首页 【鼎尖教案】高中英语(人教大纲)第二册下:Unit15 Destinations(备课资料)

【鼎尖教案】高中英语(人教大纲)第二册下:Unit15 Destinations(备课资料)


【鼎尖教案】高中英语(人教大纲)第二册下:Unit15 Destinations(备课资料)【鼎尖教案】高中英语(人教大纲)第二册下:Unit15 Destinations(备课资料) Reference for Teaching ?.异域风情 Spotlight on Stockholm Surrounded by forests and water,Stockholm has the feel of a small town.The royal capital of Sweden is actually a collection of islands linked by bridges.To ...

【鼎尖教案】高中英语(人教大纲)第二册下:Unit15 Destinations(备课资料)
【鼎尖 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 高中 高中语文新课程标准高中物理选修31全套教案高中英语研修观课报告高中物理学习方法和技巧高中数学说课稿范文 英语(人教大纲)第二册下:Unit15 Destinations(备课资料) Reference for Teaching ?.异域风情 Spotlight on Stockholm Surrounded by forests and water,Stockholm has the feel of a small town.The royal capital of Sweden is actually a collection of islands linked by bridges.To the east,the Baltic Sea bustles with ferries and ships.To the west,Lake Malaren provides plenty of space for water sports and sailing.Stockholm’s residents seem to be more a part of a small community than a sophisticated European city.But they are intensely proud of their city. Stockholmers have good reason to be proud.Their city’s blue waters are so unpolluted that swimming and fishing are possible in the city center.Fishermen catch trout and salmon near the Royal Palace.Swimmers can take a dip within view of the Old Town.This experience is a small miracle that few cities can offer. Since water defines Stockholm in so many ways,no visitor should miss a tour by boat.Tour boats pass by many of Stockholm’s beautiful bridges,palaces and churches.One of the most famous tours is named “Under the Bridges of Stockholm”. Also on the Baltic side of the city,the Wasa Museum,the home of the flagship Wasa,stands near the water’s edge.Once the pride of the Swedish navy,the ship sank on its maiden voyage.Now restored,it is a perfect example of a 17th-century seagoing vessel.The thousands of everyday objects recovered with the ship give a fascinating picture of daily life in Sweden 300 years ago. As the “Venice of the North”,Stockholm takes water seriously.Every August,the city goest all out for the Stockholm Water Festival.The festival sports events and other activities go on 24 hours a day:swimming championships,marathons,music,art and dancing.In the evenings,fireworks light up the sky.The King awards the Stockholm Water Prize for the most outstanding contribution to water conservation.By preserving its precious natural resource,Stockholm has become one of the most pristine cities in the world.It has every reason to celebrate. ?.知识归纳 1.把定语从句、状语从句或并列句改为分词短语的方法 (1)定语从句改为分词短语的方法: ?若关系代词之后有be动词,删去关系代词和be动词即成分词短语。 e.g.Watch the man who is coming this way. =Watch the man coming this way. 注意向这边走来的那个人。 Lessons which are learned easily are soon forgotten. =Lessons learned easily are soon forgotten. 容易学习的功课很快就会忘了。 ?若关系代词之后没有be动词而为一般动词,则删去关系代词,再将动词改为现在 分词。 e.g.Anyone who wishes to leave early may do so. =Anyone wishing to leave early may do so. 任何想要早一点儿离开的人都可以离开。 (2)状语从句改为分词短语的方法: ?先将引导状语从句的连接词去掉。 ?状语从句的主语与主句的主语相同时,再把状语从句的主语去掉,如不相同则保留。 ?任何动词(包括be动词)均改为分词。(如为进行式,则须把be动词去掉) ?分词为being和having been时,可以把省略掉。 ?如遇到否定词则放在分词前。(否定词+分词) ?句子的其余部分不变。 前后主语相同的情况: e.g.After I had seen my brother,I felt much relieved. =Having seen my brother,I felt much relieved. 见到哥哥之后,我觉得轻松多了。 As he is ill,he can’t attend the meeting. =Being ill,he can’t attend the meeting. 他因病不能出席会议。 When he was buying the book,he met an old friend. =Buying the book,he met an old friend. 他买书的时候,遇到一位老朋友。 As he has been praised too much,he becomes too proud. =(Having been) Praised too much,he becomes too proud. 他因为受到过分的夸奖,而变得骄傲。 前后主语不相同的情况(带有逻辑主语的分词短语,称为独立主格结构): e.g.After the sun had set,we arrived at the station. =The sun having set,we arrived at the station. 我们于日落后到达车站。 When school was over,the boys went home. =School being over,the boys went home. 放学了,男孩子们回家了。 As my homework has been done,I have nothing else to do. =My homework (having been) done,I have nothing else to do. 因为我的作业写完了,所以我没有别的事做。 注1:若状语从句的主语为人称代词时,虽然和主句的主语不同,分词短语的主语也可 以省略,此分词短语也称为独立分词短语。 e.g.If we speak strictly,you are not justified. =(We)Strictly speaking,you are not justified. 严格地说起来,你没有理由。 If we take all things into consideration,he is an honorable man. =(We) Taking all things into consideration,he is an honorable man. 从各方面来说,他是个可敬的人。 注2:状语从句改为分词短语时,若主句的动词为现在式,状语从句的动词为过去式, 而为了要表示状语从句的动作时间早于主句的动词,应改为完成式分词,表示比主句动词的 动作先发生。 e.g.As he was idle in his youth,he has to work hard in his old age. =(Having been) idle in his youth,he has to work hard in his old age. 他因为年轻时不务正业,现在年老了必须苦干。 (3)并列句改为分词短语的方法: 分词短语可代替并列句中的一个句子,其作用是说话者对主要句子的叙述加以补充 说明。 ?并列句主语相同时,保留一个主语即可,即and(+主语)+v.=-ing. e.g.My train starts at twelve,and (it) will arrive in Wuhan at three. =My train starts at twelve,arriving in Wuhan at three. 我乘的火车十二点开,将于三点钟抵达武汉。 She alone remained at home,and (she) cleaned the rooms and washed clothes. =She alone remained at home,cleaning the rooms and washing clothes. 她一个人留在家里,清扫房间、洗衣服。 ?并列句主语不同时,改为独立主格结构,两个主语都保留。 e.g.He was reading a book,and his wife was knitting beside him. =He was reading a book,his wife knitting beside him. 他在看书,他太太在他旁边织衣服。 They were still in the room,and tears ran down their cheeks. 他们还在房间里,泪流满面。 =They were still in the room,tears running down their cheeks. ?分词短语亦可代替第一个并列句,但常常放在句子的后部。 e.g.I walked on tiptoe,and approached the window. =I approached the window,walking on tiptoe. 我踮起脚尖悄悄地走近窗户。 He looked up at his father,and asked what was the matter with him. =He asked what was the matter with him,looking up at his father. 他抬头看看他的父亲,问他出了什么事。 ?连接词+分词 此种句型,实际上是从属连词when,while,though等后省略了句意明确的主语和be动词 而来的。 e.g.While fighting in Korea,he was taken prisoner. =While he was fighting in Korea,he was taken prisoner. 在韩国作战时,他被俘虏了。 He will do better if properly encouraged. =He will do better if he is properly encouraged. 如果有适当的鼓励,他会做得更好。 注:after doing和before doing为介词短语,after,before是介词,doing为动名词,不在 此讨论范围。 2.variety用法归纳: (1)variety可作不可数名词,表示“变换花样,多种多样”等。 I’m for variety.我赞成变换花样。 We demand more variety for our food. 我们要求食品的花样多一点。 Life at school has plenty of variety. 学校的生活有多种多样的内容。 (2)还可作可数名词,表示“品种,各类”。 There are several varieties of red roses. 红玫瑰有好几个品种。 This is one well-known variety. 这是一个有名的品种。 There are numerous varieties of fishes in the lake. 这个湖里有无数种类的鱼。 (3)常用于a variety of,表示“各式各样的”。 This shop has a variety of toys. 这家店里有各种各样的玩具。 She offered a variety of excuses. 她提出了各种各样的借口。 He had a variety of interests. 他有各种各样的兴趣。 (4)Variety前还可以加修饰语。 A great variety of animals survive there. 那里存留下来许多种动物。 The library has a wide variety of books. 这家图书馆有许许多多种类的书。 There was a considerable variety of opinions. 有相当多不同的意见。 3.sight用法归纳 (1)景物,供参观的地方,游览胜地 They are seeing the sights. 他们正在参观游览。 Niagara Falls is one of the sights in the world. 尼亚加拉大瀑布是世界游览胜地之一。 John enjoyed seeing the sights in New York. 约翰喜欢游览纽约的名胜。 (2)情景,景象 He saw a most wonderful sight. 他看到一个非常动人的景象。 The sunset was a beautiful sight. 日落是一种美丽的景象。 The sight infuriated Andrew. 这情景使安德鲁大为震怒。 (3)视力,视野 His sight was good. 他的视力很好。 He is going to have his sight tested. 他准备去验光。 Soon the train came into sight. 火车很快进入视野。 ?.词语辨析 1.faraway,far away;far (away) from,away from 以上词语均与“远”有关,用法有如下区别: (1)faraway是形容词,意为“遥远的;久远的”,可指地点和时间。如: My friend lives in a faraway town. 我朋友住在一个很远的城镇里。 He told me a story which took place in faraway Stuart times. 他给我讲述了一个发生在遥远的斯图亚特时代的故事。 (2)far away是短语,用来表示距离,在句中作状语或表语,意为“远;遥远”,有时 away可省略。如: The town my friend lives in is far (away). 我朋友住的城镇很远。 (3)far away from的意思是“离„„很远”,常表示距离,作表语或状语,away可省 略。另外,它还有“远非,远远没有”的意思,后跟名词、代词或形容词。如: The school is far (away) from my house. 我家离学校很远。 The sun is far (away) from the earth. 太阳离地球很远。 Your work is far from (being) satisfactory. 你的工作远远不能令人满意。 The patient is far from well. 病人离康复还差得远。 —You’ve done a nice job! 你干得很出色~ —Far from it. 还差得远呢。 (4)away from用于表示确切的距离(此时不用far),away可省略,但如果句子不带from 短语,则不能省。如: He lives two miles (away) from here. 他住的地方离这儿有两英里远。 He lives two miles away. 他住在两英里远的地方。 注意:不能说:He lives two miles far from here. 2.beach,coast,seaside,shore 这四个词都可用来表示“海滨”这一意思。beach指海边、湖边或河边比较平坦、覆盖 沙或小石子、适宜于游泳、日光浴或度假的地方;seaside与beach同义,但只能是海边娱乐 的地方;shore是谈及水域的一种较为笼统的说法,既可指beach,也可指陡峭岩石耸立的地 方;coast常指海洋与陆地的分界线,是一个谈及地图、气候、海岸防卫时的用语。 试比较下面的句子: (1)I like lying on the beach bathing in the sun. 我喜欢躺在沙滩上,沐浴着阳光。 They walked for a while along the beach. 他们沿海滩走了一会儿。 (2)After the storm there was a lot of driftwood washed up on the shore. 暴风雨之后,许多浮木被冲到了岸上。 We found many shells on the sea shore. 我们在海岸上找到了许多贝壳。 (3)She spent her summer holidays by the seaside. 她在海边度过了她的暑假。 4.Looking down from the plane,we could see the French coast. 我们从飞机上往下看,可以看到法国的海岸线。 There are numerous islands off the coast. 海岸边有许多岛屿。 ?.能力训练 1.对比练习 (1)be known as/be known for George______ ______ ______ a successful banker. George______ ______ ______his success. 答案:is known as,is known for (2)get tired of/get tired from I______ ______ ______ the same old breakfast every morning. She______ ______ ______ cutting. 答案:get tired of,get tired from (3)historic/historical The characters and events in this book are______events and people. The founding of the PRC is a______event. 答案:historical,historic (4)sight/scenery She enjoys mountain______very much. Niagara Falls is one of the______in the world. The______at the lake is just breathtaking. 答案:scenery,sights,scenery (5)much too/too much I’ve got______ ______work to do today. The book is______ ______difficult for me. Celia talks______ ______. 答案:too much,much too,too much 2.翻译填空 (1)时间还早,你不需要着急。 Time is enough.______ ______ ______ ______for you to hurry. 答案:There is no need (2)她使自己成了宇宙中心。 She______ ______the centre of her universe. 答案:made herself (3)谢谢你提醒我和琼斯会面。 Thank you for______me______my meeting with Joens. 答案:reminding,of (4)所发生的事情并未使他感到震惊。 He______ ______ ______by what had happened. 答案:was not astonished (5)必要的地方还换上了许多新的屋顶。 Many roof sections were replaced with new ones______ ______. 答案:where necessary ?. 高考 地理事物空间分布特征语文高考下定义高考日语答题卡模板高考688高频词汇高考文言文120个实词 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 1.(2004上海)In______ Chinese culture,marriage decisions were often made by parents for their children. A.traditional B.historic C.remote D.initial 简析:选A。中国传统习俗用traditional;historic历史的,remote遥远的,initial初始的。 2.(2004上海)According to a recent U.S. survey,children spend up to 25 hours a week______TV. A.to watch B.to watching C.watching D.watch 简析:选C。spend„doing是固定用法。 3.(2004辽宁)______by the beauty of nature,the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm. A.Attracting B.Attracted C.To be attracted D.Having attracted 简析:选B。过去分词短语attracted by the beauty of nature作状语,表示被动。被自然 风光的美丽所吸引。 4.(2004广东)______the programme,they have to stay there for another two weeks. A.Not completing B.Not completed C.Not having completed D.Having not completed 简析:选C。现在分词的完成式表示动作发生在have to stay there for another two weeks之前,其否定形式在现在分词前加not。 5.(2004北京春)He looked around and caught a man ______his hand into the pocket of a passenger. A.put B.to be putting C.to put D.putting 简析:选D。现在分词putting作宾语补足语,表示主动。catch sb.doing表示“当场抓 住(撞见)某人在做某事”。
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