首页 PowerPoint教学课件的制作



PowerPoint教学课件的制作PowerPoint教学课件的制作 中学英语教学资源网? 教学文摘 ? PowerPoint教学课件的制作 2011-11-21 广东教育学院现代教育技术中心 PowerPoint的基本知识 一、启动PowerPoint程序 启动Windows——单击屏幕左下脚“开始”按钮,打开开始菜单——将鼠标移动到“程序”,弹出程序中的子项——将鼠标移动到Microsoft PowerPoint处单击,就启动了PowerPoint。 二、新建一个演示文稿 1、进入PowerPoint弹出对话框——选择新建演示文稿...

PowerPoint教学 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 的制作 中学英语教学资源网? 教学文摘 ? PowerPoint教学课件的制作 2011-11-21 广东教育学院现代教育技术中心 PowerPoint的基本知识 一、启动PowerPoint程序 启动Windows——单击屏幕左下脚“开始”按钮,打开开始菜单——将鼠标移动到“程序”,弹出程序中的子项——将鼠标移动到Microsoft PowerPoint处单击,就启动了PowerPoint。 二、新建一个演示文稿 1、进入PowerPoint弹出对话框——选择新建演示文稿,按确定。 2、进入PowerPoint如果没有弹出对话框可以按菜单栏文件菜单,弹出子项,用鼠标单击新建。 3、进入PowerPoint如果没有弹出对话框还可以点按工具栏中的文件图标。 通过这三种方式都进入对话框确定下一步操作。 三、打开已有的演示文稿 1、进入PowerPoint弹出对话框——选择打开已有的演示文稿,按确定。 2、从文件菜单中单击打开,弹出对话框,根据文件所在的路径查找文件,找到后should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete 双击鼠标左键(或打击鼠标左键选中,再按打开按钮)。 3、鼠标单击工具栏的文件夹,弹出对话框,后面操作同上。 4、知道路径可以直接根据路径找到文件,双击。 5、忘了路径或文件名,可以通过开始菜单中查找进行。 四、PowerPoint的屏幕组成 标题栏 菜单栏 工具栏 幻灯片编辑区 视图栏 状态栏 滚动条 五、退出PowerPoint 1、直接单击PowerPoint主画面右上角的“关闭”按钮。 2、在PowerPoint菜单栏的文件菜单中,选择“退出”。 3、双击左上角图标。 4、单击左上角,再按关闭。 5、按Alt+F4。 制作PowerPoint教学课件 一、建立文件夹 为了便于文件的管理和运用,在制作教学课件前,最好先建立文件夹。文件夹 最好是放在(D: )上,因为(C: )上存放的都是系统文件,如果出现什么问 题,要经常重新装,甚至格式化,很容易将您的文件丢失。 文件夹要取您容易记住的名字,文件夹中还可以建文件夹。 should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete 二、制作演示文稿 1、用模板创建演示文稿 新建演示文稿出现对话框——选择设计模板卡片,选中模板类型,单击“确定”按钮。出现新幻灯片的对话框,选择第一张幻灯片的版式,输入文字。 2、用文稿模型创建演示文稿 新建演示文稿出现对话框——选择演示文稿卡片,选中类型,单击“确定”按钮。出现新幻灯片的对话框,选择第一张幻灯片的版式,输入文字。 3、插入幻灯片 在插入菜单下单击新幻灯片,出现新幻灯片的对话框,选择幻灯片的版式,输入文字。 4、复制幻灯片 选中要复制的幻灯片,在编辑菜单下单击复制,在需要复制的幻灯片处,点按粘贴。 5、存盘 文件制作过程中,为防止意外,经常要存盘,可以用鼠标点击工具栏上的磁盘,也可以在文件菜单中点击保存,还可以通过键盘按Ctrl+s。 如果文件在制作过程中,第一次保存,会出现对话框,你必须选择文件的路径(即文件存放的地方)。 6、打印演示文稿 打开需要打印的演示文稿 在文件菜单中选择打印命令 选择打印机名称,调整打印机的属性 确定打印范围 should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete 选择打印 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 和打印份数 三、设计、编排演示文稿 1、配色 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 打开演示文稿,进入幻灯片视图模式 选中准备调整配色方案的幻灯片,右击幻灯片的空白区,出现菜单。 单击幻灯片配色方案,出现“配色方案”对话框(或在格式菜单中单击幻灯片配色方案)。 进行个性化的配色或用某一 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 配色方案。 选中后选择应用或全部应用。 2、背景颜色和填充效果 进入幻灯片的视图模式,选中需要调整背景的幻灯片,右击幻灯片的空白区,出现菜单。 单击背景,出现“背景”对话框(或在格式菜单中单击“背景”)。 选择背景颜色和填充效果 3、选择模板 如果应用的模板不满意,可以在格式菜单中单击应用设计模板或在需要的幻灯片空白处右击在菜单中选择应用设计模板。 在模板对话框中选择合适的模板。 对于初学者最好用现成的模板。 4、使用与取消项目符号 在格式菜单中单击“项目符号”,会出现“项目符号”的对话框,选择你喜欢的项目符号。 去掉项目符号,可以在“项目符号”对话框中选择“无”,也可以直接按退格键,还可以单击工具栏中的项目符号。 should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete 5、调整段落间距 选中需要调整的文本框或文本段落 单击格式菜单中的“行距”,弹出行距对话框,调整行距的值。 6、文字的调整 文字的调整包括字体、字号、颜色、加粗等,可以在格式菜单中单击字体,出现字体对话框,进行调整。有些调整还可以在工具栏上进行。 7、页眉/页脚的设计 在视图菜单中单击页眉/页脚,弹出对话框进行设计。 四、在幻灯片上进行绘图 1、打开绘图工具栏 单击视图菜单中工具栏下的绘图,绘图工具栏就打开了。利用绘图工具可已进行直线、圆、自选图形、线条粗细、线条颜色等的绘制。 2、线条的绘制 单击绘图工具栏中的“直线”按钮 在幻灯片上选择开始点,按下鼠标左键,拖动鼠标,直至直线结束点 拖动鼠标时,如果同时按下Shift键不放,直线倾角以15度为单位变化。如果同时按下Ctrl键不放,直线以开始点为中心向两端延伸 3、更改直线属性 调整直线方向和长度,可以在选中直线后,将鼠标指向尺寸控制点,继续按常规画线 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 进行 移动直线,选中直线后,单击直线中尺寸控制点以外的部分,拖动鼠标到合适的位置 改变直线为虚线,可以选中直线后,单击虚线图标,选择需要的形状(还可以改变粗细、改为箭头、改变颜色) should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete 4、绘制自选图形 单击“自选图形”按钮,选择需要的图形类别 单击需要的图形 在幻灯片中选择图形绘制的开始点,按下鼠标左键,拖动鼠标,直到图形对象满足所需要的大小 5、绘制矩形、正方形 单击工具栏上的椭圆按钮 在幻灯片上选择开始点,按下鼠标左键,拖动鼠标,画出来的是矩形 先按下Shift键不放,再按下鼠标左键,拖动鼠标,画出来的是正方形 同样道理画椭圆和圆 6、改变图形对象的颜色 选中要填充图形对象 单击绘图工具栏中的“填充颜色” 从彩色面板上选择合适的颜色填充 7、旋转图形对象 单击要旋转的对象 单击绘图工具栏的“自由旋转”按钮 拖动旋转点,旋转到希望的角度 在图形外单击,结束旋转 8、向图形对象中添加文本 选中图形对象 单击编辑菜单中的“文本对象”,也可以直接在图形对象上右击鼠标弹出菜单选择“添加文本” 输入要添加的文本信息 should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete 根据需要改变字体 五、添加和编辑艺术字 1、添加艺术字 在插入菜单中,选择“图片”,单击图片下的艺术字选项。 弹出“艺术字库”对话框,双击选中的“艺术字”式样。 弹出编辑艺术字文字的对话框,在对话框的“文字”栏中输入要显示的文字,并 对字体和字号做必要的调整。最后单击“确定”按钮。 2、改变艺术字的形状 选中艺术字对象,弹出“艺术字”工具栏 单击工具栏“艺术字形状”图形按钮Abc 单击相应艺术字造型。 3、旋转艺术字的角度 选中艺术字对象 单击艺术字工具栏中“自由旋转”按钮 拖动艺术字对象四个角上的任意旋转点 在艺术字以外任意区域单击,结束旋转处理状态 、调整艺术字字符间距4 选中艺术字对象 单击艺术字工具栏艺术字字符间距按钮 “”AV 在菜单中选择间距方式 在对象以外区域,撤销对艺术字对象的选择 六、插入数据图表 、图表的插入1 should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete 找到准备插入图表的幻灯片位置 单击插入菜单下的新幻灯片,进入新幻灯片的对话框 “”“” 在对话框中双击图表版式图标 双击幻灯片的下半部分双击此处添加图标图形框,进入图表处理状态 “” 在未对图表输入任何数据或文字时,数据窗口提供一套样本数据 在图表区域以外的地方单击,退出图表编辑。 、改变图表数据2 选中图表对象,双击鼠标,出现数据窗口 如果图表数据窗口没有出现,则在常用工具栏中的查看数据工作表图表按 “”钮,以显示图表数据窗口。 在图表数据窗口,进行文字修改、数字修改,进行字体改动,只需右击进行处 理的单元格。 、选择图表类型3 双击图表对象 单击图表菜单中的图表类型项,也可以在图表区右击鼠标,在弹出的菜单 “”“” 中单击图表类型,弹出图表类型对话框“” 在对话框中,单击标准类型选项卡,在图表类型列表框中选择所需的图表 “”“” 类型,接着在子图表类型列表中选中图表的模型形状,单击确定按钮“” 、设置图表选项4 双击图表对象 在图表菜单中单击图表选项也可以在图表区右击鼠标弹出菜单单击图 “”“”,,,“表选项” 弹出图表选项对话框单击标题选项卡进行编辑 “”,, 、调整图表对象格式5 should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete 双击图表对象 单击常用工具栏的图表对象下拉列表框,选择需要调整的图表对象,也可以 “” 直接将鼠标指向需要调整的对象区 将鼠标指向需调整的对象区,右击鼠标在弹出的菜单种选择调整的内容 七、插入表格 、插入表格1Word 选中准备插入表格的幻灯片 在常用工具栏中单击插入表格的图标按钮在弹出的表格网格中按下 ,“Word”, 鼠标左键拖动直至需要的行和列也可以在插入菜单下选择表格命令实现需要的,(,行和列) 按表格的常规编辑方法处理表格 Word 、插入表格2Excel 选中准备插入表格的幻灯片 在常用工具栏中,单击插入工作表图标按钮,在弹出的表格 “Microsoft Excel” 网格中拖动鼠标直至需要的行和列 表格的编辑方法按照常规的工作表进行 Excel 、插入组织结构图3 找到准备插入组织结构图的幻灯片的位置 单击插入菜单,选择新幻灯片单击,进入对话框,在自动版式样本框中, “”“” 双击组织结构图版式图标 双击幻灯片的下半部双击此处添加组织结构图图形框,启动组织结构图程序 “” 进行编辑,关闭组织结构图程序窗口,出现对话框,单击是即可。 “” 八、添加多媒体对象 、在幻灯片上插入剪贴画1 should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete 选中准备插入的幻灯片 单击插入菜单,在子菜单中选择图片,在单击剪贴画 “” 在剪贴画选项卡中,选择合适的图像,插入。 调整画的大小位置 、插入剪辑库以外的图片文件2 选中要插入图片的幻灯片 单击插入菜单,选择图片,单击来自文件 “”“”“” 弹出插入图片对话框,单击查找范围栏中的下拉箭头,选择文件的路径以 “”“” 及文件夹 双击文件夹,找到要插入的图片文件 双击图片文件或选中文件单击插入按钮 、在幻灯片中插入声音剪辑3 选中准备插入声音剪辑的幻灯片 单击插入菜单,选择影片和声音,单击剪辑库中的声音 “”“”“” 弹出剪辑库窗口,单击声音选项卡,选择所需的声音剪辑,单击插入按 “”“”“” 钮。 在幻灯片中调整新插入的声音剪辑对象的位置和图标大小 、在幻灯片上插入影片剪辑4 选中准备插入的幻灯片 单击插入菜单,选择影片和声音,单击剪辑库中的影片 “”“”“” 弹出剪辑库窗口,单击影片选项卡,选择需要的影片,单击插入按钮 “”“”“” 调整插入影片剪辑对象的位置和大小 、向剪辑库中添加剪辑5 单击工具栏中的插入剪贴画,也可以通过插入菜单的图片下剪贴画,进入剪辑 should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete 库窗口 单击输入剪辑按钮,屏幕弹出添加剪贴画到剪辑库对话框 “” 在搜索栏下拉箭头选择图片所在的位置 “” 双击图片文件所在的文件夹 选定图片文件,双击 计算机读取所选的图片剪辑文件后,进入剪辑属性对话框,在关键词栏输 “”“”入关键词,在类别栏输入图片剪辑所属的类别,单击确定按钮。“” 、插入自己选择的图片资源6 选择自己喜爱的图片、照片通过扫描仪扫入计算机步骤:打开与计算机相连接 的扫描仪打开应用软件在文件菜单下选择输入,单击——Photoshop——“”“”TWA ,进入扫描仪扫描图像的对话框选择分辨率、扫描图片的范围、进行预IN32—— 览、扫描对扫描的图像进行处理保存图片文件———— 在幻灯片上插入扫描的图片时,按照插入剪辑库以外的图片文件的方法 、插入自己喜欢的音乐7 将自己喜欢的唱盘放入光区打开解霸工具,选择喜欢的乐曲设置 CD————音乐回放选择音乐出点和入点将剪辑的音乐保存———— 选择要插入音乐的幻灯片在插入菜单,影片和声音下单击文件中的 ——“”“”“声音选择剪辑音乐文件的路径,双击音乐文件调整位置和大小”———— 、插入需要的视频资料8 将需要的放入光区打开解霸工具,选择需要的视频资料片断设 VCD————置视频回放选择视频出点和入点将剪辑的视频保存———— 选择要插入视频的幻灯片在插入菜单,影片和声音下单击文件中的 ——“”“”“影片选择剪辑视频文件的路径,双击视频文件调整位置和大小”———— 、插入喜爱的动画9 should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete 可以找一些网上动画的素材光牒找到你喜爱并且适合用于教学课件的动 —— 画(也可以使其他的比如图标、图片等),选中它复制粘贴到你建立的素材文——件夹中 选择要插入动画的幻灯片在插入菜单,图片下单击来自文件选 ——“”“”“”——择动画文件的路径,双击文件调整位置和大小—— 九、创建交互式演示文稿 、通过动作按钮设置超级链接1“” 选择需要链接到其它幻灯片的幻灯片 在幻灯片放映菜单下,动作按钮中选择需要的图标按钮单击 “”“” 在幻灯片上选择放置按钮的起始点,按下鼠标左键,拖动鼠标,直至动作按钮 的大小符合要求 双击按钮,打开动作设置对话框,选择单击鼠标卡,选择超级链接到, “”“”“”从下拉表中选择幻灯片,确定“” 、超级链接到其它文件2 选取准备设置超级链接的对象,右击鼠标,在屏幕弹出的菜单中选择动作设 “置” 在打开的动作设置对话框中选择单击鼠标卡,选择超级链接下拉表中的其 “”“” 它文件,确定“” 打开超级链接到其它文件的对话框,找到要链接的文件双击 “” 返回动作设置对话框,单击确定 “”“” 文本对象由于设置了超级链接,其颜色变化,下面多了一道线 十、幻灯片的放映 、用预设动画设置动画效果1“” 选中准备设置动画效果的对象 should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete 在幻灯片放映菜单下选择预设动画命令,在弹出的子菜单中单击需要的动 “”“” 画效果选项 如果要观看对象的实际动画效果,可以在幻灯片放映菜单下选择动画预览 “”“”命令,反复观看,可以直接单击幻灯片的缩图 取消动画效果,可以选择动画效果子菜单中的关闭选项单击 “” 、用自定义动画选项设置动画效果2“” 选中要设置动画效果的幻灯片 从幻灯片放映菜单选择 “” 在自定义动画对话框中,单击效果选项卡,在动画和声音效果栏中选择动 “”“”画和声音效果 如果要继续对幻灯片中的其它对象进行动画效果设置,可以先单击时间选项 “”卡,在无动画的幻灯片对象列表框中单击准备设置动画的对象,再在启动动画“”“”栏中选播放动画“” 当一幅幻灯片中有多个对象设置了动画效果,可以在动画顺序中设置不同对 “”象显示的先后次序 、用自定义动画选项设置动画效果3“” 设置对象是图表对象,可以通过单击图表效果选项卡,对图表中的有关元素 “” 按照序列、类别等次序进行动画设置。 如果所设置的对象是声音或影片,可以通过单击播放设置选项卡,对声音和 “”影片的播放进行设置。 需要检验播放时的动画效果,可以单击预览按钮 “” 、设置幻灯片的切换效果4 选中准备设置切换方式的幻灯片 从幻灯片放映菜单中单击幻灯片切换命令打开对话框 “”“” should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete 在效果栏中选择需要的切换效果和速度 “” 在换页方式中选择 “” 切换时,如果需要声音,在声音栏中进行选择 选择结束单击应用或全部应用 “”“” 、设置幻灯片放映方式5 从幻灯片放映菜单中单击设置放映方式命令打开对话框 “”“” 在对话框中进行有关放映方式的设置 should be conducted in the presence of the supervisor. (7) monitoring instruments and equipment should be checked and corrected after installation, Embedment, and submit calibration reports. Supervision inspection acceptance shall be measured immediately after reading initial values. (8) each measuring point for each observation section within 14 days after planting, to submit their research laid the table control. (9) in the course of construction, all monitoring equipment should be protected, the supervisor requested protection area shall provide protective cover and logo. 10.5.2 surface deformation monitoring (1) surface deformation monitoring point Pier in-situ reinforced concrete Pier, the pier above the ground 1.2m, in undisturbed soil or bedrock (native) deep 1.0~1.5M. (2) the pier top of forced centering plate. (3) when planted, forced centering plate should be horizontal, angle not greater than 4 '. 10.5.3 level monitoring point (1) in the standard location monitoring points around the reserve pit formwork, aspect to facilitate in the leveling of the pit shall prevail. (2) the standard markers together with the accessories insert the bottom has not been final set in advance concrete, exposed bottom concrete
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