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采购管理中的供应商关系管理外文翻译(可编辑)采购管理中的供应商关系管理外文翻译(可编辑) 采购管理中的供应商关系管理外文翻译 外文翻译 原文 Determining the Purchase Situation: Cornerstone of SupplierRelationship Management Material Source: google scienceAuthor: Evi Hartmann Thomas Ritter Abstract:Purchasing has moved to the agenda of senior ...

采购管理中的供应商关系管理外文翻译(可编辑) 采购管理中的供应商关系管理外文翻译 外文翻译 原文 Determining the Purchase Situation: Cornerstone of SupplierRelationship Management Material Source: google scienceAuthor: Evi Hartmann Thomas Ritter Abstract:Purchasing has moved to the agenda of senior management reflecting an increasing strategic attention to benefits that can be gained from management of and cooperation.with suppliers. Modern purchasing approaches reflect this changing emphasis towards the importance of quality and innovativeness of suppliers as opposed to pure price negotiations. However, different approaches are suitable for different purchase situations,for the specific circumstances the buying firm is in. Detailed evaluation and analysis of the purchase situation are even more crucial to a company’s sustainable success since new ways of interacting such as electronic marketplaces are developing fast and changing the way firms work together. In this paper, the authors structure different classification models of purchase situations by identifying the underlying dimensions. Based on the literature review the authors have grouped the indicators in four dimensions. Then by combining these dimensions an overall integrated classification model is developed. Finally, suggestions for future research are discussed. Introduction The field of purchasing has evolved significantly in the last two centuries. The growing pressure of global competition and less internal value-creation has led to the recognition that purchasing is an important contributor to a firm’s competitive advantage by both academics and practitioners. An appropriate sourcing strategy can contribute significantly to increase profitability, market share and technological innovation. This increased importance of purchasing relates to different reasons as cost, quality and technology.Because purchase costs account on average for more than 40% of total expenses they are clearly a major area for potential cost savings. The present invention relates to a system and method for a Commercial credit card. Credit cards operate by having the enabling buyers and sellers of goods to transact with each institution issuing the credit card, the merchant bank, proother. More particularly, the present invention provides. Besides cost benefits purchasing and supply management has a major impact on quality. Companies have tended to concentrate on their core competencies with the aim to increase effectiveness and efficiency Hamel, Prahalad 1995. The need to nurture core competences has lead to an increased emphasis on outsourcing Venkatesan 1992. This development reduced a company’s internal added value in the product value chain to its core competences and at the same time the supplier’s influence on quality increased to a dominant role. A further lever for an increased importance of purchasing is the extremely short life cycle of new technology. Companies focus on highly customized supplies instead of purchasing commodities. They hand-over product responsibility and risk to their suppliers to cope with increased product development pressure. Early and extensive supplier involvement shortens the product development process and is an important source of innovation von Hippel 1988, Bozdogan, Deyst, Hoult, Lucas 1998. The focus of attention has shifted to the significance of co-operative buyer-seller relationships to“enable purchasing to support a firm’s strategic positioning” Harland, Lamming, Cousins 1999, p. 659. Based on these trends one of the most important objectives of the purchasing function is the development of a supplier network, since a firm’s ability to produce a quality product at reasonable cost and in timely manner is mainly influenced by its suppliers’ capabilities Hahn, Watts, Kim 1990. Firms conclude that they will more readily attain long-term cost reduction by forming closer working relationships with “key” suppliers Harland, Lamming, Cousins 1999. But partnering in general is not the solution for success because of related costs, high resource intensity and risk of dependency. The relationships need to be adapted to the specific purchase situation. Depending on different external contingencies the appropriate relationship type should be developed with different governance structure and relational design. Bensaou 1999 showed that firms “balance a portfolio of different types of relationships rather than rely on one type” which leads to the key question: Which kind of supplier cooperation needs to be established in which purchasing situation to contribute to the success of a company? Or in other words, under which circumstances should a firm try to establish a relationship with its suppliers? The appropriate analysis of the purchasing situation is even more important since the establishment of electronic marketplaces and web-supported trading Kaplan, Sawhney 2000, which builds a new dimension for purchasing with reduced interpersonal contact but transactional focus. In a nut shell e-trade offers an even more different approach to do business and as such the decision of how to interact with the supplier base or parts thereof becomes more critical. In the literature various dimensions for structuring the purchasing situation have been developed, although an integrated model is missing Cousins, Spekman 2000, M?ller,F?rr?nen 2000, Dyer, Fr?hling 1999, Cho, Chu 1998, Metcalf, Frear 1993, Hubmann,Barth 1990, Müller 1990, Witt 1986, Bogaschewsky, Rollberg 1999, Baumgarten, Wolff 1999, Wildemann 1999, Mittner 1991, Kraljic 1983, Elliott, Glynn 2000, Bensaou, 1999,Cannon, Homburg, Willauer 1998, Olsen, Ellram 1997, Krapfel, Salmond, Spekman1991, Lamming, Cousins, Notman 1996 etc.. This paper tries to integrate several aspects by building a systematic and consistent framework, which enables managers to identify the appropriate purchasing strategy depending on the situational circumstances. The paper is organized as follows: Firstly, we provide an overview of the literature on classification and portfolio models of supplier relationships by developing a conceptual framework. Then, based on this literature classification by synthesizing all aspects an integrated classification model is proposed. We close with an outlook of further research opportunities and some managerial implications. Purchase situation classification dimensions.In the past portfolio models have been successfully used for assessing more efficiently a company’s position in respect to its current position, the projected future and the future desired positions in various dimensions Wind, Douglas 1981, Ansoff, Leontiades 1976,Markowitz, 1952. The pioneering portfolio theory for management of equity was developed by Markowitz in 1952. In the field of industrial marketing and purchasing recently several portfolios have been developed for evaluating customer and supplier relationships since the early 1980s. The different approaches can be structured by four segmentation dimensions: product, market, supplier and relationship characteristics. With the term purchase situation we consider all relevant forces and influences related to the acquisition of required materials, services and equipment, which have a potential impact on the way buyer and seller work together. The following four characterization dimensions underline the magnitude of various aspects impacting this sourcing environment. Figure 1: ABC-Analysis in Chemical industry This classification differs suppliers with significant spent from the mass of suppliers with only small purchase volume Bogaschewsky, Rollberg, 1999 and clearly demonstrates he economic importance of the supplier Baumgarten, Wolff, 1999. Especially in the industrial production industry the ABC-analysis is very helpful, since there it is a common situation that the majority of the purchase spent is caused by only few material categories Corsten 1996. Another volume characteristic is number of parts, which is especially important in discrete production. But besides economic volume and number of parts the physical size can also have an important business impact, especially for products which need large storage space. To reduce inventory carrying cost for large products just- in-time order policies could be in place. Therefore some authors not only categorize the monetary sourcing spent but also number of parts and physical volume Bogaschewsky, Rollberg, 1999. But purchase volume alone can sometimes be misleading. The cheapest component is, in the long run, not necessarily the least expensive. Once the cost of poor quality is factored in the cheapest may well be the most expensive Burt, 1989. Decisions on sourcing strategies cannot only be based on purchase value or volume, the perceived risk has to be evaluated including its various components as financial risk, performance risk, social risk and other components Gemünden 1985, p.84,85. Therefore some researchers talk about product and purchase importance Cannon, Perreault 1999, Homburg 1999, Olsen, Ellram 1997, Homburg 1995, Matthyssens, Van den Bulte 1994, Metcalf, Frear 1993, Kraljic 1983. Olsen and Ellram 1997 detail the importance by economic factors in terms of “dollar value and the impact on the company’s profits” Olsen, Ellram 1997, p.103, by competence factors, which “describe the extent to which the item purchased is part of the company’s core competencies” Olsen, Ellram 1997, p. 103 and by strategic importance. The closer the purchased product is to the core competencies of the firm, the greater is the strategic importance of the purchased good Olsen, Ellram 1997. Product importance as “the extent to which a consumer links a product to salient enduring or situation specific goals” Bloch, Richins 1983, p. 71 is a broader definition for product characteristics. For Metcalf and Frear 1993 the product importance is not an inherent product characteristic, but its perception by the buyer will relate to the “product’s ability to satisfy the goals of the buying firm” Metcalf, Frear 1993, p. 66. Product importance is also influenced by the risk of the supply for the production process, if the delivery is delayed Mittner 1991, p.22. But not only risk due to delays has to be included in the product importance evaluation, also functional and qualitative aspects relating to product performance, financial factors or social effects have to be further detailed Gemünden1985, p. 90. Product importance also refers to the position of the supply in the value chain of the producing company, which then determines a potential impact of short innovation and product cycle of the supply. To evaluate the product complexity and standardization another product segmentation dimension is the degree of product customization Cannon, Homburg, Willauer 1998,Dyer, Cho, Chu 1998, Metcalf, Frear 1993, which can reflect in product specification, delivery agreements and specific payment schemes. Metcalf and Frear 1993 talk about “adaptations”, which occur when “one party in a relationship alters its processes or the item exchanged to accommodate the other party” Wilson 1995, p. 339. Adaptations develop over time by implying cost. They can be grouped in different types of adaptation as technical knowledge-based, administrative, economic and legal Hakansson, Gadde 1992, 408 and may include customizing products, financial terms, information sharing routines, pricing inventory stocking policies, delivery schedules and production processes Cannon Narayandas 2000, p.412. The product specification dimension is frequently used in the automotive industry, where only limited suppliers deliver highly customized products They fall in the “keiretsu-category” Dyer, Cho, Chu 1998, p. 60, with roughly 30 suppliers of more than 300. Keiretsu suppliers in the automotive industry deliver parts as engine parts, body panels or seats Dyer, Cho, Chu 1998. The degree of customization underlines the supplier willingness to invest in the relationship. On the other hand it shows the trust and commitment Morgan, Hunt 1994 of the buying company to rely on a single source The demand pattern defines the continuity and age of the relationship Bogaschewsky, Rollberg 1999, Baumgarten, Wolff 1999, Baumgarten, Bodelschwingh 1996. Suppliers use this measurement as a key indicator for planning the production. As a result of derived demand Fiocca 1982 emphasizes the importance that “industrial marketers must always be up to date about the current and prospective trends” p. 54. By reviewing those four sub criteria of product characteristics they are all too important to be excluded. But they need to be weighted depending on their relevance according to the specific circumstance. A balanced scorecard approach can helps to simplify this evaluation process. Market characteristics For classifying a supplier relationship not only the product specific characteristics are important. Many different market aspects influence the purchasing situation, although they may not be fully influenced by both parties of the purchasing process. One frequently used segmentation dimension is the supply risk determined by production shortages, product availability, availability of alternatives, which is the “degree to which a buying firm has alternative sources of supply to meet a need” Cannon, Perreault 1999,p.444, on time delivery, quality acceptance or seasonality Baumgarten, Wolff 1999,Orths 1999, Wildemann 1999, Baumgarten, Bodelschwingh 1996, Homburg 1995,Hubmann, Barth 1990, Müller 1990, Witt 1986. Wildemann 1999 differentiates between “internal and external supply risk” p.441. Company external risks are influenced by supply problems with substitutes, seasonality, transport logistics complexity and delivery time, whereas internal risk factors are such as the possibility of indoor production, availability of production know-how and product and production complexity Wildemann 1999, Lamming et al. 1996. The second market characteristic besides supply risk is the buying power, each firm must be able to understand its competitive environment Lamming et al. 1996, p. 176. For defining the buying power, which describes the governance in the purchasing situation, several market indicators have to be summarized - such as industry growth and exit barriers, number of competitors, the number of suppliers and an understanding of the rivalry in the market Porter 1996, p. 23. Following traditional economic theory when many suppliers compete to sell comparable goods, the market becomes a ready source of information on prices and quality Cannon, Perreault 1999, which strengthens the position of the buyer. But the opposite occurs if only limited suppliers are in the market, the buying company has to cope with the uncertainty and dependence. The buying power is further described by Geck and Petry 1983 with three characteristics: dominant size of the buying company compared to the supplier, market knowledge advantage of the buyer and the service function of the supplier “customer is king” Geck, Petry 1983, p. 17.The geographic spread is a further sub-criteria of the buying power, which defines the buying company’s opportunities concerning global sourcing strategies Monczka, Trent, Handfield 1998, Kiedaisch 1997. Similar to the buying power definition Cannon, Homburg and Willauer 1998 talk about situational factors as dynamism of price and quality. Supplier characteristics Supplier characteristics are only used by a few researchers for supplier relationship classification Elliott, Glynn 2000, Wildemann 1999, Bensaou 1999, whereas many supplier aspects have been evaluated in the literature dealing with the supplier evaluation and selection process Monczka, Trent, Handfiel 1998, Saunders 1997, van Weele 2000, Koppelmann 1997, Hartmann 1992, Hildebrandt, Koppelmann 2000. The definition of resources goes along with Hofer, Schendel 1978, p. 145, Helfert 1998, p.51-52, Ritter 1998, p.82-83, who cluster the resource base in four groups: financial resources, physical resources, personnel resources and information resources p.82, 83. In business market the buying company depends in part on these resources of the supplier Ford et al. 1999, p. 76. Standard performance indicators as in the annual report enable a differentiated judgment for the purchasing management concerning financial stability of the supplier. For a better basis of price negotiation supplier’s margins need to be recalculated or at least estimated Olsen, Ellram 1997. The resource potential describes the suppliers commercial and financial competence, but the technical perspective is as well important Olsen, Ellram 1997. 译文 采购管理中的供应商关系管理 资料来源: 谷歌学术网 作者:哈特曼.艾威 托马斯.瑞特 摘要:采购已经进入了高级管理的议事日程,它反映出了对利益高度的战 略关注,这些利益可以从与供应商的合作和管理中获得。现代的采购方式反应出 了重点已转移到了对供应商的质量和创新的重视而不是单纯的价格谈判。然而, 不同的方式适合于不同的采购情况。也就是说看采购公司所在的具体情况而言。 对采购情况的具体评估和分析甚至对公司的的可持续成功更重要。因为新的互动 方式如电子市场正迅速发展正改变公司的合作方式。在本文中,作者构建了采购 情况的不同的分类模式通过鉴别根本的一些层面。在文献综述的基础上,作者把 指标分成四个层面。接着通过结合这些层面一个全面的整体分类模式形成了。最 后,对未来研究的建议进行了讨论。 引言 采购在过去的两个世纪得到了显著的发展。不断增长的全球竞争和较少的内部价值创造力已经导致了学者和从业人员认可了采购对一个公司的竞争优势是一个推动。一个合适的采购策略能显著的推进盈利能力,市场份额和技术革新。采购的重要性更在于与成本,质量和科技等因素相关。因为采购成本占有总开销的40%以上,这显然是一个潜在的节约成本的主要领域。包括成本在内,采购利益和供应管理都对质量有影响。公司倾向于集中注意力在核心竞争力去实现提高效率和有效性的目标。培育核心竞争力的需要导致更加重视外购。这种发展减少了公司产品价值链中附加值在核心竞争力的地位,同时供应商对产品的质量占有主导地位。更深层次的讲,产品采购的重要性的是极其短的新技术的轮回。公司高度重视定制的产品而不是购买商品。他们移交产品的责任和风险给供应商去应对更大的产品发展压力。供应商早期和广泛的参与缩短了产品的研发过程并且是一个重要的创新来源。焦点的注意力已经从“合作的买卖关系的重要性”转移到“使采购来支持公司的战略地位。” 在这些趋势的基础上,采购职能的一个重要目标是对供应商网络的发展。因为一个公司在合理的成本下及时生产高质量产品主要受到供应商能力的影响。公司推断通过与重点供应商形成更亲密的工作关系,他们更容易做到长期降低成本。但总体的合作并不是成功的解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,因为相关的开支,高度的资源集中,相互依赖的风险。这些关系需要改编成具体的采购情况。依据不同的外部意外事件,合适的关系形式应根据不同的管理结构和关系 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 来发展。BENSAOU 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明公司平衡不同的类型的关系组合不是依靠一种形式。这也导致了一个关键问题的产生:在哪种采购情形下哪一种供应关系需要去建立会有助于公司?或换句话说,在哪 种情形下,一个公司应设法与供应商建立关系? 对采购情形进行合理的分析,更重要是因为电子市场和以网页为支撑的交易的建立。这打造了一个减少人际交往但更注重交易的层面。在电子交易中甚至提供了一个更加不同的做生意的方式,按此顺序如何与供应商建立互动的决定变得更加重要。 采购情形分类层面 在过去的模式已成功的被用来更有效的评估一个公司的位置,关于其当前状况,预测未来和期待在各层面公司未来的位置。先前一系列的组合理论被马科维茨得以发展。在工业领域自
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