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热处理实习报告热处理实习报告 实习报告 姓名: 2009年10月 With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network...

热处理实习报告 实习报告 姓名: 2009年10月 With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control 目录及摘要 一、设备............................................. 3 1、箱式电阻炉 ...................................... 3 长远的规划是:在控制柜内使用PLC控制器或在外部直接使用计算机控制,实现装炉、出炉的自动化、规范化,以便于提高生产效率、方便管理。这样可使 工艺 钢结构制作工艺流程车尿素生产工艺流程自动玻璃钢生产工艺2工艺纪律检查制度q345焊接工艺规程 流程稳定,排除因人的因素而造成的产品质量的不稳定,提高产品的合格率;并且,在出现工艺问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 时可以很方便排除次要因素,迅速地解决问题。 2、多用炉 .......................................... 3 1)多用炉的改造 多用炉较为先进,但利用率不高。初步设想是通过AX100自带的RS232或RS485接口,用一台计算机与多用炉的PLC连接起来,以便详细地记录多用炉的运行状态。这样做的理由如下: (1)详细地记录每一种产品的工艺流程及各工序的状态及参数,为以后进一步处理相同的产品提供数据支持,提高生产效率; (2)提高技术力量,树立公司形象,以获得更大的效益。 (3)降低企业运营风险,减少因人事变动而造成的损失,以便于企业长久稳定的运营。 (4)投资小,可执行性高。 2)多用炉调质产品硬度不均及变形问题 提出了一些改善多用炉调质产品硬度不均的建议。 3)金相化验设备 .................................... 4 简单的给出了几张先进金相化验设备的图片 二、工艺 ............................ 6 1、40MnB轴头生产 .................................. 6 提出了改进轴头生产的一套 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 及设备示意图 2、40MnB轴头裂纹 .................................. 7 提出了一些改善并减少轴头裂纹的建议。 三、管理 ........................................ 9 1、短期规划 ........................................ 9 简单的叙述了一些切实可行的管理 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 。 2、长期规划 ........................................ 9 提出了一些关于管理的更长远的看法。 ice area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Offlacesthe following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public p ublic security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal p-between 2Mbpstechnology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality SVAC clusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard ofAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as ocWith an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as S2control center of the camera. Local control-well as distribution of any remote as asy monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control camer1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the securit overy,equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury rec; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center sites 一、设备 我厂现有箱式电阻炉四台,井式气氛炉两台,台车加热炉四台,碳氮共渗炉两台及与其配套的两台回火炉。发达国家20世纪60年代已经淘汰了空气加热炉,普及了少无氧化热处理。而我厂多为空气加热炉,这种炉处理的工件表面脱碳严重,导致产品质量不好。 1、箱式电阻炉 箱式电阻炉为一般的空气加热炉,加热功率较小(为75KW),电源的连接方法为星形接法(YYY)。该炉采用PID调节器(比例、积分、微分调节器),由热电偶采集炉内温度,测量温度所得的模拟信号交给PID调节器,经PID调节器的比例(P)、积分(I)、微分(D)运算得到控制信号,由控制信号触发交流接触器,通过控制交流接触器的通断来实现温度的调节。调节温度的精度可达到?2?。按照我国现行的电热设备国家 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,这种电炉为B级。 长远的设想是将我厂的电炉级别都达到C级,C级电炉采用微机数显控温仪表,具有PID断续或连续调功控制的功能,必要时应能进行程序控制并带有外部打印机接口。在控制柜内使用PLC控制器或在外部直接使用计算机控制,实现装炉、出炉的自动化、规范化,以便于提高效益、方便管理。这样可使工艺流程稳定,排除因人的因素而造成的产品质量的不稳定,提高产品的合格率;并且,在出现工艺问题时可以很方便排除次要因素,迅速地解决问题。 2、多用炉 1)多用炉的改造 我厂的多用炉较为先进,基本实现了装炉、出炉的自动化,但对多用炉的利用略有不足,即没有充分发挥其功用。多用炉采用PLC控制,并可与计算机通信,有外部打印机接口及外部存储设备。可以通过其自带的外部存储设备记录炉子工作运行情况,这一功能相当于箱式电阻炉的圆盘记录仪的功能,当然这一功能比圆盘记录仪的功能强大许多。多用炉用的PLC型号为AX100,是欧姆龙公司的产品,与其配套的、在计算机用的软件是运行于windows平台的DAQSTANDAD。 初步设想是通过AX100自带的RS232或RS485接口,用一台计算机与多用炉的PLC连接起来,以便详细地记录多用炉的运行状态。这样做的理由如下: 3control center of the camera. Local control-er can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remoteical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring centhe medrs and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to twitches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitoes, s, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modulentrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen accessr areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building ring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridocurity system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monito16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public se-ng to the image quality between 2Mbpsccordithe national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted asis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with ount, spraying, intelligent video analyWith an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, c (1)详细地记录每一种产品的工艺流程及各流工序的状态及参数,为以后进一步处理相同的产品提供数据支持,提高生产效率。以改变现在单凭经验,常常多次回火的现状。我厂现在的工作状态是:转来一种产品,根据经验选择回火温度,经常是查找以前记录的回火温度,降低一下温度(害怕回火温度过高而重干),这样常常导致多次回火,浪费了能源、人力,机器折旧大,工作效率较低。 (2)提高技术力量,树立公司形象,以获得更大的效益。单独的控制室,一般的企业都会有;而如果在控制室内放一台计算机,将显得大不一样。我们可以把热处理产品工艺过程的状态参数从计算机中调出来给我们的客户看,这会让他们感觉到公司的技术实力,从而增大了与公司合作的可能性。 (3)降低企业运营风险,减少因人事变动而造成的损失,以便于企业长久稳定的运营。用计算机记录的技术资料,可打印出来,交技术部门存档,以保证企业持续运营。 (4)投资小,可执行性高。一台普通计算机即可完成这一功能,大约两三仟圆即可,另外一条RS232或RS485线不过几十块左右。 2)多用炉调质产品硬度不均及变形问题。 变形不可避免,但硬度不均应该可以解决。考虑到炉子控温较为准确而淬火池较小,可能是由于淬火时没有淬好,导致残余奥氏体过多。针对这种情况,有以下看法: )将淬火池加深。这样,当热处理产品进行淬火时,淬火液与待处理的产1 品强烈的对流,在淬火液强烈的对流下,液面高处总是温度高,液面低处温度较低。在适当处用高速水泵将热的淬火液抽走,并不断地从下部补充。 2)增加淬火液量,从而吸收更多的能量,使淬火液的温度升高的不至于过高; 3)此多用炉,炉膛较小,不适于处理过大的零件,比较适于处理一些小的标准件。而且此炉是碳氮共渗炉,仅用于调质处理有些未能发挥它的最大作用,为充分发挥炉的功用,可考虑发展一些与炉子相适应的业务,如对一些较小的标准件进行调质、渗碳等。 3、金相化验设备 长期地技术规化应增加热处理化验设备的层次: 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the securit overy,equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury rec; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center sites ice area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Offlacesthe following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public p ublic security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal p-between 2Mbpstechnology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality SVAC clusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard ofAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as ocWith an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as S4control center of the camera. Local control-well as distribution of any remote as asy monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control camer HBRX-187.5A型携带式 金相试样切割机 全自动试样切割 金相试样预磨机 自动研磨机 图像型金相显微镜 control center of the camera. Local control-er can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remoteical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring centhe medrs and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to twitches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitoes, s, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modulentrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen accessr areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building ring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridocurity system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monito16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public se-ng to the image quality between 2Mbpsccordithe national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted asis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with ount, spraying, intelligent video analyWith an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, c5 二、工艺 1、40MnB轴头生产 40MnB轴头类产品是热处理的主要产品,该产品数量多。从人的角度讲,工人劳动环境比较恶劣,劳动强度较高,针对这种情况,有以下见解: 1)、在现在的基础上改造,有以下半自动化设备示意图: 电阻炉 淬火介质 电阻炉前有一个沿道轨移动的台车,用电机将炉底板架拉出,传送至水槽中淬火。这样设计可能出现的问题是:一次淬火量太大,淬火介质的冷却能力不足,但这是可以通过合理设计淬火池结构来解决的,现在大型淬火炉一次装炉量可达20吨左右,也是一起淬火。而这样做的优点也是很明显的: (1)这样可大缩短淬火时间,减少因为没有及时回火而导致的淬火裂纹; (2)节省人力,减轻了工人的劳动强度; overy,equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury rec; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center sites ice area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Offlacesthe following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public p ublic security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal p-between 2Mbpstechnology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality SVAC clusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard ofAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as ocWith an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as S6control center of the camera. Local control-well as distribution of any remote as asy monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control camer1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the securit (3)实现了工艺过程的机械化、定量化,便于查找淬火缺陷产生的原因、调整工艺过程、改进工艺; 回火可考虑用井式回火炉,以解决同一炉中产品硬度不均的现状,工装如下图: 如有必要,可以给出详细的设计图,以便核算成本,验证可行性等。 2)如长期大规模生产,可考虑用推杆式自动化生产线,此生产线集淬火、回火于一炉,自动化程度高,对于大批量生产同一类型的产品很适用。 2、40MnB轴头裂纹 轴头裂纹问题较为复杂,说一下主观见解,真正地解决问题须进一步实践、探索。 1)冲孔时,由于模具的磨损,易在内孔处留下划痕,特别是在轴头的孔径由粗变细的交接处,此处是应力集中处。淬火时由于剧烈的冷却,裂纹易在此应力集中处产生并扩展。应当指出:大部分的裂纹都是在热处理中产生的,但并不能把所有产生的裂纹都归咎于热处理,如有些原材料缺陷(如原材料无机非金属夹杂物太多,原材料的疏松、缩孔缺陷严重超标)、锻造时的划伤及折皱都会在 7control center of the camera. Local control-er can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remoteical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring centhe medrs and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to twitches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitoes, s, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modulentrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen accessr areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building ring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridocurity system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monito16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public se-ng to the image quality between 2Mbpsccordithe national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted asis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with ount, spraying, intelligent video analyWith an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, c 执业处理中产生裂纹;还有由于在锻打时温度过底,导致位错在晶界处堆积,引起加工硬化,在热处理过程中易产生裂纹。纯粹由于热处理产生的裂纹与由于以上原因产生的裂纹是不同的,纯粹由于热处理产生的裂纹刚键有力,表面呈灰色细瓷状,在金相显微镜下不应在裂纹两测看到因脱碳而形成的铁素体,有时可以明显的观察到裂纹穿过晶界,而裂纹两侧没有明显的不同。不是纯粹由于热处理产生的裂纹,裂纹常常很粗大,表面呈灰色粗糙状态,有氧化皮存在。些外,锻件设不合理在热处理过程中也容易产生裂纹。 2)冷却速度过快,冷确时组织应力与热应力相互作用,最终拉应力大于压应力,而产生裂纹。针对这一情况,应适当调节淬火液的浓度,在达到金相要求的基础上,尽力降低冷却速度; 3)可在淬火前适当地预冷,这需要不断的调节,在能够获得满意组织的前提下,尽量地降低预冷温度; 4)在能达到合格组织的前提下,淬火时不冷至最低温度,并及时回火,因为当冷却到Ms点(马氏体型转变点)以下后,不在发生马氏体型转变。 -well as distribution of any remote as asy monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control camer1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the securit overy,equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury rec; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center sites ice area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Offlacesthe following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public p ublic security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal p-between 2Mbpstechnology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality SVAC clusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard ofAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as ocWith an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as S8control center of the camera. Local control 三、管理 1、短期规划 1)应详细的规定每一个员工的职责,规定员工该做些什么,在何种情况下,听从谁的指挥,并以文件的形式下发。这样可以缓解管理者与被管理者的矛盾,减少员工的负面情绪。 2)当前在用的工艺都应该有一份书面的详细的过程规范,包括装炉时间,对炉子的操作、淬火保温度、淬火保温时间、回火温度、回火保温时间、淬火介质搅动速度、淬火介质的温度变化、淬火和回火之间的延滞时间等。这些参数不仅应进行详细的定义,还应考虑到这些参数所允许的范围。 3)每一个热处理工艺制定一个持续改进的程序,该程序应能带来质量和生产能力持续的改进,并对所制定的改进程序有一个预定实现的日期,并使之文件化。 4)热处理工作人员应该具有一个涵盖全部热处理过程的操作手册。该手册应包括详细描述了各种可能的紧急状态处置(如断电)、设备的起动、设备的停止、产品的隔离、产品的检查及一般的操作程序等在内的各种作业指导书。 这些作业指导书应包括从产品接收到出货过程中所有操作步骤并能被热处理工作人员随时参阅。这些作业指导书应该详细规定与热处理过程中各个工序(如装载、奥化体化、冷却淬火、回火)相关的紧急应对措施。 5)应制订一份关键配件清单,单并应确保这些零件随时可用,以便将生产中断时间减少到最小。不可预料的、紧急状态下的停机大大增加了产品错误处理的风险。操作员工应该接受包括停电在内的设备紧急状态下物料处理、围堵行动及产品隔离方面的训练。 6)应监测冷却淬火系统,如温度、搅拌速度、液面高度、浓度(如果适用的话)及零件在淬火介质中的停留时间应控制在规定的范围以内。周期性地对淬火介质冷却曲线、水份、盐浓度之类的特性进行分析,淬火介质所允许的性能波动应在淬火介质供应商规定的范围之内。如有机淬火介质的浓度、冷却曲线、粘度和油性淬火介质的含水量、固体悬浮物、粘度、冷却曲线、总酸量及闪点等。 7)热处理炉配备的称重仪器、折射计(广泛地用于检查有机淬火介质)、硬度试验设备(所使用的每一个标尺)应定期的检验、校正。 2、长期规划 he medrs and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to twitches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitoes, s, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modulentrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen accessr areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building ring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridocurity system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monito16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public se-ng to the image quality between 2Mbpsccordithe national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted asis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with ount, spraying, intelligent video analyWith an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, c9control center of the camera. Local control-er can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remoteical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring cent 1)应实时地收集和分析各种实时数据并针对相应的数据采取行动,如每一次淬、回火温度,硬度检测的情况及合格率,淬火介质的温度,淬火时间等。以便适时的调整工艺,保障生产的顺利进行。工艺和过程的实时分析可以得到缺陷预防及削除缺陷方面的重要信息。不过,这是建立在工艺过程的机械化、定量化的基础上的。 2)应制定一个文件化的返工程序,返工程序应就哪些产品允许进行返工及哪些产品不允许进行返工进行规定,任何的返工行为都需要一份由技术人员发布的加工控制文件来指导返工。 3)应向员工提供所有热处理操作方面的培训。包括后备及临时员工在内的所有员工都应该得到培训。根据员工的职责不同,妥善安排进行中的和后续的培训。 4)应制定一个包括一个记录、评价并妥善解决顾客及组织内部对组织的抱怨的程序。 as asy monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control camer1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the securit overy,equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury rec; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center sites ice area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Offlacesthe following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public p ublic security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal p-between 2Mbpstechnology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality SVAC clusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard ofAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as ocWith an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as S10control center of the camera. Local control-well as distribution of any remote
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