 5、2009年7月5日~联系镇卫生院医生~开展健康知识宣传讲座~加强村民对疫病的预防。 6、2009年9月11日~村爱卫会成员~保洁人员对村民的房屋进行卫生抽查~按照卫生清洁户的评比标准进行评分~优秀的给予嘉奖~不合格的提出整改。 7、2009年10月19日~村保洁人员~保洁人员向村民发放垃圾箱~使村民养成合理堆放垃圾的好习惯。 8、2009年10月20日~举办高血压防治讲座~使村民认识高血压病的防治方法及意义。 9、2009年10月20日~白峰镇爱国卫生办公室主任陈磊一行~来我检查“省级卫生村”创建情况~并提出整改意见~并视察我村生态公园建设情况。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and
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