首页 (新课标)天津市2018届高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 完形填空 专题能力训练九 完形填空(四)(说明文)

(新课标)天津市2018届高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 完形填空 专题能力训练九 完形填空(四)(说明文)


(新课标)天津市2018届高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 完形填空 专题能力训练九 完形填空(四)(说明文)(新课标)天津市2018届高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 完形填空 专题能力训练九 完形填空(四)(说明文) 专题能力训练九 完形填空(四)(说明文) A Many of us have characteristics that come from our families.Maybe we have our father’s eyes or our grandmother’s hair color.But there are still other elements of our personalities...

(新课标)天津市2018届高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 完形填空 专题能力训练九 完形填空(四)(说明文)
(新课标)天津市2018届高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 完形填空 专 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 能力训练九 完形填空(四)(说明文) 专题能力训练九 完形填空(四)(说明文) A Many of us have characteristics that come from our families.Maybe we have our father’s eyes or our grandmother’s hair color.But there are still other elements of our personalities such as 1 and viewpoints that we pick up by 2 our parents.Perhaps we have picked up our mother’s love of cleaning or our dad’s 3 of humor. The researchers at the University of Michigan 4 there are usually three kinds of people from their 5 . The first kind of people are the job-oriented(以工作为目的的) people who 6 to regard a job as simply a way to make money.They 7 to working day after day and don’t think it 8 for them to do anything else.If you have a job-oriented father,you may view work this way.However,you will not 9 hold this viewpoint if you grow up close to your job-oriented mother. The second are the career-oriented people who see their jobs as a place to gain 10 .These are the people who don’t 11 working overtime.In fact,some people love their jobs so much that they are feeling more comfortable in the 12 than at home.They are always 13 to make progress in their work.Being close to a career-oriented father means you’ll carry on your father’s. 14 enough,having a mother with this viewpoint seems to have little 15 . The third are the calling-oriented people who consider their job as a way to have a 16 effect on the world.They are more 17 about improving the world around them than earning a large salary.In the study,those people came from homes where both parents had 18 .This suggests that adolescents need the 19 of both parents in order to have the confidence. Such as it is,we still have our 20 to find a career that suits us. 【语篇导读】本文是关于家庭教育的说明文。文章用科学研究成果来说明父母对孩子的影 响。 1.A.operations B.insurances C.behaviors D.institutions 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 :C 解析:operation“手术”;insurance“保险”;behavior“行为”;institution“慈善机构”。这里用behaviors与下文的viewpoints对应,故选C项。 2.A.inviting B.nursing C.protecting D.modeling 答案:D 解析:invite“邀请”;nurse“护理”;protect“保护”;model“跟„„学,模仿”。由文章中的 pickup“偶然学到”可知,应是通过“模仿”父母学到的。故选D项。 3.A.pride B.sense C.value D.scene 答案:B 解析:pride“骄傲”;sense“感觉”;value“价值”;scene“场景”。senseofhumor“幽默感”,为固定搭配。故选B项。 4.A.warn B.learn C.wonder D.hope 答案:B 解析:warn“警告”;learn“学会,知道,了解”;wonder“想知道”;hope“希望”。根据句意应为“密歇根大学的研究人员了解到„„”,故选B项。 5.A.study B.hall C.university D.department 答案:A 解析:study“学习,研究”;hall“大厅”;university“大学”;department“部门,分支”。与上 文的researchers相对应,此处应为study。故选A项。 6.A.attempt B.manage C.tend D.offer 答案:C 1 解析:attempt“尝试”;manage“设法”;tend“趋向”;offer“提供”。tendtodosth.“意欲、打算做某事”,与前文的job-oriented对应。故选C项。 7.A.paynoattention B.areopposed C.lookforward D.areblind 答案:C 解析:根据前文的“regardajobassimplyawaytomakemoney”可判断是他们期待一天又一天重复地工作,仅仅是为了挣钱。故选C项。 8.A.puzzling B.interesting C.surprising D.frightening 答案:B 解析:puzzling“令人困惑的”;interesting“令人感兴趣的”;surprising“令人吃惊的”;frightening“令人害怕的”。根据前文“workingdayafterday”可知他们认为其他的事情都是无趣的。故选B项。 9.A.frequently B.constantly C.probably D.patiently 答案:C 解析:frequently“频繁地”;constantly“不断地”;probably“可能地”;patiently“耐心地”。根据下文的“closetoyourjob-orientedmother”和前文的“However”,“not”判断是很可能不会拥有这样一种观点,与拥有一个“job-orientedfather”不同。故选C项。 10.A.explanations B.expressions C.directions D.achievements 答案:D 解析:explanation“解释”;expression“表达,表情”;direction“说明,指 导”;achievement“成功”。gainachievement“赢得成功”,追求事业的人会努力在他们的工作上赢得成功。故选D项。 11.A.mind B.enjoy C.finish D.consider 答案:A 解析:mind“介意”;enjoy“享受,喜欢”;finish“完成”;consider“考虑”。根据前文内容可知若想获得成功,应是不介意加班工作。故选A项。 12.A.garden B.office C.cinema D.club 答案:B 解析:garden“花园”;office“办公室”;cinema“电影院”;club“俱乐部”。与“somepeoplelovetheirjobssomuch”对应,应是对这些人来说待在办公室比待在家里还舒服。故 选B项。 13.A.sad B.curious C.proud D.afraid 答案:C 解析:sad“悲伤的”;curious“好奇的”;proud“骄傲的”;afraid“害怕的”。与空后的“tomakeprogress”和前文的“lovetheirjobssomuch”相对应,应是为取得的进步感到自豪。可 知选C项。 14.A.Worriedly B.Secretly C.Carefully D.Strangely 答案:D 解析:worriedly“忧虑地”;secretly“秘密地”;carefully“认真地,细心地”;strangely“奇怪地”。根据空前的“carryonyourfather’s”与空后的“seemstohavelittle 15 ”可知 strangelyenough“说来也奇怪”符合语境,故选D项。 15.A.influence B.evidence C.performance D.justice 答案:A 解析:influence“影响”;evidence“证据”;performance“表演”;justice“正义”。与前文对应,类属于“career-oriented”的母亲对孩子有更少的影响。故选A项。 16.A.bad B.side C.harmful D.positive 答案:D 2 解析:bad“坏的”;side“负面的”;harmful“有害的”;positive“积极的”。根据下文的“improvingtheworldaroundthem”判断应是对周围世界有积极的影响。故选D项。 17.A.disappointed B.concerned C.tired D.difficult 答案:B 解析:disappointed“感到失望的”;concerned“关心的,担忧的”;tired“感到疲劳 的”;difficult“困难的”。beconcernedabout“关注”,为固定搭配。故选B项。 18.A.time B.wealth C.ability D.profit 答案:C 解析:time“时间”;wealth“财富”;ability“能力”;profit“利润”。根据上下文应是“来自父母都有能力的家庭”。故选C项。 19.A.money B.reputation C.support D.conclusion 答案:C 解析:money“金钱”;reputation“名誉”;support“支持”;conclusion“结论”。青少年需要来自父母双方的支持才能获得自信。故选C项。 20.A.advice B.difference C.discussion D.choice 答案:D 解析:advice“建议”;difference“不同,差别”;discussion“讨论”;choice“选择”。与下文“thatsuitsus”对应,应为“选择适合我们的事业”。故选D项。 B Children model themselves largely on their parents.They do so mainly through identification.Children identify 1 a parent when they believe they have the qualities and feelings that are 2 of that parent.The things parents do and say— and the 3 they do and say to them—therefore strongly influence a child’s 4 .Therefore,parents must consistently behave like the type of 5 they want their child to become. A parent’s actions 6 affect the self-image that a child forms 7 identification.Children who see mainly positive qualities in their 8 will likely learn to see themselves in a positive way.Children who observe chiefly 9 qualities in their parents will have difficulty 10 positive qualities in themselves.Children may 11 their self-image,however,as they become increasingly 12 by peer groups’ standards before they reach 13. Isolated(孤立的) events, 13 dramatic(戏剧性的)ones,do not necessarily have a permanent 14 on a child’s behavior.Children interpret such events according to their established attitudes and previous training.Children who know they are loved can, 15 ,accept the divorce of their parents or a parent’s early 16 .But if children feel unloved,they may interpret such events 17 a sign of rejection or punishment. In the same way,all children are not influenced 18 by toys and games,reading materials,and television programs. 19 in the case of a dramatic change in family relations,the 20 of an activity or experience depends on how the child interprets it. 【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章就家长对孩子影响的问题展开了论述。我们能从许多 孩子的身上或多或少地看到他们父母的影子。 1.A.to B.with C.around D.for 答案:B 解析:本题属于惯用搭配题,identifywith在这里意为“认同,等同”,即“孩子把自己假设成父亲 或母亲„„”,所以B项正确。 2.A.informed B.characteristic C.conceived D.indicative 3 答案:B 解析:informed“见多识广的”;characteristic“典型的”;conceived“想象的”;indicative“指示的,预示的”。characteristicofsb.“某人的特征”,符合“当他们认为 自己拥有属于父母特有的品质和情感时„„”这一语境。故选B项。 3.A.gesture B.expression C.way D.extent 答案:C 解析:gesture“姿态,手势”;expression“表情”;way“方式”;extent“范围”。只有way符合句意,即父母的言行方式。故选C项。 4.A.behavior B.words C.mood D.reactions 答案:A 解析:空格所在句意为“父母的言行举止,以及他们的言行方式对孩子的„„影响很大”。behavior“行为”;word“话语”;mood“心情”;reaction“反应”。结合四个选项可知A项正确。 5.A.person B.human C.creature D.adult 答案:A 解析:person“人”;human“人类”;creature“生物”;adult“成年人”。结合句意可知,A项正确。 6.A.inturn B.nevertheless C.also D.asaresult 答案:C 解析:上文谈到父母的言行对孩子的行为影响很大,这里谈到父母的言行还影响孩子的自我形象,所以应使用表并列关系的词。故选C项。 7.A.before B.besides C.with D.through 答案:D 解析:此处意为“孩子„„身份认同形成的自我形象”,只有through(通过)符合句意,且文章第二句已给出提示。故选D项。 8.A.eyes B.parents C.peers D.behaviors 答案:B 解析:根据下一句中的“intheirparents”可知B项正确。 9.A.negative B.cheerful C.various D.complex 答案:A 解析:由上句话中的“positive”可以推测出此处应是其反义词,所以A项正确。 10.A.see B.seeing C.tosee D.toseeing 答案:B 解析:havedifficulty(in)doingsth.“做„„有困难”,是固定搭配,所以B项正确。 11.A.modify B.copy C.giveup D.continue 答案:A 解析:空格处所在句意为“然而,在他们13岁之前,由于他们越来越„„同龄人的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,他们可能会„„自我形象”。modify“修改,更改”;copy“复制”;giveup“放弃”;continue“继续”。A项最符合句意。 12.A.mature B.influenced C.unique D.independent 答案:B 解析:mature“成熟的”;influenced“被影响的”;unique“独一无二的”;independent“独立 的”。结合句意可知,B项正确。 13.A.not B.besides C.even D.finally 答案:C 解析:本句的意思是“孤立的事件„„富有戏剧性的事,都不一定会对孩子的行为产生永久的„„”,由此可推知空格处应填入表示递进关系的词,所以C项正确。 14.A.idea B.wonder C.stamp D.effect 答案:D 4 解析:havea(n)...effecton“对„„产生影响”,是惯用搭配,所以D项正确。 15.A.luckily B.forexample C.atmost D.theoretically 答案:B 解析:此处举例说明孩子们如何利用已有的态度等理解某些事情。故选B项。 16.A.death B.rewards C.advice D.teaching 答案:A 解析:本句中or连接的两部分应是意义相似的令人不愉快的事,所以A项正确。 17.A.as B.being C.of D.for 答案:A 解析:interpret...as“把„„理解为”,是惯用搭配,所以A项正确。 18.A.even B.atall C.alike D.asawhole 答案:C 解析:句意:不是所有的孩子都„„受到玩具、游戏、读物、电视节目的影响。alike“同样地”, 符合句意,所以C项正确。 19.A.Oh B.Alas C.Right D.As 答案:D 解析:as“正如„„”,符合句意,故选D项。A、B两项是感叹词,后面多用逗号,应排除;right不 符合句意,也应排除。 20.A.result B.effect C.scale D.cause 答案:B 解析:句意:一次活动或经历对一个孩子的影响取决于他/她如何看待它。result“结 果”;effect“影响”;scale“刻度”;cause“原因”。故B项正确。 C In the 1450s Johannes Gutenberg,a German printer,developed a new printing press(印刷机).Then single letters could be 1 in lines to create a page of text.The letters were made of metal.Each one could be 2 to different parts of the press,depending on which words were 3 on a certain page.This was one of the most important 4 in the history of printing. 5 ,most books had been created by copying out text by hand.The 6 of a single book would take many hours or even days.With the Gutenberg press, 7 could be printed in several seconds,and many copies of books could be created in a few hours. Gutenberg’s printing press was not so much a(n) 8 ,however,as an improvement of developing technologies.The Chinese were the first to use wooden blocks(木刻版),as early as the 8th century.Then great 9 was made around 1040.The movable type was invented by Bi Sheng in China.The Europeans 10 the printing methods centuries later.Another contribution to Gutenberg’s system also came from the East, 11 .The Chinese invented paper using 12 materials,including old clothes.The kind of inexpensive paper was introduced into Europe in 1000 or so.This kind of paper was 13 for the new European printing presses, 14 it took in the only ink required for the metal type. Printing soon became an important 15 in a rapidly growing world.By 1500,nearly 35,000 books were in print worldwide.But the printing press did not 16 a lot for a long time.In the 19th century,however,iron 17 wood in the press’s framework.And paper became 18 in continuous rolls rather than more expensive single pieces.Steam engines 19 the speed at which the press ran.In the late 1900s,the introduction of better presses greatly 20 the time it took to turn ideas into books. 【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了文本印刷术的发展历程。 5 1.A.used B.put C.read D.written 答案:B 解析:use“使用”;put“放”;read“读”;write“写”。句意:然后这些单一的字母被排列成行制成一页文本。putsth.inlines“把„„排列成行”。故选B项。 2.A.shown B.turned C.moved D.added 答案:C 解析:show“展示”;turn“转过来”;move“移动”;add“增加”。句意:根据版面对于单词的需要,每个字母可以移动到不同的地方。根据句意可知每个字母都可以移动。故选C项。 3.A.needed B.lost C.collected D.found 答案:A 解析:need“需要”;lose“失去”;collect“收集”;find“发现”。句意:根据版面对于单词的需要,每个字母可以移动到不同的地方。根据句意选A项。 4.A.challenges B.studies C.discoveries D.developments 答案:D 解析:challenge“挑战”;study“研究”;discovery“发现”;development“发展”。句意:这是印刷史上最重要的发展之一。根据第一句话 “Inthe1450sJohannesGutenberg,aGermanprinter,developedanewprintingpress.”可知选D项。 5.A.Recently B.Immediately C.Previously D.Finally 答案:C 解析:recently“最近地”;immediately“立刻地”;previously“先前地”;finally“最后 地”。句意:以前,大多数的 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 用手来进行抄写。根据语境和时态可知这里在讲述以前的事情。故选C项。 6.A.discussion B.production C.instruction D.preparation 答案:B 解析:discussion“讨论”;production“生产”;instruction“说明”;preparation“准备”。 句意:一本书的生产会花费数小时甚至数天的时间。根据上文提到 “mostbookshadbeencreatedbycopyingouttextbyhand.”可知选B项。 7.A.pages B.ideas C.models D.characters 答案:A 解析:page“页”;idea“想法”;model“模型”;character“字母;角色”。句意:用这种印刷机,在几秒钟内能打印许多页,在几小时内就可印刷数本书。根据句意可知在几秒钟内印数单页,再由单页构成书。故选A项。 8.A.attraction B.expression C.competition D.invention 答案:D 解析:attraction“吸引”;expression“表达”;competition“比赛”;invention“发明”。句 意:古登堡印刷术作为一项科技的发展并不是一项发明。根据下文可知选D项。 9.A.accident B.research C.progress D.situation 答案:C 解析:accident“事故”;research“研究”;progress“进步”;situation“状况”。句意:1040年左右此项技术取得了较大的进步。makeprogress“取得进步”。故选C项。 10.A.believed B.followed C.tested D.required 答案:B 解析:believe“相信”;follow“跟随”;test“检测”;require“ 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 ”。句意:毕昇发明活字印刷术。数世纪后欧洲也紧随其后。 11.A.paper B.wood C.letters D.metal 答案:A 解析:句意:古登堡印刷术的出现也源于纸的发明。根据下文提到的 “TheChineseinventedpaper...”可知选A项。 6 12.A.fine B.thin C.heavy D.cheap 答案:D 解析:fine“好的”;thin“瘦的”;heavy“重的”;cheap“便宜的”。句意:中国发明了纸,用的是便宜的原料,包括旧衣服等。根据下文提到的 “ThekindofinexpensivepaperwasintroducedintoEuropein1000orso.”可知选D项。 13.A.useless B.special C.good D.impossible 答案:C 解析:useless“无用的”;special“特别的”;good“好的”;impossible“不可能的”。 begoodfor“对„„有好处”,故选C项。 14.A.as B.although C.until D.unless 答案:A 解析:as“由于”;although“虽然”;until“直到”;unless“除非”。两个句子之间是因果关 系。故选A项。 15.A.fashion B.industry C.trick D.belief 答案:B 解析:fashion“时尚”;industry“工业”;trick“技巧”;belief“信念”。句意:印刷业很快成为这个快速发展的世界中一项重要的产业。根据句意可知印刷业成为一项产业,故选B项。 16.A.apply B.help C.work D.change 答案:D 解析:apply“申请”;help“帮助”;work“工作”;change“改变”。句意:但印刷术在很长时间内并没有改变。根据“but”可知此处表示转折。故选D项。 17.A.replaced B.controlled C.became D.protected 答案:A 解析:replace“代替”;control“控制”;become“成为”;protect“保护”。句意:到了19世纪,在印刷过程中铁代替了木头。根据语境可知时代在发展,技术越来越先进。故选A项。 18.A.necessary B.available C.normal D.valuable 答案:B 解析:necessary“必要的”;available“可获得的”;normal“正常的”;valuable“有价值 的”。根据文中提到“ratherthanmoreexpensivesinglepieces”可知纸以成卷的形式出现,故选B项。 19.A.reached B.limited C.increased D.kept 答案:C 解析:reach“到达”;limit“限制”;increase“增加”;keep“保持”。根据语境可知蒸汽机的 发明加速印刷机的运转。故选C项。 20.A.made B.allowed C.wasted D.reduced 答案:D 解析:make“制作”;allow“允许”;waste“浪费”;reduce“减少”。句意:到20世纪末期,更先进的印刷术的引进减少了把想法变成书的时间。故选D项。 7
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