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李阳标准美语发音宝典word完整版可打印李阳发音宝典(7) 李阳疯狂英语(1) 李阳疯狂英语美语发音学习 LiYang standard American Pronunciation Bible长元音 【 i:】 每日练嘴单词 chinese /extremly/feeling/agree/dream /please/ achieve/ believe/receive/conceive That movie was extremely funny.那部电影极其有趣。 I have a feeling that things are not so simp...

李阳发音宝典(7) 李阳疯狂英语(1) 李阳疯狂英语美语发音学习 LiYang standard American Pronunciation Bible长元音 【 i:】 每日练嘴单词 chinese /extremly/feeling/agree/dream /please/ achieve/ believe/receive/conceive That movie was extremely funny.那部电影极其有趣。 I have a feeling that things are not so simple. 我感觉事情并不那么简单。 I dream of becoming the best English speaker in our city.我梦想成为我们城市英语说得最好的人。 I don’t believe him.我不相信他。 I can’t conceive where he came up with that idea. 我想不出他是怎么想到这个主意的。 First conceive,then achieve.先设想,再去达成。 特别奉献 I’m glad to meet you.! 我很高兴见到你!/见到你很高兴。/认识你很高兴。 十大练嘴精品句 The Chinese are a great people . 中国人民是伟大的人民。 seeing is believing.眼见为实。 Speaking English is a piece of cake.说英语是小菜一碟。 The food here doesn't seem to agree with me. 看来这里的食物我吃不惯。 Do you happen to see the key on the seat? 你有没有看到座位上的钥匙? I see what you mean ,but i can't agree with you. 我懂你的意思,但我不能同意。 It's easier to dream than to achieve. 梦想容易实现难。 Whatever your mind can conceive and believe,your mind can achieve!只要你想得到,只要你相信,你就一定能够做到! Please feel free to call me . 请随时给我打电话。 Keep it a secret between you and me. 请保密/别告诉其他人这件事。 特别奉献 There's a nice breeze better the trees. 树林中吹来怡人的微风。 补充资料 第一节单词集中操练 1.each 2.evening 3. equal 4.east 5.free 6.complete 7.increase 8.succeed 9.repeat 10.degree 第二节 句子集中操练 1.when are you free?你什么时候有空? 2.It's my treat today.今天我请客。 3.It's a deal!一言为定! 4.What does it mean?这是什么意思? 5.He's leaving this evening.今晚他就要离开。 6.Please speak English.请说英语。 7.Please keep this seat for me.请帮我留着这个座位。 8.Is this seat taken?这位子有人吗? 9.We need to work harder.我们必须更加努力工作。 10.We're go to the movies in the evening.晚上我们要去看电影。 第三节 绕口令 1.Please keep these streets clean.请保持这些街道清洁。 2.We eat meat,peas,beans and cheese for three meals. 我们一日三餐吃肉 豌豆 豆角和奶酪。 NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH(2) lesson1 A privant conversation Can i talk with you in private?我们能私下谈谈吗? I had a very good seat.我的座位很好。(经典句) I tried to make a conversation,but he pretented he didn't see me. 我要和他说话,但是他假装没看见我。 It is none of my business whether you go or not. 你去不去不关我的事。 李阳疯狂英语(2)李阳发音宝典2文本 每日练嘴单词visit/limit/english/ticket/specific/pretty/difficulty/busy/been/build When you visit London,one of the first things you will see is BigBen. 当你参观伦敦时,首先看到的东西之一就是“大本钟”。 Please give him this ticket.请把这张票给他。 Did you have any difficulty? 你有什么困难吗? I mastered English with no difficulty. 我毫不困难地掌握了英语。 I'll be busy tomorrow.明天我会很忙。 How is your business going?你的生意(做得)怎么样? 十大练嘴精品句 Give me a minute.给我一点时间 I'm pretty busy.我很忙 A good beginning makes for a good ending. 好的开始导致好的结尾 This is a small gift.I hope you like it. 小小礼物,希望你喜欢 Your company is very impressive. 你们公司让人印象深刻。 I was lucky to miss the traffic accident. 我很幸运,没碰上这次交通事故 How long did it take you to finish this job. 你完成这件工作花了多长时间? Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成。 His intelligence is unlimited.他非常聪明 Finish it in a minute if it is not difficult. 如果不难,就尽快完成。 特别奉献 He knows a bit of everything. 他什么都知道一点 Lily lives in a big city. 莉莉住在大城市里 Business is business.公事公办 She has five projects going at once; what a busy bee.她同时做五个项目,忙得不可开交 She is always as busy as a bee.她总是很忙 He is extremely happy.他高兴极了 I mean it ,i'm serious.我说真的,我是认真的。 Please meet me here in three weeks. 三个星期之后在这里见面。 Progress begins with dreams.进步从梦想开始。 补充材料 第一节单词集中操练 business/guitar/symbol/single/consider/million/spirit/strict/physics/rhythm 第二节 句子集中操练 1.I enjoy doing business with you.很高兴同你做生意。 2.It's a pleasure to do business with you.很高兴同你做生意。 3.Is it spring or still winter?是春天到了还是仍然是冬天? 4.Can you give me a lift?你能载我一程吗? 5.Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成。 NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH(2) lesson2 Breakfast or lunch History something will repeat itself. 有时历史会重演。 I never get up early on Sundays. 在星期天我是从来不早起的。(经典句) Do you know how to look up an English word in the dictionary? 你知道怎么在字典里查找英文单词吗? No man but errs.人非圣贤,孰能无过。 He erred on the side of severity.他失之过严。 To err is human.犯错误是人之常情。 Whatever happens,you should keep cool-headed. 不管发生什么事,你都应该保持头脑冷静。 LiYang standard American Pronunciation Bible(3) 李阳征服美国英语发音 第三单元 李阳疯狂英语(3) 每日练嘴单词 expensive/remember/depend/question/pressure/ dedicate/respect/weather/pleasant/already I'll alaways remember my visit to china. 我将永远记得我的中国之行 If you want to remember english words,practice every day. 如果你想记住英语单词,你必须每天操练。 Respect yourself,or no one else will. 人必自敬,而后人敬之。 Welcome back to Korea.欢迎回到韩国。 十大练嘴精品句 Better late than never.迟到总比不到好 East or west,home is best.金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。 when is the deadline. 最后限期是什么时候? The message was very helpful。 这个信息很有帮助 I'll never forget that special day. 我永远不会忘记这特别的一天。 Fresh air and exercise are good for health. 新鲜空气和运动有益于身体健康。 Never let your parents down. 永远不要令你的父母失望。 Let's get together when the weather is better. 等天气好一点我们再相聚。 Your extra effort will have excellent effects。 你加倍的努力将获得显著的成绩。 My friend in America sent me a message that the economic forecast is pleasant there. 我在美国的朋友告诉我一个消息说那里的经济前景乐观。 特别奉献 Never forget your best friends in America.永远不要忘记你在美国的朋友。 Let's get started =Let's start.让我们开始吧。 The weather is very pleasant today.今天的天气非常好。 Don't spend every penny you get.不要把你赚的每一分钱花掉。 李阳美国英语发音教程 -李阳发音宝典4 LiYang standard American Pronunciation Bible(4)文本+视频 李阳疯狂英语(4) 每日练嘴单词 practice/passion/absolutely/challenge/exactly/ relax/exaggerate/fantastic/satisfaction/laugh This examination is a real challenge. 这次考试是一次真正的挑战。 If you buy our product,your satisfaction will be absolutely guaranteed. 如果你购买我们的产品,你一定会非常满意。 I promise to keep working until the project meets your satisfaction. 我保证会继续工作直到项目令你满意。 How long are you planning to stay? 你打算呆多久? 十大练嘴精品句 Not bad.不错. He's a handsome man.他是个英俊的男人. Don't laugh behind other people's backs. 不要在别人背后嘲笑他人. I have a happy family。我有一个幸福的家庭 If you exaggerate,you will sound fantastically American. 如果你发音夸张听起来会特别有美国味。 There's always a bad apple in every bunch. 到哪儿都有害群之马。 As a matter of fact.I think he is outstanding. 事实上,我认为他很杰出 That man has a bad habit.那个人有个坏习惯。 I am so glad that nothing bad has happened. 我很高兴没发生什么糟糕的事情。 Jack is bad at English because he has never practiced speaking in class. 杰克的英语很差,因为在课堂上必须从来没有练习说英语。 She worked in the kindergarten for ten years before deciding to move on to fresh challenges. 她在幼儿园工作十年后,终于决定换个工作,面对新的挑战。 Yesterday's report is a report card on the company after the merger. 昨天是报告反映了公司在并购后的营运情况。 Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 特别奉献 He who laughs last laughs best.笑到最后的人笑得最好。 She is exactly the right person to meet the challenge.她是迎接挑战的最佳人选。 I'll catch you later. 回头再找你 What do you plan to do after you graduate. 你毕业后打算做什么? I haven't decided yet.我还没决定。 That story has a very sad ending. 那个故事结局很悲惨。 I have never traveled to America. 我从来没去过美国。 Did you catch him red-handed?你当场抓住他了吗? Let's meet at half past ten tomorrow morning. 我们明天上午十点半见面吧。 He let the cat out of the bag.他泄露了秘密。 It's not the end of the world if you fail that test。 就算你考试没及格,也没什么大不了的。 In the summer People dress in casual clothes, like T-shirts and shorts. 夏天,人们都穿休闲服装如T恤衫和短裤。 李阳发音宝典5-李阳 美国英语发音教程 第五单元 LiYang standard American Pronunciation Bible(5) 李阳疯狂英语(5)发音宝典文本 每日练嘴单词 money/love/come/wonder/fun/lucky/such/blood/enough/trouble I had lots of fun at her birthday party.在她的生日晚会上我玩得常常开心。 Enough!I don't want to hear anymore!够了!我不想再听下去了! The little boy is cute but he's trouble.这个小男孩很可爱,但他很麻烦。 How come you look so tired?你怎么看上去这么累? 十大练嘴精品句 What's all the fuss?这一团糟是怎么回事? It doesn't matter.不要紧。 I'm just lucky.我只是运气好。 Nothing is more important to her than love. 对于她,没有什么比爱情更重要。 come see us again.再来看我们吧! Money doesn't grow on trees.钱不是从天上掉下来的。 Just shut up!闭嘴! I love it just for fun.我喜欢它只是为了好玩。 He's such a lucky guy.他真幸运。 Hurry up,Here comes the bus.赶快,汽车来了。 It's fun to run and jump in the sun.在太阳下跑跑跳跳很有意思。 Seven is my lucky number.七是我的幸运数字。 We haven't had much snow this winter. 今年冬天,我们这里降雪不多。 李阳发音宝典5-李阳 美国英语发音教程视频 mp3转 特别奉献 I study English just for fun. 我学英语是为了好玩。 When your work is done,come out in the sun and have some fun. 你工作做完了就出来到太阳下玩一玩。 She is feeling much better.她感觉好多了。 America is a multicultural country.美国是个多元化的国家。 李阳发音宝典6-李阳美国英语发音教程 第六单元 李阳英语发音宝典文本+mp3 李阳标准美语6a中元音 重读卷舌音 一、每日练嘴单词 1.早的 early 2.听到 heard 我从来没听过这么愚蠢的事情。 I never heard an anything so stupid. 3.观察 observe 4.更喜欢 prefer 5.脏的 dirty 6.世界 world 7.紧急的 urgent 8.伤害 hurt 我不会伤害你。I won't hurt you. 9.杂志 journal 10.是 were 昨天晚上我们非常担心你。 We were so worried about you last night. 二、特别奉献句:你在哪儿工作? Where are you working now? 三、十大练嘴精品句 1.人无完人。 Nobody is perfect. 2.我想做第一。 I want to be the first. 3.你应该暂停工作休息一会。 You deserve a break from your work. 4.炎热的太阳让我们口渴。 The boiling sun made us thirsty. 5.我想诅咒工作做的如此糟糕的人。 I want to curse the person who did the bad work. 6.二战比一战更残酷。 World War Ⅱwas worse than World WarⅠ . 7.我宁愿不穿这件脏衣服。 I prefer not to wear this dirty shirt. 8.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 The early bird catches the worm. 9.先到先得。First come, first served. 10.如果你不记得她生日,她会伤心的。 You'll hurt her feelings if you forget her birthday. 四、Jim最喜欢的句子 1.我从没听说过比这更糟的事情。 I've never heard anything worse than this. 2.昨天晚上我们在观看世界杯决赛。 We were watching the World Cup Final last night. 李阳发音宝典(7) 每日练嘴单词 bother打搅eager渴望together一起younger较年轻的performance演出执行concert音乐会dinner晚餐master掌握actor男演员doctor医生博士 I'm eager to learn english.我渴望学好英语。 Shall we have dinner together?我们一起吃晚饭好吗? He is a master of spoken english.他是一名英语口语高手。 特别奉献 I'd like to have dinner with you tonight.我想今晚与你一起吃晚饭好吗? 十大练嘴精品句 What's the matter with you什么事/怎么了? Don't bother me.Stop bothering me.Quit bothering me别烦我 You'd better come over now.你现在最好就过来。 The faster,the better,just try your best越快越好,尽管尽力而为。 I can run farther and faster than ever.我比以前跑得更远也更快了。 I'd rather be a writer than an actor.我情愿做作家,也不愿做演员。 We are eager to  get together again this November.我们盼望着今年十一月再相聚。 The headmaster got all the teachers together.校长召集了所有的老师。 Their performance at the concert was better than ever.他们在音乐会上的演出比以前更好。 Her younger brother is writer and her elder sister is a doctor.她的弟弟是的作家,而她的姐姐是的医生。 Jim最喜欢的句子 The population of that country suffers from hunger.那个国家的人民忍饥挨饿。 李阳老师最喜欢的句子 you should forget about going to Europe on vacation,it costs too much.你不要再想去欧洲度假了,那里花销太大了。 I'm just following orders.我只是照命令行事. Excuse me,can I bother you for a moment?要可以打扰你一会儿吗? It's quality rather than quantity that matter!重要的是质量而不是数量! 文章引用自: 李阳发音宝典(8) 每日练嘴单词 alone单独的唯一的America美国introduce介绍open打开possible可能的suppose认为设想ocean海洋famous著名的physician医生 decision决定 I’m not alone in thinking so.并非只有我才这样想。 I enjoy being alone.I like being myself.我喜欢一个人呆着,我喜欢做我自己。 Let me introduce my good friend,Adela.我来介绍一下,这是我的好朋友阿黛拉。 Isuppose you are right there.我想你是对的。 It’s a tough/difficult/hard decision.这是一个非常困难的决定。 特别奉献 I’m supposed to clean my room.我应该打扫我的房间。 十大练嘴精品句 Forget about it.算了吧! I really appreciate your help.我真的很感谢你的帮助。 That's impossible!-Nothing is impossible!那不可能-没有什么不可能的。 What brings you to china?是什么吸引你来中国的。 Allow me to introduce myself.请容许我介绍一下我自己。 I haven't made a decision yet.我还没有做出决定。 I apologize for leaving you alone.我很抱歉把你一个人留下。 China and America should work together.中美应该携手合作! What do you think of the relationship between China and America?你对中美关系有何看法? The famous musician from America is supposed to come tonight.这个著名的美国音乐家今晚应该会来。 ?/P> Jim最喜欢的句子 The famous physician had to make a tough decision. 那个著名的医生不得不做出一个困难的决定。 李阳老师最喜欢的句子 It's very kind of you to help us.谢谢你帮助我们 Call me tonight if possible.如果可能的话给我打个电话。 As a matter of fact,he’s the general manager of a big company.事实上,他是一家大公司的总经理。 混合训练 She is a very clever girl.她是一个非常聪明的女孩。 Her father is a teacher and her mother is a nurse.她的爸爸是个老师,她的妈妈是个护士。 What’s the purpose of your visit?你参观的目的是什么? The three of us will go to America together.我们三个人一起去美国。 I'm eager for an opportunity to advance in my company.我渴望在公司里有升职的机会。 She is a nervous,sensitive girl.她是个胆怯而又敏感的姑娘。 The orphan has nobody to turn to.这个孤儿没有人可以投靠。 This advanced learner’s dictionary is very helpful.这个高级学习字典很有用。 ?/P> 文章引用自: 李阳发音宝典(9) 每日练嘴单词 want想想要watch观看 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf garage车库job工作stop停止popular流行的impossible不可能problem问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 promise许诺保证 honest诚实的 Nothing is  impossible!Just try your best!没有什么不可能,只要你尝试. This is my personal problem!这是我个人问题!  特别奉献 Are you going to change your job?你准备换工作吗? 十大练嘴精品句 You're impossible!You're very difficult to get along with.你无可救药了。你很难跟人相处! I promise!我保证! Do  what you want. I don't care what you do.做你想做的,我不在乎你做什么? A promise is a promise!说过的话要算数! Try to finish the job as soon as possible.设法尽早完成这项工作。 Could you possibly help me solve the problem?你能不能帮我解决这个问题? I don't want to wait here all day. I've got a lot of things to do.我不想在这儿等上一整天。我还有好多事情要做。 My God!I forgot to lock the locker.我的天!我忘记锁存物箱了。 She got a better job in a popular fashion shop.她在一家受欢迎的时装店获得一份更好的工作。 Sorry to bother you but I want to take a day off tomorrow.很抱歉打扰你。我想明天请一天的假。 Jim最喜欢的句子 Tom and I have a lot in common.汤姆和我有很多共同点. He is full of confidence.他充满自信。 李阳老师最喜欢的句子 Please call me as soon as possible.请尽快跟我联络。 What's your problem.你有什么问题吗? A: What kind of job are you looking for?你想找什么样的工作? B:I want a job with a lot of opportunities.我想找一份充满机会的工作。 Honesty is the best policy.诚实总是上策。 Knowedge is power.知识就是力量。 The national economy is very strong now.国民经济现在非常强大。 English is becoming more and more popular all over Asia.英语在亚洲越来越受欢迎! 李阳发音宝典(10) 每日练嘴单词 far远的hard艰苦的smart聪明的charge负责argue争论large大的pardon原谅heart心guard保卫are是 I have been working hard all morning.我辛辛苦苦地干了一上午的活。 We argued for hours.我们争论了好几个小时。 We need to have a heart-to-heart talk.我们要好好谈一谈。 特别奉献 Are you making progress?你有进步了吗? 十大练嘴精品句 It takes a lot of hard work.这需要很多的辛勤劳动。 A.You speak great English.How did you learn English so well?你的英语讲得这么好。你怎么把它学得这么棒的? B. It takes a lot of hard work.这需要很多的辛勤劳动。 Who's in charge here?这里谁负责? You really have no heart!你真没有同情心! you are so smart.你真聪明。 Pardon me :where is the Garden Hotel?打扰一下请问花园酒店在哪里? Be smart;don't argue with him.放聪明点:别跟他吵。 It's hard for us to get a car now.现在我们很难找到车。 I parked my car outside the supermarket.我把车停在超市的外面。 you can't use your charge card at this bar.你不能在这间酒巴使用信用卡。 We have to go to the farm by car because it is very far.我们开车去农场,因为实在太远了。 Jin最喜欢的句子 Pardon me,but where can I park my car?打扰一下,请问在哪儿可以停车? It's not smart to use your credit card too much.经常用信用卡,可不太聪明 So far,so good.到目前为止还好。 A.How is your new job going?你的新工作怎么样? B.So far,so good.到目前为止还好. 李阳老师最喜欢的句子 As far as I know,carl will be in charge of this department.据我所知,卡尔会负责这个部门。 Times are hard.时世艰难。 Hard words break no bones.直言无害。 Don't break my heart.请不要伤我的心。 文章引用自: 李阳发音宝典(11) 每日练嘴单词 always总是small小的long长cost花费fault过错daughter女儿awful糟糕的draw画thought想思考abroad在国外 The rich are not always happy.富人未必总是幸福的。 We've been having awful weather lately.最近天气糟透了。 Crazy English is  very famous at home and abroad.疯狂英语在国内上都很有名。 特别奉献 Who's calling?请问是哪位(打来的电话)? 十大练嘴精品句 Don't worry about it.It's not your fault.别担心,这不是你的错。 That's awful./That's terrible./That's horrible. /That's bad!太糟了!太可怕了! You talk too much.Shut up!你说得太多了,闭嘴! I want to go to law school;that's my dream.我想去上法学院。那是我的梦想。 I have never thought that I would go abroad.我从未想过我会出国。 He always takes a walk after dinner.晚饭后,他总是去散会儿步。 I already talked to them all.他已经和他们都谈过了。 Paul walked down the hall.保罗从大厅走过来。 His daughters are all tall.他的女儿都长得高。 We always fought and never thought about peace.我们总是打仗,从未考虑过和平。 Jin最喜欢的句子 It's all my fault.I'm awfully sorry.这全是我的错,我非常抱歉。 My daughter-in-law is a lawer.我的儿媳妇是个律师。 I ought to wash my laundry now.我现在得洗我的衣服了。 "Fall" is the American way to say "autumn"美国人用“fall“来表示”秋天(autumn)”. The author taught Paul a lot about writing.那个作家教了保罗很多有关写作的东西。 I bought some salt,soy sauce and mineral water at the market.我在市场买了些盐、酱油和矿泉水。 李阳老师最喜欢的句子 I’m sorry for calling you this late,but I really have to talk to you.抱歉这么晚打电话给你,但是我真的得跟你谈谈。 It’s almost finished.差不多完成了。 She had already gone when I arrived.我到的时候她已经走了。 I’m sorry I don’t have time to talk.很抱歉,我没时间谈话。 I thought his talk was awful.我觉得他的讲话糟糕得很。 It’s wrong for you to quarrel so often.你们经常这么争吵是不对的。 He looks very strong,but he has a very soft voice.他看起来很强壮,但他的声音很温柔。 I always feel awkward when I have to speak English.当我得要说英语时,我总是感到尴尬。 He always visits me at an awkward time.他老是在我不方便的时候来访。 You should learn to crawl before you can walk.在能走之前你先得学会爬。 疯狂练嘴 talk谈论fault过错毛病abroad在国外almost几乎 差不多already已经awful糟糕的caution警告broadcast广播播送small小的awkward尴尬的 文章引用自: 李阳发音宝典(12) 每日练嘴单词 order命令sport运动abnormal反常的变态的warm温暖的award奖赏fourth第四source来源more更多explore探险探测door门 Are you ready to order now?你准备好点菜了吗? What sports are you good at?你最擅长什么运动? He’s so abnormal.He’s so weird.他真是不正常。他真奇怪。 It’s getting warmer day by day.天气一天比一天暖和了。 My company won an award for this product.我公司以这个产品获了奖。 I’d like to explore more of western  China.我想更多地了解中国西部。 Did you lock the door?你锁门了吗? China’s open door policy has proved to be a huge success.中国的门户开放政策已被证实是一个巨大的成功。 Thank you for visiting.Let me show you to the door.谢谢你的光临,让我送你到门口。 特别奉献 May I take your order?你可以点菜了吗? (Yes.Thank you.We’d both like a steak,medium rare.是的,谢谢你,我们两个都要朱排,七成熟。No.I need a few more minutes.不,我还需要几分钟。) 十大练嘴精品句 I can't afford a new car.I can't even afford a new bicycle.我买不起新车,甚至连一辆新自行车都买不起。 I don't like getting up early in the morning.I hate it more than anything else.我不喜欢早晨早起,我最痛恨早起。 I'm sort of tired.I'm sort of bored.我有点累。我有点烦。 That's simply abnormal.He is a psycho.那简直是不正常,他是一个变态的人。 Force yourself to do more.强迫你自己做多一些。 The report is very boring.I can't stand it!这个报告真无聊,我无法接受! I'm looking forward to seeing you in California.我希望在加里弗尼亚看到你。 I’m looking forward to meeting you.我盼望着认识你。 I’m looking forward to working with you.我盼望着与你一起工作。 I’m looking forward to learning English from you.我盼望着和你学英语。 I’m looking forward to exploring China.我盼望着探索中国。 I was born on the fourth of  July.我生于七月四日。 You need to sweep th e floor once more.你要再扫一遍地。 I'd like to order enough food for four.我想订购是够四个人吃的食物。 Jin最喜欢的句子 I'd like some more pork.我想再来点猪肉。 It's important to take care of orphans.照顾好孤儿是很重要的。 I can barely afford talking the bus any more.我再也不想坐公共汽车了。 It's sort of expensive.I don't want to buy it.有点贵,我不想买了。 He's sort of weird.他有点怪。 I don't believe in fortune.我不相信命运。 李阳老师最喜欢的句子 It's important for us to practice more.对我们来说,多加练习非常重要。 Later we learned  that there was a very important person on board .后来我们才听说,飞机上有位非常重要的人物。 My office is on the fortieth floor.我的办公室在第四十楼。 If it were not for the late train,neither my sister nor I would have missed the party.如果不是火车晚点,我姐姐和我都不会错过这聚会。 This kind of sport is becoming more and more popular.这种运动越来越流行了。 I have to write a report on the reform of the organization.我得写一篇关于这个机构重组的报告。 The difference between or dinary and extra or dinary is that little extra.平庸和不平庸之间的区别就在于不平庸的人多做了那么一点。 疯狂练嘴 report报告more更多important重要的morning早晨warm温暖的former以前的从前的force力量source来源fourth第四sport运动 李阳发音宝典(13) 每日练嘴单词 push推pull拉put放full满的woman女人cook烹调look看good好的could能would将 Don't push him too hard.别逼得分太狠了。 I’m full.I can’t eat anymore.我饱了,什么也吃不下了。 Your mother is a wonderful woman.你妈妈是一个了不起的女人。 You look good;I like your new hairstyle.你看上去真不错,我喜欢你的新发型。 Too much television is not good for children.看太多电视对孩子们没有什么好处。 I would help you if I could.如果我能帮你的话我会帮的。 特别奉献 It's good for your health.这对你的健康有好处。  (You should eat more fish.It’s good for your health.你应该多吃点鱼,这对你的健康有好处。/Thank you for your advice.I think I will.谢谢你的忠告,我会的。) 十大练嘴精品句 I could do better.我能做得更好。 My goodness!What happened?我的天!发生什么事了? Don't push me.别逼我。/别催我。 You shouldn't pull it in that way.你不应该像那样扯。 Goodbye,Linda,and good luck!再见,琳达,祝你好运! You look good today.你今天看上去不错。 It took me hours to put everything back into order.我花了几个小时把所有的东西整理好。 Could you put me through to the sales department?你能帮我把电话转到销售部去吗? Could I have this book/It's so good!能把这本书给我吗?它很不错。 That woman spends a lot of time cooking for and looking after babies.那个妇女大部分时间都花在做饭和照看小孩上。  特别奉献 Children shouldn't read these books.孩子们不应该读这些书。 We tried to book a room,but the hotel was full.我们试着订一间房,但旅馆已满。 李阳老师最喜欢的句子 stop beating around the bush!Get to the point!别拐弯抹角!有话直说! In most countries,a woman lives longer than a man.在多数国家,妇女的寿命比男人的长。 Who took away my book?谁拿走了我的书? Icould have understood the speech better if it were in Chinese.如果演讲是用中文讲的话,我可能会听得更明白。 Would you please buy a softer cushion for me when you go to the supermarket?你去超市时能不能帮我买一个更柔软一点的垫子? Oops!You stepped on my foot!You shoul
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