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曲阜翰林学校 成人教育英语重点难点


曲阜翰林学校 成人教育英语重点难点曲阜翰林学校 成人教育英语重点难点 曲阜翰林学校 成人教育英语重点难点Unit 1 Noise 一、学习重点 1(New Words and Expressions complain traffic disturbance average inhabitant population enormously motorcycle pneumatic decibel approach discotheque unfortunately threaten establish mental observe enfo...

曲阜翰林学校  成人教育英语重点难点
曲阜翰林学校 成人教育英语重点难点 曲阜翰林学校 成人教育英语重点难点Unit 1 Noise 一、学习重点 1(New Words and Expressions complain traffic disturbance average inhabitant population enormously motorcycle pneumatic decibel approach discotheque unfortunately threaten establish mental observe enforce automobilist fine be fined for; up to; expose…to; keep…from; point out; complain about; even so 2. Word Study REFER (referred, referred, referring) vi./vt vi. 1) 提到…,谈及… 2) 称….为… 3) 涉及…,适用于…,指…而言 4)查阅…,参考… vt. 1) 让…去参阅… 2) 把…转至…处理 3) 让…向…寻求帮助4) 让…找…看病 refer to 提到…,谈及…;涉及…,适用于…;查阅…,参考… refer to sth/sb as称…为… refer sb to 让某人向…寻求帮助; 让某人找…看病 JUDGE vi. 判断,断定 vt. 1)判断…,断定… 2)估计…,认为… 3) 鉴定…,识别…,评价… 4) 作…裁判、评委等 judge between 判断(两个中)哪个更好 judging by/from/to judge by/from 根据…做出判断 TRY vi. 试图,想要;努力,设法 vt. 1) 试图、想要(做…);努力、设法(做…) 2 )试用…,尝试… 3) 审讯…,审判… 4) 折磨…,伤害… 5) 考验… try for谋求,争取 try on试穿、试戴等 try one’s best/hardest 尽最大努力 1 try one’s hand (at/in) 尝试做 try out检验、试验 二、难点 强调句(cleft sentence) 该结构是强调句中某一成分(但不能强调动词);被强调成分置于it is和连词that之间. It is sth/sb that/who 连词that只有在表示人时才可以被who(whom)所代替,而使用where,when,why等 连词以表示强调成分是时间、地点或原因,则被认为是错误;但在现代英语中,这种用法 已被广泛接受。 It was yesterday when I heard the bad news. 我是昨天听到这个坏消息的。 It was in the drawer where I found the key. 我是在抽屉里找到钥匙的。 Unit 2 Chemistry as a Natural Science 一、学习重点 1(New Words and Expressions systematize manageable interdependent exclusively pursue specialty evolve province organic analytical qualitative discipline entry quantitative literature annually thrive academic be concerned with; at times; break up into; grow into 2. Word Study WONDER vi. 感到惊异(讶)、疑惑 vt. 1) 对…感到奇怪、疑惑,想知道 2) 对…感到惊讶、好奇 wonder about考虑、想起、疑惑 (想知道的人、事、物) wonder at对感到…惊奇、惊讶 LET (let, let, letting) 2 vt. 1) 任某事发生、某人做…,允许某事发生、某人做… 2) 使某事发生、某人做… 3) 使…处于/进入(状态、位置等) 4) 用于祈使句 5) 出租 let alone 更不用说 let…be known 使人知晓 let…down 失信;辜负,使失望 let off 放过,从轻处理 et slip 失言,不留神说出 l SEND (sent, sent, sending ) vi. 1) 邮、寄(信等) 2) 要求…去做 vt. 1) 邮、寄、 (传)递(信等) 2) 派遣,送;送…去做,派…去做 3) 使…发生,使…做(所说之事) send someone packing 赶走、撵走某人 send for 派人去请/找来 send out 发出,放射出 二、难点 more„than„ 这一结构是引出比较结构,就同一主语的不同方面进行比较,是对前者的肯定,对后者的否定,意为“与其说„不如说„” She is more of a poet than a musician. 与其说她是个音乐家不如说她是个诗人。 George is more intelligent than aggressive. 与其说乔治言行放肆,不如说他聪颖过人。 注意:这种结构中,形容词的比较级只能用more„形式,而不能用er形式。 Unit 3 International Finance 一、学习重点 1(New Words and Expressions complication sheer coincidence tempura shop geisha sophisticated yen availability groceries unfettered assurance discourage reserve hoard monetary inadequate inevitably conflict collapse fault lay off be stuck with specialize in seek out work off work out deal with 3 2. Word Study seem vi./link v. I seem to know more about him than anyone else. The children seemed as if they were very tired. She seems (to be)an unusually clever girl. He’s 16, but he seems (to be) younger. Things are seldom as/how they seem. remain vi./link v. If you take 6 from 10, 4 remains. After the flood, nothing remained of the village One last point remained to be cleared up. This remains a secret. the fact remains that… 事实仍然是… I know you’re sorry now, but the remains that you shouldn’t have hit your sister. It remains to be seem + wh-clause… 尚无定论,…尚待分晓 It remains to be seen who will win. 二、难点 Writing skill 影响分析 1. pattern 1) The effects / influences / impacts / mark of sth. on our life / society are (is) positive/ negative/ profound/ far-reaching / a mixed one.(主题句). 2) On the one hand, ……(分析I). 3) ……(进一步阐述). 4) On the other, (分析II). 5) …… (进一步阐述). 6) On the whole,_______ (分析III). 4 7)……(进一步阐述). 8) Therefore, _________(结尾句). Unit 4 S.O.S. 一、学习重点 1(New Words and Expressions excessive obsessive telecast graphics glamorous commentator coverage appealing recognize distinctive confine ardent institution unique coach faculty array entourage oblong-shaped cheerleader focal atmosphere pageantry number badge pennant totem colors display statistics disadvantage overrepresent sociology psychology respectable scholarly other than all walks of life associate..with an array of play a role in account for bear in mind 2. Word Study 1) spaciousness What I like about the house is its spaciousness? all the rooms are so big and airy. 2) exterminate Once cockroaches get into a building, it is very difficult to exterminate them. 3) alien When I first went to New York, it all felt alien to me. 4) ignorance Public ignorance about AIDS is still a cause for concern. 5) squander Ireland squandered several chances, including a penalty that cost them the game. 6) remedy The best remedy for grief is hard work. 7) ultimately Everything will ultimately depend on what is said at the meeting with the directors next week . 8) reverse She reversed the car into the parking space. 9) threaten The kiwi, a type of bird, is threatened with extinction. 5 10) preserve We must preserve the temple that was situated at top of the hill. 二、难点 Writing skill 1. Heading (标题法) This device is helpful in making the text-structure clear. 2. 写作模式(分析建议类) 1) Much to our distress / delight / surprise, these years have seen the popularity / worsening / much improvement / a widespread neglect of sth. (议论的主题) in society. 2) According to a recent / official report / survey / opinion poll, ...(佐证陈述) 3) If this current is allowed to run its course, things are bound to turn for the better / worse. (Para. 1) 4) The importance / harmfulness / significance of sth. to sb. / sth. else, (however), can be seen from the perspectives as follows. 5) In the first place, …(分析I)6) In the second, ... (分析II) 7) And above all, …(分析III) 8) To sum up, ... (归纳 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf ) (Para. 2) 9) So the most pressing for us / basic problem now is how to… 10) In my opinion, the first step should be focused upon …(建议I) 11) Then, greater efforts must be made to ... (建议II) 12) In one word, where there is …, there is …(结论句) (Para. 3 Unit 5 Tokyo Goes Underground 一、学习重点 1(New Words and Expressions skyrocket basement gallery winding scarce item refreshment versatile stock furrier florist monitor alarm generator crew interfere municipal blueprint detour picket mole come to the conclusion; dig out; get around; line up; in case of; keep doing something; lose to 2. Word Study HEAR vt. 1) 听见,听到 ~ + n. ~ + n. + bare infinitive ~ + n. + -ing ~ + n. + -ed 2)听说,得知 6 ~ + n. ~ + that-clause ~ + wh-clause 3) 注意听,听审 ~ + n. ~ + n. + bare infinitive ~ + what-clause vi. 1) 听见,听到 2)听说,得知 hear about 听说,得知 hear from 1)从… 听来,被告知 2)接到…的信或电话 hear of 1)听到说起 2)(will/would) not hear of 拒绝接受,拒绝考虑 hear out 听人说完(在发言) DOUBT vt. 拿不准,有疑问,不确定,认为不可能 ~ + n. ~ + if/whether-clause ~ + that-clause doubting Thomas 乱怀疑的人,疑心重的人 doubt of 怀疑…,对…没信心 PUT vi. (乘船)航海 vt. 1)把…放在、摆在、置于(某处、某位置、某方向)(+ adv./prep. phrase) 2)写下,记下 (+ adv./prep. phrase) 3)以言词表达、表述 4)使…处于某一明示状态、局面、境地等 ~ + n. + adv./prep. phrase ~ + n. + adj. 5)使…起作用,实施,施加 6)(从比较中)判断、估计 7 7)推(掷)铅球 put an end/a stop to 使停止、结束 put a face/a date/a name to 对上号 put down 1) 减少,降低 2)平定,镇压 put forward 提出,建议 put in 做(工作),付出(努力),花费(时间) put off 推迟,拖延;推脱 put oneself in someone else’s place/position/shoes 设身处地地考虑 put someone through 供…上学 put someone to 让…感到,让…做 put (something) up 建造 put (something) behind 忘掉不愉快 put something down to experience 把…当作经验教训 put something about/around 散布,传播 put something across/over 表达清楚并让人接受 put something out 生产,制造 put the clocks back/forward 把钟表拨慢/快 put up 提供住处 put up with 忍受,容忍 二、难点 : 非限定性定语从句 定语从句有限制性与非限制性两种。先行词是限制性定语从句不可缺少的部分,去掉它主句意思往往不明确;非限定性定语从句是先行词的附加说明,起补充说明作用,去掉了也不会影响主句的意思,缺少也不会影响全句的理解,它与主句之间通常用逗号分开,将非限定性定语从句放在句子中间,其前后都需要用逗号分开。 8 《英语》重点、难点 Unit 6 Two Caught Between Two Cultures 一、学习重点 1(New Words and Expressions raise salesgirl shock recognize elementary confusion uncomfortable inner association lessen coffee break oriental feature tear down; glance at; of concern to; keep something to oneself; take a back seat 2. Word Study COMPARE vi. 1) 比较…的异同 ~ + n. ~ + n. + with + n. 2)把…比作/比喻为…,把…和…相提并论 ~ + n. ~ + n. + to + n. 9 compare favorably 比…好,比…不差 compare notes 交换意见/看法 compare to/with 和…比起来 (not) compare with / (not) be compared with (不)能和…相提并论/同日而语/ 相媲美 STOP vi. 1)停止,停下来 2)停留,逗留 vt. 1)停止…,使…停下来 2)中断… 3)阻止…,阻拦… ~ + n. ~ + n. + (from) + -ing 4)堵塞,阻塞 stop at nothing (to do) 不择手段 top by/(a) round 顺便拜访/看望 s stop off 中途停留 stop over 短暂停留 stop short of 决定罢手不(做…,但险些做出) stop to 停下来做… JOIN vi. 1) 和…一起:参加,加入 2)成为(某组织)的一员:加入,参加 3)临时参加(某活动) vt. 1)把…连在一起,把…接起来 2)和…一起:加入,参加 3)成为(某组织)一员:参加,加入 4)临时参加(某活动) join forces 联合,会师 10 join hands 联手,携手 join up 参军,入伍 joined-up writing 连笔字 二、难点 Present perfect continuous 现在完成进行时 主语 + have/has been + -ing 1. 表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作,并且还将持续下去 2. 表示在说话时刻之前到现在正在进行的动作 3. 表示现在以前的这段时间内反复发生的事情 《英语》重点、难点 Unit 7 “The Space Race Is the World’s Biggest Money Waster” 1(New Words and Expressions flash neatly massive absurdity undertaking indistinguishable represent countless infinitely spectacular objective prestige magnificent age-old might know-how utilize layman expenditure negligible non-stick frying pan utterly overwhelming combat priority at the same time; be supposed to; end up with; value for money; make out; in the name of; thanks to; deprive sb of sth; look after oneself 2. Word Study DEAL vi. 1)经营,交易 2)发牌 3)卖毒品 vt. 1)分配…,分发… 2)发牌 3)给…打击 deal in (打牌)把…算在内 11 deal with 1)对付…,与…打交道,处理… 2)论述…,与…有关 EXPECT vt. 1)预计…,预料… 2)要求…,期望(相信某人会尽责) 3)揣测…,认为… THINK vi. 1)想,思考 2)想到,想起 3)预料,想到 4)认为 vt. 1)想…,思考…,思索…;相信…,认为… 2)想要…,打算…,考虑后决定(做…) 3)设想…,想象… think better of 重新考虑(打消…想法) think for oneself 独立思考,自己拿主意 of 对…好评/评价高 think highly (a lot,well,the world) think long and hard/twice 三思,深思熟虑 think not 不…,认为不… think nothing of 认为…容易,轻视… think over/through 仔细考虑,全面考虑 who would have thought…,/! 谁会想到…呢,/! 二、难点 无动词分句 无动词分句(VERSLESS CLAUSE)是一种省略了主语和谓语动词的分句结 构。这种结构通常出现在句首,也可出现在其他位置。它的被省略的主语通常也 就是主句的主语;被省略的动词通常是连系动词be,因此无动词分句就其深层 结构来说大多属于SVC句型。例如: Close to the urban areas,this farm mainly does market gardening( 12 A science reporter,Jim has a wide range of knowledge( 无动词分句,就其结构形式来说,分为以下三类: 1)(不带从属连词的无动词分句 这类无动词分句通常只由形容词词组或名词词组构成。例如: Speechless,Henry nodded and sat on a folding seat( Anxious for a quick decision,the chairman called for a vote( 2)(带从属连词的无动词分句 能引导无动词分句的从属连词有:when(ever),while,wherever,whether…or,although,though,as if,even if,once,unless,until,however,no matter what 等。例如: When still a boy of six,Bob was sent away from home( Although a physicist by training,he became a great statesman( Whether right or wrong,he always comes off worst in an argument( 这类无动词分句还可以是“从属连词+介词词组”,或者“从属连词+副词词组”。例如: When in Rome,do as the Romans do( He spoke ungraciously if not rudely( 3)(带有自身主语的无动词分句 以上两类无动词分句均以主句主语作为自己的逻辑主语,从而不须表示出来。带主语的无动词分句便成为一种所谓的“独立结构”。例如: Two hundred people died in the accident,many of them children( Miriam looked at Harry,his eyes full of doubt and discomfort( 带主语的无动词分句有时并不与主句的主语发生关系,而是与宾语发生关系。例如: She talked about her friends,all of them television stars( I don't wish to describe his assertions,some of them offensive( 《英语》重点、难点 13 Unit 8 Remote Sensing: From Image to Number 1(New Words and Expressions remote sensing cite photography reconnaissance civil engineer survey advent model infrared (multi)spectral image-oriented capitalize (up)on pictorial numerically infancy dynamic portion utility alongside altitude satellite-borne band turn to; refer to…as…; not…but…; think of…as…; even so; even though; capitalize (up)on 2. Word Study ENTER vi. 1)进入(某处) 2)报名参加(比赛等) vt. 1)成为…的一员 2)涉足;进入… 3)被包括在…之内;进入…,出现于… 4) 记入…,写入…,输入… 5) 正式提出… enter for 报名参加(比赛等) enter into 1)开始涉足于…,开始做… 2) 是…的组成部分 enter (up)on 开始(做)… WARN vt. 警告,告诫,提醒,告诉 warn about/of 提醒说…,警告说… warn against 提醒/警告…要避开/避免… warn off 命令…不准再靠近… RUN vi. 1) (奔)跑 2)(车、船等)开行,行驶 14 3) (机器等)运转,(工作等)进行 4)(流体)流,淌,滴;(衣物等上的颜色)散开 5)竞选 6)延伸,延续,持续 vt. 1)奔跑(距离等) 2)使…移动 3)开动…,运行… 4)经营…,管理… 5) (从水管)防水于… 6)(在报纸、电视等)刊登…,播放… link v. 变得… run a fever 发烧 run across (意外)遇见、碰到… run away 逃跑,私奔 run errands for 替…跑腿 run into 偶然遇见、碰到… run out 用完 run to (费用等)多达、高达 run up against 意外碰到(困难等) 二、难点 1. 分裂不定式 分裂不定式(split infinitive)形式,即动词不定式符号to 和动词原形之间有副词将其分 开。这是英语中常用的一种结构,往往是意义表达上的需要。试比较: Your job is to really make the club a success.你的工作就是使该俱乐部确实取得成 功。(really用于加强make之意) Your job is really to make the club a success. 你的工作的真正目的是使该俱乐部取得成功。(really表示the real purpose of your job) 2. born 和borne 15 borne和born不同。两者虽都是动词bear的过去分词,但除作“生孩子”解之外,作其他意义时,其过去分词都是borne。即使是作“生孩子”之意,bear也有两种过去分词形式。试比较: I was born in 1950.我出生于1950年。 She has borne several children.她生了好几个孩子。 This is one of the three boys borne by his stepmother.这是他继母所生的三个男孩之一。 borne和borne的具体区别如下: 区别一 在主动语态中,只能用 borne 。如: She has borne him six children. 她给他生了 6 个孩子。 她生了一男一女。 误:She has born a son and a daughter. 正:She has borne a son and a daughter. 区别二 在带有 by 短语的被动语态中,要用 borne。如: 他是一个英国妇女生的。 误:He was born by an English woman. 正:He was borne by an English woman.区别三 用于 be born 表示“出生”时,不用 borne。如: He was born in Beijing on April 15, 1966. 他于 1966 年 4 月 15 日出生在北京。 有时用于比喻义。如 He was born to be a great writer. 他生来就注定是一个伟大的作家。 区别四 born 有时可用于名词前作定语,表示“天生的”,此时不能用 borne。如: He was a born poet. 他天生是个诗人。 区别五 若用于“生育”之外的其他意义,其过去分词要用 borne。如: The task is borned on our shoulders. 这任务落在我们的肩上。 16
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