首页 HO’OPONOPONO:从生活之镜中自我疗愈



HO’OPONOPONO:从生活之镜中自我疗愈HO’OPONOPONO:Self Healing from Life’s Mirrors   HO’OPONOPONO:从生活之镜中自我疗愈   Blessings for Remembrance that Healing Occurs Only From Within   为记起疗愈只会从内在发生而祝福   The Hawaiian Ancestors through Karen Danrich “Mila” August 22, 2008 夏威夷祖先通过Karen Danrich “Mila”传递,2008-...

HO’OPONOPONO:Self Healing from Life’s Mirrors   HO’OPONOPONO:从生活之镜中自我疗愈   Blessings for Remembrance that Healing Occurs Only From Within   为记起疗愈只会从内在发生而祝福   The Hawaiian Ancestors through Karen Danrich “Mila” August 22, 2008 夏威夷祖先通过Karen Danrich “Mila”传递,2008-8-22 原文链接:http://www.ascendpress.org/Community/HawaiianAncesstors/HOOPONOPONO.htm   Translated by 流星似火 2008-9-12   Dear Beloved that is Hawaiian at Heart, 至爱的、内心为夏威夷者的人们:   The Hawaiian Ancestors wish to speak of a topic that is related to healing known as “Ho’oponopono”.  Ho’oponopono directly translates into “To revise, edit, manage, or make right”.  Healers of Ho’oponopono understand that in order to heal any circumstance one must first heal yourself of whatever is reflected within the circumstance.   夏威夷祖先,希望来谈谈一个与被称为“Ho’oponopono”的疗愈有关的主题。Ho’oponopono直译为“调整、修改、管理或修正”的意思。Ho’oponopono疗愈者理解,为了疗愈任何情况,你必须首先疗愈从这一情况中所反映出来的自己。   There was a lovely short story about Ho’oponopono circulating amongst those studying with Mila and Oa as of late.  In this story a psychiatrist reviewed the files of six patients in a mental ward.  They went deep inside and chose to heal themselves of whatever the six patients reflected.  He never met any of the patients and one by one they recovered enough to be released.   最近,在跟Mila和Oa学习的人们当中,流传着一个有关Ho’oponopono的可爱小故事。在这个故事中,一位精神病医生在精神病院里浏览了6名病人的资料。这位医生进入到深深的内在,选择来疗愈这6名病人所反映出来的自己。他从没有亲自与这些病人见面,但这些病人却一个个都康复出院了。   How can this be?  One may wonder.  From the Hawaiian Ancestor’s point of view, it is easy to explain.  The psychiatrist held the position of “sanity” and the patients the position of “insanity” in the polarity based dream that their lives reflected.  As the psychiatrist chose to release his position of sanity it allowed the patients to release their position of insanity, and they each recovered enough to go home. 这是怎么做到的呢?你可能会很好奇。从夏威夷祖先的视角来看,这是很容易解释的。在他们生活所反映的梦想极性中,精神病医生处于“神智正常”的角色,而病人们处在“神智错乱”的角色当中。当精神病医生选择解除自己神智正常的角色而允许病人解除他们神智错乱的角色时,那么他们每个人就都可以足够康复到回家了。   The reality is that most humans would be considered slightly insane anyway from the ancestor’s point of view.  Sanity is only a judgment and not a sincere state of being; and insanity is also a judgment about a state of being that is not understood unless you lived inside the other person’s skin.  All humans are who they are and most exhibit weird patterns thoughts or behavior due to trauma and fragmentation in childhood.  The insane one may be more fragmented and therefore exhibit more of the same behavior that the Psychiatrist also experiences; but it is all a matter of degree from the ancestor’s point of view.   事实上,在祖先眼里看来,大多数人都可看成是有轻微性神智错乱的。神智正常只是一种评判,而并不是一种真正的状态;神智错乱也是对一种尚未理解的状态的评判,除非你活在那个人的身躯里面。所有人都是他们原本的样子,大多数人都由于幼年时期的创伤与碎裂而呈现出一些古怪的模式、想法或行为。那些神智错乱的病患者可能更为碎裂,因此呈现出来了更多的(古怪)行径,而那也正是精神病医生所经历的——从祖先的视角来看,这只是一个程度轻重的问题而已。   The truth of the matter is that fragmentation from childhood or other traumatic life experiences can be healed through intention.  As the trauma is released, parts of the field and your consciousness reunite together into greater wholeness again, and some of the weird behavior or thoughts cease to occur in so being.  For the above psychiatrist and the patients, as they each released the polarity that they sustained themselves within related to sanity and insanity, fragmentation from childhood and ancestral experiences could self heal causing each to reunite into greater wholeness, and all concerned received a healing as a result and departed from the mental ward.  The psychiatrist simply gave permission in the unconscious for the patients to self heal; and so they did.   事实是,来自幼儿时期或其它创伤性生活经历的碎片,都可以通过意愿而疗愈。当创伤释放,能量场和你意识的碎片都再次结合而成为更大的整体,则某些古怪的行为或想法就不会再次出现。对上述的精神病医生和病人,当他们每个人都释放了内在神智正常和错乱的两个极性时,来自幼年及祖先经历的碎片就都能自我疗愈而让每个人都回归到更大的整体,而所有相关者都因而得到了一份疗愈并离开了精神病院。精神病医生,只是在无意识中给予了病人自我疗愈的允许,于是他们就都自我疗愈了。   The psychiatrist also healed of their requirement to be the only sane one in a group of those who were insane.  The psychiatrist had most likely grown up in an insane household (possibly alcoholic) and spent most of their chi healing everyone to keep them straight enough to dance with the rest of the world.  As the psychiatrist released the requirement to retain others in a sane dream, they too began to self heal and much more dream and chi then became available for their future dance of life.   精神病医生也疗愈了自身『在一群神智错乱者中成为唯一正常者』的需要。精神病医生很有可能成长于一个神智错乱的家庭(有可能是酗酒者),并将自己的大部分chi(气)用于疗愈家里的每个人,以便让他们都能足够保持意识与外面的世界互动。当精神病医生释放了让别人维持在一个正常梦想中的需要时,别人也就开始自我疗愈,并得到更多的梦想与chi来进行未来的生命之舞。   Ho’oponopono is an understanding amongst Hawaiian healers that everything is a mirror for your own internal state of being.  If the other is out of balance, each within the ohana (family) must heal in order for balance to be restored for all.  If the land is out of balance and failing to provide for the ohana, then each within the ohana must heal in order to restore balance to the land.   Ho’oponopono是夏威夷疗愈者们的一种理解,那就是一切都是你内在状态的镜子。如果另一个人失去了平衡,那么ohana(即家庭或族群)里的每个人都必须疗愈,好让所有人恢复平衡。如果土地失去了平衡并无法为ohana提供给养,那么ohana里的每个人都必须疗愈,以恢复土地的平衡。   At this time in Hawaii there is much talk about the dying tarot plants that is failing to produce as much yield as in ancient times.  Scientists from the University of Hawaii are suggesting that the tarot be genetically modified to create a stronger plant less subject to the virus attacking it.  Hawaiian groups are vastly against science touching their sacred plants, as they understand that this will not correct the problem; the problem first must be corrected in all who live upon the land.  As of late Mila read in a local paper that the Hawaiian courts have suspended the possibility of genetic modification of the tarot plant for 10 years due to how it is related to Hawaiian culture.  Mila was pleased to read this.   在此时的夏威夷,对于那里垂死的塔罗树现象正议论纷纷,那些塔罗树正无法象古时那样产出丰盛(译注:夏威夷有一种最著名的食品叫做“波伊”,它就是把塔罗树的树根蒸熟、捣碎之后制成的浆状物,看起来似乎并不引人食欲,但吃起来却香甜可口)。夏威夷大学的科学家建议,将塔罗树修改基因来长出一种更强壮的塔罗树,以更少受到病毒攻击的影响。夏威夷人非常反对科学家介入他们的神圣塔罗树,因为他们懂得,这不会解决问题;问题首先必须从生活在岛上的所有人们当中进行纠正。最近,Mila在一份当地报纸上看到,夏威夷法庭由于这跟夏威夷文化的相关性,已将改基因的可能性暂缓了10年执行。Mila很高兴看到这个消息。   What is so out of balance upon the land of Hawaii that the tarot plants are failing to grow in great abundance?  Mila has noticed the yellow leaves and the sick looking plants in the tarot fields of Hanalei.  From the Hawaiian Ancestor’s point of view, there are many humans living upon Hawaiian land that fail to bless the land and take more chi than they give.  There are also countless tourists that visit this land each year and leave their psychic waste and take much without giving anything unto the land.  The psychic debris that had built up in Honolulu alone was so great that as Mila relocated to the islands, she spent a spent a year helping to clear and return what was not the land’s to process in it’s ascent.   那么,是夏威夷土地上的什么失去了平衡,从而造成塔罗树无法繁茂生长呢?在那里的田野里,Mila注意到了塔罗树的黄色叶子及病怏怏的样子。从夏威夷祖先的视角来看,(这是由于)有很多生活在夏威夷土地上的人们未能祝福土地,攫取了比他们给予所更多的chi的缘故。也有无数的游客每年来到这块土地,留下了他们的精神垃圾,带走了许多却没有给土地任何回报。仅檀香山一个地方所堆积起来的精神垃圾,就已经如此巨大,让Mila迁居到岛上时就花费了1年时间来帮助清理,并归还那些并不由这里的土地在提升中处理的事物。   Plants are designed to give in balanced giving and receiving with the land.  If the land is depleted, the plant will give more.  The Tarot Kingdom responds to the lack of chi upon the land and gives more than it has to offer and becomes ill.  So this is also so for the rainforests as well, and over time they too have become ill and deteriorated from the lush state that they once existed within a hundred years ago in the ancestors perception.  When Mila first came to Oahu, we took her around the island, and showed her how our land was dying.  She cried and cried and cried and then finally said, “Well, we will simply fix it and we will figure out how to do so together”.   塔罗树是设计来与土地一起平衡施与受的。如果土地被耗尽,那么塔罗树就会给予更多。塔罗树王国响应了土地上chi的匮乏,并给出了超出它们所能提供的极限而变得病倒。因此这里的雨林也是如此,祖先们觉察到,随着时间的过去,它们也变得病倒而不再象100年前那么繁茂丰美。当Mila第一次来到瓦胡岛时,我们就带着她环岛参观,并向她展示了我们的土地是怎样正在死去的情形。她不断哭泣、哭泣、哭泣并最终说到:“好吧,那我们就去治好它,我们会一起弄明白怎么做的。”   So Mila and Oa and many that came to study with her began to heal within of why humans take more than they receive from their land while releasing their ancestral karma for this dance; and they blessed and blessed and blessed the land and soon the rain began to fall and the vegetation recovered.  This was a decade ago now and the beginning of the healing of Hawaii-Nei, and was necessary to the healing of the Earth Mother’s heart chakra, as Hawaii sits underneath the heart center of earth.  If the land could not begin heal, the Earth Mother could not begin to heal; and so this became the focus of our Mila and their group as a result of their choice to work only in support of earth in all that they do.   于是,Mila、Oa以及许多来和她一起学习者,当解除他们对这一舞蹈的祖先业力时,都开始从内在疗愈为什么人类从土地上攫取比回报更多的问题。他们不断祝福、祝福、祝福土地,很快的,降雨开始出现而植被开始复苏。现在这已经是10年前的事情了,而夏威夷群岛的疗愈,是对地球母亲心脏脉轮的疗愈所必不可少的,因为夏威夷就坐落在地球的心脏脉轮下面。如果土地无法开始疗愈,地球母亲就无法开始疗愈,因此作为『所做一切只对地球有益』的选择,这就成为我们Mila和他们团队的焦点。   Those who are Hawaiian at heart understand the need to bless; to bless with love the food that one eats or family and friends along with the land and sea and all creatures within them.  Blessing with love alone can sometimes foster the healing of the land, waterways or others.  However the blessings are even more powerful if one chooses to heal within oneself whatever is mirrored unto yourself within those who appear to be struggling in the dance of life; or those that you struggle getting along with; or the land or plants or waterways that may be ailing.  How and why exactly is this so?   那些内心是夏威夷者,会懂得去祝福的需要。去用爱祝福所吃的食物,或者用爱祝福家人、朋友以及土地、海洋及其中的一切生灵。单单是用爱祝福,有时候就能够培育土地、水域或其它地方的疗愈。然而,如果你从所镜射给你的任何事物中,选择从内在疗愈自己,包括那些看似在生命之舞中挣扎的人,那些你挣扎着要相处融洽的人,或者可能正出现问题的土地、植物或水域的话,祝福就会甚至更为强劲有力。这是怎样及为何如此的呢?   Everything outside of oneself is a mirror of some part of yourself that is unconscious.  There are many unconscious parallel planes, in fact 24 in total for those that still exist at 2 strands of DNA.  For those who are ascending, you integrate parallel lives in each phase of ascension mastered and therefore may have fewer parallel dreams.  Regardless of where you are in association with unity biology, everything around yourself and all experiences that you have in the physical are a mirror of some sort for parallel experiences you are having within parallel nonphysical dreams that surround earth.   外在的一切都是你自身一部分无意识情况的镜子。无意识的平行层有很多,事实上对那些还处于2股DNA的人们而言,总共有24个。对那些正在提升者,你会在掌握的每一阶段提升中整合平行生命,因此平行的梦想可能会少一些。但不管你的统一生物体到什么程度,你四周的一切及你在物质层上经历的一切,都是你在地球周围的平行非物质梦想中,所拥有的某种平行经历的一面镜子。   For example, if you have a friend sick with cancer; you have cancer upon a parallel plane.  If you have patients that are insane, then you have a parallel life where you are experiencing insanity.  If you know someone who is an invalid and crippled in a wheelchair; then you have a parallel life in which you are crippled as well.  If you are sick yourself and have many friends that are healthy, you have parallel lives in which you are not sick and are quite healthy.  If you are married in this life you are single in many parallel lives; if you have children in this life you have many lives without children upon parallel dreams.  Humans experience all dreams unto themselves as a result of all the parallel planes that catch portions of dreams that you might live otherwise if you had integrated all the bandwidths of vibrations associated.   比如说,如果你有一个朋友罹患了癌症,那么你就在某一个平行层上罹患癌症。如果你有神智错乱的病人,那么你就有某一个平行生命正经历神智错乱。如果你认识有一个人是残疾而坐轮椅的,那么你就有一个平行生命也是残疾的。如果你自己正病倒而有很多身体健康的朋友,那么你就有一些平行生命是没有疾病而非常健康的。如果你在此生结了婚,那么就有许多平行生命是单身。如果你在此生有孩子,那么你就有很多平行生命没有孩子。人类因此由于捕获了部分梦想的所有平行层的缘故而经历了所有的梦想,这些都是你倘若整合了所有相关振动频宽的话,都可以生活经历的。   Why is this so?  Humans and all kingdoms upon earth have fallen in consciousness and DNA strands; the falls have left behind fractured layers of earth’s field that still catch a part of your dream.  At 2 strands, humans exist in 24 dreams simultaneously, only one of which is physical.  This is why humans are so limited at 2 strands of DNA and as a result cannot often find solutions to their dilemmas.  As you ascend and grow crystalline DNA, then you also increase in field size and gather up dreams that splintered off and have been held in parallel realities.  This is how and why ascending humans may begin to catch fuller and more fulfilling dreams due to having a larger field to do so and also having integrated many parallel dreams.   为什么会这样呢?因为人类和地球上的所有王国都已经跌落意识和DNA,这些下跌留下了仍然捕获了你梦想一部分的、地球能量场的碎裂层。在2股时,人类同步拥有24个梦想,但只有1个是物质层的。这就是为什么人类在2股DNA时是如此局限,因而经常无法找到自身难题的出路的缘故。当你提升并长出水晶DNA时,你也就能扩大能量场大小,并收集到散落在平行实相中的梦想。这就是怎样及为什么提升人类可以开始捕获越来越完整、越来越有成就感的梦想的缘故,因为他们拥有了一个更大的能量场来这么做,并整合了许多平行的梦想。   Many who are ascending unconsciously are integrating parallel lives nonetheless and this is also another reason that dreams change all around yourself and in the experiences of others as well.  It is our perception that the psychiatrist spoken to above was ascending and integrating a parallel life in which he was insane and in a mental ward; and as he concluded with this experience in a nonphysical life, the patients that he might have treated also completed and recovered.  Perhaps some were ascending or perhaps some simply traded insane parallel lives for sane ones in reverse polarizing another plane with the physical dimension that the body exists within.  However regardless of how it was accomplished, the physical received a new dream of sanity due to the psychiatrist who self healed of his own insane experiences upon a parallel plane of reality.   有很多在无意识中提升的人们,同样也在整合平行生命。这也是为什么梦想在你周围改变,也在别人经历中改变的另一个原因。我们觉察到,上述的精神病医生正在提升并整合一个平行生命,其中他是神智错乱而住在精神病院的。当他在这个非物质层生命中终结了这一经历时,他所要治疗的病人也完成经历并康复。也许有些人正在提升,但也许,有些人只是将另一个层面与身体所生活的物质层维度彼此极性逆转,将神智错乱交换到平行生命而得到了正常的生活。然而,不管怎样这已经完成,而身体由于精神病医生自我疗愈了在一个平行层实相中神智错乱的经历,从而获得了一个神智正常的新梦想。   Now what are we speaking to?  Reverse polarizing nonphysical with physical dreams?  This is not so hard to imagine.  Let us say you are homeless upon the streets and have a lifetime of greater abundance in a parallel reality; you can swap the dream for greater abundance for the dream of homelessness and find your way to a job, home and new life.  In times past, Kahunas (Hawaiian spiritual healers and teachers) knew how to reverse polarize parallel realities and often caused those that they treated to recover from ailments of all kinds as a result.   那么,我们在谈些什么呢?用非物质层逆转物质层梦想的极性?这并不如此难以想象。让我们说,你正流浪街头无家可归但在一个平行实相中有一世生命要富饶得多,你就可以将更富饶的梦想跟无家可归的梦想交换,从而想出办法来找到工作、家庭和新生活。在过去的时代,Kuhanas(夏威夷语言中的灵性疗愈者和老师)懂得如何来逆转平行实相的极性,并经常让他们所治疗的人们从各种疾病中康复。   You can also ascend and integrate a lifetime of greater abundance or health instead and then also manifest this dream in the physical.  Mila and Oa have had several homeless associates over time that recovered their ability to catch a different dream through ascension, and so this is also possible.  Mila and Oa have also recovered their own health by integrating parallel lives of greater health in earlier times in their ascension where they caught a dream for disease for a time.   你也可以提升并整合一世更富饶或更健康的生命,随之在物质层上将这一梦想显化。Mila和Oa有多个无家可归的学员,随时间通过提升而恢复了他们捕获一个不同梦想的能力,所以这也是有所可能的。Mila和Oa在他们提升的早期时代,也通过整合更健康的平行生命而恢复了健康,那时候他们遇到了一段疾病梦想。   What is the difference between ascension and swapping parallel lives through intention?  Reversing parallel lives and trading nonphysical for physical dreams cannot end the suffering for all; for as you reverse one condition for yourself, another human experiences the opposite and reverses into the undesired dream that you are leaving behind.  This can create karma and so it is better to ascend and integrate the larger dreams you are desiring and then manifest them, as then no karmic cause is created in the experience.   那么,在提升与通过意愿来交换平行生命之间,有什么区别呢?逆转平行生命,并将非物质梦想与物质层梦想相互交换,是无法为所有人终止痛苦的。因为当你为自己逆转了某个处境,那么就会有另外一个人经历相反面而逆转到你所留下的不想要的梦想之中。这可以制造业力,因此更好的,是去提升且整合你所渴望的更大梦想并随之将其显化,因为这样就不会产生任何业力致因。   How does anyone ascend?  You intend to ascend and then the body chooses to evolve into another and fuller set of DNA that is regenerative and that one’s more ancient ancestors understood.  As you ascend, you pick up fragmented pieces of self trapped in parallel lives and integrate them; and as you do so the dream associated becomes available to be lived in the physical.  Long ago Mila ascended into a parallel life where she was a teacher of ascension.  In a short time the dream from this parallel life caught upon her physical dream and many students showed up for the first classes she offered to teach; and many chose to have healing consultations from her finding benefit from her ascending point of view.  She left her old dream of real estate behind for the new dream of ascension teacher that she was then able to catch.   那么一个人是怎样提升的呢?(首先)你意愿提升,然后身体就选择进化到另一套再生的、也是你更古老的祖先所懂得的更完整DNA当中。当你提升时,你就收集了截留在平行自我中的自我碎片并将其整合;当你这么做,相关的梦想就可以得来在物质层上生活。很久以前,Mila提升到一个平行生命中,在那里她是一名提升老师。在很短的时间,来自这一平行生命的梦想就在她的物质层梦想中捕获,并在她所提供的第一堂课中出现了很多学生。有很多人选择从她那里得到疗愈咨询,并从她的提升视角中获益甚多。她将房地产的旧梦想留在身后,而获得了她那时候所能捕获到的提升老师的新梦想。   Over time Mila came to teach in Hawaii and the Hawaiian Ancestors not only invited her to relocate here, but she gathered information for her further ascension from our own records.  Hawaiians living in the times of Lemuria held crystalline biology and existed between 6000 and 9000 strands as Mila measures ascending DNA in present time.  We were holographic and held unity biology in Lemurian times with a much longer lifespan than the Atlanteans who fell into more limited DNA due to dissonant technology that they surrounded themselves with.   后来Mila来到夏威夷教学,而夏威夷祖先不仅邀请她迁居到这里,还让她从我们自身的记录中,收集到了下一步提升所需要的信息。生活在利莫里亚时代的夏威夷人拥有水晶生物体,并按Mila今天所衡量的提升DNA股数而言处于6000-9000股DNA的程度。我们在利莫里亚时代,是全息并持有统一生物体的,比亚特兰蒂斯人拥有更长寿的生命,他们由于将自己置身于不和谐的科技里而跌落到受限的DNA当中。   In Lemurian history, we were not interested in technology but rather in spiritual evolution; alas a nuclear war manifest and this deteriorated our DNA along with all of earth’s to far beneath this level of consciousness thereafter.  We are sad about the circumstances that manifest in our history; and now are on to focusing upon the recovery of all that was lost in the coming six generations of those who are ascending and are Hawaiian or Hawaiian at heart.  We are making right what we caused as ancestors in so doing and this is our Ho’oponopono.  (See “History of Atlantis” as brought through by the Native American ancestors for more information.)   在利莫里亚历史上,我们对科技不感兴趣而是对灵性进化感兴趣。遗憾的是,一场核子战争显化而损坏了我们的DNA以及地球的一切,自此以后我们就跌落到远远低于这一水平意识的程度。我们对我们历史上的这一显化非常悲哀,现在正聚焦于在未来6代提升者并是夏威夷人或内心是夏威夷者的人们中,恢复所丢失的一切。我们在这么做中,正在修复我们身为祖先所造成的事物,这就是我们的Ho’oponopono(请看由北美印第安土著祖先所带来的亚特兰蒂斯历史,来获得更多信息)。   How do you foster Ho’oponopono in your life?  First one can assess the personal life mirrors in those associated with you.  Who do you closely associate with afflicted with something that is difficult?  What are the difficult circumstances that are a part of your life dance?  Who do you know that has the opposite of the circumstance that you struggle with?  Make a written list.  Then one by one go through your list and intend to heal of the polarity based patterns that each represent and that you mirror unto one another.   那么你该怎样在你的生活中培育Ho’oponopono呢?首先,你可以在那些与你相关者身上,评估自身生活的镜子。你所亲近的谁,正在遭受某种艰难的煎熬呢?你生活之舞中的哪个部分,是非常艰难的情况呢?你所认识的谁,正拥有你所挣扎处境的相反面呢?写下来一份清单。然后逐一检查你的清单,并意愿疗愈每一条所代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 的、也是你们所镜射给彼此的基于极性的模式。   Intend that your Hawaiian ancestors join you in this process and we will help you navigate the parallel lives and ancestral experiences at cause of why the polarity exists in your life circumstance; and as you intend the ancestors to aid those that mirror you something about yourself , we will work also with each in dream time and they too will have an opportunity to self heal.  For you cannot heal of what anyone mirror’s unto you and they cannot heal either unless you each release the patterns associated as they are held together in an intricate fabric in the dreams of each of you founded upon extreme polarity.   意愿你的夏威夷祖先在这个过程中加入你的行列,我们将帮助你引领通过造成极性存在于你生活经历中的平行生命与祖先经历。当你意愿祖先去帮助那些为你镜射出一些事物的人们时,我们也将在梦想时间跟他们每个人一起工作,而他们也就将有机会自我疗愈。因为,除非你们每个人都解除了相关的模式,否则你无法疗愈别人给你的任何镜射,而他们也同样无法疗愈——因为它们是基于极端极性,以一种复杂的织锦维系在你们每个人的梦想中的。   Mi
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