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英语六级100条阅读难句 www.TopwayEnglish.com 第一章 非谓语动词结构 分 词 1. Primary care physicians who refuse to compromise quality are either driven out of business or to cash鄄only practices, further contributing to the decline of primary care. (09.12 Passage 2) 分析 主干院... physicians... are...

www.TopwayEnglish.com 第一章 非谓语动词结构 分 词 1. Primary care physicians who refuse to compromise quality are either driven out of business or to cash鄄only practices, further contributing to the decline of primary care. (09.12 Passage 2) 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 主干院... physicians... are either driven out of business or to (cash鄄only) practices... 淤either... or... 并列连接两个介词词组 out of business和 to cash鄄only practices袁 接在 driven之后遥于句子主语 physicians有前置定语 primary care和 who引导的定语从 句修饰遥 句末的现在分词短语 contributing...作状语袁 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示伴随 are driven...而来的结果遥 译文 不愿降低服务质量的初级护理医生要么被迫停业袁 要么提供只收现金的服务袁这 进一步加剧了初级护理服务的下滑遥 2. Ultimately we must get a handle on those issues as well, or a creature that outlived the dinosaurs will meet its end at the hands of humans, leaving our descendants to wonder how a creature so ugly could have won so much affection. (09.6 Passage 1) 分析 主干院... we must get a handle (on...) or a creature... will meet its end... 淤本句是由 or 连接的并列句袁or 表示 野否则袁 要不然冶遥 于前一分句中袁get a handle on表示野开始理解或了解冶曰后一分句中袁主语 a creature后有一个 that引导的定 语从句修饰袁outlive野比噎噎更长寿冶袁现在分词短语 leaving作状语袁表示谓语野meet its end渊玩完冤冶所造成的后果遥 leave... to...中的不定式 to wonder作 our descendants的补 语袁wonder 后接了一个 how引导的宾语从句遥 译文 最终我们也一定要解决这个问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 袁否则这些比恐龙幸存时间还长的生物就将在人 类的手上灭绝袁到时我们的后代可能会好奇袁为什么如此丑陋的生物居然能够获 得那么多的关爱遥 3. With the dollar slumping to a 26鄄year low against the pound, already鄄expen鄄 sive London has become quite unaffordable. (08.6 Passage 1) 分析 主干院... London has become (quite) unaffordable. 这是个简单句袁句首的野with+宾语渊the dollar冤+宾补渊slumping to...冤冶作状语袁表 示原因遥 野美元兑英镑跌到了 26年来的最低点遥 冶 译文 随着美元兑换英镑跌至 26年来的最低袁 原本已经很昂贵的伦敦变得让人去不 起了遥 4. We see our kids蒺 college background as a prize demonstrating how well we蒺ve raised them. (08.6 Passage 2) 分析 主干院We see... background as a prize... 谓语部分用了 see... as...的句型袁表示野把噎噎看做噎噎冶袁as引导的介词短语作宾 语补足语遥 现在分词短语 demonstrating 作后置定语修饰 a prize袁how引导的从句作 demonstrating的宾语遥 1 www.TopwayEnglish.com www.TopwayEnglish.com 译文 我们把子女的大学教育背景当成是证明我们如何成功养育子女的奖品遥 5. As someone paid to serve food to people, I had customers say and do things to me I suspect they蒺d never say or do to their most casual acquaintances. (07.12 Passage 1) 分析 主干院... I had customers say and do... 淤句首的 as是介词袁其宾语 someone后有一个过去分词短语 paid to...修饰袁一起 表示野作为一个别人付款请我给他们上菜的人冶袁其实就是野作为一个服务员冶袁在句中作 状语遥 于谓语部分用了 have... do...的句型袁表示野请/让某人做某事冶袁省略 to的不定式 say and do在句中作宾语 customers的补语曰I suspect they蒺d... 是省略关系词的定语从 句袁修饰 things遥 该定语从句本身是个野I suspect+宾语从句冶的结构遥 译文 作为一个拿别人的钱尧伺候别人吃饭的人袁有些顾客对我说过一些话尧做过一些 事要要要我想袁哪怕是对最随便的熟人袁他们也都不会说出这样的话尧做出这样的 事的遥 6. One night a man talking on his cell phone waved me away, then beckoned me back with his finger a minute later, complaining he was ready to order and asking where I蒺d been. (07.12 Passage 1) 分析 主干院... a man... waved me away, then beckoned me back... 淤句中袁由 then连接两个谓语动词渊waved和 beckoned冤构成复合谓语遥 主语 a man后有一个现在分词短语 talking...作定语遥 于第二个谓语动词 beckoned 带有三个状 语袁一个是表示工具的 with引导的介词短语袁另两个是个是表示伴随状况的现在分词短 语 complaining...和 asking...袁而且这两个现在分词都有自己的宾语从句遥 译文 一天晚上袁一个顾客用手机通话时袁挥手让我走开袁一分钟后又用手指示意我回 来袁并抱怨说他已经准备好点菜了袁问我刚才上哪儿去了遥 7. One might well imagine little girls using exceedingly polite forms when playing house or imitating older women要in a fashion analogous to little girls蒺 use of a high鄄pitched voice to do 野teacher talk冶 or 野mother talk冶 in role play. (07.6 Passage 2) 分析 主干院One might (well) imagine little girls (using...) 淤本句是个简单句袁用了野imagine +补语渊人冤+doing冶的句型袁句中的 using... forms作宾语 little girls的补语遥 于现在分词 playing和 imitating由 or并列连接袁前面带 了连词 when袁相当于省略形式的时间状语从句袁两个分词作 using的状语曰破折号后的 介词短语是 using的方式状语袁analogous to...是形容词短语作后置定语袁修饰 fashion遥 译文 完全可以想象一下小姑娘在玩过家家或模仿年长女性时使用非常礼貌的敬语的 情况要要要类似于小姑娘尖声尖气扮演老师或者妈妈说话的腔调遥 8. As a visiting professor at the Harvard Business School in 1989, he ended his work there disgusted with his students蒺 overwhelming lust for money. (06.12 Passage 2) 分析 主干院he ended his work... 句首的介词短语 as...作状语袁表示身份袁visiting professor即野客座教授冶遥 句末的 disgusted with 渊对噎噎深恶痛绝冤 是过去分词短语袁 作状语袁 可表示伴随情形遥 over鄄 whelming lust for money野对金钱的强烈欲望冶遥 译文 他于 1989年在哈佛商学院担任客座教授袁 后来由于厌恶自己的学生对金钱的狂 热贪欲而终止了那里的工作遥 9. Meanwhile, most children are vulnerable to the enormous influence exerted by grandchildless parents aiming to persuade their kids to produce children. (06.1 Passage 1) 分析 主干院... most children are vulnerable (to...) 本句是个简单句袁谓语部分用了 be vulnerable to...短语袁to是介词袁后接名词 in鄄 fluence作宾语遥 exerted是过去分词袁 作 influence的后置定语曰aiming是现在分词袁作 parents的后置定语遥 exert influence野施加影响冶遥 译文 同时袁在他们父母的巨大影响下袁绝大部分的子女很容易被说服生育孩子遥 10. This isn蒺t the stuff of gloomy philosophical contemplations, but a fact of Europe蒺s new economic landscape, embraced by sociologists, real鄄estate developers and ad executives alike. (05.6 Passage 1) 分析 主干院This isn蒺t the stuff..., but a fact... not... but...连接两个并列的名词词组袁在句中作表语遥两个词组都有相应的修饰成 分袁修饰 stuff 的是 of 介词短语曰修饰 fact 的既有 of 介词短语袁还有过去分词短语 embraced...遥 译文 这并不是悲观的哲学沉思的东西袁而是社会学家尧房地产开发商和广告主管都欣 然接受的欧洲新的经济现象中的一个事实遥 不定式 11. Remove the pressure for primary care physicians to squeeze in more patients per hour, and reward them for optimally managing their diseases and practicing evidence鄄based medicine. (09.12 Passage 2) 分析 主干院Remove the pressure... and reward them for... 淤本句由 and并列连接的两个祈使句构成遥 于前一个祈使句中袁 不定式短语 to squeeze...渊往每个小时的时间里塞更多的病人冤作定语袁修饰 the pressure袁该不定式的逻 辑主语由 for引导遥 后一个祈使句中袁介词 for...表示原因袁后面接了两个动名词短语 managing...和 practicing...遥 译文 要解除初级护理医生在单位时间内多看病人的压力袁并对那些能很好控制疾病和 实践循证医疗的医生给予嘉奖遥 12. But economists say families about to go into debt to fund four years of partying, as well as studying, can console themselves with the knowledge that college is an investment that, unlike many bank stocks, should yield huge 2 3 www.TopwayEnglish.com www.TopwayEnglish.com dividends. (09.6 Passage 2) 分析 主干院... economists say (families... can console themselves with...) 淤say后面的 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 都是 say的宾语遥 该宾语从句的主语是 families袁其后有一个不 定式短语 to go...修饰曰不定式 to fund...作前一个不定式 to go into debt的目的状语曰as well as 相当于一个并列连词袁连接 partying和 studying遥 于knowledge后的 that从句作 其同位语袁说明野该知识冶的具体内容曰an investment后的 that引导的是定语从句袁从句 的主语和谓语被插入成分 unlike...分隔开了遥 译文 不过经济学家说大学是一项投资袁而且和许多银行股票不同的是袁这项投资可以 带来巨大的红利袁打算举债来提供 4年狂欢和学习资金的家庭在知道这一点之后 可以有所安慰了遥 13. Sustainable development is applied to just about everything from energy to clean water and economic growth, and as a result it has become difficult to question either the basic assumptions behind it or the way the concept is put to use. (08.12 Passage 1) 分析 主干院Sustainable development is applied to just about everything... and... it has be鄄 come difficult to question... 淤and连接两个并列的分句遥 于前一个分句用了 apply... to...句型的被动结构袁表 示野渊人们冤把可持续发展渊的概念冤应用于几乎所有事情上冶袁to 的宾语是 everything袁后 面有一个 from... to...的介词短语作 everything的定语遥 盂后一个分句用野it +系动词+ adj.+to do冶句型袁不定式作主语袁it是形式主语曰动词 to question有两个由 either... or... 引导的宾语 assumptions和 way袁way后面还有一个省略关系词的定语从句修饰遥 译文 可持续发展几乎被应用在所有的事物上袁从能源尧洁净水到经济发展袁因此很难对 其背后的基本假定和该理念的应用方式加以质疑遥 14. We蒺re pushing our kids to get good grades, take SAT preparatory courses and build r佴sum佴s so they can get into the college of our first choice. (08.6 Passage 2) 分析 主干院We蒺re pushing our kids to... (so they can get into...) 主句部分的三个并列的动词不定式渊to get..., take... and build...冤作宾语 our kids 的补语遥 so引导目的状语从句袁说明野我们逼迫孩子冶做种种事情的目的遥 译文 我们逼孩子考高分尧参加 SAT考前辅导班尧写简历袁从而能让他们进入我们首选的 学校遥 15. Unfortunately, few of us have much experience dealing with the threat of terrorism, so it蒺s been difficult to get facts about how we should respond. (06.12 Passage 1) 分析 主干院... few... have much experience..., so it蒺s been difficult to get... 淤so是个并列连词袁连接两个分句袁表示因果关系遥 于前一个分句的谓语用了 have experience doing...句型袁表示野有做噎噎的经验冶遥 盂后一个分句用了野it is+形容 词+不定式冶句型袁it 是形式主语袁真正的主语是不定式 to get facts...曰句末的 about...是 介词短语作定语修饰 facts袁about的宾语是个 how引导的名词性从句遥 译文 不幸的是袁我们中很少人有对付恐怖主义威胁的经历袁因此很难得到我们应该如 何应对恐怖威胁的事实遥 16. By and large, I clearly had not found a way to help classes full of MBAs see that there is more to life than money, power, fame and self鄄interest. (06.12 Passage 2) 分析 主干院... I... had not found a way... 不定式 to help作定语袁修饰 a way曰该不定式用了野help+宾语渊classes冤+补语渊省 to的不定式冤冶的结构袁see作补语遥 see后接了一个 that引导的宾语从句袁该从句是 there be句型袁并用了比较结构遥 译文 总的来说袁 我显然并没有找到一种方法能够帮助满是MBA学生的班级意识到生 活不仅仅是金钱尧权力尧名声和自我利益遥 17. To defend their profits, the drug companies have warned Canadian whole鄄 salers and pharmacies not to sell to Americans by mail, and are cutting back supplies to those who dare. (06.6 Passage 2) 分析 主干院... the drug companies have warned (Canadian) wholesalers and pharmacies not to... and are cutting back supplies... 句首的不定式 to defend...作目的状语遥句子含 and连接两个并列的谓语动词构成 的复合谓语遥 前一个谓语是 warn... not to...,不定式 to sell作宾语补足语遥 译文 为了保护他们的利润袁医药公司已经警告加拿大的批发商和药房不要通过邮寄卖 给美国人药品袁并切断那些敢卖药给美国人的批发商和药房的供货遥 18. But an e鄄mail to the network from Janet Anderson, director of the EPA蒺s bio鄄pesticides division, says 野there is no record of a review and/or clearance to field test冶 the organism. (05.6 Passage 2) 分析 主干院... an email... says (there is no record...) 淤主语 email后有两个介词短语 to... from...说明该邮件的收件人和发送人袁在人 名 Janet Anderson之后还有一个说明其身份的插入语袁 作同位语遥 于宾语从句用了 there be句型袁主语是 no record袁后面的 of 介词短语为定语修饰语袁of的宾语是 a review and/or clearance袁and/or并列连接 review和 clearance曰 句末的 to field test the organism 是不定式短语袁作 review and/or clearance 的定语遥 review and clearance野审批冶遥 译文 但是来自美国环境保护局生物杀虫剂部门主管珍妮特窑安德森发给生命科学网的 一封电子邮件里说袁没有对这种有机物进行现场试验的审批记录遥 动名词 19. Make primary care more attractive to medical students by forgiving student loans for those who choose primary care as a career and reconciling the marked difference between specialist and primary care physician salaries. (09.12 Passage 2) 4 5 www.TopwayEnglish.com www.TopwayEnglish.com 分析 主干院Make primary care more attractive... 淤本句主干是个祈使句袁用了野make+宾语渊primary care冤+补语渊more attractive冤冶 的句型遥 于介词短语 by...表示方式袁后面带了两个动名词短语 forgiving...和 reconcil鄄 ing...遥 forgive 的常用意思是野原谅冶袁句中则表示野豁免袁免除冶曰reconcile表示野调和冶遥 who引导的定语从句修饰 those袁从句中用了 choose... as...的结构袁表示野选择噎噎做渊职 业冤冶遥 difference后面有一个 between引导的介词短语作定语袁between的宾语是(spe鄄 cialist and primary care physician) salaries袁也就是说袁salaries有两个定语袁specialist和 physician遥 译文 免除选择做初级护理医生的学生的助学贷款袁调和专科医生和初级保健医生的工 资差距袁以此吸引更多的医科学生选择初级护理工作遥 20. Does going to Columbia University (tuition, room and board $49,260 in 2007鄄 08) yield a 40% greater return than attending the University of Colorado at Boulder as an out鄄of鄄state student ($35,542)? (09.6 Passage 2) 分析 主干院Does going to... yield a... greater return than attending...? 淤本句是简单疑问句袁比较句型袁两个动名词短语 going to...和 attending...进行比 较袁这两个动名词都接了某个大学的名字作宾语袁所以主干的含义是院难道上 A大学能 比上 B大学多出 40%的收益吗钥 yield a return野产生利益回报袁产生收益冶遥 于括号里的 内容分别说明上两所大学的费用遥 句末 as引导的介词短语作状语袁表示身份遥 译文 难道去哥伦比亚大学渊2007鄄2008年度的学费和食宿共计 49260美元冤真的会比跨 州在博尔德上科罗拉多大学渊2007鄄2008年度学费和食宿共计 35542美元冤多带来 40%的回报吗钥 21. From offering classes that teach students how to legally manipulate contracts, to reinforcing the notion of profit over community interests, Etzioni has seen a lot that蒺s left him shaking his head. (06.12 Passage 2) 分析 主干院(From... to...) Etzioni has seen a lot (that蒺s...) 淤句首介词 from后接动名词 offering作宾语袁that引导的从句作 classes的定语曰 逗号后的 to也是介词袁接动名词 reinforcing作宾语遥 这样袁from... to...的结构就很对称遥 于主句中的宾语是 a lot袁其后有一个 that蒺s...定语从句加以修饰曰leave him shaking...中袁 shaking作补语遥 译文 从教授学生如何合法地篡改合同到强化把利润放到社团利益之上的观念袁Etzioni 看到很多令他摇头的地方遥 第二章 定语从句 22. Since December, when the report came out, the mayor, neighborhood activists and various parent鄄teacher associations have engaged in a fierce battle over its validity: over the guilt of the steel鄄casting factory on the western edge of town, over union jobs versus children蒺s health and over what, if anything, ought to be done. (09.12 Passage 1) 分析 主干院... the mayor, ... associations have engaged in a... battle (over...) 淤谓语用了现在完成时袁与句首 since引导的时间状语搭配遥 when引导非限制性 定语从句袁修饰 December渊注意袁不是时间状语从句冤遥于句子的主语是一个名词词组袁含 三个中心名词渊mayor, activists, associations冤遥 validity是野有效性袁正确性冶袁冒号后的内 容渊三个并列的 over...短语冤进一步做了详细的说明袁可以把冒号后的内容看做是 over its validity的同位成分遥 译文 自从 12月份报告发布以来袁市长尧社区活跃分子和各家长教师协会就这份报告的 正确性进行了激烈的争论院争论城市西郊铸钢工厂是否有责任袁争论工会保护职 工工作与儿童的健康之间的矛盾袁争论应该采取什么样的措施渊如果要采取措施 的话冤遥 23. But Nature is indifferent to human notions of fairness, and a report by the Fish and Wildlife Service showed a worrisome drop in the populations of several species of North Atlantic sea turtles, notably loggerheads, which can grow to as much as 400 pounds. (09.6 Passage 1) 分析 主干院... Nature is indifferent to human notions... and a report... showed a (wor鄄 risome) drop (in...) 淤and并列连接两个分句遥 后一个分句中袁介词短语 by...作 a report的后置定语袁 表示该报告的来源曰介词短语 in...作宾语 a drop的后置定语遥 于这里有好几个介词短 语袁分别修饰其前面的名词遥两个逗号间的 notably loggerheads作 turtles的同位语袁后面 有一个非限制性定语从句对这种海龟做进一步解释和说明遥 译文 不过大自然一点都不会在乎人类所谓公平的想法遥 渔业和野生动物署的一个报道 表明袁几种北大西洋海龟的数量急剧下降袁令人担忧袁尤其是能够生长到 400磅重 的灵龟遥 24. As with automobiles, consumers in today蒺s college marketplace have vast choices, and people search for the one that gives them the most comfort and satisfaction in line with their budgets. (09.6 Passage 2) 分析 主干院... consumers... have (vast) choices, and people search for the one... 淤本句是并列句袁包括 and并列连接的两个分句遥 于句首复杂介词短语 as with... 表示野正如和噎噎一样冶袁作状语遥后一个分句中袁that引导定语从句修饰 the one曰in line with...表示野与噎噎一致渊相符冤冶遥 译文 正如汽车一样袁现在大学市场里的消费者有很多的选择曰而人们会努力找到预算 内让他们最为舒服满意的产品遥 25. This is especially true in agriculture, where sustainable development is often taken as the sole measure of progress without a proper appreciation of historical and cultural perspectives. (08.12 Passage 1) 分析 主干院This is (especially) true... 6 7 www.TopwayEnglish.com www.TopwayEnglish.com 淤本句理解的难点在 where 引导的非限制性定语从句遥 该从句的结构是 (sustainable) development is often taken as the (sole) measure... without...袁用了 take... as...句型袁表示野把噎噎当做噎噎冶遥 于介词短语 without...作状语袁修饰谓语袁野在未曾适当 地考虑历史文化因素的情况下冶遥 译文 在农业领域尤其如此袁因为在该领域当中袁人们常常在未曾从历史尧文化的角度予 以适当考虑的情况下便认为袁可持续发展是衡量农业进步的唯一方法遥 26. The key will be to abandon the rather simple and static measures of sustainability, which centre on the need to maintain production without increasing damage. (08.12 Passage 1) 分析 主干院The key will be to abandon... 不定式 to abandon...作表语袁该动词的宾语是个带复杂修饰语的名词词组袁中心 词是 measures袁前后都有修饰语袁其中一个后置修饰语是 which引导的非限定性定语从 句遥 该定语从句中的不定式 to maintain...作定语袁修饰 need遥 译文 关键是要摒弃简单尧一成不变的可持续发展的方法曰这些方法的中心点是院一方面 必须保证农业生产袁而另一方面又不要增加对环境造成的损害遥 27. That is a much larger question than what should happen with undocumented workers, or how best to secure the border, and it is one that affects not only newcomers but groups that have been here for generations. (08.12 Passage 2) 分析 主干院That is a much larger question than what... or how..., and it is one (that...) 淤本句由 and并列连接的两个分句构成遥 于前一个分句是比较句袁把主语 that和 两个带疑问词的名词性成分渊一个是 what引导的从句袁一个是野how+不定式冶冤作比较遥 盂后一个分句的表语是 one袁 后面带一个 that引导的定语从句曰 定语从句的宾语是 not only... but...连接的并列成分袁其中的 groups又带有一个 that引导的定语从句遥 译文 这个问题袁比野对没有合法身份的工人应该怎么办冶尧野怎样才能最好地保证边境安 全冶之类的问题要大得多袁这个问题不但影响到新移民袁也影响到那些在这里生活 了好几代的族群遥 28. And yet there are substantial sectors of the vast U.S. economy要from giant companies like Coca鄄Cola to mom鄄and鄄pop restaurant operators in Miami要 for which the weak dollar is most excellent news. (08.6 Passage 1) 分析 主干院there are ... sectors... 理解本句时袁如果能够先撇开两个破折号中的插入成分袁就容易看出 for which引 导的定语从句修饰 sectors遥破折号中的内容是 sectors的同位语袁详细说明这些经济部门 所包含的具体经济实体渊大大小小的企业冤遥 译文 不过对于广阔的美国经济之中的很大一部分来说要要要从可口可乐之类巨头公司 到迈阿密的夫妻餐馆经营者袁美元疲软是个非常棒的消息遥 29. I蒺m now applying to graduate school, which means someday I蒺ll return to a profession where people need to be nice to me in order to get what they want. (07.12 Passage 1) 分析 主干院I蒺m (now) applying to graduate school... 主句之后 which引导的是定语从句袁 先行词是整个主句曰means后的内容是一个 省略了 that的宾语从句遥 在 means的宾语从句中袁又有一个 where引导的定语从句修饰 a profession曰这个定语从句中的 in order to get...作目的状语袁修饰 to be nice to me袁 get之后是 what引导的宾语从句遥 译文 目前我在申请读研究生袁这意味着有朝一日我会重返某个专业职位遥 在这个职位 上袁有人为了得到想要的东西而不得不对我以礼相待遥 30. For people who buy and sell companies, or who allocate capital to markets all around the world, that蒺s the real nightmare. (07.12 Passage 2) 分析 主干院... that蒺s the real nightmare. 主干之前的内容就一个 for引导的介词短语袁for的宾语是 people袁 但该名词后面 有两个由 or并列连接的 who引导的定语从句遥 译文 对那些买卖公司或在全球市场分配资本的人来说袁这才是真正让他们夜不能寐的 噩梦遥 31. It is a question that dates at least to the appearance in 1958 of The Affluent Society by John Kenneth Galbraith, who died recently at 97. (07.6 Passage 1) 分析 主干院It is a question... 句中含两个定语从句遥 that引导的定语从句修饰 a question袁 该从句的谓语逗号 date to袁表示野追溯到渊某个过去的时间冤冶遥 to 的宾语 the appearance后面有 in和 of引 导的两个介词词组修饰袁句末 who引导的非限制性定语从句补充说明叶富裕社会曳的作 者的情况遥 译文 这个问题至少可以追溯到 1958年出现的叶富裕社会曳一书袁其作者 John Kenneth Galbraith最近去世了袁享年 97岁遥 32. Meanwhile, government spending that would make everyone better off was being cut down because people instinctively要and wrongly要labeled govern鄄 ment only as 野a necessary evil.冶 (07.6 Passage 1) 分析 主干院... (government) spending... was being cut down... 淤修饰主语 spending的定语从句 that would...的谓语部分用了野make +宾语+补 语冶的结构袁形容词的比较级 better off作补语遥本句的谓语是个短语动词渊cut down冤袁而 且是过去进行时的被动语态遥 于在 because引导的原因状语从句中袁破折号间的内容是 插入语袁是对状语成分渊instinctively冤的补充遥 label... as...野把噎噎标记为噎噎冶遥 译文 同时袁因为人们本能地或错误地把政府认定为野一个必要之恶冶袁所以那些本来能 让人们更加富裕的政府花费却被削减了遥 33. But the promise is so extravagant that it predestines many disappointments and sometimes inspires choices that have anti鄄social consequences, including 8 9 www.TopwayEnglish.com www.TopwayEnglish.com family breakdown and obesity. (07.6 Passage 1) 分析 主干院... the promise is so extravagant that... 本句使用了 so... that...结构袁that引导结果状语从句遥从句谓语是两个 and连接的 谓语动词短语 predestines (... disappointments)和 inspires (choices)袁choices后带 有一个 that引导的定语从句遥 逗号后的介词短语对 consequences加以补充说明遥 译文 不过这个允诺过高了袁结果它注定了有很多失望袁有时还造成了带来包括家庭破 裂和肥胖症等反社会结果的选择遥 34. There is considerable sentiment about the野corruption冶 of women蒺s language要 which of course is viewed as part of the loss of feminine ideals and morality要and this sentiment is crystallized by nationwide opinion polls that are regularly carried out by the media. (07.6 Passage 2) 分析 主干院There is... sentiment... and this sentiment is crystallized by... 淤本句是个由 and连接两个分句构成的并列句遥 于前一个分句是 there be句型袁 主语 sentiment由 about引导的介词短语修饰曰corruption是 about的宾语袁后有两个修饰 成分袁一个是 of介词短语袁一个是破折号中间的 which引导的非限制性定语从句遥 盂后 一个分句用了被动语态袁动词 crystallize的意思是野使成为结晶体冶袁句中引申为野使明确 化冶遥 polls之后有一个 that引导的定语从句修饰遥 译文 女性语言的 野堕落冶要要要它当然被看做是女性理想和女性道德沦丧的一部分要要要 激起了人们的义愤袁通常由媒体定期主持的全国性民意调查则明确了这种情绪遥 35. This group will still include middle鄄income seniors on Medicare, who蒺ll have to dig deeply into their pockets before getting much from the new drug benefit that starts in 2006. (06.6 Passage 2) 分析 主干院This group will include (middle鄄income) seniors... 逗号后的 who引导一个非限制性的定语从句袁修饰 seniors遥从句中袁带连词 before 的分词短语 getting...作时间状语袁可以把 before理解为野然后才噎噎冶院野这些老人得先大 掏自己的腰包袁然后才能从噎噎得益冶遥 句末 that引导定语从句修饰 the... benefit遥 译文 这群人将仍然包括那些依赖医疗保险的收入中等的老年人袁这些人在享受 2006 年开始的新医药津贴的好处之前还不得不自掏大笔钱遥 36. Too many vulnerable child鄄free adults are being ruthlessly manipulated into parent鄄hood by their parents, who think that happiness among older people depends on having a grandchild to spoil. (06.1 Passage 1) 分析 主干院Too many... adults are being... manipulated... by..., who... 淤主句部分用了现在进行时的被动语态袁manipulate意思是野操纵袁控制冶遥 句子用 极其严肃的语言来讲述生活中的平常事袁有风趣幽默的效果遥 于who引导定语从句修饰 parents袁从句中的 that引导的从句作 think的宾语遥 句末的不定式 to spoil作定语修饰 a grandchild遥 译文 有太多的没有子女的成年人在他们的父母的无情操纵下可怜兮兮地成为父母袁因 为他们的父母认为老年人的快乐就在于含饴弄孙遥 37. His glowing descriptions of a classless society where anyone could attain success through honesty and hard work fired the imaginations of many European readers. (06.1 Passage 2) 分析 主干院His... descriptions... fired the imagination... 主语 descriptions有 glowing和介词短语 of a classless society 修饰袁where引导 的定语从句修饰 society遥 宾语 imaginations也有 of短语修饰遥 谓语动词 fired表示 野激 发冶袁fire one蒺s imagination即野激发某人的想象力冶遥 译文 他非常生动地描述了一个没有阶级的社会遥 在那里袁人人都能通过诚实和辛勤工 作获得成功遥 这个描述激发了许多欧洲读者的想象遥 38. The promise of a land where 野the rewards of a man蒺s industry follow with equal steps the progress of his labor冶 drew poor immigrants from Europe and fueled national expansion into the western territories. (06.1 Passage 2) 分析 主干院The promise... drew (poor) immigrants (from...) and fueled (national) ex鄄 pansion (into...) 淤主干部分含由两个谓语动词渊drew和 fueled冤构成的合成谓语遥 于where引导的 定语从句修饰 a land袁该从句是个直接引语袁语言非常正式袁有点古色古香院industry表示 野勤奋冶曰with equal steps插在动词 follow和宾语 the progress之间曰 分句的主干是 the rewards follow the progress遥第二个谓语动词 fueled表示野添加燃料袁刺激冶袁句中的意思 是野推动了整个国家向西边领域的扩展冶遥 译文 这片土地上袁野人人都有同等的机会袁付出了劳动袁就得到与努力相应的报酬冶袁这 种前景吸引了许多贫穷的欧洲移民袁并推动了整个国家向西边领域的扩展遥 39. While pensioners, particularly elderly women, make up a large proportion of those living alone, the newest crop of singles are high earners in their 30s and 40s who increasingly view living alone as a
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