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人力资源工作思路人力资源工作思路 人力资源部工作总体思路:以招聘和员工关系为先导~调整、完善人力资源招聘体系~加强新员工入职管理~改进员工关系管理~建立员工档案和劳动合同管理制度~防范和降低企业用工风险,调查同行业薪酬水平~提出薪资调整建议~逐步全面推行绩效考评~从而提升公司管理水平和经营效益。 具体工作步骤如下: 1(领会公司的人力资源建设要求 与公司领导充分沟通~了解公司的长期战略与近期工作安排~充分领会公司领导对人力资源工作的总体要求、近期需要解决的问题。 2(加强人力资源基础性工作建设 在部门、人员调整后~结合...

人力资源工作思路 人力资源部工作总体思路:以招聘和员工关系为先导~调整、完善人力资源招聘体系~加强新员工入职管理~改进员工关系管理~建立员工档案和劳动合同 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ~防范和降低企业用工风险,调查同行业薪酬水平~提出薪资调整建议~逐步全面推行绩效考评~从而提升公司管理水平和经营效益。 具体工作步骤如下: 1(领会公司的人力资源建设要求 与公司领导充分沟通~了解公司的长期战略与近期工作安排~充分领会公司领导对人力资源工作的总体要求、近期需要解决的问题。 2(加强人力资源基础性工作建设 在部门、人员调整后~结合工作流程~将对人力资源部门内部进一步明确各个岗位及相关的工作人员的职责~全面整理人力资源管理 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 、流程和表单~制订人力资源内部工作和会议通报制度。在人力资源内部建立起会务、培训沟通渠道与OA沟通模式相结合部门内部定期沟通机制~使人员首先养成良好的内部工作氛围。 3(建立健全招聘体系、强化招聘职能 首先根据各个岗位的岗位职责,或工作说明书,提炼出基本的任职素质~建立基本的任职素质模型~确定招募的人员 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ~建立起基本任职素质模型库~为简历的筛选做好前The fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the volunteer work contact angle. Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian public security volunteers brand Year-end appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, involving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. One is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibilities, division of responsibility. To put this 期的准备工作~使招聘工作更为系统化。 其次构建招聘渠道。目前的招聘渠道主要有内部招聘、行业媒体、人才市场、校园招聘、人才中介公司、人际推荐、网络招聘、人才追逐等。结合目前招聘效果、行业特点~加大网络宣传、小广告张贴、内部人员推荐~在维护好现有招聘渠道的基础上~与外围招聘人员沟通~了解更多的渠道~进行新的招聘渠道的开拓。 第三建立管理人员招聘评估体系。对招募的管理人员~进行人才测评、评估~选定测评、评估工具~为面试人员评估上提供更多的参考依据。 第四优化招聘流程~根据集团与各公司办公相对分散~招聘工作由集团统一管理特点~在流程的设定上~建立起集团与各公司面试联动~确保招聘的人员使招、录双方都满意~更适合岗位需求。 第五完善招聘、测评及评估表单。按流程化、结构化面试、审批要求~优化各类招聘、入职表单。 4(建立健全培训体系、加强培训效果评估 公司培训体系的建设以企业战略为导向~着眼员工岗位胜任力的提升~在关注员工职业化塑造及职业生涯规划的同时~提高员工绩效和组织效率、促进员工个人全面发展~为公司可持续发展提供动态的人才支撑。 首先建立起以人力资源部牵头~以各部门主管、经理为The fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the volunteer work contact angle. Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian public security volunteers brand Year-end appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, involving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. One is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibilities, division of responsibility. To put this 骨干力量的培训组织体系~根据层级的不同~培训课程的开发、编排~培训授课方式进行规范。 其次课程体系建立。 新员工课程体系建立上~以文化认同、角色定位为核心~分别在试用初、中期及结束选择、开发不同课程进行培训。入职初期的企业概况、发展史、经营模式、企业文化~员工品行规范、企业制度、规章、工作流程、仪表礼仪为中心课程安排,试用中期的团队意识训练、职业素养引导为重点,试用结束前总结提升、责任意识等为主导~结合员工自我试用总结~提升对企业、岗位的认知力。 老员工课程体系建立上~以纪律意识、工作技能为核心~不定期的进行团队精神、工作态度、工作流程提升、员工品行规范、规章制度等课程培训~并根据培训需求调查~结合工作中存在不足进行课程的开发。 骨干力量与基层管理人员课程建立上~以团队管理、沟通技能、时间管理与工作效率、培训引导能力等~在培训需求及企业运营需求基础上进行课程的开发与编排。 中层、高层管理人员课程建立上~以职业经理人核心技能、领导力与执行力、如何打造高效的工作团队、问题分析与解决、时间管理与工作 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 、非HR经理的HR管理等课程进行开发。 课程的开发必须依据公司发展战略需求及员工成长状The fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the volunteer work contact angle. Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian public security volunteers brand Year-end appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, involving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. One is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibilities, division of responsibility. To put this 态、动态调整关键培训内容。逐渐形成公司课题及案例库。 根据培训对象的不同~选择不同的培训形式。 第三、培训讲师队伍建设。结合目前公司培训现状~培训讲师队伍以各级骨干、主管为主~对其进行培训讲师必备的素质、技能的培训。并结合不同层级的培训需求~采取外聘培训讲师或参加外部培训~使讲师队伍以内部讲师为主~ 外聘、外培为辅培训讲师队伍。 在访谈中~因公司业务性质、工作时间特点~有些骨干、主管虽然在进行着员工培训、但效果不佳~且自身没有授课的积极。 在培训讲师队伍建设中~可以设定授课奖励制度。人力资源部门对于授课水平、态度、效果等根据不同课程类型采用不同评估方法~以评估点数对授课人员进行奖励~提升授课人员积极性及自我提升能力。 第四、培训制度、流程体系建设。对于公司目前培训制度进行整理、汇编~结合公司运营发展需~进行必要的修订~完善培训制度~优化培训流程。 第五、培训评估系统建设。对于每一项培训~根据授课内容~进行不同层级的评估。培训结束后~培训人员对于培训建议与意见~反馈培训课程、讲师情况~首先做好反应层面的评估,对于培训课程进行考试或让员工来谈心得体会~做好学习层面的评估,培训结整一段时间后~检查参训人员The fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the volunteer work contact angle. Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian public security volunteers brand Year-end appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, involving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. One is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibilities, division of responsibility. To put this 行为、绩效是否是改变或提升~进行行为层面的评估,对于培训后~公司运营、发展是否起到了积极的影响~从而进行结果的评估。 第六、建立健全培训档案。员工培训档案是员工晋升、年终考评、防范劳动纠纷的重要依据。根据管理效率~可进行人人建档或按月建档~确保员工培训档案的完整性。 5、强化执行力、推进绩效薪酬体系运行 绩效薪酬体系依佐尚管理公司对公司进行岗位调查、工作分析、岗位评估的基础上确定的~其形成时间长、动员人员多、制作成本高。人力资源部协助管理加大推行力度~做好绩效访谈、跟踪、效果评估及考核结果的应用。 一是加大检查、追踪力度~确保绩效指标数据来源的准确真实性, 二是对于各项考评指标~力求量化衡量~不能量化~评估方法要科学~指标定义要界定明确, 三是绩效考评过程~要做到公平、公正,绩效结果一定要反馈到个人~确保被考评人员了解自身不足~下步知道工作如何进行改进。 四是结合考评过程跟踪、辅导~了解人员需求~进行人员培训课程开发。 6、其它方面 指导下属做好员工关系管理~一是社保年度审核,二是The fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the volunteer work contact angle. Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian public security volunteers brand Year-end appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, involving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. One is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibilities, division of responsibility. To put this 员工档案管理,三是劳动合同管理,四是部门人员下基层进行必须的员工访谈~并有记录,五是人事报表提交完整性,六是 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 总结规范等员工关系、人事事务工作开展与完成。 由于入职时间短~看到的、听到只是工作中的参考~对于大量信息一是要消化~二是要分析~了解信息中关键因素及背景~通过表面了解更深层的原因~力求解决就要见效。 The fifth is to with all kinds of voluntary service resources combined. Active with the Youth League Committee, civilization office and other relevant departments to strengthen ties and strive for the support. At the same time, and other social volunteer organizations to maintain close contact, timely carried out jointly by the volunteer activities, to further extend the volunteer work contact angle. Three, strengthen the organization and leadership, strengthen measures to implement, to build Juxian public security volunteers brand Year-end appraisal of common responsibility of Pingan volunteer work both volunteer service object, category, or play a role, involving all kinds of police, Department of business scope, the Council at the beginning of the year has been carried out decomposition project, and into the performance assessment, and several scheduling work progress. This work although it is Propaganda Department to take the lead, but it does not mean that it is a responsible department and the police department, is a global engineering. From now on, left in less than three months time, time is tight, the task is heavy, ask each unit to get a clear understanding of the situation, make clear the task, further accelerate and improve efficiency, and effectively strengthen the work sense of responsibility and urgency. One is to catch condominium together, to further expand the peace volunteers. The relevant departments must clear responsibilities, division of responsibility. To put this
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