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高一英语人教必修2 Uhit 3 Computers词汇,句型,语法


高一英语人教必修2 Uhit 3 Computers词汇,句型,语法Unit 3 Unit 3 1.​ 词汇 (1)​ 单元重点词汇 1.solve /sɔlv/ vt find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of 解答,解决 He finally solved the difficulty of transportation I believe in your ability to solve the problem. 扩展: solution /sə’lu:ʃən/ n 解答,...

高一英语人教必修2 Uhit 3 Computers词汇,句型,语法
Unit 3 Unit 3 1.​ 词汇 (1)​ 单元重点词汇 1.solve /sɔlv/ vt find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of 解答,解决 He finally solved the difficulty of transportation I believe in your ability to solve the problem. 扩展: solution /sə’lu:ʃən/ n 解答,解决 溶液 溶解 solvent /’sɔlvənt/ adj n 有溶解力的,溶剂 dissolve /di’zɔlv/ v (使)溶解, 结束 The solution to the problem required many hours. What do you suppose is the right solution? As water is a universal solvent, many different compounds are dissolved in it. They dissolved their marriage. 比较:answer,explain, work out, deal with, figure out, puzzle out, 这几个词都有解决,解答之意,但各有侧重 answer: 常与question 搭配,指口头回答比较简单的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 就,或者指答复,回应 I asked him a question but he would not answer. He answered that he knew nothing about it. Three fire companies answered the alarm explain: 着重指通过详细说明解答 UFOs are often explained as supernatural. He explained how the machine was used. work out:指算出,常用语数学,与problem搭配:或指制定出( 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 等),或产生 结果 The area can easily be worked out if you know the length and the breadth. This problem will not work out. Are we required to work out a plan today? Everything has worked out according to plan. deal with: 指处理,应对,常用于人,事,等比较困难的事 We have to deal with many difficulties. Be careful. She is very difficult to deal with. There are many difficulties to be dealt with when starting a new business. figure out: 指计算出,弄明白(figure 有数字,图表的意思) Please help me to figure out my income tax. We must figure out how to solve the problem. I can't figure out what he was suggesting . puzzle out: 指推测出,(puzzle 难题,迷惑) It's good for students to puzzle things out for themselves. Sam spent the afternoon trying to puzzle out what had gone wrong with his car. 2.from … on 从……时开始;从……时以后 From then on he refused to talk about it. We must study even hard from now on. 3.as a result 结果, 因此,表示原因和结果。 As a result he was given an excellent job. As a result the unemployment rate began to rise. as a result of sth 意为“由于…的原因”,其后跟名词后名词性短语,但不跟句子。 As a result of automobile pollution, the air quality in most major cities has fallen. He was late as a result of the snow. 4.so…that… 如此……以至于……引导结果状语从句 有以下结构: SO + adj / adv that So + many / few n(pl) that So + mucn /little n(U) that 如:The house is so expensive that I can’t afford it. There are so many people that I can’t get in the bus. 5.explore /s’lɔ:/ v to travel into or through (a place ) for the purpose of discovery探索;; 探测; 研究(仔细检查某一主题或问题) As soon as they arrived in the town they went out to explore. We must explore all the possibilities. exploration /eksplɔ:’reiʃən/ n The young scientists encountered many difficulties during their exploration. 比较:expedition /ekspidiʃən/ n (the people, vehicles ,etc, going on),a(long)journey for a certain purpose 人,车等有目的的远征,探险 With hundreds of people waving hands and saying goodbye, Chinese scientists left Shanghai Sunday morning for the country's 26th scientific expedition to the Antarctica. During the trip, two exploration teams would be sent to the inner land of Antarctica. probe /prəub/ v to search or examine(as if)with a probe(探针,探测器)探查, 探测 The brain surgeon asked the nurse to pass him a probe. The Central Government appointed a committee to probe the cause of the Explosion. examine /iɡ’zæmin/ vt. to look at , inquire into or consider(a person or thing ) closely and carefully, in order to find out sth 仔细的检查(人或物); 审查 The luggage is closely examined when you enter the station. Before we draft the contract, let's examine the details. search /sə:tʃ/ v (through, for)to look at ,through, into etc, or examine (a place or person)carefully and thoroughly to try to find sth. (在…中)搜查,查找,探求 You can't search my house without a search warrant. The soldiers were carrying out house-to-house searches. research /ri’sə:tʃ/ n (u, also reseaches)(in,, into, on)serious and detailed study of a subject, that is aimed at learning new facts, scientific laws, testing ideas etc 研究,探讨 Research has shown that women live longer than men. They are researching on/into the effects of cigarette smoking. investigate /in’vestiɡeit/ v to try to find out more information about; examine the reasons for sth , the character of sb ect 调查,侦查;探究 The police are investigating the crime. They set up a committee to investigate the matter. 区别explore 和expedition都指远处为某一目的而探险,expedition 多指专业的组织携带 专门仪器,设施等 probe 多指借助探针或探测器,探测 examine 指通过询问等有目的的检查 search指在某处寻找某人或物 research指学术研究 investigate指查找某事件的原因 6. anyhow /’enihau / adv in spite of that; anyway 无论如何,不管怎样 He told me not to buy it, but I bought it anyhow. It may be risky but we'll chance it anyhow. (Used when go on a story ,changing a subject in conversation ect) 交谈中改变话题等,“总之,反正,不管怎样” “Well, anyhow, I did it.” anyhow 是副词,用于句尾 比较:however 即是副词, 也是连词 adv I'll come however busy I am. Later, however, he made up his mind to go. It's raining hard. However, I still want to go there. conj However your argue, I shall hold my decision. I will go by train but you can go however you like. 7.goal /ɡəul/ n 球门;进球得分 one’s aim or purpose; a position or object one wished to reach or obtain 目的;目标 He kicked the ball into the goal. He scored a goal. Brazil beat France by two goals to one. (巴西队以2︰1赢了法国队) Her goal is a place at government. Most companies didn’t achieve their goals last year. 比较:aim n (c)(of)the desired result of one’s efforts; intention or purpose What’s your aim of in life? The project was set up with the aim of helping young unemployed people. long-term aims short-term aims target n a total, amount / object which one aims to reach 数字总额,目标 I have set myself a target of saving RMB 500. purpose n (c)an intention or plan; a person’s reason for an action 意向,意图, object n purpose; aim The object of the foreign minister's visit is to improve the relationship between the two countries. objective an aim, esp. one that must be worked towards over a long period;goal Our objective is to achieve full employment. We have succeeded in our main objectives. What was the purpose of her visit? Do you come over to see your parents, or for business purpose? intention n (c, u)a plan which one has, purpose I have no intention of changing my mind. She felt offended at my remark’s, but it wasn’t my intention. end n (c)fml an aim or purpose Do the ends justify the means? 只要目的正当就可以不择手段吗? 这些名词均有"目标、目的"之意。 aim 从本义"靶子"引申而来,侧重比较具体而明确的目标, 常与 at 搭配 goal 指经过考虑和选择,需经坚持不懈的努力奋斗才能达到的最终目标。 purpose 普通用词,既指以坚决、审慎的行动去达到的目的,又指心中渴望要实际的目标。 常用于on purpose(故意)with the purpose of / for (the) purpose of以...为目的 end较正式用词,强调结果而非过程。 常用短语:gain one's end / achieve one's end / win one's end 达到目的, 成功 target 指射击的靶,军事攻击目标。还可以指被攻击、批评或潮笑的目标。常用短语: be dead on the target 正中[正对着]目标 hit a target 达到定额[指标], 射中靶子 miss the target 未射中靶子, 未完成指标 object 强调个人或需求而决定的目标、目的。常用短语: attain / achieve / gain / succeed in / secure one's object 达到目的 fail in one's object 没有达到目的 (no object 不在话下, 不成问题) objective 尤指长远目标 8.human race 人种,人类 比较: world 众人; 世人; 人类;世间; 人间 Keep quiet, we don't want the whole world to know about it. He's very young and inexperienced, and doesn't know about the ways of the world. mankind 人类 He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind. The 21th century is important period for the mankind. humanity /hju:’mæniti/ 人,人类;人性 But this doesn't mean that it was the best choice for humanity. humankind 人,人类 The belief that the sole moral obligation of humankind is the improvement of human welfare. man 人,人类 Man has been trying to control nature. 注:man 指人类时, 不用冠词,也不用复数形式men. Man must change in a changing world. Engels pointed out a hundred years ago that labour created man himself. mankind 指人类时,也不用冠词,为不可数名词 Mankind is much cleverer than it was one thousand years ago. That is one small step for a man, but one giant leap for mankind. human being它是可数名词,有单复数之分。其意义比较具体,它一般用来区别人以 外的事物 Without its light and warmth there would be neither plants nor animals nor human beings. human 常做形容词 The archaeologists have found several human skeletons. humanity 指总称 9.signjal /’siɡnəl/ n sth intended to warn , command, or give a message, such as special sound or action 信号,暗号 A red light is often used as a danger signal. Traffic police make signals with hands and arms. v (signalled , signalling)(to, for)to give a signal 发信号 We can signal by waving an upraised arm, a flag, or a light, even sound + obj + to-v. The policeman signalled the traffic to move forward slowly. +(obj)that The thief signalled his friend that the police were coming to be a clear sign or proof of, mark 成为…的征兆, 标志 Smoking is now something of a class indicator, sep-arating the workers from the management. 抽烟现在成了划分阶层的某种标志,用以区分工人和管理人员。 adj very noticeable; not ordinary (正式)显著,明显的 a signal achievement The manager has signally failed to deal with this matter. 比较:sign n (C)(of)a standard mark; notice,a movement of the body ,or sth which is seen and represent a generally-known meaning; symbol 符号,记号, 手势,姿势,标志,标记,告示, 迹象等 We put a finger to our lips as a sign to be quiet. Pay attention to the traffic signs. In public you can read the sign, “No Smoking!”. sign v to write (one’s name)on (a written paper), esp. for official purpose , to show one’s agreement, show that one is the write etc. 签名,签字 Please sign here. He signed the cheque. 短语:sign away sth. 签字放弃或让与某物 She signed away her share in the property. Sign over sth 签字将(所有权,物等)转让或给予某人 Thomas has signed his farm over to his friend. Sign for sth 签收 Certain kinds of mail have to be signed for when they are delivered. Sign in 签到 sign out 签名离开,签名拿走 Visitors to the party should sign in at the reception desk.. He was the first to sign himself out that day. Sign to sb 向某人示意(以动作) We sign to the waiter to bring us the bill. Sign up (=sign sb up)雇佣,使报名参加 There was an attempt to sign up more people for the company, but not many signed up. 注:sign 指通俗的,共识的,或 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的符号,手势等,用以告知他人 signal 泛指一切告知他人的符号,手势,声音等 symbol /’simbəl/ n (for)a letter, sign, or figure which expresses a sound, operation, number, chemical substance etc. 符号,标记,记号 ‘H2O’is the symbol for water. (of)sth which represents or suggests sth else , such as an idea or quality 象征 In the picture the tree is the symbol of life and the snake the symbol of evil. The dove is a symbol of peace. symbolic adj symbolize v emblem /’embləm/ n (of)an object which is regard as the sign of sth, e.g. of a country , a group, or an idea. The national emblem of England is a rose. emblematic /embli’mætik/ (of)adj, Whiteness is emblematic of purity. 10.type n (C)(of)a particular kin , class, or group, group or class of people or things that share certain qualities and are different from those outside the group or call 类,型,种,式 I bought a new type of camera yesterday. Macaroni is a type of pasta. V tech to find out the type of sth 术语 分类 The doctor was unable to type the rare disease. to write with a typewriter or using a word processor 字机 或文字处理机 打字 typescript 打字稿typewriter 打字机 typesetting 排字typesetter 排字工typeface 字体 adj typical /’tipikəl/ 11.in a way way(C)a particular point or detail (of many possible)(多种可能的)某一点,某一种 in a way 在某种程度上 in some ways 在某些方面 in no way 绝不,一点也不 In some ways, it’s quite a good idea, but the high cost makes it impossible. The result should in no way be seen as a vaccine ineffective. I don’t like the house in a way. 12.arise /ə’raiz / vi. & link v. 呈现; 出现; 发生 During the night a great snow has arisen. He formed a picture of his future that arose bright and colourful in his mind.(系动词) A new difficulty has arisen. 比较: rise /raiz/ vi. 升高, 上升; 上涨, 增高,起床,起义,兴起,发展 The sun rises red. She rises early in the morning. The rise of computer technology has transformed industry. His voice rose in excitement. 13.with the help of / with one’s help借助于,在…的帮助下 without the help of / without one’s help The old walk with the help of walking sticks. With the teacher’s help, he made a rapid progress. 14.electronic /ilek’trɔnik/ adj 电子的; 电子器件的 electricity /ilek’trisiti/ n. 电, 电流; 热情 Are electricity laid on? Water power can be used to generate electricity. We can not only use the electronic computer, and can design the electronic computer. 14.deal with 应付, 处理; 对待 惠顾; 与…交易, 和…做买卖(=make a deal) Deal with a man as he deals with you. He have a great deal of correspondence to deal with. Be careful. She is very difficult to deal with. I refuse to deal with that firm any longer. He makes a deal with companies all over the country. 15.watch over 看守,监视 He used to be made to watch over sheep The soldiers were keeping close watch over the enemies (2)​ 课标词汇 1.calculate /’kælkjuleit/ vt. & vi. 计算, 估计 Have you calculated the result? I calculated that the trip would take two days. I'll calculate what it will cost. The scientist could not calculate when the spaceship would reach the Jupiter. 扩展 calculator n 计算器calculation n 计算calculated adj 故意的 calculating adj 有打算的 be calculated to (do sth) 目的是,打算 calculate on 盼望,指望 The new regulations are calculated to make taking bribe impossible. We must calculate on a long-term basis. She calculated on going Beijing for the winter holidays. 2.universal /uni’versal/ adj (1)concerning or shared by all members of a group 全体的,影响全体的 His speech met with universal applause. (2)of or for everyone or everything; wider spread ;general 普遍的,一般的, 广泛的 Nowadays the employment is a subject of universal interest. Education should be made universal and educational standards should be raised. These habits are both universal among mankind and peculiar to individuals. (这些习惯在全人类中很普遍, 而对个人来说又很独特) 比较:universe n 宇宙 universal adj 宇宙的 3.simplify /’simplifai/ vt. to make less complicated, clearer, or easier 简化 complicate Try to simplify your explanation for the children. 4.sum /.sʌm./ n 总数, 总和 金额 算术 The expenses came to an enormous sum. The sum will be increased by fifteen per cent. She is better at sums than I am. vt. & vi 合计 总结, 归纳 Contributions summed into several thousand dollars. 扩展: a tidy sum 相当巨大的款项 do [work, make] sums [a sum] 计算, 做算术题 in sum 大体上, 一言以蔽之, 总之 the sum of... 总数;要点, sum total 总数, 总计 sum up 总计; 概括; 总结; 判断; 估量 It was, in sum, a complete success. Twenty ears was the sum total of my teaching. The sum of 1and 1 is two. The accountant is summing up the cost of it. It can be summed up in two words. The sum total of study on the subject is contained in this report. (这份 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 包括了关于这一课题研究的主要内容) 5.operator n /’ɔpəreitə/ (机器、设备等的)操作员 电话接线员 Operator, I want to make a long distance call. The company is advertising for a computer operator. 扩展: operate v运转; 操作;手术 operation n 操作,运算, 手术 She is afraid of operating the machine. The doctor decided to operate at onece. The doctor is doing an operation on a patient. 6.logical /’lɔdʒikəl/ adj. 逻辑的,附和常理的 logically adv. It is logical that the book is expensive. You’d better organize your work logically. 7.technology /tek’nɔlədʒi/ n. 科技(总称); 工艺; 应用科学;工业技术 science and technology科学和技术 agricultural technology 农艺, 农业技术 process technology生产工艺学 operative technology 实用技术 比较: technological /teknə’lɔdʒikəl/ adj. technical /’teknikəl/ adj. 学术的; 技术性的; 专门的 technical expert technical school technician n 技师,技术人才(科学或工业上的) technologist n 技术专家,工艺学家 8.revolution /revə’lu:ʃən/ n. 革命 I don’t know if our country had an industrial revolution. 注:revolutionary adj, n revolutionize v The discovery of penicillin (/peni’silin/)has revolutionized the treatment of many disease. 9.artificial /:ti’fiʃəl/ adj. made by humans, esp. as a copy of sth natural人造的, 人工的, 假 The new dam will form a large artificial lake behind it. The host welcomed some of guests with an artificial smile. artificial flowers artificial rain artificial intelligence (人工智能) 注: artificer n 诀窍,窍门;能工巧匠,技工 The capital Hang zhou Grand Canalan is the greatest artificial waterway in China. 10.intelligence /in’telidʒəns/ n. (U) 智力, 智慧; 理解力; 情报机构,情报人员 It demonstrated / shew the intelligence of the Chinese working people. The children were given an intelligence test. Could I ask about your attitude to intelligence tests? He used to work in intelligence. intelligence quotient /’kwəuʃənt/(商) IQ 情报, 消息 The general had secret intelligence of the enemy. 情报人员 Intelligence has[have] reported that enemy is planning a new attac intelligent adj 有智慧的,聪明的 比较: intelligent 与 intellectual (adj, n 有智力的; 知识分子) Intelligent 指聪明,头脑灵敏; intellectual 指受过良好教育,对需要长期研究 的学科感兴趣的人 知识产权 intellectual property 11.reality /ri’æliti/ n. 真实; 事实; 现实性 I am anxious to compare my fancy with reality. bring sb. back to reality 使某人面对现实, 不再抱有幻想 in reality 事实上, 实际上, 其实 make sth. a reality 实现某事, 落实 In reality, love probably goes on with breaks and interruptions. 12.personal /’pə:sənəl/ adj. 个人的; 私人的;亲自的 It’s none of your business, it’s a personal conversation. The minister wanted to have a personal visit to the comperny. person n personally adv 13.total /’təutəl/ adj. n v 总计的; 全部的; 总数; 总数达… Please figure out the total cost. A total of twenty people were[was] killed. His debts totalled up to RMB20,000. In total 总计 These students , in total, account for 80‰ of all our whole students attending the contest. 14.network /’netwə:k/ n. 网络,网状物 They have developed marketing networks. The President's speech was broadcast on a national television network. A network of highways has spread over the province. 15.application /æpli’keiʃən/ n. 用途; 申请, 申请表, 申请书 This is a new discovery that had a number of industrial applications. He has filed his application. apply v She is applying for an Mercian university. It’s said that some students can apply to school for educational loan. That firm’s finance is sound. 17.finance /fai’næns/ n. 财经, 金融 financial adj Shanghai is one of the most important an international financial centres. Financial crimes should be punished severely. 16.download /’daunləud/ v. 下载 upload v 上传 17.virus /’vaiərəs/ n. 病毒 18.coach n (AmE, bus)长途公共汽车;铁路客车 (体育运动)教练;辅导学生准备考试的私人教师,家庭教师 v (不在校)训练, 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 ,辅导,为…补习 I coach people for English exams. 比较: tutor /’tju:tə/ n. 家庭教师,私人教师 19.appearance /ə’piərəns/ n. 出现, 显露, 露面; 外观, 外貌, 外表 The famous actors and actress make rare personal appearance. The appearance of the artwork has been spoiled. make an appearance 到场, 出场; 出头露面 give the appearance of装出...的样子; 看起来象 appear v 出现 似乎,好像,看来(人的的性格,感情,意图的表现) She appears to be sincere but I don’t completely trust her. It appears he won’t come today. 20.spoil /spɔil/ vi (spilt, spoilt / spoiled, spoiled) 糟蹋,损坏;变质;宠坏;纵容 The cook had spoilt the soup by putting too much salt in it. a spoilt child 二.句型与语法 1.构词法-后缀 --(t)ion 加在动词后, 构成名词,表示动作的行为;状态;(动作或其过 程的)结果 Calculate calculation compete competition receive reception operate operation solve solution apply application complete completion elect election describe description Instruct instruction --ance, --ence 加在动词后,构成名词,表示动作的过程;状况等 appear appearance perform performance enter entrance evidence avoid avoidance 2.I would really like to play against a human team, for I have been programmed to act just like them. For 在此引导的从句表示原因。原因状语从句表示主句叙述的事情发生或者存在的 原因。通常可以用because,since, as, whereas, 而实际上whereas 很少用(用于法令 文告,文件)。现在也常常用并列连词for 引导原因从句 。 because: 所叙述的是某件事的直接原因。如果是回答why引导的疑问句,只能用 because 来回答。Because 引导的从句放在主句的后面,但是如果要加强从句的语气, 也可以放在主句的前面,这时要在从句后用逗号。 The ball game was postponed because it was raining. Because he is ill, he can not go to work. because 既可以表示已知的因果关系,也可以表示推断的因果关系 The headteacher has sent for Tom’s mother because Tom has beaten someone. (已知的因果关系) There must be someone at home because we can hear voice.(推断的因果关系) 为了加强原因状语从句的语气,可以用 “It + be + because 引导的原因状语从句+ that 结果从句” It was because he was steeped in iniquity that he was unable to escape the net of justice. It is because his wife is understanding that a husband meets with less troubles; it is because his son is filial that a father has ease of mind. 也可以用not, just, only 修饰because, 即not because(不是因为) , just because(正 是因为), only because(只是因为) He married her not because he loves her, but because she is from a rich family. We elected him director only because he is fair-minded and honest not because he is our friend. since 作为从属连词使用时,意思为“因为”“既然”,通常表示既存的事实,主 句是根据这一事实进行推断。Since 引导的原因从句是用来强调结果主句的推断,从 句通常多放在主句之前,由逗号把其余主句分开;since 从句也可以放在主句之后, 可以不用逗号。 Since it is much too expensive, I can not afford to buy it. Since you are busy now, I tell him that you are not in.
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