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中医功效和方剂名称翻译 归纳


中医功效和方剂名称翻译 归纳“药品说明书”的英文表达方式有Instructons,Directions,Package Insert,或简称Insert,也有用Leeflet或Data Sheets ①药品名称(Drug NameS),②性状(Description),③药理作用(Pharmacological Actions),④适应症(Indications),⑤禁忌证(Contraindications),⑥用量与用法(DOsage and Administration).⑦不良反应(Adverse Reactions)。⑧注意事项...

中医功效和方剂名称翻译 归纳
“药品说明书”的英文表达方式有Instructons,Directions,Package Insert,或简称Insert,也有用Leeflet或Data Sheets ①药品名称(Drug NameS),②性状(Description),③药理作用(Pharmacological Actions),④适应症(Indications),⑤禁忌证(Contraindications),⑥用量与用法(DOsage and Administration).⑦不良反应(Adverse Reactions)。⑧注意事项(Precautions),⑨包装(Package),⑩贮存(Storage),⑾其他项目(Others)。规格(specification)? 镇静剂:sedatives, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, downers, depressants, anxiolytics, soporifics(催眠药), or sedative-hypnotics 镇痛剂Analgesic (an-alge-sic) 剂型:Pill, powder, ointment, small pill, medicinal liquor , decocting pieces 丸,粉,油膏,小丸?药酒,煎剂 Big honeyed pill, water-honeyed pill , medicinal wine, tablet, troche(药片、片剂),soft capsule, granule(粒料),syrup(糖浆),watered pill(水丸),plaster(膏药、石膏),aerosol(气雾剂),smeared pill, pasted pill(糊剂),liniment(擦剂),tincture(酊剂),power, concentrated pill (浓缩丸),dripping pill, concentrated decoction (浓缩煎剂) removing ineffective elements like starch and fiber while retaining effective elements like organic acid, alkaloid, essential oil and higher alcohols 有机酸,生物碱,香精油,高级醇 中医英语翻译的一些特点 1. 采用音译法,阳明(Yangming),功夫(KongFu),太极(Taiji);或使用音义混合译法,如温阳(Warming Yang),阴阳五行(Yin Yang and five elements),孤阴(Single Yin),气分证(Syndrome of Qi system),太阳腑病( Syndrome of Taiyang Fu-organ ),肺阴(the Lung-yin), 2. 采用借代法,新造词汇。 (1)湿(dampness, damp),湿毒(noxious dampness),湿热(damp-heat ) ; ( 2 )温( warming,warm),温邪(warm-pathogen, pathogenic warm),温阳(WarmingYang); (3)命门(the gate of life) ; (4)火(有四重含义):一作火或火邪(fire),二作火证(fire syndrome ),三作五行之一one of the fire elements,四作生理之火(physiological fire); (5)气有三重含义:一作气(Energy),二作正气(vital energy),三作功能活动(functional activity); (6)木火土金水(wood, fire, earth, metal, water); (7)水火不济(discordance between water and fire)。 3. 将西医医学英语与中医医学英语交叉,构成复合词。 大肠咳(cough with fecal incontinence);肺热(the lung-heat);心合小肠(the heart is connected with the small intestine functionally);胃寒(cold syndrome of the stomache);肝厥(liver-syncope failure of liver)等等。 4.采用注释式翻译。 标本同治(treating both the principal and the secondary aspects of a disease); 低可去升(prescription with lowering effect can treat the adverse-rising syndrome); 无名肿毒(innominate inflanunatory of unknown origin); 健脾(invigorating the spleen); 上实下虚(excess in the upper and deficiency in the lower); 益气解表法(supplementing Qi and expelling the pathogenic factors from the body surface), 5. 完全摆脱中医字面意义,采用意译。 如中药用的酒(liquor),在国外被看作是烈性酒,翻译时改用wine, tonic(补药酒),很好地体 现了以酒为溶液与药物混合一体,成为可口服的药物之意。 肺风粉刺:(acne rosacea,即红斑座疤);湿癣:( exudative dermatitis即渗出性皮炎); 风疽:(chronic eczema,即慢性湿疹);肠风:(fresh blood in stool,即便血); 水气:(edema,即水肿)。 常用词地表达: 1 “通”——通畅之意invigorate, ease, clear, induce, promote, treat 通脉invigorating( or activating) pulse-beat或promoting circulation of qi; 通经restoring menstrual flow或inducing( in-creasing or promoting) menstruation。 通腑removing heat by catharsis, relaxing the bowels或free movement of the bowels 通则通用treating diarrhea with purgatives。 2 “补”——补养之意nourish, enrich, tonify, reinforc,strengthen,replenish及invigorate 补血,enriching the blood(滋养血液); 补肝,nourishing the liver; 补肾(脾,脑),invigorating( tonifying) the kidney(the spleen,the brain), 3 “祛”——消除、驱散的意思e1iminate , dispel , remove ,expel 祛风,expelling the wind;祛寒,dispelling the cold;祛痰,removing the phlegm;祛邪,eliminating the pathogenic factor。 4 “理”——调理的意思regulate treat 理气,regulating the flow of qi; 理中,regulating the function of the middle-jiao。 理血,treating the blood disorder。 5 “活”——主要是指驱散癖血activate,promote 活络,activating the collaterals;活血,promoting blood circulation。 6 “疏”——疏解疏散之意sooth , releave , disperse,dispel, promote , dredge 疏散风热寒邪所致的郁结、气滞等,常选用sooth , releave , disperse,dispel等来表达。 疏通气血经脉,常用promote , dredge。 疏风,expelling wind;疏肝。soothing the liver。 疏通经络,dredging the channel;疏通气血,promoting flow of qi and blood。 7 “泻”——是清泻的意思expel , purge, remove , relax,clear away 泻下通便,relaxing the bowels with purgative; 泻火,purging intense heat; 泻水removing water retention; 泻热,expelling the pathogenic heat; 泻肺,purging the lung of pathogenic fire; 泻肝,clearing away the liver-fire。 8 “生”——是通过补益的方法促进津液气血的生成promote , invigorate , activate 生津,promoting the production of the body fluid; 生肌,promoting tissue regeneration; 生阳,invigorating vital function; 生脉,activating pulse。 9 “宣”——是散布、宣通的意思facilitate ,dispel,ventilate , clear 宣肺,ventilating( clearing) the lung or promoting the dispersing function of the lung; 宣散风寒,dispelling the wind cold; 宣肺平喘,facilitating the flow of the lung-qi to relieve asthma。 10 “利”——使通畅的意思relieve , induce , remove 利尿,inducing diuresis;利湿,removing dampness; 利咽,relieving sore-throat;利气活血,promoting circulation of qi and blood; 利筋骨,relieving rigidity of muscles and joints; 利胆,normalizing the secretion and discharge of bile。 常用的还有“养”、“除”、“固”、“醒”、“消”、“敛”、“安”、“润”、“破”、“镇”、“熄”、“涤”等健脾strengthen the spleen invigorate the spleen fortify the spleen 开胃increasing the appetite improving the appetite 健脾开胃invigorating the spleen and increasing the appetite 消食化积promoting digestion to eliminate stagnation 补血益气tonifying the blood and replenishing qi 八纲辨证analysis and differentiation of pathological conditions in accordance with eight principal syndromes 中医方剂学译名法则: (1)根据药物组成命名,六味地黄丸-----Pill of Six Drugs Containing Rehmanniae Praeparata; (2)根据方剂的功用来命名,消风散-----Powder for Dispersing WindEvil ; (3)根据方剂的主药和功用来命名,黄连解毒汤----Decoction of Coptidis for Detoxification。中药名汉英翻译模式 1 .1根据药料取名的中成药药料+剂型 五仁露—Five Seeds Syrup 黄答汤—Radix Scutellariate Decoction 牡蝠散—Concha Ostreae Power 木香槟榔丸—Aucklandiae and Areca Pill 苏合香丸—Resina Linquidambaris Orientalis Bolus 1 .2根据病症取名的中成药药名+剂型 病气汤—He mia Decoction 阴虚丸—Yin Asthenic Pill 1 .3根据药物功效取名的中成药功效+剂型剂型+for+功效, 保和丸—Digestion promoting Pill 涤痰丸—Phlegm-eliminating Pellet 柏子养心丹—Semen Biotae Pill for Nourishing the Heart 补中益气煎膏—Decocted Paste for Strengthening Middle Warmer and Benefiting Vital Energy 狗皮膏药—dogskin plaster 风湿膏Anti-rheum Plaster 泻白散—Lung-Heat Expelling Power 肾气丸—Pill for Invigorating Kidney Energy 清暑益气汤一Decoction for Clearing Away Summer-heat and Benefiting Energy 1 .4根据主药料+功效取名的中成药主药料+剂型+for+功效(名词或名词短语), 如果主药料名和功效语都较长,可选用:剂型+of+主药料+for+功效(名词或名词短语) 牛黄清心丸—Calculus Bovis Bolus for Clearing Away Heat-fire 甘草泻心汤—Radix Glycyrrhizae Decoction for Purging Stomach-fire 当归补血散—Radix Angelicae Sinesis Power for Enrich Blood 安宫牛黄丸—Calculus Bovis Bolus for Resurrection 羌活胜湿汤—Decoction of Rhizomaseu Radix Notopterygii for Expelling Wetness 藿香正气水—Herba Agastachis Syrup for Restoring Healthy Energy 养阴清肺糖浆一Syrup for Nourishing Yin and Clearing Away Lung-heat 牛黄降压片—Calculus Bovis Tablets for Hypertension 精制银翘解毒片—Well-prepared Tablet of Fructus Forsythiae and Flos Lonicerae 其他:牛黄清心片bezoar sedative pills cow-bezoar sedative bolus 安神补心丸sedative and heart-invigorating pill 安宫牛黄丸bezoar chest functioning pill 牛黄解毒片bezoar antidotal pills 肺咽清Pulmoclear (pulmonary+clear)、 养生丸Vitapill (vital+pill) 鼻敏灵Nasowell (nasal+well)。 消食补血口服液Oral Liquid for Digestion and Blood Improvement 2 中药功效语的汉英翻译模式 2 .1译成两个并列的英语动词短语 翻译公式:V ing+(n)+V ing+(n),如: 清热解毒—clearing heat and detoxifying 清肺养阴—nourishing fever and causing diuresis 生津化痰—promoting the production of body fluid and resolving phlegm 明目清肝—improving eyesight and removing heat from the liver 宽胸散结一relieving stuffiness of the chest and reducing mass 益气生津—supplementing qi and promoting its yin essence 利咽消肿—relieving sore-throat and diminishing swelling 疏风醒脑—eliminating headache and refreshing 2 .2译成带目的状语的动词短语 翻译公式:V ing+(n)+to+V+(n),如: 活血通络—promoting blood circulation to remove obstruction in the channels 润肠通便—loosening the bowel to relieve constipation 化痰止咳—reducing sputa to relieve cough 清热消食—removing pathogenic heat to promote digestion 除湿止痒—removing dampness to relieve itching 增津补肾—promoting the production of body fluid to restore qi 散寒止咳—expelling cold to relieve vomiting 健肺养颜—invigorating the lung to nourish the face 2 .3译成带方式状语的动词短语 翻译公式:V ing+(n)+by+V ing+( n),如: 养心安神—tranquilizing the mind by nourishing the heart 健脾止泻—stopping diarrhea by invigorating the spleen 清热排脓—eliminating pus by clearing away the flow of qi 补肺定喘—relieving wheezing by tonifying the lung 利胆退黄—curing jaundice by normalizing functioning of the gallbladder 托毒合疮—healing ulcer by expelling toxin 养血复脉—recovering pulse condition by nourishing the blood bezoar sedative pills cow-bezoar sedative bolus 牛黄清心片 Bezoar is the gall-stone of the cattle pill 丸剂将药材细粉或药材提取物加适宜的黏合剂或其他辅料制成球形或类球形制剂的统称。分蜜丸、水丸、水蜜丸、糊丸、浓缩丸、蜡丸和微丸等。 Bolus ①食团;〔大〕药丸:易吞服的或在胃肠中通过的食物或药剂的圆形团块;②集合药团:静脉注射药剂(例如不透光造影剂或放射性同位素)而形成的浓缩药团;③散射体:置于辐射源和皮肤之间的散射物质(例如蜡、石蜡、水袋或米面粉混合物), 翻译举例: 1.乌鸡白凤丸具有补气养血,调经止带之功效,主治气血两虚引起的身体瘦弱、腰酸腿软、阴虚盗汗、经血不调、子宫虚寒、行经腹痛、崩漏带下、产后失血等症。方中专饲专供的纯种优质乌鸡,补肝肾,养气血,养阴退热之功显著。全方配伍,药性平和,不寒不燥,最适合妇女补血调经之用,尤其在透达血分虚热方面功效更为显著。 The WUJI BAIFENG BOLUS has the effect of invigorating the vital energy and nourishing blood, regulating menstruation and stopping leukorrhea . It is suitable for treatment of symptoms caused by deficiency of both the vital energy and blood,such as weakness and leanness,lassitude in the loins and knees,night sweat due to insufficiency of the refined materials in the viscera, irregular menstruation,asthenia-cold of uterus,dys menorrhea,metrorrhagia,leukorrhagia and postpartum bleeding. The silky fowl in the prescription is specially bred and supplied,quality and purebred,which has the remarkable effect on nourishing the liver and kidney,invigorating the vital energy and blood,nourishing the refined materials in the viscera and clearing away pathogenic heat . The medicine,with even property,neither cold nor dry,is most suitable for nourishing blood and regulating menstruation in women,especially efficacious on expelling pathogenic heat due to deficiency from blood system. 2.如在“养生丸”说明书中有这样一个长句,“由于环境的污染,各种理化及放射性因素,直接或间接地损害到人类健康,虚耗精气,出现头晕耳鸣、腰膝酸软、脱发齿摇、健忘早衰、精神疲惫、气短喘促、滑精早泄、食欲不振、消化功能差等表现。 为了能准确、通顺地表达原文的思想,译者就必须对原作的表现形式做必要的调整,如: Because of environmental pollution as well as various physical,chemical,and radioactive factors, the human body gets harmed,directly or indirectly,and its vitality impaired. Then come dizziness and ringing ears,weak knees,hair loss and loose teeth,forgetfulness and premature senility, general fatigue,shortness of breath,premature ejaculation,poor appetite and indigestion. 3.鼻为肺之窍,是呼吸道的门户。外邪袭肺,多从鼻孔而入。由于目前大气污染,空气中的有害物质,直接由鼻孔吸入。The nose,which is the entrance to the lungs,is an organ for breathing. It is through the nose that external pathogenic factors, such as pollutants and dust particles in the air, invade the lungs. 4. (养生丸)有调理修补机体亏耗之功;延年益寿之效;对肿瘤化放疗术后,亦起促进康复之用。故本品实为男女老少保健养生,延缓衰老必备之妙药。翻译为: Vitapill adjusts, in vigorates and rejuvenates the body and speeds up the patient’s recovery after chemotherapy and radiotherapy of tumor. It is indeed an ideal medicine for the treatment andprevention of diseases and for delaying aging, irrespective of the patient's sex and age. 阴虚阳亢Hyperactivity of yang due to deficiency of yin syndrome 心火盛exuberance of the heart-fire
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