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幼儿园洗手儿歌幼儿园洗手儿歌 春季是传染病高发期,预防病从口入从教会宝宝洗手做起,快来给宝宝上一节洗手课,洗手儿歌让宝宝学会正确洗手。为宝宝的健康保驾护航。 儿歌1:洗手 小朋友,爱洗手。洗前先卷衣袖口,打开龙头湿湿手,抹点香皂搓搓手,手心手背都要搓,再用清水冲冲手,冲干净,甩三下,一二三,去擦手。 儿歌2:饭前要洗手 小朋友,要记牢,饭前洗手很重要(没有细菌不生病,讲卫生,好宝宝。 儿歌3:洗手 自来水,清又清,小朋友,讲卫生,伸出小手洗一洗,看谁洗得最干净。 儿歌4:洗手 打开水龙头,淋湿小小手擦擦小肥皂,...

幼儿园洗手儿歌 春季是传染病高发期,预防病从口入从教会宝宝洗手做起,快来给宝宝上一节洗手课,洗手儿歌让宝宝学会正确洗手。为宝宝的健康保驾护航。 儿歌1:洗手 小朋友,爱洗手。洗前先卷衣袖口,打开龙头湿湿手,抹点香皂搓搓手,手心手背都要搓,再用清水冲冲手,冲干净,甩三下,一二三,去擦手。 儿歌2:饭前要洗手 小朋友,要记牢,饭前洗手很重要(没有细菌不生病,讲卫生,好宝宝。 儿歌3:洗手 自来水,清又清,小朋友,讲卫生,伸出小手洗一洗,看谁洗得最干净。 儿歌4:洗手 打开水龙头,淋湿小小手擦擦小肥皂,相对搓搓手。 手心对手背,相互搓一搓。 互握大拇指,相互转转转,指关节弯弯腰,掌心上面来搓搓。 手腕洗一洗,龙头冲一冲。 关紧擦干净,细菌全跑掉。 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 儿歌5:洗手 洗手前先卷袖,再用清水湿湿手。擦上肥皂搓一搓,指缝指尖都搓到。哗哗流水冲一冲,我的小手洗净了。 儿歌6:洗手 排排队,挽挽袖,轻轻拧开水龙头; 先湿手,打肥皂,手心相对搓一搓,掌心正对揉一揉; 手指交叉搓手背,十指交错擦擦掌,扣实小手扭一扭; 拇指为轴转转手,换手攥紧小拳头; 手成小铲掌心划,轮流完成六步骤,洗得细菌无处躲; 捧水三洗水龙头,龙头拧紧擦干手;好习惯,每天做,身体健康乐呵呵。 儿歌7:洗手 搓搓搓,搓手心,搓搓搓,搓手背,换只手,再搓搓,冲冲冲,冲冲手,冲冲冲,冲干净,关上龙头甩三下,一二三。 儿歌8:洗手 小朋友们来洗手,先卷起袖伸出手,再来拧开水龙头,水流放成细水流。不要光洗手指头,要从前来洗到后。 打上香皂弄一弄, 再用清水冲冲手,手上细菌全冲走,拿过毛巾擦干手,我们再看这双手,这才是双干净手。 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 儿歌9:洗手 小朋友,来洗手。卷起袖,淋湿手。抹上肥皂搓呀搓,清清水里冲一冲,再用毛巾擦一擦,我的小手真干 净。 儿歌10:洗手 玩玩具,小手脏,快把小手洗一洗,先卷袖子再开水,手心手背湿一湿。 关上龙头抹肥皂,搓出满手白泡泡,打开水龙冲一冲,再把小手擦干净。 儿歌11:洗手歌 洗手了,排排队,卷起袖,抹香皂,手心手背手指间,洗完手后水关掉。 儿歌12:洗手谣 小朋友们快快来,跟我来学洗手谣; 先把小手来打湿,再把肥皂搓手上; 左右掌心擦一擦,掌心手背也要擦; 手指交叉搓掌心,两手握握搓指背; 大拇指儿擦一擦,指尖掌心也要擦; 手指手缝洗仔细,再用清水洗一洗; 细菌个个吓得跑,我是健康好宝宝。 儿歌13:饭前洗手 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 咕咕咕,肚子叫,妈妈叫我吃饭了,小玩具,放放好,转身跑向水龙头,饭前洗手记得牢。 儿歌14:洗手歌 清清水,哗啦啦,卷卷袖子洗手啦,先洗小手心,再洗小手背,个个手指都洗到,人人夸我讲卫生。 儿歌15:大班洗手歌 大四班的小朋友,快来快来洗洗手。 洗手之前挽衣袖,别让水滴湿衣衫。 打开水龙头,淋湿小小手。 关上水龙头,搓出肥皂泡。 手心对着手心搓,手心对着手背搓。 指缝交叉搓一搓。 手指尖,上下挠;手指尖上下挠。 大拇指来转一转,剩下手指都转到。 小手腕别忘记,也来一起转一转。 打开水龙头,双手冲干净。 再给龙头洗个澡,健康快乐就是我~ 儿歌16:洗手歌 你拍一,我拍一,常洗手来身体棒, 你拍二,我拍二,少摸垃圾保健康, strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 你拍三,我拍三,肥皂洗手很环保, 你拍四,我拍四,但是不能浪费掉, 你拍五,我拍五,现在流感传染快, 你拍六,我拍六,大家时刻要预防, 你拍七,我拍七,多洗手来多消毒, 你拍八,我拍八,从此健康有保证, 你拍九,我拍九,现在开始常洗手, 你拍十,我拍十,身体从此没问题。 儿歌17:洗手歌 你拍一,我拍一,轻轻拧开水龙头。 你拍二,我拍二,抹上肥皂起泡泡。 你拍三,我拍三,手心手背交替换。 你拍四,我拍四,手指交错不漏渍。 你拍五,我拍五,合起小手搓一搓。 你拍六,我拍六,拇指为轴转转手。 你拍七,我拍七,冲净双手真关键。 你拍八,我拍八,擦干双手很重要。 你拍九,我拍九,流感细菌全溜走。 你拍十,我拍十,洗手步骤记心头。 儿歌18:洗手歌 小朋友,勤洗手。 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 防细菌,我拿手。 打开水龙头,先来冲冲手。 打上小香皂,开始搓搓手。 先搓小手心,再搓小手背。 然后再来交叉搓,拇指转动一小周。 饭前便后要洗手,细菌远离小白手。 天天洗手爱干净,预防流感我能行。 儿歌19:洗手歌 小朋友,听仔细,讲卫生,要牢记,勤洗手,爱整洁。 细菌病毒远离你,人人都来讲卫生,争做健康小使者,小使者~ 儿歌20:洗手歌 小朋友,放学了,回到家,先洗手。 水龙头,请打开,小肥皂,握手中。 洗手方法要注意~ 搓手心,搓手背,搓手指,搓手缝。 冲干净,擦干净,最后关紧水龙头。 讲卫生,勤洗手,防控甲流做在先~ 儿歌21:洗手歌 洗手,洗手,洗洗手,轻轻挽起小衣袖,打开小小水龙头。 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 伸出小手冲冲水,脏灰香皂来清除,手心、手背、手指缝。 五指交错认真搓,掌心相对仔细揉。 洗完打开水龙头,脏脏泡沫顺水流。 毛巾帮忙擦干净,细菌赃物光光无。 儿歌22:洗手歌 小肥皂呀真重要,天天洗手离不了,洗手背来洗手心,洗指缝来洗指尖,里里外外都洗到,香皂乐得变泡泡,勤洗手来讲卫生,人人夸我好宝宝,甲型流感我不要。 儿歌23:洗手歌 一二三四五六七,我们来做洗手操。挽挽袖子湿湿手,打打肥皂搓泡泡,搓手心来搓手背,十指叉叉搓手指,手腕指甲莫忘记。用水冲净甩甩手,双手干净无细菌,预防疾病数第一。 儿歌24:洗手歌 你拍一,我拍一,勤洗手,多换衣, 你拍二,我拍二,人人都有好习惯, 你拍三,我拍三,勤洗头发勤洗手, 你拍四,我拍四,勤剪指甲讲卫生, 你拍五,我拍五,争做卫生小使者。 儿歌25:洗手歌 你拍一,我拍一,先把小手抹香皂; strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 你拍二,我拍二,手掌手心搓一搓。 你拍四,我拍四,单个手指使劲搓; 你拍五,我拍五,指甲缝用手指抠。 抠出来的垃圾又脏又臭。 你拍六,我拍六,手背朝内搓一搓; 你拍七,我拍七,多抹几遍小香皂。 你拍八,我拍八,放进清水洗一洗。 文明洗手你我他~ 儿歌26:洗手歌 勤洗手,好处多。大家一起来唱歌。互想提醒小朋友。 勤洗手,讲卫生。勤洗手,身体好。勤洗手,不得病。 勤洗手,防甲流。养成习惯靠自己。大家快来勤洗手。 儿歌27:洗手歌 挽衣袖,伸出手,哗啦啦,洗一洗。 小肥皂,起泡泡,搓手心,搓手背。 手指缝,别忘了,大拇指,搓一搓。 小拳头,抱一抱,小手腕,转一转。 哗啦啦,冲一冲,捧起水,冲龙头。 关上它,擦一擦,我的小手真干净~ 儿歌28:洗手歌 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 两只小小手,快来洗个澡,手心手背搓一搓,别忘用手冲一冲,洗完手再甩一甩,一二三,三二一,小手对我咪咪笑。 儿歌29:洗手歌 小脏手,伸出来,小肥皂,大泡泡。里里外外仔细洗。饭前洗,饭后洗,健健康康又卫生,细菌病毒全跑掉,小胖手,伸出来白白净净多可爱。 儿歌30:洗手歌 拍皮球,捉迷藏,回家别忘把手洗。 饭前洗,便后洗,养成习惯靠自己。 小肥皂,在手里,手心手背认真搓, 打出泡沫冲干净。洗完小手甩一甩, 干干净净我第一。 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio
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