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中口词汇打印版 (IB,2009)


中口词汇打印版 (IB,2009)环境保护 生物多样性        the biological deversity 气温变化         temperature variations 城市化          urbanization 太阳黑子         sunspot 太空垃圾         space trash 土壤侵蚀         soil erosion 污水处理         sewage disposal 能见度          visibility 杀虫剂          pesticide 水库     ...

中口词汇打印版 (IB,2009)
环境保护 生物多样性        the biological deversity 气温变化         temperature variations 城市化          urbanization 太阳黑子         sunspot 太空垃圾         space trash 土壤侵蚀         soil erosion 污水处理         sewage disposal 能见度          visibility 杀虫剂          pesticide 水库           reservoir 回收           recycle 可再生资源        renewable resources 害虫           pest 发电站          power plant 熔岩           lava 沼泽           marsh 碳氢化合物        hydrocarbon 渗透           infiltration 森林覆盖率        forest coverage rate 赤道           equator 灭绝物种         extinct species 泥石流          debris flow 海岸线          coast line 清洁能源         clean energy 死亡人数         death toll 分解           decomposition 对流           convection 海拔           altitude 干旱的          arid 生物圈          biosphere 人工降雨         artificial rain 农业           agriculture 生态系统         ecosystem 食草动物         herbivore 地面塌陷         ground depression 年平均气温        mean annual temperatures 自然灾害         natural disasters 中暑           insolation 入海口          mouth 噪音污染         noise pollution 洋流           ocean currents 放射性物质        radioactive materials 地震           earthquake 火山爆发         volcanic eruption 死火山          extinct volcano 休眠火山         dormant volcano 蒸发           vapor 防护林          shelterbelt 有毒化学物质       toxic chemicals 热带雨林         rainforest 热带风暴         tropical storm 城市垃圾         urban refuse 无铅汽油         unleaded gas 残余物          residue 释放           release 保护自然栖息地      protect natural habitats 淡水资源         freshwater resource 积雪           firn 冰河时期         ice age 里氏           Richter Scale 世界环境日     World Environment Day(June 5) 动物学          zoology 分水岭          watershed 废物处理         waste disposal 沼气           marsh gas,methane 地中海的         Mediterranean 霉菌           mold 温泉           hotspring 草地           grassland 温带气候         temperate 大陆气候         Continental climate 暧温带         the warm temperature zone 亚热带气候的       sub-tropical 高原气候         plateau 海洋性气候        Maritime 赤道气候         Equatorial 高山气候         Mountains 寒温带          the cool temperature zone 环保产品       environment-friendly products 白色污染         white pullution 综合整治        comprehensive improvement 三峡工程         Three Gorges Project 天然牧场         natural grazing ground 青藏高原         Qinghai-Tibet plateau 绿色能源         green energy resources 资源消耗         resource degradation 污染指数         pollution index 气象学          meteorology 珍稀濒危物种       rare or endangered species 雾            fog 冰雹           hail 雷            thunder 霜            frost 季风           monsoon 生活污水         domestice sewage 无公害蔬菜        green vegetable 环保意识         environmental awareness 闪电           lightning 天气预报         weather forecast 雪崩           avalanche 海市蜃楼         mirage 虹            rainbow 风级           wind scale 风力           wind force 风带           wind belt 阵风           gust 信风           trade winds 旋风           whirlwind 大风           gale 海风           sea breeze 气压表          barometer 气团           air mass 相对湿度         relative humidity 珊瑚礁          coral reefs 海水淡化         sea water desalinization 渔业资源         fishing resources 厄尔尼诺效应       El-Nino effect 海藻           seaweed 放射性衰变        radioactive decay 生态农业         eco-agriculture 悬浮颗粒物        suspended particles 环境恶化         environmental degradation 气象台         meteorological observatory 温度表          thermometer 风向标          wind vane 同步气象卫星   synchronous meteorological satellite 阴天           overcast 转晴           clear up 1.我们必须加强对耕地、水、树林、草原、矿产、海洋、生物等资源的管理和保护,实行资源有偿使用 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,促进资源的节约与合理利用。我们要严格控制和治理污染,加快重点地区和重点流域污染的治理,公布大城市环境质量监测指标。 We must tighten ontrol over and protection of arable land,water,forests,grasslands,and mineral,sea and biological resources.We should institute a system of paid use.We should stictly deal with and control pullution and speed up pollution treatment in major regions and river valleys.We should publish standards for mnitoring environmental equality in large cities. 2.我们必须正确处理发展经济同人口、资源、环境的关系,合理开发和综合利用资源。我们要努力保护和改善生态环境,使经济发展既满足当代人的需要,又造福于子孙后代。 We must correctly handle the ralationships between economic development on the one hand,and population growth,natural resources consumption and the environmental protection on the other.We should exploit our natural resources more rationally and make use of them in an integrated manner.We should do our best to protect and improve our ecological environment,so as to ensoure that our economic development will not only meet the current needs of this generation,but benefit future generations. 3.几个世纪以来,人类为了获得木材一直无情地砍伐树木,直到现在,原始森林几乎所剩无几。几年前在中国发生的20世纪最大的洪水表明,破坏森林是这场灾难的主要原因。原始森林能充当我们的保护者,成为我们的工厂和朋友。 For centuries,man has been mercilessly cutting trees for wood until few virgin torests are left.The biggest floods of the 20th century,which occurred a few years ago in China,showed that destruction of forest is mainly responsible for disaster.Virgin forests can be our guardians,our factories,and friends. 4.人们通过气体和烟雾污浊空气,用化学物质以及其它物质污染水质,还用大量的化肥及杀虫剂破坏土壤。 Man dirties the air with gases and smoke,poisons the water with chemicals and other substances and damages the soil with too many fertilizers and pesticides. 5.环境污染是当今人们所面临的一个非常严重的问题。被严重污染的空气将引起各种疾病,甚至死亡。被污染的水源能引起鱼类以及其它海洋生物的死亡,被污染的土壤会减少种植农作物的面积。 Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing mankind today.Badly polluted air can cause illness,and even death.Polluted water kills fish and other marine life.Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land available for growing food. 6.水污染使得我们用来饮用和清洗的纯净新鲜的水资源不断减少,用于游泳、垂钓的水源也在减少。水的污染源主要来自工业、农场以及排水系统。工业废物每年数以千万吨计地被倾倒水中。 Water pullution reduces the amount of pure,fresh water that is available for such necessities as drinking and cleaning,and for such activities as swimming and fishing.The pullutants that affect water come mainly from industries,farm,and sewerage systems.Industries dump millions of tons of waste products into bodies of water each year. 7.同种程度的污染对不同的人影响也不同,一些空气污染对于一个健康的人只是小烦恼,而对患有肺气肿或呼吸道疾病的人来说却是生死攸关的。 The same level of pollution can also affect two people quite differently-some forms of air pollution might be a slight annoyance to a healthy person but life threatning to someone with emphysema or another respiratory disorder. 8.树木吸收有害的二氧化碳、产生有用的氧气和蛋白质、为野生生物提供食物和栖息场所、保持肥沃的表层土壤。 Trees absorb harmful carbon dioxide,produce valuable oxygen and protein,provide food and shelters for wildlife,and preserve fertile topsoil. 9.树木作为大自然必不可少的一部分,对野生生物是不可缺少的。没有树林,许多野生就会灭绝。 Trees,as essential part of nature,are indispensable to wildlife.Without trees,many species of wildlife may become extinct. 10.总之,森林是我们的守护神,使我们免遭洪灾、旱灾、以及许多其它自然灾害,帮助我们生存下去,促进我们的繁荣昌盛。 To sum up,forests protect us from floods,droughts and many other natural disasters,help us survive and promote our prosperity. 教育 小学          primary/elementary school 初中          junior middle school 高中          senior high school 大专学校        junior college 大学          university 研究生        postgraduate/graduate students 博士          doctor 全体教师        the teaching staff/the faculty 学期          term/semester 高考        university entrance examination 补考          make-up examinations 奖学金         scholarship 学费          tuition 义务教育        compulsory education 理工大学    universities of science and engineering 师范大学        normal university 医科大学        medical university 美术学院        an academy of fine arts 海运大学        maritime institute/university 辍学率         dropout rate 知识产权        intellectual property rights 知识经济        knowledge-based economy 教书育人    impart knowledge and educate people 物流          logistics 电讯          telecommunications 教学楼         teaching building 多媒体教室       a multimedia room 学分制         credit system 应试教育       examination-oriented education 素质教育     quality-oriented education/education for all-round development 创新精神        creativity/innovation 德智体美劳全面发展all-round development of moral,intellectual,physical,aesthetics and labour education 陶冶情操    cultivate one’s taste and temperament 世界观、人生观、world outlook,outlook on life and value 价值观 智商          intelligence quotient(IQ) 研究生成绩考试 Graduate Record Examination(GRE) 有识之士        people of vision 职业培训        job training 人才交流        talents exchange 学生减负       alleviate the burden on students 1.At the tender age of 13 or 14,children are selected and pushed into examination classes which will effectively decide their futures.年仅十三、四岁的孩子被强迫参加将会决定他们命运的考试。 2.Then,at the age in their lives when most of them are least receptive to learning,they are forced to sit exams where the penalties for failure are as final as death sentence. 之后,就在他们中间的大部分人处于一生中的学习接受能力最糟糕的时候,却被迫参加考试,而对考试失败者的惩罚如同死刑一般,使人永远不得翻身。 3.The system that exists today is certainly harmful to our children and therefore must be changed. 现行的教育制度肯定对我们的孩子有害,所以必须予以改变。 4.Children complain that their classes are boring,their textbooks are boring,and their teachers are boring.However,the voice of the children is rarely heard;and all too often,when they have to write,they simply wirte what they know the teacher wants to read. 孩子们抱怨课程乏味、课本乏味、教师乏味。然而,他们的诉说却几乎无人听见。当他们不得不写些东西时,他们只是迎合教师的口味,写一些教师想看的内容,这种情况已是司空见惯了。 5.For admission to any university degree course,a student has to pass qualifying examinations.In Britain,there are not enough places for all secondary school students,so these qualifying examinations are highly competitive. 要想攻读任何大学学位课程,学生必须通过入学资格考试。由于在英国没有足够的名额让所有中学生进入大学,因此,这些入学考试具有很强的竞争性。 6.欢迎各位参加“对外汉语”学习班。我们很高兴地看到,近年来世界各地学汉语者与日俱增。 Welcome to the Program of “Chinese as a Foreign Language”.We are glad to see that a worldwide interest in Chinese is increasing at an accelerating tempo. 7.对于这门拥有世界上使用人数最多、文学历史最悠久的语言来说,这股学习热潮早该出现了。 Considering that Chinese has the largest number of speakers in the world and the greatest time depth in its literature,this interest is long overdue. 8.从某种意义上说,汉语是一种很古老的语言,其最早的汉字已有近四千年的历史了。 In a sense,Chinese is a very old language,with its earliest writings dating back nearly four thousand years. 9.我怀疑孩子在这种强制性的制度下还能学到什么对国家或对他们个人有益的东西。我不相信他们会成为富有创造力的国民。 I doubt that children under this compulsory system will actually learn anything beneficial for the country and for themselves.I don’t believe they will become very creative citizens. 10.美国的MBA模式包括两年的课程。在第一和第二学年之间的暑假里,学生可以进行实习。第一年的必修课开设金融学、市场营销学、综合管理学、运营管理学和会计学等核心商业课程。 The US MBA model consisted of a two-year program.Students were able to take an internship in the summer months between years one and two.In the first year compulsory classes taught core business disciplines such as finance,marketing,general management,operations management and accountancy. 科学技术 研究所          a research institute 人工智能         artificial intelligence(AI) 信息技术        IT(information technology) 高科技园         a high-tech park 硅谷           the Silicon Valley 网络空间         cyberspace 无人、载人宇宙飞船 an unmanned/a manned spaceship 地球同步卫星a geostationary satellite;synchronous satellite 全球卫星定位系统   GPS(global positioning system) 发射运载火箭       launch a carrier rocket 多媒体          multimedia 电话会议         a telephone conference 可回收卫星        retrievable satellite 商业用卫星       satellite for commercial use 无绳电话         cordless phone 来电显示电话机      a caller ID telephone 能上网的手机       a WAP phone 手机           cell phone,mobile phone 寻呼机          pager,beeper 超导体          a superconductor 遗传工程         genetic engineering 分子科学         molecular science 科技含量         technology content 纳米           nanometer 太空生物学        astrobiology 假说           hypothesis 地质学          geology 气象学          meteorology 植物学          botany 微生物学         microbiology 量子力学         quantum mechanics 海洋学          oceanography 生物化学         biochemistry 航天技术         space technology 天文学          astronomy 地震学          seismology 生态学          ecology 环境科学         envionmental science 考古学          archaeology 公式           formula 方程式          equation 定理           theorem 定律           law 生命科学         life science 细胞生物学        cytobiology 仿生学          bionics 生物工程学        bioengineering 转基因食物    genetically modified food(GM food) 胚胎移植         embryonic implantation 无性繁殖         agamogenesis 分子变异         molecular mutations 激光           laser 恒星           star 行星           planet 银河系          the Milky Way Galaxy 九大行星         9 principal planets 彗星           comet 流星           meteor 太阳辐射         solar radiation 太阳黑子         sunspot 万维网          World Wide Web(www) 网民           netizen 内联网          intranet 芯片           chip 因特网          Internet 下载           download 三维图像         3-D image 地球公转         revolution of the Earth 地球自转         rotation of the Earth 盈月           waxing moon 亏月           waning moon 天文台          observatory 射电天文学        radio astronomy 经度           longitude 纬度           latitude 天象馆          planetarium 大气层          atmosphere 臭氧层          the ozone layer 摄氏温度         degrees centigrade(C) 华氏温度         degrees Fahrenheit(F) 虚拟现实         virtual reality 在线服务         on-line service 超文本传送 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载    hypertext transfer protocol(http) 宽带网技术        broadband technology 主页           homepage 网页           web page 网站           website 界面           interface 网上冲浪         web-surfing 浏览器          browser 计算机辅助设计  CAD(Computer-Aided Design) 计算机辅助制造CAM(Computer-Aided Manufacturing) 相对论          relativity 神经科医师        neurologist 克隆           clone 信息革命         information revolution 网吧           cybercafe 门户网站         portals 终端机          terminal 电脑病毒         computer viruses 电子商务         e-commerce 黑客           hacker 高保真          Hi-Fi(High Fidelity) 三维动画       three-dimentional animation 网恋           cyber romance 程控电话       program-controlled telephone 试管婴儿         test-tube baby 干细胞          stem cell 卫星导航         satellite navigation 外星人          extraterrestrial being(ET) 外层空间         outer space 认知的          cognitive 理解、感知        perception 大脑皮层         cortex 半球           hemisphere 肌肉的          muscular 优势、统治        dominate 对称的          symmetrical 哺乳动物         mammal 组织           tissue 协调           coordinate 神经中枢         nerve center 头盖骨           brain box 脑干           brain stem 脑细胞          brain cell 神经纤维         nerve fiber 重力           gravity 美国国家航空航天局    NASA 可能性          likelihood 密度           density 1.我们要实施科教兴国的战略。科技进步是经济发展的决定性因素,发展教育是科技进步的基础。世界范围内日趋激烈的经济竞争和综合国力的较量,归根结底是科技和人才的竞争。 We should implement the strategy of developing the country by relying on science and education.Science and technological progress is a decisive factor in economic development,and educational development is the foundation of scientific and technological progress. 2.美国航天航空局早在生态环境成为众人瞩目的问题之一之前就在切实关注飞机的噪音问题。而且超音速运输工程对噪音问题比对其他任何问题都更为关注。 Long before ecology was in the forefront of many minds,NASA was genuinely eoncentrated about aircraft noise.But the supersonic transport program did more to focus on noise problem than any other single factor. 3.多媒体是计算机和视频技术的结合,实际上它是两个媒体;声音和图象,或者用现在的术语:音频和视频。 Multimedia is the combination of computer and video technology.Multimedia,really just two media:sound and pictures,or in today’s term,audio and video. 4.多媒体个人电脑需要具有比主流电脑更强的能力,多媒体个人电脑决定了主流电脑的发展。区别普通电脑和多媒体电脑的主要东西是声卡和只读光盘驱动器。 Multimdia PC needs to be more powerful than mainstream computer-at least the multimedia PC defines the mainstream.Among contemporary PCs,about the only things that separate an ordinary computer from multimedia are a soundboard and a CD-ROM driver. 5.工业制品都是由原子构成的。原子的组织结构决定了产品的性能。如果我们把碳的原子进行重组,就可以制出钻石。如果把沙的原子结构进行重组,再加上其它几种微量成分,就可以制成电脑芯片。如果把水、土和空气的原子进行重组,我们就可以制出土豆。 Manufactured products are made from atoms.The properties of those products depend on how those atoms are arranged.If we rearrange the atoms in carbon we can make diamond.If we rearrange the atoms in sand(and add a few other trace elements)we can make computer chips.If we rearrange the atoms in dirt,water and air we can make potatoes. 6.克隆是从单亲生物体上提取DNA来制造细胞或完整生命。也就是说克隆生物和它的父代有着相同的DNA。 Cloning is the creation of cells or whole animals using DNAfrom a single”parent”.In other words,the clone has the same DNA to the parent. 7.在爱丁堡克隆出另一只波利羊体内就加入了一种人类基因。从它的羊奶里将可以提取出用于治疗血友症的血凝素。在实验室里克隆的人体细胞可与人类细胞完全相配,用于治疗外伤或遗传缺陷。 Polly,another sheep clone in Edinburgh has had a human gene inserted so that it produces a blood clotting agent needed by haemophiliacs in its milk.Cloning of human cells in a laboratory could offer perfectly-matched tissue for surgical or genetic repair of humans. 8.网上聊天指的是两个或多个人之间通过计算机来同时进行的文学交流。这种交流是同步的-个人在他的键盘上键入信息,和他聊天的人在其电脑屏幕上看见信息后便可以马上回复。 Online chat refers to the simultaneous text communication between two or more people via computer.It is synchronous-one person types a message on his keyboard,and the people with whom he is chatting see the message appear on their monitors and respond almost immediately. 9.网络聊天也在其特定的专业术语。它们容易键入,使交流更快速。经常上网聊天的人使用缩略语,例如BRB意思是“马上回来”,IMHO是指“依本人之拙见”。 Chat has its own jargon.They are easy to type and make the communication more efficient.People who chat commonly use abbrevaiations.BRB,for example,means”be right back”.IMHO means “in my humble opinion”. 10. 数年前还鲜为人知的电子网络产业,时至今日已成为一个国家国民生活的重要组成部分。越来越多的网民使用人们所知道的“信息高速公路”。 The eletronic network industry,which was virtually unknown years ago,has become an vital part of a country’s national life.An increasing polulation of netizens make use of what is popularly known as the “information superhighway”. 11. 信息高速公路是一种大规模的全国范围,甚至全球范围电子通信网络系统,它集光纤电缆高速电路、金属电缆中低速电路和无线电传播于一体,可以传送任何形式的记录信息。 Information superhighway is a large-scale nationwide,or worldwide,electronic communications network system that combines high-speed channels of optical fiber cable,intermediate andlow speed channels of metal cables and wireless transmission,capable of transmitting just about any form of recorded data. 12. 用户主要在当地“因特网”服务点会费入网,便可在电脑终端机上获取有关时事、教育、科研、金融、医疗保健、气象、娱乐、购物等内容的信息。电子网络产业已经极大地改变并将继续改变我们的生活。 By subscribing to a local Internet service,a user can obtain information from the computer terminal,including information about current events,education,science reserch,finance,medical care,weather,entertainment and shopping.The electronic network industry has dramatically changed,and will continue to change,the way we live. 13. 信息技术正在从根本上改变着世界、改变着人们的居住、工作、管理和交际方式。在进入21世纪之际,全球信息革命已不是一种遥远的展望,而是一种迫近的现实。 Information technologies are fundamentally transforming the world in which people live,work,govern,and communicate.On the threshold of the 21st century,the global information revolution has become more of an imminent reality than a remote vision. 社会生活 平均寿命、平均预期寿命 the average life span/the average life expectancy 人口爆炸        population explosion 人口负增长       negative population growth 电视连续剧          a TV series 新闻节目主持人anchorperson,anchorman,anchorwoman 电视台主持人          host;hostess 礼仪小姐            ritual girl 义演          benefit/charity performance 娱乐总汇          an entertainment center 美容院             a beauty salon 按摩院             a massage parlor 桑拿浴             a sauna 追星族           celebrity worshipper 时装表演            a fasion show 保健食品            health-care food 健身运动   body-building exercises;fitness exercises 健身娱乐设施    fitness and entertainment facilities 健美热             the beauty craze 发烧友         fans;addicts;fanciers;zealots 脱口秀             a talk show 整容              a plastic surgery 音像制品       audio and video tapes and disks 隐形眼镜            contact lenses 选美比赛            beauty contest 香港小姐            Miss Hong Kong 自选商店            self-service shops 美食节             gourmet festival 烹饪艺术            the culinary art 绿色食品            green food 软饮料             soft drinks 方便面     fast-cooking spaghetti/instant noodles 黑匣子             black box 庙会              temple fair 集体婚礼        a group wedding ceremony 婚外恋         extramarital relations/affair 第三者       the third party;the third person 早恋         puppy love;calf love;cub love 养老院         a nursing home for the aged 独生子女          the only child 安乐死          euthanasia;mercy-killing 同性恋男子、女子        gay,lesbian 流动人口     transient/floating/flowing population 单亲家庭          single-parent family 挂历              wall calendar 跳槽              job-hopping 民工rural labors;migratory workers from the countryside 人际关系          interpersonal relations 家教              home tutor 身份证     the citizen
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