首页 人类整体进化梦想的历史



人类整体进化梦想的历史至爱的母亲--地球真相公布: The ancient human history has been a mystery not only to humanity at large, but also to Earth. For humanity has existed within a separate dream from Earth since the original seeding of mankind some 50,000 years ago (200,000 human years ago). It ...

至爱的母亲--地球真相公布: The ancient human history has been a mystery not only to humanity at large, but also to Earth. For humanity has existed within a separate dream from Earth since the original seeding of mankind some 50,000 years ago (200,000 human years ago). It was not until the human holographic planes were opened a little over a year ago in Earth’s global ascension that the entire human history could be assessed. It has taken much time to recompile the archives of information and history so that an accurate account of all occurrences could be available for the purposes of global ascension and human ascension alike. 远古人类的历史不仅对人类普遍而言一直是一个谜,对地球也如此。因为自约5万年(20万人类年)前最初播种之后,人类一直存在于和地球分离的一个梦想中。直到地球全球提升中,全息图一年稍多前被打开后,整个人类历史才得到了评估。已花费了很长时间来重新汇编历史与信息的档案,为了全球提升及人类同样提升的目的,而让所有发生事件的陈述精确可得。 Ascension requires an accurate compilation of all ancestral experiences and karma so as to clear the karma at any given vibratory bandwidth in order to ascend. The souls in care of the human dream had little interest in ascension; and so accurate records of human experiences were never kept. However all occurrences were still recorded in the human dream, but in a non-sequential manner. Instead of time occurring sequentially with all incidents recorded from beginning to end, records were recorded and found based upon emotional resonance. In so doing, all records of certain nature were held in one region rather than sequentially through time. 提升需要对所有祖先经历和业力进行精确整理,以便为了提升而清除任何一个给定振动带宽中的业力。照管人类梦想的灵魂对提升几乎没有兴趣,因此人类经历的精确记录从未保留。然而所有事件仍然被保留在人类梦想之中,不过是以一种非有序的方式。记录并非按时间发生顺序而让所有事件从头记录至尾,而是基于情感共鸣而被记录并发现。这么做,某性质的所有记录被持有在某个区域中,而不是透过时间而有序记录。 In human ascension, this translates into one region of the form holding all records for a particular type of experience. If the experience is excessively painful, the region can also be excessively decayed or scarred due to all of the painful records compounded on top of one another in the same part of the form. So this is for the human form; so this is also so for Earth. Earth’s most painful records are recorded one on top of another in the Middle East primarily; however there are 17 other regions equally painful, most of which are currently under the water of our oceans. 人类提升之中,这被转译进形体的某个区域,来维系某特别类型经历的所有记录。如果经历过于痛苦,则由于所有的痛苦记录被彼此层层摞摞叠加在形体的同一部分,这个地方也会过于衰退或伤痕深重。对人类形体而言如此,对地球而言也如此。地球最痛苦的记录,则主要被彼此叠加在中东地区。不过有17个其他地区也同等痛苦,其中大部分位于当前我们大洋的水域之中。 As the holographic planes were opened, the bits and pieces of human history not understood through record gathering in human ascension could be filled in. For the holograms have recorded a sequential history of every human life ever lived upon Earth. Opening these archives has therefore been very helpful, as it has allowed much that had not been known until now to become understood. In this light, Earth would like to share a recounting of human history from both a physical and nonphysical perspective. 当全息层被打开时,人类提升所收集记录中并未理解的人类历史点滴、片段,可被填补空缺。因为,全息图已经为地球上每个曾生活的人类生命都记录了一个依序历史。因此,打开这些档案是非常有帮助的,因为它允许了很多并不明了的事物到现在开始被了解。在这曙光之中,地球很愿意来分享人类历史的再次陈述,既从物质层面,也从非物质层面。 Understand that this is your history. History repeats itself unless one chooses to learn the associated spiritual lesson, and then choose a different outcome. Ascending humans are choosing to learn their spiritual lessons and create a new era of unity ahead. Earth, as a global vessel, is choosing to learn her lessons as a consensus reality. In so doing, the future is shifting now to allow for the birth of a golden era ahead rather than a repeat of the many disasters that have plagued humanity and caused falls in consciousness upon Earth. 要明白,这是你的历史。历史自我重复,直到一个人选择学会相关灵性课程并选择一个不同的结果为止。提升人类正在选择来学习他们的灵性课程,并创造前方一个崭新的统一时代。地球,作为一个全球管道,也正选择她作为一个一致实相的课程。这么做,现在,未来正在变迁以允许前方一个黄金时代的诞生,而不是折磨了人类并导致地球上意识下降的许多灾难的重演。 SIRIAN HUMAN MANIPULATIONS OF EARTH 天狼星人对地球的操控 6 million years ago (24 million human years), Arcturian humans caused an ice age in utilizing Earth to hold a group of poisons that the Arcturians required removing from their own solar system so that they could ascend. They froze Earth deliberately to assure that such toxins would release slowly. Most of the poisons prevailed although the snow melted and became embedded in the genetic structure of all living things upon Earth. One could say that such poisons along with the associated ice age caused a major fall in consciousness for all sentient species upon Earth thereafter. 600万年以前(2400万人类年),大角星人需要从其自己太阳系里移除一大堆毒素以提升,大角星人在利用地球堆积这些毒素时,在地球上导致了一个冰世纪。他们故意冻结了地球来保证这些毒素可以缓慢释放。尽管冰雪逐渐消融,但大部分毒素仍四处蔓延并嵌入地球上所有生灵的基因结构之中。你可以说,这类毒素,伴随相关冰世纪,导致了此后地球上所有生灵的一个主要意识下降。 300,000 years ago (1.2 million human years), Sirius chose to create ice shields suspended in Earth’s atmosphere to create global warming and a return out of a severe ice age. Much like a terrarium, the ice shields held enough moisture and heat upon Earth’s surface that the snow could melt and Earth could return to a tropical Garden of Eden again. There were many fresh water lakes and ponds that formed as the ice melted following the formation of the ice shields. Sirian human scientists, unaware of the poisons prevailing upon the land, seeded such ponds and lakes with fresh water varieties of dolphins and whales some 275,000 years ago and after Earth had thawed out. 30万年以前(120万人类年),天狼星人选择在地球大气层中制造悬浮的冰天,来造成全球变暖而从严寒的冰世纪中复苏。就像玻璃温室一样,冰天维系了地表的足够水汽和热量,将积雪融化,并让地球再次回归成一个热带伊甸园。当积雪融解后,地球上形成了很多淡水湖泊和池塘。天狼星科学家并不知晓在土壤中到处渗透的毒素,约27万5年前地球解冻之后,他们在这类淡水湖泊和池塘中播种了各种不同的海豚和鲸鱼。 One remaining species of a rather pure genetic inheritance to such forms of dolphins and whales is the Manatee in present time. Jacques Cousteau and his team of divers created a film about the Manatee that Mila recalls seeing upon television in her youth. The Manatee was found to be the most peaceful and gracious of underwater species. Indeed the Manatee retains a magnetic energy flow akin to the early dolphins and whales seeded upon Earth. It is through the Manatee that a blueprint has been carved for all dolphins and whales to ascend into that shall lead to a magnetic, peaceful and gentle nature that resonates with Earth. 现在,一种保留了这类鲸鱼海豚纯种遗传的物种是海牛(Manatee)。雅克•库斯特奥(Jacques Cousteau 译注:是潜水史上著名的探险家,他发明的潜水工具极大地帮助了人们对海底的探索。)和他的潜水队曾制作了一部关于海牛的电影,Mila回忆起曾在年轻时候看过电视。海牛被发现是水下最和平、最优雅的物种。事实上,海牛维持了一种与早期播种在地球上的海豚鲸鱼所相似的磁性能量流。就是透过海牛蓝图被绘制,为所有海豚鲸鱼提升到与地球共振的和平、温雅性质中。 The dolphins and whales lived within the poisons that Arcturus had displaced upon Earth, as the poisons had merged with all waterways as the ice thawed. Over time and within 100,000 years (400,000 human years), the dolphin and whale consciousness declined. The full consciousness that they had known had been lost as the poisons created genetic distortions within their brain. When a decline happens slowly and over time, it goes unnoticed. It has only been in piecing together their own genetic records that the dolphins and whales have come to understood how the eight poisons embedded in all things upon Earth affected their biology. The poisons created a slow genetic alteration in which the brain capacity declined leading to an increasing non-conscious state of being. 海豚鲸鱼生活在大角星人所弃置于地球的毒素之中,因为毒素在冰雪消融后混入所有水道。随时间过去,在10万年(40万人类年)中,海豚鲸鱼的意识下降。它们曾知的全意识已经丢失,因为毒素在它们大脑里制造了基因扭曲。当衰减随时间缓慢发生时,是不引起注意的。只有当它们自己的基因记录拼凑一起时,鲸鱼海豚才开始明白8种毒素是如何嵌入地球万物并影响其生物体的。毒素制造了基因的缓慢改变,其中大脑容量减少而带来了非意识状态的增加。 One can liken a non-conscious state of being as a part of self that splits off and is no longer acknowledged by the rest of self. The split off part of self separates as the genetic encoding associated is no longer used by the physical in the construction of future offspring. This split off part of self is also known as the “unconscious”. It is through the unconscious that the dark that have worked through in the human-dolphin-whale dream to manipulate Earth into an extinction cycle. 一个人可将无意识状态比作,自我的一部分剥离而不再被自我其他部分所觉知。这部分自我开始分离,是因为相关的遗传编码不再被身体用于构建未来后代。自我的分离部分也被知晓为“无意识”。就是透过无意识,在人类-鲸鱼-海豚的梦想之中,黑暗完成了将地球操控入灭绝的周期。 THE NATURE OF CONSENSUS AGREEMENTS 一致实相 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 的本质 Although the dolphins and whales were added to Earth, they were not a part of Earth’s consensus dream. This is an area that humans do not understand; that one cannot move species between creations and have them blend in with the souls and energy flow of another consensus reality, unless the consensus reality agrees unto it. Earth and the souls therein never agreed to embrace dolphin and whale form; nor did Earth ever agree to embrace human form. In fact, Earth did not know that dolphins and whales existed upon her as they remained in a separate dream anchored around Earth by the Sirian scientists along with the ice shields. 尽管海豚鲸鱼被加入到地球,但它们并不是地球一致实相梦想的一部分。这是一个人类并不明白的地方,就是你不能在造物之间移动物种,并将其和另一个一致实相的灵魂与能量流相混和,除非后者同意这么做。地球和那里的灵魂并没有同意来融入海豚和鲸鱼,地球也从未同意来融入人类形体。事实上,地球并不知道海豚鲸鱼生存在她身上,因为它们留在由天狼星科学家所锚定的、伴随冰天而包裹在地球周围的一个分离梦想里。 Earth never agreed to the ice shields either. Although it may have been supportive of a rapid heating up and return to a tropical wonderland, the cause of this was not understood at the time that it occurred. Earth and the souls therein thought that they must have mastered the thought-form at cause of the ice age to allow for such a rapid rise in vibration. Alas this was not so; the cause of the rise in vibration was a man-made device that turned Earth into a large terrarium. This left the souls of Earth thinking that they mastered when they had not; and a certain level of arrogance prevailed. This arrogance prevailed until through the human dream, the ice shields broke creating the oceans, and caused a rapid fall in vibration and another minor ice age. This minor ice age is the last one that most human scientists are aware of, and occurred 38,000 years ago (144,000 human years), and Earth has been thawing out from it ever since. 地球也从未同意冰天的构建。尽管它可能已帮助地球快速暖化,并回归到一个热带仙境。但带来它的原因,在其发生时并未被弄明白。地球和那里的灵魂认为,他们必须掌握一个导致冰河世纪的思想形态,才能带来这样一个振动的快速提升。唉,其实并非如此,振动提升的导因是一个将地球变成一个大玻璃房的人造设置。这让地球灵魂以为自己已经掌握而实际并不如此,于是某种程度的自负便开始盛行。自负一直盛行,直到透过人类梦想,冰天破裂而制造了大洋,并带来振动快速下降和另一个小型冰河世纪为止。这个小型冰河世纪也是人类科学家所知的最后一个冰世纪,发生在3万8千年(14万4千人类年)之前,地球自此开始一直在解冻。 However this time the souls upon Earth choose mastery of thought-form to “warm up”. In essence, Earth’s ascension began 38,000 years ago, and one can see in this that the process of consensus ascension in the third dimension is slow indeed. However it is quickening; the photonic energy available in the aura of the Great Central Sun is causing a more rapid warming of Earth than ever before. 不过到这个时期,地球上的灵魂选择去掌握“变暖”的思想形态。本质上,地球的提升开始于38000年前,你可以从中看到,第三维度中的一致实相提升的过程实则是缓慢的。不过正在加速中,大中枢太阳光环中可得的光子能量正在导致地球变暖比已往任何时候都更快。 THE ORIGINS OF MANKIND 人类的起源 Earth now understands that the Sirian scientists were creating an alternative planet to escape to in the event of a nuclear cataclysm in the Sirian solar system. Sirius was a third dimensional planet at this time in history and had yet to ascend into a star. 75,000 years ago Sirian scientists seeded the first humans upon Earth. These humans were cloned and incubated in a spacecraft laboratory. Such scientists were attempting to see if Earth could sustain a magnetic human life in the event that more Sirians had to relocate to Earth under emergency circumstances. 地球现在明白,天狼星科学家在天狼星太阳系的核灾难事件中制造了一个代用行星来逃逸。天狼星在历史上那时是第三维度行星,需要提升成一颗恒星。75000年前,天狼星科学家在地球上播种了第一批人类。这些人是被克隆的,在一个太空船 实验室 17025实验室iso17025实验室认可实验室检查项目微生物实验室标识重点实验室计划 中被孵化。这些科学家正在试验来看地球是否能维系磁性人类的生命,以防更多天狼星人在紧急情况下不得不搬迁到地球来。 Such seeded humans had 15,000 strands of DNA and limited holographic knowledge that allowed them to survive in the tropical wonderland that Earth was at the time. Many fruits and vegetables necessary to sustain such human lives were also seeded, along with a few pet “dogs” and “cats” that escaped from the space craft that continued to thrive in the wild known as the current panther and tiger kingdoms, along with wolf and fox. Such animals escaped their Sirian owners and continue to reproduce and thrive unto this day in the wild. 这类被播种的人类拥有15000股DNA和受限的全息知识,允许他们在地球那时所在的热带仙境中存活。为维系这些人的生命所必须的很多水果和蔬菜也被播种,还有一些从太空船逃逸的宠物“狗”、“猫”,它们就是所知为当今的豹、虎、狼和狐狸王国。这些动物从天狼星主人那里逃走,在野外继续繁衍兴盛直到今天。 All humans and species of plant and animal nature along with the dolphins and whales were unknown to Earth at the time of seeding. They were unknown, as they existed in a parallel dream that did not interact with the dream of Earth until a problem occurred leading to an alteration of the global magnetic field. This alteration involved the harvesting of electrical chi and the formation of a global mer-ka-ba energy patterning on the part of another group of humans that had come to live upon Earth known as the Pleiadian Anu or Annanuki. As the previously entirely magnetic field became electro-magnetic, and against Earth’s will or choice, Earth knew that she had a sincere problem. It was also at this time that Earth chose a parallel recourse to a previous problem of parallel nature known as the dinosaur, and chose to cause the “human problem” to likewise go “extinct”. 所有的人类、动植物及鲸鱼海豚,在播种时都不为地球所知。他们是未知的,因为他们生活在并不和地球梦想相互作用的平行梦想之中,直到一个带来全球磁场改变的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 产生。这个改变,包括为了支持另一群来到地球所知为昴宿星Anu或Annanuki人而进行的电性chi收割,及全球摩卡巴(mer-ka-ba,译注,灵性学堂其他篇章中也称为“大卫之星”Star of David,就是六芒星的意思)能量模式的构建。当过去的纯磁场变成电-磁性并违背地球的意愿或选择时,地球才明白真真切切产生了问题。也就是在这一时期,地球选择一个与过去所知为恐龙的类似性质问题相类似的解决方法,选择让“人类问题”同样“灭绝”。 THE HISTORY OF THE DINOSAURS 恐龙历史 Dinosaurs had come to reside upon Earth some 4 million years ago. The dinosaur species was never resonant with Earth; however a dream broadcast for their presence along with souls and genetics associated was deferred onto Earth from another parallel creation known as Alpha Centauri. The dinosaurs bred and existed only in those regions that had thawed enough to become tropical in nature, which included Earth’s then “equator”. 恐龙在约400万年以前来到地球。恐龙族从未和地球共振,然而,一个让它们及灵魂和相关遗传来临的梦想播送,被从另一个所知为半人马α星(Alpha Centauri)的平行造物送到地球。恐龙只繁衍和生存在那些足够消融并变成热带的地区,包括地球那时候的“赤道”。 The equator is not where it was at the time the dinosaurs were alive, which is why dinosaur remains are found in North America along with the Middle East and Norway. If scientists could work under the frozen tundra of the North and South Pole, there they would find the largest harvest of dinosaur remains, as this region was once upon Earth’s equator. Alas as the poles melt, humans interested in such things shall perish in the coming times of cleansing bringing an end to the use of fossil fuels, which is a good thing as they are antagonistic unto Earth as they are toxic to our carbon based structure. 当今赤道并不是那时恐龙所生活的地方,这就是为什么剩下的恐龙被在北美,中东和挪威所发现。如果科学家能在南北极厚厚的冻原下工作,他们可能会在那里发现最大的恐龙残余,因为这一地区曾是地球的赤道。不过当两极消融时,在前方的净化时代,人类对这些事物的兴趣将消失,带来对使用化石燃料的终结。那是一件好事,因为缘于对我们碳基结构有害,它们对地球是无益的。 Earth chose to allow the Dinosaurs to go extinct by creating another minor ice age. One million years ago a large enough asteroid hit Earth’s surface in the “Death Valley” region currently in California. This asteroid raised enough dust as it hit Earth’s surface to cool Earth just below the threshold that the cold blooded dinosaurs could subsist. All dinosaurs went to sleep and subsequently died in a single year period. This was a great relief to Earth as such species had become increasingly destructive and carnivorous towards the other species upon Earth. Earth was able to redirect the dream from Alpha Centauri back into space so that it could not reformulate itself again here. 地球选择去制造另一个小型冰河世纪来让恐龙灭绝。100万年以前,一个够大的小行星撞击到当今加利福尼亚州“死谷”地区的地表。这颗小行星在撞击地表时冲击起足够粉尘,冷却了地球,刚好低于冷血恐龙所能承受的极限。所有的恐龙此后进入睡眠并在一年内逐渐死亡。这是地球巨大的解脱,因为这类物种正在因对地球上其他物种肉食而更具破坏性。地球能将来自半人马α星的梦想重新引导回空间,好让它无法再次在这里重新表现。 THE ORIGINS OF THE SOLAR FALSE GODS 太阳系虚假神的起源 The humans seeded upon Earth had also been seeded with a soul group of their own to oversee life in the human dream. The human dream was an extension of a dream from Sirius that was both solar and global in nature. This dream had nothing to do with the dream of the consensus known as Earth. This dream was run by a group of 27 false solar gods imported from Sirius, only 9 of which Mila has mapped out thus far. The other 18 had remained a mystery until recent global ascension opened the solar bridge planes of reality. (See “Ownership.pdf” for more information.) 播种在地球上的人类也被播种了一群自己的灵魂群,来监察人类梦想中的生命。人类梦想是一个天狼星梦想的衍生,其性质既是太阳系的,也是全球的。这个梦想和地球这个一致实相的梦想无关。它被一群来自天狼星的27个虚假太阳神所运作,Mila到现在为止只绘制出其中9个。其他18个依然是个谜,直到最近全球提升打开了实相的太阳系接桥层为止。(更多信息请看“所有者的pdf文件”) The solar bridge is composed of planes of reality that step down the dream from your solar sun into the holographic planes that then broadcast the dream onto seven manifestation planes surrounding Earth. Such a broadcast creates all life in the third dimension upon Earth. The solar bridge planes had been manipulated long ago as Sirian scientists seeded dolphin, whale and human life; for Sirian souls were left behind with the responsibility to redirect a dream from Sirius into the solar system and onto Earth to sustain such life forms upon Earth. The solar bridge planes were modified at this time to receive such a broadcast from Sirius. 太阳接桥由从太阳系太阳梦想连接步入全息层的所有实相层组成,全息层将梦想播送到包围地球的7个显化层中。这样一个播送创造了地球上第三维度中的所有生命。太阳接桥层,在很早前、当天狼星科学家播种海豚、鲸鱼和人类生命时就已被操控,因为天狼星灵魂被留下来,负责从天狼星上重新引导一个梦想进入太阳系和地球,来维系地球上这类生命形体。太阳接桥层在那时就被调整,来接收来自天狼星的这类播放。 This modification was never with the agreement of Earth or the solar system. As such the entire presence of human, dolphin and whale life along with all other species associated with the Sirian dream is a breach of creational law; for it is not the right of any species or any creation to invade and manipulate another creator’s creation or dream. However the invasion occurred nonetheless, and the consequences of this invasion Earth and the solar system must contend with and understand along with rectify in order to ascend. And so we are doing at this time of global and solar ascension. We are coming to understand how our dream was invaded, and allowing this invasion to be healed and redirected in a manner that serves the ascent of the whole. 这一调整,从未和地球或太阳系达成协议。因此,人类、海豚鲸鱼及所有和天狼星梦想相关的其他物种的来临,都是对造物律法(creational law)的违背,因为任何物种或任何造物,都没有权利来侵入和操控另一个造物者的造物或梦想。然而,侵入无论如何发生了,这种侵入的结果,为了提升地球和太阳系而必须与之抗争、理解和调整良久。此时在我们全球和太阳系的提升之际,也正在这么做。我们正开始明白我们的梦想是如何被侵入的,并正让这一侵入被疗愈,并以一种服务于整体提升的方式被重新引导。 THE ORIGINS OF THE RED FALSE GODS 红族虚假神的起源 There were nine souls that came specifically with the red seeded humans incubated in a Sirian spacecraft 75,000 years ago. Earth considers these souls “Red False Gods”. They are false gods upon Earth as they never were a part of Earth’s dream; they were a part of a Sirian dream that was anchored around Earth to sustain human, dolphin and whale life. These false gods have come to be known as Rama, Yahweh, Thoth, Sananda, Vishnu, Solaris, Shiva, Buddha and Lady Buddha (also known as Quan Yin). These false gods originated upon Earth through the Sirian scientists who incubated human life in a spacecraft laboratory. 有9个灵魂尤其和75000年前在天狼星太空船中所孵化的红族人类一起而来。地球将这些灵魂称为“红族虚假神”。他们是地球上的虚假神,因为其从不是地球梦想中的一部分。他们是天狼星梦想的一部分,那是锚定在地球周围来维系人类、鲸鱼和海豚生命的。这些虚假神已知为罗摩(Rama)、亚威(Yahweh)、透特(Thoth)、Sananda、毗瑟挐(Vishnu)、Solaris、Shiva、Buddha和Buddha女士(也被所知为观音Quan Yin)。这些虚假神通过在太空船实验室中培育人类生命的天狼星科学家而起源到地球。 Indeed Mila recalls viewing a videotape of Ramtha long ago (who is really another name for the soul known as Rama), where the “creation of life” was spoken of through his channel JZ Knight. The creation of life was a recount of the nonphysical forces ensouling humans incubated in spacecraft laboratories and then placed upon Earth to see if they would survive. This recount however has nothing to do with the creation of life upon Earth; as life upon Earth originated billions and billions of years ago and before Earth ever exited the Great Central Sun. The recount of Ramtha was really about humans incubated in a spacecraft laboratory and then seeded upon Earth by Sirian scientists. 事实上,Mila回忆起很久前曾看过一部Ramtha的录像片(这其实是Rama灵魂的另一个名字),那儿透过其通灵管道JZ Knight,生命的创造被提及。生命的创造是非物质力量给在太空船实验室中所孵化的人类赋予灵魂,并将他们放置到地球看是否能存活的叙述。这个叙述却和地球上生命的创造毫无关系,因为地球上的生命起源于上亿万年以前,在地球离开大中枢太阳之前就被创造。Ramtha的有关叙述,其实是关于人类在太空船实验室被孵化,而后由天狼星科学家将其播种到地球上的故事。 Even though life is incubated, there must be a nonphysical force that agrees unto the life. Therefore divas, angels, genetics and souls all co-create life even if such life is under the direction o
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