首页 最新sourceforge免费空间注册使用及域名解析图文教程



最新sourceforge免费空间注册使用及域名解析图文教程最新sourceforge免费空间注册使用及域名解析图文教程 我的域名是,之前用的是三蛋空间(000webhost),前段时间莫名其妙的被封了~后来便找到了SourceForge.net这个免费的域名空间,申请很容易,只是后来域名解析时费了些劲~还好,现在已经可以正常使用了。 建议:申请个国内免费的云空间,现在有很多,我用的是淘宝的图片空间。建立网站时把图片都上传到国内的云空间,制作网页时直接插入图片链接就可以了~虽然SourceForge.net的免费空间没有大小限制,但是服务器毕竟在国外,加载时还是比较慢~...

最新sourceforge免费空间注册使用及域名解析图文教程 我的域名是,之前用的是三蛋空间(000webhost),前段时间莫名其妙的被封了~后来便找到了SourceForge.net这个免费的域名空间,申请很容易,只是后来域名解析时费了些劲~还好,现在已经可以正常使用了。 建议:申请个国内免费的云空间,现在有很多,我用的是淘宝的图片空间。建立网站时把图片都上传到国内的云空间,制作网页时直接插入图片链接就可以了~虽然SourceForge.net的免费空间没有大小限制,但是服务器毕竟在国外,加载时还是比较慢~图片也传到 SourceForge.net的话,打开是很慢的~ 关于SourceForge.net百科上是这样介绍的: SourceForge.net,又称SF.net,是开源软件开发者进行开发管理的集中式场所,也是全球最大开源软件开发平台和仓库。 SourceForge.net由VA Software提供主机,并运行SourceForge软件。大量开源项目在此落户(截至2009年2月,超过23万的软件项目已经登记使用超过200 万注册用户的服务,使SourceForge.net开放源码的工具和网络应用的最大集合),包括维基百科使用的MediaWiki,但也包含很多停止开 发和一人开发的项目。 SourceForge. net是世界上最大的开源软件开发网站。我们提供帮助人们健全最棒的资料,并与全球观众分享免费服务。 免费空间性能介绍: 1、空间稳定性非常高,无广告,速度快,无限空间容量以及流量。 2、支持PHP 、Perl、Python、 Ruby、shell等多种脚本,支持FTP上传。 3、可以绑定自己的顶级域名,当然他也给我们提供一个二级免费域名。 、提供无限免费MySQL数据库,支持在线管理数据库功能。 4 5、外链图片,安全模式关闭,allow_url_fopen开启,可自定义.htaccess等特性。 6、支持FTP,不支持在线管理文件。 上网搜索一下关于SourceForge.net的介绍会有很多。SourceForge.net目前的排名是155位,这足以说明一些问题。 就我说知SourceForge.net现在有一个日本分站。也就是SourceForge.jp 与主站比较 测试项目 主站 日本分站 申请难度 无邮箱验证,无门槛 必须进行邮箱验证,审核严格 缓存 有问题 无问题 ping 255ms 129ms 权限设置 设为777会自动跳到775 可以设为777 MySQL数据注册项目即自动分配 须独立申请,申请后15分钟才能使用 库 [3]上传 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 直接使用用户名、密码登录SFTP 非常麻烦,详细方法见: 综合评价 审核严格、上传麻烦,但设置简单,适合认真做软件的人去做。如果你只是业余建议你去主站申请。(以上 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 来自百度百科,共大家参考) 不得不提一点,SourceForge.net的初衷是提供开源项目的提供的免费空间本来目的并不是为大家提供建站的平台,如果情况太严重今后必定会采取一些极端的防范措施。所以请大家不要滥用Sourceforge.net空间资源。 a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and flow monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the 下面来简单介绍一下在SourceForge.net主站上构建一个网站的基本操作。 由于本人的英语水平确实有限,加之使用SourceForge.net的时间不是很长有些地方讲解可能不相符合,还望网友们见谅~ 另外SourceForge.net似乎总是会经常的更换界面。如果和截图不一样那就请自己仔细慢慢研究了,相信大体的内容是不会有太大的变动的。 第一部分:注册 SourceForge.net的注册也是很方便,和其他网站的注册模式类似。注册一个用户然后去邮箱收邮件,然后点击邮件链接来激活。 进入sourceforge.net点击右上角的“Register”即可。 直接注册地址: 第二部分:创建项目 1.使用注册的账号登陆后点击右上角的Account然后在新的页面点击Projects即可看到新建项目的链接“Register a New Project” 附图: 2.输入项目名称和网址。如果你的项目名称使用英文命名项目网址(url name)会自动用你的项目名称(Project Name)来补全。输入后在下面选择需要为你的项目安装哪些功能。一般保持默认即可。不过建议勾选上Blog。别忘了勾选协议。然后点击“Create”来完成创建 附图: a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and flow monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the 3.项目创建成功后,需要你填写一些项目的信息,主要标题和描述等等,其他的可以保持默 认。然后点击保存。 附图: a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and fwww.dogrow.cn low monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the 这样一个项目就创建成功了。 第三部分:创建和管理数据库 进入Projects后点击Admin,在这里可以对项目进行绝大部分的管理操作。 附图: 首先点击左侧的“Tools”在SourceForge.net的项目管理中如果你想要使用哪个功能,你需要先进行所谓的“安装”。 首先点击MySQL Databases然后会弹出安装窗口: 附图: a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and flow monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the 点击“Save”完成安装。 安装完后,下拉该页面滚动条可以看到已经安装的工具。并且可以使用鼠标拖动来排列工具的位置。 接下来我们点击MySQL中的Admin MySQL Database进入数据库的管理页面: 第一栏显示的是数据库的主机名。也就是通常安装cms时填写的localhost 第二栏显示的是数据库前缀,创建数据库的名称也 必须以这个前缀命名。 Sourceforge.net为每个项目分配三个数据库账户,通常使用.....admin这个账户,具有最高的管理权限。 刚创安装后需要设定数据库的管理密码。在下方分别为三个管理账号设定密码然后点击Setpassword 下面点击Web-access URL来管理数据库。登陆时使用带admin的这个账户和注册刚刚为这个账号设定的密码登陆phpmyadmin a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and fwww.dogrow.cn low monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the 登陆后创建第一个数据库 数据库的命名格式是数据库前缀_数据库名称,例如:x698962_test 第四部分:绑定域名 同样需要先安装——Tools中的VHost: 然后到已安装工具中找到“AdminVHOST”点击它进入 然后在新页面中的new visrtual host 中输入要绑定的域名点击“create”按钮完成绑定。 a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and flow monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the 绑定可以添加A 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 或者直接绑定CNAME 创建的项目的网址就是创建项目时填写的url加上.sourceforge.net/ 例如创建项目时填写的url是test那么该项目的域名就是test.sourceforge.net/ 那么做域名解析的时候就将A记录的ip解析到test.sourceforge.net的ip即可。获得ip可以直接ping test.sourceforge.net/来获得。或者绑定cname到test.sourceforge.net 这样便完成了域名的绑定。稍后就可以使用域名来访问了。 第五部分:上传和管理文件 上传和管理文件需要用到WinSCP这个软件。 天空下载地址: 运行程序后点击左侧的“会话”然后在主机名中输入web.sourceforge.net。主机名都填写这个。端口22 用户名处输入你注册时的用户名加逗号加项目名(username,projectname)密码填写注册的密码。 登陆后上传文件到htdocs目录即可 a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and fwww.dogrow.cn low monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the 更多教程请前往:瑞丽原品官网 所有教程均可免费下载~免注册~还有免费的宝贝数据包哦~ ( *^_^* ) 瑞丽原品淘宝官方体验店: 瑞丽原品 免注册、免加盟费、免代理费、免所有费用~免费提供技术支持~ 瑞丽精品女装、男装、女鞋、包包、童装,全部一手货源~质量保障~ 所有宝贝数据包均可免费下载~每周上新~一件代发~ a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and flow monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the
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