首页 五、六年级数学竞赛题五套及答案【二】



五、六年级数学竞赛题五套及答案【二】五、六年级数学竞赛题五套及答案【二】 五、六年级数学竞赛模拟试卷及答案(二) 1. 列式计算: (1)(294.4,19.2×6)?(6,8) (2)12.5×0.76×0.4×8×2.5 2. (1)二数相乘,若被乘数增加12,乘数不变,积增加60,若被乘数不变,乘数增加12,积增加144,那么原来的积是什么, (2)1990年6月1日是星期五,那么,2000年10月1日是星期几, 3. 一角钱6张,伍角钱2张,一元钱8张,可以组成多少种不同的币值, 4. 现将12枚棋子,放在图中的20个方格中,每格最...

五、六年级 数学 数学高考答题卡模板高考数学答题卡模板三年级数学混合运算测试卷数学作业设计案例新人教版八年级上数学教学计划 竞赛 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 五套及 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 【二】 五、六年级数学竞赛模拟试卷及答案(二) 1. 列式计算: (1)(294.4,19.2×6)?(6,8) (2)12.5×0.76×0.4×8×2.5 2. (1)二数相乘,若被乘数增加12,乘数不变,积增加60,若被乘数不变,乘数增加12,积增加144,那么原来的积是什么, (2)1990年6月1日是星期五,那么,2000年10月1日是星期几, 3. 一角钱6张,伍角钱2张,一元钱8张,可以组成多少种不同的币值, 4. 现将12枚棋子,放在图中的20个方格中,每格最多放1枚棋子。要求每行每列所放的棋子数的和都是偶数,应该怎样放,在图上 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示出来。 5. 有一栋居民楼,每家都订了2份不同的报纸,该居民楼共订了三种报纸,其中,中国电视报34份,北京晚报30份,参考消息22份,那么订北京晚报和参考消息的共有多少家, 6. 在桌子上有三张扑克牌,排成一行,我们已经知道: (1)k右边的两张牌中至少有一张是A。 (2)A左边的两张牌中也有一张是A。 (3)方块左边的两张牌中至少有一张是红桃。 (4)红桃右边的两张牌中也有一张是红桃。 请将这三张牌按顺序写出来。 7. 将偶数排成下表: A B C D E 2 4 6 8 16 14 12 10 18 20 22 24 32 30 28 26 …… 那么,1998这个数在哪个字母下面, the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 8. 在下图的14个方格中,各填上一个整数,如果任何相连的三个方格中填的数之和都是20,已知第4格填9,第12格填7,那么,第8个格子中应填什么数, 97 9. 将自然数1,2,3……15,这15个自然数分成两组数A和B。求证:A或者B中,必有两个不同的数的和为完全平方数。 10. 把一张纸剪成6块,从中任取几块,将每一块剪成6块,再任取几块,又将每一块剪成6块,如此剪下去,问:经过有限次后,能否恰好剪成1999块, 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 理由。 试题二答案 1. (1)(294.4,19.2×6)?(6,8) ,179.2?14 ,12.8 (2)12.5×0.76×0.4×8×2.5 =(12.5×8)×(0.4×2.5)×0.76 =100×1×0.76=76 2. (1)解:二数相乘,若被乘数增加12,乘数不变,积增加60,若被乘数不变,乘数增加12,积增加144,那么原来的积是什么, 设原题为a×b 据题意:(a,12)×b,a×b,60 可得:12×b,60 b=5 同样:(b,12)×a,a×b,144 从而:12×a=144 a=12 ?原来的积为:12×5,60 (2)解:1990年6月1日是星期五,那么,2000年10月1日是星期几, 一年365天,十年加上1992,1996,2000三个闰年的3天,再加上六、七、八、九月的天数,还有10月1日,共 3650,3,30,31,31,30,1 ,3776 3776?7,539……3 tioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determinenchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the posiof a ind the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; numberthe installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to f nce ofactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptaentify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exwide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) id-section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a regiond area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation ante7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject pl the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned-comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of designirst to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a the drawings, forizontal position. Level according to usethe h2 1990年6月1日星期五,所以,2000年10月1日是星期日。 3. 一角钱6张,伍角钱2张,一元钱8张,可以组成多少种不同的币值, 答:所有的钱共有9元6角。 最小的币值是一角,而有6张,与伍角可以组成一角、二角……九角、一元的所有整角钱数。所以,可以组成从一角到九元六角的所有整角,共96种不同钱数。 4. 现将12枚棋子,放在图中的20个方格中,每格最多放1枚棋子。要求每行每列所放的棋子数的和都是偶数,应该怎样放,在图上表示出来。 图解(?)代表棋子): 答案不唯一。 5. 有一栋居民楼,每家都订了2份不同的报纸,该居民楼共订了三种报纸,其中,中国电视报34份,北京晚报30份,参考消息22份,那么订北京晚报和参考消息的共有多少家, 解:每家订2份不同报纸,而共订了 34,30,22,86(份) 所以,共有43家。 订中国电视报有34家,那么,设订此报的有9家。 而不订中国电视报的人家,必然订的是北京晚报和参考消息。 所以,订北京晚报和参考消息的共有9家。 6. 在桌子上有三张扑克牌,排成一行,我们已经知道: (1)k右边的两张牌中至少有一张是A。 (2)A左边的两张牌中也有一张是A。 (3)方块左边的两张牌中至少有一张是红桃。 (4)红桃右边的两张牌中也有一张是红桃。 请将这三张牌按顺序写出来。 the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams第 3 页 共 5 页 , maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 解:设桌上的三张牌为甲、乙、丙,由条件(1)k右边有两张牌,所以,甲必是k,且乙、丙中至少有一张是A。 由条件(2),A的左边还有A,那么,必然乙、丙都是A。 同样,可推出,由(4)知:甲为红桃。由(3)得丙为方块,再由(4)即得乙是红桃。 ?三张牌的顺次为:红桃k,红桃A,方块A。 7. 将偶数排成下表: A B C D E 2 4 6 8 16 14 12 10 18 20 22 24 32 30 28 26 …… 那么,1998这个数在哪个字母下面, 解:由图表看出:偶数依次排列,每8个偶数一组依次按B、C、D、E、D、C、B、A列顺序排。 看A列,E列得到排列顺序是以16为周期来循环的。 1998?16,124……14 所以,1998与14同列在B列。 8. 在下图的14个方格中,各填上一个整数,如果任何相连的三个方格中填的数之和都是20,已知第4格填9,第12格填7,那么,第8个格子中应填什么数, 97 解:设a、b、c、d是任连续四格中的数,据题意: a,b,c,20,b,c,d ?a=d 那么,第1,4,7,10,13格中的数相同,都是9。 同样,第3,6,9,12格中的数都是7。 那么,第2,5,8,11,14格中的数相同,都应为: 20,9,7,4 9. 将自然数1,2,3……15,这15个自然数分成两组数A和B。求证:A或者B中,必有两个不同的数的和为完全平方数。 解:假设A、B两组中都没有不同的两个数的和是完全平方数,我们说明是不可能 orizontal position. Level according to usethe h tioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determinenchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the posiof a ind the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; numberthe installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to f nce ofactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptaentify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exwide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) id-section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a regiond area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation ante7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject pl the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned-comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of designirst to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a the drawings, f4 的。 不妨设1在A组 22241,3,4,,1,15,16, ?3,15都在B组 233,6,9, 6须在A组 246,10,16, 又得到10应在B组,这时,B组已有两数和为完全平方数了。 2510,15,25, 所以,在A组或B组中,必有两个不相同的数的和为完全平方数。 10. 把一张纸剪成6块,从中任取几块,将每一又块剪成6块,再任取几块,又将 每一块剪成6块,如此剪下去,问:经过有限次后,能否恰好剪成1999块,说明理由。 kk11解:设剪成6块后,第一次从中取出块,将每一块剪成6块,则多出了5块, 这时,共有: kk116,5,1,5,5 k1,5(,1),1(块) kk22第二次从中又取出块,每块剪成6块,增加了5块,这时,共有 kk126,5,5 kk12,5(,,1),1(块) kn以此类推,第n次取块,剪成6块后共有 kkk12n5(,,……,,1),1(块) 因此,每次剪完后,纸的总数都是(5k,1)的自然数(即除以5余1) 1999?5,399……4 所以,不可能得到1999张纸块。 the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams第 5 页 共 5 页 , maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use
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