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中英文绩效审计nullnullnull 1. 政府审计机关 Government Audit Department 2. 内部审计机构 Internal Audit Department 3. 社会审计组织 Social Audit Organizations 一、谁履行审计职责? WHO IS ACCOUNTABLE FOR AUDIT? null1. 政府审计机关 Government Audit Department 按照《中华人民共和国宪法》要求,县级以上人民政府设立审计机关 Accountin...

nullnullnull 1. 政府审计机关 Government Audit Department 2. 内部审计机构 Internal Audit Department 3. 社会审计组织 Social Audit Organizations 一、谁履行审计职责? WHO IS ACCOUNTABLE FOR AUDIT? null1. 政府审计机关 Government Audit Department 按照《中华人民共和国宪法》要求,县级以上人民政府设立审计机关 Accounting to the Constitution of People’s Republic of China, audit departments should be set up in governments above country level 现有审计机关格局构成如下: Current structure of the audit departments in China are as follow:一、谁履行审计职责? WHO IS ACCOUNTABLE FOR AUDIT? null 一、谁履行审计职责? WHO IS ACCOUNTABLE FOR AUDIT? 一、谁履行审计职责? WHO IS ACCOUNTABLE FOR AUDIT?2.内部审计机构 Internal Audit Department 六种组织模式 Six Structure Models (a) 隶属于高管层 Subject to Senior Management (b) 隶属财务部门 Subject to Financial Department (c) 与纪检监察合署办公 Co-ordinate with Discipline Inspection and Supervision Departmentnull(d) 通过审计委员会由董事会和高管层双重领导 Dual control by the Board of Directors and Senior Management via Audit Committee (e) 垂直管理 Vertical Management (f) 高管层与监事会双重领导 Dual control by Senior Management and Supervisory Committee null监事会 Supervisory Committeenull英美模式股东大会 Shareholders’ General Meeting董事会 Board of Directors高级管理层 Senior Management经营部门 Operations Dept 审计委员会 Audit Committee内审部门 Internal Audit Deptnull德日模式null例一: 中国石化集团公司 在总部设立独立审计机构---审计局(部),受总经理(董事长)领导,集团及所属企业配备专职审计人员2,000余人; Example 1: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Independent internal audit department is set up at the headquarters. The audit department reports to the General Manager (Director). More than 2,000 Audit Specialists work in the corporation and the subsidiaries. null例二: 国家电网公司,推行总审计师 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,设置独立的审计机构---审计部,并在东北、华北、华东、华中、西北设立了5个审计派出机构,所属企业设置了451个独立的审计机构,配备2000余名审计人员; Example 2: State Grid Corporation of China Implement the policy of Chief Audit Executive. Setup independent audit mechanism in the audit dept Established 5 audit offices in Northeast China, North China, East China, Central China, Northwest China Set up 451 independent audit offices among the corporation’s subsidiaries with more than 2,000 Audit Specialists null例三:中国第一汽车集团公司 设有独立的内审机构---审计室,接受集团公司总经理领导,日常业务工作在公司审计委员会的指导下开展。 Example 3: China FAW Group Corporation The corporation has an independent audit mechanism – audit office, which is under the leadership of General Manager. Day-to-day business operation is supervised by the Audit Committee. null全面风险管理体系-三位一体风险管理架构 COMPREHENSIVE RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM – 3 in 1 RISK MANAGEMENT STRUCTUREnullnull内部审计是公司治理体系中的重要组成部分 Internal Audit is the most important component of a corporate governancenull审计委员会 & 法规主任 Audit committee & Law Compliance Director各所属单位 All Units … …审计监察部 Audit Supervisory Dept 各所属单位 All Units null综合审计处内控审计处经营审计处工程审计处北 京 分 部天 津 分 部河 北 分 部山 西 分 部内 蒙 古 分 部辽 宁 分 部吉 林 分 部黑 龙 江 分 部山 东 分 部河 南 分 部向北方10省(区、市)分公司 分别派驻10个审计分部、38个大区审计处上 海 分 部广 州 分 部西 安 分 部重 庆 分 部审 计 一 处审 计 二 处. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * 审 计 处* * 审 计 处. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 向南方21省(区、市)通信分公司 分别派驻4个大区审计分部 中国网络通信集团公司中国网通(集团)有限公司审计部信息系统审计处在上市公司设立独立的审计部,审计部下设5个处室,14个区域和省级分部,38个地市大区审计处 审核委员会办公室设在审计部审核委员会办公室null中国网通(集团)有限公司 审计部派驻审计分部按照审计计划安排主体汇报工作派驻大区审计处实行派驻制或派出制管理行政 领导业务 领导驻地公司对审计部负责人任免、薪酬及绩效核实行双重管理 向董事长、审核委员会、CEO和公司管理层报告工作董事会 审核委员会业务指导监督公司管理层 (CEO分管)行政 领导对派驻审计机构负责人任免、绩效考核实行双重管理null 3.社会审计组织 SOCIAL AUDIT ORGANIZATION 会计师 总会计师汇报材料会计师培训协议范本会计师求职简历模板司法会计鉴定工作底稿高级会计师评审表模板 事务所,接受中国注册会计师协会领导 The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA) In China, Accounting firms are governed by the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA) CICPA二、审计什么? What do we audit?二、审计什么? What do we audit?见下面案例分析思考问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 Case studynull粤海铁路私分资金案 五条蛀虫私分国资人民币657万元 粤海公司5名领导成员集体私分国有资产的腐败案件,是在国家审计机关第14次审计时才被揭开的。 Five senior officers from Yue Hai Railway stole 6,570,000 Yuan worth of company assets. It had not been revealed until the 14th Government audit.null**null**null 提问 Questions: 1.该项目的审计主体是谁? Who was the audit subject? 提示:该项目资金主要来源是国债资金和开发银行贷款。 Hints: the project was funded by government bond and debts from development banks 2.审计客体应该是什么? Who was the audit object? 二、审计什么? What is audit?二、审计什么? What is audit?从政府审计看: 1.政府审计的对象 THE TARGET OF GOVERNMENT AUDIT (a) 确定政府审计对象的直接依据 Guidance to determine the object of government audit 《审计法》 Audit Lawnull (b)《审计法》第二条规定: 国务院各部门和地方各级人民政府及其各部门的财政收支,国有的金融机构和企业事业组织的财务收支,以及其他依照本法规定应当接受审计的财政收支、财务收支,依照本法规定接受审计监督。 审计机关对前款所列财政收支或者财务收支的真实、合法和效益,依法进行审计监督。null 第十六条 审计机关对本级各部门(含直属单位)和下级政府预算的执行情况和决算以及其他财政收支情况,进行审计监督。 Article 16: Audit departments oversee the budgets implementation against final account, revenues and expenditures of the other government departments of the same level and lower level government departments null (c)归纳总结 SUMMARY 政府审计的审计对象:Target of Government Audit 国家机关、事业单位、国有金融机构和国有企业Government Departments and Institutions, State-Owned Financial Departments and State-Owned Corporations 财政财务收支及相关的经济活动 Revenues, Expenditures and related Economic Activities null从内部审计看: 2.内部审计机构的审计对象 AUDIT TARGET OF INTERNAL AUDIT DEPARTMENT (a)国际内部审计师协会(IIA)的定义 国际内部审计师协会(IIA)在2001年颁发的《内部审计实务标准》中对内部审计定义如下: According to the Institution of Internal Audit’s International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, the definition of Internal Audit is: null内部审计是一种独立、客观的确认和咨询活动,其目的是增加组织的价值和改善组织的经营。它通过系统、规范的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 评价和改善组织的风险管理、控制和治理程序的有效性,帮助组织实现其目标。 Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. It helps an organization accomplishes its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.null (b) 我国内部审计协会的定义 Definition of Internal Audit in China 我国内部审计协会在2003年5月颁发并于6月1日施行的《内部审计基本准则》中对内部审计定义如下: According to CICPA’s Principles of Internal Auditing, issued in May 2003, the definition of Internal Audit is:null “内部审计是独立监督和评价本单位及所属单位财政收支、财务收支、经济活动的真实、合法和效益的行为,以促进加强经济管理和实现经济目标。” Internal auditing is an independent supervision and assessment activity designed to assure authenticity and validity of revenues, expenditures economic activities of an organization itself and its subsidiaries. It helps an organization accomplishes its economic objectives and improves management.null (c)审计署4号令的定义 2003年4月,审计署在其颁发的4号令《审计署关于内部审计工作的管理规定》的第二条中规定: National Audit Office issued an order in April 2003 - Regulation about Internal Auditing Practice, the second policy is: null “内部审计是独立监督和评价本单位及所属单位财政收支、财务收支、经济活动的真实、合法和效益的行为,以促进加强经济管理和实现经济目标。” Internal auditing is an independent supervision and assessment activity designed to assure authenticity and validity of revenues, expenditures economic activities of an organization itself and its subsidiaries. It helps an organization accomplishes its economic objectives and improves management.null(d) 内部审计客体总结 Internal Audit Summary nullnull技术活动指生产、制造、加工;安全活动指设备和人员的保护;商业活动指购买、销售、交换;核算活动指成本统计核算;财务活动指资本的筹集和运用。 Technology activity refers to producing, manufacturing and processing activities. Security refers to work safety and asset protection. Commercial activity refers to purchase, sales and exchanges. Accounting activity refers to cost accounting Financial activity refers to funding and fund management.null计划 Planning控制 Control领导 Leadership组织 Organization管理职能 Management Functionnull总体采购活动过程 THE OVERALL PURCHASE PROCEDURES null从审计实践的角度看,大多数单位审计: From the perspective of internal audit practice: 财务收支 经济责任 工程项目 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 管理 经济效益 内部控制 舞弊 专项审计或专项审计调查 Revenue & expenditureEconomic ResponsibilityProjectsnull从社会审计看: 3.社会审计组织的审计对象 AUDIT TARGET OF SOCIAL AUDIT ORGANIZATIONS (a) 社会审计的概念 Definition of Social Audit 在我国,社会审计是依据《注册会计师法》的规定,经有关部门审核批准成立的会计师事务所的注册会计师所执行的独立审计。 In China, according to CPA Standards, Social Audit is an independent audit carried out by a CPA from a registered accounting firm.null(b) 审计对象 AUDIT TARGET 《独立审计基本准则》规定:注册会计师审计是指注册会计师依法接受委托,对被审单位的会计报表及其相关资料进行独立审查并发表意见。 According to Independent Auditing Standards, a CPA audit refers to a CPA independently audits entrusting organization’s financial reports and issues an independent audit report with view of audit findings. null(c)SOX 法案要求 Sarbanes- Oxley Act requirements 302条款规定: 2003年8月14日以后,CEO,CFO要对公司报表披露质量做出承诺;按照 COSO框架的要求建立本企业内部控制框架,并使之有效运行。 Section 302: After 14 August 2003, CEO and CFO are responsible for the quality of disclosures, establish internal control framework according to COSO requirements and ensure the framework works effectively. null404条款规定: CEO要对企业内部控制框架进行描述,与COSO框架进行对比,指出存在不足和改进措施;外部审计师要测评该企业内部控制存在的状况及其有效性,提出评价报告。 Section 404 CEO is required to describe the organization’s internal control framework and compare with COSO frameworks indicating deficiencies. External auditor is responsible for testing the effectiveness of the organization’s internal control and issues audit reports. nullSupervisionCommunicationAssessmentInformationCommunicationRiskControlInformationControlEnvironmentTasknull监 督信息与沟通控 制 活 动风 险 评 估控 制 环 境作 业 活 动 1作 业 活 动 2循遵法规运营告报财务Task 1Task 2Control environmentRisk assessmentControl activitiesInformation and communicationSupervisionnullCOSO与全面风险管理体系的建立 COSO & COMPREHENSIVE RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SET UP 内控体系提升为全面风险管理体系Control EnvironmentRisk AssessmentControl ActivitiesInformation & CommunicationSupervisionOperationsLegal ComplianceInformation and CommunicationControl ActivitiesRisk AssessmentGoal SettingInternal EnvironmentSupervisionnull公司层面控制流程层面控制IT 信息系统 操作系统/数据库/网络/应用系统 公司控制环境 信息系统总体控制环境 信息与沟通 风险评估 监控 IT一般控制 信息安安全 信息系统日常运作 数据库实施与维护 系统软件支持 网络支持 …产品开发、营销与销售、承保理赔、再保险、客户服务、质量控制财务、人力等IT 应用控制 业务流程中内嵌的信息系统相关控制,以保证信息处理的完整性,准确性,有效性和访问控制。应用系统控制的例子包括: 授权 审批 职责分离 系统编辑控制 系统计算一般性内部控制结构null (D)针对不同主体的比较 Comparison between different audit targets (1)审计重点不同 Different Audit Emphasis (2)审计范围大小不同 Different Audit Scopes (3)审计要求和依据不同 Different Audit Requirements and Standings (4)审计出发点不同 Different Audit Starting Points (5)审计实质内容基本一致 Essence of audit is generally consistent三、政府审计热点及发展趋势预测 Government Audit Point and Forecast Development Trend 三、政府审计热点及发展趋势预测 Government Audit Point and Forecast Development Trend 1.对舞弊审计的关注 Attention to Fraud 2.颇具特色的经济责任审计 Featured Economic Responsibility Audit 3.正在全面铺开的效益审计 Performance Audit 4.逐渐受到重视国家经济安全审计 State Economy Safety Auditnull1.从监督评价走向增加价值 2.从财务审计走向内部控制与风险管理审计 3.不断关注舞弊审计 4.IT审计逐渐开始 From supervision and assessment to value-adding From financial audit to internal control and risk management audit Continuous focus on fraud audit IT audit comes to light加强信息系统的安全性、及时性、完整性、可靠性null传统的财务收支审计、单独的查错防弊 Traditional financial revenue and expenditure audit, separate fraud prevention风险管理和内部控制为导向的管理审计 Risk management and internal control oriented management audit转变 Transfernull 拓展业务范围,实行有偿受托服务,有助于改善企业管理提高经济效益整合审计资源,实现现有审计组织和审计对象的最佳结合,降低审计成本,提高审计工作效率From supervision and assessment to consulting serviceFocus on audit risk gradually Emphasize on strategic cooperation Concern about risk management and corporate governance
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