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热妮娅热妮娅. 鲁勉采娃 原著:尤里.纳吉宾(前苏联) Ronia,Rolizawa Author:Uli,Najiben (USSR) This picture-story book was selected by Ministry of Culture in 1989, Chinese artist association of ninth national art exhibition, and published on “picture-story book”, the 2nd issue in 198...

热妮娅. 鲁勉采娃 原著:尤里.纳吉宾(前苏联) Ronia,Rolizawa Author:Uli,Najiben (USSR) This picture-story book was selected by Ministry of Culture in 1989, Chinese artist association of ninth national art exhibition, and published on “picture-story book”, the 2nd issue in 1988. 01 .中学时代最后一节课结束了。不久,我们就要出入大学的讲堂和实验室。同学们一个个都很激动、兴奋,充满着对未来的憧憬。 01 . The last class of middle school times ended. We will go to university's lecture room and the laboratory soon. The schoolmates are all excited, filling expectation to the future. 02 .热妮娅.鲁勉采娃朝教室里探了下头:“谢廖沙,请你出来一下好吗?” 02 .Ronia,Rolizawa towards her head to the classroom. “Siliaosa, would you please come out?” 03 .我来到走廊,热妮娅的衣着象往常一样古怪:身穿一件短得遮不住膝盖的连衣裙,外面套着瘦得胸前扣不拢的毛线衣,里边是一件洗得很旧的白绸衬衫,脚上是一双圆头平底儿童皮鞋。 03 . I arrive at the corridor. Rolizawa’s cloth was very strange as past-Wearing a piece of dress which can not block her knee. Outside is sweater which in front of the chest buckles does not gather together, Inside is very much old white silk shirt, On the foot is pair of round head flat based child leather shoes. 04 .与往常不同的是她的脸上透出淡淡的一层红晕,那双时而严肃认真,时而又茫然若失的灰色大眼睛里闪耀出活泼亲热的光芒。 04 . There is a slight blush on her face which was different from the past. That pair eyes was serious, earnest, feel lost. Big gray eyes give out sparkles and lively rays. 05 .“谢廖沙,有句话我一直想跟你说说:十年以后咱们见一次面吧。”谢廖沙是素来不开玩笑的,所以我也郑重其事地问道:“为什么要见面?” 05 . “Siliaosa, I have some words to tell you all the time: Let’s meet again ten years later.” Rolizawa never makes a joke, therefore I also seriously asked: “Why we have to meet?” 06 .“因为我想知道那时候你会变成什么样子,”热妮娅把一绺垂落在她那短鼻子上的头发甩开,“这些年来我一直很喜欢你。” 06 . “I want to know what are you look like at that time.” Rolizawa swing off her hair of her short nose. “These years I like you very much all the time.” 07 .我一向以为热妮娅.鲁勉采娃不会说出这样的话来,也不会有这种感情。她的生活只有两个内容:一是紧张的共青团的工作,再就是对于星空的遐想,她还在六年级时就认准了当天文学家。 07 . I always think Ronia, Rolizawa could not say that to me and Also could not have this kind of feelings. There ere only two things in her life: One is the busy Communist Youth League work. Another is daydream of sky. When she was in sixth grade she wants to be a big writer. 08 .我与她从来没有过朋友之情,只是在团的工作中有些接触。几年前我因为犯了错误,差点被开除出少先队,同学们都袒护我,只有热妮娅一个人却始终坚持要开除我。这件事影响了我对她的整个态度。 08 . She and I never had sentiment of a friend. Only contacts are in the group. Several years ago because of a mistake, I almost was dismissed the Young Pioneers. All schoolmates help me. Only Rolizawa persisted to dismiss me. This has affected me entire manner to her. 09 .后来我才明白,她之所以不讲情面,是由于她对人对己都严格要求,而绝不是出于恶意。她这个人原本就是纯洁无瑕,性格坚毅、真诚,所以希望别人也都这样。 09 . Later I understood that the reason why she has no consideration for my feelings was because she also strictly requests to herself. It was not from the evil intention. She is originally the flawless, resolute, and sincere. Therefore she also hopes others like this. 10 .此刻,热妮娅这番突如其来的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 白使我又吃惊又紧张。我暗自回溯过去,想找出这事的由来,除非是那次请她公园之游…… 10 . This moment, Rolizawa’s suddenly vindicating causes me so surprise and anxious. Recalled the past, I wants to know why she doing that. Only reason is that time I asks her to go to park... 11 .有一次我们打算假日到希姆基水库去划船。集合地点是清池公园的大凉亭旁。可是那天从一清早就下起蒙蒙细雨,来到集合地点的只有四个人。尼娜来了,是因为 她假日在家呆不住,我是为尼娜而来,巴甫利克为我而来,热妮娅不为什么来,我们都莫名其妙。 11、At one time, we planned to row a boat on a holiday at Simuki reservoir. The assembly place is Qingci Park by Da Min pavilion. But it was drizzle in that morning. Only four people arrives the assembly place. Nina has come,because she does not want to stay at home on holiday. I come for Nina.Papulik come for me. Why does Rolizawa come? We are all bewildered. 12 .雨,时大时小,始终片刻不停。希姆基水库之游已经告吹,可热妮娅仍一个劲儿硬要说服我们去。她的短衫钮扣上挂着一个小包夹肉面包,令人十分感动。出于怜惜之情,我出了个好主意。 12 . The rain is sometimes big and sometimes small. It does not stop. So we can not go for this traveling. But Rolizawa still insisted to go. On her shirt button hang a sandwich. This makes ours extremely moved. Having a pity on her, I make a good idea. 13 .我指着一只有裂缝的破旧平底船说:“咱们在这公园的湖上划划船吧,就设想是在希姆基水库划船好了。”巴甫利克和热妮娅兴高采烈地表示赞同。 13 . I point at a crack worn-out bateau said “We can row a boat on his lake of the park just like we are rowing a boat at Simuki reservoir.”Papulik and Rolizawa are very glade to agree this idea. 14 .连只桨都没有,我们在岸上捡了两块木板,淘干船上的水,就开始了环球航行。我和巴甫利克无精打采地在用木板啪啪打着水面,而热妮娅一路上都在兴致勃勃地虚拟着航线。 14 . No oar, we picked two planks at shore, taking out all of the water on the ship, started round world navigating. Papulik and I using the plank to hit the water surface in low spirits. Rolizawa was in full of enthusiasm hypothesized route all the way. 15 .热妮娅不知疲倦地发号施令。随着她的想象,我们几乎游历了全世界。她根据星宿判断航向,给我们开了一次天文学讲座。她把那几片湿透了的夹肉面包分给大家,又讲起她多么羡慕鲁滨逊的生活。 15 .Rolizawa gives orders without tired. Along with hers imagination, we traveled nearly around the world. She judge direction according to the constellation and give an astronomy lecture to us. She separated several pieces of soaked meat sandwich to everybody,She also tells us she was very envy Robinson's life. 16 .我浑身湿透了,很累,又叫木板桨扎了一手刺,因此一肚子气,就故意说再没有比《鲁滨逊飘流记》更俗不可耐的书了。热妮娅满眼含着泪花,跟我争论。 16 . My whole body was soaked, I am very tired. Also I was got a thorn in my hand. Therefore I am angry as well. I said that “Robinson drift” was not interested as she said. Rolizawa argued with me with tears in her eyes. 17 .后来我们终于回到岸边。刚一上岸就碰上利亚利克。这小伙子近几年来一直胡作非为,蹲过监狱,在劳动教养所呆过。他皱着眉头,十足一副惯匪的模样。 17 . Later we finally returned to the shore. When we get on the shore we meet Lueck. He still doing evil acts in the last few years, therefore he has been put in a jail before. He frowns full of habitual bandit appearance. 18 .利亚利克逼近我们,用一只肩膀撞了我一下,另一只肩膀撞了巴甫利克,嘴里喷着脏话。他拿他那些见不得人的劣迹逞威风,来欺侮我们,我们哪里是这个亡命之徒的对手呵。 18 .Lueck came to us, hit me wit his one shoulder. Another shoulder hit Papulik. Bad words came out from his month. He uses his misdeeds to show his power and want fight us. We have no change to win. 19 .“你敢骂人,流氓!”热妮娅高喊了一声,她不知道这个利亚利克是什么人。19 . “You dare to curse ours, Hoodlum!” Rolizawa shouted loudly. She did not know who Lueck was. 20 .利亚利克一听,转过身冲我们来了。热妮娅截住了他,伸手把他帽子往下一拉,盖住他的鼻子,然后使足了劲朝他胸口猛推一掌,利亚利克一个趔趄撞到草坪的护拦上,一个后仰翻过护拦摔倒在草地上。 20 . As soon as Lueck listens to this, he turned around came to ours. Rolizawa stopped him. Pull his hat down to his face and cover his nose. Then do her best push his chest fiercely with her palm. Lueck staggered and hit to the lawn barricade and then fall crossed the barricade and down on the lawn. 21 .这一下可露了馅,原来利亚利克也不过如此,他那凶恶的外表一钱不值。可怜巴巴地嘟囔了一句,伸手摘掉他头上那顶遮住了眼睛的帽子,灰溜溜地走了。 21 .Lueck just like that. He was not so power as we thought before. His power appearance was worthless. Lueck pitifully mumbled, take off his hat, runs away. 22 .最后我们坐在夏季咖啡座里喝浓咖啡和啤酒。热妮娅喝了一大杯啤酒。她满脸绯红地说她甘愿在首次宇宙航行中牺牲,以自己的死,换取其他更有价值的人的生命。我们明白,她说这番话是出自真心。 22 . Finally we sit in the summer coffee place drinking black coffee and beer. Rolizawa has drunk large glass of beer. Her face was crimson. She said that she was willing to sacrifice in the first astronautics. Use her dying to exchange for other more valuable person's life. We understood what she said is true. 23 .此后,热妮娅再也没有和我们一起玩。我们多次请她参加舞会,她都因为太忙而推辞了。那绝无仅有的一次她莫非是为我而来…… 23 . After that, Rolizawa does not play with ours any more. We ask her to attend the dance party many times. She declines them because of busy. Is it possible that that unique change just for me? 24 .想到此,我问她为什么以前一直不说?她说:“说了又有什么意义?你那么喜欢尼娜!”我怅然若失,问道:“哪咱们什么时候,在什么地点见面呢?” 24 . Thinking of this, I asked why she did not tell me. She said that “does it have any meaning? You like Nina!” I feel lost and ask“When and where we meet?” 25 .“十年以后,五月二十九日晚七点在大剧院那排圆柱正中间的通道里。……到那时候我将是一个著名的天文学家了。” 25 . “After ten years, seven o’ clock on May 29th evening at big theater of column among channel, I will be a renowned astronomer at that time.” 26 .“好吧,到那时候我肯定也是个知名人士了。”话音刚出口,我就顿住了,我从未想过我会在某个领域成名成家,“反正我准乘我的小轿车来……”热妮娅笑了:“那才好呢,到那时你就带着我在全城兜风。” 26 . "Is good, at that time I will be a famous person. “ The words just came out from my month then I stopped. I never had any idea that I can establish reputation things in some dom ain, “I will drive my car to there at that time... ...” Rolizawa smiled: “Nothing is better than that. You pick me up and run around city.” 27 .岁月流逝。后来热妮娅在列宁格勒上大学,她的音信我一无所知。1941年冬季,我打听到热妮娅在战争爆发的当天就辍学进了航校。 27 . The years passed. Rolizawa went to college at Leningrad later. No any news about her. In the winter of 1941, I head that she went to the aviation school. 28、1944年夏,我在军医院住院期间听到电台广播授予空军少校鲁勉采娃以苏联英雄称号的命令。待到我战后回来,才知道热妮娅是牺牲后被授予英雄称号的。 28 . In the summer of 1994, when I was in the army hospital, I head from broadcasting that Rolizawa was awarded with major Soviet hero. After world war II,when I come back, I just know that Rolizawa is awarded with the hero after sacrificed. 29 .生活不断向前,有时我会蓦然想起我们俩的约会。每当快到约会期限的那几天,我总觉得有一种强烈的不安感觉。仿佛过去的这些年我一心一意在为这次约会作准备。 29 . With life spent, I sometimes suddenly remember our date. The appointment 30 .我穿上一套新装,驾上以低廉的价格买来的轿车向大剧院驰去。倘若我见到热妮娅,一定会告诉她,我经历了一次又一次的犹豫动摇,终于找到了自己生活的道路。我出版了一本短篇小说集,目前在写第二本。我对这些并不满意。但是,我相信我会写出好书来的。 30 . I put on a set of new clothing, driving my low price car to the big theater. If I see Rolizawa I will certainly tell her that after several hesitations, I finally found my own live paths. I have already published a sort story book. Now I am writing second one. But it was not enough I believed I can write some good books. 31 .我把车子停在广场前的小花园旁边,向卖花的姑娘买了一束铃兰,朝大剧院圆柱正中央的通道走去。我在那里伫立了片刻,然后把那束铃兰送给一个灰眼睛姑娘,就驱车回去了…… 31、I stopped the car in front of the small garden and bought a bunch of lily flower from a girl, walked towards the big theater column central channel. I stood there for a moment, then giving that bunch of lily to an ash eye girl and driving back...... 32 .刹那间我真想令时光停住,好让我回顾自己,回顾逝去的年华,缅怀那个穿一身短小的连衣裙和瘦窄短衫的小女孩,回忆清池公园之游的一切。让我追悔少年时代我心灵的愚钝无知,轻易地错过了我一生中本来可以获得的欢乐和幸福! 32 . I really want the time stop in that moment and lets me to recall the times which was passed, to memory the short piece dress and thin narrow shirt little girl, to recall everything we have done in Qingci Park. Let me regret the youth ignorant. I have easily
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