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演化经济学书目演化经济学专题 我列出几本经典的书吧,虽然其中多数我也没见过。 Ackley, David and Michael Littman (1994) "Interactions Between Learning and Evolution," in Christopher G. Langton, ed., Artificial Life III. Addison-Wesley, pp. 487-509. Adachi, N. and Matsuo, K. (1991) "Ecological Dynamics Unde...

演化经济学专 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 我列出几本经典的书吧,虽然其中多数我也没见过。 Ackley, David and Michael Littman (1994) "Interactions Between Learning and Evolution," in Christopher G. Langton, ed., Artificial Life III. Addison-Wesley, pp. 487-509. Adachi, N. and Matsuo, K. (1991) "Ecological Dynamics Under Different Selection Rules in Distributed and Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma Games," Parallel Problem Solving From Nature, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 496 (Berlin: Springer-Verlag), pp. 388-394. Alexander, J. McKenzie (2000) "Evolutionary Explanations of Distributive Justice," Philosophy of Science 67:490-516. Alexander, Jason and Brian Skyrms (1999) "Bargaining with Neighbors: Is Justice Contagious?" Journal of Philosophy 96, 11: 588-598. Axelrod, R. (1984) The Evolution of Cooperation. New York: Basic Books. Axelrod, Robert (1986) "An evolutionary approach to norms," American Political Science Review 80, 4: 1095-1111. Axelrod, Robert M. and Dion, Douglas (1988) 'The Further Evolution of Cooperation', Science, 242(4884), 9 December, pp. 1385-1390. Axelrod, Robert M. and Hamilton, William D. (1981) 'The Evolution of Cooperation', Science, 211(4489), pp. 1390-1396. Banerjee, Abhijit V. and Weibull, Jo:rgen W. (1993) "Evolutionary Selection with Discriminating Players," Research Paper in Economics, University of Stockholm. Bergin, J. and Lipman, B. (1996) "Evolution with State-Dependent Mutations," Econometrica, 64, pp. 943-956. Binmore, Kenneth G. and Larry Samuelson (1994) "An Economist's Perspective on the Evolution of Norms," Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 150, 1: 45-63. Binmore, Ken and Samuelson, Larry (1991) "Evolutionary Stability in Repeated Games Played By Finite Automata," Journal of Economic Theory, 57, pp. 278-305. Binmore, Ken and Samuelson, Larry (1994) "An Economic Perspective on the Evolution of Norms," Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 150(1), pp. 45-63. Bj?rnerstedt, J. and Weibull, J. (1993) "Nash Equilibrium and Evolution by Imitation," in Arrow, K. and Colombatto, E. (eds.) Rationality in Economics (New York, NY: Macmillan). Blume, L. (1993) "The Statistical Mechanics of Strategic Interaction," Games and Economic Behaviour, 5, pp. 387-424. Blume, Lawrence E. (1997) "Population Games," in W. Brian Arthur, Steven N. Durlauf, and David A. Lane, eds., The Economy as an Evolving Complex System II, Addison-Wesley, volume 27 of SFI Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, pp. 425-460. B?gers, Tilman and Sarin, R. (1993) "Learning Through Reinforcement and Replicator Dynamics," Technical Report, University College London. B?gers, Tilman and Sarin, R. (1996a) "Naive Reinforcement and Replicator Dynamics," ELSE Working Paper. B?gers, Tilman and Sarin, R. (1996b) "Learning Through Reinforcement and Replicator Dynamics," ELSE Working Paper. Boyd, Robert and Lorberbaum, Jeffrey P. (1987) "No Pure Strategy is Evolutionarily Stable in the Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma Game," Nature, 327, 7 May, pp. 58-59. Boylan, Richard T. (1991) "Laws of Large Numbers for Dynamical Systems with Randomly Matched Individuals," Journal of Economic Theory, 57, pp. 473-504. Busch, Marc L. and Reinhardt, Eric R. (1993) "Nice Strategies in a World of Relative Gains: The Problem of Co-operation under Anarchy," Journal-of-Conflict-Resolution, 37(3), September, pp. 427-445. Cabrales, A. and Ponti, G. (1996) "Implementation, Elimination of Weakly Dominated Strategies and Evolutionary Dynamics," ELSE Working Paper. Canning, David (1988) "Rationality and Game Theory When Players are Turing Machines," ST/ICERD Discussion Paper 88/183, London School of Economics, London. Canning, David (1990c) "Rationality, Computability and the Limits of Game Theory," Economic Theory Discussion Paper Number 152, Department of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge, July. Canning, David (1992) "Rationality, Computability and Nash Equilibrium," Econometrica, 60(4), July, pp. 877-888. Cho, I.-K. and Kreps, David M. (1987) "Signaling Games and Stable Equilibria," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 102(1), February, pp. 179-221. Cowan, Robin A. and Miller, John H. (1990) "Economic Life on a Lattice: Some Game Theoretic Results," Working Paper 90-010, Economics Research Program, Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico. D'Arms, Justin, Robert Batterman, and Krzyzstof G髍ny (1998) "Game Theoretic Explanations and the Evolution of Justice," Philosophy of Science 65: 76-102. D'Arms, Justin (1996) "Sex, Fairness, and the Theory of Games," Journal of Philosophy 93, 12: 615-627. ----- (2000) "When Evolutionary Game Theory Explains Morality, What Does It Explain?" Journal of Consciousness Studies 7, 1-2: 296-299. Danielson, P. (1992) Artificial Morality: Virtuous Robots for Virtual Games (Routledge). Danielson, Peter (1998) "Critical Notice: Evolution of the Social Contract," Canadian Journal of Philosophy 28, 4: 627-652. Dekel, Eddie and Scotchmer, Suzanne (1992) "On the Evolution of Optimizing Behavior," Journal of Economic Theory, 57, pp. 392-406. Eaton, B. C. and Slade, M. E. (1989) "Evolutionary Equilibrium in Market Supergames," Discussion Paper, University of British Columbia, November. Ellingsen, Tore (1997) "The Evolution of Bargaining Behavior," The Quarterly Journal of Economics pp. 581-602. Ellison, G. (1993) "Learning, Local Interaction and Coordination," Econometrica 61: 1047-1071. Epstein, Joshua A. (1998) "Zones of Cooperation in Demographic Prisoner's Dilemma," Complexity 4, 2: 36-48. Eshel, Ilan, Larry Samuelson, and Avner Shaked (1998) "Altruists, Egoists, and Hooligans in a Local Interaction Model," The American Economic Review 88, 1: 157-179. Fisher, R. A. (1930) The Genetic Theory of Natural Selection, Oxford, Clarendon Press. Fogel, David B. (1993) "Evolving Behaviours in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma," Evolutionary Computation, 1(1), April, pp. 77-97. Forrest, Stephanie and Mayer-Kress, G. (1991) "Genetic Algorithms, Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, and Global Stability Models," in Davis, L. (ed.) The Handbook of Genetic Algorithms (New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold). Foster, Dean and Young, H. Peyton (1990) "Stochastic Evolutionary Game Dynamics," Journal of Theoretical Biology, 38, pp. 219-232. Friedman, Daniel (1991) "Evolutionary Games in Economics," Econometrica, 59(3), May, pp. 637-666. Fudenberg, Drew and Maskin, Eric (1990) "Evolution and Cooperation in Noisy Repeated Games," American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings), 80(2), May, pp. 274-279. Gintis, Herbert (2000) "Classical Versus Evolutionary Game Theory," Journal of Consciousness Studies 7, 1-2: 300-304. Guth, Werner and Kliemt, Hartmut (1994) "Competition or Co-operation - On the Evolutionary Economics of Trust, Exploitation and Moral Attitudes," Metroeconomica, 45, pp. 155-187. Guth, Werner and Kliemt, Hartmut (1998) "The Indirect Evolutionary Approach: Bridging the Gap Between Rationality and Adaptation," Rationality and Society, 10(3), pp. 377 - 399. Hamilton, W. D. (1963) "The Evolution of Altruistic Behavior," The American Naturalist 97: 354-356. ] - (1964) " The Genetical Evolution of Social Behavior. I," J. Theoret. Biol. 7: 1-16. ----- (1964) "The Genetical Evolution of Social Behavior. II," J. Theoret. Biol. 7: 17-52. Hammerstein, P. and Selten, R. (1994) "Game Theory and Evolutionary Biology," in Auman, R. and Hart, S. (eds.) Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications (Elsevier Science), volume 2, pp. 931-962. Hansen, R. G. and Samuelson, W. F. (1988) "Evolution in Economic Games," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 10(3), October, pp. 315-338. Harms, William (1997) "Evolution and Ultimatum Bargaining," Theory and Decision 42: 147-175. ----- (2000) "The Evolution of Cooperation in Hostile Environments," Journal of Consciousness Studies 7, 1-2: 308-313. Harrald, Paul G. (in press) "Evolving Behaviour in Repeated Games via Genetic Algorithms," in Stampoultzsis, P. (ed.) The Applications Handbook of Genetic Algorithms (Boca Raton, FA: CRC Publishers). Hassell, Michael P., Hugh N. Comins, and Robert M. May (1991) "Spatial structure and chaos in insect population dynamics," Nature 353: 255-258. Hegselmann, Rainer (1996) "Social Dilemmas in Lineland and Flatland," in Liebrand and Messick, eds., Frontiers in Social Dilemmas Research, Springer, pp. 337-361. Hiebeler, David (1997) "Stochastic Spatial Models: From Simulations to Mean Field and Local Structure Approximations," Journal of Theoretical Biology 187: 307-319. Hines, W. G. (1987) "Evolutionary Stable Strategies: A Review of Basic Theory," Theoretical Population Biology, 31, pp. 195-272. Hirshleifer, Jack and Martinez-Coll, Juan Carlos (1988) "What Strategies can Support the Evolutionary Emergence of Cooperation?," Journal of Conflict Resolution, 32(2), June, pp. 367-398. Hirshleifer, Jack and Marti/nez-Coll, Juan Carlos (1992) "Selection, Mutation and the Preservation of Diversity in Evolutionary Games," Papers on Economics and Evolution, Number 9202, edited by the European Study Group for Evolutionary Economics. Howard, J. V. (1988) "Cooperation in the Prisoner's Dilemma," Theory and Decision, 24, pp. 203-213. Huberman, Bernardo A. and Glance, Natalie S. (1993) "Evolutionary Games and Computer Simulations," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 90(16), August, pp. 7716-7718. Ikegami, Takashi (1993) "Ecology of Evolutionary Game Strategies," in [ECAL 93], pp. 527-536. Kandori, Michihiro, Mailath, George J. and Rob, Rafael (1993) "Learning, Mutation, and Long Run Equilibria in Games," Econometrica, 61, pp. 29-56. Kreps, David M. (1990) Game Theory and Economic Modelling (Oxford: Clarendon Press). Kreps, David M. and Fudenberg, Drew (1988) Learning, Experimentation, and Equilibrium in Games (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press). Iwasa, Yoh, Mayuko Nakamaru, and Simon A. Levin (1998) "Allelopathy of bacteria in a lattice population: Competition between colicin-sensitive and colicin-producing strains," Evolutionary Ecology 12: 785-802. Kandori, Michihiro, George J. Mailath, and Rafael Rob (1993) "Learning, Mutation, and Long Run Equilibria in Games," Econometrica 61, 1: 29-56. Kaneko, Kunihiko and Junji Suzuki (1994) "Evolution to the Edge of Chaos in an Imitation Game," in Christopher G. Langton, ed., Artificial Life III. Addison-Wesley, pp. 43-53. Kephart, Jeffrey O. (1994) "How Topology Affects Population Dynamics," in Christopher G. Langton, ed., Artificial Life III. Addison-Wesley, SFI Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, pp. 447-463. Kitcher, Philip (1999) "Games Social Animals Play: Commentary on Brian Skyrms' Evolution of the Social Contract," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 59, 1: 221-228. Krebs, Dennis (2000) "Evolutionary Games and Morality," Journal of Consciousness Studies 7, 1-2: 313-321. Levin, B. R. (1988) "Frequency-dependent selection in bacterial populations," Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B, 319: 469-472. Lewontin, R. C. (1961) "Evolution and the Theory of Games" J. Theor. Biol. 1:382-403. Liebrand, Wim B. G. and Messick, David M. (eds.) (1996) Frontiers in Social Dilemmas Research (Berlin: Springer-Verlag). Lindgren, Kristian (1990) "Evolution in a Population of Mutating Strategies," NORDITA Preprint 90/22 S, Copenhagen. Lindgren, Kristian and Nordahl, Mats G. (1993) "Evolutionary Dynamics of Spatial Games," in Self Organization and Life: From Simple Rules to Global Complexity, Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Artificial Life, Brussels, Belgium 24-26 May 1993 (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), pp. 604-616. Lindgren, Kristian and Mats G. Nordahl (1994) "Evolutionary dynamics of spatial games," Physica D 75: 292-309. Lindgren, K. (1991) "Evolutionary phenomena in simple dynamics," in C.G. Langton, J.D. Farmer, S. Rasmussen, and C. Taylor, eds., Artificial Life II, Redwood City, CA: Addison-Wesley, pp. 295-312. Lomborg, Bjorn (1992) "Cooperation in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma," Papers on Economics and Evolution, Number 9302, edited by the European Study Group for Evolutionary Economics. Lomborg, Bjorn (1996) "Nucleus and Shield: The Evolution of Social Structure in the Interated Prisoner's Dilemma," American Sociological Review, 61(xx), April, pp. 278-307. Macy, Michael (1989) "Walking Out of Social Traps: A Stochastic Learning Model for the Prisoner's Dilemma," Rationality and Society, 1(2), pp. 197-219. Mailath, George J. (1992) "Introduction: Symposium on Evolutionary Game Theory," Journal of Economic Theory, 57, pp. 259-277. Mailath, George J., Samuelson, Larry and Shaked, Avner (1992) "Evolution and Endogenous Interaction," Draft Paper, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, latest version 24 August 1995. Matsui, Akihiko (1993) "Evolution and Rationalizability," Working Paper: 93-19, Center for Analytic Research in Economics and the Social Sciences (CARESS), University of Pennsylvania, May. Mar, Gary (2000) "Evolutionary Game Theory, Morality, and Darwinism" Journal of Consciousness Studies 7, 1-2: 322-326. May, R. M., Bohoeffer, S. and Nowak, Martin A. (1995) "Spatial Games and the Evolution of Cooperation," in Mora/n, F., Moreno, A., Morelo, J. J. and Chaco/n, P. (eds.) 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