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潮平岸阔风正悬 力满弓圆失方疾(鲁爱民)


潮平岸阔风正悬 力满弓圆失方疾(鲁爱民)潮平岸阔风正悬 力满弓圆失方疾(鲁爱民) 潮平岸阔风正满 力强弓圆矢方疾 ——长阳实验小学数学研修组近两年工作总结 (执笔:鲁爱民) 近两年,长阳实验小学28位数学教师,无论年老或年少,无论课内或课外,无论寒暑与严冬,无论自愿与被迫,他们都已经在实验小学这个大家庭中,在实小浓浓的教研氛围之中,已经形成了洪流之势,可谓百舸争流,千帆竞发。 ?潮平岸阔? 一、学校搭建平台 1、常规工作有要求。 众所周知,实验小学以制度约束人、以人文关怀打动人、以优质的教育教学质量吸引人。数学研修小组也积极践行这一理念。...

潮平岸阔风正悬  力满弓圆失方疾(鲁爱民)
潮平岸阔风正悬 力满弓圆失方疾(鲁爱民) 潮平岸阔风正满 力强弓圆矢方疾 ——长阳实验小学数学研修组近两年 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 (执笔:鲁爱民) 近两年,长阳实验小学28位数学教师,无论年老或年少,无论课内或课外,无论寒暑与严冬,无论自愿与被迫,他们都已经在实验小学这个大家庭中,在实小浓浓的教研氛围之中,已经形成了洪流之势,可谓百舸争流,千帆竞发。 ?潮平岸阔? 一、学校搭建平台 1、常规工作有要求。 众所周知,实验小学以制度约束人、以人文关怀打动人、以优质的教育教学质量吸引人。数学研修小组也积极践行这一理念。每学期开学初,学校就会在第一时间里召开教研组长会议,用制度要求每一位数学老师必须做好以下常规工作:读一本业务 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf ,写5000字的学习 笔记 哲学笔记pdf明清笔记pdf政法笔记下载课堂笔记下载生物化学笔记PDF ,所以《黄爱华的智慧课堂》、《吴正宪教学设计》等成为数学老师的枕边食粮;订阅一本业务杂志,随时走进实小校园,案头摆放的除了学生的作业,还有《小学教学设计》《小学数学教师》、《师道》等陪伴左右;学习新课标是每位数学教师的必修课,正是有要求数学人才会有进步,课堂在会常新,体验才会深刻;每月两次教研活动,一学期8次活动,确保有记载有触动;月查落实,项目齐全;集体备 课每人每学期有5次200字以上的反思;一学期每位教师最少听课15节,教研组长和心调进老师必须听课25节,点面结合进行评议,要素齐全,评价中肯;每位数学教师每学期上课至少一节,要求有教案、反思和评议;不断加强自我反思,积极撰写教育日志、教育故事、教育教学案例,各类骨干教师要向学校网站和“长阳教育资源网”积极投稿;老师们认真完成了非学历远程教育的学习任务,保证了学习时间,保证了作业的质量,保证了考试人人过关;上课有规矩:“五不得”每位教师牢牢铭记在心,所以,数学课堂轻负高效。 2、管理常常有新招。 ?、老年教师身先士卒。 2013年秋季学期,学校为了激发老年教师的教学热情,发挥他们的余热,在学校开展了轰轰烈烈的“中老年教师教学竞赛”活动。我们组的?位数学教师年满45岁以上数学教师个个磨拳搽掌,积极上阵,展现了他们不老的教学风采,亮出了它们的绝活,真可谓宝刀不老。课后评委们围绕“生本课堂”评课议课,执教老师围绕“以学定教”写下了千字以上的教后感悟。更令人鼓舞的是,学校隆重召开了“中老年教师教学竞赛”活动的颁奖典礼:“最佳风采奖”、“最具魅力奖”、“最佳设计奖”等响当当的奖项戴在数学老师的头上,每位教师的颁奖词令他们激情飞扬,他们找到了青春、找到了职业幸福。 ?、青年教师不敢落后。 General Secretary "three a distinguish from" of requirements, put cadres in advance reform in the for lack experience, and first first try appeared of errors and errors, with knowingly of disciplinary violations distinguish from; put superior is no clear limit of exploration sex test in the of errors and errors, with superior expressly ban Hou still go its own way of disciplinary violations distinguish from; put for promoted development of has no intention of fault, with for seek self-interest of disciplinary violations distinguish from, For promising to back them up, to play to play, gives the correct opportunity for momentary misstep, mistake, on the integrity of the timely clarification of right and justice to ensure the protection of those upright cadres who dare to strive and maximum mobilization of the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the vast numbers of cadres. Third, we must adhere to the standard, correct people. This is the new year, we must adhere to the "cadres" and "four iron" cadres ' standard, from the "root" starts with selection on good teams at all levels, in particular, to highlight the selected "number one" singles to build a truly excellent, down-to-earth style of work, and willing to serve as cadre. Should adhere to the principle of party managing cadres. To from "strict" Shang starts with tube good cadres, full play party led and checks role, strict put political shut, and style shut, and capacity shut and clean shut, on study object of cadres archives "where mention will trial", personal about matters report "where mention will nuclear", discipline monitored organ views "where mention will listening 为配合县研训中心“我最喜爱的数学老师”的评选活动,我们学校便大张旗鼓地对45岁以下的数学老师进行了两轮评选。第一轮结果已经出炉,我们学校有12位数学老师胜出。第二轮的评选工作已基本接近尾声,参赛的老师们通过说课、评课、上课、反思四大环节的参与,我想,在这样的活动中一定会有进步,一定会有收获。 还有“同课异构”、“高效课堂”、“生本课堂”等一时间风起云涌的活动,我们学校也为广大教师和研修组搭建了平台,让研修组合每位数学教师站在了舞台中央。活动成就了学校,成就了教师,受益了孩子。 ?外出学习人人充电。 系统地培训、外出学习、汇报,实小从来都很慷慨大方。两年来,数学组先后有20多人次远赴北京、安徽、湖北武汉、荆州、宜昌等各个城市学后归来。这些人都带着满腔的热情、求知的渴望和满满的收获,带动实小数学人不断成长,成长为一个个强健而优秀的挽弓人,灵活自如地操纵课堂,把学生培训成一支支利箭。 二、领导齐心举力 会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼。 如果没有挽弓的人,再强的弓弩也只能摆在阵列室里。实验小学数学研修小组的一系列活动之所以能够顺利开展,得益于领导们的齐心举力。 有这样一群人,学校的每一学科活动都积极参与,学科的每一次听课都及精会神,每一次评课议课都屏息聆听,每一次的总结发言都鼓舞人心„„更记得,2009年和2013年,鲁爱民老师参加数学竞赛时的细心指导;鄢琼老师参加竞赛时的苦口婆心,今年黄春燕老师参赛时的善意提醒;一次次地磨课、一次次地研读 教材 民兵爆破地雷教材pdf初中剪纸校本课程教材衍纸校本课程教材排球校本教材中国舞蹈家协会第四版四级教材 ,一遍遍地鼓励,一语中的。这些忙碌的身影我们一定记得,他们是邹校长、赵校长、漆主任等等。他们给教研组注入了活力与动力,先进的思想和源源不断的新方法。 ?风 正 满 ? 三、研修小组合助协力。 谁人才能驾驽课程体系,轻松培养学生正确的学习方式,实行创造性的教学改革,首先就要打造一支锐意创新、不怕吃苦的团队。在这里,我们看到了一群人,他们不断前进,辛苦并幸福着。 我们欣慰:在鄢琼老师、黄春燕老师的磨课活动中,老师们都群策群力,毫不保留,很好地体现了一个团队的合作精神,比赛的结果也充分展示了集体的智慧;在集体备课的环节中,老师们纷纷献计献策,提出自己的设想,细化教学的各个的环节,突波重点难点,规范General Secretary "three a distinguish from" of requirements, put cadres in advance reform in the for lack experience, and first first try appeared of errors and errors, with knowingly of disciplinary violations distinguish from; put superior is no clear limit of exploration sex test in the of errors and errors, with superior expressly ban Hou still go its own way of disciplinary violations distinguish from; put for promoted development of has no intention of fault, with for seek self-interest of disciplinary violations distinguish from, For promising to back them up, to play to play, gives the correct opportunity for momentary misstep, mistake, on the integrity of the timely clarification of right and justice to ensure the protection of those upright cadres who dare to strive and maximum mobilization of the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the vast numbers of cadres. Third, we must adhere to the standard, correct people. This is the new year, we must adhere to the "cadres" and "four iron" cadres ' standard, from the "root" starts with selection on good teams at all levels, in particular, to highlight the selected "number one" singles to build a truly excellent, down-to-earth style of work, and willing to serve as cadre. Should adhere to the principle of party managing cadres. To from "strict" Shang starts with tube good cadres, full play party led and checks role, strict put political shut, and style shut, and capacity shut and clean shut, on study object of cadres archives "where mention will trial", personal about matters report "where mention will nuclear", discipline monitored organ views "where mention will listening 课堂教学的流程,确保每一节课都轻负高效;在“骨干教师展示课”或青年教师磨课活动中,都能够做到资源共享;在对新教师和新调进老师的帮扶过程中,每位教师都能毫不保留地“扶上马、送一程”,让新教师迅速上路。在整个过程中,让人感受到了团队的力量,团队领导的灵魂作用,约束和规则是教师成长的保证,也看到了成长是让教师终身幸福的精神秘诀。 四、小组人员群策群力。 在这条研修的路上,我们一路走来,沿途采撷到无数支持与鼓励教研改革的面孔,他们是:坚定地走在教育教改教研前列的赵爱华校长,她执教的六(3)班的数学教学成绩名列前茅,课堂教学语言精练,环节清晰;教导主任漆主任是有名的才女,课堂扎实,功底深厚,成果颇丰;还有客服苦难的田玉兰老师等等。有一句广告词说得好:大家好,才是真得好~众人划桨才能开大船~ ?力强弓圆? 一、小课堂 大数学 数学研修小组两年来利用小课堂,大力践行以下基本理念,力争做到“小数学课、大数学观”。 1、数学生活化。 在数学教学过程中,实小全体数学教师积极创设有效情景,联系生活实际,解决生活问题,回归生活学数学、用数学,数学教学与生活联系紧密,体现了小学数学学习的基本理念。比如鸡兔同笼问题、租车租船问题都充分体现了这一原理。 2、关注学生思维过程。 让学生的思维过程充分暴露在课堂中,让学生从被动的形象思维向抽象思维发生转变,是全体实小数学教师坚持的一贯原则和追求的梦想。比如在路线选择问题上不再让学生画或写,而是让学生说,在“说不清”的情况下主动地用数字、字母或符号表示,让学生主动完成形象思维到抽象思维的过渡。学生在交流的过程中体验到解决问题方法的多样性,并根据自己的实际选择不同的方法,尊重了学生的主体地位。在此过程中学生收获的不仅是知识本身,更多的是能力、情感。 3、重视对学生数学思想方法的渗透。 比如,在处理教材时,没有直接呈现排列组合原理,而是从排列组合的基本思考方法入手——科学枚举法。因为学生只有按照一定的顺序将事情的各种情况一一列举出来,才能够保证计数时不重复不遗漏。怎样才能既不重复又不遗漏是学生必须面临的问题。学生的思考过程就是数学思想方法渗透的过程。又如,我们在探究圆柱体、圆锥体的体积公式时也注重对学生利用旧知迁移解决新知的方法和思想的引导;在探索圆面积时,我们也注重了“化圆为方”等数学思想和General Secretary "three a distinguish from" of requirements, put cadres in advance reform in the for lack experience, and first first try appeared of errors and errors, with knowingly of disciplinary violations distinguish from; put superior is no clear limit of exploration sex test in the of errors and errors, with superior expressly ban Hou still go its own way of disciplinary violations distinguish from; put for promoted development of has no intention of fault, with for seek self-interest of disciplinary violations distinguish from, For promising to back them up, to play to play, gives the correct opportunity for momentary misstep, mistake, on the integrity of the timely clarification of right and justice to ensure the protection of those upright cadres who dare to strive and maximum mobilization of the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the vast numbers of cadres. Third, we must adhere to the standard, correct people. This is the new year, we must adhere to the "cadres" and "four iron" cadres ' standard, from the "root" starts with selection on good teams at all levels, in particular, to highlight the selected "number one" singles to build a truly excellent, down-to-earth style of work, and willing to serve as cadre. Should adhere to the principle of party managing cadres. To from "strict" Shang starts with tube good cadres, full play party led and checks role, strict put political shut, and style shut, and capacity shut and clean shut, on study object of cadres archives "where mention will trial", personal about matters report "where mention will nuclear", discipline monitored organ views "where mention will listening 方法的渗透。对小学数学课堂,重视数学思想方法的教学是非常必要的。 一节课虽短,小学六年时光也不十分漫长,但实小全体数学人都在努力、思考、进步中。他们不但要教给学生数学知识,更要教给孩子们思考的方法,唯有如此,才是做数学,做真学问。 二、小研修 大氛围 回眸实小数学研修组的每一次研修活动,其实并不是孤军作战。暑期教师培训,我们聆听外出教师汇报,内心澎湃不已,那是激发了我们对知识的渴望和进步的憧憬,改变了部分老师厌学和不思进取的消极思想,打破了教师用陈旧的知识教一辈子的格局,冲击了老师与当今社会不相符的落后的教学理念,为教学改革起到巨大的推动作用;组内教学活动和竞赛,我们参与“比教学、访万家”活动、 “中老年教师教学竞赛”、“我最喜爱的数学老师评选活动”、“骨干教师展示课活动”等等一系列活动,让思考和顿悟物化为文字,让教师再活动中快速成长;俗话说得好:水不击不溅,人不激不奋;“同课异构”、“学洋思经验”、“高效课堂”、“小组合作、以生为本”以及“微课”的到来,无不向我们昭示:课改,才是研修的王道。 常言道,独木不成林,一花难成春。数学研修组能有今天的力强弓圆于实小浓浓的大教研氛围息息相关。 ?矢 方 疾? 三、小学校 大家范儿 要在教研领域里有建树,首先是人的因素。一流的教育,首先需要一批一流的教师。在实小这片小天地里,这些具有大家范儿的数学老师们,一个个神采飞扬,光彩照人。 她们是赵爱华老师、漆昌琼老师、沈玉容老师、吴艳萍老师、万松青老师,正是因为他们对教材的深度探究和准确定位、对课堂的驾驭和学生的沟通、对青年教师的指导和迅速成长都起到了示范和引领作用,所以一批青年教师迅速成长起来:黄春燕老师、鄢琼老师、刘小敏老师、邹琳老师等等逐渐成为数学教学的中坚力量。只有长江后浪推前浪,数学研修才有希望。 四、小天地 大作为 在实验小学的小天地里,数学教研组的28位教师在两年的时间里,有了一番大作为。正是他们的不辞辛苦,善于思考,才会在县级或市级的统考、调考中取得了骄人的成绩。因为我们相信:只要上路,就会遇到庆典;只要在路上,就会收获满园芬芳。 ? 优质课竞赛类: 鄢琼老师在2013年4月县优质课竟赛中获一等奖。 鲁爱民老师在2013年4月县优质课竟赛中获一等奖。 鄢琼老师在2013年5月市级优质课竟赛中获三等奖。 2013年学年度,田玉兰、刘天容、田东升、张玉莲、陈励梅、田桂兰、习玉玲、郭辉平、赵爱华在中老年教学竞赛中分别获“最具活力奖”、“最佳设计奖”、“最具智慧奖”、“最佳效果奖”、“最General Secretary "three a distinguish from" of requirements, put cadres in advance reform in the for lack experience, and first first try appeared of errors and errors, with knowingly of disciplinary violations distinguish from; put superior is no clear limit of exploration sex test in the of errors and errors, with superior expressly ban Hou still go its own way of disciplinary violations distinguish from; put for promoted development of has no intention of fault, with for seek self-interest of disciplinary violations distinguish from, For promising to back them up, to play to play, gives the correct opportunity for momentary misstep, mistake, on the integrity of the timely clarification of right and justice to ensure the protection of those upright cadres who dare to strive and maximum mobilization of the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the vast numbers of cadres. Third, we must adhere to the standard, correct people. This is the new year, we must adhere to the "cadres" and "four iron" cadres ' standard, from the "root" starts with selection on good teams at all levels, in particular, to highlight the selected "number one" singles to build a truly excellent, down-to-earth style of work, and willing to serve as cadre. Should adhere to the principle of party managing cadres. To from "strict" Shang starts with tube good cadres, full play party led and checks role, strict put political shut, and style shut, and capacity shut and clean shut, on study object of cadres archives "where mention will trial", personal about matters report "where mention will nuclear", discipline monitored organ views "where mention will listening 佳风采奖”、“最佳创意奖”。 ?发表文章类: 漆昌琼老师在《湖北教育》上发表文章《我是你的花》、《课改当学巴学园》、《20以内的进位加法》,《铺垫迁移简缩思维》发表于《小学数学教师》,《长阳实验小学“两线并行”校本课程的建设与实施》发表于《中小学校长》,《生成,不期而遇的美丽》发表于《素质教育大参考》,《巧藏于愚 见素抱朴》发表于《新教师》,《让自主探究成为课堂的主旋律》发表于《信息教研周刊》,《同课异构,给力教师专业成长》、《让建模教学贯穿于数学教学的全过程》发表在《师资建设》,《一串钥匙的启示》发表在《德育报》上,《故乡》发表于《天津德育报》,《让生活拐个弯》发表于《大家教育周刊》。 赵爱华老师在《大家教育周刊》上发表文章《学会“健忘”》。 鲁爱民老师在继教网建网十周年征文中《难说再见----情系继教网》文章在《风雨十载 春华秋实》上发表、《种瓜,只为看花》在《湖北教育 新班主任》上发表、《恩师,你在他乡还好吗》在《湖北教育 新班主任》上发表、《红薯花开》在《湖北教育》杂志发表,文章《借问精彩何处有,巧问妙答是源头》发表在《课外阅读》杂志上,《幸运捡拾的高效课》发表在《东方青年教师》杂志上,《四招避免运动会后综合症》《宜昌教育》上发表,《一碗面的守望》、《速溶插班生》、《换一种方式爱你》三篇文章在《长阳教育》上发表。 万松青老师的《我们的课堂需要怎样的数据》在《长阳教育》发表。 唐永胜老师的文章《化繁为简,育人无痕》在《长阳教育》发表。 王燕妮老师的文章《浅谈数学学具在教学中的应发》发表在《长阳教育》。 ?案例、论文等获奖: 钟鸿裕老师的 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 《摸球游戏》获市级三等奖。 沈玉蓉老师的课件《分桃子》获市级三等奖;文章《对话教学的有效运用》获县级二等奖。 漆昌琼老师在“我于比教学访万家”征文评比中,获县级二等奖,教学设计《年、月、日》获市级二等奖。 刘天蓉漆老师在“我于比教学访万家”征文评比中,获县级三等奖,案例《让自主探究成为课堂的主旋律》获市级二等奖,论文《精彩源于生成》获市二等奖。 赵爱华老师的论文《教学相长 研修共进》获市二等奖。 鲁爱民老师的课件《确定位置》获市课件三等奖、《三尺讲台,让我的幸福流光溢彩》获三教征文二等奖,论文《数学游戏的有效性初探》获市级三等奖。 李绍华老师的课件《乘法的交换率和结合律》获市三等奖。 唐永胜老师的教学设计《节日礼物》获市教学反思三等奖,《教学比武 研修共进》获市教学反思三等奖。 万松青老师在2012年12月 校第二届班主任技能大赛中获案例分析一等奖;2013年1月,“小草居”被评为2011—2012“博客之星”; 2013年6月26日,在宜昌市 中小学幼儿园德育论文评比中,General Secretary "three a distinguish from" of requirements, put cadres in advance reform in the for lack experience, and first first try appeared of errors and errors, with knowingly of disciplinary violations distinguish from; put superior is no clear limit of exploration sex test in the of errors and errors, with superior expressly ban Hou still go its own way of disciplinary violations distinguish from; put for promoted development of has no intention of fault, with for seek self-interest of disciplinary violations distinguish from, For promising to back them up, to play to play, gives the correct opportunity for momentary misstep, mistake, on the integrity of the timely clarification of right and justice to ensure the protection of those upright cadres who dare to strive and maximum mobilization of the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the vast numbers of cadres. Third, we must adhere to the standard, correct people. This is the new year, we must adhere to the "cadres" and "four iron" cadres ' standard, from the "root" starts with selection on good teams at all levels, in particular, to highlight the selected "number one" singles to build a truly excellent, down-to-earth style of work, and willing to serve as cadre. Should adhere to the principle of party managing cadres. To from "strict" Shang starts with tube good cadres, full play party led and checks role, strict put political shut, and style shut, and capacity shut and clean shut, on study object of cadres archives "where mention will trial", personal about matters report "where mention will nuclear", discipline monitored organ views "where mention will listening 《倾听花朵绽放的声音》荣获二等奖。 刘小敏老师的论文《生成突然 掌控有方》获市级二等奖。 皮韩魁、李绍华、刘天容、习玉玲、靳万慧、田东升唐永胜、孙玉琼、许莹芳、陈励梅、吴艳萍、胡在芹、黄春燕、刘小敏、赵爱华、鲁爱民分别获县级教师才艺展示二等奖。 ?各种荣誉类 皮韩魁老师获“课内比教学,课外访万家”县级先进个人, 鲁爱民老师获宜昌市2012年师德标兵, 黄春燕获2013年度县级师德标兵,黄春燕获湖北省农村教师提高工程培训“优秀学员”, 赵爱华老师被评为宜昌市优秀小学科学教师,2012—2013年度优秀党务工作者, 刘小敏老师获2013年度县级优秀班主任。 2012年10月,万松青老师荣获宜昌市科技节“先进个人” 2013全县“学生最喜爱的小学数学教师”评选活动中,我组靳万会、漆昌琼 、钟鸿裕 、胡在芹 、 黄春燕、唐永胜 、吴艳萍、 刘小敏 、 皮韩奎 、鲁爱民 、沈玉蓉 、万松青共12位教师被评为县级我最喜爱的数学教师。 ?辅导教师奖 2012年,皮韩魁、赵爱华、唐永胜、刘小敏、万松青、许莹芳、鲁爱民老师在第八届科技节中获优秀指导教师称号,皮韩魁、郭辉平、李绍华、唐永胜、刘小敏、万松青、许莹芳、鄢琼、钟鸿裕、胡在芹、 赵爱华、田玉兰、老师评为少儿书画优秀指导教师。 ?学生获奖类 每学期,我们会统一制卷,统一时间,在全校孩子们中间举行一次小规模的数学竞赛:有的是口算,有的是计算,有的是简算,有的是应用题„„之后会按照一定的比例颁发一、二、三等奖。其宗旨是增强孩子们数学学习的兴趣,扩展解题思路。 总之,长阳实小可敬可爱的数学老师们,正以深挚的教育情怀,饱满的生活热情,严谨的学习态度,清贫的物质条件,进行着如火如荼的教研活动。 青山缭绕疑无路,忽见千帆隐映来。如今,在实验小学风生水起的教研教改大潮中,数学研修小组正独树一帜,扬帆远航。我们祝愿实小这群数学人力强弓圆矢更疾,潮平岸阔风更满 ~ General Secretary "three a distinguish from" of requirements, put cadres in advance reform in the for lack experience, and first first try appeared of errors and errors, with knowingly of disciplinary violations distinguish from; put superior is no clear limit of exploration sex test in the of errors and errors, with superior expressly ban Hou still go its own way of disciplinary violations distinguish from; put for promoted development of has no intention of fault, with for seek self-interest of disciplinary violations distinguish from, For promising to back them up, to play to play, gives the correct opportunity for momentary misstep, mistake, on the integrity of the timely clarification of right and justice to ensure the protection of those upright cadres who dare to strive and maximum mobilization of the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the vast numbers of cadres. Third, we must adhere to the standard, correct people. This is the new year, we must adhere to the "cadres" and "four iron" cadres ' standard, from the "root" starts with selection on good teams at all levels, in particular, to highlight the selected "number one" singles to build a truly excellent, down-to-earth style of work, and willing to serve as cadre. Should adhere to the principle of party managing cadres. To from "strict" Shang starts with tube good cadres, full play party led and checks role, strict put political shut, and style shut, and capacity shut and clean shut, on study object of cadres archives "where mention will trial", personal about matters report "where mention will nuclear", discipline monitored organ views "where mention will listening
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