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小学二年级阅读训练题小学二年级阅读训练题 小学低年级阅读训练 阅读练习(一) 姑姑给冬冬找来一把小阳伞。这把小阳伞可漂亮啦~天蓝色的尼龙伞面,上面印着一只只五颜六色的气球。伞架子亮晶晶的可以照得见人。最好看的是伞柄。伞柄是个戴着气行员帽子的小姑娘的手,小姑娘正朝人笑呢~ 1.第( )句写伞面很美。第( )句写伞架子很亮。第6句写( )。 2.从文中找出一对近义词。 ( )——( ) 3.简要说明小阳伞的样子。 伞面: 伞架子: 伞柄: 阅读练习(二) 月亮上有山没有水,有阳光没有空气,白天很热,夜里很冷。月亮上没...

小学二年级阅读训练题 小学低年级阅读训练 阅读练习(一) 姑姑给冬冬找来一把小阳伞。这把小阳伞可漂亮啦~天蓝色的尼龙伞面,上面印着一只只五颜六色的气球。伞架子亮晶晶的可以照得见人。最好看的是伞柄。伞柄是个戴着气行员帽子的小姑娘的手,小姑娘正朝人笑呢~ 1.第( )句写伞面很美。第( )句写伞架子很亮。第6句写( )。 2.从文中找出一对近义词。 ( )——( ) 3.简要说明小阳伞的样子。 伞面: 伞架子: 伞柄: 阅读练习(二) 月亮上有山没有水,有阳光没有空气,白天很热,夜里很冷。月亮上没有虫鱼鸟兽,也没有花草树木。那里一片荒凉。 可是月亮的肚子里藏着什么呢,等你长大了,揭开它的秘密吧~ 1. 月亮上有( )、( ),没有( )、( ),没有( )、 ( ),所以是一片( )。 2. “月亮的肚子”指 。 、 阅读练习(三) 长江——祖国第一大江 我们伟大的祖国有许多大江、大河。它们像祖国妈妈身上的血管(guǎn),给祖国带来了生命的力量(liàng)。 小朋友,你知道吗,在祖国的千万条江河中,哪一条最长呀,祖国最长的江河就是长江。它从祖国西北的青海省唐古拉山开始,流经11个省、市、自治区,一直流入东海。长江一共有6300多千米长。万里长江是祖国的第一大江,也是世界上著名的大江。 1. 哪些词的意思不能理解的,写下来。 2. 祖国最长的江河是( ),共有( )千米长,从( )开始一直流入( )。 3. 祖国的大江、大河,像( )。 阅读练习(四)、 从前,有一个人头顶着大包袱(fu)骑在马背上赶路。走了不大一会儿,他满脸汗水,十分吃力。 “喂~”过路人看见了十分奇怪地问,“你为什么要顶着大包袱,不把它放在马背上呢,” “唉~”骑马的人叹了口气,说:“我怕马吃不消,所以把包袱顶在头上,这样做可以让马省些力气呀~” 1( 这篇短文共有( ) 个自然段。 2( 用“——”划出过路人问的话。 temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive 3( 用“,,,”划出骑马人回答的话。 阅读练习(五) 蜻蜓 晚饭后,我和姐姐正在门口乘凉。忽然飞来一只大蜻蜓,落在一棵大树上。我悄悄地去把它捉住。大蜻蜓真漂亮,两个眼珠圆溜溜(liū),亮晶晶(līng),一对红翅膀不住地扇(shàn)着。我真喜欢它,就拿着它玩起来了。 姐姐看见了,大声喊:“快把蜻蜓放了,它是益虫~”我听了姐姐的话,想到益虫对人类(lèi)的好处,就把它放了。 1.全文有( )段。 2.在括号里填上合适的词语。 一只( ) 一对( ) 两个( ) 、一棵( ) 3.用“ ——”画出描写大蜻蜓漂亮的句子。 4.“我”为什么把大蜻蜓放了, 阅读练习(六) 啊~晚霞,多么绮(qí)丽,它一会儿像一匹骏马在奔驰,一会儿像一头雄狮在怒(nù)吼,一会儿像朵朵鲜花开放„ „我看着看着,身体感到轻飘飘的,仿佛自己也变成了一片晚霞。一会儿一道霞光射来,晚霞闪耀(yào)着绚丽的光彩。我把眼睛微微睁开,眼前顿时出现了赤、橙(chéng)、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫七种颜色,我的身体好像也被色彩裹(guǒ)住了。 1、 在括号里填上合适的词。 一( )晚霞 一( )鲜花 一( )颜色 一( )雄狮 一( )骏马 一( )霞光 2、 晚霞的形状象_____________、 ______________、________等。 阅读练习(七) 猫头鹰 猫头鹰的面部像猫,身子像老鹰,所以人们叫它“猫头鹰”。猫头鹰的眼睛同别的鸟儿不同,是长在正前方的。白天,它常常站在树枝上闭目养神,可是,到了夜晚,它就像一名哨兵,睁(zhēng)着两只闪闪发光的大眼睛,注视着田野。猫头鹰的耳朵也很特别,耳孔很大,周围排列着很长的羽毛,好像一对竖起的猫耳朵。它的听觉很灵,哪怕一点轻微的声音,它都能听见。 1.这段话共有( )句话。 2.用“——”画出猫头鹰的耳朵很特别的句子。 3.因为猫头鹰 ( ),所以人们叫它“猫头鹰”。 4.用部首查字法查字典: (1)“轻微”的“微”:查( ) 部,去笔画剩下______画,在短文中的意思为___ (?小,细小;?低下;?精深;?主单位的百万分之一) (2)“注视”的“注”:查 ( )部,去笔画查__ __画,在短文中的意思为___ _ (?灌(guàn)进去;?集中在一点;?记载,登记) 阅读练习(八) 在我国南海的沙群岛上,住着成百上千种海鸟。 数量最多的是白鸟。这种白色的鸟最爱吃鱼,它们成群地在海面上寻找鱼群,傍晚才飞回海岛。 最大的海鸟叫信天翁。它的一只翅膀就有两张课桌那么长。它常常张开翅膀在海上飞,能飞好temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive 几百里才停下来。 1.这篇短文有( )个自然段。第三自然段有( ) 句话。 2. 这段话主要讲西沙群岛上有 海鸟。其中最多的是 ,最大的是 。 3. “成百上千”的意思是( ) 。 4. 用“——”划出文中具体写信天翁很大的句子。 阅读练习(九) 春天来了 不知不觉中,春天已来到人间。 春风过后,小草慢慢地钻出了地面,小树长出嫩绿的小芽,麦苗儿也开始返青了。 小燕子从南方飞回来了,各种动物也都开始活动了,小朋友们脱下厚厚的棉衣,快活地在操场上活动着。 1、这篇短文共有( )个自然段。 2、第二自然段写了春天( )、( )、( )的变化。 、 3、第三自然段写了春天( )、( )、( )的变化。、 阅读练习(十) 我家院子里有一棵枣树。春天,树上开满了浅黄色的花。夏天,树上结满了青枣。到了秋天,小青枣慢慢地变成大红枣,树上就好像挂了很多小红灯笼。我和小朋友站在枣树下,抬头望着这些大红枣,心里想:要是吃在嘴里,一定又甜又脆。 1、这段话主要讲的是什么, ( )。 2、“树上就好像挂了很多小红灯笼”一句中的“小红灯笼”指的是( )。 3、这段话是按时间顺序写的,先写了( ),然后写了( ) ,最后写了( ) 。 阅读练习(十一) 、 学校院子中间,有一座美丽的花坛。里面的花都是我们亲手种的。 花坛的四周,摆放着一盆盆冬青草。嫩绿的枝条向四周伸展,针叶上挂着水珠,长得非常密。挨着冬青的是五颜六色的各种小花,在花坛里开得十分好看。 同学们爱惜它,用汗水浇灌它。小花给同学们的课余生活带来了欢乐。 1、短文共有( )个自然段。 2、第二自然段里有( )句话。 3、花坛的四周有什么,( )。 4、冬青草长得怎样, ( )。 阅读练习(十二) 青蛙有两只大眼睛,像两颗晶莹的玻璃球,鼓得高高的,一眨一眨的,可机灵了。碧绿的身子,布满了墨绿色的斑点。白白的大肚子,像是发了脾气,一鼓一鼓的。两条有弹力的后腿,折叠着分排在身体两边。好神气的“田间勇士”啊~ 1、这段话共有( )句话。 temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive 2、在括号里填上表示颜色的词。 ( )的身子 ( )的斑点 ( )的肚子 、 3、这段话描写青蛙的外形,是先写( ),然后写( ),再写( ),最后写( )。 4、( )是“田间勇士”。 阅读练习(十三) 村子的前面有一条弯弯的小河。河水缓缓地向东流去,河两岸有田野和青山。山坡上开着各种颜色的野花。河上有一座白色的石桥。一群群鱼儿在河里游来游去。 1、这段话共有( )句。 、 2、写颜色的词有:( )。 3、写鱼动作的词有:( )。 阅读练习(十四) 我家养了一只小花猫.它圆圆的眼睛,胖胖的身体,拖着一条长长的花尾巴.白白的小胡须在灰色的小嘴上.身上的毛有白色的\黑色的,还有灰色的.有时见到我还撒娇似地歪着脖子,”喵喵”地唱起歌来,真是讨人喜欢. 1、用“~~~~~~”画出文中表示小花猫动作的句子。 2、根据短文内容填空。 ( )的眼睛、( )的尾巴、( )嘴 ( )的身体 ( )的胡须 阅读练习(十五) 小鸡们跟着老母鸡跑,就像许多小绒球在地上滚一样。它们跟着妈妈学着找食物,小小的嘴到处乱啄,有时,就在伙伴们的头上、腿上啄。冷了,老母鸡张开翅膀,那小些小鸡就连忙躲到妈妈肚子底下暖和暖和。这些小鸡真可爱。 1、这篇短文共有( )句话。 2、短文里写了( ) 和( ) 。 3、用“——”线画出小鸡找食物的句子。 4、小鸡冷了怎么办,( ) 阅读练习(十六) 受伤的小鸟 在放学回家的路上,我发现了一只受伤的小鸟。看着它可怜的样子,便把它捡回了家。这只小鸟长着一张又长又尖的嘴巴,头上有一小撮(cuō)红色的毛,背上、尾巴上的羽毛是黑色的,腹(fù)部的羽毛是灰色的,可好看了~ 妈妈下班回来看见了小鸟,高兴地告诉我说:“这是一只啄木鸟。它能够捕食树洞里的害虫,人们称它‘树医生’。”我听了,心想:“原来是一只益鸟啊~等我把它的伤养好后,一定送它回大自然,让它继续给树治病。” 1、这篇短文有( )个自然段。 2、受伤的小鸟是一只( ),人们称它( )。 3、按短文填空。 ( )的嘴巴 受伤的( ) ( )的样子 黑色的( ) 4、如果你发现了这样一只受伤的小鸟,你会怎么做,为什么,、 、 temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive 、 、 、 、阅读练习十七 春天,阳光灿烂,田野里百花盛开。白的梨花,粉红的桃花,还有金黄的油菜花,散发出一阵阵浓浓的香味。 ,、短文共有 句话,写的是 季的的景象。 2、春天有灿烂的 ;田野里 ,散发出浓浓的 。 ,、用“—”画出文中表示颜色的词。 ,、春天 、 、 都开花了。 阅读十八 我家院子里有一棵古老而又高又大的枣树。春天,枣树上开满了浅黄色的枣花。夏天,花落了,枣树上结满了小青枣。到了秋天,小青枣慢慢地变红了,变成了红红的大枣。这时,树上好像挂满了圆圆的小灯笼。 ,、读短文,找出合适的词填在括号里。 ( )的枣树 ( )的枣花 ( )的大枣 ( )的小灯笼 ,、文中“小灯笼”指的是 。 ,、想想枣树在不同季节的变化,再填空。 春天,枣树上 。 夏天,枣树上 。 秋天,枣树上 。 阅读十九 小鸡们跟着老母鸡跑,就像许多小球在地上滚一样。它们跟着妈妈学着找食物,小小的嘴到处啄(zhuó),有时,就在伙伴们的头上、腿上啄。冷了,老母鸡张开翅膀,那些小鸡就连忙躲到妈妈肚子底下暖和暖和。这些小鸡真可爱。 ,、这篇短文共有( )句话。 ,、短文里写了 和 。 ,、小鸡们冷了,就会 temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive 、 、 、 。 阅读二十 放学了,满天都是乌云,就快下雨了。小红和明明来到学校给学校老师送雨伞和雨鞋。传达室的老爷爷看见他们这么懂事,高兴地笑了。 ,、这篇短文有 句话。 ,、天就快下雨了, 和 给老师送伞和雨鞋。 阅读二十一 天亮了,鸟儿醒了,叽叽喳喳地唱着:“露珠儿,晶晶亮。好像小珍珠,挂在小草上。”太阳听见了,说:“露珠是什么样,让我看看。”太阳睁大眼睛对着小草使劲儿看,可是什么也没看见。太阳呆住了,“咦,露珠儿呢,哪儿去了,” ,、天亮了, 醒了,叽叽喳喳唱着歌。 ,、露珠儿,晶晶亮,好像 挂在小草上。 ,、露珠为什么不见了,是因为( ) ,、太阳出来了。,、露珠掉在地上了。 阅读二十二 冬姑娘来到公园。她看到许多许多的人,有的在滑雪,有的在滑冰,有的在打雪仗、堆雪人,写诗画画、拍照留影。他们都被美丽的风景迷住了。 1、这段短文共有 句话。第二句中写的活动有 2、这段话描写的是什么季节, 阅读二十三、 小猴子扛着玉米,走到一棵桃树下。它看见满树的桃子又大又红,非常高兴,就扔了玉米去摘桃子。 1、这段话有( )句。 temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive 2、用“——”划出写桃子多的词,用“,,,”划出写桃子长得好的词。 阅读二十四 我是一粒种子。春天到了,我才发芽。谢谢太阳和雨水,是它们帮助我长大。现在,我已经长得很高了。到了秋天,我就会结出肥肥果实,农民看了可高兴啦! 1、“我”是 。 2、“我”在 (时候)发芽,在 (时候)结果。 3、 和 帮助“我”长大。、 阅读二十五 春天来了,小草儿们慢慢地染绿了大地,柳枝上长出了嫩嫩的绿叶。蓝天上飘浮着淡淡的白云,红红的太阳撒下温暖的阳光。远处一片片野花儿都开了,美丽的蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去。春天真美啊~我爱春天。 1、短文共有 句话,主要是写 (季节)的景色。 2、短文中写了小草、树枝、 、 、 、等,可以看出春天的。 阅读 26 羊要吃山顶上的草。 羊爬呀爬,它累(lèi)了,爬不动了。它想:我不怕累,山多高,我爬多高~ 羊又向山顶爬去。 1、短文共有 段。第二段共有 句话。 2、山羊在爬不动的时候想到什么,在文中画出它想的句子。 3、你认为最后山羊能吃到山顶上的草吗,在括号内打“?”。 能( ) 不能( ) 阅读27 棉花白,谷子黄,红脸关公是高粱。冬瓜矮,南瓜胖,丝瓜上架细又长。 1、这首诗一共写了 种植物,这些植物分别 是 、 、 、 、 、 。 temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive 2、写颜色的词有 、 、 。 阅读28 原野上,长满了青青的草和许多黄色的野花。这是小蜻蜓活跃的天地。小蜻蜓,身体轻,看上去好像一架小飞机。有时在花间飞舞,有时轻轻掠过水面。这里飞飞,那里停停,过着悠闲的日子。 ,、蜻蜓活跃的天地在哪里,(在括号内打“?”) 小河边( ) 大树下( ) 原野上( ) 竹林( ) ,、小蜻蜓看上去像什么,(在括号内打“?”) 小蜜蜂( ) 小飞机( ) 小燕子( ) 小火箭()、 阅读29 天上的云姑娘喜欢穿五颜六色的衣服。早上,云姑娘穿着一身白色的衣服。傍晚,云姑娘穿上一身红红的衣服,快下雨时,云姑娘穿了一身黑色的衣服。 1、这段话有 句话。写了云姑娘 、 和 时穿着不同颜色的衣服。 2、用“——”画出文中表示颜色的词语。 阅读30 过了几天,白菜长出来了。小白兔常常给白菜浇水,施肥,拔草,捉虫。白菜很快就长大了。 1、这段话共有( )句话。 2、用“——”画出写小白兔做了什么的句子。 temperature piping and equipment, avoid oil pipeline, avoiding vibration equipment, principles of construction of beautiful and neat easy to install. from field instrumentation and valves field junction boxes to the single line slot cable using pipe, 220VAC power cord shall be full pipe laying, indoor coaxial cables concealed and outdoor wear buried. bending cold bending method should be used to protect pipe, bending angle should not be less than 900, when wearing non-armoured cable and laid, bend radius should not be less than 6 times the pipe diameter, when while wearing armored cable and concealed, bend radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. Bend protection tube there should be no dents, cracks, single right-angled bend protection tube should not be more than two. between protective tube and between protective tube and connector, threaded connections should be used, it tube end screw thread length should not be less than 1/2 of the fitting, and ensures the electrical connection. protection tube should line up, ... 5.1.7 check tubing for pressure piping laying pipe, components, materials and specifications meet the design requirements, and have quality certificates, before laying should be cleared by welding and bending the welding slag, rust, chip or a foreign body, and preservative treatments. in pressure piping welding welder must have a valid welder certificate. tubing under the conditions to meet measurement requirements should be as short as possible, General length should not be more than 15m, pipe bending cold bending, cutting machine, minimizing bending and cross, and there shall be no sharp and complex bending, bending radius of not less than 3 times the pipe diameter. pipe and process equipment, piping, or building surface distance is greater than 50mm, not be laid parallel to the oil, combustible, explosive
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