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在职考研英语词汇在职考研英语词汇 [en]401. The beloved novelist put her lovely gloves above the stove.[/en] [cn]401. 敬爱的小说家把她美丽的手套放在火炉上方。[/cn] [en]402. It's proved that the approver improved waterproof roof.[/en] [cn]402. 经证实,赞同者改善了防水屋顶。[/cn] [en]403. In the reaction, the fractio...

在职考研英语词汇 [en]401. The beloved novelist put her lovely gloves above the stove.[/en] [cn]401. 敬爱的小说家把她美丽的手套放在火炉上方。[/cn] [en]402. It's proved that the approver improved waterproof roof.[/en] [cn]402. 经证实,赞同者改善了防水屋顶。[/cn] [en]403. In the reaction, the fraction acts as an agent.[/en] [cn]403. 在反应中,这些碎片起一种媒介的作用。[/cn] [en]404. Actually the actor and actress reacted actively to the activity.[/en] [cn]404. 实际上男演员和女演员对这个活动作出了积极的反应。[/cn] [en]405. In the racial horse-race, the white racer's race-horse won.[/en] [cn]405. 在种族赛马运动中,白人赛手的马获胜。[/cn] [en]406. I feel a trace of disgrace for the gracious man's embracing her bracelet.[/en] [cn]406. 我对仁慈男子拥抱她的手镯感到一丝耻辱。[/cn] [en]407. The preface is written on the surface of the furnace that faces the space facilities.[/en] [cn]407. 序言写在面对太空设施的火炉表面。[/cn] [en]408. “In fact, some factors are unsatisfactory to the factory,” the dissatisfied manager said.[/en] [cn]408. “事实上有些因素对工厂来说不是满意的。”不满的经理说。[/cn] [en]409. The manufacturer manually manufactured many machines for the manufactory.[/en] [cn]409. 制造商为工厂手工制造了很多机器。[/cn] [en]410. The exact contact with practice has practical impact on me.[/en] [cn]410. 同实践的密切接触对我有实际的影响。[/cn] [en]411. To make the contract attractive, the contractorsubtracted a tractor from it.[/en] are some differences in level of development of the various modes of transport, leading to traffic levels have a greater imbalance. Yibin city, based on the 2008 ~2013 year of external transport of passenger and cargo traffic volume statistics. 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external table 3.1-1 railways roads water transport passenger traffic passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) in 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external transport railways roads water transport traffic statistics 3.1-2 time of air cargo [cn]411. 为了使合同有吸引力,承包商从中减去了一台拖拉机。[/cn] [en]412. In this chapter, the capture characterized the characteristics of the characters.[/en] [cn]412. 俘虏在本章描述了字符的特性。[/cn] [en]413. The captive captivated by the apt adaptation rapped the cavity with rapture.[/en] [cn]413. 被灵巧的改编迷住了的被捕者着迷地敲打空腔。[/cn] [en]414. I'm in charge of discharging a large amount of charcoal and coal at the coal mine.[/en] [cn]414. 我负责在煤矿卸一大堆木炭和煤。[/cn] [en]415. With shortcomings overcome, the outcome become welcome.[/en] [cn]415. 随着缺点被克服,结果变得受欢迎。[/cn] [en]416. At the station the statesman hesitates to state the status of the statue.[/en] [cn]416. 在车站政治家不愿陈述雕像的状况。[/cn] [en]417. The limitation on the imitations is preliminarily eliminated.[/en] [cn]417. 对模仿的限制初步被消除。[/cn] [en]451. The tenant is discontented with the content of the agreement for renting the tennis tent. [/en] [cn]451. 承租人对租用网球帐篷的 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 内容不满。[/cn] [en]452. The current occurrence of torrent spurs him to buy fur and sulfur. [/en] [cn]452. 现行的倾泻事件驱使他买毛皮衣服和硫磺。 [/cn] [en]453. I'm confident that the dentist will deny the confidential accidental incident. [/en] [cn]453. 我确信牙医会否认那个机密的意外事件。[/cn] [en]454. The student identified the identical idiom on the identity cards. [/en] are some differences in level of development of the various modes of transport, leading to traffic levels have a greater imbalance. Yibin city, based on the 2008 ~2013 year of external transport of passenger and cargo traffic volume statistics. 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external table 3.1-1 railways roads water transport passenger traffic passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) in 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external transport railways roads water transport traffic statistics 3.1-2 time of air cargo 石家庄在职研究生网(www.rhmanager.com.cn)最专业的教育机构 [cn]454. 学生辨认出了身份证上相同的成语。 [/cn] [en]455. The stupid student rapidly studied the accident in the studio. [/en] [cn]455. 愚蠢的学生在画室里快速研究了事故。 [/cn] [en]456. Considering considerable spiders outside, I stay in the president's residence. [/en] [cn]456. 考虑到外面有相当多的蜘蛛,我呆在总统的住宅里。[/cn] [en]457. Besides this side, I considered both the inside and outside. [/en] [cn]457. 除了这一面外我还考虑了内外两面。[/cn] [en]458. It's evident that the evil devil inevitably goes to ruin. [/en] [cn]458. 很明显,邪恶的魔鬼必然灭亡。 [/cn] [en]459. In the company my companion accompanied me until I accomplished polishing the shoes. [/en] [cn]459. 在公司里同伴陪着我直到我完成擦鞋(任务)。 [/cn] [en]460. I prepare to compare the two comparable parallel companies. [/en] [cn]460. 我准备比较那两个可比较的类似的公司。 [/cn] [en]461. My neighbor knows the height and weight of the highjacked freight. [/en] [cn]461. 我邻居知道被劫持货船的高度和重量。 [/cn] [en]462. The rebels labeled the labor laboring in the laboratory and lavatory. [/en] [cn]462. 反叛者给在实验室和舆洗室劳动的劳工贴上标签。 [/cn] [en]463. At 8 o'clock the clerk locked the flock of cocks in the room. [/en] [cn]463. 八点钟时办事员将那群公鸡锁在房间里。[/cn] [en]464. The mocker knocked the stock with the knots on the stocking and sock. [/en] [cn]464. 嘲笑者用长袜和短裤上的结击打存货。[/cn] are some differences in level of development of the various modes of transport, leading to traffic levels have a greater imbala nce. Yibin city, based on the 2008 ~2013 year of external transport of passenger and cargo traffic volume statistics. 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external table 3.1-1 railways roads water transport passenger traffic passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) in 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external transport railways roads water transport traffic statistics 3.1-2 time of air cargo [en]465. I'm determined to permit the permanent term on detergent. [/en] [cn]465. 我决心同意有关洗涤剂的永久条款。[/cn] [en]466. The committee admits it committed an omission in commissioning the mission. [/en] [cn]466. 委员会承认它在委任使团时犯的疏忽。[/cn] [en]467. The odd man added an additional riddle to the middle of the saddle. [/en] [cn]467. 那个怪人把一个额外的谜语添加到鞍座中间。 [/cn] [en]501. The commonsense commonwealth government no longer uses the uncommon commonplace.[/en] [cn]501. 有常识的联邦政府不再使用不寻常的陈腐之言。[/cn] [en]502. The communist communicated communism to this municipal community.[/en] [cn]502. 那个共产党员把共产主义传入该市立社区。[/cn] [en]503. In the bar the barber bargained for a jar of jam, then got over the barrier of barrels.[/en] [cn]503. 在酒吧里理发师为一罐果酱讲了价然后越过桶作的屏障。[/cn] [en]504. The quarrelsome general quarreled about a quarter quart of oil in the headquarters.[/en] [cn]504. 好争吵的将军在司令部为四分之一夸脱油而争吵。[/cn] [en]505. On the wedding I saw blooms embeded in the bed of the bedroom.[/en] [cn]505. 在婚礼上,我看见卧室的床上镶嵌着花朵。[/cn] [en]506. The fisherman wishes to finish the dish of reddish fish.[/en] [cn]506. 渔夫希望做完那盘略带红色的鱼。[/cn] [en]507. On the Christmas the Christian's assistant fisted Pistol Piston and twisted his wrist.[/en] [cn]507. 在圣诞节,基督徒的助手拳击了“手枪活塞”并扭了他的手腕。[/cn] [en]508. My sister insists consistently on persistent resistance to transistor are some differences in level of development of the various modes of transport, leading to traffic levels have a greater imbalance. Yibin city, based on the 2008 ~2013 year of external transport of passenger and cargo traffic volume statistics. 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external table 3.1-1 railways roads water transport passenger traffic passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) in 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external transport railways roads water transport traffic statistics 3.1-2 time of air cargo 石家庄在职研究生网(www.rhmanager.com.cn)最专业的教育机构 radios.[/en] [cn]508. 妹妹一贯坚决主张持久抵制晶体管收音机。[/cn] [en]509. The chemist and the mistress insist that the mist consists of several chemicals.[/en] [cn]509. 化学家和女教师坚持认为薄雾由几种化学物品构成。[/cn] [en]510. My nephew found a few dewdrops on the Jewish jeweler's jewel.[/en] [cn]510. 侄儿发现犹太珠宝商的珠宝上有几滴露珠。[/cn] [en]511. The crew unscrewed the screws from the sewing-machine and chewed them.[/en] [cn]511. 船员们从缝纫机上旋下螺钉并咀嚼它们。[/cn] [en]512. The interviewer reviewed the newspaper and renewed his viewpoint on the news.[/en] [cn]512. 采访者再次查看了报纸并更新了他对该新闻的看法。[/cn] [en]513. The refiner defined a definite confine with her fine finger.[/en] [cn]513. 提炼者用她精细的手指定义了一个明确的界限。[/cn] [en]514. The sugared vinegar is refined from the sugarcane and pine.[/en] [cn]514. 加糖的醋是从甘蔗和松木中精炼出来的。[/cn] [en]515. We are dined and wined in the inner dining-room of the inn.[/en] [cn]515. 在旅店的内部餐厅,我们受到了酒宴款待。[/cn] [en]516. I'm inclined to underline these disciplines in the outline written on linen.[/en] [cn]516. 我倾向于给写在亚麻布上的大纲中的这些学科划下画线。[/cn] [en]517. The engineer examined the engine of the mining machine for stomach.[/en] [cn]517. 工程师检查采矿机的发动机是否有肚子痛。[/cn] [en]551. In the passage the passenger passed a cassette of message to messenger. [/en] are some differences in level of development of the various modes of transport, leading to traffic levels have a greater imbala nce. Yibin city, based on the 2008 ~2013 year of external transport of passenger and cargo traffic volume statistics. 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external table 3.1-1 railways roads water transport passenger traffic passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) in 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external transport railways roads water transport traffic statistics 3.1-2 time of air cargo [cn]551. 在过道里,乘客给信差传递了一盒带信息。[/cn] [en]552. It was not the aluminum but the massive brass and bronze on the grass that embarrassed me. [/en] [cn]552. 让我为难的不是铝而是草地上厚重的黄铜和青铜。[/cn] [en]553. From the classical class, the classmate with glasses knows the classification of classics. [/en] [cn]553. 戴眼镜的同学从古典文学课上知道了古典名著的分类。[/cn] [en]554. The hungry drunk plunged a trunk of lungs into the tunnel under the channel.[/en] [cn]554. 饥饿的醉汉把一大箱肺投进了水渠下面的隧道。[/cn] [en]555. I bundled a bunch of branches and anchored it on the punching bench.[/en] [cn]555. 我捆起一簇树枝,将它拴在冲压工作台上。[/cn] [en]556. The fundamental fund functions punctually in conjunction with abundant capital. [/en] [cn]556. 这笔重要基金与充裕的资本一起准时发挥作用。[/cn] [en]557. Uncle and aunt launched a laundry with the blunt hunter. [/en] [cn]557. 伯伯和伯母与直率的猎人创办了一家洗衣店。[/cn] [en]558. The upset supplement supplier went up with the puppet to the upper room for supper. [/en] [cn]558. 心烦意乱的增刊供给者与傀儡一起到上面的房间吃晚餐。[/cn] [en]559. I'm liable to give reliable reply to the application for supply of apples. [/en] [cn]559. 我有责任对申请供应苹果给予可靠答复。[/cn] [en]560. Salaries vary with various jobs. [/en] [cn]560. 薪水随各种各样的工作而异。[/cn] [en]561. I didn't evaluate the blue glue due to the vague plague. [/en] [cn]561. 因为不明确的瘟疫,我没有对蓝色胶水估价。[/cn] are some differences in level of development of the various modes of transport, leading to traffic levels have a greater imbalance. Yibin city, based on the 2008 ~2013 year of external transport of passenger and cargo traffic volume statistics. 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external table 3.1-1 railways roads water transport passenger traffic passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) in 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external transport railways roads water transport traffic statistics 3.1-2 time of air cargo 石家庄在职研究生网(www.rhmanager.com.cn)最专业的教育机构 [en]562. The flu influenced the influential speaker's fluency of speech. [/en] [cn]562. 流感影响了那个有影响的讲话者讲话的流畅。[/cn] [en]563. I have association with the socialists of the society. [/en] [cn]563. 我与协会内的社会主义者有交往。[/cn] [en]564. In the cinema the medicine immediately remedied the medium. [/en] [cn]564. 在电影院里这种药立刻拯救了中间人。[/cn] [en]565. I use the ripe recipe to wipe the pipeline. [/en] [cn]565. 我用成熟的配方来擦拭管道。[/cn] [en]566. The boastful toaster roasts himself on the coast in the sunshine. [/en] [cn]566. 好说大话的祝酒者在海岸上晒太阳。[/cn] [en]567. It was true that the rescued cruel man let fuel oil issue from the tissue. [/en] [cn]567. 获救的无情男子真的任凭燃油从薄纱中流出。[/cn] [en]601. Last summer the drummer became an amateur dramatist dramatically.[/en] [cn]601. 去年夏天,鼓手戏剧性地变成了业余剧作家。[/cn] [en]602. Long Tongue League's colleagues are fatigued with cataloguing.[/en] [cn]602. 长舌联合会的同僚们编目录编累了。[/cn] [en]603. The bottle is hidden in the bottom of a ton of cotton the cottage.[/en] [cn]603. 瓶子被藏在农舍里一吨棉花的底部。[/cn] [en]604. The pattern of the battery doesn't matter to the battle against the little brittle cattle.[/en] [cn]604. 电池的式样对与脆小牛作战无关要紧。[/cn] [en]605. By the biography, the biologist's playing the violet violin violently violated rules.[/en] are some differences in level of development of the various modes of transport, leading to traffic levels have a greater imbala nce. Yibin city, based on the 2008 ~2013 year of external transport of passenger and cargo traffic volume statistics. 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external table 3.1-1 railways roads water transport passenger traffic passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) in 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external transport railways roads water transport traffic statistics 3.1-2 time of air cargo [cn]605. 据传记记载,生物学家猛奏紫罗兰色的小提琴违犯了规矩。[/cn] [en]606. In the faithful waiter's waist exists a list of the ten listeners.[/en] [cn]606. 在忠实的侍者的腰里存有那十位听众的名单。[/cn] [en]607. The typist plays Typhoon on the piano in a typical style.[/en] [cn]607. 打字员以典型的风格在钢琴上演奏“台风”。[/cn] [en]608. I pushed aside the crushed cushion in a rush and saw a bushy brush.[/en] [cn]608. 我急忙推开压皱的软垫子,看见一把浓密的刷子。[/cn] [en]609. Riding on the ridge of the bridge, the proud bride shouts loudly to the cloud.[/en] [cn]609. 骄傲的新娘骑在桥脊上对着云大声喊。[/cn] [en]610. The decisive decimal point made the acid man decide to suicide.[/en] [cn]610. 决定性的小数点使刻薄之人决定自杀。[/cn] [en]611. I'm convinced that the provincial government will provide provisional provisions.[/en] [cn]611. 我深信地方政府将提供临时供应品。[/cn] [en]612. The hidden division is subdivided into individuals.[/en] [cn]612. 隐藏的师被细分为个体。[/cn] [en]613. The tides slide on the tidy wide beach and collide each other.[/en] [cn]613. 海潮在整洁宽阔的海滩上滑行并相互碰撞。[/cn] [en]614. The briber described the tribe head's bribery.[/en] [cn]614. 行贿者描述了部落首领的受贿行为。[/cn] [en]615. The ribbon of the rifle is fabricated with fiber.[/en] [cn]615. 来复枪的带子是用纤维制作的。[/cn] [en]616. The continent continues to control the import of petrol and petroleum.[/en] are some differences in level of development of the various modes of transport, leading to traffic levels have a greater imbalance. Yibin city, based on the 2008 ~2013 year of external transport of passenger and cargo traffic volume statistics. 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external table 3.1-1 railways roads water transport passenger traffic passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) in 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external transport railways roads water transport traffic statistics 3.1-2 time of air cargo 石家庄在职研究生网(www.rhmanager.com.cn)最专业的教育机构 [cn]616. 大陆方面继续控制汽油和石油进口。[/cn] [en]617. They returned in turn to bury the luxuries burnt in the burst.[/en] [cn]617. 他们依次返回来埋藏在爆炸中烧毁的奢侈品。[/cn] [en]651. When I fetched the sketch on the stretcher I found the secretary's secret.[/en] [cn]651. 当我拿来担架上的素描时我发现了秘书的秘密。[/cn] [en]652. The mutual spirits inspired us to reach the annual aim.[/en] [cn]652. 相互的精神鼓舞了我们达到年度目标。[/cn] [en]653. The roaring oar hit the coarse keyboard on the cupboard aboard the boat.[/en] [cn]653. 轰鸣的桨击中了船上碗柜上的粗糙键盘。[/cn] [en]654. My intimate mate's ultimate estimate approximates the appropriate value.[/en] [cn]654. 我亲密伙伴的最终估计接近恰当的值。[/cn] [en]655. In case of necessity, necessary session can be held on the vessel.[/en] [cn]655. 必要时,必需的开庭可在船舶上进行。[/cn] [en]656. By the navigation of microwave, the navy paved a pavement on the wavy sea.[/en] [cn]656. 借助微波导航,海军在多浪的大海上铺了一条路。[/cn] [en]657. The minority of us are confronted with difficulty in the frontier of the major.[/en] [cn]657. 我们少数人在该专业尖端领域面临困难。[/cn] [en]658. From the context of the text, I find the next pretext for selling the textile.[/en] [cn]658. 我从课文的前后关系中找到卖纺织品的下一个借口。[/cn] [en]659. The systematic items stem from the walker's talk about the chalk.[/en] [cn]659. 这些系统的条款来源于步行者关于粉笔的谈话。[/cn] are some differences in level of development of the various modes of transport, leading to traffic levels have a greater imbala nce. Yibin city, based on the 2008 ~2013 year of external transport of passenger and cargo traffic volume statistics. 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external table 3.1-1 railways roads water transport passenger traffic passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) in 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external transport railways roads water transport traffic statistics 3.1-2 time of air cargo [en]660. Theoretically, their heir's theory of meteorology can explain the meteor.[/en] [cn]660. 从理论上讲,他们的继承人的气象理论能解释这种大气现象。[/cn] [en]661. I affirmatively confirmed the conformity of the theory with practice.[/en] [cn]661. 我断然确认了理论与实践相符。[/cn] [en]662. The subordinate coordinates are in accordance with that set by the cordial chorus.[/en] [cn]662. 从属坐标与热心的合唱团的设定值一致。[/cn] [en]663. The transactor thinks activating the atomic interaction in the intact reactor is practicable.[/en] [cn]663. 办理人认为激活未受影响的反应堆内原子的相互作用是种可行的。[/cn] [en]664. The distracted reader can't be absorbed in the abstract extract.[/en] [cn]664. 心神纷乱的读者无法专心于抽象的节录。[/cn] [en]665. The compact faction fractured because of friction.[/en] [cn]665. 紧密小宗派由于摩擦破裂了。[/cn] [en]666. Under the guideline, the output of streamlined seamless liners declines linearly.[/en] [cn]666. 在该方针的指引下,流线型无缝班机的产量直线下降。[/cn] [en]667. The dreadful tread on the meadow broke the deadly deadlock.[/en] [cn]667. 草场上可怕的践踏声打破了致命的僵局。[/cn] [en]701. The assessor asserts that he inserted the deserted desserts in the desert with alert.[/en] [cn]701. 估价员断言他把荒废的甜点警惕地插入到了沙漠内。[/cn] [en]702. The abrupt corrupt man had the xeroxed code corroded in the erosion episode.[/en] [cn]702. 唐突的腐败的男人将被复印的代码侵蚀在一段腐蚀情节中。[/cn] [en]703. The enlightened man highlighted his mighty insight into the fright.[/en] are some differences in level of development of the various modes of transport, leading to traffic levels have a greater imbalance. Yibin city, based on the 2008 ~2013 year of external transport of passenger and cargo traffic volume statistics. 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external table 3.1-1 railways roads water transport passenger traffic passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) in 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external transport railways roads water transport traffic statistics 3.1-2 time of air cargo 石家庄在职研究生网(www.rhmanager.com.cn)最专业的教育机构 [cn]703. 开明的人在惊骇中突出他有力的洞察力。[/cn] [en]704. I would rather withhold than uphold you unfold the gold foil on the threshold.[/en] [cn]704. 我宁愿拒绝也不支持你在门口(在快要开始的时候)打开金箔。[/cn] [en]705. The imposing man posed as a man of good disposition and disposed of the rubbish.[/en] [cn]705. 使人难忘的人摆出好脾气的姿势然后处理垃圾。[/cn] [en]706. The prose author's diagnosis discloses that the hose is damaged.[/en] [cn]706. 散文作家的诊断透露这个软管损坏了。[/cn] [en]707. The limping shrimp impulsively implemented the compulsory duty.[/en] [cn]707. 柔软的小虾有推动力地执行被强制的义务。[/cn] [en]708. The implicit implication about the deficit is not explicit.[/en] [cn]708. 关于赤字的含蓄的暗示不清楚。[/cn] [en]709. The degeneration of regenerative gene is exaggerated.[/en] [cn]709. 再生基因的退化(恶化)被夸大了。[/cn] [en]710. The competent petitioner thinks the perpetual impetus is petty.[/en] [cn]710. 有能力的上诉人(请求人)认为永久的动力(刺激)是不重要的。[/cn] [en]711. The superstitious man put the priority on the superficial supersonic superiority.[/en] [cn]711. 迷信的人将优先权放到肤浅的超声波的优势上。[/cn] [en]712. The traitor in strait straightforwardly told me the traits of the bait.[/en] [cn]712. 在窘迫中(苦恼)的叛国者直接地告诉了我诱饵的特征。[/cn] [en]713. The Oriental is proficient in the ingredients.[/en] are some differences in level of development of the various modes of transport, leading to traffic levels have a greater imbala nce. Yibin city, based on the 2008 ~2013 year of external transport of passenger and cargo traffic volume statistics. 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external table 3.1-1 railways roads water transport passenger traffic passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) in 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external transport railways roads water transport traffic statistics 3.1-2 time of air cargo [cn]713. 东方人精通配料(成分)。[/cn] [en]714. The recipe recipient transiently made the conscientious alien client unconscious.[/en] [cn]714. 处方容器片刻使尽责的外国顾客不省人事。[/cn] [en]715. The rotary agitator irrigated him.[/en] [cn]715. 旋转式搅拌机为他清洗(伤口)。[/cn] [en]716. The counselor bounced up to denounce discount.[/en] [cn]716. (法律)顾问跳起来公然指责折扣。[/cn] [en]717. The degraded undergraduate upgraded the underlying virus program.[/en] [cn]717. 降级的大学肆业生升级了潜在的病毒程序。[/cn] [en]751. The extinct exotic bird's feather contains zinc.[/en] [cn]751. 那种已绝迹的珍奇的鸟的羽毛中含锌。[/cn] [en]752. The smuggler shrugged to the bugler hugging the bug in the tugboat.[/en] [cn]752. 走私者对在拖船中拥抱臭虫的号手耸耸肩。[/cn] [en]753. The vocation advocate found the word "vocal" and "reciprocal" not in the vocabulary.[/en] [cn]753. 职业倡导者发现“嗓音的”和“交互的”两词不在词汇表中。[/cn] [en]754. Without my aid I'm afraid the maiden would have been raided.[/en] [cn]754. 没有我的帮助我怕少女已遭到袭击。[/cn] [en]755. The slim Muslim reached his climax when he found the axis of the galaxy.[/en] [cn]755. 苗条的穆斯林在发现银河的轴线时达到了(人生的)顶点。[/cn] [en]756. Bonus is a stimulus for me to study the silicon in the bacon.[/en] [cn]756. 奖金是我研究薰肉中硅原子的动力。[/cn] [en]757. The categories of the lubricated duplicators are intricate.[/en] are some differences in level of development of the various modes of transport, leading to traffic levels have a greater imbalance. Yibin city, based on the 2008 ~2013 year of external transport of passenger and cargo traffic volume statistics. 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external table 3.1-1 railways roads water transport passenger traffic passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) in 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external transport railways roads water transport traffic statistics 3.1-2 time of air cargo 石家庄在职研究生网(www.rhmanager.com.cn)最专业的教育机构 [cn]757. 那些润滑过的复印机的种类错综复杂。[/cn] [en]758. The wagging wasp grasps the crisp clasp for a gasp.[/en] [cn]758. 摇摆的黄蜂抓住脆钩喘息。[/cn] [en]759. The reconciled reptiles rest on a fragile tile.[/en] [cn]759. 和解的爬行动物歇在易碎的瓷砖上。[/cn] [en]760. The gossip tossed the mossy blossom fossil.[/en] [cn]760. 爱讲闲话者向上抛长满苔藓的花化石。[/cn] [en]761. Test the immune function by immersed dispersion.[/en] [cn]761. 用浸入扩散(法)测试免疫功能。[/cn] [en]762. The lateral elite is literally illiterate.[/en] [cn]762. 边上的杰出人物简直是文盲。[/cn] [en]763. To abide the abiding bidding, the oxide bidder strides on the seaside.[/en] [cn]763. 为了忍耐无休止的吩咐,氧化物投标者在海滨阔步行走。[/cn] [en]764. The tormentor enlarged the engagement garment.[/en] [cn]764. 折磨者加大了订婚服装。[/cn] [en]765. The cripple dipped the whip tip into the chip solution nearby his hip.[/en] [cn]765. 跛子将鞭子末端浸入他臀部旁边的芯片溶液中。[/cn] [en]766. The tickler pricked a tick on the nickname Nickel.[/en] [cn]766. 挠痒者在绰号“镍币”上刺了个勾号。[/cn] [en]767. The administrator diminished the feminine miniature to minimal size.[/en] [cn]767. 管理员将女性缩样缩减到最小尺寸。[/cn] are some differences in level of development of the various modes of transport, leading to traffic levels have a greater imbala nce. Yibin city, based on the 2008 ~2013 year of external transport of passenger and cargo traffic volume statistics. 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external table 3.1-1 railways roads water transport passenger traffic passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) share (%) Passenger traffic (million) in 2008 ~2013 year, Yibin city, external transport railways roads water transport traffic statistics 3.1-2 time of air cargo
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