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德州市中小企业局德州市中小企业局 德中小企发[2010]1号 关于印发《2010年市中小企业局 工作要点》的通知 各县市区民营经济发展局: 为推动全市民营经济和中小企业又好又快发展~现将《2010年市中小企业局工作要点》印发给你们~请结合本地实际认真贯彻实施。 2010年3月30日 a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security...

德州市中小企业局 德中小企发[2010]1号 关于印发《2010年市中小企业局 工作要点》的通知 各县市区民营经济发展局: 为推动全市民营经济和中小企业又好又快发展~现将《2010年市中小企业局工作要点》印发给你们~请结合本地实际认真贯彻实施。 2010年3月30日 a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and flow monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the 2010年市中小企业局工作要点 2010年~全市民营经济和中小企业要全面贯彻落实《国务院关于进一步促进中小企业发展的若干意见》、《山东省人民政府关于进一步促进中小企业发展的实施意见》和省、市一系列工作部署~把促进民营经济和中小企业发展作为关系经济、民生和社会稳定的重大战略任务。工作要点:进一步激发民营经济和中小企业创新意识和创业激情,加快“调结构、转方式”步伐。持续推进全民创业,深挖乡镇层面民营经济发展潜力,抓好特色产业乡镇、产业园区、民营企业集中区、创业辅导基地、成长型中小企业等工作。健全各类服务体系,大力推动中小企业自主创新和技术改造,努力打造我市民营经济和中小企业发展新特色、新优势、新局面。主要是抓好“四个提升”、打造“三个亮点”。 一、抓好“四个提升” 提升全民创业效应。去年开始实施的全民创业年活动和民营经济“十千万工程”~市政府下发了文件和考核办法~实施3年。总的看这项工作从面上发动、工作推进、县市区基层认可程度、以及影响和效果都很好。2010年~我们将把全民创业和“十千万工程”赋予新的内涵~把工作重点放在乡、社区和能人大户层面上~持续推进~确保实效。目前~我们正在结合全民创业的特点~选定一些可查、可考、操作性强的指标 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 进行细化、量化、目标化~分别制定“全民创业先进乡镇”、“ 全民创业先进社区”、“ 全民创业明星户”认定办法~形成市考核认定乡镇、县考核认定社区、乡镇考核认定户的 机制 综治信访维稳工作机制反恐怖工作机制企业员工晋升机制公司员工晋升机制员工晋升机制图 体系~尽快做大做强全民创业的“盘子”。 a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and f—2— low monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the 1、抓好基础和协调工作。 完成省办下达的民营经济和中小企业增加值870亿元、主营业务收入3380亿元、利润总额208亿元、利税总额408亿元,民营经济和中小企业户数12万户、从业人数45万人、注册资金452亿元、实缴税金22亿元的考核指标任务~做好月、季、年度统计和运行分析~为领导及时提供相关运行分析信息。 会同财政、统计、人民银行、税务等部门做好全民创业和“十千万工程”的政策落实、调度和分析。会同市统计局健全完善“十千万工程”台帐和能人大户台帐,会同税务部门落实“三、五、二”税收优惠政策,联合新闻部门加大典型引路和亮点报道力度。 会同财政部门大力争取上级专项资金,会同市金融办、市人行联合推进“金融超市”平台建设~建立金融机构支持中小企业贷款月调度、季通报制度。 在调查研究的基础上~按照可查、可考、操作性强的指标标准~分别制定“全民创业先进乡镇”、“ 全民创业先进社区”、“ 全民创业明星户”认定标准和考核办法。 2、做强民营经济十大特色产业。在与市级重点产业相融合的基础上~坚持错位发展。按照省办的产业划分~结合我市的具体情况确定的十大特色产业集群为:新能源、新材料、生物技术、文体用品、装备制造、纺织服装、化工、食品、家具制造、工艺品等优势产业。在此基础上~积极培植、申报、争取省级产业集群品牌和扶持政策。 抓好特色产业集群、特色产业园区、特色产业乡镇建设。 完成省办下达的1个省级示范产业集群、4个省级技术平台建设和产业集群电子商务交易平台20亿元交易额任务。 3、实施千家中小企业培育提升。在全市继续实施千家中小企业培 a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and f—3— low monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the 育提升工程。从中筛选20家特色产业龙头企业、20家科技示范企业、20家行业小巨人企业、20家现代企业 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 示范企业、20家信息化示范企业、20家生产性服务示范企业。引导企业苦练内功~积极推进科技创新、体制创新、管理创新和产学研合作~争创中国驰名商标、中国名牌产品、国家免检产品、省著名商标、名牌产品等品牌。 抓好省办部署的中小企业、农产品深加工企业技术创新和技术改造项目。 完成省办下达的中小企业项目投资850亿元、技改项目投产率80%、专项资金扶持固定资产投资项目完工达产7个、开发新产品900个、淘汰落后设备500台套、建设技术中心6个、培植节能减排自主创新示范企业4个的任务目标。 完成省办下达的小企业培育 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 240个、列入省中小企业成长计划160个、直邮服务示范企业70个的任务目标。 完成省办下达的10个中博会展位组织。 4、持续营造全民创业浓厚氛围。一是以务虚会、研讨会、现场会等形式~进一步统一思想。给各县市区加压鼓劲~层层动员~引导乡镇脱产干部、村两委成员主要工作精力向民营经济和“十千万工程”转移。二是加强工作指导的针对性。建立党组成员联系县市区制度~督促协调县市区加大力度~强化措施~完善工作 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 、配档表、扶持政策、考核办法~推动工作纵深开展。三是组建全民创业巡回报告团。报告团由全民创业先进乡镇、先进村、明星户、企业家创业典型组成~各县市区分乡镇、社区、户3个层面每层面报送3—5个创业典型~经市中小企业局审核筛选后形成巡回报告团典型库~从中选调不同类型典型赴各县市区、乡镇、社区巡回报告~现身说法。 提升担保体系效能。信用担保体系建设曾是我市在全省、全国的a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and f—4— low monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the 亮点。针对我市担保行业目前面临的新情况、新问题~抓紧采取措施重新激活生机活力。一是以政府推动为主导~以市场运作为主线~以合作、扩股等形式~优化组合现有的担保资源~实现规模的相对扩张。二是加强对担保公司的服务和监管。加强行业自律~切实把好注册资本到位关、保证金和手续费合理收取关、风险控制关~逐步建立与国内先进标准相结合的考核评价体系。三是以市场手段逐步建立风险补偿和奖励基金~增强担保公司抗风险能力。四是牵头建立和完善包括财政、人行、工商等在内的联席会议机制~协调各方面支持担保体系建设。加强与各部门和省办的协调~强化监管、防范风险、创新机制、发挥作用、再造优势。 1、充分利用和发挥好我市已有的信用评价资源优势~联合相关部门和单位在完善中小企业信用评级制度的基础上~探索建立信用乡镇、信用村、信用户、信用企业评价标准体系。 2、充分发挥山东信用担保孵化基地的基础优势~协调省办~举办1—3期省内担保行业的高层培训、论坛或研讨活动。 3、全面提升担保从业人员素质~对新聘任的人员~一律按省里出台的从业人员资格认定办法规定择优录用。凡达不到资格要求的不得上岗~3年内关键岗位的业务骨干持证上岗率达到90%以上。 提升配套服务水平。大力开展服务创新~尽快形成信用担保、金融服务、创业辅导、信息咨询、产业平台等与中小企业发展相关的一整套服务体系~推动中小企业健康发展。 1、创业辅导基地平台。每个县市区每年新建1-2处中小企业创业辅导基地。今年全市筛选5-7个设施完善、形象良好、入区企业多且层次高、效益突出的创业辅导基地~实行重点帮扶。 抓好中小企业创业辅导基地和公共技术服务平台建设。 a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and f—5— low monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the 德州市创业促进会和YBC德州办公室工作要和全市民营经济和中小企业发展紧密结合~在创业辅导、项目申报等方面优先向全民创业巡回报告团典型倾斜。并在扶持的创业青年中推荐5名创业典型加入报告团。 2、公共技术服务平台。鼓励企业创建技术研发中心、产品检测中心、模具中心、产业信息中心、人才培训中心等~对建有公共技术服务平台的企业~建立帮扶机制~并优先安排省中小企业“四项计划”、省中小企业技术改造专项资金和创业投资引导基金等优惠政策。 3、信息化服务平台。以“中国中小企业山东网和德州网”为依托~建设全市中小企业信息服务平台和信息化应用平台。引导中小企业利用直邮、信息技术提高研发、管理、制造和服务水平~提高网络市场营销和售后服务能力。实施百家企业示范带动工程~每年培育20家信息化示范企业和民营经济信息化服务示范单位~列入省扶持计划。 完成省办下达的中小企业移动信息化体验总计5479个企业~其中新增2739个企业的指标。 完成省办下达的信息化管理提升示范企业16个指标。 完成省办下达的电子商务应用中小企业2200个、交易额,含实现全程电子商务产业集群,60亿元的指标。 4、管理咨询和培训服务平台 市民营经济发展研究会和山东中小企业信息化德州辅导站联合开展为中小企业“会诊把脉”现场服务活动。包括:企业战略规划体系建设的指导培训,,集团,财务管控体系建设的指导培训,供应链管控体系建设的指导培训,现场(6S)管理体系建设的指导培训,人力资源管理体系,薪酬、绩效、招聘等,建设的指导培训,企业管理执a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and f—6— low monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the 行系统建设的指导培训等。目前~在总结去年管理咨询和培训服务经验和成效的基础上~已制定出2010年46期、7100人的指导计划并着手实施。 德州空调复合材料行业协会年内举办2-3次全国行业高层论坛~聘请国内知名专家、学者来德州讲座。 山东中小企业信息化德州辅导站年内举办1-5次管理咨询高层论坛和培训~聘请国内知名IT企业高级专家来德州讲座。 5、法律咨询服务平台。充分发挥市民营经济权益保护办公室的作用~积极受理企业投诉~并与市优化办建立配套联动和快速处理机制~依法保护企业的合法权益。启动民鑫法律咨询服务中心建设~抓紧筹备工作~尽快挂牌运转。 提升企业家整体素质。坚持引进与培养并重、培训企业家和培训技能人才并重~以企业需求为导向~有计划、有步骤地开展培训工作。充分发挥德州市民营经济发展研究会、民营企业家俱乐部、中小企业信息化德州辅导站的作用~扶持和培育一批实力雄厚、信誉良好、业绩突出的专业培训机构~逐步建立和完善适应企业发展需求的人才培训体系。帮助企业充分利用京津济人才资源优势~搞好人才对接和交流活动~引智生财~借脑发展。完成省办下达的2200人培训指标。开展百千万人才培训~即和中央党校、清华大学、浙江大学等院校联合组织培训100名企业家~组织1000家民营企业负责人进行现代企业管理制度培训~引导县市区组织开展10000名技术工人职业技能培训。 二、打造“三个亮点” 一是在推动全民创业上打造亮点。及时发现和挖掘初创业、再创业、创大业中涌现出的各类典型和成功经验~总结提升推广。我市在全省率先启动了中国青年创业国际计划(YBC)~并取得显著成绩~是 a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and f—7— low monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the 全国唯一受表彰的市级工作站。下步要抓好总结推广宣传~形成我市的一大亮点。 二是在信用担保体系建设上打造亮点。今年将以市场机制推动担保业的整合提升~再塑德州信用担保业的品牌。 三是在中小企业金融服务体系上打造亮点。在为中小企业提供金融服务方面我市已涌现出很多好的典型~如融资担保体系、中小企业融资超市、小企业信用联盟等~加上按照政策已经或即将开设的小额贷款公司、村镇银行、农村资金互助社等机构~经整合后可以逐步形成强有力的中小企业和三农金融服务体系。主动与各方面配合~及时总结典型经验~加大工作力度~尽快形成新的亮点。 三、加强系统自身建设 结合“高效服务、高效落实年活动”~在全市民营经济系统大力倡导“谋创新、优服务、抓落实、比发展”和“能干事、会干事、干成事”的求实创新之风。今年~要结合机构改革后新的工作特点~紧紧围绕“调结构、转方式”这条主线~以全民创业和“十千万工程”为抓手~把乡镇层面民营经济发展作为主攻方向。在全民创业先进乡镇、社区、明星户培育上~在信用乡镇、社区、户建设上~在培植民营经济集中区、创业辅导基地上~在6大服务平台建设上~在完成省、市考核指标任务上取得新突破。市里将结合今年的工作要点~把全民创业先进乡镇、全民创业先进社区、全民创业明星户创建纳入全市科学发展综合考核,对重点工作实行季度、半年、全年通报制度~并在半年、年终对县市区局工作进行考核奖励。 2010年3月30日 a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and f—8— low monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the
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