首页 2010年中山大学翻译硕士MTI考研辅导班真题答案解析



2010年中山大学翻译硕士MTI考研辅导班真题答案解析2010年中山大学翻译硕士MTI考研辅导班真题答案解析 2010年中山大学翻译硕士MTI考研辅导班真题答案解析 各位考研的同学们,大家好~我是才思的一名学员,现在已经顺利的考上研究生,今天和大家分享一下这个专业的真题,方便大家准备考研,希望给大家一定的帮助。 基础英语?答案详解 Part 1: Grammar and Vocabulary. 01. Unpopular as white has been in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice...

2010年中山大学翻译硕士MTI考研辅导班真题答案解析 2010年中山大学翻译硕士MTI考研辅导班真题答案解析 各位考研的同学们,大家好~我是才思的一名学员,现在已经顺利的考上研究生,今天和大家分享一下这个专业的真题,方便大家准备考研,希望给大家一定的帮助。 基础 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 ?答案详解 Part 1: Grammar and Vocabulary. 01. Unpopular as white has been in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown. 句义:白色过去不受人欢迎,现在却成了婚纱的首选。 答案:B 考点:倒装 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 : as相当于though的意思,使用时可倒装,e.g. Try as she might, Sue couldn't get the door open. A. Unpopular has as white been B. Unpopular as white has been C. Unpopular has been as white D. White has been as unpopular 02. What the government should do urgently is to take actions to boost the economy. 句义:政府的当务之急是采取措施促进经济发展。 答案:D 考点:词义辨析 分析: A. brook 容忍 B. blush 因羞愧而脸红 C. brood 焦虑,忧思 D. boost 促进, 激励 03. Windstorms have recently established a record which meteorologists hope will not be equaled for many years to come. 句义:近来的暴风雪创造了一个新 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 ,而气象学家一直认为如此程度的暴风雪在多年之后才会到来。 答案:B 考点:语意分析 分析: many years to come 意为“在未来的几年里” A. that will come B. to come C. that are coming D. coming 04. We expect Mr. Smith will take over Class One when Miss White retires. 句义:我们希望珍妮小姐退休后,怀特先生能够接管一班。 答案:D 考点:词义辨析 分析: A. take to 开始从事;开始沉湎于 B. take up 开始采用;采取,承担 C. take off脱去;拿掉 D. take over 接收,接管 05. Tom hardly seems middle-aged, let alone old. 句义:汤姆看上去都不像中年人,更别提老了。 答案:A 考点:固定搭配 分析: let alone是固定用法,例句:The baby can’t even sit up yet, let alone walk! 这个婴儿连坐都不会呢,更不说走路了 A. let alone B. less likely C. much worse D. all else 06. All was darkness besides an occasional glimmer in the distance. 句义:到处都漆黑无比,除了远处那若隐若现的微光。 答案:C 考点:词汇用法 分析:. except for后面接名词,是除了„„以外;besides虽也可以接名词,但是“除„„ 还有”的意思 A. except B. no more than C. besides D. except for 07. The prospect of increased prices has already provoked worries. 句义:物价上涨的趋势已经引起了人们的恐慌。 答案:B 考点:词义辨析 分析: A. irritated 使发怒,使急躁 B. provoked 引起;引发 C. inspired 鼓励,鼓舞 D. hoisted 把„„吊起,升起 08. Her father is so deaf that he has to use a hearing aid. 句义:她父亲聋得很厉害,必须用助听器。 答案:A 考点:固定表达 分析: hearing aids是助听器 A. aid B. help C. support D. tool 09. From the cheers and shouts of encouragement, I guessed that she was winnin g the race. 句义:从欢呼和呐喊的鼓励声中,我猜她赢得了比赛。 答案:D 考点:词义辨析 分析: A. stimulus 刺激 B. heartening 令人振奋的 C. urging 说服 D. encouragement 鼓励 10. Although the model looks good on the surface; it will not bear close scrutiny. 句义:尽管这个模特外表很漂亮,但经不住从近处细看。 答案:B 考点:词义辨析 分析: A. temperament 性格,性情,气质 B. scrutiny 细看,细查;监视 C. contamination 致污物 D. symmetry 相似;相仿 11. It is the first book of this kind that I’ve ever read. 句义:这是我读过的第一本这个类型的书籍。 答案:B 考点:定语从句 分析: 定语从句的先行词有序数词,所以用关系词that A. which B. that C. what D. when 12. The kid is reaching for a bottle from the shelf when I came in. 句义:我进来时,孩子正在伸手去拿架上的瓶子。 答案:B 考点:固定搭配 分析: 当reach表示“伸手去够某物”时,介词搭配用“for”A. to B. for C. at D. in 13. The police chief announced that the case would soon be inquired into. 句义:警察局长宣布不久将调查这个案件。 答案:A 考点:固定搭配 分析: inquire about意为“询问”,而inquire into意为“调查”。 A. into B. of C. after D. about 14. Her grandfather accidentally set fire to the house. 句义:她爷爷不小心放火烧着了房子。 答案:B 考点:固定搭配 分析: set fire to 意为“点燃,使燃烧” A.put B. set C. took D. got 15. Nobody can help but be fascinated by the world into which he is taken by science fiction. 句义:没有人会不为科幻小说中的世界着迷。 答案:D 考点:句意理解 分析: A. Anybody 任何人 B. Everybody 每个人,人人 C. Somebody 有些人 D. Nobody 没人 16. The likely outcome of contest varies from moment to moment. 句义:比赛结果每分钟都可能变化。 答案:B 考点:句意理解 分析: A. apt 当的;适当的 B. likely 有可能的 C. liable 负责任的 D. prone 易于„„的;很可能„„的 17. Anyone going into a bar, whether they arouse suspicion or not, will be asked to take a test, which highlights any drug use. 句义:无论是不是可疑人物,去酒吧的每个人都得接受毒品检查。 答案:D 考点:及物不及物动词考察 分析: arouse是及物动词,后面直接加名词表示“引起„„”,如arouse interest/expect ations. A. arise B. rise C. raise D. arouse 18. His accent is peculiar to people in that small town. 句义:他的口音对这个小村庄的人们来说很特别。 答案:B 考点:词义辨别 分析: A. typical 典型的 B. peculiar 特别的 C. characteristic 个性的 D. special 特殊的 19. Stealing a book or a toy is a minor crime which, if left uncorrected, will get worse. 句义:偷一本书或一件玩具是很轻微的罪行,但如果不及时纠正,会愈演愈烈。 答案:C 考点:词义辨析 分析: A. offense 侵犯 B. guilt 内疚,悔恨 C. crime 罪行 D. sin 原罪 20. This book comes as a revelation to him who learns a lot from it. 句义:对他来说这本书像一本启示录,他从中学到了许多东西。 答案:A 考点:句意理解 分析: A. revelation 揭露 B. replacement 替代 C. resolution 解决,决心 D. revolution 革命 21. He managed to save what little time he could to tend the homeless boy. 句义:他竭尽所能挤出时间来照顾这个无家可归的小男孩。 答案:A 考点:固定搭配 分析: What little加名词表示“所仅有的„„” A. what little time B. so little time C. such little time D. how little time 22. After reviewing the troops, the visiting general commented that he had finally seen the kind of soldier that the nation needs. 句义:检阅完部队后,来访的将军说他终于看到了国家需要的战士。 答案:C 考点:冠词 分析: general不是任何一个将军,而是检阅部队的那个,所以前面加the,the kind of 后不加冠词 A. a.a B. a.the C. the. / D. the.the 23. I never think of fall but I think of the hardships I have experienced when I was a child. 句义:我从来不去想自己的失败,但会想起小时候经历过的艰难。 答案:C 考点:句意理解 分析: 根据句义,此处所缺连词应表转折 A. that B. when C. but D. and 24. Within decades, PAN-type research will transform the Internet into the Life Net, a comprehensive sensory environment for human habitation. 句义:数十年内,盘式研究会把个人因特网转变为生活网:一个全知的人类居 住环境。 答案:A 考点:词义辨析 分析: A. sensory 知觉的,感觉的 B. sensible 明智的,合情理的 C. sensitive 敏感的,脆弱的 D. sensational 轰动的 25. Outside people were cheering and awaiting the arrival of the New Year while inside Harry was lying severely ill in bed feeling thoroughly wretched. 句义:人们在屋外欢呼着等待新年的到来,可怜的哈利却卧病在床。 答案:D 考点:词义辨析 分析: A. ignoble 卑鄙 B. compassionate 富于同情心的 C. unconscious 无意识 D. wretched 可怜 26. For most companies and factories, the fewer the injury declarations, the better their workman’s insurance rate. 句义:对大多数的公司和工厂来说,工伤申报越少,他们员工的保险率就越高。 答案:C 考点:词义辨析 分析: A. proclamations 宣布,声明,公告 B. confirms 确认 C. declarations 申报(单) D. claims 声称 27. I am exceedingly grateful for the many kindnesses you have shown my son. 句义:我真的非常感谢你对我儿子的关照。 答案:D 考点:词义辨析 分析: A. excessively 过多地,过分地 B. much 非常 C. certainly 无疑地,一定 D. exceedingly 非常,极其 28. It was requested that all of the equipment be erected in the agreed time. 句义:要求这些器械在规定的时间内设置好。 答案:B 考点:虚拟语气 分析: 无论主句谓语动词为何种时态,Request从句的谓语动词都用should + do,should 可以省略 A. erected B. be erected C. would be erected D. will be erected 29. We will be losing money this year unless that new economic plan of yours works miracle. 句义:除非你的新经济 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 创造奇迹,否则今年我们会赔钱。 答案:B 考点:状语从句 分析: unless 引导条件状语从句,用一般现在时表示将来 A. is working B. works C. will be working D. worked 30. Within two hours his complexion took on color and his limbs became warm. 句义:在两个小时里,他气色恢复了,四肢也暖和起来了。 答案:A 考点:词义辨析 分析: A. took on 具有(特征),呈现(面貌) B. took to 开始,喜欢 C. took up拿起,开始,吸收 D. took down 拿下,记下,病倒 Part 2: Readings. Passage A [题目来源]选自英国《独立报》2005年6月的文章“四岁小孩悦读莎翁”(4-Year-Old Children to Find the Fun in Shakespeare) [答案详解]ABACB 本文主要叙述了皇家莎士比亚公司从小学普及莎士比亚著作的益处。即01题A选项:如何让学生们感受到莎士比亚戏剧的特色。 学习如何塑造像《仲夏夜之梦》里的“活泼”的小精灵角色。即02题B选项:它快乐、充满乐趣。 现在,国家课程要求学生从中学开始接触莎士比亚。他们认为学生应该学习“文化传统的课本知识”。皇家莎士比亚公司的教育家认为让孩子们在更小的时候学习莎士比亚,会对其理解更深刻。即03题BCD选项正确,可排除。选择A选项。 约翰逊夫人鼓励教师给学生播放一部20分钟的喜剧剪辑,让学生先感受整个戏剧。即04题C选项。 我现在写的话大概就不会那么写了。即05题B选项是错误的:她现在仍坚持当时对莎士比亚的看法。 Children as young as four will study Shakespeare in a project being launched today by the Royal Shakespeare Company. The RSC is holding its first national conference for primary school teachers to encourage them to use the Bard’s plays imaginatively in the classroom from reception classes onwards. The conference will be told that they should learn how Shakespearian characters like Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream are “jolly characters” and how to write about them. At present, the national curriculum does not require pupils to approach Shakespeare until secondary school. All it says is that pupils should study “texts drawn from a variety of cultures and traditions” and “myths, legends and traditional stories”. However, educationists at the RSC believe children will gain a better appreciation of Shakespeare if they are introduced to him at a much younger age. “Even very young children can enjoy Shakespeare’s plays,” said Mary Johnson, head of the learning department. “It is just a question of pitching it for the age group. Even reception classes and key stage one pupils (five-to-seven-year-olds) can enjoy his stories.” For instance, if you build up Puck as a character who skips, children of that age can enjoy the character. They can be inspired by Puck and they could even start writing about him at that age. It is the RSC’s belief that building the Bard up as a fun playwright in primary school could counter some of the negative images conjured up about teaching Shakespeare in secondary schools. Then, pupils have to concentrate on scenes from the plays to answer questions for compulsory English national-curriculum tests for 14-year-olds. Critics of the tests have complained that pupils no longer have the time to study or read the whole play—and therefore lose interest in Shakespeare. However, Ms. Johnson is encouraging teachers to present 20-minute versions of the plays—a classroom version of the Reduced Shakespeare Company’s Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged) which told his 37 plays in 97 minutes—to give pupils a flavor of the whole drama. The RSC’s venture coincides with a call for schools to allow pupils to be more creative in writing about Shakespeare. Professor Kate McLuskie, the new director of the University of Birmingham’s Shakespeare Institute—also based in Stratford—said it was time to get away from the idea that there was “a right answer” to any question about Shakespeare. Her first foray into the world of Shakespeare was to berate him as a misogynist in a 1985 essay but she now insists this should not be interpreted as a criticism of his works—although she admits: “I probably wouldn’t have written it quite the same way if I had been writing it now. What we should be doing is making sure that someone is getting something out of Shakespeare.” she said. “People are very scared about getting the right answer . I know it’s different but I don’t care if they come up with a right answer that I can agree with about Shakespeare.” Passage B [答案详解]CBCAC 一些人认为真正的启迪性思维已经消失了。另一些人认为仍有很大的创新空间。即01题C选项:辩论的议题是,创新和启迪思维还有没有明天, 尽管现代生活趋向标准化,但人们对伟大的思想、有远见的思维和启迪性辩论仍有兴趣。即02题B选项:采访者认为创新和灵感的前景仍十分广阔。 六十年代,像我这么大的孩子都喜欢做小汽车、骑自行车或探险。即03题C选 项错误:玩电脑游戏。 政府对于孤独发明家和中小型企业在发明创新方面的帮助很少或几乎为零。我希望看到更多资金投入到教育学生创新上。即04题A选项:政府应该在帮助创新方面加大投资。 最后一段讲了创新的广泛性即目的。即05题C选项:创新的本质。 Some believe that in the age of identikit computer games, mass entertainment and conformity on the supermarket shelves, truly inspired thinking has gone out of the window. But, there are others who hold the view that there is still plenty of scope for innovation, lateral thought and creative solutions. Despite the standardization of modern life, there is an unabated appetite for great ideas, visionary thinking and inspired debate. In the first of a series of monthly debates on contemporary issues, we ask two original thinkers to discuss the nature of creativity. Here is the first one. Yes. Absolutely. Since I started working as an inventor 10 or 12 years ago, I’ve seen a big change in attitudes to creativity and invention. Back then, there was hardly any support for inventors, apart from the national organization the Institute of Patentees and Inventors. Today, there are lots of little inventors’ clubs popping up all over the place, my last count was 19 nationally and growing. These non-profit clubs, run by inventors for inventors, are an indication that people are once again interested in invention. I’ve been a project leader, a croupier, an IT consultant and I’ve written a motor manual. I spent my teens under a 1950s two-tone Riley RME car, learning to put it together. Back in the Sixties, kids like me were always out doing things, making go-karts, riding bicycles or exploring. We learned to overcome challe nges and solve problems. We weren’t just sitting at a P1ayStation, like many kids do today. But I think, and hope, things are shifting back. There’s a lot more interest in design and creativity and such talents are getting a much higher profile in the media. It’s evident with TV programmes such as Channel4’s Scrapheap Challenge or BBC2’s The Apprentice and Dragon’s Den, where people are given a task to solve or face the challenge of selling their idea to a panel. And, thankfully, the image of the mad scientist with electrified hair working in the garden shed is long gone—although, there are still a few exceptions! That’s not to say there aren’t problems. With the decline in manufacturing we are losing the ability to know how to make things. There’s a real skills gap developing. In my opinion, the Government does little or nothing to help innova tion at the lone-inventor or small or medium enterprise level. I would love to see more money spent on teaching our school kids how to be inventive. But, despite everything, if you have a good idea and real determination, you can still do very well. My own specialist area is packaging closures—almost every product needs it. I got the idea for Squeeze open after looking at an old tin of boot polish when my mother complained she couldn’t get the lid off. If you can do something cheaper, better, and you are 100 percent committed, there is a chance it will be a success. I see a fantastic amount of innovation and opportunities out there. People don`t realize how much is going on. New materials are coming out all the time and the space programme and scientific research are producing a variety of spin-offs. Innovation doesn’t have to be high-tech: creativity and inventing is about finding the right solution to a problem, whatever it is. There’s a lot of talent out there and, thankfully, some of the more progressive companies are suddenly realizing they don’t want to miss out—it’s an exciting time. Passage C [答案详解]CABAD 关于最新进展的睡前简报。即01题C选项:节目解说。Rundown的意思是“简要报道”。此题为词汇题。 此段介绍了美伊战争采访组的重要性。他们的消息是纽约人民的信息来源。即02题A选项:阐述了采访组的重要功能和地位。 本文通篇介绍了新闻的节目的制作过程、形式和特色。即05题D选项。 每个故事的价值都会由执行制片来估算。即04题A选项:他关心故事的‎‎价值和影响力。 现场报道的减少使读者减少。即排除03题C选项:更多地现场报道取代文字解释。 报道题材的改变使读者更乐意往下读。即排除03题D选项:报道题材有所交替。 字越少越好,用图片代替文字更好。即排除03题A选项:提供更多生动的图片和细节。 For the executive producer of a network nightly news programme, the workday often begins at midnight as mine did during seven years with ABC’s evening newscast. The first order of business was a call to the assignment desk for a pre-bedtime rundown of latest developments. The assignment desk operates 24 hours a day, staffed by editors who move crews, correspondents and equipment to the scene of events. Assignment-desk editors are logistics experts; they have to know plane schedules, satellite availability, and whom to get in touch with at local stations and overseas broadcasting systems. They are required to assess stories as they break on the wire services—someti mes even before they do—and to decide how much effort to make to cover those stories. When the United States was going to appeal to arms against Iraq, the number of correspondents and crews was constantly evaluated. Based on reports from the field and also upon the skilled judgments of desk editors in New York City, the right number of personnel was kept on the alert. The rest were allowed to contin ue working throughout the world, in America and Iraq ready to move but not tied down by false alarms. The studio staff of ABC’s “World News Tonight” assembles at 9 a.m. to prepare for the 6:30 “air” p.m. deadline. Overnight dispatches from outlying bureau s and press services are read. There are phone conversations with the broadcast’ s staff producers in domestic bureaus and with the London bureau senior producer, who coordinates overseas coverage. A pattern emerges for the day’s news, a pattern outlined in the executive producer’s first lineup. The lineup tells the staff what stories are scheduled; what the priorities are for processing film of editing tape; what scripts need to be written; what commercials are scheduled; how long stories should run and in what order. Without a lineup, there would be chaos. Each story’s relative value in dollars and cents must be continually assessed by the executive producer. Cutting back satellite booking to save money might mean that an explanation delivered by an anchor person will replace actual photos of an event. A decline in live coverage could send viewers away and drive ratings down, but there is not enough money to do everything. So decisions must be made and made rapidly—because delay can mean a missed connection for shipping tape or access to a satellite blocked by a competitor. The broadcasts themselves require pacing and style. The audience has to be allowed to breathe between periods of intense excitement. A vivid pictorial report followed by less exacting materials allows the viewer to reflect on information that has just flashed by. Frequent switches from one anchor to another or from one film or tape report to another create a sense of forward movement. Ideally, leading and tags to stories are worked out with field correspondents, enabling them to fit their reports into the programme’s narrative flow so the audience’s attention does not wander and more substance is absorbed. Scripts are constantly rewritten to blend well with incoming pictures. Good copy is crisp, informative. Our rule: the fewer words the better. If a picture can do the work, let it. Passage D [题目来源]本文选自2002年英语专业八级水平考试(TEM -8)的阅读部分。 [答案详解]BDCBA 英语在全世界广泛使用已不是什么新鲜事,尤其是在商业领域。全文都围绕这一主题展开。即05题A选项:英语在欧洲地位的上升。 第二段讲述了法国商人希望同美国人有商业往来而使用英语。即排除02题B选项:与商业世界相联系。 法国和其他欧洲国家在政治经济上相互交融,它们需要一种互相交流的语言。由于一些原因,它们选择了英语。即01题B选项:在欧洲范围内进行高效沟通这一实际需求。 此段讲述了英语是一种未被控制、可变化、表达简洁的语言。即排除02题A选 项:英语自身优势。 美国成为了世界政治经济军事文化第一大国。英语毫无疑问成为了许多国家的第二语言。即排除02题C选项:欧洲与美国的密切关联。 此段后半部分和下一段分别写了统一语言对经济的重要性,欧洲共同体对新成员国要求统一语言以便交流;以及网络的出现对普及英语的重大作用。即排除04题ACD选项:经济、网络普及和欧洲共同体功能的转变。 欧盟非英语国家的中学里,91%的学生在学习英语,这使得未来普及英语更加容易。即03题C选项:从大多数中学生学习英语这一现象可以预见,未来英语的地位会不断上升。 It’s nothing new that English use is on the rise around the world, especially in business circles. This also happens in France, the headquarters of the global battle against American cultural hegemony. If French guys are giving in to English, something really big must be going on. And something big is going on. Partly, it’s that American hegemony. Dither Benchimol, CEO of a French e-commerce software company, feels compelled to speak English perfectly because the Internet software business is dominated by Americans. He and other French businessmen also have to speak English because they want to get their message out to American investors, possessors of the world’s deepest pockets. The triumph of English in France and elsewhere in Europe, however, may rest on something mare enduring. As they become entwined with each other politi cally and economically, Europeans need a way to talk to one another and to the rest of the world. And for a number of reasons, they’ve decided upon English as their common tongue. So when German chemical and pharmaceutical company Hoechst merged with French competitor Rhone-Poulenc last year, the companies chose the vaguely Latinate Aventis as the new company name—and settled on English as the company’s common language. When monetary policymakers from around Europe began meeting at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt last year to set interest rates for the new Euroland, they held their deliberations in English. Even the European Commission, with 11 official languages and a traditionally French-speaking bureaucracy, effectively switched over to English as its working language last year. How did this happen? One school attributes English’s great success to the sheer weight of its merit. It’s a Germanic language, brought to Britain around the fifth century A. D. During the four centuries of French-speaking rule that followed Norman Conquest of 1966, the Language morphed into something else entirely. French words were added wholesale, and most of the complications of Germanic grammar were shed while few of the complications of French were added. The result is a language with a huge vocabulary and a simple grammar that can express most things more efficiently than either of its parents. What’s more, English has remained ungoverned and open to change—foreign words, coinages, and grammatical shifts—in a way that French, ruled by the purist Academie Francaise, has not. So it’s a swell language, especially for business. But the rise of English over the past few centuries clearly owes at least as much to history and economics as to the language’s ability to economically express the concept win-win. What happened is that the competition—first Latin, then French, then, briefly, German—faded with the waning of the political, economic, and military fortunes of, respectively, the Catholic Church, France, and Germany. All along, English was increasing in importance: Britain was the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, and London the world’s most important financial center, which made English a key language for business. England’s colonies around the world also made it the language with the most global reach. And as that former colony the U.S. rose to the status of the world’s preeminent political, economic, military, and cultural power, English became the obvious second language to learn. In the 1990s more and more Europeans found themselves forced to use English. The last generation of business and government leaders who hadn’t studied English in school was leaving the stage. The European Community was adding new members and evolving from a paper-shuffling club into a serious regional government that would need a single common language if it were ever to get anything done. Meanwhile, economic barriers between European nations have been disappearing, meaning that more and more companies are beginning to look at the whole continent as their domestic market. And then the Internet came along. The Net had two big impacts. One was that it was an exciting, potentially lucrat ive new industry that had its roots in the U.S., so if you wanted to get in on it, you had to speak some English. The other was that by surfing the Web, Europe ans who had previously encountered English only in school and in pop songs were now coming into contact with it daily. None of this means English has taken over European life. According to the European Union, 47% of Western Europeans (including the British and Irish) speak English well enough to carry on a conversation. That’s a lot more than those who can speak German (32%) or French (28%), but it still means more Europeans don’t speak the language. If you want to sell shampoo or cell phones, you have to do it in French or German or Spanish or Greek. Even the U. S. and British media companies that stand to benefit most from the spread of English have been hedging their bets—CNN broadcasts in Spanish; the Financial Times has recently launched a daily German-language edition. But just look at who speaks English: 77% of Western European college students, 69% of managers, and 65% of those aged 15 to 24. In the secondary schools of the European Union’s non-English-speaking countries, 91% of students study English, all of which means that the transition to English as the language of European business hasn’t been all that traumatic, and it’s only going to get easier in the future. Passage E [题目来源]本文选自剑桥英语三级的试卷二,雅思考试也曾用它作题型模拟。 [全篇译文] 政府在环境管理中扮演的角色是不可避免的。有时,国家试图管理自己的资源,但做得很糟。政府的作为往往对环境危害更大。事实上,他们还对开发和消耗自然资源的行为给予补贴。从支持农产品价格到保护采矿业,这一系列政策在造成环境破坏的同时,并没有促进经济增长。放弃这些政策有两点好处:改善环境和刺激经济。如果政治家们有勇气放弃补贴产生的既得利益,经济增长和环境保护都会得到发展。 耕作是对土壤表层影响最严重的人类活动。除了南极洲,它占据了全球陆地面积1/3,而且比例还在不断上升。从20世纪70年代到80年代,世界人均粮食产量上升了4%。这一部分是由于原先的耕地产量上升,另一部分是由于更多的土地被开垦。 所有的这些行为都可能导致环境破坏。比方说,开垦荒地是导致森林砍伐的最大原因;化学肥料和杀虫剂严重污染了水源;集约化农业和休耕期弃地往往会加剧水土流失;单一栽培作物的普及和多样高产作物的使用造成了原先作物品种消失,而这些老作物可以在闹虫灾和病还是一共一定的保障。无论在贫穷还是富裕的国家,水土流失都会影响土地的生产力。美国已经采取了最缜密的措 施,仍在1982年发现1/5的农用地的表面土壤正在流失,若以这个速度下去,土地的生产量会大大下降。美国立即就实施了一项计划:将全国11%的耕地改造成森林草地。而印度和中国的表土流失量大大超过美国。 政府政策往往加剧了耕作所引起的环境破坏。在富裕的国家,农业补贴和作物价格保障会抬高地价。80年代末和90年代初,政府曾减少农业补贴。最让人印象深刻的一例是新西兰:1984年时它取消了大部分农业资助。一份1993年的环境影响研究指出,在化肥补贴取消后,化肥使用量下降了(随之而来的还有世界商品价格的下降,这样就减少了农业收入)。取消补贴后,主要导致水土流失的荒地开垦和过度放牧行为都消失了。农业开始变得多样化。在被废除的补贴中,只有撤销治理水土流失的补贴危害了环境。 较为不开化的国家以及欧盟,减少补助的趋势远远大于限制。他们通过引入新的津贴鼓励农民以环境友好的方式开发土地,或直接土地休耕。这听起来或许有些奇怪,但是这样的津贴需高于现存的激励农民多种粮食作物的补贴。然而,农民们并不愿不劳而获。在一些国家,他们对于用作物秸秆产生的燃料(如乙醇)代替汽油或者燃料站(如生物质)很感兴趣。这种燃料产生的二氧化碳远远少于石油和煤,而且随着发展,它们还会吸收二氧化碳。因此,它们导致温室效应的可能性微乎其微。但除非政府补助,否则与石油燃料相比它们的竞争力还是很低的,而且并不比种植别的作物对环境产生的危害少。 世界贸易谈判乌拉圭回合的结果使富裕国家的牧地补贴在1986到1990年间平均下降了36%。粮食生产将从西欧转移到没有或有少量农业补贴的地区,比如前共产主义以及一部分发展中国家。一些环保人士对这一结果表示担心。这无疑意 味着将自然土地转化为耕地的压力更大了,但它也会对环境产生许多有利的影响。富裕国家的农业强度会下降;化学肥料的使用会减少;作物更多地被种到更适合生长的天然环境中。在资金资助和激励政策下,更多贫困国家的农民们会以长期可持续发展的目光种植自己的土地。这些都很重要。为了喂饱这个日益饥饿的世界,农民需要充分的政策激励来高效地使用自己的土壤和水源。 Part 4: Writing. Should a Visitor Following the Local Customs and Behavior Or Not? Some people think visitors to others countries should imitate local custom and behaviors. Some people disagree and think the host country should welcome culture different. Nowadays, giant jumble jets carry millions of people each day to and from almost all corners of the globe, giving most people the chance of visiting distant countries. However, many of us are sometimes troubled by unfamiliar customs and traditions and are puzzled by the way foreigners behave. In my essay, both sides of the argument would be presented and analyzed as to whether we should follow the customs of the visited country, or should all nations be more willing to embrace exotic culture. Some people maintain that it is better for one to adopt host countries’ culture for the following reasons. First of all, as the old saying goes, when in Rome do as the Romans do, by observing and following their particular way of doing thing, travelers can greatly reduce the chances of misunderstanding and embarrassment. For instance, it is advisa ble not to ask a western lady personal questions such as her age or her marital status on the first meeting, which is common practice in china. Secondly, a nation’s customs and traditions are often fascinating and offer a unique insight into that very country. Obviously, people travel in order to broaden their h-orizon or merely to relax and enjoy themselves. But these aims could not be satisfactorily fulfilled if they have no idea about a country’s cultur e. Moreover, your interest in and understanding of their ways of life could help to establish a rapport with the local people, because people feel respected when their customs and behaviors are understood and imitated. And by doing things in their way, you become unconsciously a member of them and thus will no long experience culture shocks. However, others also have strong reasons to believe that a country should tolerate and embrace foreign culture. In the first place, no country should cling to its old customs and traditions at all cost and expect others to follow suit. Culture should also be subject to changes brought about by advances in science and technology and the process of globalization. Like everything else, numerous traditional practices have been abandoned and people are forming/creating new customs all the time. Besides, instead of challenging and damaging the local traditions, the customs brought by international visitors actually help to enhance our awareness of our own culture, by pointing out that what we took for granted is really not universally praised but rather unique characteristics of our own. In china, for instance, the spring festival is being celebrated with ever more enthusiasm despite the popularity of Christmas. Moreover, it is unjustifiable and unrealistic to expect visitors to alter their ways of doing things, to while they have a right, and pick up some new behaviors and customs on short notice. Many Chinese-Americans, for example, still live exclusively in china towns and celebrate all the traditional Chinese holidays. Like a religious belief, one should be allowed to follow their own customs whenever and wherever they like. As far as i am concerned, I agree with the latter view that people can keep their own customs and nations should welcome culture differences and integrate the positive aspects from other culture to update their own. Apparently, if all are open-minded about different traditions and behaviors, the idea of a global village could come true in corner of the earth, with people living in harmony and each enjoy his own cultural heritage. 2014年考研专业课复习安排及方法 问题一:专业课复习的复习进度及内容安排 回答一:专业课的复习通常在9月或者更早就要开始了,集中复习一般放在11月,12月左右。在复习的初期主要是对课程的大致内容进行了解,大概要拿出一个月的时间对所有的内容进行一下梳理,最好所有的章节的大概内容都在脑中留有印象,然后再结合历年试题,掌握命题的重点,把考过的知识点以及考过几遍都在书上做出标记,把这些作为复习的重点。 接下来的就是熟记阶段,这个阶段大概要持续两个月的时间。在这段日子里要通过反复的背记来熟练掌握专业课的知识,理清知识脉络。专业课的辅导班也通常会设在10月初或者11月,如果报了补习班,可以趁这个机会检验一下自己的复习结果,并且进一步加强对知识点的印象。在面对繁多的复习内容的时候,运用行之有效的复习方法是非常重要的。 考研最后冲刺的一个月里,要对考试的重点以及历年试题的答题要点做进一步的熟练。并用几份历年试题进行一下模拟,掌握考试时的答题进度。专业课的命题非常灵活,有的题在书上找不到即成的答案, 为了避免所答非所问,除了自己总结答案之外,还要查阅一下笔记或者辅导书上是否有答案,或者直接去找命题、授课的老师进行咨询,这样得来的答案可信度也最高。在和老师咨询的过程中,除了能够获得试题的回答要点,更重要是能够从中掌握分析试题的方法,掌握如何运用已掌握的知识来正确的回答问题,这才是最为重要的。 问题二:专业课复习中需要获得的资料和信息以及这些资料和信息的获取方法 回答二:1. 专业课复习中需要获得的资料和信息专业课的资料主要包括专业辅导书、课程笔记、辅导班笔记以及最重要的历年试题(因为毕竟是考上的学长学姐整理经验和教训都有的)。如果这些都搜集全的话,就可以踏踏实实的开始复习了。专业辅导书是复习的出发点,所有的考试的内容都是来源如此,但是通常专业辅导书都是又多又厚的,所以要使我们复习的效率最大化,就要运用笔记和历年试题把书本读薄。如前所述,专业课试题的重点基本上不会有太大的变动,所以仔细研究历年试题可以帮助我们更快的掌握出题点和命题思路,并根据这些重点有的放矢的进行复习,这样可以节省很多复习的时间。 2. 专业课资料和信息的来源考研时各种各样的信息,如辅导班,参考书,以及最新的考研动态,并不是一个人就能顾及到的,在一些大的考研网站上虽然可以获得一些信息,但是有关的专业的信息还是来自于学校内部同学之间的交流。毕竟考生大部分的时间还是要放在学习上。专业课信息最重要的来源就是刚刚结束研究生考试的的研究生 一年级 小学一年级数学20以内加减练习题小学一年级数学20以内练习题小学一年级上册语文教学计划人教版一年级上册语文教学计划新人教版一年级上册语文教学计划 学生,由于他们已经顺利通过考试,所以他们的信息和考试经验是最为可靠的。笔记和历年试题都可以和认识的师兄师姐索取,或者和学校招生办购买。由于专业课的考试是集中在一张试卷上考查很多本书的内容,所以精练的辅导班笔记就比本科时繁多的课程笔记含金量更高。考生最好能找到以前的辅导班笔记,或者直接报一个专业辅导班,如的专业课辅导班,由专业课的老师来指导复习。另外,也可以尝试和师兄师姐们打听一下出题的老师是谁,因为出题的老师是不会参加辅导的,所以可以向出题的老师咨询一下出题的方向。 问题三:专业课的复习方法 回答三:专业课的内容繁多,所以采用有效的复习的方法也显得尤为重要。任何一个会学习的学生,都应该是会高效率地学习的人。与其为了求得心理上的安慰“小和尚念经”般的在桌边捱过“有口无心”的半天时间,还不如真正有效的学习两个小时,用其余的时间去放松自己,调节一下,准备下一个冲刺。每个人都有自己的生物钟,十几年的学习生活,你一定很清楚自己在什么时候复习效果最好,要根据自己的情况来合理安排时间。通常都是把需要背记的内容放在每天精力最旺盛的时候,且每门持续背诵的时间不能安排的过长。 专业课的许多知识都要以记忆为基础。记忆的方法,除了大家熟悉的形象记忆法,顺口溜等之外,还有就是“阅读法”,即把需要记忆的内容当作一篇故事,就像看故事一样看他几遍,记住大概的“情节”,每次重复看时就补上上次没记住或已经忘记的部分。这样经常看就会慢慢记住了,而且记的很全面。因为现在专业课考试的题目很少有照搬书本上的答案,大部分的题都要求考生自己去归纳分析总结,所以对书上的知识有一个全面整体的了解,对考试时的发挥很有帮助;另一种是“位置法”即以段落为单位,记住段落的前后位置。看到相关题目时,那一页或几页书就会出现在脑海里,使人在答题中不会遗漏大的要点。这两种方法都能让你全面整体的掌握课本的知识。 在这之后要做的就是提纲挈领,理出一个知识的脉络。最好的办法就充分利用专业课参考书的目录,考生可以在纸上把每一章的小标题都列上,再把具体每一个标题所涉及的知识一点点的回忆出来,然后再对照书,把遗漏的部分补上,重点记忆。这样无论考查重点或是一些较偏的地方,我们都能够一一应付。但是对于概念这种固定化的知识点,就要在理解的基础上反复记忆,默写也不失为一种好的方法。我们很多同学都是不大喜欢动手,可能他们会默背或小声朗读要背记的内容几个钟头,但是不愿意写半个小时。殊不知古人所说的“眼过千遍,不如手过一遭”这句话还是很有道理的。 问题四:如何协调专业课和公共课的关系 回答四:在考研的初始阶段,可以把大部分时间都分配给数学和英语,但是在考研的后期,专业课复习的时间就要逐渐的增加。一天只有24小时,考生要在保持精力,即在保持正常休息的前提下,最大限度的利用时间,合理的安排各项复习内容。这时就要考虑把时间用在哪一科上或是具体那一科的哪一部分才能取得最大的收益。大凡高分的考生,他们的专业课的成绩都很高。因为对于考生来说,政治和英语的区分度并不是很大,要提高几分是需要花费大量时间和精力的,而且在考试时还存在着许多主观的因素。但是专业课由于是各校内的老师出题,每年的重点基本不会变化,如果搜集到历年真题以及辅导班的笔记,多下些功夫,想要得高分并不是难事。 由于专业课在考研的整体分值中占了很大的比例,所以考生一定要在保证公共课过线的情况下,尽量提高专业课的分数。而且正所谓“法无定法”,每个人适合的学习方法都不尽相同,这里只是给大家提供一个借鉴,具体的方法还需要考生在学习的过程中不断的总结。 问题五:如何利用专业课复习资料 回答五:1、通读课本。作为研究生入学考试,考察的知识点还是相当全面、相当有难度的,至少是高于该专业本科生期末考试难度。这就要求大家对专业课知识有全面的理解,进行系统的复习。不能只靠压题,猜题。因此大家应该通读课本,了解专业课的整个体系。着重复习重点要点。及时配备所考科目的最新专业书籍和过去几年专业试题。下一步工作就是详细整理专业课程的逻辑结构,然后对照专业试题,看看曾经的考试重点落在哪里,并揣摩其命题思路和动机。通常反复出现的考点和尚未出现的考点成为今后命题对象的概率很大,因为前者可能是专业兴奋点,后者则填补空白。 2、重点复习专业课笔记。对于在职考生或跨专业考生来说,想办法搞到专业课笔记是十分重要也是必须的。因为社会在进步,知识在膨胀,书本上的知识也有过时或遗漏的,导师出题会基本上按照笔记上的知识点出,专业课笔记可以将该科目系统的总结,补充出你没有接触的新知识点,使你了解该导师所接受的答题思路,这样就有利于你理顺该科目的体系,增加阅卷人对你的好印象。如果借不到笔记,可以用托熟人,贴广告等方法。尽量确认考试出题范围。上面通过研究分析历年考题摸规律的方法很不精确,而且一旦命题教师更换,可能吃大亏。广泛地咨询该专业本科生和研究生,有助于了解最新情况。最好的方法还是打听出命题教师,然后争取旁听其授课。 3、研究历年试题。专业课考试中,重点问题重复出现的现象是很普遍的。搞到专业课试题,多做一下研究,不仅可以使你对命题形式有充分的了解,而且有可能见到当年将要出的重复题目。比如我考的专业课中有一门课程,最后一道20分的题目连续三年都是同一道题。一般的学校会在报名的时候统一出售历年试题,大家应该注意一下。专题整理是一种很有效的方法,尤其是对付试卷中比较棘手的简答题和论述题。不仅可以提高分析问题的能力,还有助于专业知识的系统化和融会贯通。根据一些重要的原理性知识,结合当前热点问题,为自己列举出一系列问题,然后从教材及专业杂志中整理答案,有可能请教学长或导师,力求答案尽量完整、标准。整理完后,每隔一段时间就要拿出来温习一下,看是否又产生了新的答题思路。 【2016年考研】【考研专区】北京大学、清华大学、中央财经大学、北京电影学院、中国传媒大学、北京师范大学等考研信息,请大家关注才思教育【咨询QQ:1398338755 ,1620808662】【全国免费咨询热线:400-0719-069 】
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