首页 惠普HP_CQ35拆机__图文教程



惠普HP_CQ35拆机__图文教程惠普HP_CQ35拆机__图文教程 惠普HP CQ35拆机 图文教程 (网络资源,二次整理。) 1. 卸下电池:这个不用我教吧,最容易了,呵呵 (如下图) 2. 卸下硬盘驱动器: 松开三颗梅花螺钉?,将硬盘盖脱离计算机。(如下图) 接下来取出硬盘,可能有点难,不用着急。照下面图拆~仔细看。先拿出硬盘后 的两个胶垫,抓住聚酯薄膜标签往原胶垫所在方向拉,可能插的紧,缓着劲拔, 用力但不要太急~反正就是,你懂的~~ 用螺丝刀抵住硬盘示意图?号位置,向 右慢慢推~硬盘就出来了(如下图) 3. 卸下内存:(...

惠普HP_CQ35拆机__图文教程 惠普HP CQ35拆机 图文教程 (网络资源,二次整理。) 1. 卸下电池:这个不用我教吧,最容易了,呵呵 (如下图) 2. 卸下硬盘驱动器: 松开三颗梅花螺钉?,将硬盘盖脱离计算机。(如下图) 接下来取出硬盘,可能有点难,不用着急。照下面图拆~仔细看。先拿出硬盘后 的两个胶垫,抓住聚酯薄膜标签往原胶垫所在方向拉,可能插的紧,缓着劲拔, 用力但不要太急~反正就是,你懂的~~ 用螺丝刀抵住硬盘示意图?号位置,向 右慢慢推~硬盘就出来了(如下图) 3. 卸下内存:(如下图) are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 4. 卸载无线WLAN模块 拧开螺丝?,揭开WLAN盖(如下图) 拧开螺丝?,将WLAN模块取下支架?,断开在WLAN无线局域网模块的终端天线电缆? ,黑WLAN天线电缆连接到WLAN模块“主要”终端,白色的WLAN WLAN模块都设计有一天线。拉扯从一个角度插槽的模块以外的WLAN模块?。 个缺口?,防止无线局域网WLAN模块不正确的插入电缆连接到WLAN模块终端。(如下图) 5. 取出RTC电池 断开从系统RTC电池板线?,从底座上拆下外壳RTC电池?,将 RTC电池 取出。(如下图) 6. 卸载光驱 拧开螺丝?,取出光驱(如下图) are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 7. 卸载键盘: 卸下三个菲利普斯PM2.0 × 9.0固定在电脑键盘螺丝。(如下图) 尽可能计算机打开,提起后缘的键盘?,直到它倾于一个角度。滑向显示器键盘?,直到在键盘上前沿的标签都是清晰。使键盘的?后边缘向前倒,直到它倾于顶盖。(如下图) 放开零插入力(ZIF)连接器?该键盘电缆连接,并断开键盘电缆?从系统板上; 取下键盘(如下图) 8. 卸载键盘盖: 卸下两个菲利普斯PM2.5 × 9.0 0和八个菲利普斯PM2.0 × 2.0螺丝。 (如下图) are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 尽可能计算机打开,断开电缆?大写锁定指示灯和LED板电缆从低插入力(LIF) 的?主机板上的连接器。抬起键盘的后缘盖?旋转,直到它从计算机分离,卸 下键盘盖。(如下图) 9. 拆下右扬声器: 断开右扬声器系统板的电缆?,释放音频线?,进入顶盖内置扬声器电 缆布线通道; 取出固定右扬声器顶盖的螺丝? 菲利普斯PM2.0× 4.0 ;拆下 右扬声器?。(如下图) 10. 卸下顶盖: 卸下用于固定基地顶盖外壳以下螺丝???(如下图) are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 断开左扬声器系统板的电缆?;断开系统板上的话筒线?; 断开显示器与系统板的电缆?; 取出显示屏电缆?。(如下图) 断开系统板上LIF的连接电缆?触摸板; 断开触摸板开/关按钮板电缆 ;断开指纹识别器电路板和系统板的电缆?(如下?从主板上的LIF的连接器 图) 取出五个在顶盖基地外壳的菲利普斯PM2.0 × 4.0固定螺丝。(如下图) 提起后缘的前盖,直到它在一个角度。提起直线上升? 至卸下顶盖(如 下图) are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 11. 卸载指纹识别器: 卸下用于固定板和指纹识别器支架顶盖菲利普斯PM2.0 × 3.0 的螺丝 ; 卸下指纹识别器板支架?;顶盖板线脱离了指纹识别器? ;卸载指纹识别器板?。(如下图) 12. 拆下右扬声器 卸下用于固定扬声器顶盖的菲利普斯PM2.0 × 3.0 的螺丝 ;取出左扬声器。(如下图) 13. 卸载显示屏 取出WLAN无线电缆(如下图) 卸下用于固定显示器和机器的2个菲利普斯PM2.5 × 6.0 的螺丝;提起 直线上升,并取下来(如下图) 显示器组件? 如果需要更换显示面板或显示器组件内部的任何组件,这里就不详细 介绍了。 are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 14. 取LED板和电缆: 断开LED板与系统板线? ;取出 LED板电缆?; 取出用于固定LED电路板的基外壳的菲利普斯PM2.0× 4.0 螺丝 ? ;取下LED板和电缆?。(如下图) 15. 卸下蓝牙模块和电缆: 断开蓝牙模块与系统板的电缆?;取出蓝牙模块电缆?;卸下蓝牙模块和电缆?。 16. 卸载音频板和电缆: 断开音频板与系统板的电缆?;取出用于固定音频板到主板的菲利普斯PM2.0× 4.0螺丝 ?;抬起音频板后缘? 使音频连接器音频板和电缆从外壳板拆开(如图) are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 17(拆除USB板和电缆: 拆除用于固定USB板到主板的菲利普斯PM2.0× 4.0螺丝 ? ;取出USB板和电缆?。(如下图) 18. 卸载电源连接器和电缆: 取下外壳连接的电源接口? ;拔下电源连接器和电缆?。(如下图) 19. 卸下主板: 断开系统板上以下电缆:1个LED板电缆,蓝牙模块电缆,音频板电缆(如下图) 卸下两个固定主板的菲利普斯PM2.5×4.0螺丝(如下图) are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 抬起光驱接口?使主板?的左侧直至一定角度; 拉扯3使主板脱离底壳(如下图) 20. 卸下风扇/散热片装配: 松开四个用于固定风扇/散热片装配到系统板菲利普斯 PM2.0×7.0螺丝?;拆下风扇/散热片装配?。(如下图) 21. 卸下处理器: 使用平头螺丝刀在处理器锁定孔里,逆时针半圈直到听到咔嗒声?;提起处理器?(如下 图) are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network
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