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南昌大学毕业论文书写样式南昌大学毕业论文书写样式 provided by professionals, limit distribution, access to library records are complete and accurate, consistent accounts. 2, health 2.1 life and health should be incorporated into the site master planning, implementing health part-time staff and c...

南昌大学毕业论文 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 写样式 provided by professionals, limit distribution, access to library records are complete and accurate, consistent accounts. 2, health 2.1 life and health should be incorporated into the site master planning, implementing health part-time staff and cleaning staff, and accountability. 2.2 the construction site set up simple water boiler for tea and barrel, get head with matching cups, have a sterilisation facility. 2.3 the site built toilet, equipped with water-soil facilities, implemented by professionals, scheduled cleaning, 南昌大学本科生毕业设计(论文)书写式样 二、目录:“目录”两字小三号宋体加粗,目录内容小四号宋体,页码数字对齐。 三、页眉和页码:页眉和页码从中文摘要开始,页眉为相应内容的标题,页码从 中文摘要、Abstract、目录用罗马数字(I,II,III……)编排,从正文第一章开 始按照阿拉伯数字(1,2,3……)编排。 四、摘要 1(中文摘要:标题小二号宋体加粗,“专业、学号、姓名、指导教师”五号 宋体,“摘要”两字四号宋体,摘要内容小四号宋体,“关键词”三字小 四号宋体加粗, 2(英文摘要:标题小二号Times New Roman 体加粗,“Abstract” 四号Times New Roman 体;“Abstract” 内容小四号Times New Roman 体, “Keyword”小四号Times New Roman 体加粗。 五、正文:标题四号宋体,正文内容小四号宋体。 六、图表:图表内容五号宋体。 七、参考文献:“参考文献”四字四号宋体,参考文献内容小四号宋体,其中英 文用小四号Times New Roman 体。 八、致谢:“致谢”两字四号宋体,致谢内容小四号宋体。 具体书写式样如下: provided by professionals, limit distribution, access to library records are complete and accurate, consistent accounts. 2, health 2.1 life and health should be incorporated into the site master planning, implementing health part-time staff and cleaning staff, and accountability. 2.2 the construction site set up simple water boiler for tea and barrel, get head with matching cups, have a sterilisation facility. 2.3 the site built toilet, equipped with water-soil facilities, implemented by professionals, scheduled cleaning, provided by professionals, limit distribution, access to library records are complete and accurate, consistent accounts. 2, health 2.1 life and health should be incorporated into the site master planning, implementing health part-time staff and cleaning staff, and accountability. 2.2 the construction site set up simple water boiler for tea and barrel, get head with matching cups, have a sterilisation facility. 2.3 the site built toilet, equipped with water-soil facilities, implemented by professionals, scheduled cleaning, 宋体,四号,居右 页面设置:上2.54cm,下2.54cm,左3.67cm,右2.67cm, 页眉1.5cm,页脚1.75cm ,1.35倍行距,应用于整篇文档 密级: 校名标识(cm) 1.88×6.59,居中 校名外文(大写) Times New Roman,四号,居中 NANCHANG UNIVERSITY 宋体,30磅,居中 学 士 学 位 论 文 Times New Roman,四号,居中 THESIS OF BACHELOR 中文:宋体;数字:Times New Roman (20 —20 年) 四号,居中 校徽标识(cm) 3.33×3.33,居中 宋体,三号,居中 题 目 宋体,四号,居中 注意线条长度一致 学 院: 系 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 职称: 起讫日期: provided by professionals, limit distribution, access to library records are complete and accurate, consistent accounts. 2, health 2.1 life and health should be incorporated into the site master planning, implementing health part-time staff and cleaning staff, and accountability. 2.2 the construction site set up simple water boiler for tea and barrel, get head with matching cups, have a sterilisation facility. 2.3 the site built toilet, equipped with water-soil facilities, implemented by professionals, scheduled cleaning, provided by professionals, limit distribution, access to library records are complete and accurate, consistent accounts. 2, health 2.1 life and health should be incorporated into the site master planning, implementing health part-time staff and cleaning staff, and accountability. 2.2 the construction site set up simple water boiler for tea and barrel, get head with matching cups, have a sterilisation facility. 2.3 the site built toilet, equipped with water-soil facilities, implemented by professionals, scheduled cleaning,此页可直接下 载 南 昌 大 学 学士学位论文原创性申明 本人郑重申明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果。对本文的研究作出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式表明。本人完全意识到本申明的法律后果由本人承担。 作者签名: 日期: 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权南昌大学可以将本论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。 保密?,在 年解密后适用本授权书。 本学位论文属于 不保密?。 (请在以上相应方框内打“?”) 作者签名: 日期: 导师签名: 日期: provided by professionals, limit distribution, access to library records are complete and accurate, consistent accounts. 2, health 2.1 life and health should be incorporated into the site master planning, implementing health part-time staff and cleaning staff, and accountability. 2.2 the construction site set up simple water boiler for tea and barrel, get head with matching cups, have a sterilisation facility. 2.3 the site built toilet, equipped with water-soil facilities, implemented by professionals, scheduled cleaning,页眉:中文宋体,五号,居中 III-?族氮化物及其高亮度蓝光 宋体,小二号,居中 LED外延片的MOCVD生长和性质研究 宋体,五号,对齐居中 专 业: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 摘要 标题:宋体,四号,两端对齐,1.35倍行距 内容:中文宋体,外文字符Times New Roman,小四,宽禁带III,?族氮化物半导体材料在短波长高亮度发光器件、短波长激光两端对齐,1.35倍行距 关键词:“关键词”三字加粗,关键词用“;”分隔 器、光探测器以及高频和大功率电子器件等方面有着广泛的应用前景。自1994 年日本日亚化学工业公司率先在国际上突破了GaN基蓝光LED外延材料生长技术以来,美、日等国十余家公司相继报导掌握了这项关键技术,并分别实现了批量或小批量生产GaN基LED。尽管如此,这项高技术仍处于高度保密状态,材料生长的关键思想及核心技术仍未公开,还无法从参考文献及专利公报中获取最重要的材料生长信息。本论文就是在这种情况下立题的,旨在研究GaN基材料生长中的物理及化学问题,为生长可商品化的高亮度GaN基LED外延材料提供科学依据。 本文在自制常压MOCVD和英国进口MOCVD系统上对III,?族氮化物的生长机理进行了研究,对材料的性能进行了表征。通过设计并优化外延片多层结构,生长的蓝光LED外延片质量达到了目前国际上商品化的中高档水平。并获得了如下有创新和有意义的研究结果: 1(首次提出了采用偏离化学计量比的缓冲层在大晶格失配的衬底上生长单晶膜的思想,并在GaN外延生长上得以实现。采用这种缓冲层,显著改善了GaN外延膜的结晶性能,使GaN基蓝光LED器件整体性能大幅度提高,大大降低了GaN基蓝光LED的反向漏电流,降低了正向工作电压,提高了光输出功率。 „„„„ 本文得到了国家863计划、国家自然科学基金以及教育部发光材料与器件工程研究中心项目的资助。 关键词:氮化物; MOCVD; LED;卢瑟福背散射沟道;光致发光;光透射谱 页眉:外文Times New Roman,五号,居中 Abstract Study on MOCVD growth and properties of III-? Times New Roman,小二 号,居中 nitrides and high brightness blue LED wafers Abstract GaN based ?-? nitrides have potential applications on high brightness LEDs, short wavelength lasers, ultraviolet detectors, high temperature and high power electronic devices. Study on physics issues and technologies of nitrides open a new 标题:Times New Roman,四号,两端对齐,1.35倍行距 内容:Times New Roman,小四,两端对齐,1.35倍行距 area of 3th generation semiconductor. 关键词:“Keyword”三字加粗,关键词用“;”分隔 More than ten companies in America and Japan reported to have developed the nitrides growth technology since Nichia company in Japan first realized the commercialization of GaN based blue LED in 1994. In this thesis,GaN and its ternary were grown by a home-made atmosphere pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) and Thomas Swan 6×2” MOCVD systems. High bright blue LED wafers were obtained by optimizing the nitrides growth technology and wafer structure. Some encouraging results are following as: 1. We present the idea of using a buffer layer of deviation from stoichiometry for materials growth on large lattice mismatch substrates. This idea was realized in nitrides growth in this thesis. The epilayer crystalline quality was improved and the dislocation density was decreased by using GaN low and high temperature buffer layers of deviation from stoichiometry. The RBS/channeling spectra exhibited that the minimum yield χ of GaN layers was just only 1.5%. The leak electric current of min GaN based LED was obviously decreased and lower than 1μA at 5 volt reverse voltage by using this new buffer technology. „„„„ This work was supported by 863 program in China. Keyword: Nitrides;MOCVD;LED;Photoluminescence;RBS/channeling;Optical absorption I provided by professionals, limit distribution, access to library records are complete and accurate, consistent accounts. 2, health 2.1 life and health should be incorporated into the site master planning, implementing health part-time staff and cleaning staff, and accountability. 2.2 the construction site set up simple water boiler for tea and barrel, get head with matching cups, have a sterilisation facility. 2.3 the site built toilet, equipped with water-soil facilities, implemented by professionals, scheduled cleaning, 宋体,小三号,居中 目录 摘要 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Abstract ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? 第一章 GaN基半导体材料及器件进展(多数文章为“绪论”) ?????????????????????? 1 1 .1 III族氮化物材料及其器件的进展与应用 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? 1 1. 2 III族氮化物的基本结构和性质 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 4 1. 3 掺杂和杂质特性 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 12 1. 4 氮化物材料的制备 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 13 1. 5 氮化物器件 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 19 1. 6 GaN基材料与其它材料的比较 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 22 1. 7 本论文工作的内容与安排 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 24 第二章 氮化物MOCVD生长系统和生长工艺 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? 31 2. 1 MOCVD材料生长机理 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 31 2. 2本论文氮化物生长所用的MOCVD设备 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? 32 „„„„ 结论 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 136 目录内容:中文宋体,英文和数字Times New Roman, 小四 参考文献(References) ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 138 页码编号:摘要,Abstract使用页码“I,II,„”;正 文开始使用页码“1,2,3,„”;小节标题左侧缩进1致谢 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 150 字符;页码数字居中对齐 provided by professionals, limit distribution, access to library records are complete and accurate, consistent accounts. 2, health 2.1 life and health should be incorporated into the site master planning, implementing health part-time staff and cleaning staff, and accountability. 2.2 the construction site set up simple water boiler for tea and barrel, get head with matching cups, have a sterilisation facility. 2.3 the site built toilet, equipped with water-soil facilities, implemented by professionals, scheduled cleaning, 章标题:中文宋体,英文Times New Roman,四号居中 第一章 GaN基半导体材料及器件进展 节标题:中文宋体,英文Times New Roman,四号居左 1 .1 III族氮化物材料及其器件的进展与应用 在科学技术的发展进程中,材料永远扮演着重要角色。在与现代科技成就息息相关的千万种材料中,半导体材料的作用尤其如此。以Si为代表的第一代半导体诞生于20世纪40年代末,它们促成了晶体管、集成电路和计算机的发明。以GaAs为代表的第二代半导体诞生于20世纪60年代,它们成为制作光电子器 正文文字:中文宋体,英文Times New Roman,小四,件的基础。III,?族氮化物半导体材料及器件研究历时30余年,前20年进展缓 两端对齐,段落首行左缩进2个汉字符,行距1.35倍慢,后10年发展迅猛。由于III族氮化物特有的带隙范围,优良的光、电性质,(段落中有数学公式时,可根据表达需要设置该段的优异的材料机械和化学性能,使得它在短波长光电子器件方面有着广泛的应用前行距),段前0行,段后0行。 景;并且非常适合制作抗辐射、高频、大功率和高密度集成的电子器件。III,?族氮化物半导体材料已引起了国内外众多研究者的兴趣。 „„„„ 1(2 III族氮化物的基本结构和性质 „„„„ 表标题置于表的上方,中文宋体,英文Times New Roman ,五号加粗居中,表序与表名文字 之间空一个汉字符宽度;内容:中文宋体,英 文Times New Roman,五号,行距1.35。 表1-1 用不同技术得到的带隙温度系数、E、,和T的值 g0c0 带隙温度系数 (K) T(eV) E样品类型 实验方法 dE/dT(eV/K) , (eV/K) 0参考文献 g0gc T=300K -4-4-996 61 GaN/AlO 光致发光 3.503 -5.32,10 5.08,10 23 -4700 59 GaN/AlO 3.489 光致发光 , 7.32,10 23 -4-4600 62 GaN/AlO 光致发光 -4.0,10 , -7.2,10 23 -4-4772 63 GaN/AlO ~3.471 光吸收 23-4.5,10 -9.3,10 „„„„ 第一章 GaN基半导体材料及器件进展 „„„„ 图标题置于图的下方,中文宋体,英文Times New Roman ,五号加粗居中,图序与图名文字 之间空一个汉字符宽度;内容:中文宋体,英 文Times New Roman,五号,行距1.35。 加热电阻 ―――?―――??―――?――?气流 测温元件 测温元件 图1-1 热风速计原理 „„„„ - 1 - provided by professionals, limit distribution, access to library records are complete and accurate, consistent accounts. 2, health 2.1 life and health should be incorporated into the site master planning, implementing health part-time staff and cleaning staff, and accountability. 2.2 the construction site set up simple water boiler for tea and barrel, get head with matching cups, have a sterilisation facility. 2.3 the site built toilet, equipped with water-soil facilities, implemented by professionals, scheduled cleaning, 第二章 氮化物MOCVD生长系统和生长工艺 2.1 MOCVD材料生长机理 „„„„ 转换控制 地址发波形存,,,滤波器 频率控 频率信 生 器 储 器 转换器 制 器 号 源 频率设置 波形数据设置 图2-1 DDS方式AWG的工作 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 „„„„ provided by professionals, limit distribution, access to library records are complete and accurate, consistent accounts. 2, health 2.1 life and health should be incorporated into the site master planning, implementing health part-time staff and cleaning staff, and accountability. 2.2 the construction site set up simple water boiler for tea and barrel, get head with matching cups, have a sterilisation facility. 2.3 the site built toilet, equipped with water-soil facilities, implemented by professionals, scheduled cleaning, 标题:中文宋体,四号,居中 参考文献 [1] Well(Multiple-modulator fraction-n divider[P](US Patent,5038117(1986-02-02 [2] Brian Miller(A multiple modulator fractionl divider[J](IEEE Transaction on instrumentation and Measurement,1991,40(2):578-583( 参考文献内容:中文宋体,英文Times New [3] 万心平,张厥盛(集成锁相环路——原理、特性、应用[M](北京:人民邮Roman,四号,1.35倍行距,参考文献应在文 中相应地方按出现顺序标引。 电出版社,1990(302-307( [4] Miler(Frequency synthesizers[P](US Patent,4609881(1991-08-06( [5] Candy J C(A use of double-integretion in sigma-delta modulation[J](IEEE Trans Commun,1985,33(COM):249-258( [6] 丁孝永(调制式小数分频锁相研究[D](北京:航天部第二研究院,1997( 常见参考文献 格式 pdf格式笔记格式下载页码格式下载公文格式下载简报格式下载 : ?科技书籍和专著:编著者(译者(书名[M](文集用[C])(版本(出版地:出版者, 出版年(页码( ?科技论文:作者(篇名[J](刊名,出版年,卷号(期号):页码( 作者(篇名(??单位博(硕)论文,年( 参考文献必须标明文献类型标志:普通图书 M;会议录 C;汇编 G;报纸 N;期刊 J; 学位论文 D; 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 R; 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 S;专利 P;数据库 DB;计算机程序 CP;电子公告 EB。 电子文献载体类型标志:磁带 MT;磁盘 DK;光盘 CD;联机网络 OL。 - 0 - provided by professionals, limit distribution, access to library records are complete and accurate, consistent accounts. 2, health 2.1 life and health should be incorporated into the site master planning, implementing health part-time staff and cleaning staff, and accountability. 2.2 the construction site set up simple water boiler for tea and barrel, get head with matching cups, have a sterilisation facility. 2.3 the site built toilet, equipped with water-soil facilities, implemented by professionals, scheduled cleaning, 标题:宋体,四号,居中。 致谢 内容:宋体,小四,1.35倍行距, 两边对齐。 „„„„ - 0 -
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