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接触网课程设计刘如意接触网课程设计刘如意 接触网工程课程设计报告 评语: 考 勤 守 纪 设计过程 设计报告 小组答辩 总成绩 (10) (10) (40) (30) (10) (100) 专 业:电气工程及其自动化 班 级: 电气1104 姓 名: 刘如意 学 号: 201109437 指导教师: 张红生 兰州交通大学自动化与电气工程学院 2014 年7月 4日 the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultura...

接触网课程设计刘如意 接触网工程课程设计报告 评语: 考 勤 守 纪 设计过程 设计报告 小组答辩 总成绩 (10) (10) (40) (30) (10) (100) 专 业:电气工程及其自动化 班 级: 电气1104 姓 名: 刘如意 学 号: 201109437 指导教师: 张红生 兰州交通大学自动化与电气工程学院 2014 年7月 4日 the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole 1设计原始题目 1.1 题目 高速电气化铁路接触网的控制参数设计。 1.2 具体内容 根据高速接触网的控制参数及理论分析,设计京—沪高速电气化铁路接触网控制参数。 1.3 设计思路 高速接触网控制参数,就是接触网自身影响高速运行的基本参数,研究这些参数的最终的目的是保证良好、稳定地受流及使接触线具有较长的使用寿命。研究和计算的内容主要包括波动速度,反射因数,多普勒因数,增强因数,接触线应力,链形悬挂的固有频率,此课程设计将对京沪高速接触网的具体控制参数进行设计、分析和计算。 1.4 设计 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 京沪高速电气化铁路的时速为350 km/h。通过比较弹链、复链及简链的技术性能及施工、维护成本,并考虑到我国的基本情况,悬挂模式选择全补偿弹性链型悬挂,其中接触线材料选择CuMg120,承力索材料选择Bz?120,现将对京沪高速电气化铁路的主要设计参数整理,如表1所示。 表1 京沪高铁各种参数 技术参数 符号 单位 量值 T承力索张力 kN 21 c T接触线张力 kN 27 j m承力索线密度 kg/m 1.08 c m接触线线密度 kg/m 1.08 j v列车实际速度 km/h 350 跨距 lm 63 l近支撑点吊弦间距 m 9 1 2 设计计算 2.1 波动速度 tion of the normal longealizafocus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the rs should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the unit the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties ation of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, thanintegrle of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the rolife "environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new , networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the microthe wholedo a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering e system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary servic-0 接触网课程设计报告 当受电弓高速运行时,受电弓就要给接触悬挂一个外界抬升力,接触线在受电弓抬升力的作用后产生沿接触线传播的横向振动波,这个波按接触悬挂的固有频率所形成的波动速度沿接触线向受电弓前、后两个方向传播,后续受电弓在遇到前弓形成的振动波时,会产生对受流不利的影响。接触线所形成的振动波的传播速度可按下式计算: Cp CTm,3.6 (2.1) p 式中 —— 接触线的张力(N) T —— 接触线的单位长度质量(kg/m) m 将数据代入式2.1得 C,,,3.6270001.08569(km/h)p C由经验可知,当行车速度远小于时,具有较好的受流质量。国外的大量运行及vp 实践表明,在运行速度为波动速度的65% ~72%时,具有最佳效果。基于上述原因,波动速度被一致认为是控制运行速度的重要条件,并表示为: C v= (2.2) ,p v —— 实际运行速度(km/h) 式中 C —— 波动速度(km/h) p ,——无量纲系数,一般取0.65~0.70 ,,式2.2中的取值不同,接触线的抬升量不同,当值增加,其抬升量也随之变大,,,值越接近1,抬升量越大。实际上,当值大于0.8以后,对高速受流会产生影响,要想提高运行速度,从设计角度讲,必须相应提高接触线的波动速度。 将数据代入式2.2得 ,,,3505690.62 通过计算可知,所设计的京沪高速接触悬挂中该参数符合国家规定的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。 2.2反射因数 理论分析表明,接触网适应高速的性能与接触线,承力索及吊弦三者的耦合及参数因素有关,即接触线的振动波在遇到非均质点(如吊弦点、线夹点、分段绝缘器处)时被反射,这种反射的影响用反射因数r 表示,反射因数r用下式计算: rTmTmTm,(), (2.3) ccccjj T式中 —— 承力索的张力(N) c T—— 接触线的张力(N) j m—— 承力索单位长度的质量(kg/m) c 1 —— 接触线单位长度的质量(kg/m) mj 将数据代入式2.3得 r,,,,,,210001.07(210001.07270001.08)0.46 反射因数越小,表明接触悬挂的耦合性能越好,其波动速度会大为提高,因此有r 利于京沪电气化铁路实现高速。 2.3多普勒因数 受电弓在高速运行中,会受到接触悬挂等各种结构因匹配及参数不同造成的干扰和影响,其被扰动力激发的接触悬挂形成的振动波与高速运行的受电弓形成了非常复杂的振动状态,两者是相互影响和制约,这种相互影响、制约及其相互作用的关系称为多普勒效应,用多普勒因数表示,它是一个与波动速度及运行速度有关的系数。其计算可, 用下式表示: α,,,(C)(C)vv (2.4) pp C式中 —— 接触悬挂的波动速度(km/h) p v—— 列车运行速度(km/h) 将数据代入式2.4得 ,,,,,(569350)(569350)0.242.4 增强因数 受电弓在高速运行中,在通过定位点或跨距内等距吊弦点时,会周期性的激发接触线的振动,这种接触线被激发的振动波在传播和反射中时会被增强,振幅的增强程度用增强因数表示: , (2.5) ,,,r 式中 —— 反射因数 r ,—— 多普勒因数 分析表明,若,,1,每个随后突变量都大于产生它的前一个量。相反,如果,,1,则接触线的摆动变缓和,故又称放大因数。 , 将以上计算所得数据代入式2.5得 ,,,0.460.241.92 对于所设计的京沪高速铁路接触悬挂,采用增大接触线张力,减小承力索张力的办 r法,以减小反射因数,即减小增强因数,从而改善受流质量。 , 2.5接触线应力 接触线使用应力超过了许用应力,在高频振动作用下会产生疲劳断裂。 focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the rs should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the unit the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties ation of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, thanintegrle of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the rolife "environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new , networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the microthe wholedo a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering e system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary servic-tion of the normal longealiza2 接触网课程设计报告 接触线无论被认为是一种软索,或者被认为是一种两端加有张力的梁,它的共同特征是它自身具有一定的弹性性能,在受电弓抬升力的作用下,会有一定的升高变形,这时,接触线本身必然在力的作用下产生应力的变化,为了便于应力的分析,先设定接触线为两端具有张力作用的梁,可得受电弓作用点处的接触线应力 的方程式为: , 2 (2.6) ,,,PZEITvC(2)11()ggp 式中 —— 受电弓的抬升力 P —— 梁的抗弯截面模量 Z —— 接触线的刚度 EI 由上式可知,抬升力越大,运行速度越大,则应力越大;而接触线张力较大时,P 应力变小,接触线的刚度较大时,应力较大;抗弯截面模量变大时,应力变小。,,EI C当接近于时,不仅对高速时受流质量不利,而且会加大接触线工作疲劳,缩短其使vp 用寿命,因此,在选择高速接触悬挂的材质和型式时,必须对以上参数进行技术比选及优化,简单来说,要保证选用的线材的使用应力大大低于许用应力。经过查询相关资料,接触线CuMg120的重要参数如表2所示。 表2 CuMg120接触线参数 232技术参数 PN/抬升力 Zm/EINm/gN/mm刚度 截面模量 许用应力 ,7量值 74 320 230 3.610, 将表中数据代入式2.6得 ,722,,,,,,,,74(23.610)3202700011(350569)142/Nmm 可见,该接触线的使用应力远小于其许用应力,故京沪高速铁路接触线采用CuMg120接触线能够保证其安全性和较长的使用寿命。 2.6 链形悬挂的固有频率 链形悬挂是一个具有多自由度的振动系统,该系统存在大量的固有频率。对于由相等跨组成的链形悬挂,存在着对称和反对称振动方式。若为反对称振动,由此计算出其频率为: fClTTmml,,,,(2)()()(2) (2.7) 1jcjc 式中 —— 链形悬挂振动波的平均传播速度。 C 将数据代入式2.7得 3 f,,,,,(2700021000)(1.081.08)2630.97Hz,, 1 若是对称振动,至第一个区间吊弦的这一段同时包括在内,其频率为: fCllTTmmll,,,,,,(2)()()(2) (2.8) 21jcjc1 l式中,表示靠近支撑点吊弦之间的距离。 1 将数据代入式2.8得 f,,,,,(2700021000)(1.081.08)(2639)=0.91Hz 2 分析表明,固有频率对震动性能有重要影响,有变Y形辅助悬挂索的固有频率都在12Hz范围以内,没有变Y形辅助悬挂索的固有频率在12Hz以外仍有很强的频率出现,因此,在本设计中的京沪高速铁路接触悬挂采用变Y形辅助悬挂索,以减弱固有频率对振动的影响。 3设备选择及绘制装配图 经过前面的计算、分析,本课程设计中所选用的接触悬挂的模式、接触线和承力索线材的型号及各类具体参数都符合要求,能够满足京沪电气化铁路实现高速运行的条件。现绘制出其接触悬挂的装配图,如图1所示。 18m2 21kN 120mmBz? 1.4m 9m4.5m。227kN 120mm CuMg 63m 图1 接触悬挂的装配图 4结论 接触网的受流质量是高速接触网的三大难题之一,本课程设计通过分别对接触网的六个控制参数进行分析及计算,得出了以下结论: (1)为了增大接触线正常运行的可靠性,要尽量提高接触线的波动速度和接 触线的张力,提高接触线的张力是目前各国普遍采用的技术措施,可以有效地提高接触 the wholedo a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering e system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary servic-tion of the normal longealizafocus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the rs should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the unit the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties ation of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, thanintegrle of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the rolife "environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new , networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro4 接触网课程设计报告 线的波动速速,有利于机车的高速运行。 (2)为了保证安全及延长接触线的使用寿命,必须在线材应用上保证线材的使用应力大大低于其许用应力。 (3)减小受电弓对接触线的抬升力和接触线的刚度,可以提高接触线的疲劳可靠度,从而提高接触线的安全运行和延长使用寿命。 参考文献 [1] 于万聚著.高速电气化铁路接触网[M].成都:西南交通大学出版社,2002:243-255. [2] 铁道部电气化局电气化勘测设计院.电气化铁路设计手册-接触网[M].北京:中国铁道出版 社,1987:158-170. [3] 谢洪和.电力机车走行下接触线的应力计算[J].电气化铁道,1995,17(3):39-41. [4] 万毅,邓斌,李会杰等.接触线的疲劳可靠性[J].西南交通大学学报2006,41(2): 14-217. [5] 李文豪,崔校玉,陈维荣.弹性链型悬挂高速接触网选取参数的研究[J].铁道工程报,2009,(8):83-87. [6] 梅桂明,张卫华.不同结构类型接触网动态特性[J].交通运输工程学报,2002,2(2):27-31. 5
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