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托福考试托福词汇特殊背景词汇大全下载【阅读】:三篇地理,两个有地图 托福考试托福词汇特殊背景词汇大全 Student-centered a.以学生为中心的 (美国主流教学法) Interactive lecture n.互动式授课 Seminar n. 研讨会 Group discussion n. 小组讨论 Teaching assistant n. 助教 Pedagogy n.教学法 Teaching Methodology n. 教学法 Credit n. 学分 Withdraw v. 退课 GPA(Grade Point Average) n...

【阅读】:三篇地理,两个有地图 托福考试托福词汇特殊背景词汇大全 Student-centered a.以学生为中心的 (美国主流教学法) Interactive lecture n.互动式授课 Seminar n. 研讨会 Group discussion n. 小组讨论 Teaching assistant n. 助教 Pedagogy n.教学法 Teaching Methodology n. 教学法 Credit n. 学分 Withdraw v. 退课 GPA(Grade Point Average) n.平均分数 Feedback n. 反馈 Team spirit n. 团队精神 Response n.答复;(读书) 感想 Project n. 课题,计划, 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 Evaluation n. 评估,评价 Assessment n. 评分,测试,评定 Assignment n. 作业 (可数名词) Versatile a.全面发展的 Humanities n.人文科学 Fine Arts n. 美术 Liberal arts/studies n. 文科总称 Sciences n.理科 Engineering n. 工科总称;工程学 Home schooling n.在家教育 Schooling n. 学校给学生的教育 Parenting n. 家长给孩子的教育 Curriculum n.课程总称 Curiosity n. 好奇心 Creativity n. 创造力 Intrinsic motivation n. 内在动机 Extrinsic motivation n. 外在动机 Generalist n. 通才 Specialist n. 专才 Distraction n. 干扰 Teacher centered a.​ 以教师为中心 Role model n. 榜样 Original a.​ 原创的 Self-esteem n. 自尊 Self-recognition n. 自我认知 Illiterate n. 文盲 Literacy n. 对文字及技能的掌握 Single-parent family n. 单亲家庭 Enlightening a.​ 很有启发的 Botany n. 植物学 Astronomy n. 天文学 Psychological soundness/well-being /welfare n. 心理健康 Consult(ant) vt./n.咨询 Learn things by rote 死记硬背 Test-oriented education 应试教育 Misbehavior/ mischief n. 不遵守纪律 Theoretical knowledge 理论知识 Bilingual a.​ 双语的 Monolingual a.​ 单语的,只用一种语言的 Field of study 研究领域 Secondary school 中学 Assign homework 布置作业 Attend a summer camp 参加夏令营 Attend classes 上课 Attend college/university 上大学 Be competent in 在…方面有能力,胜任 Expand one’s knowledge 扩展知识 Earn a credit 获得学分 Develop expertise in 培养…专长 Career preparation 职业准备 Be/get involved in outdoor activities 参于户外活动 Compulsory subjects 必修课程 Use/update school facilities 使用/更新学校设施 Orientation course 新生引导课程 Real life experience 现实生活经验 Put a priority on 优先考虑 Learn by oneself 自学 Promote creative thinking 促进创造性思维 Pursue one’s individual interest 追求个人兴趣 Prevent school violence 阻止学校暴力 Optional subjects 选修课 Offer an educational opportunity 提供一个教育机会 Make a change in 做一个改变 Major in 主修 Have a diploma in 获得…学位 Have a strong impact on 对…重要的影响 Graduate from school 毕业 Feel peer pressure 感到来自同龄人的压力 Extracurricular activities 课外活动 Go through puberty 经历青春期 Gain updated information 获得最新信息 Private school 私立学校 Increase the education budget 增加学校预算 Media TV commercials n.电视商品广告 Dependable/trustworthy a.可靠的 Brand/designer clothes 名牌服饰 Coverage n. 报道 Journalists n. 记者 Reporter n. 记者 Informative n. 信息量大的 Entertaining a.娱乐性强的 Commodity n. 商品 Commercialized a.商业化的 Privacy n.隐私 Ratings n.收视率 Go viral 在网络上走红 The press n. 新闻界 Icon n. 偶像(Idol )、象征(Michael Jordan ) Poster n. 海报 Censor n. 审查 Paparazzi n. (集体名词)狗仔队 Groupies n. (多半指女孩)追星族 Billboard n. (美)大幅广告牌 Quiz show 有奖竞猜节目 Reality show 真人秀节目 Sitcom 情景喜剧 Soap opera 肥皂剧 Current affairs The print media 印刷媒体 The electronic media 电子媒体 Variety show 综艺节目 News outlets 报道新闻的媒体 Excessive violent and pornographic contents 过多的暴力与色情内容 Fraudulent a.诈骗性的 False/bogus a.虚假的 Report sth. in graphic details 报道非常详尽的细节 Objective and balanced 公正客观的 Violate/intrude on/infringe on someone’s privacy 侵犯隐私 Tarnish (or sully/ smear/ besmirch ) one’s reputation 毁坏某人的名誉 Cover up/gloss over/ whitewash v.掩盖 Celebrities/ Celebrity n. 名人 Factual accounts 如实的描述 Scrutinize v. 监督/ 仔细检查 Code of ethics 道德准则 Ubiquitous/prevalent a.无处不在的 The glitz and glamour (明星的)光环 Gossip n. 八卦 Fabricated a.捏造的 Family and friends Considerate a.体贴的,体谅的 Show consideration 体现关心 Mutual respect 相互尊重 Be dedicated to 致力于 A position of trust n. 信任 a breach of trust, a lack of trust place, put | build (up), develop | earn, gain, win | abuse, betray trust Be committed to 致力于 Be emotionally attached to 情感上依附于…… Be hospitable to 对…友好 Be isolated from 孤立于 Build social skills 培养社会技能 Feel an attraction to 感觉被…吸引 Feel secure 感觉安全 Follow in one’s footsteps 效仿某人 Form public opinion 形成舆论 Form an organization 建立组织 Support n.支持express, pledge, reaffirm, show, bolster, broaden, build (up), increase, strengthen support Have a sense of community 有社区意识 Have a tendency to 倾向于… Have high standards 高标准 Improve public transportation 改善公共交通 It is generally agreed that… 普遍认同 Keep an eye on 照看,留心 Keep something in mind 牢记在心 Keep up with 跟上 Live in a suburban area 住在郊区 Make a contribution to 为…做贡献 Participate in community activities 参加社区活动 Pass on one’s values to 传递某人的价值观 Pledge loyalty to 宣誓对…效忠 Leadership n.领导能力assume, take on/over leadership charismatic(有魅力的), dynamic(有活力的), visionary(有远见的) leadership Decision n. 决定 crucial, fateful, important, key, landmark (law), major, momentous decision arrive at, come to, make, reach a decision Judgment n.判断力 prudent, professional, sound judgment display, show | rely on | respect, trust one’s judgment Economy Economic recession 经济危机 Pay back a loan 偿还贷款 Return corporate profits to society 将企业盈利回报给社会 Start (up) a business 创业 Work overtime 超时工作,加班 Work part-time 兼职工作 Minimize one’s cost of living 减少个人生活开始 Meet the qualifications 合格 Make up a loss 弥补损失 Make ends meet 收支平衡 Make a profit 从…中获利 Working environment 工作环境 Investment n. 投资excellent, profitable, sound, successful, wise, worthwhile investment In the line of duty 在履行职责时 Have a positive attitude towards 对…持有积极的态度 Have a market share of 拥有市场占有率 Leave one’s job 离职 Get a refund on 获得…退款 Get a promotion 升职 Feel a sense of accomplishment 有成就感 Go bankrupt 破产 Enter the workforce 就业 Encourage competition 鼓励竞争 Develop interpersonal skill 建立人际关系 Discourage productivity 生产力下降 Complain in writing/person 写信/亲自投诉 Compensate for 赔偿 Economy n. 经济 增长的-booming, buoyant, dynamic, healthy, sound, stable, strong economy 下降的-depressed, flagging, fragile, stagnant, weak economy build, rebuild,control, handle, manage, manipulate, operate, regulate, run, develop, expand economy Be on the market 出售,上市 Be in great demand 需求旺盛 An increase in population 人口增长 A defective product 次品 Work Competitive a.竞争激烈的 Excel in… 在…方面出众 Blue-collar 蓝领/工人 White-collar 白领/脑力劳动的人 Negotiation n.谈判 Technique n. 做事的方法或技能 Triumph n.胜利 Industrious n.工作勤奋的 Constructive a.建设性的 Stressful a.有压力的 Exhausting a.令人精疲力竭的 Heavy workload 大工作量 Upgrade v./n.升级 Colleague n.同事 Co-worker n.同事 Staff morale 员工的工作热情 Feasible a.可行的 Time-consuming a.消耗时间的 Compromise n.& v. 妥协 Sacrifice n.& v. 牺牲 Delegation of responsibility 责任分配 Psychological strain 心理压力 Layoff/downsizing n.裁员 Conscientious a.尽职尽责的,认真勤奋的 Approach n.途径 Recruit v.招聘 Stiff/fierce competition 激烈的竞争 High-caliber a.高水准的 Enthusiastic a.有热情的 Nuisance n.讨厌的人或东西 Self-expression n. 自我 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达 Self-image n. 自我印象,对自我的评价 Self-esteem n. 自尊 Contentment n. 满足,满意 A job description 职位描述 Career n.职业 long | brief, short | brilliant, distinguished, glittering, good, great, successful career build, carve out, have, make, pursue boost | abandon, give up | cut short, end, ruin, wreck career Boss someone around 指使某人 Obtain an entry-level position 获得最基层的职位 Teleconference/teleconferencing n. 远程会议 Success Determination n.决心absolute, gritty(刚强的), ruthless(残酷的), single-minded determination be full of, have,express, signal determination Motto n.座右铭 Charismatic n.有魅力的,有感召力的 Blunder n.重大的过失,过错 Well-thought-out a.深思熟虑的 Adhere to 坚持 adhere to principles, rules, a diet Status symbol 身份和地位的象征 Obscure a.不知名的,默默无闻的 Be adept in 擅长于 Insurmountable a.不可逾越的 Decisive a.决定性的,有决断力的 Setback n.挫折,阻碍 Upward mobility 个人通过自身的努力获得更高的社会地位 Have a yearning/longing/craving for sth. 很渴望得到… Adversity/hardship n.逆境 Coveted a.令人垂涎的,很多人都想得到的 Endorse v.赞同,认可,支持 Undertaking/endeavor n.任务,事业,工作 Tenacity/ perseverance n.坚持不懈 Attitude n. 态度 Succeed in sth. 在某方面成功 Disabled a.残疾的 Probability n.概率 Misfortune n.不幸 Reputation n.名声 Prestige n.声望 Fame n.名望 Adaptable a.适应能力强的 Despair n. & vi.绝望 Glorious a.辉煌的 Established a.有一定成就的 Chance/opportunity n. 机会fair, good, great, ideal, wonderful chance of … give sb, offer (sb), provide (sb with) | deny sb a chance of … grab, grasp, jump at, seize, take the chance of … Connection n.联系,(熟人)关系 build/make /establish social connection Profession/occupation n.职业,工作(formal) Work ethic 职业道德 Professionalism n.专业水准 Expertise n.专家,专业素养 Workplace n.工作单位 Entrepreneur n.企业家 Enterprising a.事业心强的 Daunting/formidable (task/undertaking) a.艰巨的 Sleep-deprived a. 睡眠严重不足的 Job satisfaction 工作满意度 Stability n. 稳定性 Nerve-racking a.给人精神压力很大的 Stress-induced disease 和压力有关的疾病 Gratification n.满足感 Collaborate(with) v.合作 Self-employed n. 自雇的 Personnel n. 人员,员工 Competent a.​ 有竞争力的 Flawless a.​ 完美的 Insomnia n. 失眠 (insomniac) Workaholic n.工作狂 Incentive n. 激励物 Solidarity n. 团结 Unity n. 一致 Demanding a.苛刻的 Compensation n.薪酬 Whine v.抱怨 Fringe benefits/employee benefits 员工福利 Compulsive a.偏执的 Etiquette n.礼仪 Collaboration n.合作 Hectic a.超级忙碌的 Government Abolish v.废除(法律,制度等) Implement v.实施 Legalize v.使合法化 Priority n.优先权 Establish v.建立 Alleviate v.减轻 The authorities 当局 Forbid/prohibit 禁止 Legislation n. 法律,法规 Tax revenue 税收收入 Democratic 民主的 Efficient a.效率的 Optimize the distribution of resources 最优资源分配 Stability n.稳定 Combat/tackle/resolve/address/grapple with v.解决 Stringent a.严格的 Short-sighted a.​ 短视的 Expenditure n.支出,花费 Social security 社会保险 Citizens/the citizenry 公民,老百姓 Regulate/monitor/oversee v. 规范,管理 Strictly prohibit/ban altogether 严禁 Mandatory/compulsory a.强制性的 Scrutiny n.监督 Allocate money to sth. 为…拨款 budget n. 预算 The government spending/expenditure 政府开支 Curtail v. 消减 Augment v. 增加 Give priority to 当务之急 Duty/responsibility/obligation n.责任 Arms race 军备竞赛 Self-defense n.自卫 National security/homeland security 国土安全 Short-sighted policy 缺乏远见的政策 A vicious circle 恶性循环 Rules and regulations 规章制度 Space race 太空竞赛 Laid-off workers/downsized workers 下岗工人 Unemployment/joblessness n.失业 Infrastructure n. 基础设施 Public transportation/transit system 交通系统 Power grid 电网 A democratic and progressive government 民主与开明的政府 Transportation Traffic congestion 交通堵塞 Public transit 公交系统 Sky train 轻轨 Magnetically-levitated trains 磁悬浮列车 Reckless driving 不负责任的开车 Culprit/offender n.冒犯者 Traffic volume/volume of traffic 交通量 Soar v. 激增 Packed/crowded/sardine-packed a.拥挤的 Population explosion/boom 人口激增 Impose higher taxes on 提高征税 Pedestrian n. 行人 Fine v.&n.罚款 limo n.加长轿车(limousine ) Metropolitan a.​ 大都市的 n. metropolis Overcrowding n. 过度拥挤 Collision/car accident n. 撞车 Density of population 人口密度 Overpass n. 立交桥,天桥 Underpass n. 地下过街通道 Internal combustion engine n. 内燃机 Petrol-driven a.​ 汽油驱动的 Hydrogen-driven a.​ 以氢气为动力的 Chaotic a.​ 混乱的 Environment Pollutant n. 污染物 Minimize v.尽可能减少,最小化 Dump v. 倾倒 Recycle v. 循环使用 Irrigation n.灌溉 Inhabit v. 居住于… Conserve v. 节约使用 Preserve v. 保护 Reuse/recycle v. 再利用 Pollute/contaminate v. 污染 The ecosystem 生态系统 Eco-friendly a.​ 有利于环保的 Environmental degradation/deterioration 环境恶化 Local resident/local inhabitants 当地的居民 Ultraviolet(UV) rays 紫外线 Skin cancer 皮肤癌 Sunscreen n.防晒霜 Poisonous/toxic a.有毒的 Immune system 免疫系统 Disposable a.​ 一次性的 Inhale v. 吸入 Adverse effects 负面影响 Sandstorm n.沙尘暴 Deforestation 砍伐森林 Biodegradable 可以生物降解的 Joint effort/concerted effort 联合的,协调一致的努力 The international community 国际社会 Ozone layer 臭氧层 Put a strain on… 对..形成压力 Environmentally-conscious a.​ 有环保意识的 Irreversible a.​ 不可逆的 Chemical reactions 化学反应 Tranquil and severe 安静的,宁静的 Limited/finite natural resources 有限的自然资源 Alternative energy 替代性能源 Packaging n. 商品包装的总称 Carbon dioxide emission 二氧化碳排放 Exhaust fumes 汽车尾气 Acid rain 酸雨 Glacier n. 冰川 Discharge v.排放(污染物) Sustainable development 可持续发展 Conserve v. 节约 Vegetation n. 植被 Photosynthesis n. 光合作用 Solar energy n. 太阳能 Go green 提倡大家环保的宣传语 Caution n.&v.警惕 Chemical fertilizer 化肥 Pesticide n.杀虫剂 Radiation n. 辐射 Ecological balance/equilibrium 生态平衡 Renewable resources 可再生资源 Non-biodegradable garbage 白色污染产生的垃圾 Condemn rather than condone sth. 谴责而不是纵容 Fertile soil 肥沃的土壤 Infertile soil 贫瘠的土壤 Arable land/farmland n. 耕地
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