首页 文档模板2:软件详细设计说明书



文档模板2:软件详细设计说明书文档模板2:软件详细设计说明书 文档编号 版本 A1 密级 商密A 研发生产中心 项目名称 XX系统 项目来源 QR-RD-022(Ver1.2) Xxx系统 详细设计说明书 编 写: 日 期: 检 查: 日 期: 审 核: 日 期: 批 准: 日 期: 版权所有 不得复制 supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the...

文档模板2:软件详细 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 说明书 文档编号 版本 A1 密级 商密A 研发生产中心 项目名称 XX系统 项目来源 QR-RD-022(Ver1.2) Xxx系统 详细设计说明书 编 写: 日 期: 检 查: 日 期: 审 核: 日 期: 批 准: 日 期: 版权所有 不得复制 supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded 文档变更记录 序号 作者 版本号 日期 批准 变更(+/-)说明 1 2 supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded 目 录 1. 引言 .....................................................................................................................................4 1.1 编写目的和范围 ...........................................................................................................4 1.2 术语 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf .........................................................................................................................4 1.3 参考资料 .....................................................................................................................4 1.4 使用的文字处理和绘图工具 .........................................................................................4 2. 全局数据结构说明 ................................................................................................................4 2.1 常量 ............................................................................................................................5 2.2 变量 ............................................................................................................................5 2.3 数据结构 .....................................................................................................................5 3. 模块设计 ..............................................................................................................................5 3.1 用例图 .........................................................................................................................5 3.2 功能设计说明 ..............................................................................................................5 3.2.1 模块1 ................................................................................................................5 3.2.2 模块2 ................................................................................................................6 4. 接口设计 ..............................................................................................................................7 4.1 内部接口 .....................................................................................................................7 4.2 外部接口 .....................................................................................................................7 4.2.1 接口说明 ............................................................................................................7 4.2.2 调用方式 ............................................................................................................7 5. 数据库设计...........................................................................................................................7 6. 系统安全保密设计 ................................................................................................................8 6.1 说明 ............................................................................................................................8 6.2 设计 ............................................................................................................................8 6.2.1 数据传输部分 .....................................................................................................8 6.2.2 IP过滤分部 .........................................................................................................8 6.2.3 身份验证部分 .....................................................................................................8 7. 系统性能设计 .......................................................................................................................8 8. 系统出错处理 .......................................................................................................................8 supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded 1. 引言 1.1 编写目的和范围 说明写这份详细设计说明书的目的。 本详细设计说明书编写的目的是说明程序模块的设计考虑,包括程序描述、输入/输出、算法和流程逻辑等,为软件编程和系统维护提供基础。本说明书的预期读者为系统设计人员、 软件开发人员、软件测试人员和项目评审人员。 1.2 术语表 定义系统或产品中涉及的重要术语,为读者在阅读文档时提供必要的参考信息。 序号 术语或缩略语 说明性定义 1 2 1.3 参考资料 列出有关资料的名称、作者、文件编号或版本等。参考资料包括: a(需求说明书、架构设计说明书等; b(本项目的其他已发表的文件; c(引用文件、资料、软件开发 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 等。 资料名称 作者 文件编号、版本 资料存放地点 1.4 使用的文字处理和绘图工具 文字处理软件:[编写设计文档使用的文字处理软件,如MS Office ] 绘图工具:[使用的UML工具,如Rose、Jude、Visio] 2. 全局数据结构说明 本章说明本程序系统中使用的全局数据常量、变量和数据结构。 supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded 2.1 常量 包括数据文件名称及其所在目录,功能说明,具体常量说明等。 2.2 变量 本章说明本程序系统中使用的全局数据常量、变量和数据结构。 2.3 数据结构 包括数据结构名称,功能说明,具体数据结构说明(定义、注释、取值)等。 3. 模块设计 3.1 用例图 3.2 功能设计说明 3.2.1 模块1 模块1主要分为以下几个子模块:子模块1、子模块2和子模块N。 子模块1 设计图 功能描述 简要描述子模块1的业务功能。 输入数据 详细描述用户输入的数据(包括任何输入设备)以及这些数据的有效性检验 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf 。 详细描述从物理模型中的哪些表获取数据以及获取这些数据的条件。 输出数据 详细描述子功能1所产生的数据以及这些数据的表现形式。 业务算法和流程 从业务角度详细描述根据输入数据产生输出数据的业务算法和流程。 supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded 数据设计 给出本程序中的局部数据结构说明,包括数据结构名称,功能说明,具体数据结构说明(定义、注释设计、取值)等。相关数据库表,数据存储设计(具体说明需要以文件方式保存的数据文件名、数据存储格式、数据项及属性等。) 源程序文件说明 给出本程序的各源程序文件的说明,包括源程序文件名称及其所在目录,功能说明,包含的前导文件及函数名称等。 函数说明 具体说明本程序中的各个函数,包括函数名称及其所在文件,功能,格式,参数,全局变量,局部变量,返回值,算法说明,使用约束等。 限制条件 其他说明 3.2.2 模块2 模块1主要分为以下几个子模块:子模块1、子模块2和子模块N。 子模块1 设计图 功能描述 简要描述子模块1的业务功能。 输入数据 详细描述用户输入的数据(包括任何输入设备)以及这些数据的有效性检验规则。 详细描述从物理模型中的哪些表获取数据以及获取这些数据的条件。 输出数据 详细描述子功能1所产生的数据以及这些数据的表现形式。 业务算法和流程 从业务角度详细描述根据输入数据产生输出数据的业务算法和流程。 数据设计 给出本程序中的局部数据结构说明,包括数据结构名称,功能说明,具体数据结构说明(定义、注释设计、取值)等。相关数据库表,数据存储设计(具体说明需要以文件方式保存的数据文件名、数据存储格式、数据项及属性等。) supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded 源程序文件说明 给出本程序的各源程序文件的说明,包括源程序文件名称及其所在目录,功能说明,包含的前导文件及函数名称等。 函数说明 具体说明本程序中的各个函数,包括函数名称及其所在文件,功能,格式,参数,全局变量,局部变量,返回值,算法说明,使用约束等。 限制条件 其他说明 4. 接口设计 4.1 内部接口 4.2 外部接口 4.2.1 接口说明 例如:xx子系统通过xx从xx子系统取得xx等,相关标准,调用示例,可根据需要增加章节描述接口。 4.2.2 调用方式 例如:内部接口调用: 例: /** *通过用户服务号码取得该客户认证密码等信息,如果该客户存在返回为0,其他情况 参考错误编码 */ public RUserInfo getUserInfo (String userNo); 5. 数据库设计 详见[xxx数据库设计说明书] 如果数据库设计内容比较少,则直接在此处描述。 supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded 6. 系统安全保密设计 6.1 说明 例如:由于存在与外部系统的接口,所以需要考虑访问安全的问题. 6.2 设计 例如:分为数据传输部分,IP过滤部分,身份验证部分.[章节可补充] 6.2.1 数据传输部分 例如:在部分数据传递的时候,考虑以https协议,需要在部署的时候作相关处理. 6.2.2 IP过滤分部 例如:可在系统前端通过Filter实现,该Filter实现对该地址访问的IP过滤作用.可信任IP地址通过xml文件进行配置. 6.2.3 身份验证部分 例如:对信任的用户,颁发身份验证码,通过该标识进行身份识别. 7. 系统性能设计 8. 系统出错处理 例如:为了在系统出现异常情况下给用户以明确的提示,可采用两种方式予以提示: 1(使用Javascript的alert()函数直接提示,这主要在输入或修改的情况下使用; 2(使用统一的错误界面提示,该界面对应于errorpage.jsp页面。错误界面样式如下 图所示: supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded 错误提示:“错误提示内容” 返回 错误提示界面 supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded
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